Summer 2022

Princess Anne
Table of Contents
John W. Wilson, Jr. Vice President David C. Burton Secretary Patrick L. Shuler Treasurer Executive CommitteeCommitteeChairpersons
Kristen Bunting 757-440-3111
Lifestyles & Fitness 43
Aquatics Director
Welcome New Members 3
Let's Go Green 6
Operations Team
Jennifer Garrott Asst.757-440-3110Manager –Clubhouse Cathiejgarrott@princessannecc.comOperationsHavrilesky Controller757-440-3115 Karenchavrilesky@princessannecc.comHusselbee 757-428-4141 ext: 313 Membership khusselbee@princessannecc.comDirector
Rules Ran Randolph Jr. Tennis ...............................................Neil Brown
Shannan Poteran (Board Liaison)
From the Courts 37
Breakers 961-2884
Steve 757-440-3105Layden
Mardy Asst.757-440-3104CollingManager –Food & mcolling@princessannecc.comBeverage
Board of Directors
Massage 440-3102 Pool 425-1117
Director of Marketing & kbunting@princessannecc.comCommunications
Bill Shonk
Andrea Pettay
2021 Summer Youth Calendar 25
From the Greens 31
Denise Johnson 757-440-3113 HR & Accounting djohnson@princessannecc.comDirector
Purchasing Director
Youth Involvement Kelly Disharoon
Aquatics 47
Social/Dining Calendar 9
Social and Dining 10 Youth Activities 21
Membership Matters 4
Summer Calendar 49
Security 287-6982 Tennis 428-7803
Barbara Sessoms Samuel Steingold Roger Stroud
John Hawa Nicole Legum Amy Metzger Shannan Poteran
Fax 428-4423
Robert Beasley, III Neil Brown Michael Cowan, Jr. Kelly Disharoon
Men’s Lg. 440-3112
From the Links 32
The Golden Rules 29
Geoff Benson 757-428-4141 ext: 322 Executive Chef
Director757-440-3103ofFitness & Wellness Paulapettay@princessannecc.comRosario
Message from the President & General Manager ............................. 2
Jordan Director757-440-3119SpitlerofGolf Course Maintenance and Club 757-425-1117Brianltorbert@princessannecc.comBanquet757-428-4141Lanejspitler@princessannecc.comGroundsTorbertext:340ManagerTriolet
Youth Programs Manager
Fitness 440-3102 Golf 422-3360
Susan T. Pender President
Restaurant Manager
Matt Liebler 757-440-3109 Head PGA Golf Professional 757-428-4141Taylormliebler@princessannecc.comNelsonext:304
Entertainment Amy Metzger Finance Pat Shuler Fitness Barbara Sessoms Golf Roger Stroud Green John Hawa House ...............................................Mike Cowan Membership Sam Steingold Pool Dave Poteran (Chair)
SPECIAL COMMITTEES: Wine Committee Gray Randolph Historical Preservation .................... Sandra Baylor Membership I.D. Robert Beasley, III Tradition Andy Dickinson Building Chris Fanney | Susan Pender | Roger Stroud
Clubhouse 428-4141
John Fraser jfraser@princessannecc.comDirector757-440-3117ofTennis
1 Princess Anne Living | Summer 2022
Frequently Used Numbers
Summer Safety 7
LivingPrincess Anne SUMMER | 2022
Susan T. Pender | President Bill Shonk, CCM, CCE | General Manager

Contact InformationPrincessAnne Living | Summer 2022 2

Message from the President & the General Manager Message

During the summer, we experience non-Members using the Club parking lot. While we do have cameras in place and Team Members assisting in identifying non-Members attempting to use the parking lot, to help us more easily identify Member vehicles, we offer PACC decals. The cling-on (nonsticker) decals can be picked up at the front desk or administrative office and include a white logo on a clear background. While not mandatory, placing a decal on your vehicle will be a tremendous help to our Team in ensuring our PACC property is protected for Members only.
Welcome New MembersCecilWard
Mr. Ward was born and raised in Virginia Beach and grew up on hole #10 at the PACC. He is an Ole Miss graduate and a big fan of the Rebels football team. Cecil spent three years in Houston, TX after graduation before moving back to the beach in 2017. He enjoys traveling with his fiancé Allison, playing golf with other members and spending time with friends and family at the beach. He has been part of our dependent legacy program since his return to Virginia Beach and is excited to now convert to his own membership.

PACC Car Decals
Ladies-please stop by the office or email if you need a locker. Lockers are $120 per year and we have a few available.
Rates: October – April l $1775/week; $280/night

Holly Beach Bungalow | Summer Booking

As a reminder, under the current Waiting List Policy, dependent legacies converting to new membership will not be subject to the waiting list provided that they apply for the same membership classification which they currently enjoy.
3 Princess Anne Living | Summer 2022

May – September l $2975/week; $450/night
Interested in having your summer guests stay in the Holly Beach Bungalow? The time to book is now as we’re already nearing capacity for June – September. The bungalow is the perfect space for out of town visitors or a staycation. Don't forget, each stay includes a guest card to utilize the PACC amenities. For booking inquiries, contact Assistant Manager – Clubhouse Operations Jennifer Garrott at 757-428-3110 or
Ladies' Lockers Available
Resident Full Sponsor: R. Scott Carr
This February 17th, the goodwill was flowing among our Team and Members…and kept right on going to their friends & neighbors!
As a gentle reminder, we will request to see your profile picture on our PACC website and/or mobile app for pool access. Adding a photo helps our Team identify you and prevents strangers from fraudulently utilizing your Member number. This keeps your monthly statement, and the entire Princess Anne Family, safe. To upload your picture, follow these easy steps:

What a fantastic day of smiles and joy. We love to celebrate “Random Acts of Kindness Day”...everyday!
Website: My Club > My Profile > Edit button > select the Upload icon under the profile picture > select Update when finished Mobile App: My Profile > Edit button > select the Edit icon on the profile picture > select Save when finished
We Appreciate You!
Recap | Random Act of Kindness Day

Our Team's idea was to randomly give a two-gift card set to a Member and ask them to 'pay it forward' by giving one of the gift cards to another Member. Each set contained one $20 card (for the Member) and a $10 card (for whomever they chose to give it to). The gift card sets were randomly distributed to Members in each department.
Membership Matters
Not only did Members give their $10 card away to other Members, some gave both cards away to Members and even neighbors!
Reminder | Upload Your Profile Picture Today!

