Aging Well - Summer 2023

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Summertime... and Aging Well in San Diego | Daily Dose of Yoga + Virginia of Encinitas. Avid surfer at 60 years old!
Photo by John

Serving the 50+ Community in San Diego County

San Diego Oasis is an award-winning nonprofit organization that has been serving people 50+ throughout the San Diego region for the past 35 years.

Our mission is to promote successful aging through a three-fold approach:

• Lifelong Learning

We hold classes throughout San Diego County in 3 formats: in-person, hybrid, and online.

• Healthy Living

We offer sessions in fitness, dance, nutrition, life-style, and chronic disease management.

• Intergenerational Programs

We have hundreds of trained volunteers who dedicate their time to at-risk youth through reading tutoring, book giveaways, and mentorship programs.

San Diego Oasis

5500 Grossmont Center Drive

Suite 269

La Mesa, CA 91942

(619) 881-6161

3,000 Classes Annually

Arts & Crafts | Business, Financial & Legal Exercise & Dance | Health & Wellness

History & Humanities | Language & Literature

Personal Enrichment | Science Technology | Theatre & Music | Travel

Navigating your future may bring uncertainity. Aging Well Partners can help discover your best path forward by empowering you with the vetted resources and trusted services that meet your specific needs. Your journey has a roadmap and we are here to help find it. Your

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in Place Assisted Living Memory Care
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BRAD WEBER | 619-300-1732



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Your Best Summer Yet

Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway has been a favorite inspirational saying since I read it off the cover of Susan Jeffers, Ph.D. groundbreaking book. Seven little words with the power to make or break a great life, or in this case, Summer! It indeed says so much in just seven short words.

I’ve conveyed this to friends as they’ve entered their older years and were scared to try new things or take significant risks. But, life is about taking chances like the amazing Patti Gerke at 68 years YOUNG, training mentally and physically to tackle the 28-mile Pacific Coast Trail (Tackling the Summit of a Lifetime, Pg 6) in one day! No seven words were more accurate.

Yoga Instructor Jennie MacGoy brings yoga into our everyday lives…no formal classes needed! I recently tried the 10-minute Yoga video she created for our readers ( ) during my workday when I needed to clear my mind and get the blood flowing. Oh, the feel-good chemicals it created. I need this daily! Taking risks: If Not Now…When? Pg 18 struck a chord with me. What are we waiting for in life to act and check off on our bucket list? Joan and Bob Heck jumped with two feet into the life they always dreamed about right in the middle of the pandemic. We are never too old to create or try something new, like smoking brisket for a summer party. I sat down with local pit boss Chris Campos of Chris & Monica’s Lil’ Brisket Shack out of Chula Vista for a step-by-step beginner guide on how to use our smokers that have been sitting in our backyard for two summers. Guilty! It’s easier than you think. You can do it!

We love our homes, and older adults clearly know that aging in place is a top priority and goal. The January 1, 2022, California HOME Act (SB 9) is an option to split your lot and make building an ADU easier. Who knew? Realtor Melina Rissone and developer Bill Adams teamed up to provide the nuts and bolts about Revolutionizing Retirement Living without Moving, Pg 24 and New Options to Age in Place & Earn Passive Income Pg 10. Two solutions to help you stay in your home as you age.

When Your Family Doesn’t Want Your Stuff Pg 8 is a wake-up call that it’s never too early to make a plan for our stuff and what we’ll do with it. Not everyone wants your beloved things, but you won’t know until you ask, so ask sooner than later. A great list of where to sell, store, auction, giveaway, create keepsakes, etc., is included.

If you haven’t heard, our Boomers and Silent Generation still impact our community, even in retirement (How Older Adults are “Hitting Pause” on the Summer Slide, pg 15)! These amazing generations ensure Generation Alpha ( Kids born in 2010 and beyond) learn to read and keep up over the summer. San Diego Oasis (Lifelong Adventure) pioneered this fantastic program. Check out the grand opening event of their newest location in Rancho Bernardo on June 24th. (https:// Committed to getting back to your sport or trying a new one (yes!)? Before you take that first dip into the ocean, read Never Too Old To Play Pg 12 to get your checklist of how to be ready, stay limber, and be flexible for all the great summer sports to mitigate injuries. Our Aging Athlete column debuts this month with Physical

Like Us
“San Diego is a chunk of paradise, but it’s the people who make it so unique”

You Are NOT Your Body… pg 22 cultivates a positive outlook that we can’t let what’s going on with our aging bodies label who we are. Our mind is in control of how we feel. We debut our word search and Sudoku puzzle to keep our minds sharp. Let us know what you think of it.

This issue is all about getting you outside, exercising, experiencing new things, or revisiting old favorite things you haven’t done in forever, and taking risks, because, yes, the risk is what makes you feel alive. So keep planning to live, plan to age well, try something new, and check off something on your bucket list. And for heaven’s sake, make a bucket list if you don’t have one, and celebrate living in San Diego because we are the lucky ones. Once you get it planned and figured out, you can relax and finally try a new restaurant in Petco Park (Summertime in San Diego, pg. 23).

San Diego is a chunk of paradise, but it’s the people who make it so unique, and it is brewing with ridiculous talent and ridiculous good beer. Try a new one! We know together we AGE better, so make plans to see family and friends and check something off your bucket list, all in the name of fun and creating your best summer ever. See you in Fall!

Age Well San Diego!

Jacqui Clark is a Certified Senior Advisor™ (CSA™), consultant with Living Coastal Senior Resources, and co-founder of Aging Well Partners. She is an industry leading living-and-aging well expert, and a respected communications specialist.

619-788-4459 | ISSUE #2 5 Easily reach a connected community with our beautiful local issues! Advertise with Us! Reaching over 125,000 area homes each month! Direct mail distribution Contact us now! Limited category exclusive options available. Brad Weber (619) 300-1732 |

Tackling a Summit of a Lifetime

Finding the perfect running shoes for the race of a lifetime can be just as critical as planning to age well. It’s the small things that can fowl up your game plan. Take for instance shoes. There’s a lot of noise out there about the best and perfect running shoe for tackling the Pacific Coast Trail hike that I will hopefully have finished by the time this issue lands in June. All my training will go right out the door if my feet hurt, due to a poor shoe fit that causes blisters, etc., because I purchased the wrong shoes. I shopped around a lot for the right shoes, as I realized that come race day, the health and comfort of my feet would be a big determining factor of whether I completed the race.

So often simple impediments in our homes create hazards that can potentially risk whether we stay in our home. Simple aging-in-place solutions allow us the opportunity to age with dignity, independence, and safety, which provides us the freedom to make choices like enjoying outdoor activities, which improve our physical, cognitive, and emotional health.

Some critical things to consider as you create your own training ground to age well and on your terms are exercise, nutrition, sleep, emotional health, home modifications, moving closer to family, rightsizing to a new home, or even moving to a senior living community. Some or all of the above will have a critical role in helping you achieve the way you want to age.


