Princess Anne

Breakers 961-2884
Clubhouse 428-4141 Fax 428-4423 Fitness 440-3102 Golf 422-3360
McCall Andy 440-3101
Director of Catering & Special Events
Monica Au 961-2884 Breakers Manager
Geoff Benson 428-4141 ext: 322 Executive Chef
Matt Boyce 440-3119
Director of Golf Course Maintenance and Club Grounds
Kristen Bunting 440-3111
Director of Marketing & Communications
Mardy Colling 440-3104
Food & Beverage Director
John Fraser 440-3117
Director of Tennis
Jennifer Garrott 440-3110
Assistant Manager –Clubhouse Operations
Ashlie Gran 428-4141 ext: 340 Banquet Manager
Massage 536-5342 Pool 425-1117 Security 287-6982 Tennis 428-7803 Men’s Lg. 440-3112
Table of Contents
Cathie Havrilesky 440-3115 Controller
Denise Johnson 440-3113
HR & Accounting Manager
Steve Layden 440-3105 Restaurant Manager
Matt Liebler 440-3109 Head PGA Golf Professional
Taylor Nelson 428-4141 Youth Programs Manager
Andrea Pettay 440-3103 Director of Fitness & Wellness
Paul Rosario 440-3114 Purchasing Director
Bill Shonk 440-3100 General Manager
Brian Triolet 425-1117 Aquatics Director
Courtney Whittemore 428-4141 ext: 313 Member Services Manager
I hope this edition of Princess Anne Living finds you having enjoyed a wonderful holiday season with your family and friends and a New Year that brings prosperity and good health. Our holiday festivities were, as always, filled with great food and good cheer. This year’s Oyster Roast (despite the rain) was a resounding success and Thanksgiving Brunch, Traditional Christmas, Santa Fest and the New Year’s Eve Party all exceeded our expectations of excellent fun, food and service. Many thanks to Bill Shonk, his exceptional team and special thanks to Chef Geoff. The goal of your Board and operations team remains the same – to exceed your expectations each and every time you visit the PACC.
I am pleased to welcome our four incoming Directors who recently began their three-year terms. Roger Stroud will head the Golf Committee, Barb Sessoms will head the Fitness Committee, John Wilson will join the Greens Committee and Mike Cowan will join the House Committee. I’m exceptionally delighted to welcome Susan Pender as our new Vice President.
The first phase of the PACC 20/20 & Beyond plan began in December with the Better Billy Bunker conversion and cart path enhancements. We ask for your patience over the winter months while our team and contractors work diligently to complete this project by early April. In addition to Better Billy Bunkers and cart paths, our team is also hard at work on the renovation of the Holly Beach Bungalow and youth room. We look forward to the opening both of these spaces this spring/summer. Don’t forget, you can stay up to date on all of the PACC 20/20 & Beyond projects by visiting
In closing, I want to thank each and every one of you for helping to make the PACC a wonderful and special place. I look forward to seeing you this coming year at the Club – the best is yet to come.
With best wishes, Christopher J.
Resident Comprehensive
Dr. Robert NeffDolly and her husband, Stan, reside in the North End next door to her sister, Grace, and her husband, David Limroth, who are also PACC members. Dolly is the daughter of Patricia Windsor, who is also a PACC member. Dolly is a native of Virginia Beach and both she and Stan have strong ties to the com munity. Stan and Dolly are current members of Bayville Golf Club and enjoy golfing, biking and traveling. Stan is chairman of the board of Chesapeake Bay Academy and also serves on the board of Bayville Golf Club. Dolly is a board member of the First Tee of Hampton Roads, past president of the Hampton Roads Gift Planning Council and chairman of the Virginia Foun dation for Learning Disabled Children. Dolly is a wealth advisor for BB&T Scott & Stringfellow where she recently celebrated her 20th anniversary. Stan is retired from serving as general counsel for Amerigroup. They are excited to begin their membership at the Club with their countless friends, neighbors and family members.
Resident Comprehensive
Justin is a Virginia Beach native and graduate of Cox High School and Old Do minion University. He is an avid tennis player and is well-known and respected within the Hampton Roads tennis community. Additionally, Justin is a certified sommelier and bourbon enthusiast. He is a realtor and co-created VA Top Realty with his business partner Shannon Paschall in 2017. Justin is actively involved in the community, finding fun ways to gather and give back. Recently, he organized a family day at Hunt Club Farm with all proceeds benefiting VB Strong. He looks forward to getting more involved with tennis at the Club and enjoying all of the social and seasonal activities offered.