b. Upgrade/transfer of a current Member, reinstatements of former Members, current Members on a leave of absence, non-legacy new applicants
Regular Membership
Waiting List. In the event that the maximum number of Members is reached, the following system will be utilized to accept Members when a space becomes available. Members/applicants will be placed onto one of the following waiting lists in date order by the date their completed application or request for upgrade/transfer was received by the Membership Director:
Initiation Fees
Applicants on the waiting list will be locked in at the initiation fee at the time of their approval by the Board. Applicants must activate their membership within 30 days of a space becoming available or be subject to any initiation fee increases.
Children of Members
Click the images view the
Dependent legacies converting to new membership and divorcee applicants will not be subject to the waiting list provided that they apply for the same membership classification which they currently enjoy.
Membership Matters
Rules Changes
Effective April 9, initiation fees were increased for all membership classifications. Click the images to view the entire membership brochure with the new rates.
welcome CLASSIFICATIONSMEMBERSHIP INITIATIONFEE INITIATION FEE PAYMENT OPTIONS MONTHLY COST Dues & Capital Fee RESIDENT MEMBERSHIP (For Virginia Beach, Norfolk, Portsmouth or Chesapeake Residents) Full $40,000 Payment in full please. $609 Athletic $27,000 Payment in full please. $609 Social $13,000 Payment in full please. $341.50 Full $27,000 Payment in full please. $351.50 Social $9,000 Payment in full please. $229 NON-RESIDENT MEMBERSHIP (Reside in Virginia Beach, Norfolk, Portsmouth or Chesapeake less than 4 months/year) UNDER 40 PROGRAM RESIDENT FULL MEMBERSHIP LEGACY RESIDENTPROGRAMFULLMEMBERSHIP Legacy Under 40 $19,000 $5,000 down & balance financed at 8% over 10 years ($126/mth) $384 Legacy 40 & Over $25,000 Payment in full please. $609 Age 35 $20,000 $5,000 down & balance financed at 8% over 10 years ($135/mth) $384 Age 36 $24,000 $5,000 down & balance financed at 8% over 10 years ($171/mth) $384 Age 37 $28,000 $5,000 down & balance financed at 8% over 10 years ($207/mth) $384 Age 38 $32,000 $5,000 down & balance financed at 8% over 10 years ($243/mth) $384 Age 39 $36,000 $5,000 down & balance financed at 8% over 10 years ($315/mth) $384 22

brochure.entire 5 Princess Anne Living | Summer 2022
When a space becomes available, individuals will be welcomed to the membership from the two waiting lists on a 1:1 ratio basis, permitting one new Member from list one, then one new Member from list two and so forth.
At their March 24th meeting, your Board of Directors approved the following membership-related updates:
a. New legacy applicants
Updated Membership Policies
1. Legacy Definition: A legacy is defined as a child, grandchild or parent of a current member. Please note: siblings, nieces and nephews were removed from this definition.
Need more assistance? Please email Membership Director Karen Husselbee to opt-in to emailed statements.
We are encouraging you to opt in for emailed statements (versus printed/mailed).
• Select your desired email address > click 'Update' to save
• In the Statement Delivery Method section, select Electronic Statement
• In the Statement Delivery Method section, select Electronic Statement
• Log in to
• Navigate to My Club > My Profile
Help us go green by opting for email statements!
• Select your desired email address > click 'Update' to save
• Open the PACC mobile app
• On main menu, select Statement Delivery Method
We aspire to make a positive impact on our community and make more environmentally mindful choices to protect our beautiful planet. We would love your support!

Email Statement Opt-In Instructions
Mobile App
Princess Anne Living | Summer 2022 6
• Cyclists are encouraged to exercise great caution as they enter the Club property. Specifically, we ask that bikes are walked on the sidewalk along the lower, south side Club entrance, Breaker’s Boulevard and Breaker’s dining area. Bikes should be parked and locked on the bike racks on the east side of the pool, or by the sport court. Should a bike be left unlocked overnight, it will be secured by our team.
Security / Non-Member Trespassing / Firearms
7 Princess Anne Living | Summer 2022
• Parking in the Club lots is for Members and their guests only. If you witness non Members utilizing the parking facilities, please inform our Front Desk Team.
• Gentlemen are asked to remove their hats upon entering the Clubhouse. While ladies and gentlemen may change in/out of their swim wear in the locker rooms, bathing suits are not permitted in the Clubhouse.

• Juniors (under age 18) are not permitted in the ladies and men’s locker rooms and lounges unless accompanied by an adult. Ladies and gentlemen are encouraged to lock their lockers.
• Skateboarding is not permitted on Club property.
Clubhouse / Locker Rooms / Lounges
We are looking forward to our Members enjoying The Princess Anne during our summer season! In preparation for this busy time, we offer the following reminders and strongly encourage our parents to emphasize them while supervising children on property.
• Our Aquatics and Breakers Teams are focused on elevating our maintenance while vigilantly monitoring the busy locker rooms throughout the summer. We thank parents in advance for your monitoring support. Please do not hesitate to alert Aquatics Director Brian Triolet or Breakers Manager Monica Au immediately with any
Pool / Poolside Locker Rooms
• Swimmers below age nine (including swim team Members) must be under the supervision of a Member, a Member’s child or a caretaker who is age 12 or older. Divers below age nine must be accompanied and supervised by an adult (age 18 or over) present in the diving area.
Summer SafetySafetySummer Safety Reminders
• All Members are required to sign in at the fitness center desk prior to utilizing the Fitness center. Please adhere to the rules posted outside of the Sport Court and requests by our Team.
age of 14 may use the fitness center if they are accompanied by, and under the supervision of a personal trainer approved by the Fitness Committee. Children 14-16 years of age who have completed an orientation may use the fitness facility without parental supervision during staff-supervised hours.
• While signs are posted and much of the property is camera monitored, accessibility from multiple public streets makes us susceptible to non Member activity, particularly over the summer season. Members are urged to avoid leaving valuables in vehicles (particularly visible) and may not bring firearms on to Club property. Operations Team protocol calls for us to notify the main Clubhouse front desk immediately whenever we suspect a non Member is on property and we request Club Members do the same.
Parking / Bicycle Safety

DINING WEEKLY SPECIAL FEATURES TUESDAYClubhouseTUESDAYClubhouseSATURDAYlDinnerSpecials|PrimeRibNight WEDNESDAY Clubhouse | 1/2 Price Wine Night ClubhouseTHURSDAY| MargaritaEnjoyNightChef's nightly features every Tuesday - Saturday! Dining venue hours are also available on our website & mobile app. THE CHESAPEAKE & LINKHORN LOUNGE TUESDAY – THURSDAY Lunch: 11:00 am - 5:00 pm Dinner: 5:00 - 9:00 pm Lunch:FRIDAY/SATURDAY11:00am-5:00 pm Dinner: 5:00 - 10:00 pm Brunch:SUNDAY9:30 am - 2:00 pm MENS/LADIES LOUNGES TUESDAYLADIES - FRIDAY | 11:00 am - 2:00 pm MENS TUESDAY - SUNDAY | 11:00 am - 2:00 pm BREAKERS (May 30 – September 6) MONDAYLunch/Dinner:THURSDAY11:00am- 9:00 pm Lunch/Dinner:FRIDAY 11:00 am - 10:00 pm SATURDAY & SUNDAY Breakfast: 8:00 - 11:00 am Lunch/Dinner:SATURDAY 11:00 am - 9:00 pm Lunch/Dinner:SUNDAY 11:00 am - 8:00 pm SOCIAL / DINING EVENTS FRIDAYS Grillin' & Chillin' on Breaker's Boulevard ALL SUMMER Kicks off May 20 with live music by DogJaw! Please look online for updated bands/menus. THU 5/05 Cinco de Mayo Fiesta Night Breakers SAT 5/07 Kentucky Derby Party Breakers SUN 5/08 Moms' Mimosas & Marys Breakers SUN 5/08 Mother's Day Brunch FRI 5/13 Mother & Son Dance SAT 5/14 Dionysus Wine Tasting MON 5/30 Memorial Day Party SAT 6/11 French Wine Class SAT 6/18 Gunga Galunga Party SUN 6/19 Father's Day Brunch SUN 6/19 Father’s Day Manmosas & Marys Breakers MON 7/04 Fourth of July Celebration SAT 7/09 'Tour de France' Wine Dinner SAT 8/13 Wine Tasting SUN 9/04 Labor Day Cookout SAT 9/10 End of Summer Smash CABABA BAR MONDAY-THURSDAY | 3:00 - 8:00 pm FRIDAY | 12:00 - 9:00 pm SATURDAY | 11:00 am - 9:00 pm SUNDAY | 11:00 am - 8:00 pm 9 Princess Anne Living | Summer 2022