Having goals that allow for continuous learning, which supports your ability to make educated decisions about your future is empowering. The planning can feel overwhelming and time-consuming,

but well worth it in the end. Very much like the Pacific Coast Trail hike that covers 28 miles in one day that I will be completing in May for the Make-a-Wish Foundation. I had to learn many hiking ‘tricks of the trade,” train for many months in preparation, purchase appropriate gear, plan for proper nutrition to keep me fueled, and develop a deep well of mental fortitude to keep going, especially when faced with another 7-mile, 3000ft elevation gain. The perseverance and determination to continue hiking through mud, rocky trails, and crossing waterways that can be as cold as 30 degrees, are all part of the process and the journey. I’m determined to keep going and finish on my terms.


The number one thing aging adults say is that they want to stay in their homes and age in place, but it just doesn’t happen because you want it. I believe aging in place IS training for a long hike, especially when it comes to staying in your home. The “short hikes” are the simple modifications needed in your home from removing trip hazards (rugs!) to installing grab bars in your showers (no tubs please!). Your “long hikes” are bigger room modifications from moving walls to modifying bathrooms and kitchens to installing chair lifts and ramps, all in the name of safety. These are the hallmarks that help keep you safe and hopefully mitigate any life-changing falls. If you don’t do the short hike, you’ll never complete the long hike, and the long hike gets you to the finish line. —

**Patti reports back in the Fall issue on how her hike went, whether she chose right on those shoes, and if she survived the 30-degree water! Patti started running at age 40 and at 68 years old, has no plans to slow down anytime soon. Age Well San Diego.

Patti Gerke is a Senior Real Estate Specialist® (SRES®), a Certified Senior Advisor® (CSA®), and a Certified Aging In Place Specialist® (CAPS®). For the past 21+ years she has specialized in working with seniors and their family members, utilizing her compassionate perseverance, to provide guidance, assistance, and expertise when wanting to Age in Place with dignity and independence…or selling their home. She’s lived in Carlsbad for 39 years with her husband. Find Patti at patti@


When Your Family Doesn’t Want Your Stuff

Letting go of a lifetime of belongings is often the most challenging part of moving. Unfortunately, the market for second-hand household goods is flooded because, for the first time, we have two generations downsizing. The Silent Generation (78-95 years) and the Boomers (59-77 years) are emptying their nest and choosing a simpler lifestyle.

When we were growing up, fine China and crystal were displayed in a China cabinet, along with collectibles and mementos. A lovely table was set for special occasions and gatherings. Now very few families are having elaborate dinners; instead trading in the formalities for BBQs, casual dinnerware, and sometimes paper plates.

When it comes to downsizing, the first step is to start with a plan. Where are you going? What’s realistic for your lifestyle? What fits and feels most comfortable?

Most prefer keeping things in the family and passing heirlooms to loved ones. However, younger generations are opting for more minimalist lifestyles and purchasing more “disposable” items…politely refusing these gifts and used furniture.

Consider identifying the most important items to keep and then share their stories. When family members understand the significance, they may be more willing to make room for your treasured items. Another option is to use a platform like Artifacts to photograph and share the things you aren’t keeping, or you can photograph and display these items in a book to share with family.

Next, identify what items are of value that may be sold. Try the app Google Lens where you can photograph the item and get an idea of its value. I am often asked about my opinion of garage sales. My advice…. When deciding what and how to sell, it’s essential to consider your timeline and energy. If you love garage sales, have one, but they take a tremendous amount of time and energy for often little pay-off.

If you have a short period of time and limited energy, a liquidator will offer a whole home clear-out, considering what can be sold versus the labor cost to pack up and remove everything that remains. Of course, whether you’ll make or pay money depends on the quality of what you have. That said, it’s usually the easiest way to go when you have a short timeline.

You might be eligible for an estate sale when you have a longer timeline and if your home has enough items of value. Traditional estate sales usually require a onemonth window and at least one week after you’ve moved to prep an empty house. Estate sale companies work on commission, which ranges from 40-60%. If you have items of significant value or collections, you can sell them through eBay or an auctioneer specializing in the category.

Consider consignment if you are uncomfortable with strangers in your home and the above options don’t work. However, because consignment and charity shops are inundated, they have become very selective about the inventory they are willing to carry. The first step is to inquire whether the shop will take your items. You will be responsible for getting the things to the shop, and followup is necessary to check on any proceeds from a sale.

If you are comfortable using a smartphone and don’t


mind strangers in your home, you might try an online auction. This requires less time than a traditional estate sale and exposes your belongings to a wider net. To conduct an online estate sale, you’ll need at least two weeks to photograph and prepare the auction before pick-up day. You can do it yourself with an online platform like MaxSold. The items are paid for in advance, and the pick-up is usually done in a couple of hours.

If you have only a handful of things to sell, Smartphones or online Apps are a great option.

• Letgo: Best for quick sales

• Facebook Marketplace: Best for reaching a wider audience

• Nextdoor : Best for local sales

• OfferUp: Best for buyers

• CPlus for Craigslist (App): Also great for reaching a wider audience

• Poshmark : Best for selling designer items

• Tradesy: Also great for selling designer items

At best, your belongings are worth about 10% of what you paid. Some people prefer to donate their items. You can find a list of charities that pick up on our website or call for a hardcopy handout.

Letting go of the idea that everything you own must be valued and sold for a profit will free up tremendous mental and emotional energy. It can also free up your time to focus on the thing that is likely in high demand and could be sold for top dollar, like your house!

If you are downsizing your belongings and looking forward to a smaller, more manageable space, there is help! Move Manager companies handle all aspects of your move, from floor planning for the new space to the clearing out of your home, all without the stress of doing it on your own.

Jamie Shapiro owns Silver Linings Transitions, a San Diego-based senior and specialty move management company that assists clients who are rightsizing (downsizing) to smaller homes, senior communities or decluttering and organizing in their existing homes. Silver Linings Transitions have partnerships with many realtors where all or most of their services are provided at no additional cost, saving you thousands of dollars and time. For more information, call (760) 522-1624 or email Visit us at www. | ISSUE #2 9

New Options to Age in Place & Earn Passive Income from Your Property

Aging in place is something most of us would prefer. Your home is where you made family memories and transformed it into your sanctuary.

At the same time, you may be looking at your retirement account and realizing your nest egg differs from what you had hoped it would be due to inflation and rising costs. Fortunately, you can lengthen your stay and make money from your property.

With two new residential development opportunities, San Diego homeowners can maximize the possibilities of their land from the recent passing of California Senate Bill 9 (SB9). First, the California Housing Opportunity and More Efficiency (HOME) Act streamlines the process for a homeowner to build an ADU or subdivide an existing lot.

The first opportunity is adding an ADU (Accessory Dwelling Unit) to your property. ADUs are guest houses, granny flats, or in-law suites. It can be any number of configurations, including a detached or attached building or even a garage conversion. Homeowners can rent them to earn income. Some homeowners opt to move into the ADU to enjoy a lower-maintenance home with one floor and then rent out the main house. However, using your ADU will increase your land’s value and add passive income from the unused space on your property. Because we live in one of the country’s most desirable and expensive housing markets, your annual income potential could range from $20,000$30,000. Plus, the ADUs are designed to ensure privacy with separate entrances and outdoor areas as well as coordinate with your existing home’s exterior design.

