Frequently Used Numbers
Breakers 961-2884
Clubhouse 428-4141 Fax 428-4423 Fitness 440-3102 Golf 422-3360
Operations Team
McCall Andy 440-3101
Director of Catering & Special Events mccall@princessannecc.com
Monica Au 961-2884 Breakers Manager mau@princessannecc.com
Geoff Benson 428-4141 ext: 322 Executive Chef gbenson@princessannecc.com
Matt Boyce 440-3119
Director of Golf Course Maintenance and Club Grounds mboyce@princessannecc.com
Kristen Bunting 440-3111
Director of Marketing & Communications kbunting@princessannecc.com
Mardy Colling 440-3104
Food & Beverage Director mcolling@princessannecc.com
John Fraser 440-3117
Director of Tennis jfraser@princessannecc.com
Jennifer Garrott 440-3110
Assistant Manager –Clubhouse Operations jgarrott@princessannecc.com
Cathie Havrilesky 440-3115 Controller chavrilesky@princessannecc.com
Massage 536-5342 Pool 425-1117 Security 287-6982 Tennis 428-7803 Men’s Lg. 440-3112
Table of Contents
Message from the President 2
Welcome New Members 3 Membership Matters 9 Technology Update 11 Dining Calendar 13 Social and Dining 14 Youth Activities 22 The Golden Rules 23
From the Greens ................................................................................... 25
From the Links....................................................................................... 26
From the Courts .................................................................................... 33
Denise Johnson 440-3113
HR & Accounting Manager djohnson@princessannecc.com
Steve Layden 440-3105
Restaurant Manager slayden@princessannecc.com
Matt Liebler 440-3109
Head PGA Golf Professional mliebler@princessannecc.com
Taylor Nelson 428-4141
Youth Programs Manager tnelson@princessannecc.com
Andrea Pettay 440-3103
Director of Fitness & Wellness apettay@princessannecc.com
Emily Rehmert 428-4141 ext: 340 Banquet Manager erehmert@princessannecc.com
Paul Rosario 440-3114 Purchasing Director prosario@princessannecc.com
Bill Shonk 440-3100 General Manager wshonk@princessannecc.com
Brian Triolet 425-1117 Aquatics Director btriolet@princessannecc.com
Courtney Whittemore 428-4141 ext: 313 Member Services Manager cwhittemore@princessannecc.com
Lifestyles & Fitness................................................................................ 39
From the Deep End............................................................................... 43 September- October Calendar 49
Executive Committee
Jonathan L. Thornton President Christopher J. Fanney Vice President Leslie R. Watson Secretary Patrick L. Shuler Treasurer
Board of Directors
William S. Braithwaite, III David C. Burton Anne Harvard Hooper Bekki Jucksch
Committee Chairpersons
Chris Pridgen Douglas Russell Monica Stein Samuel E. Steingold
Monica Stein Finance Pat Shuler Fitness ...............................................Trey Braithwaite Golf David Burton Green John Perry House John Mazach Long Range Strategic Planning Gary Beck | John Gibson Membership .................................... Doug Russell Pool Chris Pridgen Rules
Ran Randolph Jr. Tennis Bekki Jucksch Youth Involvement Anne Harvard Hooper
Wine Committee .............................. Gray Randolph Historical Preservation Sandra Baylor Membership I.D. Susan Pender Tradition Andy Dickinson Building Dippy Pender | Tim Stiffler | Jack Todd
Message from the President
PACC 20/20 & Beyond
With another, hopefully relaxing, summer behind us, we have important and exciting news for our Princess Anne family. As you may know, a primary role of your Board of Directors is to monitor the performance of the Club and chart a strategic course to ensure that our programs and amenities meet the standard and needs of not only our current members, but also of future generations. With that in mind, I am pleased to announce that our Board of Directors, after many months of analysis and deliberations, recently approved the PACC 20/20 & Beyond plan.
This strategic action plan includes significant enhancements to our Club over the next six years, including:
• A complete renovation of our aquatics complex, which will feature a new resort-style swimming pool with zero/beach entry, children’s water features, cabana bar, shade structures, resort-style furniture, an attractive entry building and family restrooms;
• The acquisition and renovation of the property at 3901 Holly Road, which will be converted to the “Holly Beach Bungalow” and made available for overnight accommodations for members and their guests;
• A new youth room in the clubhouse designed specifically as a retreat for young ladies and gentlemen to include computers, gaming systems, table games, lounge furniture and more;
• Tennis and pickleball enhancements;
• Continual investment in fitness and wellness equipment;
• The completion of our conversion to Better Billy Bunkers on our golf course, in addition to cart path enhancements;
• Other golf course improvements that may include the addition of a putting green adjacent to the driving range as well as an enhanced short game practice area;
• An indoor golf simulator/instructional center; and,
• A refreshing of the Linkhorn Lounge bar area to develop an elegant “bourbon bar” atmosphere.
To develop this plan, the Board worked diligently over the past two years with various Club Committees, a Master Planning Committee, the Building Committee and our Operations Team in consultation with architectural, engineering and design professionals. The collaborative group utilized input from the 2016 Member Survey, nationwide club trends and multiple studies, to ensure that this plan encompasses projects that will best serve our current and future members.
Rather than reach out to our membership for an up-front investment, it is the goal of your Board to completely fund PACC 20/20 and Beyond through our monthly capital fees and bank financing. This year has been an exceptional year financially for the Club, with the Chesapeake Room renovation, enhancements to the indoor tennis facility, and significant number of new members, contributing to that success. We are confident that continued strong performance will allow us to fund the PACC 20/20 & Beyond in a fiscally responsible and strategic manner. All we ask of our membership is that you continue to enjoy our Club and to encourage your friends, family and colleagues to join our PACC family.
While the complete timeline of project completion is still being set, it is the intention of the Board to move forward with the renovation of the Holly Beach Bungalow as quickly as possible and to break ground on the new aquatics facility in the fall of 2020 with an anticipated opening Memorial Day 2021. We are confident in this timeline as the City of Virginia Beach has already approved our site plan for the new aquatics complex. The Board and Operations Team look forward to hosting informational meetings that will provide more details on PACC 20/20 & Beyond in the coming months. We will seek our voting members’ approval of this capital projects action plan at the Club’s Annual Meeting on November 1. Please be on the lookout for emails with updates as we move forward.
I am extremely optimistic at where we stand presently and even more enthusiastic about what the future holds for the Princess Anne. Should you have any questions about our plans, please do not hesitate to reach out to me or to General Manager Bill Shonk. As always, I look forward to seeing you around the Club soon and often.
With kind regards, Jonathan L. Thornton

Welcome New Members
Daniel, Tara, Henry & George Berger
Resident Comprehensive Members
Sponsor: Josh Parnell
Daniel and Tara met while both attending law school at Wake Forest University. After both graduating and passing the bar exam, they married and welcomed sons Henry (3) and George (1). Daniel is a lawyer at Troutman Sanders, specializing in business litigation and maritime law, and Tara is a stay-at-home mom to their boys. In their free time, the Berger family keeps active and cheers for their favorite football teams, the Sooners and Redskins. As a family, they look forward to enjoying golf, tennis, swimming and creating many new happy memories together and with their many friends and neighbors!

Irving & Rhona Blank
Non-resident Dining Members
Sponsor: Jeffrey Stredler
Irv and Rhona reside in Richmond and have a beach house in the North End. They are past members of Farmington Country Club and Westwood Country Club. Irv is a highly respected trial lawyer and formerly served as President of the Virginia State Bar. They have two children and many grandchildren, whom they hope to host at the PACC and enjoy time together as a family.
John, Wyndi, Chloe & Mackenzie Carnes
Non-resident Comprehensive Members
Sponsor: T. Cornell Berry III
John and Wyndi reside in Richmond and have a beach house in the North End. They own and operate a custom home building business in Richmond and are parents to two college-age daughters, Chloe and Mackenzie. In their leisure time, John and Wyndi enjoy the occasional golf game and are hoping to spend more time out on the links while they’re at the beach. They look forward to all of the athletic, social and dining opportunities available at the Club, and relaxing poolside with their many friends and neighbors!
Clifford & Jane Cutchins
Non-resident Dining Members
Sponsor: Cecil V. Cutchins, Jr.
The Cutchins family is a well-known and loved fixture in the PACC community and family of members. Cliff was a member at the Club a couple of decades ago and we are all so pleased to have him, as well as his lovely wife Jane, back. They primarily reside in Richmond and are members of CCV where Cliff is a past president. They have a summer house in the North End and are at the beach often to see their extended family and many friends. Cliff is an avid golf player, now enjoying more leisure time to play after retiring from his career as a respected lawyer and Senior Partner at McGuireWoods. Please join us in welcoming them home!

