<><> Can I Talk to My DNA?? <><> 2nd ed , Vol iv to cpp

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By Benjamin Gal-Or, All Rights Reserved

Can I Talk to My DNA?? Author of worldwide acclaimed

Cosmology, Physics &amp; Philosophy (CPP) Prof.-Dr. Benjamin Gal-Or 2nd EDITION, Vol iv, CPP


Why and what shall I ask it ? Had its SOURCE evolved only by the hidden, 2nd expansion of the universe?

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PREFACE 2nd EDITION, Vol iv, CPP, 05/14/2018

Are we abusing our DNA since concieved? BY ENFORCED diet of molecules that damage it? Next to breath polluted air and social tensions in which we are destined to live? To be arrested by organised, religious taboos, or by discriminating education, or imposed citizenship, or enslaving duty to &#39;&#39;authorities&#39;&#39;, to money, to confining &#39;&#39;caaltuure&#39;&#39;, to political &#39;&#39;science&#39;&#39;, fake media, impostors of &#39;&#39;good life&#39;&#39;, science, philosophy, truth, fraudulent healers? Is DNA much superior of our brain, mind, body? above envy, hate, dreams, aspirations and relationships? If, like envy-hate-less trees, or the inventors of computers, it is not, can I communicate, not change it? And since it controls all life longevity only by alleged 30%, so reduced by such inflicted harms, what exactly need we do for it to function higher? Is our DNA, by fact, a billion times wiser and more knowledgeable than we? Does it &#39;know&#39; EINSTIEN GRAVITATION that most do not?


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How DNA directs seeds, in soil-darkness, to allign with gravity-vector on a mountain slope? Synchronize biolocal time with sollar gravity?

IS DNA RULING ALL MY ASPIRATIONS: Even though OUR-BRAIN-MIND knows that in end we cannot &quot;get up&quot; again, that a day will come when staying &quot;upright&quot; becomes an impossibility, my DNA DICTATES do not &quot;break down&quot;. By the same knowledge that foresees my own &quot;collapse&quot; in my &quot;journey from dust to dust&quot;, my DNA DICTATES &quot;withstand that which will bring me down&quot;. In the end we all know that world gravitation will &quot;tear down&quot; almost everything that we build; that ultimate &quot;downfall&quot;, &quot;decline&quot; and &quot;defeat&quot; of every motile creature is the fate of individual life - a life that must terminate in &quot;de-aggregation&quot; and Gravitational &quot;precipitation&quot;. Yet, BY OUR DNA, we &quot;stand up&quot;. Does, in the face of &quot;gravitational collapse&quot;, my DNA INSPIRE me to preserve some &quot;lasting structure&quot;, or &quot;spiritually&quot; get &quot;up-and-away&quot; from this &quot;gravitating earth&quot;? to &quot;uphold&quot; &quot;heavenly&quot;, &quot;after-life&quot; faith? To design, construct and maintain my HOMES and GARDENS? To explore &quot;outer&quot; space and preserve some &quot;lasting&quot; structure in the writing of this book and the construction of new theories?


Is “beauty” the object of DNA, of a stand alone science? IS DNA DICTATING the most fundamental aesthetic frame of mind,


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of MATHEMATICS, PHYSICS, MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, ASTROPHYSICS? of my longing for the run-away horizons of truth and symmetry that I or you drive me always to reach? by following your dictating roads roads that, by DNA GUIDANCE, lead beyond hilltops, mountains, sky, stars, gravitation, galaxies and RNA-DNA while resisting side-road-attractions during MY life-tour from dust to dust, to discover what is waiting ahead of your birthday.

Are we like the Trees ?


As some maintain in abusing them.

Trees neither hate, nor lie or corrupt to max property for own or for &quot;religion&quot; or to murder, kill and terrorize each other. Same evidence rules flowers, grass, fish, birds, donkeys, elephants.

Can we be equally knowledgeable? Cosmology, Physics and Philosophy, CPP Preface SIR KARL POPPER, Foreword ……………….………..……..… xx SIR ALAN COTTRELL, Foreword ………………….……......... xxi Preface ……………………………………..….……….…..….... xxii

Introduction 1.1 The Revival of Relativistic Cosmology vs. Modified


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Concepts and Order in Physics and Philosophy ....……2 1.1.1 Science Order: Cosmology to Quantum or in Reverse..... 3 1.1.2 How did all start v. Science teaching of that Order….......5 1.1.3 The first seven stages v. tradition ……….....…............... 7 1.1.4 The present matter-dominated era by Astronomy........... 11 2.1 The Einsteinian Methodology: A Preliminary Remark ..... 11 19, 2012

From Terrestrial Gravitational Structures to Black Holes and Neutrinos in Astrophysics 1.1 Gravitation, Asymmetry and Structure of Earth v. Cosmos ...80 A fallacy associated with current Education ...………...........80 1.1.2 Gravity-induced sedimentary structures …………............. 81 1.2 Stars and the Hertzsprung-Russel Central Diagram ……….. 88 1.3 Supernova, Gravitational Collapse, Neutron Stars, Pulsars …………………………………….......…92 1.4 X-Ray Astronomy, Binary X-Ray Systems, and... Gravitational Clocks ……………………………………......... . 100 1.5 Black Holes …………………….……………………….… 106 1.6 Gas, Dust and the Formation of Stars in Our Galaxy ............113 1.7 How Are Cosmic Distances Measured? ……………….….. 116 1.8 Neutrino Astronomy and Astrophysics ………………….... 130 1.9 The Emergence of Gamma-Ray Astronomy ………….…... 132 1.10 Exploration of Extra-Solar Space by Unmanned Spacecraft ……………………….………..…… 134

From Old Physics to Particle Physics-I 2.1 Aim and Scope ……………………………………………. 138 2.2 Limitations of Theory ……………………………….….… 140 2.3 The General Macroscopic Equation ………………….….... 142 2.4 Continuity Equation (Total Mass Conservation) ………..... 146 2.5 Conservation of Linear Momentum and Gravity.…………. 147 2.6 The Navier-Stokes Equations and Gravity ……………….. 149 2.7 Kinetic-Energy Equation and Dissipation Function in Gravitational Fields ……………......... 152 2.8 First Law of Thermodynamics or Energy Conservation Equation ………………………………….......… 154 2.9 First Law and Enthalpy ………………………………….... 156 2.10 First Law In Terms of Temperature Field …………….…. 157 2.11 Entropy Balance Equation ……………………………….. 159


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2.12 Beyond Classical Physics:...............…………………...…. 160 2.13 Neutrinos and the Powerful Role Conservation Equations Play in Subatomic Processes (Addendum) …...…… 163

General Relativity and Relativistic Cosmology Should Rule Particle-Quantum Physics, Not the Other Way, Not by Any Quantum Axiom 3.1 Introduction …………………………………………………....... 167 3.1.1 Einstein’s field equations in general relativity ………..…….… 169 3.1.2 Confirmation of Einstein’s Theory of Gravitation …………..... 172 3.2 Principles and Formulations of General Relativity and Relativistic Cosmology ………………...……….………………....... 191 3.3 Observations, The “Age” of the Universe. And “Equivalent Local Cells” …………………….……….….......... 200 3.4 Timekeeping, Accelerated Observers and the Principle of Equivalence ………………………….……………........ 204 3.5 From General Relativity to Unified Field Theories ………….…. 205

