
Frequently Used Numbers
Breakers 961-2884 Clubhouse 428-4141 Fax 428-4423 Fitness 440-3102 Golf 422-3360
Operations Team
McCall Andy 757-440-3101
Director of Catering & Special Events
Monica Au 757-961-2884 Breakers Manager
Geoff Benson 757-428-4141 ext: 322 Executive Chef
Matt Boyce 757-440-3119
Director of Golf Course Maintenance and Club Grounds
Kristen Bunting 757-440-3111
Director of Marketing & Communications
Mardy Colling 757-440-3104
Asst. Manager –Food & Beverage
John Fraser 757-440-3117 Director of Tennis
Jennifer Garrott 757-440-3110
Asst. Manager –Clubhouse Operations
Ashlie Gran 757-428-4141 ext: 340
Banquet Manager
Chrissy Grulich 757-428-4141
Member Services Manager
Massage 440-3102 Pool 425-1117
Security 287-6982 Tennis 428-7803 Men’s Lg. 440-3112
Table of Contents
Message from the President 2 Welcome New Members
..................................................................... 3 Membership Matters
........................................................................... 6 Dining Calendar..................................................................................... 9 Social and Dining................................................................................... 10 Youth Activities...................................................................................... 17
The Golden Rules 19 From the Greens 21 From the Links 22 From the Courts 25 Lifestyles & Fitness 32 November- December Calendar 37
Cathie Havrilesky 757-440-3115 Controller
Denise Johnson 757-440-3113 HR & Accounting Director
Steve Layden 757-440-3105 Restaurant Manager
Matt Liebler 757-440-3109
Head PGA Golf Professional
Taylor Nelson 757-428-4141
Youth Programs Manager
Andrea Pettay 757-440-3103
Director of Fitness & Wellness
Paul Rosario 757-440-3114
Purchasing Director
Bill Shonk 757-440-3100 General Manager
Brian Triolet 757-425-1117 Aquatics Director
Courtney Whittemore 757-428-4141 ext: 313 Membership Director
Executive Committee
Christopher J. Fanney President Susan T. Pender Vice President Leslie R. Watson Secretary Patrick L. Shuler Treasurer
Board of Directors
Robert Beasley, III Neil Brown Michael Cowan, Jr. Kelly Disharoon
Bekki Jucksch John Mazach Joshua Parnell Shannan Poteran
Committee Chairpersons
Barbara Sessoms Monica Stein Roger Stroud John Wilson, Jr.
Monica Stein Finance Pat Shuler Fitness Barbara Sessoms Golf ...................................................Roger Stroud Green John Wilson, Jr. House John Mazach Membership Josh Parnell Pool Dave Poteran (Chair) Shannan Poteran (Board Liaison) Rules Ran Randolph Jr. Tennis Bekki Jucksch Youth Involvement Kelly Disharoon
Wine Committee Gray Randolph Historical Preservation .................... Sandra Baylor Membership I.D. Susan Pender Tradition Andy Dickinson Building Chris Fanney | Susan Pender
Message from the President

As I write this in October with the holidays approaching, I hope this message finds you and your family safe, healthy and enjoying the many amenities of PACC.
The Club is busy preparing for the holiday festivities. The infamous, annual Oyster Roast (held inside this year), Thanksgiving Brunch, Christmas festivities and dinners are all being readied by our outstanding Team.
A big thanks goes to all of our Members for your continued support of the Club during these trying times. A special thanks goes out to our PACC management and Team for their unrelenting service.
As a reminder, the Clubhouse is fully open. The main ballroom is available for large groups and the Founders, Princess Anne and Prince Charles rooms are available for all your holiday meetings and parties.
As we begin the new Club fiscal year, let us hope and pray that a vaccine has been approved and COVID-19 is in our rear-view mirror.
In closing, I would like to thank our outgoing directors; John Perry, Chris Pridgen, Anne Harvard Hooper and Chris Perry, for their wise counsel, steady leadership and dedicated service.
Even in these unprecedented times, our goal remains the same – to exceed your expectations every time you visit PACC.
Please stay healthy and safe.
Merry Christmas and happy New Year!
Christopher J. FanneyUp-to-Date from the General Manager
Your 2020 Princess Anne Annual Report has just been published and as you review the financial results and Committee updates inside the report I invite your questions and thoughts. The 2019-2020 unaudited consolidated financial results finished ahead of this year’s budget that was adopted well before we’d ever heard of COVID. These encouraging results are due to our Princess Anne Family’s amazing support through this unique year.
While tennis, golf and to go food activity has soared, perhaps the greatest upsurge has been your Club’s wine shop sales. The Wine Committee likes to proudly boast about fellow Club Member oenophiles and this year’s revenues corroborate that moniker. Wine shop revenues totaled $445,124, up 60% over last year’s record of $277,028.
Like President Fanney above, I too wish to thank outgoing directors Anne Harvard Hooper, Chris Perry, John Perry and Chris Pridgen for their faithful leadership. Over 150 Members have kindly volunteered their time and wisdom through committee and board service this unprecedented year. I cannot say thanks enough to each of them and our entire Princess Anne Family.
The holiday season is just around the corner and this issue highlights our holiday festivities. We yearn to be a safe haven and invite you to make plans today to enjoy your Club this special time of year. It is truly a privilege to be part of a Team that remains committed to our mission and looks forward to providing Personal Attention that is Consistently Captivating. We are inspired by the devotion and commitment of the Princess Anne Membership and thank each of you for your ongoing support. Have a truly joyous and safe holiday season!
See you at the Princess Anne!
William S. Shonk, CCM, CCE General Manager

Welcome New Members
Dr. Tom & Penny Alberico Resident Tennis
Tom and Penny are prior PACC members who are delighted to have reinstated their membership now that their son, Andrew, recently joined as a Legacy member. Many PACC families know and love Tom and Penny, so it is wonderful to see them reunited with their many friends and neighbors. Tom is an oncologist with Virginia Oncology Associates and Penny is a retired phar macist. They enjoy traveling and watching ACC basketball in their leisure time (go UVA and WVU!), as well as spending time with their adult children and grandchildren. Please join us in welcoming them home!

