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June 2021 | VOLUME 6 | ISSUE 6
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June, 2021 | VOLUME 6 | ISSUE 6
Staff Report
When the COVID-19 pandemic forced schools across the country to move to a distance learning model, educators were understandably concerned about keeping students engaged in coursework. Science teachers who use laboratories and hands-on experiments had an even greater challenge. Carla White, an eighth-grade science teacher at Magnolia Science Academy in San Diego, a California Distinguished School, didn’t worry, though. The public charter school at which she has taught for the last three years is among the most agile, student-focused campuses she’s ever seen. White knew that school administrators would embrace her ideas about using technology to enhance learning for Magnolia’s 441 middle school students. Before the pandemic, White had already seen how her curating videos on various disciplines brought lessons to life for students. When she asked them to watch well-produced content prior to classroom study, White said her students “were hooked and engaged before I even started.” Then when in-person teaching ended last March, White began digging even deeper into video production and technology so her students wouldn’t miss a beat. “When we started the school year 2020-2021, we took advantage of the hype of livestreaming on YouTube to provide orientation to students, parents and teachers
to prepare them in navigating the online learning spaces and be familiar with distance learning,” she said. “These virtual orientations are another way to bring our community of stakeholders together to ensure we provide quality education during the pandemic.” White’s passion extended beyond the virtual classroom. White also hosted an online Celebration of Science that featured professionals in three spaces in engineering: computer science, civil engineering, and biotechnical engineering. Additionally, White created a virtual platform for live science talks, guest speakers, student projects, science scavenger hunts, and other resources to deepen scientific knowledge. She even created a YouTube channel that featured Magnolia Science Academy Wizards.
This 21-year veteran of the classroom also knows how important it is for students to feel connected to their school community. With the inherent risks involved with moving from in-person to distance learning, White decided to reimagine the morning announcements. Magnolia students began tuning in for Morning DONUTS (Daily Online News Uncut Through Streaming), a live broadcast that built community through student broadcasts, “This Day in History,” special guests, holiday greetings, month long celebrations such as Black History Month, Earth month, trivia contests, and more. “Apart from community engagement, the social emotional component of our morning broadcast is also an integral part of this effort because we connect with students using infotainment relevant to our students’ school life.” “We want students to feel connected even when we can’t see each other face to face,” she says of Morning DONUTS. “There are several things this pandemic has taught us----the importance of taking care of one another, the importance of our mental health, relationships over content and most importantly, a sense of belongingness while we find ways to stay connected in the virtual spaces. Through our different virtual events, daily broadcasts and social emotional learning activities, we brought the school to our students in their homes.”
Did you know that last year alone there were 8,445 reports of child abuse right here in Central San Diego? 343 of those children were placed in foster care
40% of foster children will be separated from their siblings These children need your help! Be that hope these children are looking for with as little as $25/mo. Your gift will ensure that siblings living apart in foster care can reunite each month; foster youth have the guidance, skills and resources to complete their higher education; foster children can enjoy the same extracurricular activities as their peers; and have a place to go where they feel safe and cared for.
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VOLUME 6 | ISSUE 6 | June, 2021
STUDY - CANNABIS IS NOT A GATEWAY DRUG For decades, prohibitionists have lived and died by the claim that cannabis is a “gateway” drug that will lead people onto harder drugs. However, there has not been widely accepted objective data to backup those claims. Now, based on a recent study published in April 2021 in the Journal of Experimental Criminology, claims that the initiation of marijuana use is independently linked to the later use of other controlled substances are not supported by longitudinal data Researchers affiliated with Boise State University analyzed the relationship between self-reported marijuana use in late-adolescence and the use of other illicit substances later in life in a nationally representative sample. Using three waves of data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health (1994–2002), eighteen propensity score-matching tests of the marijuana gateway hypothesis were conducted. Six of the eighteen tests were statistically significant; however, only three were substantively meaningful. These three tests found weak effects of frequent marijuana use on illicit drug use but they were also sensitive to hidden bias. The researchers reported, “Political discourse advocating marijuana prohibition commonly hinges on the assumption that marijuana causes hard drug use. The MGH [marijuana gateway hypothesis] is by far the most common justification for prohibiting the use of cannabis. However, the current study provides further evidence that common liability arguments are more in line with substance
use patterns observed in the USA.” Results from this study indicate that marijuana use is not a reliable gateway cause of illicit drug use. As such, prohibition policies are unlikely to reduce illicit drug use. They concluded: “In sum, the findings from the current study … provide further support of previous research questioning the causal claims of the MGH. While there is strong support for correlation and sequencing in marijuana and hard drug use, correlation and sequencing alone cannot provide sufficient evidence for causality. Factors other than marijuana use such as genetic predisposition, peer associations, or access to the illicit drug market could be the primary causes of hard drug use instead of marijuana use itself. As such, any public policy that prohibits the use of marijuana in an attempt to curb hard drug use is unlikely to succeed.” Analysis This study is based on objective data analysis. The Marijuana Gateway Theory is based on lies and fear. Lies and fear have been used by prohibitionists for almost 100 years to keep cannabis illegal and away from people who need this life saving medication. This study is just the beginning of objective, clinical data coming out about the benefits of cannabis in our society and proving the claims of the prohibitionists of cannabis being bad for society as false and misleading. With the US Government recently approving over ten new research licenses to allow cultivation of cannabis for research purposes, more and more quality
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studies and data will continue to be published. These studies will prove that cannabis is beneficial to patients and our society. With more objective and clear-cut data, prohibitionists will have to think of other lies and fearmongering techniques to keep cannabis illegal. Cannabis has been a part of human history for thousands
of years. No matter what prohibitionists do, cannabis legalization is coming to the USA and most of the planet. It is not a matter of “if”, but “when”. Michael Patterson is the CEO of US Cannabis Pharmaceutical Research and Development LLC
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by Michael Patterson
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June, 2021 | VOLUME 6 | ISSUE 6
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Local Umbrella Media publishes hyperlocal, positive, upbeat, community publications, focusing on supporting local businesses, lifestyle articles, upcoming events, talents and contributions of the locals who live and work in our communities. i ADVERTISING INQUIRIES BRAD WEBER | 619-300-1732 brad@localumbrella.com i GRAPHICS & DESIGN Provided by Design2Pro www.Design2Pro.com mike@design2pro.com i EDITORIAL SUBMISSIONS brad@localumbrella.com
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ARE YOU STRESSED BY A NEW LOVE? See if this sounds familiar: After longing for a profound intimate partner and relationship, you finally meet someone that seems like a great fit. You’re elated and hopeful... until you’re not. Sooner or later, you start worrying that this new person in your life isn’t going to stick around. You may feel fearful about what you do or say - scared that one false move on your part will send them running. Perhaps it’s the opposite - you start analyzing your new love interest and discover all these little things that are rubbing you the wrong way. Where before you wanted to talk every day or be together all the time, you start to experience being suffocated. You may start thinking “Maybe this one’s not right for me either.” Both of these scenarios indicate the same thing: you have certain underlying fears that show up when you get close to someone. That’s right: the experience of falling in love is actually a substantial trigger for your deepest fears - and it can sabotage your best efforts at sustaining love. If you’ve been searching for your life partner for a long while, it can be downright scary and nerve wracking. You’d think that the longer you’ve been at it, and the more experience you’ve built up, the more confident you’d have about the choices you make. Unfortunately, it’s commonly the opposite: As you get older and you’ve “been around the block a few times,” the stakes get higher. There’s more to lose. You’ve likely been hurt before, and you don’t want to go through that again. You want to make sure you get it correct. So you go out on a date, and selfdoubt sets in. Especially when you are attracted. Did you say the right things? Should you have let your date pick the location rather than come right out with a suggestion? Isn’t that making you look pushy? But wait, don’t people like it when you know what you want? And what about setting up the next date? If you’re a woman, often you may wonder did you give him enough indication that you had a great time? What if you weren’t appreciative enough? What if he thinks you’re not into him? Should you send a reassuring text? If you’re a man, do you think you showed her you could take care of her? What if you did too much of that, and now she thinks you’re a control freak? Should you have played it more cool?
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News Flash: None of These Things Matter What? That’s right - none of these typical dating woes you worry about will make a shred of difference when you’ve met the right person. You can say the “wrong” thing - or neglect to say something you think you should have. It doesn’t matter if you sleep together after 3 dates or 3 months. You can talk about your past relationships. You can talk about your kids. You can admit you still haven’t really figured out what you want to be when you grow up. If you don’t believe it, talk with a few couples who enjoy a genuine, lasting relationship. Ask them what their early days were like. Chances are that their stories are full of interesting subtle details that could have spelled the end. These things could have put the brakes on a budding relationship between two other people, but when you’ve found your life mate, these details really don’t matter. Except for one thing: whether or not you love yourself. The Inevitable Dealbreaker The only detail that can derail a relationship with the right person is how much you believe you are worthy of love, and how much love you give yourself. Lack of self-love will prevent you from truly connecting with another person, because you are fundamentally disconnected from yourself. You are rejecting parts of yourself, making it impossible to freely give and receive love with another. Your unresolved self-criticism and judgment will create all sorts of traps that will keep you from fully engaging in a new relationship - and establishing the necessary intimacy. Your feelings of unworthiness will create “triggers” for you - and the developing closeness will shore up your underlying fears of not deserving this love. If you lack self-love, you’ll seek this fulfillment from another. It may be through subtle statements and actions, but they will assuredly strain the relationship. Either your newfound partner will experience being burdened and leave, or even worse, the dance of intimacy between both of you will likely become toxic and breed contempt, sarcasm or other unhealthy dynamics. No other person but you can make you experience being lovable - not even the right person. It has to come from within you first. We cannot survive very long relying on another person’s oxygen.
