Need for marriage customization and upgrade for a better result

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NEED FOR MARRIAGE CUSTOMARIZATION AND UPGRADE FOR A BETTER RESULT. Each time I install some soft ware in my laptop, some of the software’s do provide the option for upgrade and customarization. The upgrade is to enable you keep trend with the current while customarization is to enable you adjust the window to your choice. In the same vein, for you to enjoy sweet and evergreen marriage, you need to upgrade and customize your marriage. You need to upgrade your marriage to ensure that you keep terms with the current trends in the society. For instance, I installed a soft ware in my system few days ago, but the soft ware could not open, why, I keep seen on the screen that that soft ware is not compatible with the current window. I was given an option of the version I need to install in my system before I can run that soft ware.

That is exactly what is wrong with some marriages. Some couples are trying to apply or enforce some principles that worked some years ago, expecting them to work with the current events in the society. This doesn’t work that way, because some marriage principles that worked fine with your parents and grandparents, if you apply some of them today, there may be crises with the marriage. In other words, you need to upgrade your marriage, in doing so, you need to analyze certain things that caused you people frequent misunderstanding last years and drop them this year because quarrels may be indication that the things may be outdated and need an upgrade. Moreover, I keep saying it, no two marriages are exactly the same, so don’t borrow what is happening in one marriage and expect it to work exactly in your own marriage. You may need to customaries certain principles to suit your own marriage if you are to enjoy your marriage to the fullest. AREAS OF MARRIAGE CUSTOMARIZATION

One major area that you need customarization is FINANCE. The Income that comes into your home, how is it kept and used? Some advocate joint bank accounts while some advocates individual bank accounts. I wish as a matter of emphasis state categorically that none of the two is the best, as each has its own merits and demerit, so I am not advocating any as been the best. You need to analyze the two options and choose the one that suits you based on your love and trust for each other. I have seen couple that operated joints accounts successfully but during crises, one of the partner went and cleared the account before the other party knew what was happening. I have equally seen some couple that operates individual accounts and a partner died suddenly, the other partner could not claim the amounts in the bank easily without parting with some huge amount. That is to say, you need to analyze the options and decide which suits you best, based on the love, understanding, and trust for each other. I remember that when I started marriage with my wife; we open joint bank accounts. After some months I observed that it wasn’t working because I used most of the amount in the accounts to assist people that came to me for financial assistance. After some months, I said no to it and decided that she should operate her individual account so that I would not be using her income. However, I have access to her account as I am a signatory to her accounts and she is to mine. Today we have many accounts, some joint and others individual accounts. Another area that needs customarization is the use of ATM CARD. It is similar to operating individual or joints bank accounts. Some advocate that couples should disclose the ATM pin to their partner while others oppose it. As with joints or individual accounts, each has its merits and demerits that you need to analyze which of the options is best suited for your marriage. NEVER OPERATE AN OPTION BASED ON THE FACTS THAT ANOTHER COUPLE IS OPERATING IT. Decide which of the option is best suited for

your marriage as I am not advocating any of the option. But as for me, I knew my wife’s pin and she knew mine. If there is any issue bothering your marriage, feel free to contact if you feel I can be of help in any way. Also follow us on Twitter and equally like us on face book.

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