Compare And Contrast Essay Introduction Paragraph

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City Living vs. Country Living There are many advantages and disadvantages of choosing to live in the country or to live in the city. But the advantages of living in the country definitely outweigh the advantages of living in the city. In the city, public schools are often packed full of students resulting in larger class sizes and no real teacher student relationship. You would be lucky if your teacher could put a name to your face. Though, bigger schools in the city offer more courses for the student to take and also offer more extracurricular activities. Where in the country, public schools often do not have many students making class sizes significantly smaller resulting in a better teacher student relationship. Your more content...

An engineer living in the city may make triple the salary doing the same type of work as an engineer living in the country. But the engineer living in the city, assuming he owns his home, probably has a much higher mortgage, and much higher property taxes. Not to mention, his entire yard is probably smaller than the house he lives in. Whereas the engineer living in the country probably has a much smaller mortgage, and pays a fraction of the property taxes. He probably owns at least five acres of land and cannot see into his neighbor's kitchen while sitting on his couch in the living room. There are definitely more conveniences living in the city. Grocery stores are within blocks from your home, a gas station is to be found on every corner, and banks and hospitals are within walking distance. Living in the country means commuting to get to these places. It also means having to be prepared and making several stops to get all things accomplished in one day to avoid traveling back and forth several times in one week. In the city there is trash all along the streets and parks wherever you go. Who knows how long it will be there before someone decides or is paid to pick it up. Pollution is not a problem living in the country, unless you consider the smell of farm animal's pollution. With fewer exhaust emissions and less industry waste polluting the air, living in the country, you can see the stars at night. Sure

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Topic: Compare and contrast the similarities and the differences between dogs and cats.



Thesis statement: After living with them, I have noticed that although there are innumerable similarities between the dog and the cat, there are also some important differences.


Paragraph 1: Cats and dogs have several similarities. + Both of them are domesticated animals kept as pets. + They eat meat, mice and never eat vegetable + They require love and affection and can show their love and affection.Paragraph 2: (on the other hand, there are some great differences between cats and dogs) The first difference that can be easy to notice is that a dog is a pack animal and a cat is not. + As a more content... They love being embrace and stroked. Whenever their owners them, they are really pleasure, happy, and satisfactory. On the other hand, there are some great differences between cats and dogs. The first difference that can be easy to notice is that dogs are pack animal and cats are more of lone. As a pack animal, dogs like a social and gregarious life. They love company; they will never feel bored if one spends a lot of time with them. They do not like being isolated out of community; generally, they like to follow their owner to wherever. In contrast, a cat is a solitary creature, hunting alone. Cat loves to spend lots of time alone, like sleeping in the warm sunlight by itself, solitary wail, and so on.

The second difference is that dogs are generally smarter than cats. Their owners can train the dogs to do tricks when commands in a short time, conversely people have to whether spend a lot of time to train cats or cannot. Some of the most common tricks of dogs are to roll over, to shake hands, to sit down, to lie down, and to stand by two legs, and so on. Besides do tricks, dogs are train fight skill when their owner are attacked suddenly. In contrast, we have never seen a cat do any of these things. The only thing a cat is good at is to catch mice. Finally, the remarkable difference is that the dog is more loyal than the Get more content

Compare And Contrast Two Places

Compare & Contrast Essay

Imagine two places where you could choose with the outcome of receiving new life experiences. You could choose two places that have different settings, where you could visit for vacation or simply choose to live there depending on your decision. But which of these places would you choose? It could be so difficult to decide. Each place have their own environment that has its pro's and con's along with it. Many of you may be asking yourself "What places could the narrator be talking about?" Pretty funny how I can relate to your thoughts, the two places we have come too, to listen to their seminaries & differences are the lovely two states named Florida & North Carolina located in the United States of America.

Florida, more content...