The second opportunity is a Lot Split, with you earning cash as the primary benefit. A Lot Spilt divides an existing homesite into two legal lots, and a new home is built on the new lot and sold, with you remaining in your home. By subdividing into multiple lots, a homeowner can make money without moving. There are two ways to execute the Lot Split. The first is when the homeowner puts up the money, and NOW-HAUS (a real estate development company) does all the work, such as managing all the financing, contracts, plans, construction, and selling the new house. The second

option is when NOW-HAUS and the homeowner develop the property like a partnership. NOW-HAUS manages everything from financing, plans, permits, and construction to selling the new house. The homeowner then earns approximately 50% of all net profits from the sale of the new home, ranging from $125,000 to $250,000.

The ADU and Lot Split options require the NOW-HAUS team to analyze your property to see what is feasible. An ADU requires access and sometimes parking. The ideal properties for a Lot Split are corner and wide lots with alley access or lots 7,000 square feet or larger. If your property checks any of those boxes, it is worth a free consultation with NOW-HAUS. The new SB9 law has been transformative for California homeowners, and it may be the golden ticket for seniors willing to explore new options to age in place and increase their retirement nest egg. —William

William Adams is the Founder & CEO of NOW-HAUS ADU, LLC., a residential real estate development company. NOW-HAUS specializes in ADUs (Accessory Dwelling Units) and Lot Splits. In addition, he offers onsite consultations with homeowners looking to maximize their property’s potential. Contact William at 619-889-3397 or email


Does Marijuana Make You Gain Weight, or Does it Increase Your Metabolism and Decrease Your Mass?

Summer is upon us, and everyone wants at least try to look good! In 2022, we clocked $76 billion in sales in weight loss programs, diet soda, lowcalorie frozen food, gym memberships and more. Everyone wants a silver bullet, and the choice du jour is Ozempic, the diabetes drug. From the cabbage diet to fasting to the gut buster, everyone wants a trick to lose weight. But what about marijuana?

It is clear alcohol helps gain but what about cannabis? Does it affect your metabolism and your stomach/body size?

There’s some evidence that cannabis interacts with cannabinoid receptor 1 , which plays a role in metabolism and food intake. High amounts of cannabis appear to increase metabolism and reduce energy storage, resulting in a lower BMI. But like most effective weight tools, it takes time as opposed to sudden weight loss.

Different cannabis strains have different effects on these neurons. “THC may increase appetite, but CBD helps carbohydrate metabolism, fasting insulin, and metabolic function, mitigate and curb cravings—they work synergistically,” says Junella Chin, M.D., an integrative medical physician in New York and California specializing in medical cannabis and osteopathic neuromuscular medicine. “Having a cannabis formulation that is balanced in THC:CBD, or dominantly CBD, is helpful in minimizing the munchies.”

In 2013, the American Journal of Science released a report that noted the low prevalence of obesity in cannabis users despite an abundance of empirical and anecdotal evidence linking marijuana users to highcaloric diets. According to the study, “the most important finding is that current users of marijuana appeared to have better carbohydrate metabolism than nonusers,” Murray Mittleman, an associate professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School and the lead author of the study, told Time. “Their fasting insulin levels were lower, and they appeared to be less resistant to the insulin produced by their body to maintain a normal blood sugar level.

What about “the munchies”, the long-standing association between weed and snacking?

A study showed an increase in sales of “junk” food, largely defined as chips, cookies, and ice cream, in U.S. states where cannabis is now legal. However, you should keep in mind that correlation doesn’t mean causation. Just because there was an increase in sales of these foods where cannabis is legal doesn’t mean that the cannabis was responsible.

Body maintenance is a tough thing, and you should consult your physician before you start a significant weight loss program. Changing your body takes time, and you should never expect large changes in a short period of time. And it is not healthy for your system. Exercise, a sound diet, and sleep are key factors to maintain a healthy body. | ISSUE #2 11


Too Old toPlay



LET’S FACE IT, GETTING OLDER CAN BE CHALLENGING. But just because you’re aging doesn’t mean you can’t still play! As a physical therapist for aging athletes, I have the privilege of working with a diverse group of individuals who all share a common goal: to stay active and engaged in the sports and activities they love. The aging athletes I work with are typically in their 50s, 60s, and 70s and come from various athletic backgrounds, from avid surfers to competitive cyclists.

When these athletes come to see me, they often express a range of emotions, from frustration and disappointment to anxiety and even depression. Many think they’ll never be able to return to their sport at the level they once enjoyed and may even feel like they’re prematurely aging. They commonly worry about getting back into shape, losing friends, and feeling isolated from the sports they love.

The number one physical complaint I see in aging athletes is chronic pain, particularly in the joints. Many of the athletes I work with come to me seeking relief from knee, hip, and back pain, making it difficult for them to participate in their favorite activities.

If you’re an aging athlete looking to get back into your sport after a long hiatus, there are a few things you should consider. First and foremost, being patient with yourself and setting realistic expectations is essential. You may not be able to perform at the level you once did, but with time and dedication, you can still enjoy the sport you love.

To help prepare your body for activity once again, there are a few things to consider to help you stay active, flexible, and agile while having fun:

1. Stay active regularly.

The key to staying young at heart is staying active! Regular exercise is crucial to maintaining good health as you age. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderateintensity exercise most days of the week. You can walk, cycle, swim, or play sports that you enjoy. You’ll not only help to maintain your physical health, but you’ll also boost your mood, reduce stress, and increase your overall quality of life. | ISSUE #2 13
Virginia of Encinitas. 60 years old! Photo by John Mayer

2. Focus on injury prevention. Let’s face it; nobody wants to get sidelined by an injury. So please take the necessary steps to prevent them! Warm up and stretch before and after physical activity, wear appropriate footwear, and take breaks when needed. Consult a doctor or physical therapist before starting any new exercise program, especially if you have pre-existing health conditions or injuries.

3. Incorporate strength, flexibility, and agility training. Strength training is critical as you age, as it can help maintain muscle mass and bone density, which tend to decline as you age. You don’t need to become a bodybuilder, but incorporating some basic strength training exercises into your routine can be incredibly beneficial. This can include exercises such as squats, lunges, push-ups, and planks, which can be done at home or the gym. While strength training is essential, we cannot ignore flexibility and agility! As you age, your muscles and joints become stiffer, so incorporating flexibility and agility exercises into your routine is essential. For example, try yoga, Pilates, or Tai Chi to improve flexibility and balance. In addition, agility training exercises like jogging in place, jump rope, jumping jacks, and ladder drills can help keep you light on your feet and increase tissue resiliency!

4. Listen to your body

You’re unique, and paying attention to what your body is telling you is essential. For example, it may be time to take a break or modify your activity if you’re feeling pain or discomfort. Likewise, if you’re feeling particularly fatigued, it may be a sign that you need to rest for a day or two. By listening to your body and allowing yourself recovery periods when required, you can continue playing and enjoying recreational activities for years.

5. Try new activities

It’s never too late to try new things! Check out local classes, clubs, or teams that cater to senior athletes. Swimming, golf, pickleball, and dancing are all great options that offer

fun and exercise. And if you’re feeling extra adventurous, try hiking, kayaking, or cycling!

6. Have fun!

Remember the most crucial aspect of playing: having fun! Laugh, smile, and enjoy the experience of being social while being active. Social isolation can be a barrier to remaining active, so whether you’re shooting hoops, cycling, or dancing to your favorite tunes, focus on having fun and feeling good. Life is too short to take yourself too seriously!