Ashley, Bailey, Stella & Vallie Allman
Resident Comprehensive Sponsor: George Faatz

Ashley and Bailey are both Virginia Beach natives and now reside in Bay Colony with their adorable daughters, Stella (4) and Vallie (1). Ashley is in the nonprofit sector as the Executive Director of the Foundation at Westminster-Canterbury. Bailey owns Allcoast Appraisal, a residential appraisal company, and is an avid golfer in his leisure time. As a family, they enjoy swimming and playing outdoors, especially Stella who is an aficionado on her scooter. They look forward to en joying many fun memories at the PACC and can’t wait to break in the new pool next summer!
Dennis Cestra, Jr.
Resident Comprehensive Sponsor: Will Russell
Dennis is a native of Pittsburgh and made his way to Southeast Virginia five years ago, first in Norfolk before settling in Virginia Beach. A graduate of both Allegheny College and Georgetown University, Dennis is now President of Howard Hanna Real Estate Services which was founded by his grandparents, Howard and Anne Hanna. In his spare time, he volunteers in the community with the Young Presidents Organization, CHKD Future Generations Board and the Virginia Stage Company. Outside of work and volunteering, he enjoys playing golf, traveling, relaxing at the beach and taking long walks with his girlfriend Olivia and their dog Sumo.

Welcome New Members
Tyler Jacobson
Resident Comprehensive Sponsor: Richard Jacobson
Tyler is a Virginia Beach native and Legacy of the PACC, as the son of member Rick Jacobson. He attended Cape Henry Collegiate and later the University of South Carolina, where he ma jored in management and real estate finance. He is now a partner and vice president at S.L. Nusbaum Realty Co. focusing on commercial leasing and development. In his leisure time, he enjoys playing basketball, surfing and relaxing with family and friends. Tyler is excited to begin his own membership at the Club and is already a fixture out on the golf course!

Jim & Jayne Kiefhaber
Resident Comprehensive
Sponsor: Shannon Kiefhaber
Jim and Jayne moved to Virginia Beach eight years ago after living all over the country while serving in the US Navy. Jim, an Auburn University graduate, has transitioned to civilian life as a pilot for Delta Air Lines. Jayne is a retired nurse, teacher and graduate of the University of Arkansas. They both enjoy chatting SEC football and life over a glass of wine. They have two married adult children, Andy and Nancy. Andy and his wife Shannon and their children Austin (5) and Griffin (2) are also PACC members. Jim and Jayne love Virginia Beach, their church, Galilee Epis copal Church, and meeting new friends at the Club. They look forward to all of the new adventures PACC and Virginia Beach has in store for their futures.

Lynn Knight, David & Isabella Nekoumand
Resident Tennis Sponsor: Sheridan Conley
David and Lynn are native to Virginia Beach. David is the vice president of E&P Electrical Contracting Co. Inc. Lynn is a former CHKD PICU/OR registered nurse. They have one daughter, Isabella "Izzy" (8). Izzy attends Norfolk Acade my and is looking forward to seeing many of her friends at PACC. They are an active family that enjoy playing tennis. Their other hobbies include real estate investing, spending time in the Outer Banks and spending time together as a family. They are excited about meeting new friends and enjoying all that the Princess Anne Country Club has to offer!
Welcome New Members
Charlie & Sandra McIntosh

Non-Resident Comprehensive
Sponsor: Debra McIntyre
Charlie and Sandra reside primarily in Millwood, VA and have a second home in the Bahamas where they enjoy membership at Lyford Cay Club. Charlie is a successful entrepreneur and investor, owning McIntosh Investment Company, LLC for nearly 25 years. Charlie and Sandra are active in their communities and enjoy giving back by supporting various charitable endeavors. They love to travel and live life to the fullest, and are both sports enthusiasts. In their leisure time, they enjoy playing golf and tennis, and spending time with their beautiful adult daughters, Nina and Annie. They look forward to spending more time in Virginia Beach and getting acquainted with their fellow PACC members!
Chelsea, Joe, Vincent & Kennedy Morton
Resident Comprehensive
Sponsor: Bill
McClananChelsea and Joe were born and raised in Virginia Beach and currently live in Chicks Beach with their two adorable children Vincent (4) and Kennedy (2). Chelsea works for The Clorox Company and Joe is a home builder in the Tidewater area. Chelsea and Joe are former members of the Cavalier Golf & Yacht Club. Joe is a lifelong golfer and looks forward to playing the PACC course as often as possible. Chelsea played tennis in high school and looks forward to getting back into the game. They are excited for the new pool next summer and getting their kids involved in the various youth programs.

David Reda

Sponsor: Les Watson
David is a retired attorney, having spent a successful career at Wolcott Rivers Gates specializing in commercial and transactional matters. He is a former member of Norfolk Yacht & Country Club and enjoys spending his leisure time biking, boating, walking, playing pickleball, traveling and socializing with his many friends and neighbors. He is a proud grandfather of six and looks forward to welcom ing his extended family to the PACC for fun summer afternoons spent at the pool and enjoying Club activities!
Membership Matters
Hobby Highlights
We have some amazingly talented members at the PACC! From musicians, to artists, to culinary masters and beyond, we are always so impressed to see and hear of your wonderful accomplishments! We want to share these personal pastimes in a new segment called Hobby Highlights.

Please reach out to Marketing & Communications Director Kristen Bunting at to share photos and brief stories about your passion. We can’t wait to learn more about you!
Frank Milhon | Musician

Moanin’ Mihlon here wishing you all at PACC the best that old-timey country music has to offer! Thank you to all our wonderful friends who came and supported me at Moanin’ Mihlon’s Dusty Road Debut on September 26, 2020 on Breakers Boulevard! One man, one guitar, three hours and fifty country western songs later, I had the time of my life!
I have loved country western music since I was a teenager. My dad, who prefers a silent car ride to the George Jones tour my poor children get every time we go for a cruise, had an old record player from his youth and a bunch of records that I was only too happy to explore. One of them was Johnny Cash’s Folsom Album, which Cash recorded live at California’s Folsom State Prison, and I played that record over and over until I knew every last word to every song he played that day.
At that time, I was taking classical guitar lessons from a Louisiana finger-picker that I would give anything to have back in my life now that I know what he had to offer, but once I heard Johnny Cash, I dropped classical guitar and picked up rhythm acoustic and went full on country western.
These days, after the kids go to bed, I spend my nights singing old-timey country western music that mostly came out between 1955 and 1985 -- greats by the likes of George Jones, Merle Haggard, Willie Nelson, Johnny Cash and Waylon Jennings. There is something about the music of the period that resonates with me. A lot of the lyrics are tongue in cheek with great jokes and clever puns (e.g. “I put a golden band on the right left hand this time”) and a lot of the beats are very dun-chickadun-chicka-dun plunkity plunks that march along in plodding rhythm that I find upbeat and refreshing.
I love old-timey country western and I really appreciate PACC for letting me play some of my favorite songs for you. I hope to see you all out there next time!
Moanin’ MihlonTeam Member Spotlight
Team Member Spotlight