Welcome New Members

Jud, Angela & Judson Elliott
Non-resident Comprehensive Members
Sponsor: Richard BuckinghamThe Elliotts reside in Richmond and have a summer house in the North End. They are members at CCV and Kinloch Golf Club in Richmond and have a son in high school. Jud is the Executive VP at the Hilb Group, an insurance agency, and Angela owns an interior design business. They are both avid golfers, love to socialize and look forward to attending many social events at the Club!
George, Christen, Lillian & Baby Faatz
Resident Comprehensive Members
Sponsor: Richard Palluch
George and Christen Faatz are parents to 2-year-old Lillian and are expecting another child, a son, very soon! George is the Director of Growth and Strategic Planning at Virginia Natural Gas and Christen is the VP of Operations at The Franklin Johnston Group. George graduated from George Mason University and Christen graduated from the University of Virginia, and they both have MBA’s from William & Mary. They live in Bay Colony and are very active in the com munity and their church. George and Christen look forward to picking up golf and raising their young children at the PACC, getting them involved in all of the youth and athletic programs available.

Dr. Raymond Farhi & Dr. Nilda Tensen
Non-resident Comprehensive Members

Dr. James NelsonDrs. Ray and Nilda reside in Richmond and have a beach house in the North End. They are members at Willow Oaks Country Club and live an active, healthy lifestyle. Ray is a pediatric neonatologist and Nilda is a retired ER doctor. In their leisure time, they enjoy relaxing at the beach, skiing, riding horses and traveling to everywhere they possibly can! They are also avid golfers and look forward to spending time out on the PACC links.
Welcome New Members
Michael, Joyce, Michael, Kelly & Molly Field

Resident Dining Members
Sponsor: John RachelsMike moved to Virginia Beach in 1976 and later met Joyce at William and Mary. Togeth er they have three children. Michael and Kelly are W&M graduates while Molly attends Cape Henry Collegiate. In their spare time, Mike and Joyce look for ways to give back to the community by volunteering and serving in various civic and business capacities. They joined PACC to enjoy the company of other members at the numerous social functions and to spend time together at the Club as a family.
Sandra Garcia
Non-resident Dining Member
Sponsor: Dee OliverMrs. Garcia resides primarily in Palm Beach Gardens, FL and has a second home in Bird Neck Point. She is recently widowed of her beloved husband of more than 50 years, Edward, with whom she built the successful property development and management business ESG Enter prises, Inc. She is now retired and enjoys spending time at the Country Club at Mirasol in Palm Beach Gardens, where she is a member, and at the Cavalier Golf & Yacht Club and PACC when she is in Virginia Beach. She looks forward to the social and wine events at the Club, and spending time with her countless family members, friends and neighbors.

Dr. Paul, Terry, Sofia, Paul-Michael, Maximus & Matthew Griffey Tennis Members
Sponsor: Sheraton YeePaul and Terry live in Chick’s Beach and have four children: Sofia (11), Paul-Michael (10), Maximus (9) and Matthew (6) – who all attend Norfolk Academy. Paul is an ophthalmologist with his private practice in Chesa peake, VA. Paul grew up in Norfolk. He attended the University Of Virginia as an undergraduate and earned his medical degree, surgical and ophthal mic residencies from EVMS. Terry has a background in finance, accounting and economics. She helps manage Griffey Properties, LLC, as well as the children’s academics and social activities. Terry grew up in Europe and ar rived in the U.S. as a junior in high school. She graduated from Old Domin ion University. Their family is very active with a love for sports, the outdoors, traveling and large gatherings with family and friends.

Welcome New Members

Davis & Cathy Johnson
Non-resident Dining Members
Sponsor: Roy GoodmanThe Johnsons, who are originally from Virginia Beach, reside in Oakton and have a beach house in the North End. Davis is President of Cohesity Feder al, a government data management firm and Cathy is a retired CPA. They have two adult sons, Matt and Drew, and are a “house divided” as Davis is a Virginia Tech Hokie while Cathy is a UVA Cavalier. While they root for differ ent teams, they spend their leisure time together enjoying the beach and playing golf which they hope to do more of at the PACC.

Shannon, Andy, Austin & Griffin Kiefhaber
Resident Comprehensive Members
Sponsor: Richard Palluch
The Kiefhabers came to Virginia Beach for Andy’s naval career as a pilot. As they transition out of military service, they decided to stay at the beach because of the wonderful community they’ve found here! Andy has started as a pilot for Ameri can Airlines and Shannon is an engineer and project manager for Virginia Natural Gas. They have two young boys, Austin (4) and Griffin (2), who keep them busy, and they enjoy spending time together outside as a family. They look forward to enjoying the pool as much as possible and getting the boys involved with the PACC Breakers Swim & Dive Team!
Greg, Emily & Caroline Labows
Pool Members
Sponsor: Dr. Sarah JoynerThe Labows family live in the North End and savor spending time outside at the beach, riding bikes and enjoying all of the exciting events happening in Virginia Beach. Greg is a graduate of UVA, received his MBA from UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School and currently does marketing and business development with Red Hat, an open source software com pany. Emily grew up in Norfolk and is a graduate of Norfolk Academy and VCU’s School of the Arts. As Director of Virginia Beach Cultural Affairs, she works to advance Virginia Beach as a leading creative and cultural community. They have a 7-year-old daughter, Caroline, who is a rising 2nd grader at Norfolk Academy. They look forward to fun sum mers spent at the PACC pool with their friends and neighbors!
Welcome New Members
Brent, Kimberly & Harrison LeHew
Resident Comprehensive Members
J. Scott CutchinThe LeHew family are Bay Colony residents. Brent is a business leader in the auto collision repair industry and Kimberly is a chiropractor and wellness coach. They have a son, Harrison, who is a 4th grader at Cape Henry Collegiate and a 1-year-old sheepadoodle, Gibson. As a family, they love to travel, play golf and tennis, ride bikes and are big “foodies.” The LeHews look forward to the dining, fitness and social opportunities available at the PACC, and spending time with their friends and neighbors!

Melissa Lynch
Non-resident Comprehensive Member
Sponsor: John Lynch

Melissa Lynch is the sister of PACC member, John Lynch, and just purchased a second home at the beach. She primarily resides in Washington D.C., and is a market leader for Apple, Inc. in the Maryland metro area.
Melissa plans to spend much more time down at the beach, spending time with her family and enjoying all of the social events that the Club has to offer!
Dean, Liz, Indi & Isla Martin
Resident Comprehensive Members

Dean and Liz are both Virginia Beach natives and Dean is a Legacy of the PACC as his parents, Grey and Cathy Martin, are longtime members. Dean and Liz were married at the Club and now have two little girls, Indi (4) and Isla (2). Dean is a commercial real estate agent with a degree from JMU and Liz is a physical therapist with a degree from UVA. They are an active and outdoorsy family, keeping busy with their kids at the beach and pool. They look forward to advancing their golf and tennis games at the Club and, of course, getting their girls involved with all that the PACC has to offer.
Welcome New Members

Clark, Pamela, Carter & Megan McGhee
Non-resident Comprehensive Members
Sponsor: Roy Goodman
Clark and Pam reside in Richmond and have a beach house in the North End. They are members at CCV and enjoy swimming and playing golf, tennis and pickleball. Clark owns GradCapital, a student loan financing service, and Pam is a retired OB/GYN. Both Clark and Pam graduated from the University of Richmond and Pam went to medical school at Georgetown University. They have two adult children, Megan (Elon ‘15) and Carter (UVA ‘19), and Bodie their one-year-old Labra doodle. They look forward to the social and athletic activities at the PACC when they’re at the beach!
Joseph Dudley Miles III
Dining Member
Sponsor: Sherri Miles
Dudley is a Tidewater native, Hampden-Sydney alum, and third-gen eration owner of well-known and reputable J.D. Miles & Sons, Inc. roofing in Chesapeake. As a lifelong racquetball enthusiast, he now enjoys playing pickleball in his free time. As a grandfather many times over, Dudley enjoys spending time with his grandchildren, and will be cheering a few of them on at their PACC Breakers swim meets. Dudley looks forward to enjoying the social life at the Club and meet ing his family as well as his many friends and neighbors for delicious meals in the Club’s dining venues.
Benjamin, Kelly & Huck Shanno
Resident Comprehensive Members

Sponsor: Mike McCabe, Jr.
The Shanno family recently moved from Texas and are thrilled to now be living on the coast! Ben accepted a position with Dollar Tree as part of the company expansion in Ches apeake and Kelly is a busy stay-at-home mom to their 2-year-old son, Huck. When they’re not chasing after Huck, Ben and Kelly enjoy exploring new restaurants together and Ben is an avid golfer. As a family, the Shannos enjoy swimming, playing at the park and cheering on their favorite teams, the Green Bay Packers and Iowa Hawkeyes. They look forward to raising Huck at the PACC and enjoying time together as a family with all the activities offered at the Club.