One of my favorite success stories comes from a client in his 60s who is an avid surfer, mountain biker, and tennis player (with an extensive yoga background). He, by all accounts, has blown me away with the level of fitness and physique he has been able to maintain into his 60s. He first came to me after developing hip pain on both sides and eventually had one of his hips replaced. Surfing was his passion, and he was devastated when he could no longer surf due to his recovery.

After working with him for several months of hip rehab, we got him back in the water, and he was thrilled to be reunited with his friends and the sport he loved. He then continued working with me privately and has been able to put off getting his other hip replaced for the past seven years! But, unfortunately, his surgeon said he would need the other one done about a year after his first hip replacement!

Stories like these make my job so rewarding and remind me of the importance of staying active, persistent, and engaged throughout our lives. But he refused to let his condition keep him from his passion!

It is true that staying active and having fun in your senior years is achievable with the right approach and mindset. However, if you have ailments holding you back or are unsure about what activities may be suitable for you from a health and safety standpoint, it is always best to check with a doctor. What better doctor to check with than a movement doctor like me?

Don’t let aging slow you down – we are available to answer your questions about learning how we can help you keep playing and enjoying your favorite activities for years to come! And remember, you’re never too old to keep playing!

Sean Kuhn, PT, DPT, FAFS, 3DMAPS, MBA, owns Physio On The Go, specializing in helping aging athletes maintain their physical health and mobility through in-office, mobile, and online physical therapy and wellness services. Their licensed and experienced therapists can provide individualized assessments and personalized exercise plans to help you stay active and painfree. Please visit their website at

Virginia (60) and daughter at Beacons, Encinitas

How Older Adults are “Hitting Pause” on the Summer Slide

In 1996, researchers conducted the first study of children’s learning loss over the summer. They found that kids lose significant amounts of reading and math learning over the summer. On average, children lose 20% of their school-year gains over the summer, which equates to 2 months of learning. Children whose families are struggling financially feel these losses even more keenly. Unfortunately, learning loss is compounded year-over-year, leading to lower grades, frustration, and lost confidence.

San Diego’s older adults have seen this need and are rising to the occasion in many ways.

For 30 years, local older adults have dedicated their time to supporting children in their neighborhoods and working with them to increase their reading skills. Volunteers are trained by San Diego Oasis and placed in an elementary school a few minutes from their home. The older adult volunteer is paired with a 1st-5th grader struggling with reading and literacy or needs a confidence-boosting mentorship. The volunteer meets with their student once a week throughout the school year. The benefits of this program are impressive by the end of the school year.

• The student has increased their reading to grade level.

• The student is likelier to take risks in class, like raising their hand.

• The student is less likely to be truant.

If a student ends the school year successfully and has been given the opportunity to find joy and success in reading, they will be more likely to read during the summer and start the new year in a stronger place.

Last year, San Diego Oasis’ tutoring volunteers took a more direct step toward slowing the summer slide. The organization created an intergenerational summer camp in a unique, first-ever effort. Older adult volunteers and 1st-4th grade students met at a local school every day for a week. They created art, stories, and memories that will last a lifetime. San Diego Oasis will expand the summer camp to five full, fun-filled weeks this year.

Activities during the camp will include the creation of portable Kamishibai theaters students can take home, a meet-and-greet with North American animals like porcupines, and the opportunity to play on percussion instruments. In addition, each day will feature Storytime in small groups, and the kids can take home a copy of each day’s book. By making reading, writing, and storytelling a camp focus, San Diego Oasis’ volunteers hope to maintain this school year›s learning gains and even increase them!

Would you like to make a difference in kids’ lives this summer? There are many ways to do so.

• Volunteer at your local library.

• Organize a book drive for your local elementary school or nonprofit organization.

• Get trained as an intergenerational tutor before the 20232024 school year begins. Contact Michelle Irby at Michelle@  or (619) 881-6262 for more information.

You can also help the children in your life fight the summer slide.

• Encourage them to participate in a summer reading challenge – perhaps you could add an extra incentive, like a visit to the zoo.

• Find opportunities to tell stories to each other. This is an excellent opportunity to stretch the imagination or get to know each other through autobiographical storytelling.

• Hearing fluent reading is integral to learning to read, so don’t be shy about reading aloud. If the child is older, you can trade off – listen for a page, then read for a page.

• If you’re far away, you can create a book club and discuss chapters over the phone or on Zoom.

While summer reading loss is a big problem, it is not insurmountable. If community members like you chip in, we can support our children, propel their reading skills, and encourage them to find the joy in reading and literature.

San Diego Oasis is a local nonprofit working to empower older adults and give them the tools they need to make a difference. San Diego Oasis is celebrating their 35th year of promoting healthy aging through lifelong learning, active lifestyles, and volunteer engagement. San Diego Oasis is currently located in La Mesa and Rancho Bernardo. You can also find educational and volunteer opportunities through County by visiting | ISSUE #2 15 EDUCATE WELL

Smoking Hot Summer

It’s summertime in San Diego, and many BBQs and gatherings are happening. It’s time to ditch the healthy diet for a day and treat yourself to some great smoked meats. Smoking meat has grown more popular in the last four years than any other cooking style. Like our BBQ, smokers are fast becoming a backyard staple in many households, and it’s estimated almost 2/3 of the U.S. population own a grill and/or smoker!

I spoke to Pit Boss Chris Campos of Chris & Monica’s Lil’ Brisket Shack out of Chula Vista for tips on how to impress your friends this summer with your Smoking skills. Chris’ family hails from Texas, so he’s got Smoking in his blood, and he spent his youth watching family members perfect their techniques at many family gatherings.

Here are some tips if you are a beginner or can’t seem to master your first extraordinary smoked meat like a brisket.


Smoking Meats Biggest Mistakes: People think you need to see plumes of smoke when you cook, but this is a big no-no! That’s called “Dirty Smoke,” Your food won’t taste smoked but bitter… like you’re chewing on ashes. The cause is that you’re letting the wood smolder instead of burn. So you’re producing smoke, but need a clean fire to have a clean taste.


Surprise, it doesn’t matter. The seasonings should be complimentary to what you’re smoking. You can find 100s of recipes on ways to marinate or use a dry rub, but it truly comes down to taste preference. Pick one rub or marinade recipe you feel confident about using and just try it, but the caveat is to start simple when you first start smoking. You don’t need a 15-ingredient dry rub for a great result.



Here’s a beginner’s recipe that I (ok, my husband tried) at our first go around with smoking Brisket. It was easy, and everyone loved it!

1. Use a whole Brisket in the 10-12lb range. Anything Smaller and it can dry out quickly. If the meat is bigger, you’ll lose patience as it will take a long time to cook. A 10-12 lb. brisket is the sweet spot.

2. Keep it simple with just Seasoning. We used kosher salt, coarse black pepper, and garlic powder.

3. Type of wood – Hickory and Pecan are excellent choices, or if you’re looking for that authentic Texas taste, use Post Oak. Post Oak can be hard to find locally, but I did find some on Amazon.

4. How long do you smoke? Bring your smoker to 225 degrees cooking temperature. It takes about 10-12 hours. However, it’s more important to cook to temperature and NOT time. Use a good meat thermometer because you are cooking to an internal temperature and want an accurate reading. This is key to not over or under-cook the Brisket.

