Our Science at High Risk

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All Rights Reserved to Benjamin Gal-Or, 1981, 1983, 1987, 2007-2016 online books



Benjamin Gal-Or

All Rights Reserved to Benjamin Gal-Or, 1981, 1983, 1987, 2007-2016 online books

If you can look into the seeds of time, And say which grain will grow and which will not, Speak then to me … William Shakespeare

What did Van Gogh imagine when he painted this picture? Apparently he did not think that the field of gravitation has generated all. Yet, his painting convey the ‘reality’ that all living and non-living systems are embedded in a 'field of brush strokes’, which, by themselves, in their very shape, direction and rhythm convey the presence of flux, structure, cosmos and universal field of force, which penetrates all things and is at one with land, life, sky and the stars.


All Rights Reserved to Benjamin Gal-Or, 1981, 1983, 1987, 2007-2016 online books


The Young, the Next-Generation, are brain-washed by Not-Event-Wrong ("NEW"), NEW-Prophets & Science Impostors, Abusing verified, Einsteinian-Based Science


Orchestra Members are charged by alarmed,

Einsteinian-Based-Science rivals, as spreading Mystic,

Unverifiable Science ("MUS"), partly by means of different, sub-rivaling, highly speculative, String Theories advocating (i) undetectable, world events hidden at 10


m scale of their MUS,

which, by fact, is 15-orders-of-magnitude below the ability of modern science to detect and verify, (ii) other, parallel universes (iii) pre-creation ("Big-Bang") physical times, (iv) pre-creation ‘history of time’ (v) post destruction cycling universes -- which do not even rise to the scientific level of being wrong, but remind the ones predicted over 200 times END of TIME before 2000. Indeed, the charge "NOT-EVEN-WRONG" has been repeatedly launched by rival professors of physics against three decades of activities of Hawking et al, who are allegedly playing MUS in the halls of Meta-Science/Media-Films ("MSMF"), a music that, in part, 3

All Rights Reserved to Benjamin Gal-Or, 1981, 1983, 1987, 2007-2016 online books

(i) advocates Cycles of START-END-Times, (ii) predicts various origins and definitions of time before Creation. Alarmed rivals keep charging that the armies of String-OrchestraMedia Members have become impostors of bona fide, Fundamental, Verified Science by advancing both MUS and pseudo science and by exploiting apparent greed to Fame-&-Sale of film makers and media editors, who mislead the public about what is bona fide Einsteinianbased Core Curriculum Course ["CCCC"], especially damaging the world outlook and education of the next-generation by leading the young into mystic, unverifiable science. Nevertheless there is one aspect on which we and many agree: The anti-verified-science concepts are partly based on cosmological observations and arguments. However, these are based on scaled-arrested standard quantum model, which is twice limited: On one end by the 10-35m unverifiable scale, and on the other, by the size and complexity of all gravitational structures in nature. Namely, their activities do not even rise to the level of complete theory of physics, like Einsteinian gravity physics. For the aforementioned facts and reasons the NEW-impostors seek refuge under the umbrella of the grand, size-free, Einsteinian General Relativity, but all in vain. And that failure is attributed to their NEWmethodologies, axioms and dictums associated with wrong attempts to


All Rights Reserved to Benjamin Gal-Or, 1981, 1983, 1987, 2007-2016 online books

unify fields prior to uniting time asymmetries as advocated by the following worldwide reviews and comments.

High-lighted by Worldwide Reviews TABLE of IDEAS

"Taking an Einsteinian position on the interpretation of quantum mechanics, [Gal-Or] looks forward to revitalization of Einstein's quest for a deterministic interpretation of quantum events. “[he] emphasizes that all scientists operate under some set of philosophical prejudices, and that failure to acknowledge this is selfdelusion. Furthermore, he argues that a failure to attend to the philosophical base of physics leads to an empty scientism. [His] work may be too large to digest as a text in these days of the decline of academic institutions "as Gal-Or describes them", but that will be the loss of both the faculty and the students.” AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS "Einstein's time-symmetric tensor was elevated by Gal-Or’s “New Astronomical School of Unified Thermodynamics” to the status of the source of “Master Asymmetry” controlling not only irreversible thermodynamics, but all physical and biological phenomena! Gal-Or calls “GRAVITISM” (his philosophy) that gravitation is the prime cause of structures, irreversibility, time, geo-chemical and biological evolution -- that the expansion of the universe is the cause of the second law of thermodynamics -- that microscopic physics, and thermodynamics in particular, cannot be understood without reference to cosmology. He ties “irreversibility” to the “expansion of space itself”, i.e. as far as space is expanding, the contribution of all kinds of radiation in space is weakened “irreversibly” due to the expansion phenomenon itself. 5

All Rights Reserved to Benjamin Gal-Or, 1981, 1983, 1987, 2007-2016 online books

Such loss, or “degradation” of energy in the depth of inter-cluster expanding space, may then be considered as a universal sink for all the radiation flowing out of the material bodies in the expanding universe.” Advancement of Physics "Gal-Or launches a new spirit of inquiry by his excellent and thought provoking writings. I would recommend awarding a prize and would hope that this would serve to focus attention on a most important subject.”

Gold Award by N.Y. Academy of Sciences Editor, Foundations of Physics

"We are all Galorians ! "

"Evokes a person heart !! Has generated a large number of responses from around the world, some declaring that it has turned them into Galorians. Since the thought presented by this book is so rich, translators of our country should recommend this book with all their intellectual power."

Chinese Academy of Sciences "A Master Piece. The well-known author bases his philosophy on a very sound knowledge of

Indian Journal of Physics

present-day scientific theories. "

"The works of scientists like Gal-Or, Bohm, and (Noble Prize-Winner) Prigogine provide important resources. Prigogine's formalisms do not really tell us how irreversible change emerges from reversible [mathematics]. (in this Gal-Or is superior)." The Crisis of the Sciences "I do not know a better modern expression of science, philosophy and classical humanism than that of Gal-Or’s book." HaAretz News Paper "Gal-Or’s “beauty” has always been the object of science, which, he lyrically observes as “a most fundamental aesthetic frame of mind, a longing for the run-away horizons of truth and symmetry that we always try to reach.” 6

All Rights Reserved to Benjamin Gal-Or, 1981, 1983, 1987, 2007-2016 online books

Order Amidst Chaos, Enlightenment Aesthetics "This is one of the most beautiful books that I have read."

Outstanding Books List "Tour de force. A magnificent and sustained piece of work! Gal-Or’s net is widely cast – it reaches as far as science policy and political philosophy." A. Cottrell, Vice Chancellor, Cambridge University "Appeals to scientists of all disciplines who are prepared to open their minds. Shines a welcome light in some dark corners of science. Sir Karl Popper, in a Foreword, correctly describes it “a great book”.