North Carolina is home for a famous NFL team known as the North Carolina panthers, along with famous attractions such as the Nascar hall of fame. It's mainly known for land, along with small towns. North Carolina has a different surrounding as of Florida. North Carolina has a very historical event where the actual Wright Brother's officially flew a plane, outside the outer banks by popular beaches. North Carolina, has great college's too choose from for example you have Duke University, North Carolina State University that provide excellent educational plans to study for a major of your future careers. Here's the fact the minimum wage for North Carolina is way less then Florida currently they're providing $7.25 while in Florida they provide $8.05. Sure Eighty five cent's sounds small but it's a big difference. Along with economic differences. The main differences between Florida & North Carolina is considered an always hot environment while in north Carolina is different, mainly seasonal changes occur, Experiencing all of the changes in your surroundings. If you're looking for a more satisfying place to live in, it depends on your taste but if you'd like to experience many things I'd recommend Florida as I listed the reasons before by experiencing certain aspects such as the state provides more

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Mrs. Joarder

Eng. 100

April 5, 2013

Cleaning with Barry and Britt

The act of being habitually and carefully neat and clean can make for an interesting topic in a comparison and contrast essay. Dave Barry compares the differences of how women and men clean in his compare and contrast essay, Batting Clean– Up and Striking out. In Suzanne Britt's compare and contrast essay, Neat People vs. Sloppy People she compares the differences of personalities between Sloppy people and neat people. Both essays compare cleanliness in one way or another however they both have differences regarding their use of humor, examples, and points made in their thesis.

Batting Clean–Up and Striking out and Neat People vs. Sloppy People both more content...

The way Barry and Britt support their points in their compare and contrast essays differ. In Batting Clean–Up and Striking Out, Barry uses lots of personal stories and factual happenings to explain his opinions. For example, to explain how men are worse at cleaning Barry specifically refers to a volcano eruption that happened in Pompei because the men, who were in control of the cleaning, did not notice ashes piling up around and in their houses. In addition, when describing how men are better with sports than woman he refers to a personal story; specifically a story about a dinner party that he attended where the men were glued to the World Series and the women were still chatting amongst themselves. These forms of examples are personal stories that offer validity. On the other hand, in Britt's Neat people vs. Sloppy people she uses more dreamt up incidences to explain her opinions. For example when explaining how neat people are "viscous with their mail" she explains, " All ads, catalogs, pleas for charitable contributions, church bulletins, and money–saving coupons go straight into the trash can without being opened...No sentimental salvaging of birthday cards or the last letter a dying relative ever wrote. Into the trash it goes" (256). As seen in this example, Britt uses lots of lists and possible incidents that could exist to support her points, but do these incidences

Essay on Compare
and Contrast
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Compare: Sibling and Body Paragraph

Compare and Contrast Essay Topic: My sister and I

It has been said that many siblings are very similar; However my sister and I are nothing alike we are actually very different. When two people have the same blood type and genotype is not insured that you will be exactly the same. Having same parents increases the chances of having the same genes though. All Siblings have various behaviors and personalities that make them dissimilar. Siblings have a genetic and physical closeness that connect them together. It is reasonable that not all sisters resemble each other. My sister and I are completely opposite. Understanding genetics may be a little confusing. Sharing one half of genetic material from the mother and the other half more content...

Despite having the same genes in common, difference between siblings is the rule not the exception

. Compare and Contrast Essay Outline Topic: My sister and I


Introduce my topic get the readers attention by starting the essay with a good catching attention getter, and follow through with background information about the topic

First Body Paragraph: Being the first body paragraph by talking about our differences

Second Body Paragraph: Second boday paragraph focus on our likes and dislikes

Third Body Paragraph: Talk about our behaviors


Conclude this essay by restating everything and summing it up and adding other facts or opinions


Barnable, A., Gaudine, A., Bennett, L. & Meadus, R. (2006) Having aSibling with Schizophrenia: A Phenomenological Study. Research and Theory for Nursing Practice: An International Journal, 20(3) 247–264 Cicerelli, V. (1991) Sibling relationships in middle and old age. In G.H. Brody (Ed) Sibling relationships: Their causes and consequences, 47–73. Norwood, N.J: Ablex.