Welcome New Members
Catherine, Thomas, Claire, Trey & Camille Sheppard
Resident Comprehensive Members
Ben WillisCatherine and Tom met while both attending Wake Forest University. After graduating, they moved to Virginia Beach where Catherine accepted a seat in the Physician Assistant Program at EVMS and Tom began practicing law. Now with three children; Claire (8), Trey (5) and Camille (1), the Sheppards look forward to continuing to stay active with tennis and golf, not to mention lots of swimming at the pool!

Taylor Hytha Smith

Resident Comprehensive Member
Sponsor: Brad
HobbsTaylor recently moved to the beach from New Jersey and purchased a home in Cape Henry Shores to pursue a new career with Hobbs & Associates, Inc. He is a graduate of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in New York with a degree in civil engineering and is a former lacrosse player for the school. Taylor is an avid golf player, and has already become a fixture out on the PACC course. When he’s not playing golf, Taylor enjoys staying active, fishing, boating and the occasional game of tennis. He looks forward to continuing to meet all of his North End/PACC neighbors and enjoying his leisure time at the Club.

Membership Corporate Referral Program
As a reminder, if two (2) or more employees of the same company join within six (6) months of each other, they will both receive 25% off of the initiation fee of whichever membership class they joined. Offer not valid for existing members of more than six months. Please contact Member Services Manager Courtney Whittemore for any questions at cwhittemore@ princessannecc.com or 757-428-4141 x313.

Membership Matters

New Princess Anne Living Feature:

Hobby Highlights
We have some amazingly talented members at the PACC! From musicians, to artists, to culinary masters and beyond, we are always so impressed to see and hear of your wonderful accomplishments! We would love to share these personal pastimes in a new segment called Hobby Highlights.
Please reach out to Marketing & Communications Director Kristen Bunting at kbunting@princessannecc.com to share photos and brief stories about your passion. We can’t wait to learn more about you!
PACC Car Decals
Over the summer, we experienced non-members using the Club parking lot. While we do have cameras in place and team members who assist in identifying non-members attempting to use the parking lot, to help us more easily identify member vehicles, we’ve obtained PACC decals. The cling-on (non-sticker) decals can be picked up at the front desk or administrative office and include a white logo on a clear background. While not mandatory, placing a decal on your vehicle will be a tremendous help to our team in ensuring our PACC property is protected for members only.
How to Customize your Email Preferences
Did you know? We have an email preference center on the website and mobile app which will enable you to customize from which areas of the Club you’d like to receive information.

You can either personally select your preferences using the step-by-step instructions (to the right) or you can contact Marketing & Communications Director Kristen Bunting at 757-440-3111 or kbunting@princessannecc.com to assist.
We want to provide you with the most relevant communication possible, so please select your areas of interest today!
Here are the email groups to choose from:
• Fitness
• General Club Updates/ Company-Wide
• Golf
• Pool
• Social Dining
Please note:
• Tennis - Juniors
• Tennis - Ladies
• Tennis - Men
• Wine News
• Youth
1. The General Club Updates/ Company-Wide group is vital in order to stay informed about weekly Club events and receive club-wide announcements.

2. Specific distribution lists such as PALG, Swim Team, Tennis Eye Openers, etc. are managed
Should you have any questions regarding your Club emails, please feel free to contact Marketing & Communications Director Kristen Bunting at 757-440-3111 or kbunting@princessannecc.com.
Updating Email Preferences on the Website
From the home page (My Club) of the private website:
• Click My Club on the top navigation menu and select the My Profile tab
• Scroll down to the Email Preferences section
• Select your Categories of interest
• Select the email account you would like to utilize
• Click Update to save
Updating Email Preferences on the Mobile App
From the home screen of the mobile app:
• Click on the hamburger menu ( ), scroll down and select the Settings tab

• Select the Campaigns tab
• Select your Categories of interest by touching the slide buttons to the right of each listing. Green indicates the category is active, gray indicates the category is inactive
• Choose the email account you would like to utilize
• An on-screen notification will appear when activating or deactivating a category
Online Payments

• You can access your statement and recent charges on the website or mobile app.
• You can click on each charge to view the receipt details.
Payment Options
• By check mailed or dropped off to the Club.
• ACH bank draft can be setup on the website or mobile app. ACH payments can be made by a member each month.
• Recurring ACH payments can be setup by contacting the accounting team (please see the contact information below).
• Credit card payment can be made in person at the front desk or by calling the front desk or accounting team. A 2.75% transaction fee does apply when using a credit card for payment. Recurring credit card payments can be set up by calling the accounting team.

Statement/Billing Questions?
Below is a list of department contacts. Please reach out to them with questions you may have on your monthly statement so they can personally assist you. Department Billing Contact Phone Number Email

Aquatics Brian Triolet 757-425-1117 btriolet@princessannecc.com Breakers Monica Au 757-961-2884 mau@princessannecc.com
Clubhouse Dining Steve Layden 757-440-3105 slayden@princessannecc.com
Events / Catering McCall Andy Emily Rehmert 757-440-3101 mccall@princessannecc.com erehmert@princessannecc.com
Fitness Andrea Pettay 757-440-3103 apettay@princessannecc.com Golf Suzanne Bielat 757-422-3360 golfproshop@princessannecc.com
Supplements/Lockers/Dues Courtney Whittemore 757-428-4141x 313 cwhittemore@princessannecc.com
Tennis Mary Fay 757-428-7803 jfraser@princessannecc.com
Wine Paul Rosario 757-440-3114 prosario@princessannecc.com
General Accounting/ Payment Scheduling Cathie Havrilesky Denise Johnson 757-440-3115 757-440-3113 chavrilesky@princessannecc.com djohnson@princessannecc.com
Breakers | Build-your-own Pasta Bar (begins 10/2)
Clubhouse | Crafts & Drafts
Breakers | Wine Tasting on the Blvd. (begins 9/19)

Lunch: 11:00 am - 2:00 pm Dinner: 2:00 - 9:00 pm
Lunch: 11:00 am - 2:00 pm Dinner: 2:00 - 10:00 pm
Brunch: 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Dinner: 1:00 - 6:00 pm
TUE - FRI | 11:00 am - 2:00 pm
TUE - SUN | 11:00 am - 2:00 pm
Dinner: 4:00 - 10:00 pm
Breakfast: 8:00 - 11:00 am
Lunch/Dinner: 11:00 am - 10:00 pm
Breakfast: 8:00 - 11:00 am
Brunch: 11:00 am - 1:30 pm Lunch/Dinner: 1:30 - 8:00 pm
Social & Dining Social in The Chesapeake!

When you head out the door for lunch, make The Chesapeake your destination. We welcome your guests, coworkers and neighbors to enjoy our newly refreshed venue! The Club also offers the convenience for your guests to pay by credit or cash. Easily make your reservations online or walk in to grab a table. We’ll see you soon!

Social & Dining

6:00 PM
Complimentary for Wine Society!
Calling all Cabernet lovers! Join us for an illuminating discussion on the differences between grapes grown on the mountains and the valley floor of the prestigious Napa Valley. Learn about the five Napa mountain appellations and how their thinner, rockier soils contrast to the terroir and climate of those valley floor appellations like Oakville, Rutherford and Yountville, as well as the impacts of viticulture and winemaking.
The Hendry name is a staple of the Napa Valley, as George Hendry and his family have grown grapes on the same family farm since 1939. The unique location of their estate at the foot of Mt. Veeder experiences substantial marine influence allowing for a myriad of different wine grapes to be grown, from Albariño and Primitivo to, of course, Chardonnay and Cabernet. Quality has always been emphasized over quantity at Hendry.
8th Annual
5:30 - 8:00 PM
Tasting fee waived with a purchase of 6 bottles or more!
Get in the holiday spirit early by attending and tasting a large selection of outstanding wines from all over the world! Five of our wine representatives will be available to answer questions and assist with your holiday purchases. Each of the wines poured will be available at discounted pricing along with some great case deals. Includes an array of heavy hors d’oeuvres!