New Scientist Magazine Recommended by Encyclopedia Britannica, "Nature, Philosophy of" “I have in the meantime studied your book, with great interest, and made pages of notes on it. I feel as if I had been on numerous walks and talks with you on the great questions, and know that would be great to go on with them! Who cannot be impressed by your love for the great men of all times and all countries, by your phrase “working back and forth between theory and fact”, by your belief that philosophy is too important to be left to the philosophers, by your concern for where thought and language lie in the scheme of things – and by so much more! I continue to reflect, again and again, on your central thesis that expansion is the origin of all asymmetry in time. What an ingenious phrase is your, “smuggle irreversibility in without declaring the contraband”! I regard your book as seeking to accomplish two tasks – and being two books – at the very least One is the exposition of your central thesis, with clarity, and careful mustering of every argument pro and con that can lead to testable consequences. I don’t see how it is possible to do proper justice to a thesis of such importance by mixing it in with the other great task. That is to give students an appreciation of the unity of philosophy and modern physics. You do both tasks far better than I could hope to. 7

All Rights Reserved to Benjamin Gal-Or, 1981, 1983, 1987, 2007-2016 online books

I give you my personal thanks for putting the two books into a package that I personally have found most thought-provoking.” Prof. John A. Wheeler,

Institute for Advanced Studies, Princeton "This is a great book, and an exciting book; readable, worth reading and enlightening."

Sir Karl Popper

“One of the best books on the totality of the sciences & the universe. It was one of the favorite books of Sir Karl Popper. It looks at physics and the universe as a totality of the mathematical philosophical understanding. It also combines the physical concept of time with human psychological perception and brain understanding of languages.”

Robin (forumhub.com/expr/@ More from AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICS: “Gal-Or's work is challenging on many levels, constituting a review 'with derivations' of general relativity 'as applied to cosmology', thermodynamics, the current state of theoretical particle physics, astrophysics, as well as a summary history of western philosophy, 'especially the philosophies of time and mind' and critiques of western society, the intelligentsia and the relationship between academic science and government. One 'and perhaps the central' theme explored, is that of the interplay between symmetry and asymmetry. His primary interest is not in the recent progress in the unification of forces in gauge theory, although he finds support in it for his Einsteinian outlook, but is rather time, time's arrow, and the asymmetry between past and future. Around time are accumulated discussions, both mathematical and philosophical, of thermodynamic reversibility, time reversibility, the nature of causality, and the use of advanced and retarded solutions to wave equations. The second major theme is that of gravity and its overwhelming domination of the actual form of the universe, at all scales. The combination of these themes is not accidental; they are point and counterpoint to his thesis that the time asymmetries are connectable to and 8

All Rights Reserved to Benjamin Gal-Or, 1981, 1983, 1987, 2007-2016 online books

perhaps even determined by the master asymmetry given by the gravity of general relativity: the remorseless cosmological expansion. He argues that only the expansion can provide the unification of time asymmetries. The expansion provides, among other things, an unsaturable sink for radiation, which, in turn, permits the establishment of gradients in temperature and density, which provide the basis for the physical process that leads to life . He also criticizes the sloppy and improper use of the concepts of entropy 'and the related notions in information theory' and quantum indeterminism, especially as covers for an inadequate understanding of temporal asymmetries. “An interesting and original book, easy to read, interesting and fascinating.” Novo Cimento Science Magazine "Interesting to read, integrating much of scientific material." Deutsche Literatur-zeitung “A comprehensive explication of a large area of science which the reader may study in many subjects.” Contemporary Philosophy "Your book “was / is an inspiration in my life” European reader, 2011/ Facebook ____________


All Rights Reserved to Benjamin Gal-Or, 1981, 1983, 1987, 2007-2016 online books

2016, 1st Online Edition of Abridged

Cosmology, Physics, and Philosophy Springer, NY ISBN 0-387-90581-2 Sources of all photos are Volume I, earlier online versions and Wikipedia, to which we greatly appreciate on behalf of the readers

In Memory of the GALLERS: Great-Great-Grandfathers Abraham (1794-1898), David (1825-1898), Grandmother Mindi (1870-1910), Grandfather Benyamin Zeev (1850-1928), Mother Atara (1910-1976), Father David (1898-1988)


Cluster I

Space-3 wraps stars & galaxies



Cluster II





Updated, EINSTEINIAN, Unified Science-Philosophy-History


All Rights Reserved to Benjamin Gal-Or, 1981, 1983, 1987, 2007-2016 online books

<> All galaxies, stars, planets are less important than the marked thermodynamics and the resulting bylaws dictated by the observed, expanding, cooling VOIDS-SPACE-1 as the MASTER TIME of all Evolution. <> Neither stellar-chemical, nor life evolution, is possible without SPACE1 EXPANSION. <> Said expansion is not only the root-cause of the Second Law of Thermodynamics, but of all human perceptions of time, the creator, unified world order, all gravitational structures-matter, life and even in resolving some controversial END-TIME ideas in various organized religions.

One World History in Education Our ever narrowing disciplines always introduce error by slicing world history, ignoring most overarching causal interconnections between time scales: A historian searches only across decades or centuries; an evolutionary biologist typically studies species across hundreds of thousands of years; a physical anthropologist examines our ancestors up to a few million years; a geologist is a priori limited by 4.6 billion-years age of earth; a cosmologist typically limits his research to very large, gravity induced, time scales restrained by the 13.7 billion year age of the universe. In Volume I, Lecture 1, and Appendices, we try to bridge time scales by presenting world events as one system based on gravitation.


String Professors' Predictions v. Organized Religions' END-PREDICTIONS …………..…

The aforementioned predictions of the various String Professors Groups remind some of the various Organized Abrahamic Religions ("OAR") about START-END OAR-PREDICTIONS associated with pre and post land-occupation since 2000 year ago and some OARClaims&Practice of eliminating other OAR by and in the name of the Creator.



All Rights Reserved to Benjamin Gal-Or, 1981, 1983, 1987, 2007-2016 online books

Non-Abrahamic faiths based on cyclical world-views, with end-time eschatologies characterized by decay, redemption and rebirth. v

In Hinduism, the end time occurs when the final incarnation of Vishnu, descends atop a white horse and brings an end to the current Kali Yuga.


In Buddhism, the Buddha predicted that his teachings would be forgotten after 5,000 years, followed by world destruction through seven suns.


In Abrahamic faiths End Time is available by extensive literature on Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Baha'I faith, and various specific prophetic movements, theories and practices that are outside the scope of this volume. v On Unified Einsteinian Foundations of Organized Religions:


“with primitive man it is above all fear that evokes religious notions. This ‘religion of fear’ … is in an important degree stabilized by the formation of a special priestly caste” that cooperates with secular rulers to take advantage of its own interest."