Curson,D. & Sharkey, S.(2006) 'Out of the mouths of babes': Drawing upon siblings' experiences to develop a therapeutic board game for siblings and children with a chronic illness. Clinical Psychology Forum, 159, 36–38

Fisher, H., Tobitt, S., Saleem, S. and Steele, S. (2004a) Siblings' and mothers' grief reactions to the diagnosis of psychosis in a young family member. Get more content

High school, along with college are two major stepping stones in a person's life. Many individuals are able to make the transitions from high school to college pretty easily, while there are others that find the transition into college to be somewhat challenging and hard to adjust to. When I made the jump from high school to college, I found that there are vast differences between the two, and both had very diverse environments. I found the key differences concerning high school and college to be the level of academic responsibilities, time management and scheduling, as well as the methods learning to be the main differences. Obviously, there is a major difference in the level of academic responsibilities between more content...

All the academic responsibilities in college are yours and yours alone. It's up to the student to understand the material given and to keep up with the deadlines given in class. Students are expected to purchase their own materials like textbooks for the class and to prepare beforehand in order to excel. The change in responsibility is a major in difference in college and high school, but it's not the only difference. Another important difference that you will come to realize when entering college is the difference in the amount of time you consumed in college in contrast to the time you spent in high school. In high school, you have set schedule that you follow that usually involves going to school five days a week with spending six hours a day proceeding from one class to another with each class ranging about the same length. Your courses and schedule are based on your grade level and are typically fairly standard. In college thou, you get to decide and maintain your own schedule. You are not given a schedule to follow and can determine what time your classes are depending on time slots that are available to you. In college, students may have a different schedule each day of the week where some days they may end up with a number of classes or there may be days where you have no classes at all. Students usually have long breaks in

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Instructions of How to Write a Compare and Contrast Essay

First look at the items you are supposed to compare and contrast. Do you understand them? If you are writing an essay outside of class, look them up. Start with your text book but also look at your notes from class, and even go and check them out at Wikipedia. If you are taking a test, and can't look things up, pause and think over what these things mean. The next two steps will help you remember.

Make a list of ways the two items are the same. This is the "compare" part of a compare and contrast essay. (For an in class essay, it will be good if you can bring in extra paper. If you can't, you can make some notes on the back of your blue book.)

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If you feel they are more different than the same, start by comparing the similarities.

Now get to your point of view. If you arewriting a classic "five paragraph essay" you may want to spend a whole paragraph pointing out what is wrong with the arguments you made for the other side. If don't have to meet a specific number of paragraphs, you can just get straight to supporting your own point of view. Look at your list items that support you, and write about them all, and why they are important.

With compare and contrast essays, the conclusion will be a lot like the introduction. You summarize what you just said. You may find that some points came up in writing that you hadn't put in your intro. This is a good time to refer back to those.

How to Write a Compare and Contrast Essay

If this is not an in–class essay test, you should try to set the essay aside after you finish, so you can go back later with your mind fresh. You may come up with a few other items you want to talk about on your compare or contrast list. You may come up with a better way to write your introduction or conclusion.

If you can master how to write compare and contrast essays, you will find that you can use that form for a lot of other essays when the instructor doesn't give you a format.

