sustainable environmental solutions
Mission Statement
Renewable energy is currently classified as energy obtained from natural resources which can be constantly replenished.
Renewable Energy Technologies include those that use or enable the use of one or more energy sources: Bioenergy, Geothermal Energy, Hydropower, Ocean Energy, Solar Energy and Wind Energy, enabling the production of electricity without the burning of Fossil-Fuel. Currently, Renewable Energy Technology investment is mainly focused on wind farms using large propeller wind generators to produce “Green” electricity. flyfoxair, conceived, built and patented by flyingfox Pty Ltd (Australia), was designed to rewrite the Renewable Energy Technology classifications and become the cost effective government investment vehicle to replace the use of large propeller wind generators. The environmental and scientific consensus is that the most viable solution to reduce the use of fossil-fuel generated electricity to help governments meet their CO2 reduction targets is to provide sufficient financial incentives to fast-track the installation of technology that will greatly reduce the use of fossil-fuel generated electricity at the consumer level, especially the high energy usage areas of air-conditioning, water heating and clothes drying. flyfoxair is an extremely low-energy multi-purpose technology that will: •P rovide an almost silent (no compressor or large fan motor) chemical free triple SILIKA filtered 100% fresh-air intake fully functional air-conditioner system, free water heating, and free clothes drying using the optional low-cost flyfoxair Drying Cabinet. •D ramatically reduce the electricity GRID PeakLoad infrastructure investment and help eliminate health problems caused by airborne diseases VOC’s voc.html, and smoking (casinos). • Provide substantial electricity cost reduction.
1902 – 2015 Air Conditioning
The way current air-conditioning works is very complicated and has changed very little over the past 100 + years since Willis Havilland Carrier patented his first air-conditioning system in 1906.
It still uses an electric motor to drive a compressor which compresses a refrigerant gas to a hot liquid. This hot liquid is cooled by pumping the heat from the hot liquid outside the building using large fans through the condensing coils. The now cooled liquid is pumped through an expansion valve which converts it a lower pressure cold gas. This cold gas is pumped through the evaporator coils to cool the air forced through them by a fan. This warms the cold gas which is then recompressed, and the cycle continues. This system uses a lot of power, produces a great deal of heat, and noise and require frequent maintenance (seals, lubricating oils, compressor, electric motor, and fans.) All air-conditioning systems must obtain Cooling Efficiency certification expressed in the form of a % rating. Typically current air-conditioning systems have a Cooling Efficiency rating of between 250% and 300%, what this means is that the system removes up to three times as much heat from the building compared to the electricity used to drive the system.
2 Hot Air
Cool Air
4 1: Condensing coil 2: Expansion valve 3: Evaporator coil 4: Compressor
Smart Grid Demand Side Management (DSM) Low Energy Cooling, Heating, Refrigeration, Water Heating and Clothes Drying
SMARTGRID Demand Side Management (DSM) means that because flyfoxair uses 80% less electricity* than current air-conditioning, it does not need to be directly connected to an electricity grid.
Instead it can run off a 12/14 volt flyfoxair rechargeable battery charged by SOLAR or low-cost off-peak electricity. Flyfoxair will work in four environments: •S olar/no grid: using solar plus flyfoxair-rechargeable batteries (flyingfox will complete an exclusive re-badge agreement with the North American manufacturer) to allow flyfoxair to provide 24/7, heating and cooling, heated water, refrigeration, and clothes drying using the optional flyfoxair Drying Cabinet which will provide the equivalent of 50 feet of clothes line to dry everything from linen to boots in less than two hours. •G rid/solar: using solar plus low-cost off-peak electricity to charge flyfoxair-rechargeable batteries to allow flyfoxair to provide 24/7, heating and cooling, heated water, refrigeration, and clothes drying (Drying Cabinet). •G rid/no solar: using low-cost off-peak electricity to charge flyfoxair-rechargeable batteries to allow flyfoxair to provide 24/7, heating and cooling, heated water, refrigeration, and clothes drying (Drying Cabinet). • Grid: just using GRID power to allow flyfoxair to provide 24/7, heating and cooling, heated water, refrigeration, and clothes drying (Drying Cabinet).
*flyfoxair uses proprietary thermal regulators instead of a compressor and large fan motor.
flyingfox will not only be about 600 % + efficient, but will provide 100% fresh-air intake and be multi-energy processing. flyfoxair will utilize the Thermal Regulator Cold for cooling and the Thermal Regulator Heat for immediate heating of household/commercial water and drying clothes. The reason that flyfoxair will be about 600 % + efficient is because by placing flyfoxair Thermal Regulators in series we can maintain a maximum temperature gradient of less than 10째C across each Thermal Regulator, and so maintain efficiency of greater than 600 %. What this means is that flyfoxair removes up to 6 times as much heat from the building compared to the electricity used to drive flyfoxair.
Why is 100% fresh air so important?
The New York Committee for Occupational Safety & Health recently published an article on indoor air pollution problems which include, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, ozone, smoke and dust, microbes (bacteria, fungi and viruses), oxides of nitrogen and chemicals.
At the end of the article they stated that the indoor air pollution problems could be reduced by increasing air-conditioning fresh-air intake, cleaning and maintaining the ventilation system and opening or unblocking all sources of fresh air. Casinos/ Pachinko halls There are currently in excess of 1,500 legal casinos in North America and circa 6,500 worldwide that allow smoking and in Japan there are in excess of 10 million Pachinko and Pachislot machines located in circa 17,000 Pachinko halls where smoking is allowed.
Hospitals Currently, hospitals only provide 100% fresh-air into operating theatres and recovery rooms, the remainder of the hospital provides recycled air. 100% fresh-air intake will assist in eliminating the spread of airborne diseases. Private health insurance allows you to choose your doctor and private hospital for your Medical Procedure (“MP1”). If whilst in hospital for your MP1 you contract a secondary infection such as MRSA (a bacterium) you will require a second Medical Procedure (“MP2”). Your insurance company will pay for MP1 but the hospital has to absorb the cost for MP2. The high level of airborne diseases/infections being distributed in hospitals by current 10% fresh-air intake air conditioning, is resulting in an increasing number of MP2’s which is resulting in greatly reduced profits for private hospitals worldwide.
Breathing clean air, having cooling and heating should be the norm – not a luxury or a dream. Russel Peter Morison Designer and inventor of flyfoxair
flyingfox Pty Ltd New South Wales Australia +61 451 672 727
flyingfox North America Nevada United States of America