The Golden Rules
The Golden Rules of Golf Will Set You Free.

Dear Rules Guru: As I looked around our pristine course recently, I noticed an effort has been made to clearly define the penalty areas. It appears that now there may be more areas marked red, a few less yellow, and even one or two less white. To my surprise, I even saw blue stakes. Can you explain why some changes have been made on certain holes and if it has to do with the new rules?
Rules Guru: Below are the recent course marking changes. Please be aware of the changes as you play the course. Remember, any time you take relief from a penalty area, there is a one-stroke penalty.
A. The treed area on the entire right side is now a red penalty area; if the ball is found it may be played; the club may be grounded and loose impediments moved without penalty, so long as the ball doesn’t move. If the ball is not found, drop a ball within two club lengths of the spot where the ball crossed into the penalty area under penalty of one stroke.

B. The yellow penalty area (formerly called a water hazard) is now a red penalty area. There is a red line defining this on both sides of the water. The dropping zone has been eliminated.

The relief options for a ball is this area are: 1) replay the shot under penalty of stroke and distance.
2) drop back on the line, keeping the spot where the ball LAST crossed into the penalty area between you and the flagstick. 3) drop within 2 driver lengths of the spot where the ball last crossed into the penalty area.
In order to drop on the green side, the ball must have landed beyond the red line and rolled back into the penalty area.
A. The red line defining the penalty area is closer to the fairway, so that two club length relief affords a better shot.
B. There is a drop zone short and left of the green (indicated by the white circle). This is an additional option for a ball lost in the red penalty area between the blue stakes which are at each end of the left greenside bunker. The other option would be to drop two club lengths from where it crossed, which would be in the bunker.

A. The line defining the red penalty area on the right side is closer to the fairway.

B. The red penalty area on the left side extends further towards the 4th tee; the out of bounds stakes have also been moved further in this direction.
Hole 6
“Can you explain why some changes have been made on certain holes?
Course Golf Course & Grounds Update
By Matt Boyce | Director of Golf Course Maintenance and Club Grounds
A Different Approach to Greens
Weekly Topdressing

Since the last week in February the greens have been top-dressed each Monday using small amounts of sand. This weekly grooming process promotes firmness, smoothness and plant protection from daily foot traffic. We feel confident this process has made the putting surfaces better during the hot summer season when the plants tend to have increased stress, disease pressure and other environmental factors. We hope you understand our goals!
Fall Aeration And Why We Do It!
The summer stress of increased temperatures and humidity challenge the bentgrass putting surfaces. Each fall, the plants need to recharge their batteries. With the cooler fall nights and shorter length of daylight, the pendulum swings back in favor of the cool season turf. To increase the recovery process, we aerate the putting surfaces by pulling cores and adding sand to the greens. You can find the Cliff’s Notes below:

1. The plant needs oxygen to recover from summer’s stress. By removing a “core” from the putting surface, we are removing thatch or “turf fat.” We open up spaces to increase oxygen and generate new roots.
2. We then add new sand in place of the thatch. We add larger particle sand to create “pores” or spaces for the new roots to find oxygen and water. The new sand also adds microbes which help the plant break down material for food.
3. We then “work in” the new sand to fill the holes and add amendments to the greens to promote root growth and overall health.
Each year we take organic matter tests on the putting surfaces and from our test’s, we are in the ideal range for organic matter. That means that we have enough cushion to hold a good golf shot, but not too much that make the greens appear to be soft.
I salute the Greens Committee for sticking with our diligent program. This short-term inconvenience can be disruptive, but long term, these practices are paying off. We appreciate your patience!


Princess Anne Country Club will once again be supporting the Folds of Honor Foundation by participating in Patriot Golf Weekend (Labor Day Weekend).

Over the past five years, PACC has raised over $25,000 for The Folds of Honor Foundation.

The Foundation provides scholarships and assistance for spouses and children of those killed or disabled in service to America.
The Golf Pro Shop team will be fundraising on the first tee, Friday, August 30 & Monday, September 2. Your donation will enter you with a chance to win a Raffle Basket filled with the newest golf gear and accessories. There will also be course games throughout the weekend with prizes.

From the Links From the Links
2019 Fall/Winter Golf Events Schedule

Vincent G. Thomas Men’s Member-Member

Capt. L.R. Vail Men’s Senior Club Championship and Super Senior Club Championship

September 5 – 7
October 18 – 20
President’s Cup October 25 – 26
Shootout December 7
Pop-Pop December 20
Eugene Lee Parker Women’s Senior Club Championship

Turkey Scramble
PALG Christmas Luncheon
Husband & Wife Championship
October 18 - 20
November 26

December 10
September 29
Fall Glow Ball October 18

Men’s Club Champion Chris Devine Men’s Club Championship First Flight Keith Smedley Ladies’ Club Champion Jeanne Beck Junior Champion Carson Poulos Junior Champion (13 & Under) Fin WorrallFrom the Links
Martha Macklin Smith
Ladies’ Member-Guest
The 2019 Martha Macklin Smith Ladies Member-Guest began with another gorgeous June morning for our participants. As the ocean breeze kicked up throughout the round, the scores tightened to make for a fabulous finish from this year’s field. The team of Susan Wight, Lyn Magette, Martha Davidson and Sherry Walker emerged as Overall Champion with a net score of “115.” Following their strong play, the team of Alice Striffler, Mallory Hetzel, Janis Prock and Gigi Smith took Low Gross with their score of 143. Our Flight 1 winners were Sally Curry, Cyndi Carlson, Carol Temple and Pam Fisher with a net score of “120.” Flight 2 winners following a scorecard playoff were Joanne Domson, Pam Oetgen, Pat Kaufman and Jessie Lahr with a net score of “119.” Winning Flight 3 was the team of Evie Odom, Sherry Wrucke, Margaret Parham and Faith Williams who fired a net score of “116.” Rounding out this year’s winners from Flight 4 were Janet Ellis, Cyndi Tymoff, Carol Cohen and Susan Kletz who posted a net score of “117.” Congratulations to all of this year’s winners and thank you to everyone who participated! We look forward to welcoming everyone back next year for the 2020 Martha Macklin Smith Ladies’ Member-Guest!

James G. Parke Men’s Member-Guest

Congratulations to Mark Finn and Russell Brooks for winning the 2019 James G. Parke Men’s Member-Guest! They won in a thrilling shootout to defeat Mike Disharoon and Ben Hoover! Congrats to all our flight winners and thank you to all of our members, guests and PACC Team members for making it such an amazing event.
Leo V. Kernan Ladies’ Member-Member
Congratulations to the team of Babs Neff and Julie Hol land, our 2019 Member-Member Champions! The win ning score was a strong -17 net score of “53.” Taking Low Gross was the team of Alice Striffler and Joanne Domson who fired 76. Our Flight 1 Winners were Sally Curry and Donna Hicks who posted a net score of “63.” Flight 2 win ners were Glenda McKinnon and Lou Watson who fired a great net score of “61.” Thank you to everyone for their patience with the weather this week and for your partici pation!

From the Links From the Links
Parent-Child Tournament
Congratulations to the Overall Parent-Child Champion, Pat & Chris Devine! Pat & Chris cleared the field by six strokes with an amazing score of 63. Please see the below for the full results for each division. Thank you to all those who participated in this year’s Parent-Child. We had 112 players, which is twice as many as we had last year!
& Over Division
Gross Champion- Pat & Chris Devine | 63

Gross Runner-up- Gary & Evan Beck | 69 Net Champion- John & Lucky Peterson | 67 Net Runner-up- Bill & Ryan Fairchild | 69
Year Old Division
Gross Champion- Andrew & Tucker Smith | 74
Gross Runner-up- Robbie & Max Bradshaw | 74 Net Champions- Jim & Mac Wilson | 70
12 -7 Year Old Division
Gross Champion- Troy & Blake Heselius | 34
Gross Runner-up- Randy & Graydon Nordstrom | 36 Net Champions- Richard & Davis Doummar | 33 Net Runner-up- Shaun & Alex Rai | 34
Ladies’ Challenge Matches
6 & Under Division
Gross Champion- Robbie & Will Bradshaw | 36
Gross Runner-up – Bernie & Bear Williams | 43
Net Champions- Josh & Stiles Parnell | 34 Net Runner-up- Mike & Press Disharoon | 36
Congratulations to our Flight 1 Bracket winners, Mary McNeal and Babs Neff! The two fought hard to make the final match with our other Semi-Finalists: Jeanne Beck and Alice Striffler. After a tough final match, McNeal and Neff finished with a 3 & 2 victory.