5. Let the meat rest!! The minimum time is 45 minutes but resting for 2-3 hours makes a better end product. With such a big chunk of meat, it settles down, and the texture gets better.

6. Carving – You can ruin a brisket if you slice it from the wrong direction. Always slice against the grain, and the tricky part is that the grain runs in two different directions on a brisket. There are some great YouTube videos on how to slice meat.

7. If you follow a vegetarian diet, no problem, as many types of food are smoked today. Vegetables are becoming one of the fastest-growing smoked food items. Smoked salmon…excellent! And don’t be surprised to find smoke flavors infused in fruit, yogurt, desserts, and even alcoholic beverages, complete with smoke plumes. Now that’s a presentation to behold!

8. You’re ready to serve! Don’t forget the delicious and vitamin-packed side dishes of salad, roasted veggies, and fresh fruit. As you can see, you don’t have to be an expert to pull off your first smoked meat extravaganza this summer; just a little patience and time. Here’s to great family and friends time this summer!

Chris & Monica’s Lil’ Brisket Shack: Texas Style Whole Smoked Brisket to order! Enjoy this delicious Texas favorite without all the hassle. To order call (619)952-3292 or find them on FB: https://www. | ISSUE #2 17
“Smoking meat has grown more popular in the last four years than any other cooking style.”

If Not Now… When?

his question runs through our minds quite often over our lifetime. But the critical question is, what are we waiting for? The right time, the right job, or the right people to come into our lives. Is it family or peer approval we’re seeking? Ask anyone who’s run out of time in their life, and they will loudly exclaim there is no time like the present to act.

Joan and I have lived in Northern California for 13 years with a successful real estate business working with transitioning seniors. Our family lived nearby, so that was a bonus. However, often we had conversations discussing the possibility of moving to Carlsbad, where close friends lived, and we would be close to the ocean, a move we’d dreamed about for years.

Then the COVID-19 pandemic struck. Like many our age, we found ourselves struggling to cope with the stress of the pandemic and everything that went with it, especially being seniors ourselves. But then it hit us, “If Not Now, When?”

It was the beginning of summer, and in one month, we packed up, hired a moving company, selected a lovely condo, sight unseen, and jumped two feet into our new adventure. We were all in! Our new home was five minutes from the beach and near our friends. Lottery win!

At last, we were close to the ocean, beautiful sunsets, friends we felt comfortable with, wearing our masks, and feeling blessed despite being amid a pandemic. Yet, we had pangs of sadness for the many who had different experiences in those challenging times. We knew not everyone had the opportunity to start one more fantastic chapter of life, which made us extra grateful.


Our business always brought such immense purpose in our lives, so we never hesitated to hang out a new shingle when we landed in San Diego. In the spirit of becoming real San Diegans, we acquired beach chairs, an umbrella, a portable propane fire pit, BBQ, and a beach cart to haul our new beach toys across the sand. Check, check, and check! The highlight was getting to gather with friends after a long-secluded time away. We also picked up a new sport, Pickleball, that we not only learned and came to love but now teach to adults of any age.

Sometimes I look back, and I can’t believe we took the plunge, but we did, and it was one of the best summers we’ve ever had. So, we hope you check something big off your summer bucket list this year that you’ve always meant to do. We’d love to hear about it.

*Interested in learning Pickleball? Don’t hesitate to contact Joan and Bob at (760) 429-4548 or “We would love to hear from you!”


Joan Chintz, DRE# 01064786, has been practicing real estate since 1991 and has a Senior’s Real Estate Specialist (SRES) certification. Excellent service, honesty, and expertise is her promise to each client.

Bob Heck, DRE# 02023420, is passionate about working with transitioning seniors and their families. As a previous Director of Sales and Marketing in assisted living and memory care, Bob has guided many seniors through the transitioning process. He continues working with his wife, Joan, and supporting senior communities. | ISSUE #2 19

Daily Dose of YOGA


I’ll admit it, I am a yoga teacher, and I rarely attend yoga classes. Is this blasphemy? Am I disparaging yoga studios? Absolutely not! I am letting you –a busy, active, sometimes stressed-out human being – know that you don’t have to attend a yoga class to reap the physical and mental benefits of yoga. Instead, I encourage you to do what I usually do: incorporate short but impactful yoga movements throughout your day. Here are various suggestions that will help you stretch and strengthen and gain better balance, flexibility, and mobility so you can continue to age well. Yoga is any movement, breathing technique, or mental exercise that leads to a greater connection between body, mind, and spirit. If you have a body and are breathing, you can do yoga. Full stop. No special clothes, no fancy equipment; only your body and your breath are needed for a meaningful yoga experience.

Before you embark on a yoga journey, remember one of yoga’s main tenets: Ahimsa. Ahimsa translates from Sanskrit as non-harm. Simply put, yoga is “no pain, no pain.” Each time you incorporate some yoga into your day, you treat your body and mind with the same respect you have for a dear friend or family member. As a wise yoga teacher once said, “It’s not about touching your toes; it’s what you learn on the way down.” With all this in mind, here are some yoga nuggets to help you live your best life. Enjoy hiking or long walks on the beach? Move your ankles in all directions (slowly). Point your toes, then draw your toes towards your shin. Now turn your foot to the left and the right (try to keep the rest of your leg still). Next, turn your foot in circles, letting the big toe lead the way. Your ankles will know what to do the next time you inevitably step on a tree root or wobble on some beach rocks.

Need to work on your balance? If you’re a dog owner, you know how much our dogs love to stop and sniff almost anything. The next time your furry family member decides to stop at a great-smelling bush, transfer your weight onto one foot and see if you can hover the other foot off the ground. Too easy? Close your eyes!

Want to keep your hips happy? While walking, running, and cycling are great activities, none give your hips the full rotation they need. Start by standing on one leg (perhaps with a chair or the wall nearby if balance is challenging)

and circle that femur bone around the hip socket several times. Remember the other hip!

Are your shoulders feeling tight? You can roll your shoulders forward and back in about any situation: watching Netflix, sitting on a beach towel, at a red light, or even walking. The key is to take the movements slowly. This movement allows you to influence many more tissues in those shoulders.

If your shoulders bother you, your neck may also give you some trouble. Think about stretching and strengthening your neck muscles. One of my favorite neck strengtheners can be done while sitting in your car at a red light. While looking straight ahead and while keeping your chin parallel to the grounds, pull your chin back towards the headrest. Yes, you’ll create a double or triple chin in the process –that means you’re doing it correctly.

Are you looking to prevent or eliminate low back pain? While your healthcare provider is the best person to consult first, I recommend movements for the mid-back. Often low back pain is due to stiffness in the part of your spine where your ribcage connects. So, take some mindful twists during your day (not a typical movement, we assume). Then, channel your inner Ferris Bueller or Chubby Checker and move that mid-back!

Have you ever heard of synovial fluid? It’s a thick liquid between our joints that reduces friction and cushions our bones when we move. Unfortunately, as we age, we lose this fluid due to less bodily movement. But don’t despair! While our bodies cannot create more synovial fluid, we can maintain what we have by moving those joints. Squats and chair pose, work your knees. Warrior 1 and 2 poses can help the shoulders and hips. Sun Salutations get into just about all the joints. (Link to Jennie teaching the above poses:

• And oh, the core. Everywhere you look, someone says


we need to strengthen our core. It is crucial, but tons of crunches aren’t much fun. Have a little grandchild who visits at home? Crawl around the floor with them: then try hovering your knees as you crawl. The plank pose is terrific, but what if that pose bothers your wrists? Come down onto your forearms – it’s still a plank pose!