After serving as the Club's banquet captain for the past four years, we are excited to share that Ashlie Gran has accepted the position of PACC banquet manager. Ashlie grew up on Whidbey Island, a small Island located in Washington state, just a ferry ride away from Seattle. Her large family meant everyday gifted a new adventure. During the summer of 2015, she moved to Virginia Beach and began working at the Princess Anne.
Creativity has always been a part of Ashlie's life, from doing makeup to interior decorating, photography and event planning. As a part of the Princess Anne Team, she has found that
View full event details on page 15!
As we embark on the new year ahead, we’re excited to share the Club’s membership goals with you. As you know, it is your right and privilege as a member to sponsor new members into YOUR Club. We can’t meet our goals without you!
This year’s membership goal is 35 new members and $350,000 in initiation fee revenue.
As of November 30, 2019, we’ve welcomed four new members and received $79,593 in initiation fee revenue. We’re off to a great start!
We’ve incorporated some fun into our goals this year. You’ll see our membership leaderboard below. Is your name included? If not, you’re missing out on fun, prizes and CASH. All you have to do is sponsor or endorse the application of a new member.
A member receives three points for each new member they sponsor and one point for each application in which they serve as a secondary endorser. The member with the most points as of September 30, 2020 wins a four-course wine dinner for eight people courtesy of the Princess Anne.
For each new member you sponsor, you’ll receive a $350 PACC gift card. For each application you endorse, you’ll receive a $100 PACC gift card.
We have some amazingly talented members at the PACC! From musicians, to artists, to culinary masters and beyond, we are always so impressed to see and hear of your wonderful accomplishments! We want to share these personal pastimes in a new segment called Hobby Highlights.
Please reach out to Marketing & Communications Director Kristen Bunting at to share photos and brief stories about your passion. We can’t wait to learn more about you!
Fletcher is a graduate of Virginia Tech, lives in the North End of Virginia Beach and has been part of the Princess Anne family for more than sixty-one years. He began painting in 1968 after inspiration from attending the Virginia Beach Boardwalk Art Show. His love for his native area is reflected in his many works. Having studied with various artists (including his grammar school friend and ten-year chairman of the art department at Sullins College Russell Marshall) he has developed a style that preserves the nostalgia, beauty and history of Tidewater.
Mr. Bryant's award-winning works have appeared in and graced the covers of, publications throughout Virginia and have found their way into virtually every state and many foreign countries. He has created numerous pieces showcasing Princess Anne's clubhouse and golf course through the years. Fletcher chuckles as he tells the old story of creating a 110-piece series for the newly built Virginia Beach General Hospital. Unfortunately, his treasured works started disappearing from the walls of the rooms. To ensure their permanence, the hospital resorted to securing the paintings to the bathroom walls, earning Fletcher the moniker 'Bathroom Artist at the Beach.'
Working in several mediums, oil, watercolor and pen & ink, he has over 85 signed and numbered limited edition prints in publication, many of which he has hand painted, giving each a touch of originality.
Fletcher was the artist for the 2000 Neptune Festival poster and the 1997 Strawberry Festival poster.
Long active in civic affairs, he was one of the founders of the Back Bay Wildfowl Guild and a driving force in the establishment of the Atlantic Wildfowl Heritage Museum / De Witt Cottage. The museum showcases the rich heritage of the American art form of decoys, wildlife carvings, paintings and photography.
As we embark on 2020, there are exciting developments in progress on the golf course!
To enhance the environment on #12 green, a new system was installed to help move water and air through the soil profile of the putting surface. This new system was attached to the existing drainage pipes and will have the ability to move water out of the soil profile during heavy rain events, blow cooler air up through the soil profile in the heat of summer and blow warmer air up through the soil profile during the cold months.
Why is this important? The 12th green sits in an environment that challenges the bentgrass putting surface in the summer months. This new system will help limit the extreme temperatures to create a more moderate environment for the bentgrass to sustain growth.