Social & Dining

Princess Anne Living | Summer 2022 10

SpecialsQuarterlyWine QUARTERLY WINE SPECIALS TO ORDER YOUR WINE SELECTIONS, CONTACT PAUL ROSARIO AT (757) 440-3114 | PROSARIO@PRINCESSANNECC.COM CLOS PALET Vouvray, Chenin Blanc Loire, France | 2020 What a wonderful, balanced wine from the Loire Valley where Chenin shines. Just a hint of sweetness and great flavors make this wine a winner. 11.75 | Average sale price: 14 CHATEAU DE SANTENAY Chardonnay Le Hardi Bourgogne | 2019 White Burgundy’s are impossible to find at this price. Certainly not a Premier Cru, but this is a wonderful wine at a wonderful price. 16 | Average sale price: 21 CHAMISAL VINEYARDS WeMontereyChardonnay|2018thoughtthiswine was a great buy, as it delivers classic Cali notes at a great price point. 15.50 | Average sale price: 17 BARONE RICASOLI Rocco Guicciarda Chianti, Classico Riserva| 2018 One of the best values of the quarter. This Chianti shows off great fruit with minimal earthy notes. Sort of a new world style Sangiovese from a Classico level site. Also, this producer is a legend of sorts in the region. A real classic at a great price. 21.50 | Average sale price: 22 LOS NOSQUES Malbec Mendoza Argentina | 2015 Malbec is often a deal with its great acidity and wonderful balance. We thought this was a solid drink for the price point. 13 | Average sale price: 21 ST. SUPERY Cabernet Sauvignon Napa Valley | 2018 What can we say here, a classic cabernet house and a killer bargain. Definitely drinking its price. Enjoy this cabernet for its classic notes. 27.25 | Average sale price: 37 Look for this logo to designate wines recommended by the wine committee. Click here to view our summer wine specials. Place your orders with Paul Rosario via email or by calling him at 757-440-3114. Kindly indicate your member number when leaving a wine order. Princess Anne Living | Summer 2022 12

Social & Dining 13 Princess Anne Living | Summer 2022

Social & Dining SUMMER SALAD STATION Kale • Iceberg • Mixed greens Tomatoes • Onions • Carrots • Berries • Golden raisins • Sieved egg Blue cheese • Feta cheese • Bacon Blue cheese dressing • Balsamic vinaigrette • House dressing Field Pea and Radish Salad | Marinated asparagus tips, crumbled goat cheese, toasted pine nuts, green goddess dressing SEAFOOD STATION Honey-smoked salmon • Crab salad • Jumbo shrimp cocktail • Oysters on the half shell Spinach, tomato & mozzarella quiche • Eggs Benedict • Made-to-order omelets Bacon & sausage links • Steamed Asparagus with fresh lemon Honey glazed baby carrots and pearl onions Flounder florentine with parmesan & sherry creamed spinach Tandoori chicken with golden rice pilaf Carved beef tenderloin with bearnaise & roasted new potatoes DESSERT Raspberry bread pudding with crème anglaise • Berry shortcake trifles • Cookies • Brownies Banana pudding with whipped cream • Chocolate-covered strawberry cupcakes KIDS' STATION Chicken fingers • Mac & cheese • Fruit • Pancakes Mother'sBrunchDay SUNDAY, MAY 8 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM | CLUBHOUSE ADULTS: $34.95++ | AGES 4-11: $18.95++ | KIDS 3-&-UNDER: FREE Seating is limited, so register early! Please note: out of respect for your fellow Members, reservations are for 1.45 hour seatings. Princess Anne Living | Summer 2022 14

Social & Dining MemorialPartyDay MONDAY, MAY 30 | PACC POOL PARTY: 3:00 - 7:00 PM FOOD SERVICE STARTS AT 4:00 PM ADULTS: $24++ / KIDS 4-11: $13.95++ MEMBER SIGNED BAR • MUSIC DJ Kick back and relax as we kick off summer! ~FOR THE LITTLES~ Jump into summer in our bounce house & enjoy balloon art and face painting! ~MENU~ Grilled burgers with all the trimmings Grilled bratwurst with caramelized onions Barbecue Chicken • Potato salad • Strawberry Fields salad House made chips • Coleslaw • Steak fries Sliced melon • Assorted Ice Cream Treats ------------------------------------------------15 Princess Anne Living | Summer 2022

Social & Dining FATHER'S CUSTOMMANMOSASDAY&MARY'SSUNDAYJUNE199:00AM-1:00PMBREAKERS$3BLOODYMARY’SAND$3MANMOSAS!RESERVATIONSREQUIREDFORPARTIESOVERSIX. A father is yousomeonelook up to... no matter how tall you grow. FATHER’S DAY BRUNCH SUNDAY, JUNE 19 | 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM ADULTS: $29.95++ | AGES 4-11: $18.95++ | CHILDREN 3-&-UNDER: FREE BOSSBRUNCHLIKEA Made-to-order omelets v Fresh corned beef hash v Applewood smoked bacon and sausage links Fresh fruit v Summer garden salad v Traditional eggs Benedict v Jumbo shrimp cocktail Spring onion whipped potatoes v Blackened salmon with roasted peach relish Lemon-garlic roasted chicken v Pepper-crusted strip loin DESSERT | FAMILY STYLE Assortment of seasonal desserts KIDS Chicken fingers v Mac & cheese v Fruit v Pancakes Seating is limited, so register early! Please note: out of respect for your fellow Members, reservations are for 1.45 hour seatings. 17 Princess Anne Living | Summer 2022

~ THE MAIN EVENT ~ Grilled burgers with all the trimmings v Fried chicken v Baby back ribs ~ SUMMER SIDES ~ Potato salad v Macaroni & cheese v Coleslaw Sliced local tomatoes with basil and balsamic Watermelon salad v House made BBQ chips ~ SUMMER SIDES ~ Assorted cupcakes and ice cream treats Menu Fourth of July Party MONDAY, JULY 4 1:00 - 4:00 PM | POOLSIDE & WEST LAWN ADULTS: $24++ | AGES 4-11: $13.95++ CHILDREN 3-&-UNDER: FREE NEW! Best patriotic outfit contest! Kids ~ enjoy a DJ, poolside games & sno-cones Adults ~ experience our celebration Jell-O cocktail! Enjoy fresh, delicious summer fare! Princess Anne Living | Summer 2022 18

19 Princess Anne Living | Summer 2022

Princess Anne Living | Summer 2022 20

Youth ActivitiesYouth 21 Princess Anne Living | Summer 2022

Youth Activities

Princess Anne Living | Summer 2022 22

Youth Activities

23 Princess Anne Living | Summer 2022

Princess Anne Living | Summer 2022 24

6.20 - 6.24 | Session II 7.25 - 7.29 | Session VII

7.04 - 7.08 | Session IV 8.08 - 8.12 | Session IX
Sessions are limited to 15 children per age group (PreK3-4 and K-2nd grade). Summer camp swim sessions will take place during swim team practice time so team members can attend. Children will spend some time all together and then some time broken into groups of PreK3-4 and K-2nd grade.
9:00 am - 1:00 pm
6.13 - 6.17 | Animal Planet 7.18 - 7.22 | Under the Sea 6.20 - 6.24 | Disney 8.01 - 8.05 | Superhero
Monday - Friday | $250 per child
6.13 - 6.17 | Session I 7.18 - 7.22 | Session VI
Register on the PACC website, mobile app or by calling 757-428-7803.