As we age, our strength also decreases. The good news is that yoga can help you get stronger! I encourage people to start strength work by using their body weight in a variety of traditional yoga poses. Eventually, your body will need more of a challenge. That’s when you start adding yoga blocks, resistance bands, and hand weights to your yoga movements. Consistent, progressive strengthening is the only way to continue to strengthen.

I hope you enjoy some of the many ways you can

incorporate brief (one to two-minute), impactful yoga movements into your day so that you can continue living your healthiest life possible.

Jennie MacGoy is a certified yoga and movement instructor specializing in 50+ beginners and those with persistent pain. She is known for customizing her sessions to each unique body so every participant experiences the benefits of stretching, strengthening, balance work, breath work, and guided meditations. A recent transplant from the Washington, D.C. area, Jennie is a mom of four and lives in Carlsbad with her husband, teenage daughters, and dog, who prefers to nap on Jennie’s yoga mat. You can find Jennie at www.

Each time you incorporate some yoga into your day, you treat your body and mind with the same respect you have for a dear friend or family member. | ISSUE #2 21

You Are NOT Your Body



One lesson learned working with patients in nursing homes was the concept that I am not my body. Regardless of what happens in our body, our physical functioning, or whatever decline or setback encountered, I always have the “I” or “me” in there to maintain my sense of worth. (Unless dementia comes into the picture, that is a different conversation.) It is the “I” in there that keeps the awareness, the positive outlook. This is what helps us to stay motivated even when the body is not cooperating. It is the “me” in there that helps us to wake each day with a smile on our face, no matter what events get in the way.

Think of this as being the captain of your ship. Your body is the ship. When you try to steer, sometimes the ship cooperates, and sometimes it doesn’t. As the captain, you have value and worth, despite how well the ship cooperates or how sick you are…No matter how limited you might be from chronic illness, a stroke, an amputation, or mental decline.


I once had a client I called “Captain” while working with her to help her feel more in control after a stroke. And I explained to her the metaphor of the captain and the ship. She had been bedridden for a year. Eventually, physical therapy got her up on her feet and re-learn to walk. One day I asked her how her week was. She replied, “My ship ran aground. I fell while trying to walk with my therapist. So, I turned the ship around and tried again.” And once again, she was back on track, rebuilding her body with physical therapy.

Another patient, a former professional boxer, was referred following the amputation of his leg above the knee. It was due to an advanced vascular disorder. He was depressed and despondent. Of course, he now saw his body as so different from what he saw when he was a young prizefighter. A few months later, the second leg also had to be amputated. “How can I look in the mirror now, with two missing legs, and I can’t see the perfect physical body I once had.” The same message for him: his worth is undiminished because of his physical losses, and his outlook trumps everything. In time, he was fitted with two

prostheses. After real struggle and determination, he eventually learned to walk on them.


Because of this, when something isn’t working as we’d planned or fixed as fast as we hoped, or we experience a sharp physical decline, our value as a person does not go with it. Our worth is intrinsic to being a living being. It is not based on what we can or can’t do or what we have and do not have. We don’t lose all self-esteem when we fail a class or get passed over for that promotion. Our worth is not diminished by a facial scar or disfigurement following surgery. Although it may be easier to bounce back from those things in our prime, we must always remember that our worth and value as a person are not diminished by external events or by internal changes. Our worth is immutable, and we are not our body.

Dr. Joe Casciani is the owner and Chief Curator for the Living to 100 Club, a source of solutions to living longer and healthier, with a special focus on mindset and attitudes about aging. He has a 40-year history as a psychologist and manager of mental health practices specializing in behavioral health services with older adults. In addition to his work as a clinical consultant, he is an engaging and inspiring speaker and helps audiences move beyond their questions and concerns about aging to create a vision of what is possible in the years ahead. He strongly believes there is value in helping people feel inspired about their future.


Summertime… and Aging Well in San Diego

How about the San Diego Padres? It has been so much fun watching their offseason moves, and with the season here, I’m looking forward to attending many games with my wife, my son, or whoever will go to Petco Park with me. Even if you are not a baseball fan, Petco Park is still a wonderful place to spend an afternoon or evening. Trying new things is synonymous with aging well. Head to the ballpark if you haven’t yet caught a game. Even if you have, try sitting in a different section or trying a new restaurant. My goal this season is to try something new from every restaurant at the ballpark. I’m looking forward to giving it my all. | ISSUE #2 23

Summertime is one of my favorite times of the year, especially living in our beautiful San Diego. It is the perfect time to visit and do the familiar things we like to see and do, and a great time for new adventures. Like aging well! By being open to new experiences, aging becomes a destination and a fabulous journey.

One of the most diverse areas of San Diego is Balboa Park. Balboa Park truly has something for everyone, from playhouses and museums about trains, to street vendors and the wonders of science. Nowhere in San Diego can we actively learn about culture, history, flight, etc. all in one setting. A critical component of aging well is continued learning. While there are formal areas of learning like San Diego Oasis (if you haven’t yet checked it out, you are missing a ton!), Balboa Park is a unique learning laboratory where you can tour and explore. I highly recommend putting Balboa Park on your to-do list (and don’t forget a visit to the World-Famous San Diego Zoo).

Another great outdoor activity begins and ends near Balboa Park – the Seven Bridges tour. On this tour, you will journey through San Diego’s history and cross over seven unique bridges spanning different areas of San Diego. It is a great way to exercise while learning about San Diego you likely didn’t know. So much of aging well is about remaining active – mentally AND physically. So keep moving, by crossing the Seven Bridges tour off your list.

Learning new things, staying active, and trying new things are all critical components of aging well, and there is no better time – or place – to age well than summertime in San Diego.

Bryan Devore is a Seniors Real Estate Specialist and Director of the Senior Division of Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices California Properties. When he is not helping seniors transition to the next chapter of their lives, he stays busy with his wife, two sons, and his “bonus” son and daughter. You can learn more about Bryan at



As the summer season rolls in, many active adults and seniors I speak with seek ways to make their homes more functional, comfortable, and financially sustainable. Some ask for more information on reverse mortgages but are also curious about alternative solutions. Most prefer staying home with additional support versus moving to a different place or residence. But, of course, staying home or moving to an assisted living community has pros and cons. So here are a few other options to help make staying at home easier.

One way to enhance your home and improve your quality of life is by adding an Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) or splitting a lot. Both options offer seniors essential benefits such as additional living space for family or a caregiver, flexibility with 24/7 support and service options, and financial stability via income from an investment home on the property.

For seniors, adding an ADU can be a sound solution for in-home care by family. By having an ADU, elderly parents can enjoy independence and privacy while still being close to loved ones. The rental income from the ADU would also offer financial benefits for the homeowner if it were built as an investment on the property. No reverse mortgage is needed.

Aside from accommodating seniors, ADUs offer other benefits to homeowners. They can also serve as a rental property and/or as an additional steady income source. Furthermore, having an ADU can significantly increase the home’s overall value, making it an asset in the long term.