This product is used at Augusta National in the greens, tees, fairway landing areas and patron walkways.
This winter Mr. Tim Liddy and the Duininck Golf Group will orchestrate a bunker renovation project. Duininck was a part of the bunker preparation prior to the 2016 Ryder Cup at Hazeltine Golf Club, which included the Better Billy Bunker System.
Mr. Liddy will massage some of the current edges, fill in existing bunkers without affecting the integrity of the golf course, convert all remaining bunkers to the Better Billy Bunker System and cap the already converted Billy Bunkers with sand. Upon completion, all sand will be the same, with the same look and texture, and will provide a consistent playing surface throughout the golf course.
As part of this renovation project the crushed concrete cart paths will be converted to sand. The formed concrete cart paths that are already in place in such areas as the first tee, #12 and #18 will remain. Cart paths that were originally crushed concrete or cart paths that were experimented with shell or other material will be converted to sand. Sand was chosen to soften the bounce of a wayward shot to limit the opportunity to trickle out of bounds.
In addition to the 8 foot swath cart path, we will also remove some of the turf from around the cart paths and add sand. This additional sand will create a Pinehurst look around the course and parallel the direction of taking the course back to its original roots of the early 1900’s. This process and outcome will look very similar to #8, which was crafted four years ago.
Thank you for your patience as we navigate the project during daily play and if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me at
Question 5: I have heard there is a different procedure now for obtaining the maximum score to post for a hole. I now post a maximum 7 on every hole. How does that change? And please explain “Net Double Bogey.”
Under the current system, the maximum score a player can post for a hole varies depending on the player’s handicap. The new system allows all players to post a “Net Double Bogey.”
You would add two strokes to par for the hole (double bogey) plus any strokes you get on that hole. This is a “Net Double Bogey” and is your maximum score for that hole.
For instance: At the Princess Anne, the first hole is the #1 handicap hole.
• A 17 handicap golfer can post a 7 on this hole: 4 (par) plus 2 (double bogey ) plus 1 (handicap strokes allowed on #1)=7 .
• A 20 handicap golfer can post an 8 on this hole; 4 (par) plus 2 (double bogey) plus 2 (handicap strokes allowed on #1) =8.
Dear Rules Guru: I have heard that there is something called the World Handicap System (WHS). I can’t imagine that it affects me since I only want to play at the PACC, not worldwide!
So…“What in the World is the World Handicap System?”
My Questions:
Question 1: What is the WHS?
Currently there are six different handicap systems around the world. These have been replaced by one system, the WHS, effective January 2020. For the most part, the system will be very much like the current US system and will use the US course rating and slope rating system.
Question 2: Will this affect my current handicap index?
There will be some minimal changes in your current handicap index.
Question 3: When do I post my scores? As long as I post before the 1st or the 15th is that still okay? Handicap indexes will be updated daily, so it is important that scores be posted daily before midnight East Coast Time. Also, please refer to the answer to question #8 on the following page regarding course conditions.
Question 4: When I tee off on the first hole, how do I know my Course Handicap for the PACC on the tees that I am playing?
What is the difference between a Course Handicap, Handicap Index and a Playing Handicap?
Let's look at the three different terms:
• Handicap Index – this is based on the average of your best 8 score differentials out of your last 20. Each score is compared to the Course Rating and Slope Rating of the tees played, not to par, to produce a score differential. A Handicap Index is the portable number we take to any golf course to determine our Course Handicap.
• Course Handicap – this is calculated for each set of tees for each golf course and uses your Handicap Index, the Slope Rating, and Par to produce a number which is your Course Handicap from the tees you are playing. The Course Handicap represents the number of strokes needed to play par golf.
• Playing Handicap – If you are playing in an organized club event, the tournament rules may modify your Course Handicap for that event. For instance, in a 4-ball competition (2 man teams) the players may only get 85% of their Course Handicap. So 85% of your Course Handicap becomes your Playing Handicap.
Question 6: What if I play at another course? Do I use my PACC handicap?
Do not confuse your “handicap” with your handicap index. Your handicap index does not change from one course to another. The index is used to determine your “course handicap” for the course and tees you are playing that day. The pro shop can look up your course handicap for the tees you are playing on that course. You can also look this up on the “MY VSGA” app.
Question 7: What if I am playing against someone and they are playing from a different set of tees?