Make Sure You Are The Right Partner The best way to increase your odds for landing in the best relationship and getting off the dating treadmill for good - is to be the right partner. The critical ingredient for this is selflove. If you are plagued by self-doubt and insecurity, if you’re highly critical of yourself (often more than you are of others), or if there’s any part of you that you wish were different, then you need a primer on self-love. I know there’s a lot of fluff about self-love these days. It’s one of those cliches that’s now become a tagline or t-shirt. I’m not talking about the pop-culture superficial concept, I’m referring to an elemental understanding of your worth and contribution that is your birthright. We are usually not as extraordinary as we think, but certainly more extraordinary than we realize. You were born with inherit value and purpose. Discover exactly what to do to banish that which keeps you from being completely at peace with yourself – and keeps you from forming a lasting relationship with someone who is ready and willing to create a genuine partnership with you. Once you learn to love yourself, you’ll be free from the burdensome self-doubt that you’ve lived with. You’ll finally be able to share your life with that one person who truly wants to be with you, and only you. If you’re not emotionally ready to create a healthy partnership, the issues you haven’t worked through will continuously get in the way of love, causing a breakdown in the way you and your partner relate. Instead of joy and harmony, there will be struggle and pain. Many of the topics and tools are available in both our Soul Expansion and Conscious Dating programs. You are cordially invited to the rest of your life! Take the next step towards Soul Expansion with the gift of a Complimentary Session or call (619) 832-2750. Learn how this innovative practice bypasses common bottlenecks faster than traditional therapy to celebrate your purpose with clarity, awareness, and personal strength! Daniel Allen is a writer, speaker, and spiritual & emotional counselor on the subject of relationships (including the one we hold with ourselves), and an advocate for Love and raising consciousness. For more information or article suggestions please visit www.SoulExpansion.com, email info@SoulExpansion. com or call (619) 832-2750.
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VOLUME 6 | ISSUE 6 | June, 2021
LOCAL HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS TAKE TOP HONORS IN NATIONAL TECHNOLOGY INVENTION COMPETITION e3 Civic High seniors develop solution to reduce carbon emissions in San Diego public bus system
e3 Civic High is proud to announce that juniors Symphony Jackson and Nancy Reyes placed second in the Silicon Valley-based Project Invent national competition for the development of “Idle Reminder,” a device aimed at reducing carbon emissions from the public bus system. Jackson and Reyes’s invention is a small electronic device that attaches to buses to alert drivers that the vehicle has been idling for more than five minutes. The team won a $400 grant from Google to continue development of “Idle Reminder.” e3 Civic High, the public charter high school Jackson and Reyes attend, educates students through “Design Thinking,” the problem-solving approach used at MIT, Stanford, Apple, and Google, among others. Students are encouraged to identify systems that can be improved and develop solutions that create positive change in the world. With this in mind, Jackson and Reyes created “Idle Reminder” for the Project Invent competition. Jackson, whose father is a bus driver for the San Diego Metropolitan System says she and her teammate Reyes interviewed drivers and found the average bus idles for approximately thirty minutes per day. “For half an hour of idling, a bus is expected to use about 1.5 LOCAL NEWS | LocalUmbrellaNews.com
gallons of diesel gas,” explains Jackson. “For each gallon, about 22.38 pounds of CO2 is produced. Considering the fact that MTS has about 800 buses on its fleet, I will assume that MTS, at minimum, has 400 buses throughout the city per day. If we calculate that 400 buses idle for about 30 minutes a day, about 8,952 /LocalUmbrellaMedia
pounds of CO2 will be released into the atmosphere in one day.” Reyes explains the environmental impact. “With this amount of CO2 being released into the air per day, the air in the San Diego environment is noticeably smoggier. Also, considering the fact that MTS buses often idle on the curbside of the road, the flowers and other plants on the side of the road are more likely to die due to contaminated air. With less idling near these plants, we are more likely to see flora flourish on the sides of the roads in our communities.” ‘We are both very honored to be able to show a product we believe can help the environment,” says Reyes. “I especially hope that we are able to show people that even doing small things like this can help reduce the effects of climate change.” “We are so proud of Symphony and Nancy, not only because Project Invent recognized the potential of their technological device,” says Dr. Cheryl James-Ward, CEO/Chief Engagement & Innovation Officer of e3 Civic High. “We work to ensure that all of our scholars see themselves as leaders and problem-solvers. Symphony and Nancy have embodied the values of our school and show other young people that education is more than memorizing and test-taking. It’s engaging in the world and changing it for the better.” ADVERTISE | Press@LocalUmbrella.com
VOLUME 6 | ISSUE 3 | March, 2021
June, 2021 | VOLUME 6 | ISSUE 6
Local finds and observations by our publisher
Honestly, it’s been over 30 years since my last blind date, and after his stuff! He explained that he grew up in “the blind business” and nearly 27 years of marriage I really wasn’t anticipating another… had over 30 years’ experience including having his own production 19 VOLUME 6 | ISSUE 3 | March, 2021 ever. facility in the past. My wife had other ideas. I made a date. Her first idea was to remodel our bathroom, which – those who Bob didn’t delay the “date” for weeks like some of the others we Local finds observations by up our publisher have been through this process know all too well – isn’t a single idea had used in ourand remodel. Two days later he showed as promised but a series of ideas, estimates, decisions, returns, delays, false promand was a true gentleman (always the first two things to test on a ises, and messes that last for weeks or months. Like something else blind date according to my wife). we are all too familiar with in that happened in 2020, I kept thinkBob drives a custom van with an extremely large variety of samLocal finds and observations by our publisher ing to myself “this HAS to end sometime!” ples with recommendations to match the choices, and my wife was Finally, the mess and noise ended, the constant early morning dai- able to find exactly what she was looking for. ly visits by our “guests” (construction workers) ended, and my wife Bob promised a price and a proposed schedule – both of which was happy with the results – whew! were delivered promptly and within budget. Only one thing remained. Hence the blind date. Less than a week later Express Blinds installed our new blinds, our We had installed a very large beautiful new window that allowed remodel was complete, and our marriage survived. my wife to enjoy our spectacular East County view from the bathI’m not saying a blind date is necessarily a good idea for your relaI’ve– always bicycles! tub but weloved needed window coverings for it. tionship or marriage, but it worked for us in this fashion! From moment I sat my sources, little 5 year oldreferred by a close friend to Afterthe asking my trusted I was Honestly, it’s been over 30 years since my last blind date, and after his stuff! He explained that he grew up in “the b body on my hand-me-down Stingray in the Bob Sole and Express Blinds – whose slogan is “The Best Blind Date 1960’s - to many hours spent riding the nearly 27beautiful years of marriage I really wasn’t anticipating another… had over 30 years’ experience including having h YouCoastal Will Ever Have!” 101 route in North County ever. as well as facility in the past. I asked my wife if I could neighborhoods call (a good idea if you are considering a other San Diego’s picturesque My wife had other ideas. I made a date. date underof any circumstances) and she agreed. -blind the combination exercise, freedom, beautiHonestly, it’s been over 30 years since mywas lastto blind date, our andbathroom, after his which stuff! He explained thatBrad he grew up delay in “thethe blind business” andlike some Her first idea remodel – those who Bob didn’t “date” for weeks Weber fulBob scenery and thethe softphone breeze on in my answered theface firstwas call and I could tell he knew nearly 27 years of marriagehave I really wasn’t anticipating another… 30 ayears’ including having hisPublisher own production been through this process know all toohad wellover – isn’t singleexperience idea comfortable had used in our remodel. Two days later he show euphoric. than a bike because you are not Local Umbrella Media ever. facility in the past. but a series of ideas, estimates, decisions, returns, delays, false promand was a true gentleman (always the first two t I still have a bike, and ride it occasionally - but sitting on a small seat. wife had made a date. else • ADJUSTABLE I’m My a convert and other have aideas. new two love that last for weeks or months.ILike - They are adjustable to fit ridises,wheeled and messes something blind date according to my wife). in my life. ers from 4’10” tolike Her first idea was to remodel our which Bob didn’t delay the “date” for some of thewith others we we are allbathroom, too familiar with–inthose that who happened in 2020, I kept thinkBobweeks drives a6’10”. custom van an extremely lar I Tried It: ElliptiGO • EQUIPMENT NO special shoes are required. have been through this process all“this too well isn’t single idea had used in our remodel. Two he showed up as ing toknow myself HAS–to enda sometime!” plesdays withlater recommendations to promised match the choice About 4 years ago I saw my neighbors Pat and • FUN! - They are really fun to ride! but a series of ideas, estimates, decisions, returns, delays, false promand was a true gentleman (always the first twowhat things towas testlooking on a for. Finally, the mess and noise ended, the constant early morning daiable to find exactly she Derith in Normal Heights “pedaling” around our • NEW ELECTRIC EDITION - offers similar ises,onand messes that last forlyweeks or“Give months. Like(construction something else blind dateand according wife). visits by our “guests” workers) ended, my wifeto my Bobofpromised a price and a proposed schedule area a pair of very odd-looking devices. benefits electric bikes. we are all too familiar with in that happened in 2020, I kept thinkBob drives a custom van with an extremely of samwas happy with the results – whew! were delivered promptly and budget. it a try!” they urged “it’s an ElliptiGO”. I did, and My recommendation: large Try it.variety You within might fall ing atoshort myself “this HAS to end sometime!” to match the choices, my wife wasinstalled after acclimation period - Only I fell in love. inName loveLess like I did! one thing remained. Hence the blindples date.with recommendations a week laterand Express Blinds ofthan Business AFinally, two-wheeler designed replicate running schedule a testcomplete, ride, https://www.ellipthe mess and to noise ended, the constant early morning dai- new able to findthat exactly whatTo she was looking for. go toand We had installed a very large beautiful window allowed remodel was our marriage survive -- ly without theour impact, the ElliptiGO is essentially visits by “guests” (construction and my wife pricetigo.com/test-rides/ and aI’m proposed schedule – both which my wife to workers) enjoya ourended, spectacular East County Bob viewpromised from the abathnot saying a blind date of is necessarily a goo cross between an elliptical and a bicycle. It feels like ElliptiGO team will be in contact with was happy with the resultstub – whew! were delivered promptlyThe and withinorbudget. – but we needed window coverings for it. tionship marriage, but it worked for us in this endurance goals while going easy on your joints. you to schedule your ride! a cross between a bicycle and an elliptical that Only one remained. Hence the blind Lessbythan a week later After mydate. trusted sources, referred a close friend to Express Blinds installed our new blinds, our It also boosts coreI was strength. burns close to thing 600 calories an hour withasking little We had installed a very large beautiful new window that allowed remodel was complete, and our marriage survived. Bob Sole and Express Blinds – whose slogan is “The Best Blind Date ELECTRIC MODEL impact on your joints. You steer with handlemy but wifeyou to enjoy ourand spectacular East County from the bathnot saying After being a fan for so longI’m – I recently up-a blind date is necessarily a good idea for your relabars, stand tall straight more like an view You Will Ever Have!” tocall the (a new electric allows but elliptical or awe running andInot likemy a bike. tub – but neededstance window coverings for it.ifgraded tionship marriage, asked wife I could good ideaversion if you which areorconsidering a it worked for us in this fashion! for a boost if needed for steep hills. What a difI wasAfter nervous at first that I would feel unstable asking my trusted sources, I was referred by a close friend toshe agreed. BLINDS, DRAPERIES & SHUTTERS blind date under any circumstances) and it can make something hauling up steep but was pleasantly surprised at how balanced Brad Weber Bob Sole and Express Blinds –Bob whose sloganthe isference “The Best Blind Date answered phone on the first call and I could tell he knew hills at the end of a long ride or if I just want to I did feel. The wheels are much smaller than a Local Umbrella Med YousoWill Have!” wind down a bit or have an easier ride. I love bike that Ever you are much closer to the ground. asked my wife if I could callto(aa good youadd areon considering a Principal - Bob Sole – it’s well worth it! The Ihand brakes operate similarly bike. idea ifthis blind date under any circumstances) and she agreed. BENEFITS: My feet easily glided back and forth as they in Practice Weber - 31 • SAFETY! – much easier to see around parked Years Brad would onanswered an elliptical and I quickly picked upcall and Bob the phone on the first I could tell he knew
