Family to Family Fund

PACC Family to Family Fund
Wow, our PACC Family continues to come together and inspire during this challenging time! When Members continued to kindly inquire about the PACC Team and if there was any type of assistance fund collecting contributions, our Board of Directors created the Family to Family Fund. We cannot thank you enough for the amazing generosity and concern being shown for our employees in need. if you’re interested in making a contribution, please contact Bill Shonk via email or by calling 757-440-3100. Our contributers to-date are below (please note: some Members chose to remain anonymous).
Lee & Edda Barthold
Bobby & Franny Beasley
Charles & Davin Birdsong
George & Sue Birdsong
Harvard & Joan Birdsong
Michael & Paula Blachman
Neil & Julie Brown
Stephen & Lori Burwell
Scott & Heather Carr
Robert & Cynthia Chapman
Martha Clements & Malcolm Warneford-Thomson
Cathy & Clark Cockrell
Tom & Mary Coulbourn
Pat & Vicki Devine
Jack Drescher
Dave & Alison Durham
Chris & Peggy Ettel
Chris & Toby Fanney
Michael & Joyce Field
Tuck & Nani Finley
Tom & Dianne Frantz
Jeff & Linda Gayle
John & Mariska Gibson
Jay & Anne Gorry
Jim & Margaret Gregory
William & Barbara Hearst
Brian & Tracy Horan
Chris & Kathryn Horan
Charles & Melanie Hostetler
Bud & Pamela Jewett
Jimmy & Cheryl Jordan
Jim & Susan Kuykendall
Edgar & Julie Mackinlay
OV & Barbara Maiden
Kurt & Gail Malmgren
John & Pat Mazach
Susan & Bill McKenry
Bob & Jane McClellan
Bill Mizell
David & Barbara Murphy
Adam & Lucy Newman
RJ & Mary Nutter
Vince & Patty Olivieri
Wick & Prissy Parcells
Susan Pender & Dan Beck
Nicole & Mike Perkins
Elizabeth & Lucky Peterson
John & Jo Ann Peterson
Shaun & Holly Rai
Kim & Jay Ridder
Barbour & Louise Rixey
Jim & Georgia Sherlock
Bill Shonk & Margie Bain
Hunter & Marcy Sims
Steve & Lynda Strickler
Bonner Smith Styles
Joe & Hazel Taylor
Jack & Laurie Todd Esther Vaughan

Michael & Deborah Via
Bob & Cindy Walker Lee Walker
Scott & Jonell Walthall
Jock & Bonnie Wheeler
Kendall & Jane Whitaker Richard & Helen Whittemore Caroline & Daniel Willcox
PACC 20/20 & Beyond
Aquatics Complex Update

Your Building Committee and Professional Design Team continue working diligently and they are currently finalizing a contract price with Compo Construction Company. Even with the COVID-19 crisis, work is slated to begin immediately following our summer season and complete by the end of May 2021! Look for more information and project details to come next month.

Welcome New Members
Dr. Rohit, Rachana, Vihaan & Sophia Adyanthaya

Resident Tennis | Sponsor: Dr. Steve Scoper
“Roh” and “Rach” reside in Bay Colony with their children Vihaan (7) and Sophia (4). Roh is a Retina Surgeon at Virginia Eye Consultants, a graduate of MGM Medical College and a former fellow at John Hopkins. Rach is originally from England where she practiced corporate law and worked for Merrill Lynch in London. She also proudly represented England during two Lacrosse World Cups where she competed on the women’s national team. Roh and Rach are proud parents of their two children who both attend Norfolk Academy, and enjoy spending their free time entertaining and traveling as a family. They look forward to getting their children involved in the junior golf and tennis programs as well as relaxing poolside!
Melissa, Mike, Clara, Michael & Henry Coleman
Resident Comprehensive | Sponsor: John Ellis

Melissa and Mike recently moved to Bay Colony with their three children, Clara (13), Michael (11) and Henry (8). Mike is President and CEO of CV International and Capes Shipping, a family-owned business providing international logistics solutions. Melissa is the social and activities director for her three busy kids and volunteers her time at their schools. The family enjoys getting outside and spending time at the beach. Mike and Melissa are looking forward to social opportunities at the Club and their kids are excited to try golf and tennis and visit the pool this summer!

