6 minute read
The power behind the panel
The power of security
We talk to James Douglas of GS Yuasa Battery Sales UK about products for the security sector and discover that not all batteries are the same
This year is a big one for GS Yuasa with various company milestones and the introduction of the new Yu-Lite range of Nickel Cadmium (NiCd), Nickel Metal Hydride (NiMH) and Lithium batteries. PSI caught up with James Douglas, European Group Marketing Manager at GS Yuasa Battery Europe to talk about specialised batteries for the security sector and to discuss landmark celebrations for the business.
How have the events of 2020-21 affected battery sales? Demand in the security market has been noticeably down obviously due to the pandemic when we saw numerous commercial buildings and new properties being mothballed. In addition, some companies have not opened since the first lockdown and even those businesses that have been trading throughout 2020-21 have not been investing in standby power at the levels they were prior to the pandemic, probably due to the uncertainty surrounding the whole situation. For us in the security market, business has been noticeably down, but for the company as a whole that was offset by the automotive sector, which actually saw an unprecedented level of demand because of the reduced usage of vehicles. With vehicles having been either parked up or only driven for short journeys, batteries have been failing prematurely. This has meant that the demand for automotive batteries has been absolutely huge. However we're definitely seeing the signs of a recovery now, so in London and the big cities we are expecting the fire and security business to bounce back really strongly.
This year the company is celebrating 40 years of production in Ebbw Vale. Have you got any celebrations planned? It's a massive milestone for us and it's not the only one for us this year either. In addition to the 40 year anniversary of our GS Yuasa Battery Manufacturing UK factory in Wales we are also marking 40 years of GS Yuasa Battery Sales UK, our sales operation based in Swindon. These are two key anniversaries for us in the UK and www.psimagazine.co.uk
are occasions we really do want to celebrate with colleagues and customers to reward them for the loyalty that they have shown us over the years. Due to the uncertainty around Covid we've had to hold off on the celebrations so far this year, but we will be doing something as soon as we can.
Around 60% of the batteries that you make in Wales are exported so are you concerned about Brexit? No not at all. For anything made in the UK we have zero tariffs into Europe thanks to the trade agreement so that's obviously a positive for us, but most importantly we only transact and supply our sister companies in Europe. So we only supply our batteries to GS Yuasa companies on the continent and then they distribute to their own customers from there. Therefore because it's is inter-company purchasing there isn't any effect of Brexit for us.
Why do we need specialised batteries for security systems? What people need to keep in mind is no matter how good the security system is it is only as good as the battery that's backing it up. That battery is only ever really used or tested at that critical moment when it needs to perform. With that in mind it is obviously crucial that the “In addition to the 40 year anniversary of our GS Yuasa Battery Manufacturing UK factory in Wales we are also marking 40 years of GS Yuasa Battery Sales UK”
Listen to the interview with James in the PSI Security News Podcast
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battery operates as it should and also that it's the correct spec and the correct type for the system. The battery is a critical part of the installation.
Do you think that battery quality is often overlooked when it comes to the installation? I think it can be. Unfortunately some installers will always focus on price, which we would never recommend because by doing that, particularly if you are buying cheaper or substandard batteries that are not up to the job, the whole system can be compromised. It is completely counterproductive to be building a system to provide security that is not fit for purpose. Another thing to consider is that quality products will deliver a long service life and also perform as specified so they are going to be reliable when in service. If you are buying and specifying a cheaper product, it's not economical in the long run as you will have to regularly replace the batteries and an unreliable alarm is not good for anyone especially your customer who is relying on you to provide a properly functioning alarm system.
How have batteries changed over the years? The main change is the types of batteries that are needed to suit the new security technologies hitting the market. The development of wireless alarm systems for example is really driving that change. In the past it would have just used valve regulated lead–acid (VRLA) batteries but now there are a lot of components in the system being powered by batteries using different technologies and much smaller batteries such as the CR123A small lithium cells in sensors. There is a much bigger demand for these batteries that we wouldn't have seen ten years ago and it is driven by the new developments, in particular the wireless innovations, coming out from the alarm systems manufacturers. These smaller batteries have come into mainstream use alongside VRLA, Ni-Cd and Ni-MH and rechargeable Lithium packs.
Do you think that one day CCTV will be widely battery-powered? It's a tough question and to be honest, I think we may well do; it is certainly the way that things appear to be going. The only restriction on that happening is the battery life being good enough. We are currently at the stage where video doorbells can utilise batteries but these are triggered by motion, whereas true CCTV require a constant draw of power. I'm sure that as battery life increases we will get there with CCTV, but it could be ten years or so away.

Wireless Intruder Keypad (with Capacitive Touch screen)
to complement modern interiors. It also features an easy to read graphical display and capacitive touch screen.
ent trims i.e. chrome, grey, black, white and has This new RF keypad comes with Proximity Tag Support for Contactless Setting and Unsetting the Alarm System.
Fully compatible with all HKC SecureWave control panels.
Input Power: 4 Duracell DL123A batteries Current Consumption:
Standby 25μA
Transmit 40mA
Maximum 145mA Proximity Tag Compatible User selectable Coloured Trims Up to 2 wireless keypads per SW-10270 (1 on the Quantum 70) Auto “Wake Up” feature Sleek Individual Company Logo Can be wired with 12V supply (no batteries) Size: 180mm x 112mm x 22mm Weight: 310g IEN 50131-3 Grade 2 Class II BS 8243 & PD6662 Temperature: -10 to +40°C

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