“admirably illustrated in the Jewish scriptures” – “a [moral] development [that] continued in the New Testament.” Yet, according to Einstein, this stage harbors a fatal flaw: “the anthropomorphic character of the concept of God.”, which is easy to grasp by “underdeveloped minds” while freeing them from personal responsibility and associating them with humanlike entity-being that takes care of their personal desires and acts like love, envy, anger, hate, cheating, manipulations and greed."


“cosmic religious feeling” that frees mankind from all false anthrophomorphic elements and reaches to the highest stage which has characterizes our unending quest for scientific 12

All Rights Reserved to Benjamin Gal-Or, 1981, 1983, 1987, 2007-2016 online books

unification of all forces of nature under the umbrella of modern physics, astronomy and cosmology, as a single unified whole, and where “The individual feels the futility of human desires, and aims at the sublimity and marvelous order which reveal themselves both in nature and in the world of thought.” “I maintain that [this] religious feeling is the strongest and noblest motive for scientific research” where “serious scientific workers are the only profoundly religious people.”

And Einstein adds: “The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion that stands at the crade of true art and true science. Whoever does not know it can no longer wonder, no longer marvel, is as good as dead, and his eyes are dimmed.” and concludes: “Imagination is more important than knowledge.”


First Cause of Time and World History ……….... 14 All galaxies, stars, planets, we and our associated sciencesphilosophies-religions, are less important than the first cause of it all - of our time and cosmic time, of our laws of Physics, as well as of the recently affirmed dynamics and bylaws of gravitational waves and the observed expanding SPACE-1. Moreover, we maintain that neither stellar-chemical world evolution, nor life, are possible without SPACE-1 EXPANSION RATE BEING HIGHER THAN THE POURING OF ENERGY INTO SPACE-1. So what?

WHY IS THAT FACT Claimed to be SO IMPORTANT? First we focus on two affirmed competing astrophysical rates: (i) Expansion rate of SPACE-1, via the expansion of all its dark, ever13

All Rights Reserved to Benjamin Gal-Or, 1981, 1983, 1987, 2007-2016 online books

cooling, intergalactic voids, vis-a-vis (ii) the observed rate of outpouring stars-galactic-radiation energies into this expanding dark bed of the world. So what? Well, if SPACE-1 stops expanding tomorrow, it would gradually be heated and saturated with incoming radiation until no more radiation can come in, namely, until thermal equilibrium is established between all active stars and galaxies and SPACE-1. So? Thermal equilibrium means that stars and galaxies evolution stops. For instance, our solar system space would gradually be heated up to the core temperature of the sun. That means END TIME not only for us, but for all suns and galaxies. OK, so we don't want that now. But when all cosmic gravitation bodies consume their energy the cooling generated by expanding SPACE-1 may cause COLD END TIME? Well, the COLD-TIME-END OPTION depends on another cosmic time rate: The rate galaxies collide with each other, with black holes inside their centers. In our case, Andromeda with our Milky Way Galaxy. So we still have some time to finish reading End-Time Options.


All Rights Reserved to Benjamin Gal-Or, 1981, 1983, 1987, 2007-2016 online books

Figure1.2: The cold expanding voids shown in Fig. 1.3 have expanded to this size

Figure 1.3: The cold expanding voids have expanded to the sizes shown above. This is the Astrophysical Records of "The First Days" in Matter Dominated History of the world. ALL RADIATION, Gravitational Waves and Light emitted "today" from gravitational structures beyond 16 billion light-years away from us, CANNOT reach us. That means that parts the visible universe recorded on the cover page of this online book will be "lost for observational science" as the dark-coldvoids shown keep expanding and pushing the NON-EXPANDING filaments of super-clusters farther away from us, and from each other.


All Rights Reserved to Benjamin Gal-Or, 1981, 1983, 1987, 2007-2016 online books

This fact also means that "WE" can still DETECT & UNCODE "information embedded in/by such radiation" if that had started its propagation in the past when these structures had been closer to us than the 16 billion light-years away, the so called "EVENT HORIZON". These facts also mean that "we" and "our children" have a verifiablecertified "TRUST ACCOUNT" waiting to be cashed when that radiation reaches "us". That account had been deposited in the "COSMIC WEB BANK", whereby all said radiation has been SWIFT-CODED sent on its way for "us" to cash it during the next 16 billion years.


All Rights Reserved to Benjamin Gal-Or, 1981, 1983, 1987, 2007-2016 online books

Fig. 1.3: Cold, dark expanding-Voids/SPACE-1 cause the whole structure of nonexpanding, super-galaxies to recede away from each other at slightly accelerated rate. (To account for the affirmed acceleration there is no need to speculate on "dark matter and energy".) The expanding voids allow all shining sources to radiate, evolve, structure. This is the largest PORTRAIT of Our Visible Universe: 60 million galaxies are still visible in our shrinking visible world caused by voids expansion. Portrait Scale: More than 1,000,000,000 Light Years (ly) across.


All Rights Reserved to Benjamin Gal-Or, 1981, 1983, 1987, 2007-2016 online books

Science seeks unified knowledge that is accepted to a degree by both "Design" and "Evolution" but to distinguish between moderate and extreme "design" views about the First and Last Days. [Appendices] One may search for the seeds of time beyond the solar system, beyond the galaxies and the supergalaxies. By modern telescopes we travel far into the cold depth of expanding cosmic voids, which are more important and interesting than all shining sources combined; for these, and only these, are our true clocks of all time, the real ARROWS OF TIME, the CAUSE of all CHEMISTRY, of all structures that lead to LIFE. It is this KINGDOM OF DARKNESS that illuminates some dark corners of science and religion, leading to the MASTER SEED OF TIME and STRUCTURE governed by Einstein’s General Relativity: Our Gravity Physics. RECAP: The well-affirmed expansion is not only the root-cause of the Second Law of Thermodynamics, but of all human perceptions of time, creator, order, structure, life and the New Astrophysical School of Time Asymmetries, Gravitism and Havaism. [Volume I]. SPACE-1 is composed of cold, expanding, dark-night-sky, INTERCLUSTERS VOIDS recorded by NASA-Hubble and others. It forms the largest radiation sink in the universe. All evolution in the non-expanding, gravitationally-condensed galaxies, stars and planets, since about 300,000 years post Creation (the so-called Big-Bang, Appendices) is root-caused by this Kingdom of Darkness, as demonstrated by Volume I and by the published comments provided. Black Holes in galactic centers do not form the largest sinks of energymatter in the universe. However, they may be central in another type of End-Time Evolution.