Gene & Marcie Edwards

Non-Resident Comprehensive | Sponsor: Jon Decker
Gene and Marcie reside primarily in Palm Beach Gardens, Florida and enjoy traveling in their motorcoach, “The Monster”. They recently purchased and renovated another home in Great Neck Point on Lynnhaven Bay to be closer to their son who lives in Virginia Beach and look forward to spending their summers at the PACC. Gene is retired from his position as Executive Vice President at Valero Energy in San Antonio, Texas where he enjoyed a 32-year tenure. They are former members of The Dominion Country Club in San Antonio and are excited to get back to playing golf regularly. They look forward to being active members at the Club and meeting new friends!
Timothy McMahon Pope, Jr.
Resident Comprehensive | Sponsor: Richard Whittemore
Timmy is a Hampton Roads native who attended Old Dominion University and now owns an in surance company. He grew up learning to love sailing as well as the games of golf and tennis at Norfolk Yacht & Country Club where his parents were members. He is an avid outdoorsman and spends his free time hunting, fishing, surfing, sailing, golfing and playing tennis. A self-admitted social butterfly, Timmy can be found spending time with his family, neighbors and many friends and looks forward to attending social events and activities at the Club. He is already a fixture out on the PACC course and has been enjoying perfecting his golf game.
Welcome New Members
David Reda
Resident Dining | Sponsor:

David is a retired attorney, having spent a successful career at Wolcott Rivers Gates specializing in commercial and transactional matters. He is a former member of Norfolk Yacht & Country Club and enjoys spending his leisure time biking, boating, walking, play ing pickleball, traveling and socializing with his many friends and neighbors. He is a proud grandfather of six, and looks forward to welcoming his extended family to the PACC for fun summer afternoons spent at the pool and enjoying Club activities!
Brandon & Betsy Slate

Non-Resident Comprehensive
Brandon and Betsy are former PACC members who have returned after a five-year hiatus. They reside primarily in New York and have a second home at the beach. They are excited to be able to spend more time in Virginia Beach and enjoy their leisure time at the Club playing golf and tennis with their many friends. They also look for ward to spending family time with their adult children, enjoying the summer at the pool. Please join us in welcoming Brandon and Betsy home! As a way to better keep in touch, we have introduced

Chesapeake / Linkhorn Lounge / Upper Terrace
Click here to view the menu
Join us for dinner Tuesday- Saturday from 5:00 - 9:00 pm! Reservations are required, please call or text 757-428-4141 to make a reservation. Tables will be set up utilizing social distancing and there will not be seating available at the bar or communal table at this time. We kindly ask that Members wear masks when inside the Clubhouse unless you are eating or drinking.

Men's & Ladies' Lounges
À la carte dining is currently available in the Men's Lounge with limited seating, however no buffet is available at this time. Locker rooms are open for both men and ladies.
NEW! Breakers will open for indoor dining this Tuesday, June 16!
Outdoor Dining on Breaker's Boulevard
Click here to view the menu
Hours: Tuesday-Friday: 12:00 pm- 9:00 pm Saturday-Sunday: 8:00 am- 9:00 pm (Breakfast menu also available)
Pool Concession
Pool Concession Stand Open
The concession stand will be open Tuesday- Sunday from 11 am - 7:30 pm!
Enjoy drinks, hot pretzels, ice cream treats and choice of candies.
Breaker's & the Boulevard 10th Tee

Flatop Grill Goodness at the 10th Tee
Click here to view the menu
Our second to-go location remains busy with mouth-watering flat top specials. You can always call ahead to check out our specials at 757-440-3550.
Hours: Tues-Fri: 10:00 am - 5:00 pm (grill from 11:00 am - 4:00 pm) Sat/Sun: 9:00 am - 6:00 pm (grill from 11:00 am - 5:00 pm), weather permitting.

Summer Wine Specials

Click here to view our summer wine specials. Place your orders with Paul Rosario via email or by calling him at 757-440-3114.
Kindly indicate your member number when leaving a wine order.