Tennis Camp This camp runs for three hours in the morning and three hours in the afternoon, Monday-Friday. Players can come for the first, second or third hour, or any combination, and be charged by the hour. $18/hour advanced sign-up or $21/hour drop-in
PACC Summer Camp Activities will include golf, tennis, fitness, swimming, sport court games and indoor/outdoor crafts. Lunch is included!
Click here to join SummerourCampwaitlist ! 25 Princess Anne Living | Summer 2022

7.11 - 7.15 | Session V 8.15 - 8.19 | Session X
6.27 - 7.01 | Session III 8.01 - 8.05 | Session VIII
7.11 - 7.15 | Christmas in July 8.08 - 8.12 | Career
7.12 - 7.15 | Session 2 2:00 - 4:00 pm | $200
8.09 - 8.12 | Session 4 2:00 - 4:00 pm | $200
Princess Anne Living | March/April 2022 26 Register for golfcamps on ForeTeesthrough our websiteor mobile app. Princess Anne Living | Summer 2022
Junior Golf Academy Powered by Operation 36 is a curriculum designed to teach the fundamentals of golf and guide young golfers through their golf journey. This academy is for golfers ages 6-13 and is an awesome way for beginners to learn the game and more advanced golfers to continue developing their skills. The academy is a series of 1.5 hour group clinics combined with tournament-style events. The events give each golfer the opportunity to use their skills on the course and will serve as an indication for the golfer to advance throughout the levels of the academy.
Birdie Basics is our class for ages 3-6 and is without question the most powerful curriculum for engaging this age group with golf. We use the storyline of “Momma Birdie” to create fun games and adventures for each class.
9.20 - 11.03 | Fall Semester (no class on 9.29)
9.20 - 11.01| Fall Semester
(Ages 6-13) / Tuesday and/or Thursday / 5:00 - 6:30 pm / $40 per class

8.16 - 8.19 | Session 5 9:00 am - 1:00 pm | $400
7.26 - 7.29 | Session 3 9:00 am - 1:00 pm | $400
Junior Golf Camp is a great way to get your junior aged 6-13 out for some golf fun! We cover all aspects of the game over the four-day camp and conclude with juniors playing the course on the final day. This keeps juniors playing golf, as well as introducing beginners to this game. Lunch is included in all 9:00 am - 1:00 pm sessions. (Ages 6-13) | Tuesday - Friday
(Ages 3-6) / Tuesday / 4:00 - 5:00 pm / $20 per class + $25 material fee
6.28 - 7.01 | Session 1 9:00 am - 1:00 pm | $400

9 and 10 9:45 - 10:30 am
All Ages Monday - Thursday 4:30 - 6:00 pm
9 and 10 Monday - Friday 5:30 - 6:15 pm

Swim Team Practices | May 23 – June 10

Pool Events

Tue 7.26 | Dive-in Movie Night
6 and under Monday - Friday 4:30 - 5:00 pm
Morning Practice: Monday - Friday
Friday | 11 am - 9 pm
Wed 6.29 | Dive-in Movie Night
11 and up 9:00 - 9:45 am
27 Princess Anne Living | Summer 2022
Sat 5.28 | Pool opens daily for Members and Guests
Saturday | 10 am - 9 pm Sunday | 10 am - 8 pm
11 am - 5 pm
Sat 5.07 | Pool opens on weekends for Members and Guests
Swim and dive meets will be added to the calendar once they are decided by the league.
Dive Team Practices | Starting June 20
Sat 8.30 | Mermaid & Pirate Party
Monday -Thursday | 11 am - 8 pm
Swim Team Practices | Starting June 6
6 and under 10:30 - 11:00 am
Afternoon Practice: Monday - Wednesday
11 and up 5:15 - 6:15 pm
Dive Team Practices | June 6 – June 17
7 and 8 8:15 - 9:00 am
Please Note: team members may come to one or both AM/PM practices but they do not have to attend both.
Monday - Thursday 9:00 - 10:00 am or 10:00 - 11:00 am AND 4:30 - 5:30 pm
7 and 8 Monday - Friday 5:00 - 5:30 pm
11 and up Monday - Friday 6:15 - 7:00 pm
Mon 5.23 | First day of morning swim team practice
10 and under 4:30 - 5:15 pm
7.07 | No Craft

7.14 | Sand Art
7.21 | Suncatcher Craft

8.11 | Ice Cream Bar
7.28 | Cornhole Tournament (Rising 1st grade & up)

6.16 | Father’s day craft
8.04 | Bubble wand craft

Thursdays / 5:00 - 6:30 pm / Pool Deck

These events are appropriate for all ages unless otherwise noted.
6.30 | July 4th craft

Princess Anne Living | Summer 2022 28
Summer Kid's Crafts!

6.23 | Pool noodle craft

OFSLEEVEAFORFREEBALLS Submit by emailing us at rules4golf Until next time, keep the questions coming! -The Mighty Rules Gurus

The Golden Rules
To play faster, know your relief options and understand your course. All PACC golfers must know the Local Rules.

2. ELEVATED POWER LINES | A ball striking an elevated power line crossing a hole MUST be replayed without penalty. (Note: This most often occurs on the tee shot on # 8, the tee shot on #9 and the second shot on #12.)
4. HOLE # 4 – DROPPING ZONE | As an additional option to Rule 17-1, a player may use the drop zone for any ball coming to rest in the penalty area. (Note: If the ball crosses into a penalty area marked red, the player may use the dropping zone or may use the two club length option from where the ball last crossed the line.)
–Signed “Local Golfer”
Dear Local Golfer, Because PACC has a number of unusual scenarios, the local rules are there to tell the player how to proceed.
1. OUT OF BOUNDS | In addition to white stakes, lines and boundary fences, the inside edges of the following roads define out of bounds: holes #4 to the left of the green, #5, #6 behind the green, #11 behind the green, #12 to the right of the hole, and #16 behind the green. The maintenance area between holes #6 & #7 is out of bounds, defined by the fence. The ground left of the water hazard on hole #17 is out of bounds.
Dear Rules Guru, I know that the Princess Anne has a set of local rules that apply to our golf course. I find it is very important to be familiar with these rules when I play the course, have guests, or play in tournaments on our course. If you would please provide me with a list, I can anticipate problems as I approach each hole.
3. HOLE #3 DROPPING ZONE | As an additional option to Rule 17-1, a player may use the drop zone short and left of the putting green for a ball that last crossed the penalty area between the blue stakes at the greenside bunker. (Note: The purpose of this dropping zone is to give the player an option other than dropping in the bunker or playing under stroke and distance.)
The Rules of the United Stated Golf Association govern play. In addition to the USGA rules of golf, the following Local Rules are in effect:
5. FANS | Fans are temporary immovable obstructions. Relief is allowed for stance, swing and for line of play if the fan is between the ball and the hole.
Local Rules for the PACC
6. DITCHES and FENCES – HOLES #2, #9, #12 and #15 | The fences and the area between the fences, including the ditches and roads, are one obstruction.
10. OBSTRUCTIONS | the restroom area on hole #3, the halfway house at the 10th tee, the restroom area on hole #15. These structures, including paved areas and cart paths, are each deemed to be single obstructions. Free relief from the obstruction is available.
11. ALTERNATVE TO STROKE AND DISTANCE FOR LOST BALL OR BALL OUT OF BOUNDS | Local rule E-5 found in Committee Procedures is in effect.
8. CART PATHS | Cart paths covered by sand are “the general area;” no free relief.
7. ROADS CROSSING HOLES | A ball which crosses a public road defined as out of bounds and comes to rest on a different part of the course beyond that road is out of bounds. (Note: This most often occurs on hole #4 when the ball crosses the road and comes to rest on hole #5. The ball is out of bounds.)
The Golden Rules of Golf Will Set You Free.
Devoted to short questions and answers. Questions that look easy but can easily be missed!
I had a guest recently at the PACC. She was off the green on #3 and wanted to putt onto the green. A sprinkler head was in her way and in her “line of play.” She proceeded to move her ball and to take relief from the sprinkler head. Is this allowed under our local rules? She said she was allowed to do this at her club! Is that possible?
Model Local Rule F-5 covers this situation. If the sprinkler head is within two club lengths of the green and the ball lies within two club lengths of the sprinkler head, relief is allowed when the obstruction is on the line of play. This is in addition to other interference under Rule 16.1b. The PACC does not have this Local Rule in effect.
The pro shop has printed cards with the complete Local Rules. These will be included with the scorecard put on both the electric and push carts. You can also request one in the pro shop.
I notice that we have a new score card and that the handicaps for some of the holes have changed. For example #10 is no longer the second hardest hole. How do these changes affect me? How did the changes come about?