movement after a few minutes. I felt very stable and comfortable. It’s very easy to mount and dismount and I never felt like I would fall. The ride was challenging and worked different muscles, including my lower quadriceps, making for a great workout. It took a few minutes and do-overs to get the hang of balancing on it, but once I did, I felt an instant burn in my thighs and glutes. I was hooked and instantly searched for one of my own! There are 8 gears on the model I own so it is easy to change your resistance and vary your workout. The ElliptiGO was designed with the injured athlete in mind. It’s ideal for runners sidelined by injuries who find biking uncomfortable and the indoor elliptical too constricting, since it allows you to keep working toward cardio and LOCAL NEWS NEWS || LocalUmbrellaNews.com LocalUmbrellaNews.com LOCAL
• • • •
Local Umbrella Media Publisher Website - shopexpressblinds.com Email - bob@shopexpressblinds.com AT A GLANCE AT A GLANCE Phone - 619-461-2101 Name of Business Name of Business Areas Served - All of San Diego County AT- Window A GLANCE Description coverings: Our Name of Business quality, value-priced collection of Location: ElliptiGO HQ 722 window coverings Genevieve take theSt, guesswork Ste. O, out of shopping Solana and BLINDS, provide you with Beach, CA 92075 DRAPERIES & SH https://www.elliptigo.com/ solutionsWebsite: to meet your needs. E-mail: info@elliptigo.com Principal - Bob Sole Phone: 888.796.8227 BLINDS, DRAPERIES & SHUTTERS Years in Practice - 3 @LocalUmbrellaMedia ADVERTISE @LocalUmbrellaMedia ADVERTISE || Press@LocalUmbrella.com Press@LocalUmbrella.com Website - shopexpressblin Principal - Bob Sole Email - bob@shopexpressbl Years in Practice - 31
cars etc. – AND TO BE SEEN BY CAR DRIVERS - than on a bicycle because you are standing with a clearer line of sight. I’ve never once had a “close call” like I too frequently did on my bicycles. EASE - Pretty much anyone can ride an ElliptiGO! Most people get the hang of it within a few minutes. FITNESS - They can provide a great full body workout and you are engaging your core to balance. INJURY? - ElliptiGO is great for an injured runner or someone who cannot run as much as they would like. OUTDOORS - You can be outside instead of stuck on an elliptical in the gym – and no social distancing concerns that you might have in a gym! COMFORT - The ElliptiGO is more
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VOLUME 6 | ISSUE 6 | June, 2021
RECORD NUMBER OF TEENS EARN GIRL SCOUTING’S HIGHEST HONOR A record 87 local young women have reached the pinnacle of Girl Scouting by earning the Girl Scout Gold Award. Just five percent of eligible Girl Scouts attain the prestigious designation. The Gold Award Girl Scouts were honored on Saturday during a socially distanced ceremony at Liberty Station. San Diego County District Attorney Summer Stephan was the keynote speaker. Last April, Stephan was honored as one of Girl Scouts San Diego’s “Cool Women of 2021.” Girl Scouts earn the Gold Award by demonstrating accomplishments in leadership, community service, career planning, and personal development. Each girl chooses a local or global issue she cared deeply about, thoroughly investigates the issue, creates a detailed plan to address it, recruits others to help her execute it, and take steps to ensure its sustainability. To overcome the challenges of pandemic restrictions, the 2021 Gold Award Girl Scouts had to significantly revise their approaches to executing the projects. Among
Troop leader Irene Barajas presents Gold Award to Thaily Gayton-Romero
the awardees and their projects: Laney connected teens with seniors to alleviate isolation during quarantine; Megan recruited registrants for an international bone marrow registry; Shruti educated 5,000+ people in five countries about Type I diabetes; and Carina created an online STEM tutoring
network for middle school girls. The Gold Award gives girls a competitive edge in the college admissions process and job searches. Gold Award Girl Scouts are also eligible for special scholarships and enlist in the military at a higher pay grade.
According to a Girl Scout Research Institute study, Gold Award Girl Scouts are more likely than other girls their age to have positive attitudes and be optimistic about the future, view themselves as leaders, believe they can achieve their goals, and volunteer and make charitable donations in the future.
ENTER TO WIN AN ELLIPTIGO® 8C ($2,699 VALUE) There is simply no other device that provides a low-impact, full-body, time-efficient workout that is as fun and comfortable as an ElliptiGO bike. Leave the boring gym behind and enter to win an ElliptiGO 8C! To enter, scan the QR code or visit elliptigo.com/fitness. SCAN TO ENTER
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June, 2021 | VOLUME 6 | ISSUE 6
Big Bear Exactly Enough Big Bear Exactly Enough Big Bear Offers Four-Season Escape By Marlise Kast-Myers
The year was 2008 when I met the man who would be my match. My list of relationship requirements spanned from traveler and linguist to musician and artist. Near the top was a passion for snowboarding and surfing, two sports I considered life giving. Having checked every box on my wish list, my man sealed the deal in 2011 with marriage and a honeymoon that took us surfing in Mexico and snowboarding in Mammoth. Now 10 years later, we longed to return to where it all started. The only caveat was that our lives had adopted something called “responsibility.” With full-time jobs, a fixer-upper property, and a hobby-turned-business antique store, we had little margin for active getaways. When my husband suggested we celebrate our anniversary in Big Bear, it sounded completely doable. And it was. Departing Thursday after work, we made it from our home in San Diego to our hotel in Big Bear in just over two hours. Framing the banks of Big Bear Lake, this small SoCal town first lured us over a decade earlier with its rugged trails in the San Bernardino National Forest. We weren’t the only ones. In 1845 a group of renegades stole a herd of cattle, only to be chased by Benjamin Wilson who served as Justice of the Peace. In his quest for the thieves, he discovered a forest alive with grizzlies, soon labeled “Big Bear Valley.” Fifteen years later, prospector Bill Holcomb struck gold in nearby Holcomb Valley. News spread and population grew, eventually leading to infrastructure of roads, dams, and mountain communities. The real “gold” however, came about in 1938 with the opening of the area’s first ski lift. At the time, the town itself—originally called “Pine Knot”—was nothing but a lodge and a small cluster of camps. That year, the name was officially changed to Big Bear Lake, and those camps marked the early center of the community. Big Bear continued to grow over the years, now drawing over six million annual visitors who rub ski poles with 5,000 permanent residents. We too are part of that six million, naming Big Bear as our home mountain. The proximity makes it a no-brainer, and the fact they have two ski resorts under one lift ticket keeps us on winter repeat. Every season, we hit both Snow Summit and Bear Mountain on the LOCAL NEWS | LocalUmbrellaNews.com
same day, admiring each resort for its distinct personality. Family-friendly Snow Summit is like the tame sister—structured, orderly, and predictable. With plenty of beginner-to-intermediate slopes, she teases with a few back-country challenges worth exploring on powder days. Bear Mountain ski resort is like the rebellious brother with a bounty of terrain parks, halfpipes, and steep groomers to boot. His followers, immersed in their own selfie-stick world— adorned in baggie pants and layered hoodies— capture nearly every GoPro jump and jib as if stars of their own movies. Admittedly, we love them both equally. These sibling mountains didn’t always get along, however. In 2002, the former competitors—just two miles apart—came under the same umbrella to form Big Bear Mountain Resorts. In 2014, they were adopted by new parents, this time by Mammoth Mountain for $38 million. Three years later, Mammoth sold to Alterra Mountain Company, making all three California ski resorts part of a conglomerate of more than 15 resorts across the U.S. Although Bear and Summit may not be physically connected, a free shuttle transports the masses between the two resorts every half hour. The rewards for hitting both peaks include 438 acres, 26 lifts, 55 runs, 8,805 vertical feet, and an average snowfall of 100 inches. The 2021 season was percolating at 120 inches so we knew it was time to pay Big Bear a visit. Our only problem was that we didn’t have a friend with a cabin. If you love the mountains, always have a friend with a cabin. Big Bear has over 300 of them available for rent, and come winter, the majority flirt proximity at a price. During the holidays, expect to pay five times the standard rack rate, plus a threenight minimum as part of the commitment. Hotels are not far behind, unless its midweek late season when prices drop by nearly half. From April through November, Big Bear becomes financially fair. Tack on a fourth day, and it’s not too painful on the budget. While the majority of visitors come to ski, there are still plenty of activities to keep families entertained including tubing, bobsledding, bowling, helicopter tours, and a zoo that rehabilitates local Alpine species. When winter melts into spring, this four-season escape doesn’t disappoint. Close to Phoenix, /LocalUmbrellaMedia
Vegas, and Los Angeles, it makes for easy summer getaways where fishing, boating, golfing, ziplining, and biking are all on the mountain menu. Considered the jewel of the San Bernardino National Forest, it beckons hikers to the famed Pacific Crest Trail running 40 miles through the Big Bear Valley. In the past, my husband and I had rented snowshoes, trekking from the Discovery Center to the PCT that merges with Cougar Crest trail. But on this anniversary trip, we had boarding on the brain. With one foot in winter and one foot in spring, we held out for midweek March and paid a reasonable $150 per night at Holiday Inn Resort The Lodge. The free slope shuttle service and proximity to the Village won us over. Within walking distance of our hotel were 120 shops, restaurants, and bars that made up Big Bear Lake Village, the commercial area. We purchased lift tickets from the new-and-improved Big Bear Visitors Center, complete with touch-screen kiosks and live wildlife cams. It’s ADVERTISE | Press@LocalUmbrella.com