Another congratulations to our Flight 2 Bracket winners, Evie Odom and Faye Clark! During their final match, Odom and Clark played the tough duo of Carol Cohen and Emily Mills. After 19 holes, Odom and Clark finished 1 up to take the final.
Thank you to all of our ladies for their participation!
Mary McNeal & Babs NeffFrom the Links
Men’s Triumvirate
The Princess Anne winning streak came to an end as the Cavalier Golf and Yacht Club won the 2019 Triumvirate. Team Cavalier squeaked our the victory at home, in the rain shortened nine hole event. The Princess Anne was led by John Watson and Mike Hays in the gross divi sion and Cecil Cutchins and Mike Clark in the net division. With the loss the Princess Anne’s four match win streak came to end. Great playing to all and we look forward to next years event at Bayville GC.

Ladies’ Triumvirate
Congratulations to Bayville Golf Club who posted a team score of -1 to take the title of Ladies Triumvirate Champions of 2019 over Princess Anne CC and Cavalier G&YC.
Under the leadership of Captain Jeanne Beck, the PACC team fell just short with a team score of +3 to take second place. Cavalier G&YC finished with a team score of +16 to take third place. A big thanks to this year’s 2019 PACC Triumvirate Team for a great battle!

From the Links From the Links
Els for Autism Pro-Am Invitational
Your Princess Anne family was honored to host the Third Annual Els for Autism Pro-Am Invitational July 28-29, 2019. We continue to be amazed by the generosity of our members and friends with this year’s event raising more than $219,000 for autism awareness and our local Navy SEAL community, bringing our three year total to just under $600,000. The PACC’s hometown pro Brinson Paolini took home the pro’s trophy with the team of Evan Beck, Robbie Bradshaw, Patrick Finn and Steve Peake taking home the overall championship. We cannot thank Mr. Ernie Els, our golf professionals and our event planning committee enough for all of their hard work in making this an event that will leave a lasting impact on our community!

Beck and Paolini Award Winner
The recipient of this annual award shall demonstrate the traits of personal character, strong work ethic, academic achievement and strong family support, as personified by Evan Beck and Brinson Paolini.

Prior Beck and Paolini trophy Winners: 2009 Alex Swan
Tommy Barton
Will Clark
Olivia Jones
Jack Limroth
Nicholas Roland
Carson Poulos
Miller Carr
Blake Heselius
2019 Els for Autism Exhibition
From the Courts
John’s Tip of the Month - Should you force your child to play tennis?

“Force” may be a strong word, “coerce” sounds better. If you’re interested in giving them the gift of a lifetime sport that’s going to teach them how to problem solve, think on their feet, learn etiquette and be a lady or a gentlemen, have manners, be a good loser as well as a humble winner, learn a sport that can be arranged quickly with just two people like jumping on a court on a college campus and have a social, competitive outlet among friends where you can get some exercise and sweat in a matter of minutes, then the answer to that question is a resounding “YES!”
I’m not telling you anything you didn’t know about why our sport is the greatest, the problem is that our kids don’t necessarily know that it is or believe us if we try to tell them. Nowadays we are so afraid to make our kids do anything other than make good grades because we believe that in doing so we’ll give them the best chance to succeed in life. School for the most part is certainly not fun, nor is homework, but it’s a necessary part of a child’s development whether they like it or not. Our approach to sports should be similar in that we should ensure that it is part of their development. It’s not always going to be fun nor does it need to, but simply a must have. Kids are always going to enjoy team sports more because they are going to be with their friends, the problem is once high school team sports are over they are unlikely to take part in those sports again. Tennis on the other hand can be lonely, hard to learn and be good at, but get them to persevere by keeping their hand in either a clinic or a lesson, even during the season of another sport, and they’ll begin to enjoy it for what it is.
Stringing Tip: If you use a Poly String in your racquet, you are 5 times more likely to develop tennis elbow. Poly is designed for high performance juniors, college players and tour players who need durability otherwise they would be restringing their racquets every day. For the rest of us, a Poly isn’t required for durability and there is a good chance that if we do use it, we will develop arm, wrist or shoulder trouble. The other problem with it is that it doesn’t break because it’s like wire, so you forget to restring after the recommended two-month period when its performance drops off the cliff and it becomes loose and therefore unpredictable. We should all be using either a hybrid (poly/synthetic), a synthetic gut or natural gut for better touch, feel and injury prevention.
Pro Shop News
We’ve had quite a lot of turn over with our pro shop team this summer for various reasons. Lauren Costello managed to land a full time job as a 4th grade school teacher which was of course in her field. Kassandra Martinez had to go back to Ecuador to take care of her ailing grandmother. We have added Trina Ferrell from up at the front desk in the main clubhouse, Darby Hunt, the top tennis player from FC High School and Andrea Ayala, also the top player from Ocean Lakes High School. In the meantime Charmagne Fraser has been filling in during the process of finding and hiring new team members. As far as anything new for sale, we’ve added a new brand of racquets to our wall, we will now be selling Yonex frames which are very popular right now so feel free to take one out for a test drive next time you play.
From the Courts
Pickle Ball News
Our Pickle Ball program is picking up steam which is why we are moving ahead with two, permanent, lined courts on top of our outdoor hard tennis court number 8 on the east side of our tennis building. We are also offering lessons to anyone who would like to up their game or simply get started. If you are interested in a pickle ball lesson, please contact the Tennis Shop at 757-428-7803.
Upcoming Tennis Events

Spindle Cup (@FCC)
Saturday, September 7 – Sunday, September 8
Member-Member Mixed Doubles Tournament Friday, October 4 – Sunday, October 6

Junior Country Club Cup (Away - TBA) Sunday, October 6
USTA Junior Tournament Saturday, October 12 – Sunday, October 13 November
Thanksgiving Day Cardio Thursday, November 28
Thanksgiving Classic L5 USTA Tournament Friday, November 29 – Sunday, December 1 December
Holiday Tennis Camps TBA

Anderson Cup
What an exciting weekend we had here at PACC for the 58th Annual Anderson Cup ladies competition! We had a solid start to the weekend with three singles wins out of six and two doubles wins out of three. This however only put us in third place since CCV had seven and NYCC six. On day two we recorded two singles wins and two doubles wins going into our last match of the tournament where Bekki Jucksch and Michele Dallman played NYCC’s Kelly Martone and Catie Sullivan. Unbeknownst to our girls, we needed to win that match in order to take second place. We lost the first set 3-6 but came back to win 6-2,6-2. Actually, that win put us in a tie with NYCC, but then we had four head-to-head wins over their one, which put us solely in second place. PACC finished only four points behind the mighty CCV and took second place for the third year in a row! I couldn’t have been prouder of the way they fought for every point. A huge thanks to our players for making this event a priority and to Talbott Jordan, one of our Anderson Cup originals, for being team captain. Here are the results:
1st CCV – 14
2nd PACC – 10 (by way of 4-1 head to head wins over NYCC)
3rd NYCC – 10
TENNIS TALKFrom the Courts
Virginia Cup
In our first cup event of the season, we had our best men compete in the 25th Annual Virginia Cup and Westwood Club from Richmond was able to defend their title. Our guys fought valiantly and were actually in 2nd place after the morning matches. By the time we were shaking hands after the last ball was hit, we were in third place behind Westwood and CCV, but ahead of Norfolk Yacht.
Here are the results:
1st WW – 6 pts 3rd PACC – 3 pts
2nd CCV – 5 pts 4th NYCC – 2 pts
Fun Cup

We scored a huge victory for PACC Tennis this year by winning the 2019 Fun Cup at VBTCC (The Racquet Club)! We had 30 of our players competing against teams from Norfolk Yacht, Cavalier and VBTCC in a men’s doubles, women’s doubles and mixed doubles in four different divisions from 3.0 - 4.5. This Cup event is over 20 years old and we’ve only won it one other time so we were quite happy to bring the Cup home once again!

