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OBJECTIVE AND EDITORIAL POLICY The Journal of the Brazilian College of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery is the official publication of the Brazilian College of oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and Traumatology targeted to the publication of relevant papers for education, information and science of the academic practice of surgery and related areas, aiming at the promotion and exchange of knowledge between the university community and health professionals. • The publication categories include original papers (systematic reviews, clinical trials, experimental studies and case series with at least 9 clinical cases) and case reports. • The manuscripts submitted to the Journal will be analyzed by the Editorial Board, which decides if the paper is acceptable for publication. • The declarations and opinions expressed by the author(s) do not necessarily correspond to those of the editor(s) or publisher(s), who will not take responsibility over them. Neither the editor(s) nor the publisher offers guarantee of any product or service announced in this publication, or any statement of their respective manufacturers. Each reader should determine if he or she should act according to the information presented in the publication. The Journal or announcers are not responsible for any harm caused by the publication of mistaken information. • The submitted manuscripts should be original, not previously published nor under consideration by another journal. The manuscripts will be analyzed by the editor and consultants and are subject to editorial review. The authors should follow the guidelines described below. • The manuscripts should be submitted in Portuguese. GUIDELINES FOR MANUSCRIPT SUBMISSION • The manuscripts should be submitted through the website: • The manuscripts should be written in a concise, clear and correct manner, in formal language, avoiding colloquial expressions. • Whenever applicable, the text should be organized as follows: Introduction, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusions, References, and Figure Legends.
© Journal of the Brazilian College of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
• The manuscripts should have at most 2,500 words, including the abstract, references and legends of figures and tables (yet excluding data on the tables). • A maximum of four authors are allowed for case reports and six authors for research manuscripts. If more authors are included, the participation of each author in the manuscript must be informed. • The figures should be submitted as separate files. • The figure legends should also be included within the text, to guide the final formatting of the paper. • Title page: this page should contain only the manuscript title, in Portuguese and English languages, which should be as informative as possible, composed of at most 8 words. This page should not include information related to the identification of authors (e.g. full author names, academic degrees, institutional affiliations and/or administrative roles). This should only be included in specific fields in the manuscript submission website. Therefore, this information shall not be visible for the reviewers. ABSTRACT • Structured abstracts, in Portuguese and English, with 200 words or less, are preferred. • Structured abstracts should contain the following sections: INTRODUCTION, presenting the study objective; METHODS, describing how it was conducted; RESULTS, describing the primary outcomes; and CONCLUSIONS, reporting the study conclusions and clinical implications of the outcomes. • The abstracts should also present 3 to 5 keywords, also in Portuguese and English, which should comply with DeCS ( and MeSH (
INFORMATION ON ILLUSTRATIONS • The illustrations (graphs, drawings, etc.) should be limited to up to 6 figures, for original manuscripts; or up to 3 figures, for case reports. They should preferably be prepared in appropriate softwares, e.g. Excel, Word, etc.
J Braz Coll Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2021 Jan-Apr;7(1):68-72