From Physics to Philosophical Crossroads and Back The Arrows of Time 4.1 Time and The Arrow of Time: The Most Distorted of All Ideas? ..215 4.2 Asymmetry-Symmetry-Space-Time and The Unification of the Laws of Physics …………………….............. 216 4.3 Methodology, Aim and Scope ………………………………....... 217 4.4 Confusing Concepts of Time and Time Asymmetries ………...... 219 4.5 The Entropic Arrow of Time ……………………………….....… 222 4.6 Causality, Causation and Time Asymmetries ………………........ 226 4.7 Causation and Determinism in Relativistic Theories ……..............227 4.8 Cosmological Arrows of Time and Cosmic Time ……….…….... 230 4.9 A Few Remarks ……………………………………...………...... 232 4.10 Time-Reversal Invariance and Irreversibility …………….……. 236 4.10 Microscopic Time Asymmetries in “Elementary Particles” … .. 240 4.11 Death of Scale-Based Physics….......….………….……….......... 242 4.12 “Dual” Quantum-Geometrodynamical School and “Superspace” 243 4.13 Tachyons and Causal Violations …………………….………. ....246 4.14 Macrocausality and Microcausality in Quantum Mechanics …... 247 4.15 Fading Memory in Classical Physics …………………………... 247 4.16 Doubts as to the Universality of Entropy ……………………..... 249


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4.17 Entropy-Free Thermodynamic Arrows of Time ………….…... . 250

Crisis origin in Fundamental Quantum: Gravitation &amp; Cosmology Rejected by Quantum Physics 5.1 Preliminary Review …………………………………….……...... 255 5.1.1 The three main schools of thought ……………………............. 261 5.2 Einstein’s Objections to the Uncertainty Principle ………........... 262 5.3 The Heresy of a Few Skeptics ………………………….…......... 265 5.4 Mythologized Concepts of Quantum Physics …………...…....... 265 5.5 The Failure of Classical and Quantal Statistical Mechanics to Deduce Irreversibility and Time Asymmetries .............267 5.6 The Emergence of Quantum Chromodynamics and Super-Symmetry …………………………………….................. 272 5.6.1 Spatio-Temporal Approach to Quantum Physics ……….......... 272 5.6.2 From Weinberg-Salam Theory to Quantum Chromodynamics ………………………............................ 273 Conservation laws as symmetry principles; and vice versa ... 273 Global, exact, approximate, isotopic and SU(3) symmetries 274 From SU(3) to renormalizable gauge theories ……............... 276 Quark confinement asymptotic freedom in gauge theories 276-1 QCD and the search for higher symmetry principles ……... 276-2 5.6.3 Quantum Field Theories, Super-Symmetry &amp; Super-Gravity... 276-3 Limits of quantum gravity and ‘Unified Field Theories’ .......276-4

From Physics to Cosmological Crossroads, and Back Cosmology, Physics by Our Bridging Physics-Philosophy 6.1 FIRST: Reduction of Thermodynamics to Gravitation ...,... 277 6.1.1 Intergalactic voids rule 2 Expansions of the Universe....,..277 6.1.2 Gravitation as super-structuring of matter and All Life.....279 6.2 The Earliest Observational Evidence. .…...………...........279 6.2.1 Which space expands and which does not? …...….......... 282 6.3 Gravitation-Asymmetry Principle of Equivalence …….......284 6.4 Can Inter-cluster Voids Be Saturated with Radiation? .........287 6.5 Derivation of the Master Asymmetry form our Gravitational School of Intergalactic Voids v. life........ 290 6.6 Irreversibility in the New Gravitational. Cosmological Thermodynamics ………………................. 293 6.7 Origin of Dissipation in Newtonian Fluids ……..….......… 297 6.8 Terrestrial Thermodynamics ……………………..……..... 299


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6.9 Connections with Classical and Continuum Thermodynamics …………………………..…..…........... 301 6.10 Electromagnetic Irreversibility v. Master Asymmetry..... 303

Cosmological Base of Time, Quantum &amp; Future Science 7.1 Time: The All-Embracing Concept …………………................. 309 7.2 Cosmological Origin of Time ……………………….................. 310 7.3 Cosmological Interpretations of Newton’s Laws of Motion …... 314 7.4 Gravitational Origin of Structure and Evolution .……................ 316 7.5 Gravitation and the Outflow of Energy Into Un-Saturable Space 322 7.6 Stellar Evolution …………………………………….................. 324 7.7 Terrestrial Evolution …………………………..............……...... 325

Two Unprecedented Philosophies-Unified Science 8.1 Introduction ………………………………………...… 330 8.2 Observational Evidence ………………………….….....331 8.3 Schwarzschild Solution and Black Holes …………...... 332 8.4 Black Holes Mechanics and Entropy ………………..... 340 8.5 Can Black Holes “Evaporate”? ……………………...... 341 8.6 Primordial Black Holes? …………………………........ 341 8.7 Back to the Melting Pot of Unification? …………........ 341

Two Philosophies Beyond Present Knowledge 9.1 The Futile Quest for Final Answers …………………...... 349 9.2 An Example in Havaism ……………………..….........… 350 9.3 From Cosmology to Irreversible Structures and Memory 365 9.4 The Skeptic Outlook ……………………………..…...… 415

VOLUME II Introduction ……………………………………………................... 420 A Few Historical Remarks on Time, Mind and Symmetry ………... 437 The Philosophy of Time &amp; Change: Some Historical Notions …………………….……………….…...... 455 Structuralism and the Divided American Thought:


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A Short Glossary of Terms ………………………………..……….. 467 Policy and Publicity: A Critique ………………………………….... 483 Thought-Provoking and Thought-Depressing Quotations ………..... 495 Critique of Western Methodology ………………………………. ... 530

Einsteinian Herritage in Science, Politics and Philosophy A Great 1987 Painting by Israeli E. Katz, by permission.

&quot;Einstein&#39;s time-symmetric tensor was elevated by Gal-Or’s “New Astronomical School of Unified Thermodynamics” to the status of the source


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of “Master Asymmetry” controlling not only irreversible thermodynamics, but all physical and biological phenomena! Gal-Or calls “GRAVITISM” (his philosophy) that gravitation is the prime cause of structures, irreversibility, time, geo-chemical and biological evolution -- that the expansion of the universe is the cause of the second law of thermodynamics -- that microscopic physics, and thermodynamics in particular, cannot be understood without reference to cosmology. He ties “irreversibility” to the “expansion of space itself”, i.e. as far as space is expanding, the contribution of all kinds of radiation in space is weakened “irreversibly” due to the expansion phenomenon itself. Such loss, or “degradation” of energy in the depth of inter-cluster expanding space, may then be considered as a universal sink for all the radiation flowing out of the material bodies in the expanding universe.” Advancement of Physics &quot;Gal-Or launches a new spirit of inquiry by his excellent and thought provoking writings. I would recommend awarding a prize and would hope that this would serve to focus attention on a most important subject.” Gold Award by N.Y. Academy of Science (a rival article by S. Hawking did not make it.) AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS:

“Gal-Or&#39;s remarkable book sees and seizes the world whole. He emphasizes that all scientists operate under some set of philosophical prejudices, and that failure to acknowledge this is self-delusion. Furthermore, he argues that a failure to attend to the philosophical base of physics leads to an empty scientism.