Congratulations to our team, please give them a high five if you see them!
Here are the results:
1st PACC – 11 pts
3rd NYCC & VBTCC tied – 8 pts
4th CAV – 3 pts
Charles Einwick, John Cochrane, John Fraser, Britt Visser, Jaime Conley and Allan Parrott (Not Pictured: Stuart Sim, Sam Steingold, Kent McCammon, David Jacobs and Brandon Beavers).From the Courts
Tidewater Cup

This was one for the ages! Our Tidewater Cup team went into this event with the goal of bringing the Cup home for the first time in 3 years. Little did they know that they would not only bring it home but go 10 and 0 to score the very first shutout in the Cup’s history! What was surprising about the whole thing was that several of the matches went to 3rd set tie breakers so were by no means easy. Somehow we were just able to come up with the goods when we needed to. A huge congrats to our team for their inspiration and will to win!
Here are the results:
1st PACC – 10 pts 3rd CAV – 3pts
2nd NYCC – 5 pts 4th EMCC – 2pts
Adult Singles Club Championship

We were thrilled to get a record 85 tennis members playing in eight different divisions for our Singles Club Championship this year! The tournament started in the beginning of May and ran for two weeks. We had a beautiful night for the finals and were excited to have the Open Mic festivities going on at the same time on the Boulevard. Here are the new champions:

Women’s A Finals Nicole Legum & Aden Murray Co-Champions
Men’s A Finals
Bill McClanan def. Richard Doummar
Men’s Open Finals

Men’s Senior Finals Richard Doummar def. Pat Devine
Men’s A Consolation Winner – Adam Long

Women’s Open Consolation Winner – Leslie Cutchins

Women’s A Consolation Winner – Kristina Chastain
Women’s B Consolation Winner – Courtney Morrall
Men’s B Finals Greg Deaver def. Frank Mihlon Women’s B Finals Christina Gondusky def. Suzanne Mihlon Open Finals Debby Levi def. Bev Mason Britt Visser def. Scott Baxter Bill McClanan, Don Crigger, John Fraser, Sam Steingold, Chris Poulos, Neil Richards, Allan Haynsworth, Ira Steingold and Adam Long (Not Pictured: Pat Devine, Scott Baxter, Rickey Jacobson and Ramsay Smith).From the Courts
Member-Guest Doubles Tournament

We had by far the strongest field for our 2019 Member/Guest Doubles Championship this summer in both Open and A divisions! It certainly was a hot weekend for the players but everyone made it through unscathed and still managed to put on a display for the spectators all three days of the event. Here are the final results:
Men’s Open Finals
Men’s B Finals
Women’s A Finals

Dillon Yost/Annika Kezman def. Megan Hupp/Sarah McEwen
Men’s A Finals
Cole Jordan/Jack Kalfus def. Brady McNaughton/Lewis Capolupo
Men’s Open Consolation Winners –Brandon Beavers/Ryan Davidson

Men’s A Consolation Winners –Bill McClanan/Justin McDaniel

Women’s A Consolation Winners –Beth Skolnick/Sarah Whitimore
Men’s Senior Finals
High School Tennis / Junior News
Our juniors from the club had another great year of high school tennis this past spring adding to their string of successes from last year. Cox High School coached by John Fraser went all the way to the State finals again this year before facing their nemesis, Chantilly from Northern VA, who overwhelmed them again. PACC’s Ashton Legum, Barrett Foster and Aidan O’Connor were all on that team.

On the private side, PACC’s Grahame Brown, played number 1 in his freshman year at Cape Henry this year and was awarded Team MVP. Grahame also made First Team singles and doubles
Grahame Brown Fay/Gary Alcaraz def. Neil Sullivan/Andrew Miller Women’s B Round Robin Winners Jean Toan/Janice Hamilton Open Round Robin Winners Molly Hobbs/Charleen Calvin Charles/Erick Rivas def. Britt Visser/Alfredo Galvez Ricky Stevens/Ben McCoy def. Jimmy Sellers/Winder BillFrom the Courts

Parent-Child Social
We had a beautiful night and a great turn out for our Summer Parent/Child Social! Thanks to everyone who came out to play.
Citi Open Bus Trip
It was another successful bus trip up to the Citi Open Tournament to see the professional players in action!

Summer Camp
It was a summer full of kids’ camps! We have seen a ton of kids come through our doors which is great to see and we hope they’ll continue once they’re back at school.

Lifestyles & Fitness

Meet Clarissa Clark

About Clarissa
Clarissa was born and raised in Howard County, Maryland. Growing up, she was training to become a professional ballet dancer, but after 12 years of dedication and training, she took another route towards weightlifting and calisthenics. Clarissa has become a teacher and coach of several different fitness modalities. Clarissa has been working in the fitness industry since 2009 and has been coaching kids and adults since 2013. She has studied under the mentorship of an Olympic coach for two years, has received certifications as a nutrition coach, and has passed her Crossfit level 2 trainer certification. Now a local in Virginia Beach, over the last several years Clarissa has competed in multiple performance-based fitness competitions, as well as coached athletes towards competitions. As a lover of yoga, dance, weightlifting and high intensity workouts, Clarissa has a passion for not only teaching fitness, but living it as a lifestyle.

Clarissa’s Favorite Workout
One of my favorite workouts actually has a name; it’s called Mary. The workout consists of attempting as many rounds of possible of the excercises listed on the next page. I love this workout because I love handstand pushups and pistols – with my ballet/gymnastics background I am able to really test my cardio because I can move quickly through those exercises. It’s so fun!
Where to Find Clarissa
Strength & Conditioning
Tuesdays at 5:15 PM I 45 min Strengthen and tone with bouts of metabolic conditioning and a focus on proper technique while lifting. This workout includes a movementspecific warmup, a strength/lifting portion, and a high-intensity portion, followed by auxiliary work & cool down. You’ll leave feeling strong and capable after this productive 45-minute class.
Personal training with Clarissa
Call the Fitness Center at 757-440-3102 for details.



Quick Tips | Sabine Elbe
Kitchen Secrets
TIP 1:
Clean & prep as much of your produce as possible when you bring it home. Makes it much easier to put together for lunch or at dinner time after a long day at work.

TIP 2:
If you buy spinach in the plastic container, flip it over in the fridge each day to prevent the condensation from wilting the leaves.

TIP 3: I always flip my nut butters upside down and set them in the cabinet for a couple days before opening. Mixes all the oil into the rest of the nut butter.

A dance fitness class with vibrant music combining interval low impact movements. Begin and end each class with a full body stretch.
Learn step-by-step choreographed dance moves put to music. You will leave with a fun dance routine & a great cardio workout! Stretch and strengthen your muscles while enjoying your favorite songs.
Lifestyles & Fitness

Summer Fitness Highlights

Aquatics From the Deep End
By Brian Triolet, Aquatics DirectorIt won’t be long now before we bring an end to pool season at PACC. I hope that all of you have felt like the pool staff have exceeded your expectations. If we did not make this season one of the best for you and your family, please let me, the pool staff or the Pool Committee members know! I would like to take this opportunity to thank the lifeguard staff. Throughout the season, their commitment to a safe pool environment never waivered.
Thanks to the leadership of our coaching staff, Kate Lorenz and Molly Cassidy, our diving team has enjoyed much success. With their efforts, we were able to host three home meets. Their season culminated in the PACC Diving Invitational. Congratulations to the dive coaches, parents and divers for such a wonderful season.
Our swim coaches, Kristen Zielinski, Emma Hewitt and Tara LaRusso also had a wonderful season with 115 swimmers representing the PACC Breakers, competing at the Marlin Divisional meet and 35 qualifying for All-Stars. Though their record didn’t show it, the swimmers had a great season with many personal bests and team records. Our swimmers also competed well at the Divisional meet finishing fifth overall. Three PACC records were broken. The following swimmers set new PACC records;
Elizabeth Cutchins – Girls 8 & Under 25 meter Backstroke (22.24), Jack Poteran – Boys 6 and Under 25 meter Backstroke (26.43), Betsy McCabe, Carter Inman, Sally Carter McCabe and Liza Cutchins – Girls 8 and Under 100 meter Freestyle Relay (1:16.67). Please join me in congratulating our swimmers and coaches for all of their hard work and dedication this season.
In closing, I would like to thank all of the families that supported PACC Breakers this season; with special thanks to everyone who volunteered to help with meet set-up, scoring, judging and timing. I would also like to extend our gratitude to our team sponsors who gave generously to help maintain a high quality swimming and diving program. Lastly, I would like to thank the Pool Committee for all of their support, advice and their tireless efforts assisting in all of the activities at the pool this summer.
Even though the first day of school is almost upon us, we are still open for adult swimmers throughout September and open weekends for the general membership and their guests. Make a note of the dates and times for September as they are listed in this publication and come on out to the pool for some relaxation. Remember, our pool is heated and the warm water might be just the thing to help bring an end to those great days of summer.
Hours of Operation for September September 2 (Labor Day) Members/Guests 10:00 am- 6:00 pm
Weekends in September Members/Guests 10:00 am- 5:00 pm
Adults may swim every day in September from 5:30 am-10:00 am.