All Rights Reserved to Benjamin Gal-Or, 1981, 1983, 1987, 2007-2016 online books

Appendices Unified World History of Time and Life ‘Tis writ: 'in the beginning was the Word!' I pause, to wonder what is here inferred? The Word I cannot set supremely high, A new translation I will try. I read, if by the spirit I am taught, This sense: 'In the beginning was the Thought'. This opening I need to weigh again, Or sense may suffer from a hasty pen. Does Thought create, and work, and rule the hour? 'Twere best: 'In the beginning was the Power!' Yet, while the pen is urged with willing fingers, A sense of doubt and hesitancy lingers. The spirit come to guide me in my need, I write, 'In the beginning was the Deed!'

Wolfgang von Goethe

Faust I. Transl. Philip Wayne (Penguin Classics, London) According to the Hebrew Bible: In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. And the earth was without form and void … Genesis 1


All Rights Reserved to Benjamin Gal-Or, 1981, 1983, 1987, 2007-2016 online books

Most astrophysicists, cosmologists and astronomers agree today that the biblical account of the beginning of cosmic evolution, in stressing "a beginning" and the initial roles of "light", "void" and a structure-less, chaotic8.4 state, may be uncannily close to the verified evidence with which modern science has already supplied us with. In the beginning, according to modern astronomy and empirical relativistic cosmology, the highly curved space-­‐time of the early universe is, in many senses, analogous to a "white hole" in which radiation-­‐dominated (structure-­‐less) pre-­‐atomic medium [see below], had expanded away from extremely high density and temperature, to end up in the present, matter-­‐dominated era in which the initial structure-­‐less medium has gradually developed into the present hierarchy of gravitationally-­‐bounded galaxies4.13, and other structures, including the late arrival of mortals.

Unified History of Time and Life Based on Einsteinian Gravity Physics Out of great respect to (i) the wisdom of ancient philosophers-scientists, (ii) Tradition & Organized Religions, we maintain that knowledge in one and its division is human weakness. To start with we had published thought experiments that compare two competing time rates of change: SPACE-1 20

All Rights Reserved to Benjamin Gal-Or, 1981, 1983, 1987, 2007-2016 online books

expansion rate v. out pouring radiation rates from all active stars and galaxies into expanding space 1. Similarly, we COMPARE verifiable knowledge with traditional terminology and History of the World.

With references to verifiable science and according to the

well-verified, Einstein’s general relativity3.3, the totality of our observable universe was extremely dense and hot at the beginning called also the "Big Bang" or ‘Day-1’. Since then the universe has been transformed from a structure-less state to the current structured one.

There had been no physical time prior to ‘Day-1’. All evidence indicates that the laws of physics, irrespective of any wish of a latecomers -- the mortals -- have remained invariant at any place, scale and time since ‘Day-1’. Direct verification of the first six ‘Days’ of the world history is, nevertheless, banned by the verified fact that during the earliest epoch of the world it had been totally opaque, as a whole, while any curved space-time3.3 point in it has been in a state of uniform thermal equilibrium (in space). Yet, since its extremely hot-dense beginning, the universe has been expanding and cooling4.4. As a result, its contents have been undergoing radical changes -- from chaos to order, from structure-less state to the current, GRAVITY-INDUCED, structured galaxies, stars, planets, moons, tides, biosphere, amino acids, RNA, DNA, bio-organisms [Lectures 5 & 6; Vol. I], written languages [Chap. 9], books, you and I. Neither any structure has yet evolved during ‘Day-1’, nor even protons, and neutrons3.2. Everything was at complete spatial thermal equilibrium. The cosmos as a whole was cooling down with time 21

All Rights Reserved to Benjamin Gal-Or, 1981, 1983, 1987, 2007-2016 online books

(in terms of the spatial expansion rate of the universe as a whole, or in terms of degrees K, energy density, or in terms the yet irrelevant seconds, sun-earth years. Einstein’s General Relativity3.3, combined with what we know today about the frozen-until-now neutronproton ratio [see ‘Day 5’], the hydrogen bomb, thermonuclear fusion processes4.2 and the 1964-discovered, remnant, black-body radiation4.12, provide us with reasonable understanding of preatomic processes undergoing during the first six ‘Days’; namely, prior to the emergence of nuclei, atoms and proto-agglomerations of gas-into-stars-into-galaxies, until, eventually, matter had separated from radiation during the ‘7th day’, or what we term The

Second Genesis. During the extremely hot-dense beginning stage of the expandingcooling4.4 universe [the so-called "Big-Bang"], all

fundamental forces-fields of nature3.1-3.3 are unified in what we recognize today as the gravitational force-fieldinteraction3.3. Out of the extremely high-energy density of this structureless field-force-interaction3.3;4.3, the electroweak3.1 and the strong3.2 forcefield-interactions would split in the next key stage of the world history, namely, when the universe had cooled below about 1028K, thereby breaking the original, unified, single force-field-interaction of nature.

Above a certain value, the gravitational-energy density at the hotdense beginning is somewhat comparable to assumed density inside a black hole4.3 – namely, where all sub-atomic structures had been completely destroyed. When the extremely small and hot-dense early universe had expanded and cooled, the first ever structures started to be formed out of the original, unified field: Quarks3.2, leptons3.2 and their antiparticles, etc. 22

All Rights Reserved to Benjamin Gal-Or, 1981, 1983, 1987, 2007-2016 online books

Their creation marks, the emergence of the first ever ‘structures’ to be ruled by the three [later four] fundamental forces of nature: The gravitational3.3, electroweak3.2 and the strong3.2. During the next stage the newly emerging Quarks had combined with positively charged strong field-interactions3.2 and, ‘later’ fused4.1 to form, for the first time in unified world history, the nuclei of the light chemical elements that we know today: Hydrogen, helium and lithium. As the temperature dropped below about 1015K, (but was still above 1011K), the strong and electroweak fields parted from each other, thereby resulting in the four fundamental fields-forcesinteractions of nature as we know them today at relatively low energies. Spaces 1, 2 and 3 are still fused-unified together. At this earliest epoch the universe is radiation-dominated and opaque.

The only "clock"

-- the sole measurable time coordinate in general relativistic cosmology, or the later detectable, varying scale/density coordinates that mark the unfolding, irreversible processes caused by Expanding SPACE-1/Voids, or the later measured decrease-rates of spatially uniform temperatures. 3.3

Neither other clocks, nor any other measurable time has existed during the first six ‘days’ of the expanding, structure-less, opaque universe. This "clock" releases anyone from the prison of the common anthropomorphic seconds and years. 23

All Rights Reserved to Benjamin Gal-Or, 1981, 1983, 1987, 2007-2016 online books

The right to search for truth implies also a duty. One must not conceal any part of what one has recognized to be true. Albert Einstein

The Second Genesis

The '7th Traditional Day’ begins with the verifiable science second genesis identified by Expanding VOIDS/SPACE-­‐1 . The first verified evidence about the genesis of these voids (SPACE-­‐1) is provided by comparing early unified history of the cosmos with the latest, starting from Figure 1.1.