Read more: How to Write a Compare and Contrast Essay |

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Comparison and Contrast

In the name Allah""

Professor: Dr.Bahman Amani

Prepared by: Akbar Akbari

Place: IAU Maraghe

Date: May 6th 2010

вќ– Definition: To compare is to show how items are alike. To contrast is to show how items are different. Thus comparison and contrast involve pointing out the similarities or differences between two (or more) items. In deciding what to compare or contrast, you will want to make sure that the items share points in common. Thus, the items compared are usually the same kind or class of thing, and in comparing and contrasting them, you essentially establish two or more categories, showing the differences or similarities between or among them. For example, you can compare two passenger cars–a Ford and a Cadillac– more content... But your readers will probably want to know what the similarity or difference amounts to. You can write this for a thesis. However, once you 've noted the difference, the readers will see that you 've merely stated the obvious. Thus comparison and contrast for its own sake is generally pointless, but both are extremely useful to develop support for a thesis. To support the thesis statement we should outline central paragraphs.

вќ– Central paragraph organization:

When you have decided whether to concentrate on comparison or contrast, you still must decide how to do it. You should organize your comparison or contrast by whichever method suits your material best. There are three different methods of organization of central paragraph: 1) Point–by–point or alternating method 2) Block method 3) Mixed method

1) Point–by–point or alternating method: In this method you explain one characteristic of item A and then immediately compare it with that of item B –and then you go on to compare the two items point by point. For example when you want to contrast two brands of automobile e. g.

Nissan and Toyota to decide which to buy, you will consider such subtopics (elements) as price, mile per gallon, length and width, comfort, and maintenance expense. Thus the organizational type will be:

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There are two types of learning systems most commonly used in the world, Online learning and Traditional classroom teaching. Online learning is basically a system which involves electronic media and information. In simple it is getting training and communication research through electronic media. It would not be wrong to call online learning, the 'future of education'. Online learning does have some weak points, but the solutions that have been provided are more than enough to cover up the cons. Online learning system is not perfect, it has some deficiencies, but it's definitely the system of the future. Many people still prefer traditional universities as the best way to get knowledge and a degree but online education is also a good proven alternative. Through online education students can study in the environment they find comfortable and the time they are free. All of this is for free as most online course which universities offer don't have any fee or if some courses have then that is very less as compared to the price of normal course at a university. This is the reason which gives online education an edge over traditional classroom learning. By using online education students more content... First, rather than being tethered to a specific time allotment, the online degree seeker is able to learn with complete flexibility. This is ideal for those with unconventional work hours, those working full time, serving in the military or those raising a family. Moreover, the traditional method of lectures, books and desks may not be the optimum learning environment for every student. In a New York Times article, experts declared that the real promise of online education is "providing learning experiences that are more tailored to individual students than is possible in classrooms," which in turn fosters the concept of "learning by doing." Many students find this engagement more useful and more Get

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Compare and contrast two female characters from "Pride and Prejudice" (1995) in the light of what was appropriate behavior for the time.

During the Georgian times, the social life of people had to follow several rules for etiquette and social manners that made specific distinctions among the different social ranks. Following this idea, in Austen's works the social expectations of women are examined in the light of how they should think, feel and act at any social convention. Socially strictly controlled ideas of appropriate behavior for each gender are present in Austen's "Pride and prejudice", and women characters are shown as an example to examine how this rules of etiquette worked and how lack of social manners could affect the more content... Elizabeth Bennet is a well educated young lady, however, due to her strong convictions, the novel shows situations in which her actions may be consider as inappropriate. She has an ironic sense of humor while talking to Mr.Collins, someone who is in a higher position as her and, for his amusement, she denies his advantageous marriage proposal. AsJane Austenstates "It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.", but Elizabeth strongly refuse, for different reasons, the proposals of two men (Mr. Collins and Mr. Darcy) with a " good fortune". A nightmare and a reason for a heart attack for her

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Pride And Prejudice Compare And Contrast Essay

Now days with the rise of digital technology many physical items such as pen and paper are slowly being replaced by computers and smart phones. But is this really a good thing? I read books and of course so do many other people in this class and around the globe. But since the creation of 'e–readers' more and more people have been converting to the technology based side of reading. Although technology is slowly becoming more predominant in this era we should not rely on it to always entertain and keep us occupied.