VOLUME 6 | ISSUE 6 | June, 2021 the go-to spot for local weather, road conditions, upcoming events, cabin rentals, and everything in between. After settling into our hotel, we walked to the Village for dinner at The Bone Yard Bar & Grill. Charbroiled burgers, ribeye steak, and baby back ribs fed the après ski masses. With options like “redneck tacos” and collard greens, it’s only logical that country music, televised sports, and 44 beers on tap should put a bow on the ambiance. Albeit far from romantic, it’s where we went to fuel our day on the slopes. Late to bed, early to rise, Snow Summit had us carving corduroys by first bell at 9 AM. We hit far left, claiming intermediate-and-advanced runs to ourselves before day-skiers arrived from LA and beyond. Making up roughly 70% of the runs, experienced riders have plenty of cherries for the picking, best explored post-storm or early-groom. At Big Bear, bluebird days after a “dump” are epic, and when they happen, it’s definitely worth skipping work. You’ll be snaking between Chairs 11 and 7. Beginners and park rats can claim Summit Run, as well as the freestyle terrain parks peppered throughout the slopes. We tapped it all, hitting nearly every run by late afternoon. There were no lift lines or chair-strangers to speak of; it was just the two of us, reveling in the moment of being 40-ish and free on a Friday. Lift conversations covered the spectrum of achy muscles, random contrails, real estate, and returning for Oktoberfest. During the fall, Big Bear takes German tradition to 7,000 feet with live music, a vendor village, fun zone, and plenty of brats and beer to make it official. This 50-year Big Bear tradition was still going strong and we wanted to be part of it. In the meantime, we would act our age at Sweet Basel, the closest thing to fine dining Big Bear had to offer. White linens, candle-lit tables, and soft music set the stage for our romantic evening. It was intimate in a town of tourists, with just 13 tables where signature lobster and gorgonzola-stuffed filet mignon were served. We indulged in the homemade doughnuts and tiramisu, knowing both would be burned off at Bear Mountain the following day. And they were. But this time, we were not alone. We were joined by the young LA aggressors, living out their personal music videos, feeling invincible in a plume of smoke and vapor. Unlike family-friendly Snow Summit, “Bear” felt different, smelling of barbeque, Red Bull, mar-
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ijuana, mountain air, and a smack of cocksure adolescence. Skiers were clearly outnumbered. From the parking lot came hordes of snowboarders, rising from tailgate parties, accessorized in everything from bunny ears and Mohawk helmets to Captain America capes and football jerseys. We felt rather drab in our normalcy. But alas, we were there to ride and literally approaching the “hill” (thankfully, not yet over it). Like the bulletproof crowd, I too tackled slopes, jibs, and jumps I probably shouldn’t have. From the double black Geronimo peak at 8,805, to the box rails in the terrain park, I too—for just a moment in time—longed for a helmet cam. Blame it on that maverick mountain that makes one come alive and do dirty tricks that battle the body. My heart said “yes” but by legs paid the price, reminding me come sundown, that I was 40-something. Of course, my husband played the wisdom card and relaxed lodge-side
with a cold one. At least one of us was acting our age. By 4 pm, we were back in the car, and by dinner time we were trailing at the coastline. That’s what makes Big Bear so magical; From mountain to beach, there are few destinations where one can technically snowboard and surf in the same day. With my head against the window, I thought for a split moment if I should give it a try, perhaps add it to my bucket list and give it a go someday. We pulled into the driveway, and my husband turned off the ignition. Turning toward him, I exhaled deeply and smiled. “Happy anniversary,” I said. And there it was — that moment when you realize that a weekend at the best ski resort in Southern California, is just exactly enough. Marlise Kast-Myers is a writer based in North County San Diego. She runs Brick n Barn at the Betty Crocker Estate in Valley Center. Learn more at marlisekast.com and bricknbarn.com.
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June, 2021 | VOLUME 6 | ISSUE 6
Takeaway |
Edible San Diego’s Guide to the Coolest Local Treats This is the one way we could spotlight what’s cool here and now in summer 2021 across San Diego County. Here’s a keepsake guide of locally owned shops that sell an assortment of ice creams, gelatos, smoothies, shaved ice, paletas, acai bowls, and more to chill with.
Bobboi ▶ natural gelato La Jolla
Gelato Love Carlsbad
disFRUTA smoothies and acai bowls San Marcos
Cali Cream Homemade Ice Cream Encinitas
Ocean Rainbow chamangos Oceanside
EscoGelato ▶ gelato Escondido
Wynn’s Ice Cream Co. San Marcos
Jojo’s Creamery ▶ Encinitas Juice Wave acai bowls and smoothies Mission Beach
CENTRAL An’s Dry Cleaning gelato North Park
La Michoacana Estrella paletas Pacific Beach Light House Ice Cream Ocean Beach Little Fox Cups + Cones ice cream tacos Encinitas
Mr. Frostie banana boats and specialty shakes Pacific Beach Scoops La Jolla
Local Krave acai bowls Midway
Bing Haus Thai-style rolled ice cream Convoy
Mariposa ice cream Normal Heights
Gelati and Peccati North Park
Milkissimo ▶ gelato Mission Valley
Hammond’s Gourmet Ice Cream Point Loma Iceskimo Taiwanese shaved snow, bubble waffles, and boba Convoy District Kula Ice Cream vegan farmers’ markets, pop-ups, and pints at Specialty Market
Rockie’s Frozen Yogurt Linda Vista
San Diego Snowy Village Mira Mesa Senor Mango’s Juice House licuados North Park Stella Jean’s inventive ice cream University Heights
Cow-A-Bunga Ice Cream and Coffee shaved ice and ice cream Imperial Beach
DixiePops Mission Hills
Blendees smoothies and acai splits El Cajon
Moo Time Creamery Coronado
Niederfrank’s Ice Cream since 1948 National City
Holy Paleta ▶ Mexican popsicles Little Italy
Cookie Monster monster cones El Cajon Miner’s Diner old-fashioned phosphate sodas, malts, and milkshakes Julian SNOICE Spring Valley
Mr. Trustee Creamery ▶ chef-driven soft serve Mission Hills
Oasis Ice Cream Parlor Coronado Paletería La Michoacan National City
SUMMER 2021 |
Tocumbo Ice Cream National City
Mutual Friend Ice Cream coffee and donuts vegan ice cream Golden Hill
edible SAN DIEGO
Pop Pops paletas Little Italy Tribute Pizza housemade soft serve North Park
Have a cool, locally owned food business to add to a list like this or want to find other community-inspired guides? Check out ediblesandiego.com/in-your-neighborhood.
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VOLUME 6 | ISSUE 6 | June, 2021
After getting a divorce and losing her longterm career, Jen Shelby Miller went searching for a profession she was passionate about that would put food on the table for her three children. Here’s how she found Savvi, a new premium athleisurewear that relies on entrepreneurs to bring its products to market. Local Umbrella Media caught up with Jen to get more of the story BW: Tell us about your transition from newly divorce to successful businesswoman. JSM: I was very secure in life, very happy. I've never in my life even interviewed for a job before. I was in the Air Force and then worked for San Diego Harley-Davidson. It was a family business. Everything was good. I had all the things. When I got divorced, my life just took this crazy spiral downward. I had to start over. And I was on my own. I had to create a resume and go to job interviews and learn what it's like to get back in the workforce and prove myself to people who don't know me. And then I was in the world like, ‘What do I do now?’ I was searching for something that I could do that lights me up and affords me the lifestyle I want to live. And so it was years in the making of just looking for that thing, because I know what that feels like, to have work that doesn't feel like work. I was looking for it since I lost my long-term career. I kept moving forward hoping that eventually if I kept saying yes and trying different things and having new experiences, I would find what I was looking for. So I just said ‘Yes.’ I was looking for security, for a home, for my forever future. BW: How did you initially find Savvi and decide it was right for you? JSM: I didn't know it was going to be the right thing for me when I said yes. I was sitting next to this girl at my son’s wrestling practice and she told me about it. When I lost my job because of Covid, I called her and said, ‘Okay, what is this Savvi thing?’ Within the first week I learned more and saw the vision. I just ran like crazy with it because it was out of desperation as a single mom, and I needed to make money. I also feel really passionate that I'll be able to help a lot of people with this. My success came from genuine excitement that I discovered this amazing company. BW; What is Savvi’s mission and goal? JSM: Savvi is all about women empowerment. You have this full support structure where we are all rooting for each other. We're one team here to help you. You are never alone. Even though it's your business, you can do as much or as little as you want with it. You don't have a boss, you don't have anyone telling you what to do. There are no hours. There is no setting your alarm clock. It's at your own pace. You're truly living on your terms. It’s a new athleisurewear brand. We're bringing it to market first in the United States. We officially launched September of 2021. Then, we’re going to bring it to market around the globe. The opportunity here is amazing because no one knows about it yet. I just got lucky that I sat next to that girl. It's also the simplest business model in the whole world. You're just sharing about Savvi; we share a link to the website, and you get paid that way. You share the opportunity, and when people join, you get paid that way. As you grow your businesses, there are incredible bonuses from a hundred dollars to a quarter of a million dollars. I just feel like anyone will be successful if they say yes and keep it simple and fun like it is. BW: Any advice to women interested in making the same change and becoming an entrepreneur? JSM: I think it's letting go of who you were, allowing yourself to reinvent yourself, and allowing yourself to say yes to experiences. You get to start over. It's exciting. You get to grow as a person. When we stay stuck or or stay in the past, it just holds us back. There's so much LOCAL NEWS | LocalUmbrellaNews.com
out there. Your intuition tells you when you're in the right place. You want to be in alignment with what feels good. I feel like Savvi is such a safe place. It's such an uplifting, beautiful community where you can come as yourself and be who you are. There's no judgment. Everyone just wants the best for you. I've never actually been around any company that operates like this, where people truly care for each other. You have instant community. When you are starting over, you are inevitably going to go through some difficult days and times. Savvi is a place where everyone has a story and it just feels like home. BW: What’s it like to be your own boss? JSM: I live with gratitude every second of every day. If I didn't find this, where would I be in the world? I'm so grateful I have it. I love it. I wouldn't change one thing about Savvi. And the last thing in the world I'd ever want to do is go work for somebody else again, and be on their schedule and their agenda. I love the freedom that Savvi gives us. BW: What does a regular work day look like at Savvi? JSM: It's a dream. I wake up and I put on my Savvi clothes, which I feel amazing in. I literally say thank you to the founders of Savvi every day that I've just put on my clothes, because these clothes are beautiful. I wore Lululemon before and I genuinely think Savvi clothes are better. It's the same premium quality, but the clothes are cuter. It's refreshing, it's different. They're fun, exciting, and current. Plus, there's brand new items that come out every week. Throughout the day, if anyone compliments /LocalUmbrellaMedia
my clothes or asks what I do for work, it opens up a conversation to tell someone about Savvi. They could be my customer or they could join me or maybe they could connect me to someone in their life that would love this opportunity. I just connect with people. Basically my entire day is just meeting people, getting to know them and sharing about Savvi, answering questions, and helping someone decide if it's for them. It’s that simple. Plus, I can do my job from anywhere which is the greatest blessing. BW: What’s the culture of your Savvi team like? JSM: We call ourselves the Dream Tribe. We love each other, we're all friends, and we support each other. I'm already in a really good place in my life. I have security and I have this beautiful business built for myself and my children. Now I can just help others. That's what I love doing. I love serving my team however I can. I truly want this for everyone on my team as much as they want it for themselves. Helping my team has been the most rewarding part of this because I went through a lot in my divorce. I had a really, really hard transition. Not just work, but with family and starting over in life. I love where I'm at right now and I just want to give this to other people, because I know it's changing so many lives. BW: How do you feel Savvi can help women going through divorce and empower them to move forward? JSM: When someone says yes to Savvi, I feel genuinely excited, because now they're instantly connected to a community of people who are going to care about them. And that's just really hard to find in life, people who are genuinely there for you. Plus, you can make sky is the limit kind of income. These opportunities don't come by very often in life. I want this for other people if they resonate with Savvi. We all need community more than we realize I think. You need to feel that connection to others, that sense of belonging and love. You can get that with Savvi. BW: If someone wants to join Savvi and your Dream Tribe, how should they do so? JSM: All they have to do is visit Savvi.com/ umbrella, scroll to the bottom of the page, then click ‘Partner With Us.’ Fill out your information, including your size for a free welcome gift, and choose a referral code. It only takes two minutes to join Savvi. You can instantly start making money here. It's literally as simple as sharing the link to your website. If you’re interested in partnering, or ordering, with Savvi, visit Savvi.com/Umbrella ADVERTISE | Press@LocalUmbrella.com