All Rights Reserved to Benjamin Gal-Or, 1981, 1983, 1987, 2007-2016 online books


Unified World History Via Gravitism


Know also Where Did You Come From

13.7 to 13 b years ago

The First Genesis is described in the opening pages and in Lecture 1. What is shown above is the well-verified black-body radiation remenant4.12 from the Second Genesis, which starts about 300,000 years post the First. Spaces 1, 2 and 3 are still fused together. (Figs. 1.1, to 1.4). The laws of physics 3.1; 3.2; 3.3 control the expansion and structuring of the universe away from a very hot-dense, structureless, chaotic8.4 beginning.

Atoms and structures are first formed at the Second Genesis, when the radiation-dominated era comes to a close. This happened when the Radiation Energy Density [Cf. Fig. 1.1] drops below the (rest-mass) density of matter (mainly hydrogen and helium) and world temperatures drop below about 3000-4000 degrees Kelvin4.12. [Lecture 1, Volume I].

The first stars were born out of a mainly hydrogen “fog� and by fusion [see footnotes] have generated all the heavier atoms that eventually lead to life. It is mainly by intense ultra-violet radiation that atoms split into protons and electrons, thereby clearing the "hydrogen fog" and producing plasma still detectable between closely neighboring stars. This era has lasted from around 150 million to 800 million years after the Big Bang. 150 to 800 m years post the first genesis

The Expanding Universe: The faster that a galaxy is moving away from an observer, the more the light is skewed towards longer, redder wavelengths by the intervening expansion of the universe. This phenomenon is known as redshift: The greater the redshift detected the more distant the source of radiation is.

UDFy-38135539: The Farthest Galaxy Detected so far The observed object records our history back in time to when the earliest stars were just beginning to emerge from the "cosmic fog". The recorded image reveals about a billion stars. However, this remote shining entity is only one tenth of the diameter of our own galaxy and 25

All Rights Reserved to Benjamin Gal-Or, 1981, 1983, 1987, 2007-2016 online books

harboring only about 1% of its mass, while forming about the same number of stars per year as our galaxy.

The radiation emerging from it has a redshift of 8.55.

Light from this galaxy was emitted about 13 billion years ago (y/a), namely, about 600 million years after the First Genesis [the “Big Bang”], when the universe was only 4% of its current age. The radiation that we now observe from this galaxy was emitted during a time when the universe was filled with "hydrogen plasma fog" and not yet fully transparent. With other neighboring galaxies, which have not yet been detected, this galaxy had helped to clear out the cosmological hydrogen fog, otherwise we would not be abbe to see it.

Computer simulations

suggest the first galaxies could have formed as early as 200 million years after the “Big Bang”. Small galaxies like UDFy-38135539 have helped changing the atomic composition of the universe. Its discovery sheds light on the nature of sources which stripped electrons from hydrogen atoms.

Clusters and super-clusters of galaxies begin to form thereby generating the voids/SPACE-1 -- THE MASTER BLACK SINK between them. Only “SPACE-1” keep expanding while the materials structures contract and heated until fusion starts.

Without SPACE-1 expansion, any star evolution, plant, life and this world history would be impossible, including everyday life here-now.

SPACE-1 expansion is thus the basis of our Second Law of Entropy-Free Thermodynamics [The Astrophysical Thermodynamic School]. [Lecture 1]. It is also the sole recorded clock of the universe, the

master arrow of time. 150 to 800 m years post the first

Gravity now proceeds with its everlasting transformation of chaos8.4 into structures in the entire universe. (The early opaque universe was chaotic and structureless 26

All Rights Reserved to Benjamin Gal-Or, 1981, 1983, 1987, 2007-2016 online books genesis

[Lecture 1]. It became clear for the passage of radiation only at what I call the second genesis.)

The Second Genesis is the beginning of all irreversibility and structuring in the universe; -- irreversibility that leads to life about 8.8 billion years later. Gravity-induced structures begin to form about 300,000-500,000 sun-earth years after the chaotic beginning. [Use of gravitational lens (Synopsis) helps verify the structuring process of voids vs. gravityexpansion structures in this early epoch.] Some of the earliest structures formed during the 2nd genesis are much more massive than the mass of the sun1.1.

Increasing gravity-induced pressures and temperatures inside the cores of the earliest stars ignite fusion4.2. 60 Millions of Galaxies exist, about 2,500 in our Local Group, each containing from 10 million to a trillion stars, and they radiate energy to SPACE-1. (Fig. 1.1). 4.567 billion y/a

Solar planets and

their moons are gravity-constructed out of supernova ashes -- debris floating in non-expanding SPACE-3; debris that resulted from a massive star explosion4.1;4.2, ashes that, in the local, Solar System case, are eventually captured by the gravitational field of the moving sun1.1; 1.2.

Such debris are composed of rocks, meteorites, clouds of dust and gas, many of which are still orbiting the sun, or had fallen into it, or on earth, moons and the other planets of the solar system1.1.

Gravity-constructed earth

gradually becomes larger and rounded, and. with other planets, orbits the sun.

The solar wind1.1; 1.3 hits the planets and moons. On earth it is partially reflected back to cold Spaces 3, 2 and 1. This reflection is from the upper atmosphere. The rest of it is 27

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undergoing complex energy transformations/cycles in the air, clouds and down to the ground, being eventually reflected back, at longer wavelengths, to Space-3, and, eventually, further and deeper into colder Spaces 2 and 1.

A huge shock wave is formed at the solar system edge, where the solar wind.1.3 4.55 to 4.40 billion y/a

4.5 to 0.543 billion y/a

HOW OLD IS EARTH? Isotopes exist on earth since 4.54 billion y/a. Crystals of zircon from Australia provide 4.55 billion years as the earth age. A compromise between astronomers and paleontologists, which includes the “radiometric age dating” of meteorite material and lunar samples, fix the age of earth at about 4.4 billion y/a.

Precambrian Era is fragmented into: Hadean [4.5 to 3.8 million y/a]; Achaean

[3.8 to 0.543 million y/a]; further fragmented into


Proterozoic [2.5 to 0.543 million y/a]; Mesoproterozoic [1.6 to 0.9 billion y/a]; Neoproterozoic [0.900 to 0.543 million y/a], Vendian [0.650 to 0.543 billion y/a. (Cf. water lake on Mars, [2.5





about 3.4 Billion y/a)

Origin of life on earth begins with natural amino acids being ‘organized’ into proteins and nucleic acids (e.g., guanine &

ribose depicted on the right -- the building molecules of

RiboNucleic Acid [RNA], which can reproduce on its own and had predated DeoxyRibonucleic Acid [DNA]. But how the first nucleic acids were formed has not been verified by science beyond doubt.