His work is challenging on many levels, constituting a review &#39;with derivations&#39; of general relativity &#39;as applied to cosmology&#39;, thermodynamics, the current state of theoretical particle physics, astrophysics, as well as a summary history of western philosophy, &#39;especially


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the philosophies of time and mind&#39; and critiques of western society, the intelligentsia and the relationship between academic science and government. One &#39;and perhaps the central&#39; theme explored, is that of the interplay between symmetry and asymmetry. His primary interest is not in the recent progress in the unification of forces in gauge theory, although he finds support in it for his Einsteinian outlook, but is rather time, time&#39;s arrow, and the asymmetry between past and future. Around time are accumulated discussions, both mathematical and philosophical, of thermodynamic reversibility, time reversibility, the nature of causality, and the use of advanced and retarded solutions to wave equations. The second major theme is that of gravity and its overwhelming domination of the actual form of the universe, at all scales. The combination of these themes is not accidental; they are point and counterpoint to his thesis that the time asymmetries are connectable to and perhaps even determined by the master asymmetry given by the gravity of general relativity: the remorseless cosmological expansion. He argues that only the expansion can provide the unification of time asymmetries. The expansion provides, among other things, an unsaturable sink for radiation, which, in turn, permits the establishment of gradients in temperature and density, which provide the basis for the physical process that leads to life. He also criticizes the sloppy and improper use of the concepts of entropy &#39;and the related notions in information theory&#39; and quantum indeterminism, especially as covers for an inadequate understanding of temporal asymmetries. Taking an Einsteinian position on the interpretation of quantum mechanics, he looks forward to revitalization of Einstein&#39;s quest for a deterministic interpretation of quantum events.


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The value of this book lies in the challenging combination of ideas which Gal-Or presents, which goes far beyond what can be sensibly described in a review. [This] work may be too large to digest as a text in these days of the decline of academic institutions &quot;as Gal-Or describes them&quot;, but that will be the loss of both the faculty and the students.” AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS &quot;This is a great book, and an exciting book; readable, worth reading and enlightening.&quot; Sir Karl Popper, the Greatest Philosopher of Science

&quot;I do not know a better modern expression of science, philosophy and classical humanism than that of Gal-Or’s book.&quot; Israeli HaAretz Daily &quot;We are all Gal-Orians ! &quot; Editor, Foundations of Physics &quot;Gal-Or’s “beauty” has always been the object of science, which, he lyrically observes as “a most fundamental aesthetic frame of mind, a longing for the run-away horizons of truth and symmetry that we always try to reach.” Order Amidst Chaos, Enlightenment Aesthetics Recommended by Encyclopedia Britannica, &quot;Nature, Philosophy of&quot;

&quot;This is one of the most beautiful books that I have read.&quot; Outstanding Books List &quot;Tour de force. A magnificent and sustained piece of work! Gal-Or’s net is widely cast – it reaches as far as science policy and political philosophy.&quot; A. Cottrell, V. Chancellor, Cambridge University &quot;Appeals to scientists of all disciplines who are prepared to open their minds.


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Shines a welcome light in some dark corners of science. Sir Karl Popper, in a Foreword, correctly describes it “a great book”. New Scientist Magazine

&quot;Evokes a person heart !! Has generated a large number of responses from around the world, some declaring that it has turned them into “Gal-Orians”. Since the thought presented by this book is so rich, translators of our country should recommend this book with all their intellectual power.&quot; Chinese Academy of Sciences &quot;A Master Piece. The well-known author bases his philosophy on a very sound knowledge of present-day scientific theories. &quot; Indian Journal of Physics &quot;The works of scientists like Gal-Or, Bohm, and (Noble Prize-Winner) Prigogine provide important resources. Prigogine&#39;s formalisms do not really tell us how irreversible change emerges from reversible [mathematics]. (in this Gal-Or is superior).&quot; The Crisis of the Sciences “I have in the meantime studied your book, with great interest, and made pages of notes on it. I feel as if I had been on numerous walks and talks with you on the great questions, and know that would be great to go on with them! Who cannot be impressed by your love for the great men of all times and all countries, by your phrase “working back and forth between theory and fact”, by your belief that philosophy is too important to be left to the philosophers, by your concern for where thought and language lie in the scheme of things – and by so much more! I continue to reflect, again and again, on your central thesis that expansion is the origin of all asymmetry in time. What an ingenious phrase is your, “smuggle irreversibility in without declaring the contraband”!


All rights reserved to Benjamin Gal-Or, 2nd EDITION, Vol iv, CPP, DEFINED BY GOOGLE

I regard your book as seeking to accomplish two tasks – and being two books – at the very least One is the exposition of your central thesis, with clarity, and careful mustering of every argument pro and con that can lead to testable consequences. I don’t see how it is possible to do proper justice to a thesis of such importance by mixing it in with the other great task. That is to give students an appreciation of the unity of philosophy and modern physics. You do both tasks far better than I could hope to. I give you my personal thanks for putting the two books into a pacackage that I personally have found most thought-provoking.” Prof. John Wheeler, Inst. of Advanced Studies, Princeton University &quot;Most astrophysicists, cosmologists and astronomers agree that the biblical account of cosmic evolution, in stressing &#96;a beginning´ and the initial roles of &#96;void,´ &#96;light´ and a &#96;structureless´ state, may be uncannily close to the verified evidence with which modern science has already supplied us&quot; Professor Victor F. Weisskopf from MIT, quotes CPP, REF. 9, Scientific American “Lecture one [in Volume I] affirms that the stress placed by Genesis on ‘beginning’ and the initial roles of ‘void’, ‘light’ and a ‘structure-less’ state, “may be uncannily close to the verified evidence with which modern science has already supplied us.” Christian Apologetics Journal “One of the best books on the totality of the sciences &amp; the universe. It was one of the favorite books of Sir Karl Popper. It looks at physics and the universe as a totality of the mathematical philosophical understanding. It also combines the physical concept of time with human psychological perception and brain understanding of languages.” Robin forumhub.com/expr/@



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Gravity v. DNA v. Health The evolution and everyday functioning of our bones, legs, hips, joints, cartilages, ligaments, femurs, tibia, pelvis and muscles, has been &quot;in response&quot; to the force and direction of gravity that has been written over billions of years into our DNA. FACT, NEITHER AN OPINION NOR A SPECULATION. Are, fundamentally, Gravity or DNA or both rule our life, any life? Plants â&amp;#x20AC;&amp;#x2DC;knowâ&amp;#x20AC;&amp;#x2122; to grow vertically upward when, undisturbed. If a growing higher plant is displaced with respect to the &quot;upright&quot; position, some tens of minutes later it will adapt its growth in such a way as to restore its original orientation in coincidence with the gravity vector. (If it is displaced only briefly and then restored to its original orientation well before the growth response can set in, it still responds to that displacement.) Gravity-induced orientation-adaptation of an organism may occur when an organism orients itself by a gravity-induced gradient of density differences or hydrostatic pressure. Or what about health? say in heart failure, swollen legs, flooded lungs, walking, sleeping needs, etc. In fact, the cardinal role gravity, more than DNA, or totally bypassing DNA guidance, plays in MEDICAL disorders, in all biological systems, in human perception, health and longevity.