June, 2021 | VOLUME 6 | ISSUE 6
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VOLUME 6 | ISSUE 6 | June, 2021
I’M LOCAL Profiles of local people by Local Umbrella Media Roosevelt Williams III, President and CEO of Young Black & ‘N Business (YBNB)
Describe your business: We help early entrepreneurs grow their professional network by offering high value exposure opportunities and provide entrepreneurial content from real entrepreneurs. “No one can do everything, however everyone can do something” — That’s the power of our YBNB network. Our YBNB focus is to provide: instructional, entrepreneurial and educational content to our network. We provide: exposure, expansion and entrepreneurial education to our YBNB network via our newsletter, magazine and social media platforms. What made you decide to start this business? I am originally from San Diego and I saw this important need in our local community. Early
emerging entrepreneurs need help and we do that by creating opportunities for them. My hope is to leave a legacy and provide an inheritance for the next generation. How did you get started? We began with networking mixers and then moved to creating festivals celebrating the achievements of others. What drives you to keep moving forward? I am motivated to help and assist others. I work for environmental justice too. This means the fair treatment and meaningful involvement of all people regardless of race, color, national origin, or income, with respect to the development, implementation, and enforcement of environmental laws, regulations
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and policies. When I see my peers meet their metrics, it makes all the hard work worth it. What has surprised you the most? When times get tough, I am proud of my mental fortitude and patience. There is so much support in our community and there are limitless opportunities. We just need to create the right conditions for this to happen. Being an entrepreneur is not for everyone. But if it is your calling, the winning spirit is contagious. I tell my clients often, “Your network is your net-worth!” How do you motivate and encourage your staff ? I always try to lead by example. I share with them my personal struggles and testimony to let them know that I have been there
too. We have weekly updates and meetings to make sure we are all on the same page. Transparency is key. My staff members are shareholders in my company too. What are your future goals? We have our 100 year plan that includes creating 100 millionaires in our region. This also includes creating a media metropolis with the YBNB magazine growing to a national and global publication. Share with us more about you. I am an avid chess player. I love classical music. I am a retired cobbler. I am a dad with two children, public servant and proud of winning many titles including: Mr. Black San Diego, Mr. Gold Coast Classic and Mr. Heritage. My great grandfather shared these wise words with me, “Use your whole name. It is up to you to either make your name a good name or a bad name.” I am proud of my accomplishments and will strive to work hard to reach our goals. I will leave a legacy and a blue print for others to follow. Contact information: See our linktree to view our newsletter, magazines and projects: https://linktr.ee/ybandnb ybandnb@gmail.com 5704 Elk St. San Diego, CA 92114 www.ybandnb.com
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June, 2021 | VOLUME 6 | ISSUE 6
My vaccination story
By Barbara Pryor
After nearly a year of varying stages of stay-at-home orders, work at home, isolation, and social distancing, the vaccine for COVID-19 began to roll out and phases of individuals were able to qualify and begin receiving vaccinations. Before my group was eligible to schedule an appointment for the vaccine, stories of leftover doses at the end of the day at major vaccine sites circulated. One of the site locations in our city was at our beloved Balboa Park. On a lovely Friday afternoon, I decided to head out to wait for one. By the time I arrived, I was #99 in the stand-by line. I wasn’t very hopeful, but decided to stick it out. The wait was an interesting one, similar to observing the masses at the airport. Many busied themselves on their phone, a few had little table stations set up with their laptop, a family played soccer with their children, and others ate snacks. I heard that the folks in the front of the line arrived at 7 am. It was apparent that many had been through this waiting game before. The “people with appointments” line moved at a steady pace as excited individuals made their way systematically into the gymnasium where a multitude of staff processed them and eventually administered the vaccine. These folks laughed and joked and literally seemed giddy. In the “stand-by line”, the atmosphere was quite different. I couldn’t help but notice there was a sense of anxiety in the air. Most people were subdued and kept to themselves. We were all concerned that we wouldn’t make it in. The word on the street was that there could be 90 leftover dos-
es or there could be only 6. It felt somewhat like a reverse Hunger Games. I struck up a conversation with the guy in front of me and we chatted every now and again throughout the 3 hours as we waited in a socially distanced line. We stood, sat, stretched, and paced. We watched many groups ahead of us receive their paperwork and make their way into the building. With each group that left the line, the nervousness ticked up a tad for those of us remaining, and it was palpable as we inched closer and closer to the front of the line. When we were numbers 6 and 7 from the front, the officer with the paperwork headed our general direction. With wide eyes, I felt an amazing sense of hope building inside of me as I watched each step that he took toward us. As he handed each of us a clipboard with paperwork to complete, I jumped for joy and did fist pumps. My buddy and I exchanged a look of absolute relief - we had made it through! We then began the process of disclosing our medical life stories and more waiting. Finally, I was seated in a cold chair by a very kind woman and the coveted and quite painful vaccine was in my body. My heart was pounding and I reminded myself to calmly breathe as I began to realize the magnitude of this experience and of the impact it would have on my life as I had known it for over a year. Immediately following our shot, we were in another line moving to a different room in the gym and on to more waiting. We were all seated 6 feet apart to wait out our staggered 15 minute observation times in case of allergic reaction. At this point, my buddy was well
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ahead of me as we had lost each other in the shuffle. I could see him waiting several rows in front of me. When his time was up, he moved to the check-out line and received his final paperwork. Before leaving the building, he stopped in his tracks, turned around, and scanned the room filled with anxiously awaiting humans staring up at the clock on the wall until he found me. I stood up and we both waved exuberantly and smiled behind our masks, our eyes relating our relief and joy. I felt the sharp sting of tears as they came to my eyes. Then, he turned around and was gone. A few minutes later, my time on the clock was up and I rose from my seat to check out. Paperwork in hand, I felt like I was in a movie as I burst through the gymnasium double doors into the beautiful fresh air. I will never forget the feeling of peace and gratefulness that washed over me as I emerged into what seemed like a new world. I was overwhelmed with hope as I contemplated the impact the vaccine would have on our city, our country, and the entire world. I paused for a moment, taking in the amazing and timely sunset, took a long deep breath filled with hope, and let it all sink in. Although I don’t even know his name, my brief connection with this human was profound. The image of the tattoo on the back of his arm made an unparalleled impression on me and will be with me always - “I’m alright now.” I am endlessly grateful for those who produced this vaccine and for those who distribute and administer it. Due to their tireless efforts, soon we will all be alright. @LocalUmbrellaMedia
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VOLUME 6 | ISSUE 6 | June, 2021
WELCOME HOME – RADY RESIDENCE Help for families experiencing homelessness their apartment. The Salvation Army Women’s Auxiliary honors 12 Women for their contribution to the community in San Diego at its annual Women of Dedication Event. The 2020-2021 Women of Dedication Luncheon “Women of Vision – Looking to a Brighter Future” will be on September 17, 2021, at the Marriott Marquis and Marina. Proceeds from this event go directly to The Salvation Army in
The Salvation Army Women’s Auxiliary is proud to announce that it will be the first to kick off the new Welcome Home Program at The Salvation Army’s Door of Hope Rady Residence, in Kearny Mesa, 2799 Health Center Drive, San Diego, CA 92123. The Salvation Army offers safe shelter and supportive services to families who are experiencing homelessness. With a $50 million pledge from philanthropists Ernest and Evelyn Ready, the Rady residence offers a place to call home for homeless families in transition. There are many programs to assist these clients with counseling services, parenting classes, educational support and budgeting assistance. The goal is to teach life skills so they may lead independent lives. The Rady Residence provides housing arrangements for 200 men, women and children along with support services, rehabilitation, job training and much more. On June 10th members of The Salvation Army Women’s Auxiliary prepared an apartment for a new family. Each apartment needs necessary items such as linens, kitchen items and cleaning supplies every time a new family comes into the Rady Residence. There are 4 categories of necessities and needs that one can purchase for the apartments and The Salvation Army Women’s Auxiliary is the first to participate in this new program as
they welcome a family to their new home by purchasing all of the necessities and needs for
San Diego to support the programs that help with homelessness, such as the Salvation Army’s Door of Hope Rady Residence. For more information on The Salvation Army Women’s Auxiliary or the new Welcome Home Program, please visit Door of Hope Welcome Home. For questions, please contact Pamela Lennen at pamela.lennen@ usw.salvationarmy.org or (619) 881-7353. ABOUT THE SALVATION ARMY WOMEN’S AUXILIARY
The history of the Women’s Auxiliary originated in the 1950s. The wives of the Advisory Board began by serving as an arm of the Board. The Women’s Auxiliary of San Diego County enhances The Salvation Army programs through fundraising, donations, advocacy and hands on volunteer efforts; and in turn, help those in crisis – to heal, to develop and learn new skills. The Women’s Auxiliary is a non-profit, benevolent organization comprised of caring, dedicated women. As a major philanthropic organization in San Diego County, membership helps support many altruistic activities, programs and individuals in need. LOCAL NEWS | LocalUmbrellaNews.com
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June, 2021 | VOLUME 6 | ISSUE 6
The Doc is In 4
March, 2021 | VOLUME 6 | ISSUE 3
In honor of Father’s Day, Dr. Silva shares important health advice for dads to know where your hormones are at so I can better evaluate you. I also look at your lifestyle including what you eat, your exercise habits, how you sleep and your stress levels. We do a clinical exam of the body and a survey of your lifestyle habits. Then we can figure out what factors are contributing to your health concerns, including weight gain, to come up with a personalized plan.