All Rights Reserved to Benjamin Gal-Or, 1981, 1983, 1987, 2007-2016 online books

It is at this point in world history that Creationism provides an answer: HOW the laws of physics ‘were introduced’ to the just created universe and how the first nucleic acids were formed. What has been verified by science beyond doubt is, inter alia, limited by three facts:

(1) about 3.8 billion y/a fossil micro-like bio-objects existed (simple cells), (2) multicellular life emerges about 1 billion y/a; (3) life was widespread on earth about 3 billion y/a as evidenced by photosynthesis. (Photosynthesis had gradually caused the hidrogen-rich early atmosphere to be converted to our present, oxygen-rich atmosphere.) 650 to 543 m y/a

The first animal-like organisms were not motile. The earliest fossils that may represent animals appear towards the end of the Pre-Cambrian around 610 million y/a. Ancestors of insects emerge 570 million y/a. Fish emerge 500 million y/a. Reptiles emerge 300 million y/a.

These are known as the ediacaran or venedian biota. They did not have any type of digestive system and lived on deep-sea grounds, just increasing their surface area to maximize energy intake. They were replaced during the Cambrian Era by motile animals that have gradually developed digestive systems in which energy intake is enhanced by millions of inner residing bacteria.

Reproduction is originated by irreversible processes1.1. First these processes had involved only single-cell organisms, 29

All Rights Reserved to Benjamin Gal-Or, 1981, 1983, 1987, 2007-2016 online books

but later two different organisms exchanging DNA heredity code for reproduction of a newly-born organism have emerged. Some of the newly-born organisms lacked the capability to reproduce and vanish from the history of life. [Vol. I].

Female and male entities have gradually evolved to reproduce by combining DNA of the two parents. Different types, locations and orientations of legs, wings, eyes, hair, digestive systems, mouth and reproductive organs evolve under the influence of and in response to gravity1.1.

Biological clocks associated with fertility are gravitationally linked to the annual changing sun-earth gravity cycles and the moon-gravity-induced tides. The head-legs super-structureorientation of the embryo is formed by gravity-induced orientation. [2008 CCCC Online Book Synopsis]. Nearly all animals undergo some form of sexual reproduction. They have a few specialized reproductive cells needed to re-produce. Many animals are also capable of non-sexual reproduction in which fertile eggs are produced without mating, or via fragmentation. Fish become the first creatures on land, moving with sideextended "legs", backbones and eyes on the top of their heads rather than on the side. Unlike other fish, such land types could move their head independently of its shoulders, like current land animals. Overlapping ribs that could support the body against gravity evolve. Motility was increased by evolving legs directly under the body, like most current land animals (instead of on the sides). 30

All Rights Reserved to Benjamin Gal-Or, 1981, 1983, 1987, 2007-2016 online books 543 to 248 m y/a

248 to 65 m y/a

Paleozioc Era [543 to 248 million y/a], fragmented into: Cambrian [543 to 490 million y/a]; Ordovician [490 to 443 million y/a]; Silurian [443 to 417 million y/a]; Devonian [417 to 354 million y/a]; Carboniferous [354 to 290 million y/a]; Permian [290 to 248 million y/a] Most known animal appeared in the fossil record as marine species during the so-called Cambrian Explosion Era. Mesozoic Era is fragmented into: Triassic [248 to 206 million Jurassic [206 to 144 million y/a]; Cretaceous [144 to 65 million y/a].


230 to 65 m y/a

Mounted skeletons of Tyrannosaurus (left) and Apatosaurus (right) at the American Museum of

Natural History;

Various types of dinosaurs live around the globe. They vanished around 65 million y/a. Together with most species they became extinct by gravityinduced climatic phenomena [a large meteor impact and huge volcanic eruptions. The resulting dust/ash blocked sunlight causing lack of sufficient water, grass, etc.] Smaller species and some ‘DinoBirds’ had survived and have further evolved into various familiar birds and other species. Flowers emerged about 130 million y/a. 55 m y/a

Mammoths, mastodons, and elephants emerge. The first mammoths emerged in Africa. They later reached Europe and Siberia. One branch reached North America about 1,700,000 y/a. 31

All Rights Reserved to Benjamin Gal-Or, 1981, 1983, 1987, 2007-2016 online books

College of Eastern Utah, Prehistoric Museum; Š2001 S. W. Clyde. 50 to 45 m y/a 50 to 45 m y/a

Gravitationally-pushed glaciers advancing South, forced mammoths to what is now the state of South Dakota. The plate that carries the Indian subcontinent is pushed up, gradually forming the Himalayas. This new barrier to global wind changes weather patterns, altering average temperatures and ecological systems, forming arid zones. Climates that had been tropical had turned largely temperate, jungles had thinned out, and fruits and nuts normally available year around began to appear only seasonally. 32

All Rights Reserved to Benjamin Gal-Or, 1981, 1983, 1987, 2007-2016 online books

The changing conditions for feeding, outside the forest in the resulting savanna, attracted forest-dwelling apes in search of food. Once out of the forest these apes began to evolve rapidly. The grasslands favored the survival of those who could stand up; for an erect position enables to see over the grass to spot and hunt their prey, and to see and escape the animals that preyed on them. Thus they were able to survive longer and produce more offspring who shared their characteristics. After many generations they had evolved into the uprightstanding-walking hominids [Refrs. 60-62] in Eastern Africa, Ubeidiya, Turkey, etc.

65 to 1.8 m y/a

14 to 8 m y/a

8 to 6 m y/a

Intellect henceforth is aided by fore-limbs freed from tasks of walking. [Cf. “Lucy”, “Ardi” & “Ubeidiya” below] Cenozoic Era [65 million Y/a until present], fragmented into: Paleocene [65 million to 54,800,000 y/a]; Eocene [54.8 to 33.7 million y/a]; Oligocene [33.7 to 23.8 million y/a]; Miocene [23.8 to 5.3 million y/a]; Pliocene [5.3 to 1.8 million y/a]. Experience with gravity-induced factors, grew into shaping-evolving of various subtypes of "Hominids", e.g., “Lucy”, “Ardi”, etc., see below]. Endless names/definitions have been proposed in this domain. None is needed within Gravitism. Several "Hominids" may be our ancestors (Endless names/definitions have been proposed in this domain. None is needed within Gravitism). E.g., Sahelanthropous techadensis, Orrorin tugenesis and Ardipithecus kadabba. Australopithecus afarensis illustrated on the left. It is closely 33

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related to the human genus Homo, and may be ancestral to it. Pictures from Wikipedia. Its family is often termed Hominidae. Gravity-induced changes in the environment, e.g., when a volcano erupts, cause changes in feeding behavior of hominids, and thus changes in teeth, jaws, legs, backbone, etc. Skeleton structure is also adapted to enhance motility, to survive. Loss of estrus by the female hominid. This sexual rhythm differentiated them from all other animals. New modes of mating improve the selection of a partner lead to prolonged infant dependency, stable and more enduring family units. Both human (Ardipithecus, Australopithecus and Homo) and Chimpanzee (Pan troglodytes and Pan paniscus) lineages further diverged from a common ancestor about 5 to 6 million y/a.