I think 'real, physical' books are better than e–books because you can truly own a book. As Mortimer J. Adler, a popular author, says, 'Full ownership comes only when you have made [the book] a part of yourself, and the more content...

Of course that's not strictly true–you can loan your book by loaning your reading device, but that's like giving someone access to one of your books by loaning them an entire library, book cases and all.

And books are a tactile experience, meaning they are supposed to be experienced through touch and smell (especially for the old books). A book is meant to be an experience that can have depressions and elevations on the cover and text, feeling the weight of the pages as you turn them and all of these elements when combined make a book what it is, but when you read an e–book you are exposed to digitized text and a screen. And it's been proven that when people are exposed to screens of TVs or computers they are less likely to have a good night sleep. On a web poll about e–books vs. books one person commented, 'I've tried reading a few e–books but I've always given up. I just don't like looking at digitized text when I'm reading a novel. I like the feel, the weight and even the smell of books,' many of the following comments made by others agreed with this persons thoughts.

A book is a single–task item that is written to distract the reader from everything else happening around them, they are technology designed for the best possible reading experience. An e–reader, however, tends to be a multi–tasking item with the ability to play music and videos as well as hold books. The iPad has a reading function but the focus is

Books vs Ebooks Essay
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Compare and Contrast

The Compare/ Contrast Essay

First, let's explain compare and contrast:

When we compare, we show our readers a subject's similarities. When we contrast, we show our readers a subject's differences.

Compare and Contrast essays are learning–process essays. You learn about your subject as you gather and organize information.

This type of essay takes a bit of organization, and it's this organizational process, this gathering of facts, that helps you learn as you go. You will create lists of qualities or traits that each of your subjects has, and as you do this, you will discover insights to your subject that, at first glance, you may not have realized were there.

It's like buying a new shirt. The moment you spread it out more content... And you will either compare or contrast, not both. Be careful, sometimes going point by point can make your writing sound tedious and repetitive. Watch your language and transition words. Use several points at a time.

Ending: As in the argumentative essay, bring it all together. Allow your ending to go back to your thesis. Use the transitional words on the next page to help your paper's coherence. Transitions and other connecting words and connecting sentences should be used throughout.

Remember: There are no hard and fast rules as to how many comparisons or contrasts you should offer. For a thorough look into your subject, you must offer enough comparisons or contrasts or both to make a valid statement.

Transitional Words (Conjunctival Adverbs)

Use these words to help you connect your thoughts, your sentences, and your paragraphs:

(Lest you wish to sound pedantic, tiptoe with caution through words such as "indeed," and "of course.") addition again, also, and, and then, besides, equally important, finally, first, further, furthermore, in addition, in the first place, last, moreover, next, second, still, too comparison also, in the same way, likewise, similarly

concession granted, naturally, of course contrast although, and yet, at the same time, but at the same time, despite that, even so, even though, for all that, however, in contrast, in spite of, instead, nevertheless, notwithstanding, on the contrary, on the

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Doctors and Nurses: Comparing Careers Have you ever wondered what really distinguishes nurses from doctors? Most people see the name and already think that doctors are more qualified. Others think that nurses are the big deal and do most of the work. Doctors have been around long before there were nurses. Doctors rely on nurses to help the hospital run smoothly. Both careers have different job levels which differ from each other but are all just as important. Both jobs have many similarities like basic skills, and medicine and diagnosis treatment, but they also have differences, like the amount of field study, income, and rigorous years of schooling. In the first place, both careers have to develop basic skills such as communication and people skills. They have to be able to communicate with their patients and their family members. Along with this skill, both have to be able to treat patients with respect, even if they come across a difficult patient. On top of having to communicate with people, they must be able to work on the technology. Doctors and nurses must have the ability to operate the machinery. They must also know how to read the data that appears on the screen. Another similarity that both careers have is that they are allowed to legally prescribe medicine and to give a diagnosis. Doctors are normally the ones that prescribe the necessary medication. Nurses are also allowed to determine the best medication for the patient's treatment. Nurses are the first to

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Compare And Contrast Doctors And Nurses

Comparison and contrast of the education systems in the United Kingdom and the United States of America

Table of Contents

Page No.