The pro shop collected over 3,500 scores over two seasons to determine which holes were the most difficult. The changes reflect this. In theory, you now get strokes on the holes where they are most needed.
Can I get a copy of the local rules that I might keep in my golf bag?

9. DRIVING RANGE NET AND POSTS | are an obstruction. Free relief under Rule 16 for swing, stance and lie. No relief for line of play.
short putts
Course Care
Aggressively twist or lift up.
Restore thegentlysmoothnesssurfacebypushingfromsidesinward.

Repairing ball marks is something we should always do and unfortunately maintenance teams spend a significant amount of time each year fixing noon-repaired ball marks so that they don’t negatively affect ball roll. Click the video below to watch the proper way to fix a ball. Here are some Do's and Dont's for fixing your ball mark:

Golf Course and Grounds Update
Raking The Bunkers
Last year, we got back into the normal practices that changed during COVID. However, sadly, some still didn’t rake behind themselves after exiting a bunker. Please be sure to try and leave the bunker the same way you entered it & rake behind yourself. Here’s a quote from the rules of golf etiquette section. “The overriding principle is that consideration should be shown to others on the course at all times.” This embodies why we rake bunkers behind our shot, so that the next person has just as good a lie as you had.
Fixing Your Divot

Taking a divot is a normal part of any round of golf. Repairing your divot should also be a routine part of the game. Taking the time to properly repair your divots can make a big impact in how a course plays. When filling your divot, don’t forget to smooth it over with your foot. This will also keep our mower blades sharper longer.
The most important rule for maintaining our bunkers is…participation!
By Jordan Spitler Director of Golf Course Maintenance and Club Grounds Course
Not Enough Too Much Just Right 31 Princess Anne Living | Summer 2022
Repairing Your Ball Mark

April 10 was a beautiful day for golf at "Lil' Augusta!" Congratulations to our 2022 Champion Nick Szoke! Nick sunk a 15 foot birdie putt on the first playoff hole to clinch the coveted Green Jacket. Along with our overall champion we had four flight winners:
4. Scott Swail
Green Jacket Par 3 Tournament
Green Jacket Tournament
From the LinksGolf
3. John Wilson
Green Jacket Tournament
2. George Owens
Green Jacket Par 3 Tournament Champion: Scott Swail

Princess Anne Living | Summer 2022 32
April 9 was a beautiful day with tough conditions as the wind picked up in the afternoon, making an already challenging course set up even more difficult.
1. Chris Devine
A special congratulations is in order for this year's overall champion, Scott Swail, who's shot in the final pitch-off came to rest about one foot away from the hole; close enough to beat the other three flight winners. Congrats on the victory Scott!

Our blacksmith was on duty making custom ball markers for players. We’re looking forward to next year when another competitor will have the honor of hosting the Green Jacket!

Tournament Results
Congratulations to our four flight winners. Chris Devine, who defeated Skip Zobel in a pitch-off to decide the winner of the first flight; Keith Baker, who defeated Keith Smedley in a pitch-off to win the second flight; Scott Swail, who's steady play was enough to make him the winner of the third flight; and Nathan Brakke, who was consistent enough to come away victorious in the fourth flight.
Champion: Nick Szoke
Format: Play dates every other Sunday with 2:00 pm shotgun for 18 holes and 4:00 pm shotgun for 9 holes. Play with a significant other, a friend or as a single.

Men's Summer Golf League Thursdays 5:15 - 7:15 pm

Sundays at 2:00 pm / 4:00 pm
From the Links
Upcoming Events
Mixed Pairs
Opening Play Day: May 8
33 Princess Anne Living | Summer 2020
This season-long match play starts with a field of 64 players and is single elimination until one is left standing. Players have a month to play each round and participants are responsible for making their own tee time. The format is an 18-hole individual match playing off the low ball in the match, net using 100% of current handicap. Entry fee is $30.00.

Spring Glow Golf Friday, May 6 | 7:30 pm

Two-man, season-long round robin. League matches will be played on Thursdays beginning June 23. We have limited sign-up to 24 teams (48 players).
Play Days: May 15, 22 | June 5, 26 | July 10, 24 | August 14, 28
Open to all Members. Captain's Choice. Enjoy passed hors d'oeuvres and a Member-signed bar from 6:00 -7:30 pm.
Matches: June 23, 30 | July 7, 14, 21, 28 | August 4, 11, 18, 25 Semi-Final Matches: August 18, 25
Windholz Memorial Matches begin Sunday, May 1

2021 Champions: Keith & Kevin Smedley

Junior Club Championship | Saturday, August 6

Tuesday, July 19 & Wednesday, July 20 9:00 am
Eligibility: All female PACC Members
Format: 36 hole better ball of partners using 80% of June 15 handicap Flights: Determined by the size of the field. Entry Fee: PACC Members are complimentary.
Leo V. Kernan Ladies Member-Member

35 Princess Anne Living | Summer 2022
Deadline: Noon on Saturday, June 4
Eligibility: PACC Junior Golfers age 18 and under. Format: Individual stroke play. 36 hole gross aggregate total will be the 2022 Junior Club Champion.

Divisions: Ages 6-9; 10-12; 13-14; 15-17; 18 and older
2021 CarsonChampion:Poulos
Parent-Child Tournament | Sunday, July 31

Format: Modified alternate shot (Chapman’s)
From the Links Upcoming Events (continued)
2021 AliceJoanneChampions:DomsonandStriffler
Eligibility: Members only – teams consist of a parent and their child.
Note – in the event a parent is unable to play, a grandparent may play with their grandchild and compete in a grandchild division only.
The format is individual match play. The stipulated round is 18 holes for rounds one and two. The stipulated round for the final match will be 36 holes for the championship flight and 18 holes for the remaining flights. All matches that are extended to extra holes will begin on the first hole. All matches will play scratch, The Championship flight will be comprised of the low 16 players based on handicaps index. The number one seed will be defending champion Miller Carr. All other seeds will be decided by handicap indexes.

2021 JeanneChampion:Beck
From the Links
Eligibility: All female PACC members.
Men's Member-Member | Thursday, September 8 – Saturday, September 10

2021 Champions: Hu Odom and Scott Ferros
2021 MillerChampion:Carr
Format: Match play within your flight; all matches play at scratch.
Princess Anne Living | Summer 2022 36
Men's Club Championship | Friday, August 5 – Sunday, August 7

Flights: Championship – the low eight handicaps as of August 1st to sign up. First, second, other flights – comprised of eight players according to August 1 handicap.