All Rights Reserved to Benjamin Gal-Or, 1981, 1983, 1987, 2007-2016 online books

4.4 to 1.8 m y/a

"Hominids" “Lucy” and “Ardi” [Refs. 6062] lived in Afar, Ethiopia, about 4.4 [“Ardi”] or 3.2 [“Lucy”] million y/a. Detailed structures of both “Ardi” and “lucy” knees, pelvis and hip indicate that they could walk upright on two legs. However, chimpanzees also occasionally walk upright for short periods of time. Genetic studies show that both shared a common ancestor about 8,000,000 y/a. Other sites date from 2,000,000 to 1,400,000 y/a and include Turkana, Kanapoi, Olduvaland and Ubeidiya. Some 17 or 19 gravity-induced 'ice ages’, since 3,000,000 y/a, have strongly affected ecological systems on earth. Each lasted about 50,000 to 100,000 years and each had lowered the surface of the oceans, resulting in climate-induced changes in life and ecological systems, e.g., U-shaped valleys in North America and Canada. Ice melting leads to widespread destruction of creatures which had adapted to colder climates.

3 million

The Jordan Valley formed a low-level, hot, bio-geographic, gravity-induced tectonic corridor connecting hominid habitats in East Africa with the Gravity-induced Jordan River Valley. Between 2 million and 3 million y/a said Afro hominids and animals migrated to the Jordan Valley under the same climatic conditions as in their source. [Red sea, dead Sea, etc.]. Earliest evidence for a human presence in the Jordan valley comes from an unknown site often named ‘Ubeidiya, just south 35

All Rights Reserved to Benjamin Gal-Or, 1981, 1983, 1987, 2007-2016 online books

of Lake of Galilee, Israel. Stone tools and the fossils of large mammals were found there together with remnants of a muddy shoreline about 1.6 to 1.4 million y/a. See more below. 2.0 to 1.4 m y/a


Israel: where hominids evolved, improved and then spread to all corners of the world.

Human-like ‘settlement’ of hominids in Ubeidia, Israel, 3km South of present lake of Galilee. [Refs. 61-62]. It is where the Jordan River, meets a small (mostly dry) river flowing down from the Porria Valley.

This world unique site is still not open to tourists. It consists of 'living floors' that include hand axes, picks, bifaces, pebble-core tools. Bones found at the site include extinct species of hippopotamus, deer, and mollusks.

The Ubeidia site contains distinct layers composed of alternating ‘living’ floors', which contain animal-bones vs. lake-fish-bones, in mud, not on ‘living’ floors. The layers with floors are composed of ‘ordered’ riverrounded-stones that include the mentioned above.


The alternating layers correspond to repeated expansions and contractions of the ancient Lake of Galilee. When the lake was contracting, the animals and hominids that had migrated from East Africa via the gravity-induced Red and 36

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1.4 to 12k y/a

Dead Seas found here a unique feeding site that has allowed them to gradually surpass the ‘technology’ of the Neanderthals. [SEE BELOW] It is in Ubeidia where hominids improved their physical and mental capabilities, living and hunting technologies and organization of settlements; it is from Ubeidia that our early ancestors have gradually spread to all corners of the world. [Ref. 62] Ubeidia is therefore one of the

Earliest Academies of Mankind Earliest migration waves to cold lands have not survived (E.g. the Neanderthals), but later migrations -- of more advanced hominids -- did. Recent mtDNA studies of ‘Graduated’ hominids from locations like Ubeidia: v

South Asia, about 50,000 y/a;


Europe about 40,000 y/a;


East Asia about 30,000 y/a;


North America about 30,000 and 14-11,000 y/a;


Australia about 40,000 or 30,000 y/a

Ubeidiya is not younger than 2 Million Years. It may be older than any record of Early Acheulian artifacts or Homo Erectus in Africa [Refs. 60, 61, 62]. 780 to 80k y/a

Stone hand axes, fashioned according to African techniques and found at a site just north of Lake of Galilee, indicate additional emigration waves out of Africa about 780,000 years ago. Remains discovered west of Lake of Galilee at Skhul Cave 37

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and Qafzeh Cave in Israel indicate that early modern humans--probably either descendants or near relatives of the recently discovered, 160,000-year-old H. sapiens fossils from Herto, Ethiopia--were present in the gravity-induced Jordan River tectonic Valley between 130,000 and 80,000 years ago. Up to 25k y/a

Various mtDNA analyses show that Neanderthals shared a common ancestor with Homo Sapiens, probably living in North-East Africa, Ubeidia or the Carmel Caves. mtDNAbased dating of that split ranges from 800,000, 516,000 or 500,000 y/a while fossil records indicate 400,000 y/a.


Neanderthal fossil finds have been discovered in Germany, Spain, Portugal, Italy and England and as far as in Uzbekistan.

Neanderthals made their last stand in Gibraltar, about 25,000 y/a. Like apes, they lacked a bony chin. Yet, they had a larger and broader face than ours. Their skull has a receding forehead and low braincase, but their brain is larger than those of our ancestors. Moreover, they used fire and introduced burial sites. 500 to 40k y/a

Mount-Carmel Caves

were most likely occupied by migrants from



All Rights Reserved to Benjamin Gal-Or, 1981, 1983, 1987, 2007-2016 online books

The Tabun Cave has the longest sequence of occupation, almost half a million years. The dwellers used improved hand axes of flint or limestone for killing animals (gazelle, hippopotamus, rhinoceros and wild cattle) and for digging out plant roots. Hand axes became smaller and better shaped and scrapers, made of thick flakes chipped off flint cores, were used for scraping meat off bones and for processing animal skins. Upper levels in the Mount Carmel Tabun Cave consist mainly of clay and silt, indicating that a colder, more humid climate prevailed when glaciers formed once more; this caused the Mediterranean Sea level to drop about 100m. That drop produced a wider coastal strip, covered by dense forests and swamps. Trash in such sites is gold to the archaeologist. Its gravityinduced layers reveal at least the diet of the dwellers. It consisted of fruit, seeds, roots and leaves with meat supplements. 1.8 m to 10k y/a to the presnt. 120k y/a

100 to 13k y/a

Quaternary Era is fragmented into: Pleistocene [1.8 million to 10k y/a] and Holocene [10k to present]. Burial tradition spreads. Skeleton of a female buried inside a stone niche just outside a Mount-Carmel Cave is one of the most ancient human skeletal remains.