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But these facts have largely been overlooked by health scientists and researchers The reasons are neglecting key role of gravity as the universal generator of all socio-gravity-dynamics. Gravity, or gravitatio, outside physics, has not yet been well understood and investigated. Few fully comprehand how both Gravityand DNA Induce territoriality in a given spatial region or in a given assembly of individuals, especially when key resources are not sufficiently abundant and stable through long periods of historical times. We observe this phenomenon in both the animal and human domains of socio- biology. When a limited terrestrial space is divided into lots in a community, it carries economic and social â&amp;#x20AC;&amp;#x153;standingâ&amp;#x20AC;?, or &quot;lebensraums&quot;, involving &quot;well-defined territories&quot; and &quot;Gravity-induced Natural Selection&quot;; from animals&#39; mating systems to animals&#39; monopolies on water resources; from natural food administration to the control of key strategic ridges; from controlling fossil fuel resources to disputes over territories. One species, or one sex, or one race, may control a larger quantity of resources, say, scarce water ponds, than the other, until a small percentage of the population monopolizes key resources. Gravity-induced hills and mountains control castle and village structures and especially tall structures may become worship temples of the super- natural.


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Gravity and/or DNA Induce ‘Natural Selection’? Domain-Property and Envy drive competition, company ads, venture capital, TV and academic rating, political candidates, religious rivalry and key human traits, sometimes stronger than death.

Do Gravity and/or DNA induce territoriality, nationality, imperialism and territorial conquest wars. Many aspects of animals’ social organization and evolution can be predicted on the basis of gravity-induced environmental variables. Since biogeochemical evolution causes key natural resources to be distributed non-uniformly in the spatial and temporal coordinates of the biosphere, resource monopolization develops in all levels of socio-biological systems. The first local &quot;aggregates&quot; of matter in the solar system have already contained gas, supernovae debris, dust, rocks. NO RNA, NO DNA, EXCEPT SPECULATIONS. It was gravity that stratified these compounds in ‘horizontal’ layers according to their “specific gravity”, a term to used below in modified “natural selection”. The atmosphere and geological strata are ordered-selected by specific gravity of their chemical components. It was gravity that put the early components of living systems at one and the same strata for life to begin. Gravity is therefore the universal builder of structures, including all chemistry in the cores of gravitationally pressed-heated stars [Fusion in Lecture 1, CPP], geological strata, earth morphology the entire evolution of life, village/city structures, transportation systems, linguistic hierarchy, recorded symbols,


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letters, grammar vs. time, structure of sentences, pages, books.

Gravity Selection is in fact “Natural Selection” The origin of temporal behavior in animals can be traced out to gravity- induced forces. Even “innate patterns&quot; are wrongly dissociated from simple movements in the field of gravitation, i.e., as &quot;up-ward-downward&quot; balancing of the biological body vis-à-vis the gravity pointers in each biological cell. Gravity periodicities around the sun emerge as prime sources of order via time and the arrow of time.

Gravity-Induced Orientation and Order is not by DNA Using gravity pointers we say ‘up’, ‘down’, ‘left’, ‘right’ and generate symbols, codes, signs, numbers and letters for a later use and for other to read. Animals are also &#39;conscious&#39; of the commonly-shared &quot;up- down&quot; surroundings, and about &quot;weight&quot; and acceleration. Plants also harbor innate sensors that guide them in which direction to grow even on a mountain slope. Additional examples range from gyroscope inertial changes, balancing machines, heading indicators and gravity-induced changes involving the fluid in the vertebrate inner ear to a crystallizing suspension of organic spheres in water.


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Gravity-induced Plant Growth and Animal Behavior The



which plants




for &quot;gravity

perception&quot; (&quot;gravity receptors&quot;, &quot;g- perception&quot;, &quot;bio- accelerometers&quot;, &quot;gravity- induced biological clocks&quot;, etc.) are not yet well understood, even though a voluminous literature has been published on this subject. But what we already know justifies the central role we claim gravity plays in living systems and society. Small organisms (including all bacteria) may have no means for sensing gravity, but they are affected by it. Animals low on the evolutionary scale characteristically exhibit innate patterns that depend little on learning, and have a lesser adaptability to changes in the environment. Consequently, their dependence on heredity-geophysical-gravitational origins is ‘high’ in proportion to animals that are ‘high’ on the evolutionary scale. While the latter show some signs of innate patterns, they harbor a greater capacity to produce a much more flexible mechanism to respond to a variety of other external changes that stimulate them. The evolutionary origin of the so-called &quot;innate ideas&quot; may, therefore, be external rather than internal. Even the computer page is ordered by up, bottom, left, right margins and footnotes. And it takes time to read them and to comprehend them; the time that always advances from past to future; the time that we term Linguistic Arrow of Time. Similarly, gravity-induced ordering of shelves, files, documents and books in a library introduces order into our life.


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Biological Time is not Originated by DNA Whole civilizations religions constructed on gravity-induced orientability, concepts, spirituality, art, music, home structure, wells, canals, trade roads, agriculture, and even law enforcement by hanging. Such gravity-induced cultural phenomena may proceed beyond grammar and social order into the spiritual and hierarchical cultures, and have been domains: High priest, low deck, high commissioner, and highness, heaven, lofty, go to the bottom of the subject, etc. [see below].

Biological Clocks: GRAVITY ADOPTED BY DNA The origin of temporal behavior in animals can be traced back in time and out to external physical influences. Gravity and geophysical periodicities thus emerge as prime sources of order and information in all non-living and living systems. Animals low on the evolutionary scale depend little on learning, and have a lesser adaptability to changes in the environment. Consequently, their dependence on heredity-geophysical-gravitational origins is high in proportion to animals high on the evolutionary scale.

Vertigo, Loss of Coordination-Balancing v. Gravity Biological structures in the inner ear include semicircular canals and a fluid that moves by gravity force, and activates a system that transmits linear and rotational motions vis-Ă -vis the gravity vector to the vestibular nerve, which carries these signals through the brainstem to our brain cerebellum, which, in


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turn, uses them to control our balancing, orientation, coordination and movement. The vestibular system in our ears comprises two semi-circular ‘canals’, which are used to indicate our rotational movements, and otoliths, which indicate linear translations. Vertigo is a loss of coordination, balancing and orientation vis-à-vis space and the gravity-induced horizon. The vestibular system sends signals primarily to the neural structures that control our eye movements, and to the Cerebellum-muscles system that keeps us upright and helps maintain clear vision-orientation vs. the gravity vector.

Biological Cells, Reproduction, Immunity System v. Gravity Gravity causes changes in cell division, metabolism and the immunity system. Reproduction is also impaired and the immune cells cannot differentiate into mature cells in low or zero gravity conditions attainable in space craft. The size of a biological cell depends on the local gravity vector – its size increases in larger local gravitational field-force values. Bone cells must attach themselves to something and will die if they cannot. Without the gravity force- field they float around and perish. When animals evolve on land, outside the oceans, they develop stronger skeletons to cope with larger gravity forces visà- vis the reduced one due to buoyancy in the waters. Earlier life forms in the oceans were smaller and had a jellyfish-like configuration. Thus, without strong skeletons, land animals cannot evolve.