We want to give you the opportunity to learn more about the lives, personalities and backgrounds of our Team Members to get a glimpse of what motivates them in their careers here at Princess Anne. These special individuals come from diverse backgrounds and are constantly finding ways to spark greatness within their teams, the Club and our community. When you visit the Chesapeake and Linkhorn Lounge at Princess Anne, there are a handful of extremely talented and passionate chefs in the kitchen, preparing your dishes. Get to know more about your Chef de Cuisine and keyboard musician, Mike Conley.

Mike Conley | Chef de Cuisine / Musician
I realized I had a love for music at a very early age. My parents made their living playing in a traveling band up and down the east coast. They actually met while my dad was playing a show at the venue where my mom was working as a waitress. When talking together, she mentioned she sang at her church. His band needed a singer...and that was that. My father attended Woodstock music festival in 1969, still has his ticket stubs, but misplaced the sport coat my grandmother sent him off with, in case there was a 'dress-up night.' Growing up, my family attended church where my mom sang in the choir. I was given records from my uncle's collection (one of the first being a Grateful Dead album) and just always had a special place in my heart for music. As I got older, I too started going on camping trips to music festivals and going to see live music became a favorite activity of mine (and still is). I only started playing music because high school friends of mine would play guitar and sing whenever we'd hang out. Eventually, they said "hey you should borrow your dad's keyboard and sing some songs with us." I learned basic chords on my dad's borrowed gear and we would get together and 'garage band' it up. We played a few shows at local bars and that's where I met the founder of the band I now play in, 'Grateful Jed,' which is a Grateful Dead tribute band. He heard me sing and asked if I'd come sit in with his band at the time. He ended up taking me under his wing and teaching me a lot. The band took off locally and now we are also playing in Richmond and the Outer Banks. I'm still in awe when I run into people who say "great show" or "I know you, I saw you guys at..." said venue. I truly feel lucky and blessed to be able to do something that brings people even more joy than it does myself. It's understood that Grateful Dead music isn't for everyone, but in the words of Jerry Garcia, "not everyone likes licorice, but the people who do, really like licorice." My career in the food industry is a very similar story. Growing up, food was also an important theme for my family. We always held sit-down family dinners with home-cooked meals by both my parents and grandparents. At the time, it seemed like a chore if it took me away from my friends. But the food was always good and, looking back, I feel very lucky to have had this upbringing and give all the credit to my success to my family. When asked in school when I was young, "what do you want to be when you grow up?" the answer never changed. I always wanted to be good at what I do and love what I do.
A Member favorite created by Chef Mike; Pimento Cheese & Pickles. Grateful Jed's debut at Elevation 27 in Virginia Beach on September 11, 2020.Aquatics Complex Project Update

PACC 20/20 & Beyond | Aquatics Complex

As the winter months approach, Compo Construction is busy with the removal of our existing pool and laying the groundwork for our new Aquatics Complex. There is much to do before the first hammer swings. Many decisions are made before the demolition machines arrive, and we are right on track. Every detail from the tile in the bathrooms, to the Cabana Bar equipment are poured over before final decisions and orders are made. Shade structures, lighting and security are major concerns that are addressed even before the first breaking of ground.
During November and December, the crew will be installing the new storm system. Once the storm system is complete, we will begin building the retaining walls. A myriad of sewage, drainage, water, cable, utility wires and pipes are intertwined under our old pool and east parking lot. Although it seemed to take no time to demolish the old pool, it is another story to prepare for the new complex .
In October, the sidewalk accessing fitness, Breakers and the tennis pavilion was closed. A new sidewalk with lighting was constructed along Court 7, that parallels Sea Pines road, offering easy access to these outlets. With ample parking on the southeast side of our upper parking lot, we hope the sidewalk access will be a permanent convenience moving forward, as well as a new entrance that is scheduled for April.
All the beach entry water toys have been ordered and samples of the furniture are arriving daily. This is the fun part! The vision is coming together and we are excited to see substantial progress by the New Year.
Holiday Hours
Chesapeake/Linkhorn/Breakers: Closed for à la carte lunch/ dinner service

Men’s/Ladies' Lounges closed. Join us for our Egg Nog Social in the Linkhorn Lounge.
CHRISTMAS DAY All dining is closed.
Clubhouse: Join us for our New Year's Eve Dinner event! Breakers: Closed NEW YEAR’S DAY Men’s Lounge à la carte only.

Thanksgiving To-Go!
Slow-roasted Turkey
12 lb. (serves 6-8)
20 lb. (serves 12-14) .............................................. $75
Homemade Giblet Gravy (Quart) $17
Herb Mashed Potatoes (5 lb.)* ........................................ $16
Cranberry Sauce (Pint) $11
Classic Dressing (5 lb.)* $24
Sausage Dressing (5 lb.)* ................................................ $26
Oyster Dressing (5 lb.)* $30
Whipped Yams with Toasted Marshmallow
Crust and Cherries (5 lb.)* $18
Green Bean Casserole (5 lb.)* $16
Buttermilk Biscuits (1 doz.) ................................................ $12
Mini Ham Biscuits (1 doz.) $15
Sweet Potato Pie (Serves 8) .............................................. $17
Pumpkin Pie (Serves 8) $17
Pecan Pie (Serves 8) ........................................................ $17
(* a 5 lb. pan serves 10-12)
Wine Suggestions
Kim Crawford Sauvignon Blanc, New Zealand 2019 | $14.75
Santa Margherita Pinot Grigio, Italy 2018 | $21.75
Rombauer Chardonnay, California 2019 | $36
Böen Pinot Noir, California 2018 | $19.75
Belle Glos "Dairyman" Pinot Noir, California 2018 | $24.50
To place your order, please call the front desk at 428-4141
Beginning November 1, order online! You will see a link to the order form on the home page of the member website.
Order sheets are also available at the front desk.
All Thanksgiving orders must be received by Sunday, November 22.