2019 Divisional Swimming Championship Results

Jack Poteran 6 and Under 25m Free 25m Back 1 1
Davis Harding 6 and Under 25m Free 5
Willie Korte 6 and Under 25m Free 25m Back 5 6
Maximus Griffey 8 and Under 25m Free 25m Breast 4 5
Liza Cutchins 8 and Under 25m Free 25m Back 25m Fly 1 1 1
Carter Inman 8 and Under 25m Free 6
Parker Harding 8 and Under 50m Free 5
Oliver Wynne 8 and Under 50m Free 25m Back 6 2
Betsy McCabe 8 and Under 50m Free 2
Sallie Carter McCabe 8 and Under 50m Free 25m Breast 25 Fly 5 3 3
Connor Horan 10 and Under 25m Free 25m Back 25m Fly 1 5 3
Caroline Willis 10 and Under 25m Breast 25m Back 4 6
Oliver McCammon 12 and Under 50m Free 50m Fly 2 4
Will Foley 12 and Under 50m Free 100m IM 50m Back 4 6 6
Liza Pridgen 12 and Under 50m Free 50m Fly 5 3
Xander Willis 12 and Under 50m Breast 4
Rose Bannon 14 and Under 50m Breast 4
John Foley 14 and Under 100m IM 5
Cate Ware 18 and Under 50m Free 100m IM 4 4
Brynn Brazukas 18 and Under 50m Free 50m Breast 50m Back 6 3 4
Guil Ware 18 and Under 100m IM 50m Back 50m Fly 2 2 2
Sam Stanton 18 and Under 100m IM 50m Back 3 5
Elizabeth Parsons 18 and Under 100m IM 50m Fly 5 6
6 and Under 100m Mixed Freestyle Reagan Haynsworth, Willie Korte, David Harding, Jack Poteran 3
8 & Under 100m Mixed Freestyle Oliver Wynne, Maximus Griffey, Betsy McCabe, Liza Cutchins 3
10 & Under 100m Mixed Freestyle Vaughan Cutchins, Helen McCabe, Caroline Willis, Connor Horan 5
12 & Under 100m Mixed Freestyle Liddy Lehmkuhler, Liza Pridgen, Olive McCammon, Will Foley 4
14 & Under 200m Mixed Freestyle Maria Delyannis, Rose Bannon, Alex Ortiz, John Foley 7
18 and Under 200m Mixed Freestyle Cate Ware, Elizabeth Parsons, Tradd Rector, Guil Ware 2
8 and Under Boys 100m Freestyle Oliver Wynne, Jack Poteran, Alden Morrall, Maximus Griffey 3
8 and Under Girls 100m Freestyle Betsy McCabe, Carter Inman, Sallie Carter McCabe, Liza Cutchins 1
10 and Under Boys 100m Freestyle Vaughan Cutchins, Jack Watson, Paul-Michael Griffey, Connor Horan 3
10 and Under Girls 100m Freestyle Helen McCabe, Marlee Brown, Banks Brown, Caroline Willis 4
12 and Under Boys 100m Freestyle Kiran Folck, Xander Willis, Oliver McCammon, Will Foley 4
12 and Under Girls 100m Freestyle Sabrine Yee, Maria Delyannis, Liddy Lehmkuhler, Liza Pridgen 7
14 and Under Boys 200m Freestyle Alex Rader, Alex Ortiz, Reed Rader, John Foley 6
From the Deep End

2019 Awards of Excellence
Diving and Swimming Awards

During the end-of-the-year dive/swim banquet, the following awards were given to the best performers of the season.
Leni Jolly
This award is given to the best diver each season. The coaches watched the PACC divers in an attempt to pick the MVP. Meet performance, determination, concentration and desire all play some part in the decision to pick the best.

Liddy Lehmkulher
This award goes to the diver that showed the most improvement. In a sport where subjective decisions determine champions, the decision of the most improved diver may come down to a decision based on a feeling. It might be something a coach sees in dive practice or maybe that special performance witnessed at a dual dive meet that helps make the decision. Certainly, place finishes throughout the regular season can help in the decision.

Connor Horan
This award is presented to the most outstanding swimmer of the season. The decision of most outstanding swimmer is determined by time improvements, finishes in dual meets and championship performances. In recent times, dedication to the sport of swimming over several seasons along with an enthusiastic love for the sport have played a role in the decision making process.

Leo Delyannis
This award goes to the swimmer that shows enthusiasm, passion and commitment. The coaching staff looked closely for an enthusiastic swimmer that is excited by his/her own swimming and encourages others to be excited about their swimming. His/her commitment to “perfect” practice on a consistent basis will also weigh heavily on the decision. Finally, a passion to be the best they can be plus the positive effect they have on both the other swimmers and the coaches will also be considered.
From the Deep End
During the end-of-the-year dive/swim banquet, the following awards were given to the best performers of the season.

Six & Under MVPs
Jack Poteran / Willie Korte Coach’s Award

Davis Harding / Reagan Haynesworth
Eight & Under MVPs

Parker Harding / Liza Cutchins Coach’s Award
Max Griffey / Mary Kate McGuigan
Ten & Under MVPs
Vaughan Cutchins / Caroline Willis Coach’s Award
George Temple / Helen McCabe
Twelve & Under MVPs

Oliver McCammon / Liza Pridgen Coach’s Award
Luke Buchanan / Sofia Griffey
Seven & Under MVP
Will Bradshaw Coach’s Award Davis Harding
Nine & Under MVP Lea Poteran Coach’s Award Camille Angelelli
Ten & Eleven MVPs
Bennett Meddows / Elizabeth Grant Coach’s Award
From the Deep End
Congratulations PACC All-Stars
Rose Bannon
Banks Brown
Kiran Folck
Maximus Griffey
Parking Harding
Carter Inman
Betsy McCabe
Oliver McCammon
Jack Poteran
Sam Stanton
Annie Watson
Caroline Willis
Brynn Brazukas
Liza Cutchins
John Foley
Paul-Michael Griffey
Reagan Haynsworth
Willie Korte
Helen McCabe
Alden Morrall
Liza Pridgen
Cate Ware Jack Watson
Oliver Wynne
Marlee Brown
Vaughan Cutchins
Will Foley
Davis Harding
Connor Horan
Liddy Lehmkuhler
Sallie Carter McCabe
Elizabeth Parsons
Tradd Rector
Guil Ware
Xander Willis
Mixed 6 & Under 100m Free Reagan Haynsworth, Willie Korte, Davis Harding, Jack Poteran 11
Mixed 8 & Under 100m Free Oliver Wynne, Maximus Griffey, Betsy McCabe, Liza Cutchins 4
Mixed 10 & Under 100m Free Vaughan Cutchins, Helen McCabe, Caroline Willis, Connor Horan 10
Mixed 12 & Under 100m Free Liddy Lehmkuhler, Liza Pridgen, Oliver McCammon, Will Foley 6

Boys 8 & Under 100m Free Oliver Wynne, Jack Poteran, Parker Harding, Maximus Griffey 10
Girls 8 & Under 100m Free Betsy McCabe, Carter Inman, Sallie Carter McCabe, Liza Cutchins 2
Boys 10 & Under 100m Free Vaughan Cutchins, Jack Watson, Paul-Michael Griffey, Connor Horan 7
Girls 10 & Under 100m Free Helen McCabe, Annie Watson, Lea Poteran, Caroline Willis 10
Boys 12 & Under 100m Free Kiran Folck, Xander Willis, Oliver McCammon, Will Foley 9
Boys 6 & Under 25m Free Jack Poteran Davis Harding 6 11
Girls 6 & Under 25m Free Willie Korte 7
Boys 8 & Under 25m Free Maximus Griffey 7

Girls 8 & Under 25m Free Liza Cutchins Carter Inman 2 9
Boys 10 & Under 25m free Connor Horan 1 Girls 10 & Under 25m Free Caroline Willis 7
Boys 8 & Under 50m Free Parker Harding Oliver Wynne 8 11

Girls 8 & Under 50m Free Betsy McCabe Sallie Carter McCabe 3 5
Boys 12 & Under 50m Free Oliver McCammon Will Foley 5 7
Girls 12 & Under 50m Free Liza Pridgen 8
Boys 18 & Under 50m Free Sam Stanton 8
Boys 8 & Under 25m Breast Maximus Griffey 10

