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BLOG SPOT with Jenni Tarrant
As our life in lockdown slowly begins to open up, and words like ‘freedom’ and ‘normality’ are included in our daily conversations, a big part of my business strategy is to reopen the entire Bond brand with a NO C-WORD policy.
C meaning Covid, not the old swear word! This decision came from a place of moving forward with positive conversations, expanding upon choices for the future, and seeing this as another community initiative within our positive brand message.
During our mandated downtime, the Bond team created a daily challenge for nearly six weeks to bring laughter to ourselves, salon guests, families and industry friends through social media. We chose a topic and - using only what we had in our homes - we would dress up in hilarious ways (go to bondhairreligion. com/lockdownbonding to enjoy!). Some of our challenges included Olympic sports, Walk of Shame, Album covers, Walmart and so many more. The choice to participate was entirely voluntary and the results were fantastic. We’ve had so many people tell us how much joy our 3 pm daily social media and website posts brought to their days, when little else was making them feel uplifted’.

For those of us who took part, it was a way of continuing our love of creativity, connecting with our Bond tribe, and it gave many of us a sense of purpose to our day. There was so much laughter even within our homes. People who share our home space would be stunned at the madness we would come up with each day and then have to take a photo of it! Laughter is truly a great de-stressor, particularly for mental health.
I also organised an art project during the lockdown period. Each team member was given a small canvas to use for whatever type of art/ creative expression they chose, if they wanted to participate. As the completed canvases are being brought back, the pictures are being hung as a collective piece in our team room. We will be able to enjoy all the colour and appreciate individuality and talent for a long time to come.
When the world outside our home becomes a place where we no longer have control, it can lead us down a path of despair and anger. It is part of the human condition to crave some control over our lives. As our physical boundaries expand again after so long - for many of us, and I am acutely aware of the continued suffering in Victoria - it will bring up anxiety and other emotions. It was an awareness of this inevitability that led to me make the decision to bring joyful communication to our business and put a ban on the C-word. Not only have I posted this business policy across our social media platforms, but also have signs placed at the entry point to my businesses. Members of team Bond have also been given training in examples of how to move conversations forward if our guests found themselves starting to head down the dreaded C-word track.
At the time of writing this article, we haven’t encountered any issues arising from this decision. In fact, many have expressed their gratitude to be able to get their hair/beauty services done (big time!) and to be in a space where they feel safe, cared for, and given the opportunity to share joy and positivity for the past, present, and future.
WALMART CHALLENGE This strategy is not only for our guests but for the wellbeing of Team Bond. If I have learned anything after so many years in business and working with people, it’s this: coping is always easier when we allow ourselves to laugh; and success is helping others to move at least one step forward from their challenges, by bringing optimism back into their day in whatever way you can. Give it a try today.