help build muscle. Special package pricing available!
My best advice to start today is to follow a whole food diet and drink lots of filtered water. Next, get moving. Science supports exercise in the morning since cortisol is at its peak. Some patients have told me that if they can’t exercise in the morning, they don’t exercise at all. Whenever you can exercise, it is a good time! Just do something and start somewhere even Men’s hormones are easier to if it is just 15 minutes. As we age manage than women’s hormones. it is important to do both cardio I take care of a lot of men in my and muscle building exercises. medical practice and am happy Bone density decreases and we can to say I treat a lot of couples. It be more susceptible to fractures. is better to be on this journey of Cardio is good because it burns fat health with your partner so you can enjoy each other. I customize and keeps us leaner. I also recommend intermittent fasting and it is and personalize a treatment plan very popular and helpful among for each individual because not my male athletes. My specialty everybody will respond the same is longevity and age management to hormones. My specialty is to and research shows that intermitfocus on bioidentical hormones tent fasting actually helps you to and minimize the use of prescription drugs. live longer. My favorite fasting schedule is 16 hours with no food and then eating for 8 hours a day. Often the plan to help a patient A popular regimen is eating from is a combination of hormones, 11 am - 7 pm. The goal is to eat supplements, exercise, nutrition guidelines and sleep hygiene. One dinner before 7 p.m. in the evening and then delay breakfast untilSPOT of the most important factors in good health is stress reduction and 11 a.m. If needed, you can have water and black coffee or tea in how you cope with stress. There the morning. It is very simple to are so many things we can do to follow. You don’t have to fast evhelp, but as we get older it gets ery day. Even if you fast a couple harder. With hormonal changes, With bright colors and wild tones, Dawn create getsome beaut times per week, you will still it can cause us to be less motivatHough Sebaugh is a local artist who paints states. health benefits. ed to do things and we become beautiful masterpieces Bold twists and more apathetic. It becomes more and designs beautiful “one women’s apparel. every gorgeous pa challenging toand stayunique in shape as of wea kind”Happy Father’s Day! Give yourdeep creativity passion for design has A statement piece the best gift ever and take the age because ourHer body doesn’t wantandself led Sebaugh to turn her paintings into unique art speak your health. ---Dr. for them time to improve to cooperate and our metabolism fashionthat and we home statements so every Melinda Silvaday peoslows down. Things used Dawn Hough Seb ple can 30 show their to do when we were years old,love for the arts—and that’s Dawn Hough Se the company got its name. “It’s called Wear like skip that how hamburger to get the Dr. Melinda Silva is a Board ville, North Carol Livework Art because to make sure [conflat belly, just Art, doesn’t now. I want Certified Physician with more than the San Diego, Ca know they can wear my art, theyexperience It is an effort sumers] and multifactorial 23+ years ofand clinical and a BA in Marketing can livebalance in it—no matter specialized what they want to do - eat clean, exercise, your training in Integrative North Carolina an withenough their time.” hormones, sleep and and Functional Medicine Design to give from Parso Sebaugh’s paintings eclectic and personalized her decontrol stress! My clinic also has areyou the best care. She also atte York. signstools are unparalleled; when what inspires the latest medical to help Her asked primary focus is on prevention Denver University you get to your goals proclaims, herphysical work, Sebaugh “I believeblending it’s all mainstream and wellness her career over tw faster. We useinside... Coolsculpting to a blank I start with and thoughtsto provide andcanvas holistic medicine the founder/artist permanently of remove color, fat andwithout it just happens.” Withainspiration you with customized treatment has participated in surgery and the Emsculpt Neoeverywhere, to stemming from Sebaugh’s colorful plan. since the late 80’s. pieces are a bright addition to any home. And She has also don just what does Sebaugh use to create her paintings for private ch ings? “I love to mix charcoals with acrylic to
For the month of June and Father’s Day, Dr. Melinda Silva addresses the important health needs of men. During the lockdown of the pandemic and grieving her father’s passing, Dr. Silva found herself feeling depressed and gaining extra weight like many people. She regained her positive outlook, coped with her loss and improved her health by taking on a fitness challenge. She speaks from a place of experience as she addresses this important topic of men’s fitness, hormones and well-being. Local Umbrella Media Editor Hello, welcome readers, Dr. Silva is here. Today I am addressing an important topic of men’s health in honor of Father’s Day. I am glad you are here. Every day we can learn something new to improve your health and make your body more amazing. It is never too late to take the steps to be better and work toward optimal health. I want people to know that. For whatever reason why you didn’t do it, I want you to think about what you need to do to get it done. Choose a goal, it could be as simple as walking 30 minutes a day. My goal was to participate in a fitness competition. My goal was not to win the competition, but to train hard and participate. I knew that I was going to be better than when I started and that was enough for me. It is easy to look at all the things that keep us from doing what we want to do. For me, the hardest minute of exercise is the first.
Let’s talk about men’s hormones because it can make a big difference. Men also have hormonal changes which can lead to mood issues, insomnia, fatigue, low libido and even hot flushes. It is a myth that women only have hormonal changes. After the age of 30, men can lose one to two percent of their testosterone every year. By the time they are 50, they can have a loss of 20 - 40 percent of their testosterone. Testosterone helps to create lean muscle mass. So when men start losing their testosterone levels it can change the distribution of muscle and fat. Men can end up with less lean muscle and more fat around their belly. That is why they have the famous dad bod - man boobs, softer belly and less muscle. I have seen men with more estrogen in their 50s than some women their same age! The first step is to check your hormones with a lab test. I want
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Dr. Silva’s office is located in Village Arts Medical Building, 890 Eastlake Parkway Suite 103 Chula Vista, CA 91914, 619-761-1574. Learn more at DrMelindaSilva.com
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VOLUME 6 | ISSUE 6 | June, 2021
Nicole Dimiceli won a pair of Desert Diamond earrings in our nurse contest Local Umbrella Media celebrates and honors those who have chosen the field of nursing. We held a contest last issue and are please to share with you our winner. Nicole was surprised at her house to learn that she won this prize. We thank our business sponsor of Desert Diamond earrings for the donation of this great gift. See their website at: www.desertdiamondbar.com for more information. Dear Local Umbrella Media, I nominate Nicole Dimiceli, Supervisor for OB-GYN Service Line, Sharp Rees-Stealy Ms. Nicole embodies the true image of a kind-hearted person, which is a quality that every nurse should possess for the type of work they face every day. I hope my descriptions of why I think she is a truly awesome nurse will give justice to the significant impact she leaves with every encounter. To start, when I met her, considering our big difference in position and achievements in life, she has expressed a very welcoming and accommodating atmosphere. She spoke to me as if I am her new friend and that I can be comfortable around her. She welcomed me
tiful colors and shadows,” she
turns—shadows and light—fill ainting produced by Sebaugh. e for any room, these works of mselves!