In most cases a player’s course handicap will change depending on which tees they play. For instance Player A plays the yellow tees and the course handicap from these tees is 16; Player B plays the red tees and the course handicap from the red tees is 14. Player A gets 2 strokes, which would be on the two hardest holes. At Princess Anne this would be hole 1 (handicap #1) and hole 10 (handicap #2). Under the new system, the difference in the course rating for the different tees is automatically calculated when determining the “course handicap” for each tee. Making a separate adjustment for the course rating is no longer necessary.
Question 8: I heard the weather and course conditions have something to do with my handicap. I played in the rain this week and almost didn’t post my score because it was so windy and my score was so bad! How "in the world” would the computer know it was rainy and windy.
With rounds being posted daily, the computer will calculate if course conditions produce unusually high or low rounds and adjust scores posted that day to reflect the more difficult conditions. This is another reason why it is important for all players to post their scores daily. It can affect all scores posted that day.
Question 1: What if for some reason I don’t finish my round. How many holes do I have to play to post a score and how do I calculate my scores for the holes I didn’t play? For a 9 hole score - minimum of 7 holes.
a 18 hole score - minimum of 14 holes Post 'Net Par' for holes not played. 'Net Par' = par + handicap
These dates are subject to change, please check the online calendar throughout the year!
The Green Jacket Par 3 April 10
The Green Jacket April 11
Windholz Matches Begin April 16
McClanan Memorial May 1
Derby Day Mixed Blitz May 2
James G. Parke Member-Guest June 18–20
Men’s League begins (each Thursday) June 25
Men’s Triumvirate @ Cavalier August 5
Richard D. Cooke Men’s Club Championship August 7–9
Vincent G. Thomas Men’s Member-Member September 10–12
Capt. L.R. Vail Men’s Senior Club Championship and Super Senior Club Championship October 16–18
President’s Cup October 29- 31
Shootout December 5
Pop-Pop December 18
PALG Opening Play Day April 21
Joanne R. Neff Spring Handicap May 12 & 14
Martha Macklin Smith Member–Guest June 9 – 10
Ladies Member-Member July 21- 23
Ladies Triumvirate @ PACC TBA
Louis H. Windholz Club Championship August 7–9
Eugene Lee Parker Women’s Senior Club Championship October 16 18
Turkey Scramble November 24
PALG Christmas Luncheon December 8
Spring Glow Ball April 24
Parent–Child July 19
Junior Club Championship August 7–9
Husband & Wife Championship September 27
Fall Glow Ball October 23
Ladies’ Challenge Match Champions Ladies’ Member-Member Champions Mary McNeal & Babs Neff Babs Neff & Julie Holland Spring Handicap Champion Alice StrifflerThe Princess Anne Senior Men’s Golf Association continues to provide an opportunity each week for our male golfers with more experience to play golf and grow friendships through the game. We averaged 39 players each Wednesday and grew our base of players from 87 in 2018 to 92 different individuals this season. We continue to seek new opportunities to play this wonderful game and did so this past year through a trip to Bay Creek on the Eastern Shore of Virginia, while also participating in home and home matches with our peers at Broad Bay, Cavalier and Cedar Point.
Our 2019 Senior Cup Champion and PASMGA Player of the Year was Jerry Clarke. Jerry was one of the most frequent players this past season and his strong play helped him win the season points title.
All of the association’s success is attributed to the hard work and dedication of our 2019 board and officers: President Vince Olivieri, Vice President Mickey Walker, Secretary Jim Allen, Treasurer Jim Gregory and Assistant Treasurer Charlie Greiner. Our officers included Steve Houfek, Hill Ellett, Jim Wolcott and Lee Entsminger.
Any male golfers 60 & older that are interested in joining the PASMGA for the 2019 season can contact the golf shop for more details. Thank you to all our members for their continued participation and we look forward to another successful year in 2020.
Another year in the books for the Princess Anne Lady Golfers (PALG)! From April through October, the ladies enjoyed fun formats and great golf on Tuesday mornings in addition to wonderful tournaments throughout the season.