In San Diego, having an ADU has become more accessible with the recent changes in ADU ordinances. The streamlined process saves homeowners money and time as they navigate the addition. With the city’s support, it has never been a better time to invest in an ADU or lot split.

When considering adding an ADU or splitting a lot, homeowners can consult a qualified real estate agent. They can assist you in getting the most out of the investment and provide valuable insights on the best


strategy for a profitable addition. For seniors, making changes to their homes or properties can feel daunting, but adding an ADU or splitting a lot can provide increased independence, privacy, and financial stability.

Role of a real estate agent in ADU projects?

Adding an accessory dwelling unit (ADU) or splitting a lot can be a significant investment for homeowners. That is where a real estate agent, an expert in navigating the market, can be incredibly valuable. A competent real estate agent can provide insight and guidance from the property’s current and future value to rules and regulations governing the construction of ADUs, ensuring a smooth process from start to finish.

1. A real estate agent can assess the property’s ADU potential and advise on the best approach, whether a detached ADU or a conversion of existing space. They have the expertise to identify and evaluate the investment potential, including analyzing the return on investment, property value increase, and potential rental income.

2. A real estate agent can support you with a title report and maps to help you understand your available area. They can sometimes connect you with someone who will assist with the permitting process, which is essential in navigating the complexities of local zoning laws and building codes. A zoning consultant can help guide the homeowner through the application process, ensuring they have all the necessary permits before construction begins.

3. A real estate agent can help homeowners assess their financial options. They may work with a financial institution to give homeowners detailed financing options

for their ADU projects. They can also assist homeowners with financing options, including the option of obtaining a construction loan. A good referral to the right banking resource can make all the difference.

4. Real estate agents have extensive networks, with opportunities to connect their clients with reliable architects, contractors, and builders to ensure quality work and timely project completion. They can also provide specific insights for home improvements that can significantly increase the property’s value, making it a worthwhile asset for the future.

Consulting a real estate agent can be a vital step in adding an ADU to a property. They can provide significant value to the project by helping homeowners balance their financial objectives with their construction goals.

In 2001 Melina Rissone moved to San Diego from Germany. She has always led an active lifestyle and takes advantage of beautiful San Diego County today. She enjoys reading, camping, hiking, personal development, and yoga, but her calling has been to work with active adults and seniors who are preparing to right-size their homes for retirement. She is a San Diego Senior Real Estate Specialist (SRES) broker. She is an expert in guiding homebuyers and sellers over 50 through major financial and lifestyle transitions. Melina feels blessed each day to come home to her beautiful daughter and German shepherd, Carlee. You can contact Melina Rissone, Broker Associate. DRE# 01498140 at (619) 864-6017. | ISSUE #2 25


Melina Rissone, REALTOR® (619) 865-6017

As a SRES Associated Real Estate Broker with Coldwell Banker West, Melina Rissone’s mission is to support active adults and seniors with their real estate planning. She understands the emotional demands and can help minimize them. She takes the no-pressure approach to the transaction and is 100% service oriented..

Patti Gerke, REALTOR® (760) 525-7269

Patti Gerke is a Senior Real Estate Specialist® (SRES®) and a Certified Residential Specialist® (CRS®). Whether downsizing, distributing estate assets or moving across the country, Patti’s #1 mission is to provide each client compassionate perseverance to provide resources, expertise and guidance through the real estate planning and selling journey.

Joseph M. Casciani, PhD (858) 272-4992

Dr. Joe Casciani is the Chief Curator for the Living to 100 Club, a source of solutions to living longer and healthier: with a special focus on mindset, outlook, and positive attitudes about aging. He offers individual coaching sessions for seniors and their families to help cope with aging.

Bob Heck & Joan Chintz, Broker Associates

(310) 251-7158 chintz-team-real-estate-professionals/

Joan Chintz, Certified Probate & Trust Specialist has the experience in real estate that gives you peace of mind. Bob Heck has been a Senior Transitioning Specialist for over a decade. They understand transitioning into your next chapter in life and they’ve got you covered. Local Expertise. Global Connections.

Sean Kuhn

(619) 391-8688

Physio on the Go is here to provide clients with a unique, highly individualized, and convenient model of care, that brings selfcare, wellness, and physical therapy directly to you—online or at home. Our mission is to empower clients to improve their health and enhance their longevity.

Daniel Sweiger, Owner (760) 448-1021

A family-owned & operated company providing award-winning home care services. We help seniors and others with medical challenges remain home longer -- safely and comfortably. Our full range of services includes companion care, personal care, skilled nursing, and specialized support for those living with Alzheimer’s, dementia, and Parkinson’s

Jennie MacGoy Yoga (703) 579-0123

Specializing in providing gentle yoga and movement to people living with persistent and chronic pain, who are new to yoga, or don’t think yoga is for them. Visits to your home, park, or beach utilizing the extensive study of anatomy, strengthening, and restorative rest as it relates to yoga.

George G. Glenner Alzheimer’s Family Center (619) 543-4704

The George G. Glenner Alzheimer’s Family Centers, Inc.® provide specialized day programs for seniors with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. Care is available Monday through Friday with full-day and half-day rates available. Each center offers structured, therapeutic activities and socialization in a safe, secure, family-like environment.

St. Paul’s PACE (619) 677-3800

St. Paul’s Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) is a managed health care plan exclusively for seniors. As part of St. Paul’s PACE, you receive primary medical care, medication management, physical therapy, specialty services, in-home care, social work assistance, and transportation to and from the medical center.

Bryan Devore (760) 908-3838

The Devore Realty Group provides three home selling optionstraditional home sale, renovate-to-sell, and as-is sale. Included in each home sale option are FREE downsizing services, and if you are considering a move into a senior community, we can help defer your move-in costs until after your home sells.


San Diego Oasis (619) 881-6262

Oasis is a unique educational program for adults 50+ who want to continue to learn and be productive throughout life. Membership is free and open to anyone 50 or older. Join Oasis and enjoy stimulating classes and opportunities to serve your community.

Julie Derry (619) 378-6895

At Aging123, we specialize in educating, advocating and navigating the placement journey for aging adults and their loved ones. We’ve toured and inspected all Assisted Living and Memory Care homes and communities we refer our clients to; all you have to do is make the choice that’s right for YOU.

Silver Linings Transitions (760) 522-1624

Senior Move Managers, we assist adults and their families with the emotional and logistical aspects of relocation– whether it’s to a smaller space, moving to be near family, or moving into a senior living residence. Let Silver Linings Transitions take the worry (and work!) out of the moving process.

Jacqui Clark (760) 218-9866 living-coastal-senior-resources/ Living Coastal Senior Resources have the knowledge and experience to solve the many challenges that can come with aging. We consult, advocate, and oversee the entire process of aging in place at home, managing disease, or finding the right assisted living or memory care. Age well with the right choices.

Jacqueline Silverman (858) 395-7733

Aging Advisory Services promotes aging in place by helping older adults in the San Diego Region better understand, plan for, and manage changes associated with aging. We offer home safety assessments, referrals, and consultation services to enable people to live safely and comfortably in the residence of their choice.

Nona’s Home Care (619) 788-4459

At Nona’s Home Care, our caregivers have been thoroughly trained and practiced in providing the best home care assistance while catering to the specific needs of each client. We bring the highest quality care to you, so that you may thrive in your most comfortable, and familiar environment.