baugh - Bio ebaugh was born in Mooreslina and currently lives in alifornia area. She received g from Pfeiffer College in nd a Degree in Color and on’s School of Design in New ended fine arts programs at y in Colorado. Dawn began wo decades ago. She also is t of Mara Dawn Studios and n numerous gallery shows . nated a number of her paintharities including but not
limited to the Sherman Oaks Burn Center (children’s wing) - Los Angeles California, UNICEF, Global Giving, Rescue Task Force San Diego California, Artists With Brain Injuries - Los Angeles California, The Fund For Women Artists - Florence Massachusetts, Burn Survivors Throughout The World Inc. - Sarasota Florida, Mended Little Hearts - Dallas Texas, Sunflower, Doctors without Borders, Galapagos Conservancy, Association of the Hole in the Wall Camps - New Haven Connecticut, Save the Dalmatians and Others Canine Rescue Inc. Gardena, California, USO Council of San Diego California, Autism Research Institute - San Diego California, American Red Cross Alabama Gulf Coast Chapter - Mobile Alabama, Susan G Komen 3 Day for the Cure - San Diego California and the St. Germaine Auxiliary for the Child Abuse Foundation of San Diego California. For more information, please visit wearartliveart.com
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to her home and I saw how she is as a good homemaker, loving wife to her husband and caring role-model to her daughter. Ms. Nicole also has great time management. She studies and does online work and still prepares food for her family and maintains order and cleanliness in the entire house. While she is managing a clinic, even during the pandemic, she values personal development. She attends conferences and pursues her studies. In fact, from a talk we had, I learned that she first finished her Associate in Nursing Degree, then took-up her BSN and even furthered her knowledge as she is now almost finishing @LocalUmbrellaMedia
her MSN program. These are just a few of Ms. Nicole’s long list of outstanding qualities. She is the most generous woman I have met in San Diego. She even asked me repeatedly about donating to people in need. She has showered blessings to my family, to the point that my high school daughter exclaimed that she wants to follow the footsteps of Ms. Nicole as a nurse with a pure heart. I believe that many people who know her at work and in her community will agree that she is a deserving nurse to be recognized. Thank you. Nominated by Zimar Villarmino
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June, 2021 | VOLUME 6 | ISSUE 6
Radio Sounds
In their three short years of existence, British powerpop quartet The Speedways has managed a terrific run of releases, each building on the one before and highly anticipated by fans. Songs such as “Kisses Are History” and “Empty Pages,” are full of classic hooks, harmonies, jangle, handclaps and teen angst, spotlighting real songcraft. If you’re a powerpop fan there is not a weak spot in their discography of two acclaimed albums, three singles and two EP’s, the latest, a disc of covers, Borrowed & Blue (Snap!! Records / Hurrah! Musica). The Speedways, featuring Matt Julian (lead vocals, lead & rhythm guitar), Mauro Venegas (lead & rhythm guitar, backing vocals), Adrian Alfonso (bass & backing vocals) and Kris Hood (drums), started as a solo project by Julian. He released the first Speedways album Just Another Regular Summer in May 2018. “It became a real band a couple of months later when the opportunity to play a show came together,” he said. “It’s been an active band ever since.” He notes the group’s name comes from the Morrissey song “Speedway.” “Everything was connected in the beginning. The songs, the artwork, the band name, the album title etc. It was a very personal thing then, but it’s a real band now.” Julian cites classic tunesmiths as an influence on his band’s melodic LOCAL NEWS | LocalUmbrellaNews.com
rock ‘n’ roll. “There are so many - Lennon & McCartney, Greenwich & Barry, Goffin & King, Pomus & Shuman, Buddy Holly, The Ramones, Tom Petty, Kirsty MacColl, Del Shannon, Arthur Alexander, Elvis Costello, The Smiths, Squeeze, Jackie De Shannon... loads more. I copy everyone,” he said good naturedly. “It just comes out in different ways. I like to stick within traditional themes and structures and I love a good middle eight.” The new EP, collecting covers of songs by Kirsty MacColl, Billy Ocean, Roky Erickson, Hanoi Rocks and ABBA, was put together for pragmatic reasons. “We wanted to stay as busy as possible during lockdowns so we thought a covers EP was the way to go,” Julian said. “There was no point rushing new material out or forcing new songs if they weren’t there.” The original plans were to record the Hanoi Rocks song as a b-side, “but our plans changed and it ended up as a full covers EP. I don’t actually remember how we chose the songs, but we all love pop and soul as much as we love rock n roll.”
The band has yet to tour the U.S., but hopes are high to correct that situation sooner than later. “We were offered an American festival slot this September in Denver with some really cool bands, but it just couldn’t happen sadly. Hopefully one day we will get to go to America to play. It’s definitely top of the dream list.” The music biz is tougher than ever what motivates Julian to keep going? “Trying to write really good songs, playing music with my friends, hanging out and drinking, travelling to different places, meeting new people and playing with other cool bands,” he said. “All the best stuff.” While Borrowed & Blue is hot off the presses, plans are already underway for more recordings and a return to gigging. “We have shows in the diary and further ones penciled in which is great,” Julian said. “We’re writing songs for the next record and rehearsing as often as we can. As I said earlier, the Speedways started off as a solo thing, but for the next record we’re all going to write & arrange. I think it’ll give us a new dimension and make us a better band.” With two great albums behind him, Julian is looking forward to expanding the band’s horizons a little. “I’m really proud of my writing on the first two records,” he said. “I think the songs are great, but I’d much rather it was a group effort from now.” www.thespeedways.bandcamp.com
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VOLUME 6 | ISSUE 6 | June, 2021
Music Scene SDTV L to R Bart Mendoza, Florentino Buenaventura, Brad Weber by Sandra Castillo
L to R Mike Rugirello Mark Langford Wayne Riker Host Bart Mendoza
Premiering this month, Music Scene TV is a fast paced program dedicated to promoting San Diego’s music community, across genres. Hosted by Music Scene SD’s editor, Bart Mendoza, the show is brought to you by Entertalkmedia.com (CEO Florentino Buenaventura), Local Umbrella Media Publishing (CEO Brad Weber) and Blindspot Records, it’s brief running time – 15 minutes making it a fun, quick way to catch up with some of the folks who make up San Diego’s arts community, both onstage and behind the scenes. Special guests / co-hosts in the first batch of episodes include Pacific Records CEO Brian Witkin, Journalist / Photographer Sandra Castillo, Rock and Roll San Diego Founder, Mark Langford and former Elvin Bishop guitarist Johnny Vernazza, with live performances from Casey Hensley (with Anthony Cullins), Jeff Berkley, The Tourmaliners (unplugged), The Footloose Band, former Mamas and Papas / current Original Starfires singer Laurie Beebe Lewis, Skyler Lutes, Ed Kornhauser, Audrey Callahan and 2017 SDMA Lifetime Achievement winner, Wayne Riker, amongst others. The plan is for Music Scene SDTV to air weekly, with occasional special editions. Look for more information in next months edition!
with Casey Hensley by Sandra Castillo
The Short Years
If you are a fan of jazz in San Diego, you are no doubt aware of the talents of pianist Ed Kornhauser. He has been the musician of choice for many combos big and small and last year issued his debut solo album, The Short Years, resulting in nominations for both “Jazz Album of the Year” and “Album of the Year” at the 2021 San Diego Music Awards. Although known for his keyboard skills, Kornhauser was initially tempted to play a different instrument. “I used to play the tuba, and can still a little, but I’m more of a tuba owner than a tuba player,” he said good naturedly. His influences as a pianist are varied. “I was influenced early on by Oscar Peterson. His unmistakable feel, his bluesy-ness, his unbelievable technique... all things I still (in vain) strive to even come close to.” He notes later pianists who’ve left a mark, including Bill Evans, Herbie Hancock, Robert Glasper, Keith Jarrett, Ethan Iverson, and Erroll Garner. “As we speak there’s a picture of Erroll on my wall looking over my shoulder, I’ve been working on my organ technique for a while.” Kornhauser said. Although he’s performed and recorded with dozens of groups over the years, he’s quick to cite favorites “It’s a tie between themattsmithneujazztrio, which is myself with drummer LOCAL NEWS | LocalUmbrellaNews.com
Matt Smith and bassist Mackenzie Leighton, and all the duo stuff I’ve done with vocalist Leonard Patton.” Kornhauser has performed at San Diego’s finest venues, but his favorite performance, was a more personal event. “I hiked Mt. Fuji when I was 24,” he recalled. “My friend brought her flute and I had my melodica. We met a guy up there with a sort of recorder thing and had a jam at the summit. Zero memory of what we did - we hiked at night and got to the top at dawn. I was delirious.” For his part Kornhauser, simply loves making music. “I love decorating the space I’m performing in with sound,” he said. “And I love how that, sometimes at least, makes people happy, and makes the moment memorable for them. I also love being improvisatory and creating everything on the fly and I love that my job takes me
to different locales weekly. It helps break things up.” Looking ahead, fans can expect new music from him before to long. “I’ve got a second album cooking in my head with some of the music I’ve been writing this pandemic,” Kornhauser said. “It’s sort of a jazz meets Americana sort of thing. Beyond that, I’m also very excited for all my pre-pandemic gigs to fully come back, as they have (slowly) been!” www.edkornhauser. com ADVERTISE | Press@LocalUmbrella.com
June, 2021 | VOLUME 6 | ISSUE 6
Upcoming Releases New & Upcoming Albums include: R&B artist Alize has a release show for her album “Hustlers Need Love Too” at Queen Bee June 30, meanwhile there is also indie-powerpop and more from Tamar Berk “The Restless Dreams of Youth,” Cults debut release (2011) is being reissued with bonus tracks, Jason Diaz – has a new album “Hot Blooded”, Michael J Dwyer’s “Borderland Volume 1,” Earthless return with a new album: Live in the Mojave Desert Volume 1, Slightly Stoopid / Agent 22 drummer Rymo with “Kinetic,” jazz guitarist Steve Nichols with “The Guitar Sound Of,” jazz balladeer Daniel J Parc “Romance Is Back,” guitarist Peter Sprague’s “Copenhagen Mist,” Temporex – Bowling, Wavves with “Hideaway” (July
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16), The Westwatcher aka Darius Degher has released a new instrumental surfing inspired album “Groundswell Corduroy,” Cabeza Records releases “Time Will Tell” by Kris Wott of The Country Rockin’ Rebels on July 16, guitarist Patrick Yandall releases “Chasing the Light” on August
15 – Yandall also plays guitar on the latest album from the band Under the Lake, “Old Friends, New Grooves” (July 2) New & Upcoming Singles: Two time SDMA winner Colin Clyne has a new tune out June 25, “Within Hindsight,” Safety Orange and Reggae Hit Masters collaborate on “I Took A Pill In Ibiza”, Safety Orange with an additional single “School’s Out”, Tori Roze and The Hot Mess - “Seek Your Sunshine” (June 30), Sorry It’s Over with “Time Moves Slow,” Switchfoot – “Fluorescent” (tbd), Wavves with “Help Is On The Way,” New & Upcoming Videos: Angels & Airwaves – “Euphoria,” Tamar Berk “Socrates & Me” & “Better Off Meditating,” “Just Fine” by Tony Ortiz (ex-The Monroes) and the Guns of Soul, “Tehachapi Line” by Dave Preston
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San Diego Music News VOLUME 6 | ISSUE 6 | June, 2021
• The San Diego Music Awards take place on August 24, on the outdoor stage at Humphrey’s Concerts by the Bay. Attendance is open to the public, with performers set to include Cindy Lee Berryhill, Electric Mud,
• The Ghost Jazz Trio is in the studio working on thier upcoming album, On the Level. Set for release this summer, the album features 12 original songs composed by James Morgan and joined on the album by Nathan Brown on bass and Jack Nathan on drums. • Glass Spells latest (title tbd) drops August 14 with an CD release show at the Soda Bar, • Former Gravedigger V / Morlocks frontman Leighton Koizumi has a new album, Power Hits, out on August 1. Backed by Italian garage rockers Tito And The Brainsuckers, Koizuma tackles twenty four classics originally by the likes of The Flamin’s Groovies, The Moving Sidewalks and unlikely as it may be, Gordon Lightfoot. • A new super group debuts June 18 at the Full Circle Saloon: Keneally, Grano, Nash & Lee features guitarist Mike Keneally (Frank Zappa / Andy Partridge), drummer Larry Grano (The Steely Damned / Four Eyes), bassist Rick Nash (Soul Persuaders / Eve Selis) and guitarist Roni Lee (Venus & The Razorblades). Keneally next heads out on a U.S. tour with The Zappa Band from August 5 through September 11, opening for King Crimson
tured frontman Ray Brandes, guitarist Carl Rusk, bassist Mark Zadarnowski, keyboardist Bill Calhoun and drummer David Klowden, it’s members would go on to such key bands as The Tell-Tale Hearts, The Shambles and The Nashville Ramblers, to cite just three. • East County night spot Navajo Live will host a monthly night dedicated to the San Diego Troubadour, featuring artists spotlighted in each month’s issue. The inaugural edition
takes place on June 27, featuring Dave Preston and the Grownups. 6:30 p.m. $5 cover. • Platinum hitmakers O-Town, featuring Poway’s Jacob Underwood, head out on tour this summer. The road trip kicks off July 9 in Pittsburgh, PA, wrapping up December 11 in Los Angeles. Their most recent release, The O.T.W.N. Album, was issued via Pacific Records.