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Gravity-Induced Effects v. Animals Gravimorphism, gravitropism and tropism are directional movements of a plant with respect to a directional stimulus. One such tropism is gravimorphism -- the growth or movement of a plant with respect to gravity. Plant roots grow in the direction of gravity while shoots and stems grow against it. Gravity generates structures and controls all geological layers and global phenomena ranging from mountain crests, gravity-induced tectonic folds, valleys, beaches, oceans and lagoons, to springs, wells, swamps, glaciers and rivers, and the bio-systems connected with them. Without gravity-induced orientation-order and grammar we are lost in any given written language. Gravity-induced grammar prevents us from vertical reversals. Similarly, horizontal reversals prevent us, say, from reversals of W to M. There are more complicated gravity-induced grammar rules. They range from preventing reversal of past into future, and vice versa, to use gravityinduced structures as reference: A mountain crest, valley, beach line, river bed, sky, earth, ocean, etc. Gravity-sensing cells function as detectors of the direction of gravity. The fluidparticles systems inside cells initiate inner convective currents that cease under zero gravity. Thus, the absence of gravity affects the contacts of cells via their membrane potential and their cytoskeletons

Gravity-Induced Village and City Structures Gravity generates structures, controls all geological layers and global


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phenomena ranging from mountain crests, tectonic folds, geological uplifts, valleys, village &amp; city structures, transportation systems, oceans and lagoons, to springs, wells, swamps, glaciers, rivers, and related ecological-systems.


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PART I Vol. IV, CPP BACK TO ASTROPHYSICS IN CPP, with caution: Why and what shall I ask my DNA ? Had its SOURCE evolved only by the hidden, 2nd expansion of the universe?

WHY I claim 2 expansions of the universe? 1. THIS FIGURE RECORDS super-fast stellar-galactic &#39;&#39;winds&#39;&#39; that flow OUT (from all &#39;&#39;sides&#39;&#39;) of &#39;&#39;OBSERVED compacted filaments&#39;&#39; of super clusters of galaxies [FIG.1] into BORDERING colder-DARK voids [SPACE &#39;&#39;1&#39;&#39; IN FIGS. 1 AND 2], where they dissipate WHILE ADDING EXTRA OR 2ND EXPANSION TO PREVIOUSLY SLOWING BY GRAVITATION INERTIA EXPANSION SINCE THE BIG BANG, [FIG. 4].

2. Entering each void from all 3D directions [FIG. 1] UNDER momentum conservation,


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Entering each void from all 3D directions [FIG. 1] UNDER momentum conservation, (SAME controls opposing rockets), these super-fast winds thrust-push all voids away from each other, thereby, collectively, reversing decelerated main expansion into a slightly accelerated one as verified since 1998, thereby totally refuting any mystic accelerating effect of never observed &#39;&#39;dark energy&#39;&#39;, which is NOT SCIENCE. The four yellow arrows depicted should be inserted into each and all recorded dark voids to prove that opposing, rocket-type-winds compact galaxies from both opposing sides of each filament, thus accelerating the expansion of each and all collectively, in short WE OBTAINED EXTRA SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERY HOW THE FILAMENTS HAVE BEEN SO COMPACTED AT A LATER AGE OF THE UNIVERSE: (1) The winds compact galaxies into the observed &quot;filaments&quot;, (2) The winds reverse early, gravity-induced inertia deceleration, (3) The winds totally refute mystic, non-science, dark-energy speculations, (4) The results lead to revised &amp; new cosmology-physics-philosophy ideas.


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FIG. 2: Revised &amp; new cosmology-physics-philosophy ideas: First terminology; &quot;CLUSTER I&quot; and &quot;II&quot; represent mid-STAGE of the 2nd expansion, namely, prior to being further compacted into the observed filaments (FIG. 1). &quot;RADIATION ENERGY DENSITY&quot; vs. &quot;DISTANCE&quot; defines &quot;DIRECTION OF NET RADIATION FLOW&quot; as &quot;3rd COSMOLOGICAL ARROW&quot;, generate energydensity gradients that lead to the &quot;2nd COSMOLOGICAL ARROW&quot;, that represents &quot;EXPANDIND SPACE &quot;1&quot; CONFINED TO COLD-DARK, INTERGALACTIC VOIDS and NOT involving spaces &quot;2&quot; and &quot;3&quot; inside the filaments, inside galaxies, inside stellar systems, inside planetary systems. •

&quot;VOIDS/SPACE &quot;1&quot; is thus the sole MASTER of world phenomena that lead to the emergence of life in non-expanding gravitational systems: The MASTER ARROW OF TIME

• THE MASTER OF TIME ASYMMTEIES • THE ROOT CAUSE OF OUR 2ND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS • THE SOLE ASYMMETRIC FUNDAMENTAL LAW IN THEORETICAL PHYSICS. • The largest, expanding, un-saturable, thermodynamic sink of disposed energy from active emitters in the universe.


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How Stellar winds interact with our solar System

Fig. 3: SPACE-&quot;2&quot; wraps all non-expanding galaxies [Fig. 1] and non-expanding SPACE-&quot;3&quot;

where super-fast,

interstellar winds, flow out to SPACE-&quot;2&quot; and next, irreversibly dissipate in SUPER-


COLD EXPANDING FILAMENT COMPACTING , composed of 2nd-expansion of the universe VOIDS located between all Super-Clusters-filaments of galaxies. [Figures 1 to 2]. All images from author&#39;s books or Wikipedia.


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How Voids have Increased since 700 ml years after the Big Bang


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Fig. 4: This figure does NOT show the verified chain of galaxies being first compacted by the winds into clusters (FIG. 2) then further compacted into super-clusters &#39;FILAMENTS&#39; or what had been defined by Volume I an independently expanding SPACE-&quot;1&quot; by the inflowing winds (FIG 2). Part of the answer is provided by the next verified record.

Fig. 5: The earliest detected intergalactic voids (dark blue) vs. early galaxies that radiate winds into the early voids which had been expanding with the big-bang expansion (Fig. 4). Gradually, as the number and intensities of the emitters has increased the thermodynamic wind-processes depicted by Figs. 1 to 3, have established an independent, second, uniform, second, simultaneous, extra-expansion of the universe outside the galaxies, that has gradually reversed the slowing down of the big-bang inertia expansion into the currently observed, slightly accelerating expansion of the universe. Source: The cosmic background radiation verified since 1964.