Pablo Hurtado (619) 657-3861

We are a compassionate, non-medical home care agency servicing San Diego County. Our trained caregivers provide personalized assistance, promoting independence and enhancing quality of life empowering exceptional care and peace of mind for families.

Harmony Home Medical (858) 560-8177

Harmony Home Medical Supply is a medical equipment and home accessibility retailer that has been serving San Diego County for the last 15 years. They provide the products and services that can help someone live more independently and safely wherever they call home. They are truly a one-stop-shop for Aging-In-Place.

Melanie L Delgado; Owner (619) 937-2330

Right at Home provides quality in home care services in San Diego. Our caregivers are trained, bonded and insured to provide a wide range of services and specialized support for Alzheimer’s, dementia and Parkinson’s. An authorized agency for the VA we provide exceptional care to our area veterans as well.

Now Haus ADU, LLC

Bill Adamas

(619) 537-0066

Now Haus ADU, LLC. is a residential real estate development company specializing in ADU’s (Accessory Dwelling Unit) and Lot Splits. The new law SB9 allows innovative options for seniors to age in place and increase their retirement nest egg. We offer free property analysis and onsite consultations with homeowners looking to maximize their property’s potential. | ISSUE #2 27

Preventing Cognitive Decline Through Nutrition

The brain is the command system in the human body. It commands the heart to pump blood, deliver oxygen, digest food for nutrients, and perform muscle and bone movements to do daily tasks, to name a few. However, the brain can be affected when proper nutrients are lacking. So, how do we keep our brains properly nourished and prevent cognitive decline? By knowing the right foods to choose, understanding nutrient function, and using nutrition-based knowledge to practice. Let’s dive deeper into what the research says about preventing cognitive decline through nutrition.  Healthy eating can be overwhelming because of what the internet may portray as a better choice for brain health. However, it is essential to note that a healthy, balanced diet benefits the body to function appropriately. According to the research Nutritional Prevention of Cognitive Decline and Dementia, twolongitudinal studies showed a lower cognitive decline when the healthy eating index increases. The healthy eating index reflects the dietary guidelines for Americans that promote whole grain, low-fat dairy, lean meat, and five daily servings of fruits and vegetables. Other dietary recommendations to prevent cognitive decline include dietary intake of a combined Mediterranean diet (MeDiet) and Diet Approach to Stop Hypertension (DASH), known as The Mind diet.

How does the Mind diet help with cognitive decline?

Mediterranean diet (MeDiet) affects cognition. A 7-year longitudinal study showed a relation to cognitive changes among 3,790 adults. There is a positive effect on delayed cognitive decline when MeDiet is consistently incorporated daily. What does MeDiet consist of? Usually, olive oil is the primary source of fat, fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds, whole grains, herb spices, and frequent fish and seafood consumption. In addition, combining DASH diet also showed an impact in slowing cognitive decline. What does the DASH diet consist of? Vegetables, fruits, whole grains, low-fat or fat-free dairy, fish, poultry, legumes, and nuts. Some of the food listed in the MedDiet and DASH diet have similarities. The difference is the frequency of fish consumption in a week and encouraging to select yogurt over milk. High adherence to The Mind diet shows positive results in brain health.  Guidelines for The Mind diet are simple to follow to prevent cognitive decline and maintain brain health. It is important to note that whole grain helps provide better cognitive function. Whole grains provide vitamin B, a


key component for energy mechanisms to help the brain and the rest of the body function. Choosing whole-grain products versus refined ones is beneficial. Fruits and vegetables are rich in nutrients and fiber. It is advisable to consume at least five servings per day. When choosing protein, get lean meat, incorporate fish or seafood at least 2 to 3 times per week into your diet, and alternate with legumes for plant-based protein. Select low-fat or fat-free dairy. A choice of yogurt may be beneficial as it provides


probiotics for gut health. Decreasing red meat, added sugar, and ultra-processed food consumption helps with our nutrition choices. Ultra-processed foods and added sugar do not provide nutrients for our bodies. To prevent cognitive decline, follow the Mediterranean and DASH diets to benefit our brain health.

Diorella Rioveros, RDN, is a registered dietitian and nutrition lifestyle coach. She works with The Glenner Memory Care Center in San Diego to provide Alzheimer’s and Dementia medical nutrition therapy and counseling for participants and family members to ensure nutritional needs are being met.

Dominguez L, Barbagallo M. Nutritional Prevention of Cognitive Decline and Dementia. Acta Biomed. 2018; 89:(276-290). | ISSUE #2 29

When is the Timing Just Right?


I’ve been thinking a lot recently about a firmly held belief I encounter repeatedly. It’s a belief that creates a problem because the answer, however obvious, is a tough sell.

So, coming across it has been a surprise to me.

When I decided to get certified as an aging-in-place specialist, I had already worked with older adults, some of whom were in crisis situations. I suppose that’s the reason I expected to often deal with folks experiencing calamities of some sort. And while that’s turned out to be true on occasion, what’s bewildering is how often misfortuneand sometimes genuine tragedy – turns out to be the consequence of a commonly held, practical-sounding, deeply-entrenched idea held by most adults: I’ll know when it’s time to plan for aging. When I hear words to this effect, I think: If only that were so.

Professional and academic journals are over-filled with surveys, research, anecdotes, first-person confirmations, and statistical evaluations that all conclude just the opposite: an overwhelming majority of people plan to age in their homes, but most don’t do anything to prepare.

Most of us don’t plan for aging because we’re doing OK on our own or with our partner and believe there will always be time to prepare.

What we know from considerable experience is that the vast majority of people wait too long to plan. What’s typical is a health problem or, more commonly, a fall because of known circumstances – like poor lighting, slipping in the shower, tripping on an area rug – preventable risks that we never quite got around to fixing. There’ll be time for that, we all think.

The issue, of course, is when the first accident or health issue materializes, options for aging in place become more limited. It’s akin to believing the time to start planning for retirement is around age 50. While it’s evident that’s not

sound thinking, it’s no different than believing I’ll know when it’s time to plan for aging.

The best time to plan for growing older – especially for aging in place – is before any of the traditional issues associated with aging show up. Ideally, that would be in your mid-50s, but I’m sure to be labeled a killjoy in recommending that age as a starting point. But how about your early 60s, especially when you’re fit and healthy and have a full range of options?

Planning to age in your home with independence and autonomy is an intrinsic part of the American Dream. But it doesn’t just happen; it takes forethought. Neither does it mean significant lifestyle changes or renovation or anything in particular. Instead, it’s all about planning how to make your future comfortable, safe, and precisely tailored to your desires. That’s what agingin-place specialists do, and when you’re feeling well is an ideal time to meet one.

A Certified Aging In Place Specialist (CAPS) is professionally trained in meeting the needs of older adults by assisting with aging-in-place, home renovations, and remodels to make the space livable and safe for an aging adult. At Aging Advisory Services, we craft personalized solutions for each and every situation, customized to the level of assistance needed and longer-term planning for aging well in place.

Jacqueline A. Silverman, CSA, CAPS, is the founder of San Diego’s Aging Advisory Services, which specializes in aging-in-place support services and resources in the San Diego Region.

Website: www.agingadvisoryservices. com Contact:



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