Welcome Back Fitness & Wellness
The Fitness Center is open by reservation! CLICK HERE TO RESERVE It is our top priority that we do everything in our power to ensure a safe environment for you and for our team, but we encourage you to use your own judgment to decide if it is the appropriate time for you to return.
The Fitness Center will be operating under strict precautionary measures. This is just a starting plan with the goal of setting up a system that we can reasonably manage. Restrictions will be adjusted as we train our team and learn best practices for the new-norm. Things will feel strange for a while, but we will adapt and move forward!
Reservations Required
Occupancy is strictly limited, and reservations are required. Make your 1-hour reservation via the website, the mobile app (top left hamburger menu > Reserve Fitness Center) or by calling the Fitness Center at 757-440-3102. When reserving, please read and acknowledge the waiver provided. Registration will be open 7 days in advance. Please limit your reservations to one per day so all Members can equally access the facility. In courtesy to your fellow members, please remember to cancel your appointment if you find you cannot come at your appointment time. View our how-to guide here!
Hours | Monday–Friday 6:00 am–7:00 pm | Saturday 8:00 am-6:00 pm | Sunday closed for sanitation
Guests | In order to maximize Fitness Center availability to our members during this restricted time, guests are not permitted.
Process | Arriving at the Fitness Center: what to expect
• Entrance available through the WEST doors only
• A fitness attendant will allow you in
• Check-in & temperature check will be required
• Please wash your hands before working out
• Please wipe down your equipment before and after use
• Masks and gloves are recommended
• Exit through the EAST doors only
Group Fitness Room | Because the group fitness room is out of sight and contains numerous touchable items, usage will be restricted to ONLY Zoom classes, trainers with their clients (2 trainers with one client each) and virtual personal training.

Sport Court | Will remain closed for now, but we hope to open it up for family use by reservation soon.
Massage is available | Please contact your therapist directly to schedule a session. View contact information here Both parties will be required to wear a mask and the massage area will be sanitized per the Governor’s guidelines.
Outdoor Group Classes are available | Register on the website or mobile app for these socially distanced classes. We continue to offer live group fitness classes via Zoom! Register through your mobile app or the PACC website
Please stay tuned to the Club's Facebook page for fun fitness challenges and videos from our personal trainers and group fitness instructors. Group fitness subscribers, don't forget to join our Group Fit Facebook Group
Upcoming Golf Events

The Triumvirate August 5, 2020 | Bayville Golf Club Qualifying begins June 16

Golf Course closed for aerification Monday, June 22 & Tuesday, June 23
Men's Summer League Season Begins June 25 Balls in the air at 5:30 pm each Thursday
PING Fitting Day
Friday, June 26 | 12:00 to 4:00 pm
By appointment only
Callaway Fitting Day
Saturday, June 27 | 12:00 to 4:00 pm
By appointment only
XXIO/Cleveland/Srixon Fitting Day
Sunday, June 28 | 12:00 to 4:00 pm
By appointment only
Great photo from the 2020 Richard D. Cooke Men’s Club Championship! Scores can be viewed with the link below!

Tennis Camp

Summer Camp

We are pleased to report that PACC Summer Camp will continue as planned with our first session starting June 15. We will be taking every precaution to keep your children safe while at camp while not diminishing the camp experience. This includes signed waivers, counselors wearing masks, temperature checks for kids and counselors, increased sanitation and more. Below you can find information about PACC Summer Camp!


Children will be broken up into age group of 3-4 and 5-6 year olds. Camp includes games, tennis, golf, water activities, fitness, crafts, lunch and more!
New this year you can sign up for a full week or a partial week!
Full week | $200
Mon/Wed/Fri | $140 Tues/Thurs | $100


9:00 am - 1:00 pm | Ages 3-6
June 15 - June 19 | Bugs and Butterflies
June 22 - June 26 | Color Wars
June 29 - July 3 | Mystery Week
July 13 - July 17 | Christmas in July
July 27 - July 31 | Shark Week
August 10 - August 14 | Rockets and Robots (Waitlist)
Youth Kids Club 3800
Kids Club 3800 is open under normal operating hours. We will be taking every precaution to ensure a safe environment for your children which includes limiting the number of children, signed waivers, team and child temperature checks, masks worn by team members, increased sanitation and more. To ensure we're providing healthy team/child ratios, parents/guardians must register online or use the app to reserve a spot for their child, agreeing to a COVID-19 waiver. We are happy to launch this new online registration feature! Walk-ins will only be available if there is space available during that time period.
Kids Club 3800 Registration Instructions | CLICK HERE TO REGISTER

• Navigate to amenities at the top
• From the drop down menu select Youth Programs - Kids Club 3800

• Scroll down to activity reservation
• Navigate to desired date
• Select Child # that is vacant to reserve one child at a time
• Repeat step if signing up more than one child
Kids Club 3800 Hours
Mobile App:
• Open hamburger menu in the top left - select activities
• Select kids club reservations
• Navigate to desired date at the top
• Select Child # that is vacant to reserve one child at a time. Please note the drop down will list child numbers 1-8. If child #1 is reserved at your desired time, please click the drop down and select the next child number. Repeat step if signing up more than one child
Monday - Friday: 7:30 am - 1:30 pm | Friday 5:30 pm - 9:30 pm | Saturday 8:30 am - 2:30 pm