As a whole, participation grew with play days averaging 25-30 ladies each week. The number of new faces has brought a great energy and enthusiasm! Tournament attendance was also strong, including our Member-Guest which was well received by all that attended. Our ladies also enjoyed success in our inter-club events with the Triumvirate team narrowly finishing in 2nd place behind Bayville and the Beach Cup team winning over Cavalier.
Thank you to our Chair Jeanne Beck for her leadership and hard work this season to make the PALG such a great organization. We look forward to a wonderful 2020 with all of our PALG members!
The Princess Anne Junior Golf Program continues to grow year after year. In 2019 we saw an increase in junior golfer participation from 121 to 135. We debuted a new platform for our 3-6 year old juniors called "Birdie Basics." The class is centered around learning through story, narrated by Mama Birdie! The kids have really enjoyed hearing about Mama Birdie and what she is teaching each week. Our Operation 36 program continues to flourish with over 45 juniors participating this year. Our Virginia Beach Junior League team had the greatest leap in participation, going from 24 players in 2018 to 38 players this year. The team went undefeated (6-0) in the regular season but suffered a heart-breaking loss in the first round of the playoffs. Ellery Wetzler was the recipient of the 2019 Beck-Paolini Award, given to the junior golfer of the year. The success of our program is attributed to the hard work and dedication from the Junior Golf Director Chris Speaker, PGA and the entire golf professional team! Thank you to all juniors that participated this year and we look forward to an even better 2020 season.
We trust you all had a wonderful holiday break and are ready to get back to tennis. We have a lot of fun things for you to participate in this year. Please refer to our 2020 calendar on page 28! If you haven’t already signed up for the CHKD Winter Open Mixed Doubles tournament, please do so as soon as possible as the “members and sponsors only” entries have taken up most of the available spots. Entries will open to the public on January 1. Reminder, our junior tennis programs will start back up the second week in January.
Our first tournament of the year will be a 12 and under yellow ball USTA Shootout on Saturday, January 11. This will be a one day event for both boys and girls in the 12 and under division.
Private high school tennis season for girls takes place in the fall and quite a few of our girls made serious waves. Norfolk Academy, coached by Mike Duquette, won TCIS by a fairly dominant score of 5-2. Several of our PACC girls were on the team: Emma Hugo, Alexandra Kerr, Olivia McNulty, Emma Clark and AC Perry. Several of them received awards. Emma Hugo received All-TCIS for singles and Alexandra Kerr received All-TCIS for doubles.
The ODU ProAm, hosted on November 10th was an opportunity for our guys to play in a doubles event with a current or former ODU Men's Tennis Team.
Couples and mixed doubles pairs enjoyed our new coaching social which included some fun matches with on-court coaching from John on Friday nights.
We kicked off our official Pickleball program with free socials on Friday, November 8 and Monday, November 11. This was to celebrate a first for PACC, two brand new, dedicated pickleball courts and an actual program to go with it. This new program includes regular weekly open play sessions as well as lessons and clinics offered by our tennis professionals. There were over 30 people of varying levels from beginner to advanced that came out to join in the fun. Please do not hesitate to call the pro shop if you have any interest in this program. We can get you up to speed in a matter of minutes!
We had 30 players competing in two inter-club friendlies over the fall season with PACC and Cavalier tying in match wins. To break the ties, we counted up number of games won and we prevailed both times.
Thank you again to everyone who came out to enjoy one of our favorite traditions, the annual Thanksgiving Cardio. As always, it was very well attended with 37 adults and 10 juniors. Those who support it enjoy coming out to get their workout in before the family feast!
This tournament has been an institution in the Hampton Roads area for over 30 years. Colonel Shivar ran it since its inception at his long standing facility, Center Court, in Newport News until he retired three years ago when we offered to keep it rolling at PACC. We had over 50 kids this year participating from all over the region which nine of them were ours. Ashton Legum had a great run to the finals of the boys’ 16’s before losing to the number one seed, Shawn Berdia from Maryland.
With our flagship tournament of the year upon us, the CHKD Winter Open Mixed, keeping the ball away from an active poacher can be a challenge especially if the server has a decent serve. Here are some good tips to think about when you are about to return serve:
1. Have a gameplan on every return and simplify your options with the acronym CALD which stands for Crosscourt, Angle, Lob or Down the Line. List in order from highest to lowest percentage.
