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Where do your brands FALL, Halloween or Tailgating?
Delight Guests with two fall favorites in our Fall OPU/DU Launch.
72% 78% 55% 25% YOY Sales Growth
YOY Sales Growth
YOY Sales Growth
Halloween Booklet AB Penetration on Halloween Booklet items is at 72% YOY growth today vs. LY
August Flyer Items AB Penetration on August Flyer items is at 78% YOY growth today vs. LY August Flyer and October Booklet Both have items as high as 55% YOY sales growth since their respective booklet launches. The top items from each in sales growth have been featured in multiple booklets
Of the top 12 booklet items by AB Penetration have been featured in multiple booklets.
In Stores 9/23/2022 1208 Stores - Distribution of 604,000
Contact: Stacy.Wineland@ProductConnections.com 870.405.1156