Order pickup is scheduled for Wednesday, November 25 from 12:00 - 6:00 p.m.
Trefethen Vineyards Cabernet Sauvignon, California 2017 | $30.75
Vueve Clicquot “Yellow Label,” Brut Reims, NV | $59
Fresh Fruit / Garden Salad
Shaved Brussels Sprout and Kale Salad
Golden raisins, toasted sesame seeds, shaved parmesan, lemon vinaigrette Shrimp Cocktail / Southern Oysters Virginia Arugula pesto, Virginia country ham
Traditional Roasted Turkey Breast Homemade stuffing Sliced Honey Ham / Prime Rib of Beef Horseradish aioli
Braised Collard Greens / Squash Casserole
Butter Whipped Potatoes
Sautéed Butternut Squash with brown butter and cranberries
Honey-Glazed Parsnips & Celery Root
Pumpkin Pie / Sweet Potato Pie / Boston Cream Pie / Warm Apple Tart with caramel sauce

Social & Dining
Slow-Roasted Turkey 12 lb.

(serves 6-8) .................... $60 20 lb.
Dressing Classic (5 lb.)
(serves 12-14) ................. $75
(serves 10-12) ................. $22 Sausage (5 lb.) ........................... (serves 10-12) ................. $23 Oyster (5 lb.) ............................... (serves 10-12) ................. $28
Orange Glazed Roasted Ham ............. (serves 10-12) ................ $110
Slow Roasted Prime Rib Half
To place your order, please call the front desk at 428-4141 OR~ Beginning December 1, order online! You will see a link to the order form on the home page of the member website.
All orders must be received by Sunday, December 20.

Horseradish Sauce (pint)
(serves 14-17) ................. $250
(serves 7-9) ..................... $120 Full
Green Bean Almondine (5 lb.) ............. (serves 10-12) ................. $16
Potatoes au Gratin (5 lb.)
(serves 10-12) ................. $16
Order pickup is scheduled for Thursday, December 24th from 10:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.
$15 Chocolate Ganache Pie
Mini Ham Biscuits (dozen)

$21 Bûche de Noël
(serves 8)
Traditional Christmas

Chestnut Bisque
Raspberry and Endive Salad
Danish bleu cheese, toasted walnuts, walnut dressing
Tossed Garden Salad
Shrimp Cocktail, Crab Cocktail, Smoked Salmon Display
House-Made Focaccia Seasonal butters
Roasted Beef Tenderloin Creamy horseradish
Bourbon-Glazed Ham
Caribbean Jerk Salmon Baby tomato relish Sweet Potato Casserole
Spicy Maple-Glazed Brussels Sprouts
Herb & Garlic Whipped Yukon Gold Potatoes
Apple Turnovers
Oreo Cheesecake
Peppermint crumbles
Southern Pecan Pie
White Chocolate Mousse Cinnamon and cranberries
Sweet Potato Bread Pudding Bourbon-maple glaze

The Golden Rules
5. If you go to a new course to play, how do you know your handicap for that course? m a. Inquire within the pro shop of the course you are playing m b. Use the course Handicap Calculator on your GHIN app m c. Both a and b
1. How many holes do you have to complete before you can record an 18-hole score?
m a. 18 m b. 13 m c. 14
2. How many holes do you have to complete for a 9-hole score? m a. 6 m b. 7 m c. 8

3. How do you calculate your score for the holes not played? m a. Use par m b. Use par plus any handicap strokes you are entitled to receive based on your course handicap m c. Use net double bogey

4. How do you calculate your maximum score for each hole that you are playing? m a. Use net double bogey m b. Use a reasonable score for your ability m c. Use par plus any handicap strokes you are entitled to receive, based on your course handicap
6. What if you play from a different tee than you usually play at PACC; how do you know your handicap from that tee? m a. Always use the same handicap regardless of the tees you play m b. Use ForeTees > click on Menu > View Handicaps; your handicap for each tee will be displayed along with your last 20 scores posted m c. Use My VSGA app and the Handicap Calculator m d. Both b and c

7. How long can you search for a ball? m a. Three minutes m b. Five minutes m c. As long as it takes
8. What happens if I double hit my ball? m a. You receive no penalty m b. You receive a two-stroke penalty m c. You receive a one-stroke penalty
9. What can I touch in a bunker without penalty? m a. The sand in front or behind the ball with your club m b. Loose impediments m c. Movable obstructions m d. Both b and c
The Golden Rules of Golf Will Set You Free.

10. If my ball is embedded in the rough, may I get relief? m a. You must play the ball as it lies m b. You may take one club length relief for a onestroke penalty. m c. You may take free relief with no penalty
11. If I am putting off the green and notice that a fresh pitch mark off the green is in my line of play, should I: m a. Repair the pitch mark before I putt m b. Move my ball to the nearest point of relief m c. Putt my ball as it lies and consider it bad luck
12. In stroke play, if my ball is against an out-of-bounds fence and I need to take relief, is it a penalty? m a. There is no penalty as long as the relief is not nearer the hole m b. There is a one-stroke penalty m c. There is a two-stroke penalty
1. The answer is c. For the other four holes see the answer to #3
2. The answer is b. For the other two holes see the answer to #3
3. The answer is b. For instance if your handicap is 18 and you only played 14 holes, you should record a bogey for each of the last four holes. If your handicap is zero, you should record par for each hole.
4. The answer is a. At PACC, hole #1 is the number 1 handicap hole; assuming that your handicap entitles you to 1 stroke, your maximum score is 7: calculate this way, par 4 + 2 strokes is double bogey (6) + 1 handicap stroke = 7. If you get 2 strokes, your maximum score is 8: par 4 + 2 strokes is double bogey (6) + 2 handicap strokes = 8.
5. The answer is c. You can download either the “USGA GHIN” app or the “My VSGA” app. In both apps, go to the Handicap Calculator, select the course and tees you are playing and your handicap will display.
6. The answer is d.
7. The answer is a. After three minutes the ball is deemed to be lost, even if you find it after three minutes and one second. The three minutes starts when the player and/or their caddy begins to search. If others start to search before this, the clock does not start until the player begins the search.
8. The answer is a. If the ball hits anything there is no penalty and the ball is played as it lies. Note that the rule is different if the ball was played from the putting green.