2. Make your mind up before the server starts their motion and stick to it.
3. Go down the line on the very first point to set the tone.
4. Make sure you don't overhit, just focus on hitting to your target.
5. The lob can be the most effective as it doesn't have to be accurate, just over the poacher's reach.
USTA Boys and Girls 12s SuperSet Tournament
Saturday, January 11
CHKD Warm-Up Event Saturday, January 25
CHKD Mixed Open Doubles Tournament
Thursday, January 30 – Sunday, February 2
Valentine’s Day Cardio Friday, February 14
St. Patrick’s Day Cardio
Tuesday, March 17 April
Virginia Cup (@ CCV) Saturday, April 25
Fun Cup (@ CAV ) Sunday, April 26 May
Tidewater Cup (@ PACC) Saturday, May 2
Men’s/Women’s Singles Club Championship Friday, May 1 – Friday, May 15 June
Anderson Cup (@ FCC) Friday, June 12 - Saturday, June 13 July
Member/Guest Doubles Tournament Friday, July 3 - Sunday, July 5 August
Senior Tidewater Cup (@ PACC) Saturday, August 22 September
Member/Member Doubles Club Championship TBA
Spindle Cup (@ PACC) Saturday, September 12 - Sunday, September 13
Junior Singles Club Championship TBA October
Member/Member Mixed Doubles Tournament
Friday, October 2 – Sunday, October 4
Junior Country Club Cup (@CCV) Sunday, October 4
L5 USTA Junior Tournament Saturday, October 10 – Monday, October 12 November
Thanksgiving Day Cardio Thursday, November 26
Thanksgiving Classic L5 USTA Junior Tournament Friday, November 27 – Sunday, November 29 December
Holiday Tennis Camps TBA
Jimmy graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in Exercise Science from ODU. He is certified by the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) as a Health Fitness Specialist and by the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) as a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist. As a personal trainer, his objectives are to assist you in reaching your goals as quickly and efficiently as possible, and to educate you on fitness as a lifestyle, not just a temporary change. Whether it be training to run a half marathon, preparing for an upcoming sports season, or just wanting to lose 50 pounds to attain a healthier lifestyle, he is here to guide you to your specific goal. He has over five years of experience working with clients and Division I athletes doing high intensity metabolic training, Olympic weight lifting, endurance training, core strengthening and exercise prescription. He interned at ODU Strength and Conditioning his final year at ODU, working with the Men’s Soccer, Men’s Basketball, Women’s Basketball and Men’s Baseball team.
Random Fact: Jimmy wrestled throughout high school for First Colonial and at James Madison University for one year.
Use MyZone! It’s a great way to monitor your workout, your workout intensity and your caloric expenditure. It’s also a fun way to compete with yourself and others!
I love podcasts and audiobooks for staying motivated and informed. They are great when driving, cleaning or taking a walk. Podcasts are like condensed versions of a book when you can find a good one…easy to digest and fit in to a busy schedule.
Audiobooks: “Atomic Habits” by James Clear “Spark” by John Ratey
Podcasts: “Sigma Nutrition” “Food For Fitness” “Found My Fitness” – Andrea
It’s hard to be perfect over the holidays. The foods around you are likely not made with the healthiest ingredients. You don’t have to be perfect, just do your best! Try to maintain your routine as much as possible, and get back to normal instead of giving up until the New Year.
What resources do you recommend for those looking to improve their health/fitness this year?