Section 1. Similarities and differences between the UK and the USA regarding types of schools2

Section 2. Similarities and differences between the UK and the USA regarding university entrance procedure5




Education is widely accepted to be an essential part of people's lives. It is generally agreed that education helps people to develop their own personalities, by acquiring new knowledge, using different sources. An American philosopher John Dewey (n.d) claimed: "Education is a social process. more content...

Students in the USA are dissimilar to students of the UK that they starthigh school right away after middle school, when they reach 14 years. American high school consists of 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th grades, which are also known as freshman, sophomore, junior and senior. In the USA there are also Honours, Advanced Placement, and International Baccalaureate classes that are more rigid and the load of homework is much greater (USA Study Guide, 2007). The transition from middle to high school is challenging indeed because the type of education that is used in

each institution is very different. At high school students not only acquire knowledge, but also get some experience, which is very useful for them in future.

Secondly, the UK and the USA have totally different examinations for the students. GCSE and A–level are the main exams in the UK, whereas the USA has its own method of assessment, which is called GPA. GCSE is the General Certificate of Secondary Education. It is a two–year study course for 15–16 years students. Usually British students pass GSCE exam when they reach the age of 16. GCSE is essential for students who want to take further examinations, such as AS/A–levels and enter the university or a college of higher education (Kozma, 2010).

Besides, GCSE gives you a chance to assess your knowledge and skills and help you to define your weak points and how you can

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Compare and Contrast Two Short Stories

Landlady by Roald Dahl and Chemistry by Graham Swift

There are lots of great short stories out there, but in my opinion, both 'Chemistry' by Graham Swift and 'The Landlady' by Roald Dahl are two of the most unique and effective stories. They share both similarities and differences throughout. Comparing and contrasting the way the authors use their inimitable writing style to achieve their intentions in the story will give us more idea how these stories are alike and distinct.

In a way, these two stories are similar because both the authors had carefully chosen the more content...

In the beginning , Billy thought the landlady was 'terribly nice',which he was quite grateful to have such a nice landlady who give him a well–appointed service, but as the conversations go on, Billy was then frightened by her weird and creepy contents, he 'sat there staring straight ahead of him into the far corner of the room, biting his lower lip.' tells the readers that he's begin to frightened and suspect landlady, foreshadowing the readers that she might be doing something that couldn't be trusted by Billy.

In another way, these two stories are different because the authors have been using different perspective when narrating the story. In 'Chemistry', author's written the story in the word of narrator, mixing both the perspective of adult and young boy's. Line" My father's death was a far less remote event than my grandfather's but no more explicable, I was only seven." can be a good example. Almost the whole story was written in past tense, added to the effect of recalling. He's shown a grown up man recalling memories when he was back in 7–10 years old. This kind of writing style makes readers felt more personal, because the subject is 'I', when reading out the story, readers will feel like they're experiencing the narrators' life, as if they are the narrator. Also, another interesting fact about this kind of writing style is that if I were to look at the same events in other character's perspective, it might be another whole different story because

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and Contrast Two Short

1. The two types of organization that may be used in a compare/contrast essay would be either block or point–by–point. With block, the first set of paragraphs covers one item completely and then the other set of paragraphs covers the other item completely. In point–by–point, each point is addressed in a separate paragraph, alternating between both subjects.

2. One thing I learned from reading this overview was the different types of methods there are when comparing and contrasting two subjects. I didn't know there were specific ways to organize just in general. As well as how point by point has a stronger effect on readers.