9. The answer is d. Answer 'a' is always a penalty. There are, however, a number of other situations when touching the sand is not a penalty.
10. The answer is c. If the ball is embedded in the ground, either in the rough or the fairway, the player is entitled to free relief. Relief is one club length from a point directly behind the place where the ball is embedded. Note that if the ball is in the rough and the one club length reaches the fairway, you may drop the ball in the fairway.
11. The answer is c. However, if the pitch mark had been on the green, it could be repaired.
12. The answer is b. There is no free relief from a boundary fence. Other than playing the ball as it lies, the only option is to declare the ball unplayable. This is a one-stroke penalty and has three options: play under stroke and distance, drop back keeping the place where the ball lies in line with the flag stick or drop within two club lengths of where the ball lies, no closer to the hole.
Golf Course & Grounds Update
By Matt Boyce Director of Golf Course Maintenance and Club Grounds

Your Golf Course Maintenance Team
This year's golf season presented many unique challenges, but COVID-19 was a challenge no one anticipated! The Golf Course Maintenance Team endured split shifts, increased golf rounds, unique safety circumstances and the added pressure at home to navigate the 2020 pandemic. Here are a few pictures with a list of all of our Team Members and the time they’ve spent at Princess Anne! We appreciate you!
Full Time Team Members
• Bobby Carroll – 51 years
• Bob Gladu – 31 years
• Jason Page – 20 Years
• Drew Proctor – 19 years
• Matt Boyce – 14 Years
• Jose Gildo-Ramos – 13 years
• Jon Wynne – 13 Years
• Wesley McClung – 10 Years
• David Scott – 10 Years
• Jimmy McLeod – 4 Years
• Efrain Perez – 2 Years
New for 2020
• Matt Cruz
• Ricky Radcliff
• Eric Reed
• Jordan Sanson
• DeVante Terry
Part Time
• Gary Harris – 50 Years
• Frank Stingo – 4 Years
• Erin Courrier – 3 years
• Harry Dugan – 1 year
New for 2020
• John Cheefetz
• Dion Jakum
• Justin Mease
• Michael Moran
• Tomie Ogren
• Paul Shriver
Wesley McClung Erin Courrier Jose Gildo-Ramos Drew Proctor Jason PageFrom the Links Tournament Results
2020 Vincent G. Thomas Men’s Member-Member
Congratulations to our 2020 Men’s Member-Member Champions, Mitch Ackaway and Woody Parsons! After advancing to the playoff by pitch-off, our final two teams headed to the second hole where one would claim the 2020 Men's Member-Member title! Woody Parsons & Mitch Ackaway found the green off the tee and waited while Jeff Marks & Mike Morgan scrambled. Mitch left Woody with an 8-foot putt remaining and two putts to win. Woody just missed and was able to allow Mitch to tap-in for their second consecutive Vincent G. Thomas Men's Member-Member title!

2020 Sandra B. Standing Husband and Wife Tournament

Congratulations to Hu and Evie Odom for winning the Sandra B. Standing Husband-Wife Championship with the overall net score of nine under!

Also, congratulations to Chris and Della Robb who won the overall gross with a score of five under as well as Roger Stroud and Betty Power for winning the Mixed Pairs Division with a net score of five under.

Junior Golf Fun!
All dates and event locations are TBD due to COVID-19.
Come celebrate the end of what has been another successful season of The Princess Anne Senior Men’s Golf Association.

There will be good food, good drinks and lots of camaraderie. End-of-season awards will be presented. All members of the association, wives and/or significant others are invited to attend.
To assist us in our planning we would appreciate knowing if you plan on attending the evening function. Please sign up on Foretees.
You will be asked upon signing up if you will be bringing a date. The dress for the social will be country club casual.

From the CourtsTennis
Tennis Shop News

New Babolat Pure Drive (Source:

Solidifying itself as the No. 1 racquet in tennis, French tennis manufacturer Babolat is set to unveil its latest Pure Drive 2021. Known as “the” racquet that transcends every playing style and allows for beginners to top level players to maximize their skill sets, the newest Babolat Pure Drive for 2021 has only become better with age. Providing both the stability and power that is required to gain this sort of popularity, the latest rendition of the Pure Drive provides more feel and a smoother ride on almost every shot. Let’s now take a look at how the 2021 Pure Drive held up with the our play-test.
Groundstrokes: Known as a spin-friendly frame that provides enough punch for the beginner to avid level player, the 2021 Pure Drive was impressive from the back of the court. It provided great depth of shot that has become synonyms with this line, but what was even more impressive from the previous version was the larger sweet spot that made almost every shot seem like it was hit centered and clean. You won’t be sacrificing any potency or plow-through with the new Pure Drive, as it still remains one of the heftiest hitting racquets in the game.
Volleys: Becoming a more all-court players racquet with every new generation of this line, the Pure Drive was a dream to hit with at net. We would definitely recommend adding some lead tape to the frame (stock version still weighs in 10.6 oz), as deeper volleys will be achieved easier on a regular basis. That said, touch and consistency of shot were found constantly with what seemed like an even bigger sweet spot than the previous version.
Serving: I still feel that players will be hard-pressed to find a better serving racquet on the market than the Pure Drive or even the Pure Aero. Both racquets provide ample pop and spin to any desired serve, but what the Pure Drive does better than the Pure Aero is allow for a crisper contact point through the ball. This could be because the Pure Drive feels like a slightly less stiff frame (even though it’s not), but I also believe that the feel of the Pure Drive is better than the Pure Aero. (To clarify, I am a regular user of the Pure Aero Tour as it’s my main racquet of choice. Thus, I know the racquet very well). All in all, from topspin to slice or raining down aces down-the-tee, the latest Pure Drive is as efficient as they come when stepping up to the line.
Returning: Allowing for ease and consistency when returning serve has always been an asset of the Pure Drive series. Whether your in position to blast a return, or if you’re stretched out and looking to stab the ball back into the court, the Pure Drive has usually been your best friend when it comes to returning. The latest iteration of the Pure Drive provides the necessary plow-through and control when blocking back a first serve or taking a nice cut at a second delivery. As with most modern day racquets, we would recommend stringing this frame at a max of 50-52lbs, although we typically like the Pure Drive or Pure Aero strung at about 45lbs. Spin remains an essential part of returning with the Pure Drive as shots will usually sail over the baseline if hit too flat.
Overall Impressions:
Pound-for-pound, the Pure Drive will remain the best selling racquet in the world as Babolat didn’t make any drastic changes that its current followers will not enjoy. It remains very easy to use from a beginner standpoint, and provides the more advanced player with the power and feel that is needed to succeed. The new cosmetic of the Pure Drive is also a bonus for its fan-base, and we see no reason why it won’t continue to be a hit around the globe.
From the Courts
Tennis Shop News (continued)
The New Pro Staff is here! (Source:
Evert. Edberg. Graf. Sampras. Courier. Federer. Iconic names with something in common: an iconic racquet. These all-timers at one point swung and won—lots of Slams—with a Wilson Pro Staff. Originally launched in 1983, the Pro Staff was one of the game’s first graphite frames. For the 13th edition of the storied franchise Wilson has made some incremental technological changes to the composition and capped it off with a heritage-inspired look that harkens back to the original model.
One of the most apparent modifications is to the feel of the racquet. To deepen the ball pocketing at contact without losing any stability, the racquet’s famed graphite and para-aramid fiber braid has been arranged at 45-degree angles. Dubbed “Braid 45” this design allows the frame to “breathe” more at contact without subtracting from its classic response. The carbon fiber weave is also exposed underneath glossy layer at the tip of the frame to showcase the feature.
Always lauded for its high degree of control, Wilson looked to increase the frame’s precision even further with a modification to its string pattern. Using String Mapping, the spacing in the upper onethird of the string bed—where most players make contact—has been decreased. The denser pattern leads to more predictable shots as well as enhanced feel.
And to improve the comfort and playability of the Pro Staff, the racquet now has the same ergonomic end cap that adorns all other Wilson performance racquet lines. However, the RF97 Autograph will retain the same traditional butt cap that Roger Federer prefers on court.

Unlike the other Wilson franchises, the look of the Pro Staff does not adhere to formula of a base color with bold accents at 3, 9 and 12 o’clock. The aesthetic pays homage to the original 1983 version with a sleek, black frame adorned with vibrant red and yellow racing stripes. The Federer Autograph differs slightly, opting for silver and gray racing stripes.
Virginia Cup Scrimmage
Since the VA Cup event slated for May was cancelled, we decided to call on Norfolk Yacht & Country Club (NYCC) and have an exhibition match between our two teams. NYCC has won the event several times so we were anxious to see where we stood with their best against our best. The match was held at Norfolk Yacht in August. We felt like we had a good chance, as we've added some new Members that have strengthened our team considerably. In the end, it was a resounding victory for PACC's VA Cup team with a score of three to one. Here are the results:
1. Britt Visser/Rhys James (PACC) def. Nic/Johan (NYCC) 6-4, 7-6
2. Travis Bode/Scott Baxter (PACC) def. Robbie/Rob (NYCC) 7-6, 3-6, 6-4

3. Andrew Roberts/Justin McDaniel (PACC) def. Jim/Pete (NYCC) 6-3, 6-2
4. McCoy/Michael def. Neil Brown/Charles Einwick (PACC) 6-3, 6-2
From the Courts
Players (left to right): Kristina Chastain, Lexi Rawls, Haley Cool, Nicole Perkins, John Fraser, Jill King, Traci Shoemaker, Nicole Legum, Dillon Yost and Meg Haynsworth.
2020 Spindle Cup

It was a near perfect day for tennis during our Spindle Cup exhibition match against Norfolk Yacht. As always, the matches were hard fought with many coming down to the wire. At the end of the day we were tied up, having split the singles and the doubles, forcing us to count up which team lost the fewest sets in their wins. That turned out to be us, so a win for PACC Spindle Cup ladies. Well done! Here are the results:
1) Courtney Violette (NYCC) def. Dillon Yost (PACC) 4-6,6-4,7-5
2) Kristina Chastain (PACC) def. Kerry Yuill (NYCC) 6-2,7-6
1) Haley Cool/Meg Haynsworth (PACC) def. Judy Dashiell/Latane Avery (NYCC) 6-1,6-3
2) Ruth Acra/Flurry Yanez (NYCC) def. Lexi Rawls/Jill King (PACC) 7-5,6-4
3) Elizabeth Hope/Courtney Violette (NYCC) def. Traci Shoemaker/Nicole Legum (PACC) 7-5,6-2

4) Nicole Perkins/Kristina Chastain (PACC) def. Ryan Rhodes/Sara Dailey (NYCC) 6-3,7-5
A huge thanks to our team who fought hard for everything they got and to all the spectators who came out to cheer. Go PACC!
Member/Member Doubles Club Championship


Member/Guest Doubles Club Championship
was a perfect weekend for our Member/Guest Doubles Club Championship where we crowned some new club champions and saw some great tennis action. Men's Open: Travis Bode/Mike Perkins A: Bill McClanan/ Richard Doummar B: Frank Mihlon/ Kevin O’Connor Men's Senior: Jimmy Sellers/Ricky Stevens Open: Bekki Jucksch/ Michele Dallman A: Meg Haynsworth/ Michelle Fox B: Christina Gondusky/ Suzanne Mihlon C: Sally Ortiz/Bonnie Green We saw some great matches over Labor Day weekend for our Member/Member Doubles Club Championship, many of which went the distance. Here are the newly crowned club champs: Men's Open: Jackson Breit/ Britt Visser Men's A: Lorenzo Sison/ Adam Long Men's C: Cliff Cutchins/ Thomas Rickenbaker B: Charles Honey/ Richard Rhoads Women's Open: Holly Hutchinson/ Molly Hobbs A: Meg Haynsworth/ Laura Stone B: Liz Long/ Claire Walters