sGolf sTennis sAquatics sFitness
sSunday Brunch Clubhouse
sBreakfast/ Lunch/Dinner Breakers
sSunday Brunch Clubhouse
sBreakfast/ Lunch/Dinner Breakers
Clubhouse & Breakers closed for dining
sCrafts & Drafts Clubhouse
sHappy Hour with Live Music / Wine Tasting Clubhouse
sBreakfast/ Lunch/Dinner Breakers
sBreakfast/ Lunch/Dinner Breakers
sSunday Brunch Clubhouse
sBreakfast/ Lunch/Dinner Breakers
sFamily Night Clubhouse
s1/2 Price Wine Night Clubhouse
sGrilled Cheese Night Breakers
sCrafts & Drafts Clubhouse
sUSTA Boys & Girls 12s Super Set Tournament Tennis Center
sSunday Brunch Clubhouse
sFamily Night Clubhouse
s1/2 Price Wine Night Clubhouse
sCrafts & Drafts Clubhouse
sSunday Brunch Clubhouse
sBreakfast/ Lunch/Dinner Breakers
6 7 8 9 10 11
sFamily Night Clubhouse
s1/2 Price Wine Night Clubhouse
sGrilled Cheese Night Breakers
sCrafts & Drafts Clubhouse
sYouth Room Pizza Party & Charette Clubhouse
sItaly Wine Dinner Clubhouse sBreakfast/ Lunch/Dinner Breakers
sFitness Pro Open House
sChili Cook Off Breakers
sBreakfast/ Lunch/Dinner Breakers
sFamily Night Clubhouse
s1/2 Price Wine Night Clubhouse
sGrilled Cheese Night Breakers
sCrafts & Drafts Clubhouse
sSuper Bowl Platters Deadline Breakers
sTapas Night Breakers
sBreakfast/ Lunch/Dinner Breakers
sSuper Bowl Platters Pick Up Breakers
sCrystal Clear Vision Event Clubhouse Closed
sFamily Night Clubhouse
sFajita Night Breakers
sHappy Hour with Live Music / $5 Hot Toddies Clubhouse
sLinkhorn Lounge Live Clubhouse
s1/2 Price Wine Night Clubhouse
sCrafts & Drafts Clubhouse
sValentine’s Tennis Cardio
sFamily Night Clubhouse
s1/2 Price Wine Night Clubhouse
sGrilled Cheese Night Breakers
sCrafts & Drafts Clubhouse
sBreakfast/Lunch/ Dinner Breakers
sCHKD Tennis Warm-up Event
sBreakfast/ Lunch/Dinner Breakers sSunday Brunch Clubhouse
sBreakfast/ Lunch/Dinner Breakers
President’s Day~ Golf Course is Open
sFajita Night Breakers
sValentine’s Dinner Clubhouse
sValentine’s Dinner Breakers
sFamily Night Clubhouse
s1/2 Price Wine Night Clubhouse
sFajita Night Breakers
sCrafts & Drafts Clubhouse
sFather & Daughter Dance Clubhouse
sBreakfast/ Lunch/Dinner Breakers sBreakfast/ Lunch/Dinner Breakers sBreakfast/Lunch/ Dinner Breakers sJohn Anthony Wine Tasting Clubhouse
sSunday Brunch Clubhouse
sBreakfast/ Lunch/Dinner Breakers
sFamily Night Clubhouse
s1/2 Price Wine Night Clubhouse
sFajita Night Breakers
sCrafts & Drafts Clubhouse
sPrime Rib/Bingo Night Breakers
sBreakfast/Lunch/ Dinner Breakers
Princess Anne Country Club
3800 Pacific Avenue
Virginia Beach, VA 23451
Brunch Sunday 10 am- 2 pm
Lunch Tuesday - Saturday 11 am- 2 pm
Dinner Tuesday - Thursday 6 pm - 9 pm Friday/Saturday 6 pm - 10 pm
Lunch Tuesday - Sunday 11 am- 2 pm (à la carte or buffet)
Lunch Tuesday - Friday 11 am- 2 pm (à la carte or buffet)
Dinner Wednesday - Friday 4 pm- 10 pm
Breakfast Saturday & Sunday 8 am- 11 am
Lunch/Dinner Saturday 11 am- 10 pm
Brunch Sunday 11 am- 1:30 pm
Lunch/Dinner Sunday 2 pm- 8 pm
January - Spring 2020 Day Golf Shop Bag Room/Range Tee Times
Mon Closed 9 am- 5 pm Course Closed Tues- Fri 8 am- 5 pm 8 am- 5 pm Begin at 9 am Sat & Sun 7 am- 5 pm 7 am- 5 pm Begin at 8 am
Holiday Hours Day Golf Shop Bag Room/Range Tee Times Jan. 1 7 am- 5 pm 7 am- 5 pm Begin at 8 am
Mon- Fri 8 am- 7 pm Sat- Sun 8 am- 5 pm
Daily 5 am- 10 pm
(Babysitting is available for special events, as advertised.)
Monday - Friday 7:30 am- 1:30 pm
Friday 5:30 - 9:30 pm
Saturday 8:30 am - 2:30 pm (must RSVP)