Ladies' Club Championship | Friday, August 5 – Sunday, August 7

By John Fraser
I thought it would be a good idea to do series of the more common, but often forgotten, unspoken rules of tennis known as tennis etiquette since we have so many new players coming into our sport. Here are just a few:

• When the court you have reserved is occupied, please wait outside of the court until players have left the court. The same goes for a lesson, please wait outside the court to allow the coach and student a couple of extra minutes to pick the balls up.
Tennis Talk
TennisFrom the Courts
John's Tip of the Month - Tennis Etiquette 101
• When a stray ball comes over from the court next to you call “let” and stop play so that no unsuspecting player steps on that ball. Look over at the court it came from and make sure play has stopped before returning their ball to them. The same goes if there’s a lesson next to you and you’re having to deal with frequent stray balls coming on your court. Please don’t send them back until play has stopped because it is dangerous to the lesson participants. We try to keep the lessons away from Member play which is why we reserve the right to move your reservation in case you get placed next to a lesson.
• When you are playing in one of the indoor courts on the ends, please wait until play has stopped before opening the curtains and filing in. The same holds true for a lesson or clinic that’s in session. You should then go behind the back curtain of the court you are crossing in order to allow play to resume without delay.

Pro Shop News
This summer K-Swiss apparel is dominating in our tennis shop. Check out the newest men’s and women’s K-Swiss collection that will make you look great on and off the tennis court! Men’s and Women’s Diodora footwear collection is coming back with a SuprellTech, air mesh and d-skin upper to offer stability and optimum breathability. The removable insole comes in shockproof EVA foam, while the sole is made from a wear-resistant compound. The reinforced interior and BlueShield technology enhances stability. Perfect for hard and clay courts to provide the stability and comfort we need.
Our professional staff is always here to help. We can assist with your shopping, whether you need a fashion consultant to help choose the best outfit, or a tennis professional to help with questions on racquets and stringing. If you need assistance, send us an email, call us at 757-428-7803 or just stop by the shop!
37 Princess Anne Living | Summer 2022
If this past Spring season was any indication of what our summer will hold in terms of participation it looks to be a full house! We produced a first ever 20 new USTA players from PACC entering the Spring league at the 2.5 level which gave us two teams! We also had full teams at 3.0, 3.5 and 4.0 respectively. Unfortunately, we lost Joyce to the Meadow Club up in New York where she will be teaching on their lovely grass courts through the summer but plans to rejoin our team in the fall. We are thrilled to announce that we will have our own Eddie Carver coming back to teach for the summer, so be sure to get on his books as soon as possible before his times are all taken. The highlight of our summer will be the biggest prize money tournament we’ve ever had in the 2nd Annual PACC Summer Open Doubles $10,000 tournament which promises to draw the best international players. The event will be held July 15-17.

Summer Camp
Session IV – July 4 - 8
Session VIII – August 1-5
Session X – August 15-19
Session IX – August 8-12
Princess Anne Living | Summer 2022 38
Session II – June 20-24
Summer is here and it is time to think about signing your child up for tennis! The summer camp runs for three hours in the morning and three hours in the afternoon, Monday through Friday. Kids can come for the first, second or third hour or any combination and be charged by the hour. The pricing is $18/hour with advanced sign up and $21/hour for dropping in. See all the details below:

Gentlemen | Fifty percent white is required, unless it is a coordinated, matching logo, and tennis-specific outfit. Shirts with collars and sleeves are required unless the shirt is tennis Membersspecific.areresponsible for ensuring that their children & guests follow the dress code policies. If you have any questions regarding the dress code, please do not hesitate to call the Tennis Pro Shop at 757-428-7803.
From the Courts
General | Proper tennis-specific attire is required at all times. Proper attire does not include: tee shirts normally worn as undergarments, surf tee shirts, tank tops, bathing suits, cut-off shorts, board shorts, khakis, golf apparel, Soffe shorts, non tennis name brand or other attire determined to be inappropriate by the Board of Directors and tennis Team. Shoes must be tennis-specific and have non-marking soles for hard courts and smooth soles for clay courts. Cross-training, basketball and jogging shoes are not permitted.
If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to call the Tennis Shop at 757-428-7803!
Elite Academy, Academy and Junior Academy Players | 1:00 - 4:00 pm
Session VI – July 18-22
Ladies | Color coordinated tennis attire and warm-ups may be of any color. Exposed midriffs for any reason are inappropriate.

Session VII – July 25-29
Session I – June 13-17

Session III – June 27- July 1
Net Generation Red Ball, Orange Ball and Beginner Green Dot | Ages 4-11 | 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
Tennis Dress Code
Session V – July 11-15

Thursday, November 24
Monday, May 2 – Friday, May 13
Friday, June 10 – Saturday, June 11
Junior Singles Club Championship Friday, August 12
Senior Tidewater Cup (@ PACC)
Spindle Cup (@ CCV)
From the Courts
Women's Spindle Cup Singles
Member-Guest Mixed Doubles
Saturday, April 30 May
Holiday Tennis Camps

2022 Tennis Calendar of Events
PACC Summer Open
Thursday, July 14 – Saturday, July 16
Friday, December 9 – Sunday, December 11 TBD
Member-Member Doubles Club Championship
Fun Cup (@ PACC)
Junior Country Club Cup Sunday, October 16
Thanksgiving Day Cardio
Men’s/Women’s Singles Club Qualifying
Saturday, August 20
39 Princess Anne Living | Summer 2022
Member-MemberDecember Mixed Doubles Tournament
Tidewater Cup (@ PACC)
Monday, May 2 – Friday, May 20
Women's Spindle Cup
Doubles Tournament Qualifying
Thursday, June 2 – Sunday, June 5
Sunday, May 1
Virginia Cup (@ NYCC)
Saturday, May 7
Anderson Cup (@ NYCC)
Friday, September 2 – Sunday, September 4
Saturday, September 10 – Sunday, September 11
Friday, September 30 – Sunday, October 2

41 Princess Anne Living | Summer 2022

This quote by William Cullen Bryant is a statement that speaks to me on many levels, both personally and professionally. It was a quote I committed to memory years ago and has guided me since. More now as I work towards my mid-fifties, I reflect on where, hopefully, my next fifty years will take me. Over many years as an exercise professional, I have worked at the PACC, YMCA and for the United States Marine Corps, training a great number of individuals including children, those with physical challenges, chronic diseases, serious injuries, as well as military service members, elite athletes, seniors and others. Each person is unique in what they want to achieve and there are fundamental processes necessary for the body to realize its full potential. This potentiality is based on a vast number of considerations and, from a physical perspective, is unique from one person to another. Even though uniqueness exists between individuals, there are fundamental necessities we have discovered in science that provide basic truths that all of us need to thrive. My greatest teachers have been my own clients; watching how they move, understanding commonalities, asking questions about how they are feeling or doing since the last time I saw them, questions regarding their diet, sleep habits, and observations of movement. Over the years, this dialogue and scrutiny of how my most senior clients have aged tells us how we might age ourselves. What is assured is that our future will be challenging from a health perspective. Equally certain is that the amount of effort we put into practice, that may seem at times to be a harsh nurse, will ultimately develop us into something of athletic proportion. This article is less about a specific program than key considerations we should apply when working towards improving our ability to remain active over the years.