From the Courts
2021 Tennis Calendar of Events

USTA Boys and Girls 12s SuperSet Tournament Saturday, January 9 February
CHKD Warm-Up Event Saturday, February 13
CHKD Mixed Open Doubles Tournament Thursday, February 18 – Sunday, February 21
Valentine’s Day Cardio Saturday, February 13 March
St. Patrick’s Day Cardio Wednesday, March 17 April
Virginia Cup (@ PACC) Saturday, April 24
Fun Cup (@ VBTCC) Sunday, April 25 May
Tidewater Cup (@ PACC) Saturday, May 1
Men’s/Women’s Singles Club Championship Friday, May 7 – Friday, May 21 June
Anderson Cup (@ NYCC) Friday, June 11 - Saturday, June 12 July
Member/Guest Doubles Tournament
Friday, July 2 - Sunday, July 4 August
Senior Tidewater Cup (@ PACC) Saturday, August 21 September
Member/Member Doubles Club Championship Friday, September 3 - Sunday, September 5
Spindle Cup (@ PACC) Saturday, September 11- Sunday, September 12
Junior Singles Club Championship TBA October
Member/Member Mixed Doubles Tournament
Friday, October 1 – Sunday, October 3
Junior Country Club Cup (@CCV) Sunday, October 3
L5 USTA Junior Tournament Saturday, October 9 – Monday, October 11 November
Thanksgiving Day Cardio Thursday, November 25
Thanksgiving Classic L5 USTA Junior Tournament Friday, November 26 – Sunday, November 28 December
Holiday Tennis Camps TBA

Lifestyles & Fitness Fitness
Join us this November for our 30-day Gratitude Challenge. Use the calendar below to help you reflect on what you are grateful for and see if you can make it a habit.

Think of one thing you are grateful for right now.
Think of the person who makes you laugh the most in your life.
For every letter A-Z, write down what you're grateful for.
Relate to your hands and feet with gratitude. How do they support you?
Take a photo of something that inspires gratitude in you.
Think of the body part you are most grateful for and why.
Think of one someone who has been kind to you.
Mindfully eat your lunch today and be grateful for the food you have.
Think of a place in the world that you love.
Practice gratitude for those who have come before you.
Practice maintaining eye contact when you say thank you.
Write a thank-you note to yourself.
Get crafty and make a gratitude jar or other reminder craft.
Buy or make a small gift for someone you appreciate.
What teacher are you thankful for?
What song makes you happy?
Is there something in your life you're taking for granted?
Think of a time when you felt seen or heard.
Write a letter to someone who has made a difference.
Do something you LOVE doing today.
Ask 3 people what they are grateful for and why.
Take a gratitude walk. Open your senses to your surroundings.
Share your favorite quote about gratitude on social media.
Relate to water with gratitude today.
Thank your body for sleeping last night.
Listen to the Sleep, Story, Gratitude before bed.
Look for the gift in something you find challenging.
What color do you feel grateful for?
Choose one of your senses and be aware & grateful of it today.
Inhale & think of something you're grateful for. Exhale gratitude.

Lifestyles & Fitness
Fitness Sucess Story | Mary
Mary's Story
NutterGoing to the Princess Anne fitness center has resulted in a lifestyle change for me. Following a series of hip, knee and tendon operations, I went through the required physical therapy. While that made a big difference in my recovery, I still did not feel confident with my balance and stamina.
In October 2019, I made a decision to work out with Charles, one of our fitness trainers at PACC. Meeting and working with Charles has given me an entirely new lifestyle. I have been training with him three times a week since we met a year ago. This training turned to virtual training when the pandemic closed the gym. Thank goodness I continued to work with him. If I had stopped, I would have lost all of the progress I had made. The virtual training and classes are amazing, it is like Charles is right in the room with me. His Friday BASE class has been a wonderful follow-up to my training. He keeps watch on each person in the class, giving praise and making sure everyone is doing the exercises correctly.

All of this has made a huge difference in my strength, balance and endurance. When I began, I thought I would never touch my toes again, balance on one leg or lift nine-pound weights while doing arm and leg exercises. During my workouts Charles constantly assesses my movements, corrects my body alignment and works on stretching out very tight muscle groups. The over compensation I had been doing for years, to ease the pain of a worn out knee or hip, is now being corrected.
In addition, Charles keeps an eye on me outside of training by encouraging me to close all of the rings on my Apple watch. What a difference going to the Princess Anne fitness center has made for me. As Charles would say “it’s a choice of a lifestyle change!”

| FAST 5
Lifestyles & Fitness
Favorite At-home Exercise Equipment

Working on your Christmas wish list? Be sure to include some at-home fitness equipment. January will be here before you know it! Here are some of our staff favorites, along with some purchasing resources.
Exercise/Stability Ball

A favorite of Cindy, Larissa & Liz “An exercise ball can be purchased almost anywhere. It can be used instead of an office chair or weight bench, and can enhance abdominal work, balance exercises and more!” –Cindy
A favorite of Val & Andrea
“The Vipr is so fun to use! It’s provides a challenging strength, cardio and core workout using multiple planes of motion…great for functional ‘real-life’ strength and injury prevention.” –Andrea
Resistance Bands (Handled bands, mini-loops, high-resistance bands and Therabands)

A favorite of Mallory, Liz & Clarissa
Bands come in every resistance and can replace dumbbells for most homeworkout purposes.
“The two most useful products for my clients during COVID-19 have been fabric elastic bands and a portable Barre.” –Mallory
“I love the TheraBand resistance bands, both the closed-loop and open-loop bands!” - Clarissa
A favorite of Sabine “Whether you want to build strength, lose fat, improve endurance or flexibility, the TRX Suspension Trainer can be used to achieve any fitness goal. By simply leveraging your body weight to perform many different exercises, you get a full body workout, while simultaneously working your core.” -Sabine
Kettlebell/Medicine Ball
A favorite of Charles & Clarissa “Kettlebells are incredibly versatile. They can be used like you would a dumbbell, or for more complex cross-body, core-activation and balance training.” -Charles

Fiudx Portable Weight Bench
A favorite of Mary Ann
“I can work all the muscle groups and tuck it away for easy storage.” –Mary Ann
A favorite of Crissy

“Commercial-grade treadmills and other cardio pieces are available for purchase through vendors that refurbish equipment that are gently used to like-new quality.” -Crissy
Favorite Resources
Power Systems
Perform Better
Rogue Fitness
Dicks Sporting Goods