Migration to the Indian Subcontinent and East Asia Migrations from Ubeidiya and similar locations to the rest of the world have been largely proved by studies of complete Mitochondrial DNA sequence. For instance, in Ubeidiya, during 1.4 million years, hominids 39

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have ‘self-educated’ themselves to graduate as ‘modern humans’. Thus, they have later survived with relatively advanced technology in other climates. At least 14 skeletons uncovered portray Homo sapiens, who are closely related to modern humans in physical appearance with delicate facial features, a protruding chin and a straight forehead. These appearances have been developed in the Mount-Carmel Caves and in the Jordan River Valley. Facts discussed in the Appendices also prove that the Earliest Civilizations were developed in UR and Jericho as well as in Egypt and China. 67k to 10k

Migration Waves Around The Ancient World v 40k y/a, Migrations from Ubeidiya, etc. to Europe. v 35k y/a, Earliest clothed body discovered in Russia. v 30k y/a: Beginning of the last North-American ice age. v 27k y/a, African caves abound with paintings & carvings. v 20k y/a, Migration to N. America via Bering bridge. v 15k y/a, domestication of dogs from wolfs in China. v 13k y/a, Migration from North to South America. Mitochondrial-DNA [mtDNA] studies provide evidence for migration from the Baikal Lake area in Southern Siberia, across the Bering land bridge, to Alaska, North America and further South along the coast. Plant-gathering and animal-hunting is gradually transformed into plant-growing and animal-domestication. 12,000 to 8000 y/a THE LAST GLACIAL PERIOD ENDED causing, inter alia, the level of the Mediterranean Sea to rise again, and the coastline near Mount-Carmel Caves to stabilize at roughly its present contours. 40

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Carmel settlements then become permanent, consisting of a few families living together in a kind of a village that serves as a base for hunting expeditions and food gathering. Improved Natufian flint tools are used primarily as scrapers of animal skins. Decorative beads, blades for cutting meat and sawing bone and sickle blades (secured in wooden or bone scythes) emerge for harvesting grain (which left a characteristic gloss on the edge of the blades). Microliths of a lunatic shape are used as arrowheads, harpoons and fish hooks. Grinding tools, mortars and pestles made of stone are used for food processing. 12 to 8k y/a

10 to 8.6 k y/a

Early Civilization in JERIHO included (i) gathering of seeds of cereal grasses from the rocky hills flanking the Jordan River Valley and planting them in its fertile soil, (ii) Domesticating cattle, goats, and sheep, (iii) expansion of settlements into villages. [Ref. 62]. Main Racial Groups Frozen in Dominated Territories v v v v

9,819 y/a pottery produced in Japan 9,500 y/a, harvesting of wild grasses in Asia Minor. 9,400 y/a, human remains in Kennewick, N. America. 8,640 y/a, human remains in Palli Aike, South Chile. Unified History: UR Emerges as The First World Civilization

7,000 to 5,500 y/a

UR was established on the fertile soil formed between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers, in an area close to where they flow into what is today Iraq. It is often called Shummer. Yet, other call it the ‘the land between the two rivers’, ‘the Ur Civilization’, or ‘Ki-engir’, ‘Acadi’ as the Bible refers to it. 41

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(Also via other names, including Ur). Its first settlers are called Ubaidians. Their name is derived from Tel al'Ubaid, near the city of Ur. 6600 y/a. Ubaidians living in villages develop systems to drain marshes and irrigate crops by digging ditches to river waters. They learn to keep farm animals and develop weaving, leather work and copper and bronze metallurgy. They are involved in trade with nearby societies.

6100 y/a. Ubaidians develop large ovens for baking bread. In Tell Hamoukar, a protective city wall is erected. Dry clay marks and primitive hieroglyphics are emerging for record keeping of trade transactions or taxes involving livestock or crops. [App. VI]. Stamp seals are used at various Ubaid-culture sites as precursors to writing. The first written language in the history of humanity emerges in UR vď ś 8000 y/a the UR-area people are already irrigating fields to grow cereal crops, fish in rivers and marshes have already well domesticated sheep & goats. They also employ Wheels for their donkey-carts and to operate simple machines that make pottery easier to manufacture and paint. Pottery then emerges as UR-Ubaid Style-of-Art, with its monochrome black painting. vď ś 7,000 y/a UR "villagers" construct religious centers, each 42

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with its particular god. A temple with monumental architecture is constructed around 6500 y/a. [Appendices]. Early historical division of labor evolves in UR. Earlier flint sickles are replaced by clay sickles. v A religious temple dedicated to Nin-Khursag (Ninhursag) was uncovered at al'Ubaid, with a dedication inscription from A-anni-padda, king of Ur and son of Mes-annipadda, king of Ur. Uncovered “Shummerian King List” shows that they are from the First Dynasty of Ur. v Ubaidians are next invaded by Shummerians and a new era starts to evolve. As with the Ubaidians, the origin of the Shummerians is not clear. Their language, which has survived through writing, bears some resemblance to the Ural-Altaic languages. 5.9k

Shummerians construct improved canals for irrigating crops and for transporting crops by boat to village centers. They also improve the roads over which their donkeys trod, some of their donkeys pulling improved wheeled carts. v As the UR/Shummerian population increases, key elements in creating a civilization - a word derived from an ancient word for city – evolve. At least fifteen cities emerge: Ur, Uruk, Kish, Lagash, Eridu, Sipper, Nippur, Adab, Umma, Larsa, Eshnunna, Shaduppum, Isin, and Shurupak. v Sufficient food is gradually produced to support city population that had developed professions: Priesthood, pottery making, weaving, carpentry, early metallurgy and trading, including trade by sea for which they constructed seaworthy boats and even ships. They imported commodities made from wood, stone, tin and copper. 43

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v Ur, for example, has increased to a city of about 24,000 people and Uruk to around 45,000. Around each city were fields of grain, orchards of date palms and land for herding. 5.400 y/a

SOURCE Wikipedia

5,400 y/a: The European “ICE MAN” was discovered on September 19, 1991 almost intact under an Alpine melting glacier near the border between Austria and Germany. He had a tattoo-like marks on his preserved skin, a deerskin quiver that contained 14 arrows, unfinished bow, an ax of nearly pure copper and a tool to sharpen flint blades. Other findings reveal that his people grew wheat and barley and made linen cloths from flax. They have already domesticated dogs, sheep, goats, cattle and pigs.


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Are We All Ashes of Dead Stars? Next Volume


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