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3.2.2 Importance of open and multifunctional spaces for migrants
by Priya Barot
The three key aspects of home lead to an understanding of home as the unity of social, personal, and physical aspects. For this study, these three aspects are investigated through the interdisciplinary lens of both architecture and psychology as these disciplines can cover the transformation of a mere residence (house) into a meaningful home. The previous section introduced the different theories on the meaning of home, and the key concepts associated with the home. It becomes clear that the well-being of a home’s occupants might be affected by the home itself. The following section explores how the psychological well-being of the occupants’ can be improved, and how these ways can be implemented in the architectural design of the home (AlTarazi, 2021).
3.2.2 Importance of open and multifunctional spaces for migrants
Open spaces can divide into some types through their functions like domestic, neighborhood, and city-level open spaces. For this research, the study area is limited to domestic and neighborhood open spaces and finds out multiple activities done by the migrant workers. Domestic spaces are also called the local open spaces which are near to the house or a part of the housing. A large gathering of people in a bigger scale-space falls under the neighborhood open spaces. For example, parks, playgrounds, streets, and natural open spaces. The private space, as the space of freedom of choice for individuals, is related to human rights, while public space is equated with security and control. Private spaces are controlled by an individual and they can change a function according to the need which can be more useful for the migrant workers.
Open spaces play a major role in migrants' daily life which perform as a multi-functional space for them. According to the Oxford dictionary, the word 'multifunctional’ is an adjective and its lexical meaning is: having or fulfilling several functions. A multifunctional space can be described as a true integration of different functions in time and space. By implementing multi-functionality within communities, we create spaces that have multiple purposes. Based on this definition, courtyards and kitchens are multifunctional spaces. Also, multifunctional spaces can be transition spaces (Abyzhar Shobirin, 2018).
Open spaces are the key areas for social interaction and community development. It is environmentally significant and plays an important informative role. Open spaces play a major role in facilitating social interaction within people and help know each other better. It is through these spaces by which social gatherings and meetings are systematized and cultural differences minimized; help create a dialogue between the users (Roychowdhury, 2013).
Furthermore, open spaces play the role of 'breathing areas' in the concrete jungle and are also the ways by which the cities remain sustainable fully integrated with the design of housing. Open spaces add to the quality of life of people providing them with substantial social, environmental,