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Interim Concluding REMARKS OF THIS SCHOOL super-fast stellar-galactic &#39;&#39;winds&#39;&#39; [FIG. 3] flow OUT (from the &#39;&#39;sides&#39;&#39;) of the OBSERVED &#39;&#39;compacted &#39;filaments&#39;&#39; of super clusters of galaxies [FIG.1] to BORDERING colder voids [SPACE &#39;&#39;1&#39;&#39; IN FIGS. 1 AND 2], WHERE THEY IRREVERSIBLY dissipate WHILE ADDINING EXTRA OR 2ND EXPANSION TO THE REMNANT INERTIA COSMIC EXPANSION SINCE/BY THE BIG BANG [FIG. 4]. Entering each SPACE &#39;&#39;1&#39;&#39; void from all 3D directions [FIG. 1] subject to momentum conservation, (which also controls opposing rockets or jet engines), the super-fast winds thrust-push all voids away from each other, thereby, collectively, providing extra expansion against all other similarly expanding voids. This process is herein defined 2nd expansion of the universe. Gradually, they cause REVERSAL of the earlier, decelerated expansion of the universe, into the observed, slightly accelerating expansion of the universe. THIS CONCLUSION UNEQUIVOCALLY REFUTES UNSUBSTANTIATED, MYSTIC CLAIMS BY ARMIES OF ESTABLISHED &#39;&#39;DARK ENERGY&#39;&#39; DOCTRINES. THUS, there is no need for any un-measurable, mystic, dark energy to explain the observed records or to modify Einstein&#39;s general relativity HIGHLY VERIFIED gravity physics.


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STELLAR &amp; LIFE EVOLUTION UNDER 2 EXPANSIONSS • Stars cannot completely evolve to produce the element of life without disposing its inner generated energy. • That energy is irreversibly removed from their surfaces and being disposed it the depths of this 2nd-expansion-generated largest collective energy sink in the universe. • WHEREFORE, without the 2nd simultaneous expansion of the universe, all heavy elements in the universe, including the elements essential to generate life, like oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, are impossible. • Also impossible without the 2nd expansion are supernovae, that allow planets to formed and life to emerge by gravitation – a complicated process that is described next. • Localized black holes at the center of galaxies and elsewhere should be accounted for, but their effects do not change these predictions, assertions and facts as detailed here and by Volume I. • Existence of super-fast, stellar-galactic winds that are becoming strongest during the last 6 or so billion years, has been well-verified by all astronomic observations. • Such winds are flowing into each equally distributed intergalactic voids. • The voids themselves were present from earlier time, as proven by the 1964 confirmed black-body radiation. Fig. 5. • The winds emerge inside the filaments that surround each void.


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• The winds enter each void from all directions thus causing each and all to expand faster than the remnants of big-bang expansion. FIG. 1. • Subject to momentum conservation, like in opposing rockets in space, the super-fast winds on both opposing sides of any filament or void border [FIG. 1] thrust-push-away both border-sharing-voids from each other, collectively providing extra expansion-thrusting-away against all other similarly expanding voids. • This process is herein defined the second, simultaneous, accelerated expansion of the universe, which not only compacts galaxies into superclusters and filaments, but reverses earlier gravity-induced decelerated expansion of the universe. • These newly defined dynamics generate energy-densities gradients (Fig. 2) that keep maintaining all stellar evolution by removing disposed energy from emitters to 2nd-expansion-generated largest energy sink in the universe, without which, no heavy elements, supernovae, planets and life, are possible. o There is no transfer of energy from one expanding void to another due to the uniform distribution of the intergalactic voids. o The ORIGIN of almost all dissipating stellar and galactic winds are essentially limited to the nearby LOCAL stars and galaxies that surround each void. • Only a minor fraction of the winds proceeds across the universe to reach our telescopes, allowing NASA recording of Fig. 1. • Various claims and dictums are also refuted by this newly defined world: • Wheeler-Feynman static-space-theory should be redefined for two simultaneous space expansions between emitters and absorbers, • Dark energy claims -- and associated attempts to change general relativity) -- should be replaced by the two proven simultaneous accelerated expansions of the universe.


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Deterministic physics may begin with TIME-symmetric partial differential equations. NEXT, TO CONFORM WITH observations, TIMEasymmetry is FUNDAMENTALLY wrongly enforced on the USED EQUATIONS but also in published &#39;proofs&#39;, that proceed only from imposed INITIAL CONDITIONS (for future time evolution), while rejecting FINAL CONDITIONS (for symmetric past time evolution).


SUCH enforced &#39;&#39;mathematical results&#39;&#39; are often claimed the origin of irreversibility of nature called Retarded solutions in electromagnetism.




IS THIS FOOLING tantamounts to SMUGGLING into &quot;proofs&quot; what one tries to prove by not DECLARING THE CONTRABAND?


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hy the TIME Magazine selected Einstein as Person of the



On page 551 of his remakable book &quot;EINSTEIN, His Life and Universe&quot;, Walter Isaacson concludes: &quot;He was a loner with an intimate bond to humanity, a rebel who was suffused with reverence. And thus it was that an imaginative, impertinent patent clerk became the mind reader of the creator of the cosmos, the locksmith of the mysteries of the atom and the universe.&quot; On page 215 Issaacson explains: &quot;(During October-November 1915) Einstein was in the throes of one of the most concentrated frenzies of scientific creativity in history. He was working, he said, &#39;horrendously intensity&#39;&quot; (to complete and publish first his general relativity). &quot;In the midst of this ordeal, he was also still dealing with the personal crisis within his family.&quot; &quot;(Hilbert) was racing him to find the equations of general relativity.&quot; On page 214 Isaacson adds: &quot;Every week, the fifty or so members of the Prussian Academy gathered in the grand hall of the Prussian State Library in the heart of Berlin to address each other.&quot; Since November 4 Einstein delivered there four lectures, the last one states: &quot;I had discovered the only law of gravitation.&quot;


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Days later Hilbert responded (page 219): &quot;Cordial congratulations&quot; But on November 20 he submitted for publication to the Gotingen science journal his manuscript &quot;proclaiming his own version of the equations for general relativity.&quot; titled &quot;The Foundations of Physics&quot;.

Einstein completed and published his Gravity Physics, known as General Relativity, in November 1915, post checking if it correctly predicts published, irregular, motions of planet Mercury. He found total agreement with said astronomical observations, agreement that no other theory had accomplished before. That was the first obsevational veification of his gravity physics. About three years later, in 1918-1919, Einstein&#39;s gravity field equations were independently confirmed valid the second time for correctly and excactly predicting gravity-induced, bending of light passing near a large mass, in this


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first, British organized sun-eclipse-based test in Australia, later affirmed by various observations around the globe.


nstant world celebrations followed. But somehing else was at

store under the curse of numbers, which always retards science misleads some scientists and much of humanity.

1921: A talented Russian mathematician-cosmologists, professor Alexander

Friedmann, proved that Einstein&#39;s Field Equations, when applied to the universe, Cannot make it stay stable, it must expand or contract. Organized religions around the world strongly protested that Einstein is profundly wrong. Expanding universe violates the &quot;established and known fact&quot; that earth is the center of the universe. According to experts, any observer, stationed on any galaxy, would report that all other galaxies are receding away from him, thus refuting the established truth that earth is the sole center of the entire universe.

Einstein was indeed Horified Various hostile protests from around the globe have joined the Claim:



Horified Einstein knew that his GRAVITY PHYSICS equations are universally valid ANYWHERE, ANY TIME, that they UNEQUIVOCALLY SHINE LIGHT on some dark corners of CULTURE. BUT the terror AND INSULTS OF ABUSING OPINION words, the RACIAL ONES, THE hate, brutal AND hostile


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ones, some by CO-professors, HAVE defeated him to agree to force on his valid equations a simple number to stop these MAJORITY PROTESTS; THE curse-of-numbers-terror. Peace THEN returned to SUCH SCIENCE, but not to bona fide science, not to the great AMERICAN Hubble, who, by STRICT observations, HAS BEEN THE TO FIRST verifY that the universe indeed expands. TO CONCLUDE




earth, especially when -- beyond adopting this 1st axiom -- avoid PRECISE DEFINITIONS AS CONTENDED NEXT.