Lifestyles & Fitness
Biomechanics is the study of movement and how forces act on our body and how our body reacts to those forces to navigate our world. It has always been very interesting to me to understand how the body works to generate motion. Studying biomechanics in college, we learned segmentally and how each of those segments work to develop motion. Poor strength, flexibility and/or mobility in one joint can affect another joint. Someone might have knee pain, but it could very well be that poor hip or ankle mobility was the underlying cause. These relationships exist throughout the body. How does poor lower body strength contribute to a tennis players shoulder pain? The body adapts to everything we do (for better or worse) to get the job done. This is even at the expense of later injury or disability. Turn the clock back a thousand years and replace the tennis racket with a spear. Throwing a spear to kill prey and put food on the table at the expense of a shoulder injury ten or so years down the road does not matter. The body is remarkable in its ability to adapt to the environment in which we live. If you sit in front of a computer all day and don’t move your body, then you will excel at not moving your body. The result is weak glutes, tight hamstrings and tight hip flexors. Try placing a small rock in your shoe and see how quickly your gait patter will change. Pain is the most potent adaptive stimulus for the body to protect itself from additional injury. The change in gait pattern caused by the rock, to avoid putting pressure on the foot, might not be the ideal movement pattern, but it serves a purpose. In humans’ recent past, life or death was a matter of movement. If you were being hunted by a hungry animal, even the most inefficient movement may help us escape being eaten. Hopefully, long enough to pass on our genetics to the next generation.

43 Princess Anne Living | Summer 2022

From the Deep End
Hello Summer!
As in years past, we will continue working with to provide swim suits and related gear in our own online team store. All swim suits are custom and cannot be returned once purchased so please be sure that you are ordering the correct suit and sizes. We will have several suit sizes available for your swimmer to try on prior to purchase. All suits and swim needs can be purchased using this link.

Princess Anne Living | Summer 2022 44
By Brian Triolet, Aquatics Director
With many of the pool operations Team returning, we look forward to making your summer at the PACC pool enjoyable. It is my pleasure to announce that the pool is now open for morning adult swim and will officially open for Members and their guests on weekends starting on May 7th. The pool is heated, so come on out and enjoy the water and the early days of summer!
If you have a child between the age of 5 and 18, please consider allowing your child to be a member of the swimming and diving team. This is an excellent opportunity for your child to become a stronger swimmer, learn competitive skills, build friendships, and memories that will last a lifetime. The PACC will be in the Virginia Beach Swim League's Porpoise Division for the 2022 swim season. We are currently scheduled to swim Norfolk Yacht, Mallory, River Walk, Greenbrier Country Club and Asheville Park. At this time, we do not have the summer meet schedule, but we will inform parents and swimmers once we meet with the Virginia Beach Swim League.
Registration for Swim/Dive Teams will be through the PACC app or website. Using the app will allow Members to register for swim and dive meets, lessons, swim clinics, and other swimming and diving related activities at the pool. We hope that you have had an excellent winter along with a terrific spring. We look forward to seeing you in the summer! If you have any questions concerning the pool, its programs or schedule, please leave your questions with our front desk or email me at btriolet@ and I will address them as soon as possible!

7 and 8 Monday - Friday 5:00 - 5:30 pm
6 and under 10:30 - 11:00 am
Monday - Thursday
Swim Team Practices May 23 – June 10

9 and 10 9:45 - 10:30 am
Afternoon Practice: Monday - Wednesday
9:00 - 10:00 am or 10:00 - 11:00 am AND 4:30 - 5:30 pm
7 and 8 8:15 - 9:00 am
Dive Team Practices June 6 – June 17
9 and 10 Monday - Friday 5:30 - 6:15 pm and up Monday - Friday 6:15 - 7:00 pm
Swim Team Practices | Starting June 6
Morning Practice: Monday - Friday
11 and up 9:00 - 9:45 am
Dive Team Practices | Starting June 20
10 and under 4:30 - 5:15 pm 11 and up 5:15 - 6:15 pm
All Ages Monday - Thursday 4:00 - 5:30 pm
6 and under Monday - Friday 4:30 - 5:00 pm

s Lunch/DinnerBreakfast/ Breakers
sBrunch Clubhouse
sMargarita Night Clubhouse
sGolf sTennis sAquatics sFitness sYouth 29 30 31 s
s (-5/20)
sPool Opens For Weekends Kentucky Derby Party Breakers CupTidewater@PACC
sMixed Pairs Begins
s1/2 Price Wine Night Clubhouse
s DanceMother/SonClubhouse
s1/2 Price Wine Night Clubhouse
s OpeningPASMGAPlay Day
sGrillin' & Chillin' Breaker's Blvd.
sMargarita Night Clubhouse
sLunch/Dinner Breakers
sPrime Rib Night Clubhouse
sGrillin' & Chillin' Breaker's Blvd.
2022May sGolf
sPrime Rib Night Clubhouse
sPrime Rib Night Clubhouse
s SinglesSpindleWomen'sCup(-5/13)
sBrunch Clubhouse BeginMatchesWindholtz
sPrime Rib Night Clubhouse s1/2 Price Wine Night Clubhouse
sMother’s Day Brunch Clubhouse
Open sSummer Kickoff Workout Fitness sMemorial Day Party sSwim PracticeTeamBegins 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 s
s DinnerBrunch/Lunch/Breakfast/ Breakers
sBrunch Clubhouse
sMargarita Night Clubhouse
sCinco De Mayo Fiesta Breakers Family Derby Day Glow Golf
sBrunch Clubhouse
sMoms' Mimosas & Marys Breakers
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Princess Anne Living | Summer 2022 46
sMother’s Day Craft Poolside
sPrime Rib Night Clubhouse
s Lunch/DinnerBreakfast/ Breakers s Lunch/DinnerBreakfast/ Breakers Pool Opens Daily Course Social/Dining Breakfast/Lunch Breakers

sMargarita Night Clubhouse
s DinnerBreakfast/Lunch/ Breakers
s Lunch/DinnerBreakfast/ Breakers
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
s Lunch/DinnerBreakfast/ Breakers
s1/2 Price Wine Night Clubhouse
sDionysus Wine Tasting Clubhouse
s OpeningPALG Play Day
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
s1/2 Price Wine Night Clubhouse
s1/2 Price Wine Night Clubhouse
sAnderson Cup (@NYCC)
sPetting Zoo West Lawn
sMen's Member-GuestGolf
s Lunch/DinnerBreakfast/ Breakers
s Lunch/DinnerBreakfast/ Breakers
sFrench Wine Class Clubhouse
s Lunch/DinnerBreakfast/ Breakers s Lunch/DinnerBreakfast/ Breakers
sMargarita Night Clubhouse sMargarita Night Clubhouse sGolf LeagueMen'sBegins
sMargarita Night Clubhouse
sManmosas & Mary's Breakers