3. It is important to maintain consistency when writing a compare/contrast essay because you need to make sure the

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Compare and contrast essay: Ancient Egypt and Greece The ancient Egyptian and ancient Greek civilizations are two of the oldest known civilizations in our history. The Egyptian civilization, based in the eastern part of North Africa, is believed to have started around 3150 BC and continued till the end of the Pharaoh rule in 31 BC. The ancient Greek civilization is believed to have been in effect from 1100 BC till about 146 BC. Many similarities and differences existed between these two civilizations, as even though they co–existed during a certain timeframe (1150 BC to 146 BC), they were located in different geographical areas. Because of these differences in geography, both these civilizations were subjected to different kinds more content... Change was not encouraged and was only brought on about because of outside forces, such as natural disasters or invasions. Both civilizations, were therefore, able to last a long time while keeping true to their roots and their values. Perhaps the biggest impact that the Egyptian and Greek civilizations had on our Western society was on the iconoclastic ideals and symbols. Many of our current religious as well as social symbols (such as the sun, the moon, etc) have been adopted from the ideas behind Egyptian religion and mythology. The Ancient Egyptians believed that there was more to life than just the life on earth. Much of their architecture, including the pyramids and the houses they built were based on strict rules of mathematics and geography. They used mathematics to build the dwellings in very symmetrical designs. It has been noted that the numbers pi and phi have been greatly incorporated in the building and design of Ancient Egyptian architecture (Greenberg). Researchers have noted that dividing the perimeter of the dwellings made by Ancient Egyptians by their height gives a close approximation to 2pi, which is the same result one would get if one were to divide the circumference of a circle by its radius. This suggests that maybe the ancient Egyptians were trying to emulate the spherical nature of the Earth by presenting this relation (Smith et al). These design techniques show that the Ancient Egyptians built their dwellings very symmetrically. It has

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Compare and Contrast

The Compare/ Contrast Essay First, let's explain compare and contrast: When we compare, we show our readers a subject's similarities. When we contrast, we show our readers a subject's differences. Compare and Contrast essays are learning–process essays. You learn about your subject as you gather and organize information. This type of essay takes a bit of organization, and it's this organizational process, this gathering of facts, that helps you learn as you go. You will create lists of qualities or traits that each of your subjects has, and as you do this, you will discover insights to your subject that, at first glance, you may not have realized were there. It's like buying a new shirt. The moment you spread it out on your bed, more content...

| | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | Outline Form for Compare Contrast Essays Thesis Statement ____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ Quality #1 for paragraph #2 Specific support_______________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________ Comparative/Contrasting Qualities for paragraph #2 Specific Get more content

Compare and Contrast Essay Community College vs. Universities

Choosing a college means going to a new, unfamiliar world of immense possibilities. One of the hardest decisions a high school graduate face is the choice between attending a Community College or a University. Although Universities and CommunityCollege serve the same purpose, each has its differences and similarities in their learning such as the admission requirements, expenses, size, and student life. Community College are the most common type of two–year College that prepares you to continue your education, are often an affordable and convenient option. Universities you can earn Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral degrees which is more expensive. At a University, you more content... Students attending private universities pay an average tuition of $35,374. Those who attend a community college for the first two year of their education save $8,000 or more. Since most of the same financial aid including Pell grants and Stafford loans is available for any institution choice, students in the lowest income brackets can expect a larger financial aid refund from a community college than a university. Those who need a university education to meet their career goals may be able to attend a community college part time while they work and save up. Then, when they transfer to a university for their final two years, they may have saved enough that with financial aid, they can pursue their four–year degree.

Community Colleges tend to have fewer students per class, which means more attention from teacher to student. This is good for students who like access to their instructors so they can ask questions and avoid getting lost in the course material. Universities are bigger than community colleges and it takes a little longer to find your way around campus. Most teenagers graduate from high school eager to leave their parents house and do grown up things. The benefit of attending a University is living on campus instead of your parent's home. Not all universities have dorms, but the majority of them do. Which you have to pay for parking, fitness center, laundry and other fees included. Both university and community colleges sponsor Get more

Community College vs University Essay examples

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