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Assertion A: Everything in science is connected with everything else, (Plato). FOR INSTANCE, NOTHING CAN BE ISOLATED FROM GRAVITY.

Assertion B: Precise definitions or axioms may lead to unrepairable errors: Anything outside a strictly errected axiomatically erected


definition is a priori rejected and lost forever or block unification with Einsteinian deterministic Gravity Physics (general relativity), relativistic cosmology and our induced philosophy GRAVITISM.


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This assertion applies first to the highly respected &quot;Standard Quantum Model&quot;, and to &quot;symmetry breaking&quot; dictums employed there. See TABLE OF CONTENTSOF VOLUME I.

Assertion C: Errorless definitions-axioms begin with &#39;the whole universe&#39;, because there is neither any outside fense around its curved-spacetimecontents, nor to verified observations of its time asymmetries REDISCUSSED BELOW.

Contention 1: WHEREFORE, precise definitions or axioms only encage, arrest or block ideas by error-generating ‘fences’ that should a priori be identified, deleted, ignored or comitted to the flames of history, even if have already been awarded a Nobel Prize.

Contention 2: Until around the mid-Thirties of the previous century, Core Cultural-Curriculum Courses (in Europe!) were made as ‘scientific’ as possible, and science propped up its foundations by turning to philosophy. This attitude was in part motivated by the desire to appropriate the sciences with the great ‘prestige’ of philosophers, and for the philosopher the fast-growing ‘status’ of science. Hence, European professors vied with one another in presenting science based on high philosophical grounds, and philosophy as a ‘science among sciences’, or even as the ‘sum of the other sciences’. A ‘PhD’ was then a bona fide Philosophy Doctor, a person of advanced core knowledge and eloquence outside his specialism. Western academia has since withdrawn from the game. Empty specialism has since gained the highest prestige; no longer do professors need borrow it from philosophy, nor to teach a bona fide CCCC. Indeed, contemporary professors today vie with one another in presenting fragmented lectures devoid of interconnected content, for they can no longer


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hope to achieve popularity by injecting updated core knowledge into what has gradually become an ever narrower, disciplinary professionalism. This turn of events has resulted in overvaluation of technical professionalism, empty academicism, absolutation of ever-narrower disciplines, and the common inclination to reject bona fide core knowledge from the class. A pity. For these trends only push the young into cynicism, nihilism and feelings of emptiness in education and society at large.

The current crisis in education is not

Assertion D1

subsiding. More than ever before it With hope of finding the grand demands answers, re-assessments, a outlook of a spacecraft, students revised philosophy and acts: How to enter our universities. Entering administer mutual interactions instead the temples of knowledge they of linear causality; structured complexity settle for that of an eagle, but instead of summation of events; what they find is that of a structured historical buildup of facts, specialist gopher. instead of summation of isolated events and narrow academic Departments. Assertion D2 Although most academic teaching and research must be distributed amongst various Schools and Departments of a university, there is an objective need to regenerate an old tradition that cannot be associated with any specialism, because the ideas with which it deals are common to all studies, or not involved in any. A

Assertion D3 Without a guiding-structuring-unifying methodology aimed at gaining an allembracing, interconnected knowledge that crosses frozen disciplines, any Core Curriculum Cultural Course [CCCC] is nothing but a pity encyclopedia displayed by a specialist nominated by “Organizers” as the “CCCCCoordinator” who remains helpless in teaching the alluring beauty of mathematics, physics, astronomy, history, the life sciences, and comparative 40 religions, but fails to perceive their profound educational implications as a whole.

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Modern skepticism is usually the negation of a core, interconnected, educational methodology. Not so with Einsteinian skepticism. Einstein advocated the removal of imposed borders between traditional disciplines and university departments and faculty; stating that knowledge is one; its division is human weakness. Assertion D4 Structuring an all-embracing Core-Outlook is a matter entailing far more ambiguity than the technicalities of the application of any disciplinary course and its “Academic Credit Regulations”. The Western crisis, today more than ever before, may be Literary intellectuals at one pole – at the other scientists, repaired by resorting to Einsteinian vision, in highand as the most representative, the physical scientists. schools and constantly upgraded and updated for Between the two a gulf of mutual undergraduate and graduate incomprehension – schools. Such a methodology sometimes (particularly among the young) leads to interconnected hostility and dislike, but most of all lack of fertilization between the most understanding. promising kernels of fundamental knowledge, and, C. P. Snow, The Two Cultures thus, to the potential to Cambridge University Press rejuvenate the “system”. Assertion D5 Students are often discouraged by their professors and mentors from asking fundamental, interdisciplinary questions in class, as a result of which inconsistent, or outright incorrect premises, are given a better chance of perpetuating themselves.


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The Temples of Knowledge Yesterday, Today


iterary intellectuals, the people of the arts, and most educators, are currently

ignorant of modern advances in the ‘exact sciences’, of their mathematical formulations, experimental, observational and verification methods. They are likely to resort to a priori or superficial answers to complex problems whose detailed implications are beyond them. Similarly, faculty, ‘experts’ and professionals in the “exact sciences”, via their past, ever-narrowing, disciplinary education, are currently ignorant of the wide-span knowledge, literature, arts and history that are needed to share their thinking and aspirations with other thinking persons. The resulting gap can hardly be bridged despite the fact that our globe is currently an interconnected village, internationally linked by what might be expected to bridge old gaps between traditional cultures, languages, religions, political systems and a unified educational philosophy of humanity. Yet, the facts are that deep divisions keep deepening and deserts of narrow specialism keep spreading more than ever before.

Empty &quot;Thinkers&quot; What was a two-semester halflife of a textbook is today one day or less. Sources of studies are millions of online blogs with uneven quality and little or no reliable references. A-million-aday posts confuse the young;


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generating one-line thinkers; a tsunami of Tower-of-Babel Kalthure; a kalthure where scholars secure same weight as one-line thinkers; Eulogies are heard over the smoking ruins of the classical temples of knowledge â&amp;#x20AC;&amp;#x201C; new layers of ruins on top of the destroyed Academy-Library of Alexandria. [Ref. 4 &amp; Lecture 6].


imitations of Theories and


There may be something provisional about all current verified scientific theories

They must be re-confirmed by fresh verified information from any sub-field of science, hence, are subject to constant revision and even replacement; -- in this, each succeeding generation takes a measurable step beyond the position of its predecessors.


losely related to the unrestricted content of modern science is its

unrestricted questioning of all earlier convictions in light of verifiable evidence that refutes extant axioms, definitions, assertions, outlooks and theories. Thus, every item of carefully recorded experimental or observational information is a proper object for analysis. A drive towards novelty and discovery impels inquiry to explore all corners of the universe. These tenets are the central pillars of Gravitism. But there is more to it. The outlook includes constant re-assessments of the theory -- of any theory -- and analysis of the errors involved as one updates and improves it.