Target & Walmart (for a variety of fitness bands and therapy bands) (handled resistance bands)
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
sBreakfast/ Sunday Funday Menu Clubhouse
sSocial/Dining sGolf sTennis sAquatics sFitness sYouth
sTaco & Margarita Night Clubhouse
s1/2 Price Wine Night Clubhouse sPints & Patties Breakers
sClassic Cocktails Clubhouse
sMovie Night on the Range Driving Range
sBreakfast/ Sunday Funday Menu Clubhouse
sTaco & Margarita Night Clubhouse
s1/2 Price Wine Night Clubhouse
sPints & Patties Breakers sCharcuterie Class Clubhouse sPACC Olympics Tennis Center
sBreakfast/ Sunday Funday Menu Clubhouse
sTaco & Margarita Night Clubhouse
s1/2 Price Wine Night Clubhouse
sPints & Patties Breakers
sClassic Cocktails Clubhouse sClassic Cocktails Clubhouse
sPrime Rib/Bingo Night Breakers
sThanksgivingto-go orders due!
sBreakfast/ Sunday Funday Menu Clubhouse
sTaco & Margarita Night Clubhouse

sPick up Thanksgivingto-go orders s1/2 Price Wine Night Clubhouse sPints & Patties Breakers
sTurkey Trot sTennis Cardio sThanksgiving Brunch
Breakers Closed Kids Club Closed No Dinner Service in Clubhouse
sHoliday Toy Drive Begins sGame Night The Reef sPASMGA Evening Social
sBreakfast/ Lunch/Dinner Breakers sBreakfast/ Lunch/Dinner Breakers sHoliday Wine Tasting Clubhouse sBreakfast/Lunch Breakers (closing at 2 pm)
sOyster Roast Clubhouse
sBreakfast/Lunch/ Dinner Breakers
sBreakfast/ Sunday Funday Menu Clubhouse
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday December
sTaco & Margarita Night Clubhouse
s1/2 Price Wine Night Clubhouse
sGourmet Hot Dog Night Breakers
sTennis Pro Shop Open House ( Sunday)
sGolf Pro Shop Open House sClassic Cocktails Clubhouse
sNutcracker Tea
sBreakfast/ Sunday Funday Menu Clubhouse
sBreakfast/ Sunday Funday Menu Clubhouse
sTraditional Christmas sChristmas-to-go orders due!
sBreakfast/ Sunday Funday Menu Clubhouse
sBreakfast/ Sunday Funday Menu Clubhouse
sBreakfast/ Lunch/Dinner Breakers
sClubhouse closed for dinner service due to private event.
1 2 3 4 5
sTaco & Margarita Night Clubhouse
s1/2 Price Wine Night Clubhouse
sGourmet Hot Dog Night Breakers
sTapas Night Breakers
sClassic Cocktails Clubhouse
Happy Hanukkah!
sTaco & Margarita Night Clubhouse
s1/2 Price Wine Night Clubhouse
sGourmet Hot Dog Night Breakers
sClassic Cocktails Clubhouse
sMen’s Pop-Pop sPolar Express Movie Night The Reef
sMen's Shootout
sSanta Fest
sBreakfast/Lunch/ Dinner Breakers
sBreakfast/ Sunday Funday Menu Clubhouse 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
sBreakfast/ Lunch/Dinner Breakers
sTraditional Christmas sTraditional Christmas
sLast day to leave a toy for Holiday Toy Drive
sEgg Nog Social sPick up Christmas to-go orders

Breakers Closed Clubhouse Closes at 2 pm
Merry Christmas! All Club facilities are closed.
sBreakfast/Lunch/ Dinner Breakers
sTaco & Margarita Night Clubhouse
s1/2 Price Wine Night Clubhouse
sGourmet Hot Dog Night Breakers
sNew Year's Eve Dinner
sChildren's Babysitting Breakers Closed
Happy Near Year!
Fitness Open Tennis Open Golf Course Open Locker Rooms Open Breakers Closed Clubhouse Closed Kids Club Closed
Princess Anne Country Club
3800 Pacific Avenue
Virginia Beach, VA 23451
Winter Hours
All Club facilities are closed on Christmas Day.

Chesapeake / Linkhorn Lounge
Breakfast Sunday 8 am - 1 pm
Sunday Funday Sunday 11 am - 8 pm
Lunch Tuesday - Saturday 11 am - 5 pm
Dinner Tuesday - Thursday 5 pm - 9 pm Friday/Saturday 5 pm - 10 pm
Men’s Lounge
Lunch Tuesday - Sunday 11 am- 2 pm (à la carte)
Ladies’ Lounge
Lunch Tuesday - Friday 11 am- 2 pm (à la carte)
Dinner Wednesday - Friday 4 pm- 9 pm
Breakfast Saturday 8 am- 11 am
Lunch/Dinner Saturday 11 am- 9 pm
Kid’s Club 3800
(Babysitting is available for special events, as advertised.)
Monday - Friday 7:30 am- 1:30 pm
Friday 5:30 - 9:30 pm
Saturday 8:30 am - 2:30 pm (must RSVP)
Golf Pro Shop
November 3 - Spring 2021
Day Golf Shop Bag Room/Range Tee Times
Mon Closed 9 am- 5 pm Course Closed
Tues- Fri 8 am- 5 pm 8 am- 5 pm Begin at 9 am Sat & Sun 7 am- 5 pm 7 am- 5 pm Begin at 8 am
Holiday Hours
Day Golf Shop Bag Room/Range Tee Times
Nov. 26 7 am- 3 pm 7 am- 3 pm Begin at 8 am Nov. 27 7 am- 5 pm 7 am- 5 pm Begin at 8 am Dec. 24 7 am- 2 pm 7 am- 1:30 pm Carts in at 1:30 pm Dec. 26 8 am- 5 pm 8 am- 5 pm Begin at 9 am Dec. 31 8 am- 4 pm 8 am- 4 pm Carts in at 4 pm Jan. 1 7 am- 5 pm 7 am- 5 pm Begin at 8 am
Tennis Pro Shop
Daily 8 am- 5 pm
Fitness Center
Mon/Wed 6 am – 8 pm
Tue/Thu/Fri 6 am – 7 pm
Sat 8 am – 6 pm
Sun 8 am – 2 pm