Brisa Lauren, Marujah, Chicken Bone Slim and The Frets. Voting is open to any music fan worldwide and you can vote once a day. www.sandiegomusicawards.com • Music Cruises are back! Several are set to sail with San Diego talent, past and present, on board: KISS Kruise (October 29, 2021) includes Ratt, The Melissa Ethridge Cruise (November 12, 2021) features Jewel, Shiprocked (January 22, 2022): includes P.O.D., Rock and Romance Cruise (February 27, 2022) features War and Cayamo: A Journey Through Song (March 18, 2022), will include The Punch Brothers, featuring Nickel Creek’s mandolinist Chris Thile. Flogging Molly, featuring North County’s Matt Hensley, will host their Salty Dog Cruise March 28- April 1, 2022 • Guitarist Deven Berryhill of The Tourmaliners has new podcast, Creatives Who Thrive. Six episodes have been recorded, with more on the way. “This is the show where we tell “Stories from artists who make money to make more art,” said Berryhill. Guests give first hand info on ways to thrive in a tough industry. Available via Amazon, Apple Podcasts, Youtube etc. • Chloe Lou & the Liddells are playing July 3rd at Green Flash from 4 to 6pm, in advance of heading into the studio to record a follow up to their 2019 EP, Storybook. • There will be a free event on June 19 celebrating the release of the vinyl soundtrack to Fanboy, the acclaimed film by Ben Johnson. The shindig will take place in the Krakatoa parking lot starting at 3 p.m., with music from Xenos • Indie rockers Fuzz Huzzi are currently out on a monthlong tour of the Southwest, wrapping up July 2 in Boron, CA LOCAL NEWS | LocalUmbrellaNews.com
• Jason Mraz has released a ska version of his song “Make It Mine,” originally featured on his 2008 album ‘We Sing. We Dance. We Steal Things.’ Mraz heads out on tour this summer, starting off on July 30 in Austin, TX and wrapping up on September 26 at the Rady Shell / Jacobs Park
• The Mystery Machine barely lasted a summer in the early 1980’s, ultimately only playing three gigs, but their legend looms large. The band will soon release a limited edition 45 via Dralasite Records, topped by their classic “She’s Not Mine,” originally released in 1984 on Bomp Records seminal “Battle of the Garage Bands” compilation. This new edition features artwork by Darren Grealish as well as full color postcards, with liner notes by Mike Stax (Ugly Things Magazine) and is available in colored vinyl. The Mystery Machine fea/LocalUmbrellaMedia
• Rockers P.O.D. celebrate the 20th Anniversary of their album, Satellite, with a tour and a reissue. On Sept. 3, the band will release digital and 2-disc CD editions of Satellite: 20th Anniversary Edition. The updated version now includes 27 songs, with extras such as demos and remixes. A 2-LP vinyl version of the album is due on Oct. 8. Meanwhile the band heads out on tour starting with a gig August 13 in Sturgis, South Dakota, wrapping up October 7 at San Diego’s downtown House of Blues. • Ready Set Survive is working on an EP for release later this year, tentatively titled “Welcome to a New Decade”. “We are REALLY excited for these new songs,” said guitarist Troy Cook. “Morgan Guest, (drums) Sean Drake (bass), Scott Szikla (guitar) and I have all been working hard to produce these, and have been trying to push ourselves out of our comfort zone as much as possible.” Look for a Winter 2021 release. • Psych surf rock band, The Volclays (formerly Dark Seas) have an album release show for their latest disc at The Music Box on June 18. ADVERTISE | Press@LocalUmbrella.com
June, 2021 | VOLUME 6 | ISSUE 6
San Diego Museum of Art June 17 - 20 | Various Times San Diego Museum of Art 1450 El Prado San Diego, CA 92101 sdmart.org
Helen Woodward Animal Center June 19 | 6:00 - 11:00 pm Fairbanks Country Club 15150 San Dieguito Road Rancho Santa Fe, CA 92067 christinb@animalcenter.org
San Diego Opera June 26 | 5:00 - 9:00 pm La Jolla Estancia Hotel 9700 N. Torrey Pines Road La Jolla, CA 92037 sdopera.org|midsummer-gala
July 10 | 6:00 - 9:00 pm Champions for Health Birch Aquarium at Scripps 2300 Expedition Way La Jolla, CA 92037
SYMPHONY AT THE SALK August 21 | 6:00 - 10:00 pm 10010 Torrey Pines Road La Jolla, CA 92037 lcushman@salk.edu
August 28 | 5:30 - 10:00 pm Rooftop La Jolla Cove Hotel 1155 Coast Boulevard La Jolla, CA 92037 gala@optionsforall.org
North County Rep Theatre August 29 | 5:00 - 9:00 pm Fairmont Grand Del Mar 5300 Del Mar Court San Diego, CA 92130 ticketsnorthcoastrep.org
Discover Magazines | SD Int’l Film Fest. September 09 | 6:00 - 10:00 pm The Brick 2863 Historic Decatur Road San Diego, CA 92106 sandiegofilmfest.com
San Diego Salvation Army September 17 | 10:30 am - 1:30 pm Marriott Marquis Hotel 333 West Harbor Drive San Diego, CA 92101 pamela.lennen@usw.salvationarmy.org
AN EVENING OF CHANGING LIVES Boys & Girls Clubs of San Diego September 29 | 5:00 - 9:00 pm Marriott Marquis San Diego Marina 333 West Harbor Drive San Diego, CA, 92101 kscalise@sdyouth.org
Patrons of the Prado October 9 | 5:00 - 11:00 pm Spreckels Organ Pavilion Balboa Park 2125 Pan American Road East San Diego, CA 92101 Patronsoftheprado.org
San Diego Automotive Museum October 16 | 6:00 - 9:00 pm 2080 Pan American Plaza San Diego, CA 92101 sharon@sdautomuseum.org
July 23 - 24 | Various Times Conrad Prebys Performing Arts Ctr. 7600 Fay Avenue La Jolla, CA 92037 ljfff.com
University of San Diego November 13 | 6:00 - 10:00 pm Petco Park 100 Park Boulevard San Diego, CA 92101 usd.events@sandiego.edu
Las Patronas August 7 | 7:00 - 11:00 pm La Jolla Beach & Tennis Club 2000 Spindrift Drive La Jolla, CA 92037 laspatronas.org
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Cruise 4 Kids November 27 | 7:00 pm - 1:00 am Hyatt Regency La Jolla at Aventine 3777 La Jolla Village Drive San Diego, CA 92122 nino@c4ksd.com
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VOLUME 6 | ISSUE 6 | June, 2021
June 22 - 23 | 4:00 - 8:00 pm 1747 India Street San Diego, CA 92101 info@littleitalyevents.com
July 4 |10:00 am - 11:30 am Orange Avenue Coronado, CA 92118 coronadochamber.com
July 4 Fireworks | 9:00 pm Various Locations SD Harbor 3165 Pacific Highway San Diego, CA 92101 bigbayboom.com
July 9 - 11 | Various Times Embarcadero Marina Park North 400 Kettner Boulevard San Diego, CA 92101 portofsandiego.org
July 29 - August 1 | Various Times 421 Aqua Lane Ramona, CA 92065 ramonachamber.com
August 8 | 12:00 - 11:00 pm Fifth Avenue Hillcrest San Diego, CA 92103 fabuloushillcrest.com
August 20 - 22 | Various Times Antique Engine Museum 2040 North Santa Fe Avenue Vista, CA 92083 summergrass.net
August 20 - 22 | Various Times Scottish Rite Cathedral San Diego 1895 Camino Del Rio South San Diego, CA 92108 gemfaire.com
August 22 | 11:00 am - 4:00 pm Port Pavilion | Broadway Pier 1000 North Harbor Drive San Diego, CA 92101
August 27 - 29 | Various times Lawn at St Michael’s By The Sea Carlsbad, CA 92008 carlsbadmusicfestival.org
September 4 - 6 | Various Times Broadway Pier & Landing 1140 North Harbor Drive San Diego, CA 92101 ussandsculpting.com
September 11 - 12 | Various Times Port Pavilion on Broadway Pier 1000 North Harbor Drive San Diego, CA 92101 sandiegospiritsfestival.com
July 10 | 12:00 pm - 10:00 pm Waterfront Park 1600 Pacific Highway San Diego, CA 92101 info@sandiegobayfest.com
September 11 - 12 | Various Times San Diego Surf Sports Park 14989 Via de La Valle Del Mar, CA 92014 sdfestivalofthearts.org
July 16 | 1:00 pm - 6:00 pm Del Mar Fairgrounds 2260 Jimmy Durante Boulevard Del Mar, CA 92014 dmtc.com
LA JOLLA FILM FESTIVAL July 23 - 24 | Various Times Conrad Prebys Arts Center 7600 Fay Avenue La Jolla, CA 92037 ljiff.com
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June, 2021 | VOLUME 6 | ISSUE 6
KENNETH BELNAP ken@ca.house (619) 733-4422
DRE 02008081
C. CHRISTIE CRAIG TheChristieCraig@gmail.com (310 781-0007 DRE 02046997
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