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ow mathematics -- combined with verifiable observations -- help protect the

human mind from falling into unverifiable traditional dictums of ‘intuitively’ generating mistakes? This may be best demonstrated by the most dramatic event in the history of science; when Einstein lost trust in the most verified gravity field equations of general relativity3.3, the most accepted theory of the universe, which harbors no mistake. To correct sociallly accused ‘mistake’, he had to force on this reality, ‘correction number’, wrongly termed a &quot;cosmological constant&quot;. For good reasons stated above Einstein&#39;s tensorial gravity field equations were flawless, despite the fact that a cult has evolved to demand adding this factor to fit its ulterior wishes to operate under some set of philosophical prejudices. Most important, the failure to acknowledge this is not only self-delusion, but a failure to attend to the philosophical base of physics, a failure that leads to empty scientism.

Space-Time vs. Symmetry-Asymmetry


he essence and fundamental meaning of curved space-time, symmetry-

asymmetry, statistics and probabilities are understood only by a portion of scientists. A much smaller portion, or, in fact, a splendid minority, maintains that probabilities, statistics and quantum postulates provide them with no ‘free will’. [Volume I].


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Differential Equations vs. Observations


time-symmetry, reversibility and the symmetrical laws of physics serve us as

key tools to better understand nature, despite the limitations mentioned above. And it is only by combining (conceptual, reversible, analytic) time-symmetry with (factual, aggregated, observational) time-asymmetry, or by combining reversible equations with a priori known, factual, initial and boundary conditions, that one may, mathematically, arrive at a reliable world outlook in agreement with observations/experimentations. While symbols and analytical concepts may be symmetric, words and sentences (in order, syntax, phoneme, form, sound modulation or other modes), or ‘useful’ physico-mathematical equations, are basically asymmetric. Mathematics, gravitation, symmetry-asymmetry, aggregation, time and meaningful sentences are coupled. While some minor reservations are justifiable, there is an overwhelming &quot;word of evidence&quot;, derived from physics, the languages and the studies of linguistics, cybernetics, information and mathematics that fortifies this contention.

A theory may be a “set of statements”, some of which are taken as valid without proof (axioms), and others, the theorems, are taken as valid because they are implied by the axioms. A complete and consistent set of axioms for all mathematics is impossible. &quot;Provable by a theory&quot; means &quot;derivable from the axioms and primitive notions of the theory, using logic.”


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The Popperian Falsification Principle Sir Karl Popper, has introduced the Falsification Principle about the ability of mankind to establish what is science and what is non-science, in addition to what might be ‘true’ within the domain of a given theory, or a set of ‘facts’, axioms or definitions. [Lecture 4]

Applied mathematics is often used as unverifiable covers to advance subjectivistic claims, ‘proofs’ and ‘theories’. Lectures 3 and 4, and this one, illustrate how -- by a priori selecting only the time-asymmetric mathematics, or time-asymmetric mathematical solution that fits with their desired ‘proof’ – scientists easily fool themselves, and others. Applied mathematics is the key tool of the ‘exact sciences’. It constitutes a special kind of &#39;intelligent thinking’ that is integrated with its ‘universal grammar&#39; -- a sort of critical thinking which has been partially developed to safeguard our minds from prejudices and inconsistencies. Yet, consistency, by itself, is a two-sided issue.

‘Pure mathematics’ is often developed for its own sake, without a priori harboring intentional applications, although they may be ‘un-covered’

According to Einstein, when we predict the behavior of a specific or confined set of natural phenomena, we usually mean that we have found a ‘constructive theory’ covering this set. When we find that other sets of phenomena are incompatible with that theory, we tend to either generalize or modify it, or failing that, seek an alternative one.


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To this ‘constructive’ category Einstein opposes the so-called “theories of principles” (exemplified, according to Einstein, by thermodynamics and the general theory of relativity), whose point of departure and foundation are not hypothetical constituent, but empirically observed general properties from which mathematical formulae are deduced so as to apply to every case of observation which presents itself. Thus, according to Einstein, the merit of “constructive theories” lies in their comprehensiveness, adaptability, and clarity for a given set of phenomena, while that of the “theories of principles” -- in their logical ‘perfection’ and universality and in the vast observational spectrum of their formulation at any scale and time. Yet, Einstein did not trust some semi-hidden aspects of his own general theory of relativity2.5. Two such events are described next: The failure of statistical mechanics (both classical and quantum) to deduce and explain the origin of irreversibility, time-asymmetries, cosmic and local structuring, generation of order and what is called “entropy growth” -- as well as its philosophical and applicative limitations and lack of large-scale universality -- has been explained in footnotes 2.5, 3.4 and 3.5 as well as in Volume I. (See Table of Contents,). Einstein had not suspected that his general theory of relativity already incorporates another ‘theory of principle’: Thermodynamics, especially the socalled Second Law of Thermodynamic. Namely, the foundations of thermodynamics should NOT be a separate, stand-alone, theory of science; it should NOT be fragmented from the rest of physics. It constitutes an integral part of gravity-induced, interconnected, unified physico-philosophical knowledge. DO armies of gate guards defile our temple of knowledge? NON-APPEALABLE, COMPUTER DICTUMS BY ARMIES OF NON-SCIENTISTS, INDUCE NEW SCIENCE, PARTLY CORRUPTED?


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Einstein&#39;s general relativity and Hilbert spaces may have been lost to humanity by today&#39;s red tape that defiles our temple of theoretical physics? WHAT kind of science is so smuggled into present and future knowledge?

SIX OPEN QUESTIONS TO NEGATIVE GATE KEEPERS (1) Gate-Guards&#39;-computers of important publications order authors to provide verified phone-fax-email of preferred reviewers for the clerks&#39; computers to send authors&#39; submitted manuscripts to this list of authors&#39; recommended reviewers to decide on their merits: Is this procedure free from corruption? (2) Are so-pre-arranged reviewers&#39; opinions next presented to an editor to sign to send manuscripts to printers like in highly efficient mass production of (defected?) cars and publications at a minimum cost? (3) Do the so-ordered authors&#39;s list of reviewers often include (hidden?) co-supporting friends, COMPANIES, GOVERNMENT AGENCIES, &quot;CENTER-FOR ...&quot;, non-scientific organizations, politicians, political parties, inviting authorities, other individuals, or even highprofile or NOBEL-PRIZE impostors [2]? (4) Are undisclosed CLERKS&#39; LIST OF PAST RECOGNIZED &quot;CLOSE CIRCLES OF REVIEWING TRUSTED SCIENTISTS&quot;, OR EDITORS, are also so involved within each scientific domain? (5) Would Einstein&#39;s highly verified and central to science general relativity (gravity physics, theoretical physics, string theories, cosmology, astronomy, astrophysics, space dynamics, thermodynamics and philosophy of science [3]) and Hilbert spaces be lost to humanity by (a) just being subjected to such a red-tape procedure? (procedure not clear how mandated or how taken by clerks or lazy, careless editors) -- or (b) lost to humanity by such Author-Clerks-Reviewers-corruption practice? (CF. a well-known simulation by submitting Einstein&#39;s general relativity to such a review, which was rejected. [Einsten&#39;s name was replaced by smeone else]). (6) Finally, what kind, quality and reliability of science has so been smuggled recently into science? and, most important, would armies of


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non-scientific-clerks so-defile the future temples of knowledge? Sorule science and all associated fields of humanity?


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