12/14/22, 12:50 PM
What Is Leadership Presence, and Why Is it Important? - Prince A. Sanders | Prince of the City
a What Is Leadership Presence, and Why Is it Important? by Prince A. Sanders | Sep 23, 2022 | Blog, Prince A Sanders
Some people walk into a room and can immediately take control of a situation, delegating tasks and taking on a leadership role. It comes naturally, and everyone can sense it. Professionals call this quality leadership presence, and while it may be hard to define, you know it when you see it. People with a strong leadership presence can bring order to a chaotic environment, and other individuals are typically quick to respect them. If you’re a leader with excellent technical knowledge but can’t get your team to listen long enough to learn from you, it’s time to work on your leadership presence. Let’s explore what leadership presence looks like practically and some of the skills you should cultivate to strengthen your own leadership presence.
1. Be Personable https://princeasanders.com/what-is-leadership-presence-and-why-is-it-important/