November 14, 2008

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St. Vincent de Paul experiencing longer meal lines George Slepnitkoff met a friend waiting for lunch at the St.Vincent de Paul Society in San Mateo and both mentioned that they have seen a lot of new faces in the food line in the past few weeks. “It’s seem like the line is getting longer every day,” said Slepnitkoff, a parolee who is staying in a friend’s carport as he works with St. Vincent de Paul to line up permanent housing. St. Vincent de Paul officials say they have seen a marked increase in meals served since August at the agency’s locations in South San Francisco and San Mateo. The San Mateo location served 1,800 meals in October, compared with 1,500 for a typical month. Executive Director Lorraine Moriarty said the change is due to the economic downturn and a resulting rise in first-time homelessness. The society also is receiving more calls for its homeless prevention services. People whose incomes are tied to the financial industry are at risk, as are those in service industries such as restaurants and car sales. Vincentians have conferences in 31 parishes in San Mateo County and are seeking volunteers, especially those fluent in Spanish. St. Vincent de Paul in Marin County is seeing a similar trend. “People who you would never think of asking for help are now asking for help,” Executive Director Steve Boyer said. For more information, contact the society in San Mateo at (650) 343-4405, Marin at (415) 454-3303, or San Francisco at (415) 977-1270.


By Rick Delvecchio

George Slepnitkoff is staying in a friend’s carport and working toward permanent housing.

Catholic san Francisco

U.N. General Assembly leader: ‘Together hunger and poverty constitute biggest sin on earth’

Northern California’s Weekly Catholic Newspaper

U.S. bishops issue statement on nation’s economic challenges By Patricia Zapor & Chaz Muth BALTIMORE (CNS) – The U.S. Catholic bishops issued a statement Nov. 11 addressing the economic crisis and reminding people “we are our brothers’ and sisters’ keepers. We are all in this together.” The brief statement released by Cardinal Francis E. George of Chicago, the bishops’ president, noted “hard times can isolate us or they can bring us together.”

It was drafted during the annual fall meeting of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops in Baltimore and approved by the body of bishops in a voice vote Nov. 11. “As pastors and bishops, we see the many human and moral consequences of this crisis,” the statement said. Families across the nation are losing homes, jobs and health care coverage; retirement savings are threatened and many people are losing a sense of hope and security, it continued. U.S. BISHOPS, page 11

The following interview with Maryknoll Father Miguel d’Escoto Brockmann, president of the United Nations General Assembly, was arranged exclusively for Catholic San Francisco. It took place in his office on the second floor of the U.N. building in New York.

By Gie Goris The United Nations General Assembly elects a president every year. For the 63rd session which began on Sept. 16, the world’s nations elected the former Nicaraguan foreign minister, Father Miguel d’Escoto Brockmann. A colleague from the diplomatic community noted that the president prefers to be called “Father” and that he exhibits pride and respect for his vocation to the priesthood. He is not, however, permitted by the Church to exercise his priestly ministry because of his political involvement. A harsh critic of the United States,

By Rick DelVecchio Supporters of same-sex marriage conceded that California voters handed them a stunning setback Nov. 4 with the passage of Proposition 8 and filed three claims with the state Supreme Court seeking a hearing to overturn the 52.5 percent to 47.5 percent mandate, which amended the state Constitution to define marriage as only between a man and a woman. In turn, the Yes on 8 campaign

questioned the validity of the new legal strategy by same-sex marriage advocates and vowed to defend Prop 8. The measure passed by an unexpectedly large half-million votes and had significant support among Catholic voters. Andrew Pugno, legal counsel for, the coalition that sponsored Prop 8, called the complaints “frivolous and regrettable” and the legal angle “absurd.” LEGAL CHALLENGES, page 7


Legal challenges follow voters’ affirmation of traditional marriage

Maryknoll Father Miguel d’Escoto Brockmann addresses the U.N. General Assembly June 4 following his election as assembly president.

he was born in Los Angeles in 1933, the son of a Nicaraguan diplomat. He is a graduate of St. Mary’s College High School, Berkeley, and St. Mary’s College, Moraga. As a young Maryknoll priest in New York, he helped found Orbis Books, the publishing arm of the Maryknoll community. The stated aim of Orbis was to make the writings of liberation theologians such as Gustavo Guttierez, Juan Luis Segundo, Jon Sobrino and others available to a wider English language readership. What made him famous, however, was his accepting the post of minister of foreign affairs in the revolutionary Sandinista government of Nicaragua in 1979, a post he held until 1990, and a decision criticized by Pope John Paul II. Father d’Escoto was not the only priest in that government. Father Ernesto Cardenal was cultural minister, and his brother, Father Fernando Cardenal, was education minister. The year 2009 has been designated by the United Nations as the International Year of Reconciliation. CSF: The highest priority for your presidency has been “democratizing the U.N.” Could you explain that for us? Father d’Escoto: To democratize means making the will of the majority count. A diplomat from one of the most powerful countries within the U.N. asked U.N. GENERAL, page 10

INSIDE THIS WEEK’S EDITION Holy Land III . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Letters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Scripture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Movie review. . . . . . . . . . . . 16

From Rome: cardinal shares papal insight ~ Page 3 ~ November 14, 2008

Mortgage reform sought by groups ~ Page 9 ~

Knights of St. Francis formed for Porziuncola ~ Page 11 ~


Datebook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Classified ads . . . . . . . . 18-19 VOLUME 10

No. 35

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