s1/2 Price Wine Night Clubhouse
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday June
s Lunch/DinnerBreakfast/ Breakers
sSummer Camp Session II Disney (-6/24)
26 27 28 29 30 47 Princess Anne Living | Summer 2022
sMen's Member-GuestGolf
sFather’s Day Craft Poolside
sFather’s Day Brunch Clubhouse
s Lunch/DinnerBreakfast/ Breakers
sPrime Rib Night Clubhouse sGolf AerificationClosedCoursefor
sGrillin' & Chillin' Breaker's Blvd.
sGunga Galunga Party West Lawn
sLadies' Member-GuestGolf
sSummer Camp Session I Animal Planet (-6/17)
sPrime Rib Night Clubhouse
sLadies' Member-GuestGolf
ss MovieDive-inNight
sMen's Member-GuestGolf
sGolf AerificationClosedCoursefor
1 2 3 4
sMargarita Night Clubhouse s4th of July Craft Poolside PuttMotorWorld/Putt LeagueMen's
s1/2 Price Wine Night Clubhouse sMargarita Night Clubhouse s DoublesSpindleWomen'sCup(-6/5)
sLunch/Dinner Breakers s Lunch/DinnerBreakfast/ Breakers
sPrime Rib Night Clubhouse
s1/2 Price Wine Night Clubhouse
sGrillin' & Chillin' Breaker's Blvd.
sBrunch Clubhouse
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25
sJr. Golf Camp Session 1
sPrime Rib Night Clubhouse
sBrunch Clubhouse
sBrunch Clubhouse
sAnderson Cup (@NYCC)
24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Princess Anne Living | Summer 2022 48
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 1 2
sTour de France Wine Dinner Clubhouse s Lunch/DinnerBreakfast/ Breakers
ss MovieDive-inNight
s Lunch/DinnerBreakfast/ Breakers
sBrunch Clubhouse
sBrunch Clubhouse
sMargarita Night Clubhouse
sMen's League
sMargarita Night Clubhouse
sPrime Rib Night Clubhouse
sSummer Camp Session IV Under the Sea (-7/22)
sTae Kwon Do Camp (-7/22)
sPACC Olympics
s Member-MemberLadies' sMargarita Night Clubhouse
s Member-MemberLadies'
sGrillin' & Chillin' Breaker's Blvd. s Lunch/DinnerBreakfast/ Breakers
s Member-MemberLadies'
sSummer Camp Session III Christmas In July (-7/15)
s1/2 Price Wine Night Clubhouse
sGrillin' & Chillin' Breaker's Blvd.
s1/2 Price Wine Night Clubhouse
sSummer Open sGrillin' & Chillin' Breaker's Blvd. s Lunch/DinnerBreakfast/ Breakers
s Lunch/DinnerBreakfast/ Breakers
s1/2 Price Wine Night Clubhouse
s Lunch/DinnerBreakfast/ Breakers
sFourth of CelebrationJuly
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
sMen's League
s Lunch/DinnerBreakfast/ Breakers
sSummer Open
sPrime Rib Night Clubhouse
sSocial/Dining sGolf
sGrillin' & Chillin' Breaker's Blvd.
sAquatics sFitness sYouth
sJr. Golf Camp Session 3
sPrime Rib Night Clubhouse
s Lunch/DinnerBreakfast/ Breakers

sJr. Golf Camp Session 2
sBrunch Clubhouse
sPrime Rib Night Clubhouse
sMen's League
sBrunch Clubhouse
sMargarita Night Clubhouse sMen's League
s Lunch/DinnerBreakfast/ Breakers
3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
sGrillin' & Chillin' Breaker's Blvd.
s1/2 Price Wine Night Clubhouse
sBrunch Clubhouse
sJr. Golf Camp Session 4
sBrunch Clubhouse
sMen's League
s1/2 Price Wine Night Clubhouse
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday August
sMargarita Night Clubhouse
sMen's League
sPrime Rib Night Clubhouse
s Lunch/DinnerBreakfast/ Breakers
sPrime Rib Night Clubhouse
sMermaid & Pirate Breakfast PACC Pool
sJr. Champ.Club
sGrillin' & Chillin' Breaker's Blvd.
sGrillin' & Chillin' Breaker's Blvd.
sSummer Camp Session V Superhero (-8/5)
sMen's League
s Lunch/DinnerBreakfast/ Breakers
s Lunch/DinnerBreakfast/ Breakers
s1/2 Price Wine Night Clubhouse
28 29 30 31 49 Princess Anne Living | Summer 2022
sPrime Rib Night Clubhouse
7 8
s Lunch/DinnerBreakfast/ Breakers
s1/2 Price Wine Night Clubhouse
sJr. Golf Camp Session 5
sGrillin' & Chillin' Breaker's Blvd.
sMen's League
s Lunch/DinnerBreakfast/ Breakers
s ClubMen's/Ladies'Champ.
sJr. Singles Club Champ.
sBrunch Clubhouse sParent/Child
sSr. CupTidewater
sPrime Rib Night Clubhouse
sGrillin' & Chillin' Breaker's Blvd.
sBrunch Clubhouse
s Lunch/DinnerBreakfast/ Breakers
s1/2 Price Wine Night Clubhouse
sBrunch Clubhouse
sMargarita Night Clubhouse
sMargarita Night Clubhouse
s Lunch/DinnerBreakfast/ Breakers
s ClubMen's/Ladies'Champ.
sArt Camp (-8/19) s Lunch/DinnerBreakfast/ Breakers
s ClubMen's/Ladies'Champ.
sWine Tasting Clubhouse
sPrime Rib Night Clubhouse
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
31 1 2 3 4 5 6 21 22 23 24 25 26 27
sMargarita Night Clubhouse
s1/2 Price Wine Night Clubhouse
sSummer Camp Session VI Career (-8/12) 9
s ClubMen's/Ladies'Champ.
s Lunch/DinnerBreakfast/ Breakers
Sunday| 10:00 am - 8:00 pm
Lunch/Dinner Monday - Thursday 11 am - 9 pm
Lunch/Dinner Friday/Saturday 11 am - 10 pm Chesapeake / Linkhorn Lounge
June 20 and Tuesday, June 21 ~ the Golf Course and Golf Pro Shop will be closed due to greens aerification.
Summer Hours

Monday- Friday 8 am - 1:30 pm
Saturday 8:30 am - 2:30 pm and 5:30 - 9:30 pm
Men’s Lounge
Friday | 11:00 am - 9:00 pm
Day Golf Shop Bag Room/Range Tee Times
Kid’s Club 3800
Friday | 12:00- 9:00 pm
Saturday| 11:00 am - 9:00 pm
Babysitting is available for special events as advertised. Drop-in permitted when space is available.
Fitness Center
Brunch Sunday 9:30 am - 2 pm
Lunch/Dinner Friday 11 am - 10 pm
Sat & Sun 6:30 am - 6 pm 6 am - 8 pm Begin at 7 am
Lunch Tuesday - Friday 11 am - 2 pm (à la carte)
Mon Closed 9 am - 8 pm Course Closed Tues- Fri 7:30 am - 6 pm 7 am - 8 pm Begin at 8 am
Lunch/Dinner Sunday 11 am - 8 pm
Saturday| 10:00 am - 9:00 pm
Sunday| 11:00 am - 8:00 pm Cabana Bar
Sat & Sun 5 am - 6 pm
Lunch/Dinner Saturday 11 am - 9 pm
Breakfast Saturday & Sunday 8 am - 11 am
Fri 5 am - 7 pm
Monday- Thursday | 3:00- 8:00 pm
Lunch/Dinner Tuesday - Thursday 11 am - 9 pm
(May 30 - September 6)
Tennis Pro Shop
Monday, July 4 ~ the Golf Course and Golf Shop will be open.
Friday 5:30 - 9:30 pm
Daily 8 am - 5 pm
Mon-Thur 5 am - 9 pm
Golf Pro Shop
Lunch Tuesday - Sunday 11 am - 2 pm (à la carte or buffet)
(Through September 25)
Monday- Thursday | 11:00 am - 8:00 pm
Monday, May 30 ~ Memorial Day the Golf Course and Golf Shop will be Monday,open.
Concession closes 30 minutes before pool closing hours.
Ladies’ Lounge
Adult Lap Swim | 5:30 - 7:30 am (at own risk)