Girls 8 & Under 25m Breast Sallie Carter McCabe 5
Girls 10 & Under 25m Breast Caroline Willis 3
Boys 12 & Under 50m Breast Xander Willis 8
Girls 14 & Under 50m Breast Rose Bannon 8 Boys 14 & Under 100m IM John Foley 11
Boys 18 & Under 100m IM Sam Stanton 4

Girls 18 & Under 100m IM Elizabeth Parsons 12

Boys 6 & Under 25m Back Jack Poteran 6
Boys 8 & Under 25m Back Oliver Wynne 9
Girls 8 & Under 25m Back Liza Cutchins Betsy McCabe 2 6
Boys 10 & Under 25m Back Connor Horan 10
Girls 10 & Under 25m Back Caroline Willis 9
Boys 12 & Under 50m Back Will Foley 11
Boys 18 & Under 50m Back Sam Stanton 4
Boys 8 & Under 25m Fly Oliver Wynne 5
Girls 8 & Under 25m Fly Liza Cutchins Sallie Carter McCabe 1 4
Boys 12 & Under 50m Fly Oliver McCammon 6
Girls 12 & Under 50m Fly Liza Pridgen 11
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
sSunday Brunch & Funday Clubhouse
sBreakfast/Lunch/ Dinner Breakers (closes at 3:00 pm)

sLabor Day Cookout
sPatriot Golf Weekend
sGolf Course Open
sPool Open 10 am - 6 pm
sPatriot Golf Weekend
sFall Cocktail Night Clubhouse
sTrivia Night Clubhouse
s1/2 Price Wine Night Clubhouse
sMen’s Member/ Member Stag Night
sCrafts & Drafts Clubhouse
sMen’s Member/ Member ( Sat)
sHappy Hour (Martini Night) with Live Music Clubhouse
sGrillin’ & Chillin’ Breakers Blvd.
sBack to the PACC Party West Lawn sSpindle Cup @ FCC ( Sun) sBreakfast/ Lunch/Dinner Breakers
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
sSunday Brunch & Funday Clubhouse
sBreakfast/Lunch/ Dinner Breakers
sPool Open 10 am - 5 pm
sGolf Course Closed: Greens Aerification
sGolf Course Closed: Greens Aerification
sFall Cocktail Night Clubhouse
s1/2 Price Wine Night Clubhouse
sCrafts & Drafts Clubhouse
sGrillin’ & Chillin’ Breakers Blvd.
sPool Open 10 am - 5 pm
sNapa Valley Wine Class Clubhouse
sBreakfast/ Lunch/Dinner Breakers
sSunday Brunch & Funday Clubhouse sBreakfast/Lunch/ Dinner Breakers
sPool Open 10 am - 5 pm
sSunday Brunch & Funday Clubhouse sBreakfast/Lunch/ Dinner Breakers sPool Open 10 am - 5 pm
sFall Cocktail Night Clubhouse
s1/2 Price Wine Night Clubhouse
sCrafts & Drafts Clubhouse
sWine Tasting Breaker’s Blvd.
sGrillin’ & Chillin’ Breakers Blvd.
sKid’s Camp-Out Night Golf Course
sPool Open 10 am - 5 pm sBreakfast/ Lunch/Dinner Breakers
sCardio Dance for Seniors Fitness
sPool Open 10 am - 5 pm
sFall Cocktail Night Clubhouse
s1/2 Price Wine Night Clubhouse
sCrafts & Drafts Clubhouse
sWine Tasting Breaker’s Blvd.
sSunday Brunch & Funday Clubhouse
sHusband & Wife Tournament
sBreakfast/Lunch/ Dinner Breakers
sPool Open 10 am - 5 pm
sBreakfast/Lunch/ Dinner Breakers
sPool Open 10 am - 5 pm
sFall Cocktail Night Clubhouse
s1/2 Price Wine Night Clubhouse
sCrafts & Drafts Clubhouse
sWine Tasting Breaker’s Blvd.
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
sFall Cocktail Night Clubhouse
sTrivia Night Clubhouse
s1/2 Price Wine Night Clubhouse
sBuild-yourown Pasta Bar Breakers
sCrafts & Drafts Clubhouse
sWine Tasting Breaker’s Blvd.
sMemberMember Mixed Doubles ( Sun)
sHappy Hour (Bubbly Night) with Live Music Clubhouse

sDoggie Dive-In Pool
sHendry Wine Dinner Clubhouse
sBreakfast/ Lunch/Dinner Breakers
1 2 3 4 5
sSunday Brunch & Funday Clubhouse
sBreakfast/ Lunch/Dinner Breakers
sJunior CC Cup (away)
sSunday Brunch & Funday Clubhouse
sBreakfast/ Lunch/Dinner Breakers
sSunday Brunch & Funday Clubhouse
sBreakfast/ Lunch/Dinner Breakers
sSunday Brunch & Funday Clubhouse
sBreakfast/ Lunch/Dinner Breakers
sFall Cocktail Night Clubhouse
s1/2 Price Wine Night Clubhouse
sBuild-yourown Pasta Bar Breakers
sCrafts & Drafts Clubhouse
sWine Tasting Breaker’s Blvd.
sFall Cocktail Night Clubhouse
s1/2 Price Wine Night Clubhouse
sBuild-yourown Pasta Bar Breakers
sCrafts & Drafts Clubhouse
sWine Tasting Breaker’s Blvd.
sMens & Ladies Senior and Super Senior Club Champ.( Sun)
sGlow Golf
sBreakfast/ Lunch/Dinner Breakers
sUSTA Junior Tournament ( Sun) sBreakfast/ Lunch/Dinner Breakers
sCardio Dance for Seniors Fitness
sBottles & Bites Breakers
sFall Cocktail Night Clubhouse
s1/2 Price Wine Night Clubhouse
sBuild-your-own Pasta Bar Breakers
sPumpkin Decorating Breakers
sCrafts & Drafts Clubhouse
sWine Tasting Breaker’s Blvd.
sPumpkin Decorating Breakers
sChildren’s Halloween Clubhouse
sPresident’s Cup ( Sat)
sPumpkin Decorating
sBreakfast/Lunch/ Dinner Breakers
sFall Cocktail Night Clubhouse
s1/2 Price Wine Night Clubhouse
sBuild-yourown Pasta Bar Breakers
sCrafts & Drafts Clubhouse
sWine Tasting Breaker’s Blvd.
sAnnual Meeting & Dinner Clubhouse
sBreakfast/Lunch/ Dinner Breakers
Princess Anne Country Club
3800 Pacific Avenue
Virginia Beach, VA 23451
Fall Hours
Chesapeake / Linkhorn Lounge
Brunch Sunday 10 am- 2 pm
Lunch Tuesday- Saturday 11 am- 2 pm Sunday 1 pm - 6 pm
Dinner Tuesday- Thursday 2 pm - 9 pm Friday/Saturday 2 pm - 10 pm Sunday 1 pm - 6 pm
Men’s Lounge
Lunch Tuesday- Sunday 11 am- 2 pm (à la carte or buffet)
Ladies’ Lounge

Lunch Tuesday- Friday 11 am- 2 pm (à la carte or buffet)
September 2 Members/Guests 11 am- 6 pm
Dinner Wednesday- Friday 4 pm- 10 pm
Breakfast Saturday & Sunday 8 am- 11 am
Lunch/Dinner Saturday 11 am- 10 pm
Brunch Sunday 11 am- 1:30 pm
Lunch/Dinner Sunday 1:30 pm - 8 pm
Fitness Center
Daily 5 am- 10 pm
Golf Pro Shop
September 11 - September 29
Day Golf Shop Bag Room/Range Tee Times
Mon Closed 7 am- 7:30 pm Course Closed
Tues- Fri 7 am - 7 pm 6:30 am - 7:30 pm 8 am - 6 pm Sat & Sun 6 am - 7 pm 6:30 am - 7:30 pm 7 am - 6 pm
October 1 - November 3
Day Golf Shop Bag Room/Range Tee Times
Mon Closed 8 am - 6:30 pm Course Closed
Tues- Fri 7 am - 6 pm 7 am - 6:30 pm 8 am - 5 pm Sat & Sun 7 am - 6 pm 7 am - 6:30 pm 8 am - 5 pm
Tennis Pro Shop
Daily 8 am- 5 pm
September 2 Members/Guests
10 am- 6 pm
September Adult Swim every day 5:30 am- 10 am
September Open Weekends after Labor Day 10 am- 5 pm
October Closed