DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Database management assignment
Introduction This assignment has been made in order to understand the concepts of database management system and its features and implementation. It will help you to learn and excel student’s fundamental database concepts like ER Diagram and Normalization, and other complex concepts. One will be able to understand the some of its features like cardinality of the relation, relationship schema or structure or relations.
We have made a mediator table separately which indicates the contact_name, contact_email, contact_phone_no of supplier instead of involving these attributes in supplier table. We have assumed DEO as a main authoritative entity which is connected with staff, supplier, order, event, product and customers of all types. Customer will be of four types but we assumed three as there are no such attributes in the individual customer table. We have assumed one to many and many to many relationships between the tables. Customer will request for the products to the DEO. DEO place order to the supplier for resources needs by the customer. DEO will contact to the event manager for handling the event organized at the customer’s end. Event manager makes arrangements by delegating duties to staff or its employees. The staff is categorized into three categories that are full-time, part-time, casual basis.
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Figure 1 ERD with crowfoot notation Get Help About Android Assignment
Cardinality can be defined as a number of occurrences of an entity in one relation to the number of the entity in another relation. Cardinality in databases can be defined in various forms like:
One to one (1:1) - In one of one cardinality, one record of a table is related to one record of another table. One to many (1: M) - In one to many cardinalities, one record of a table is related to many records in another table. Many to one (M: 1) - In many to one cardinality, many records of a table are related to one record of another table. Many to many (M: N) - In many to many cardinalities, many records of a table is related to many records in another table.
In our DEO case study these are the cardinality of relations: DEO: Customer = 1: M Customer: Product=M: N Customer: Order=M: N Staff: Event=M: N DEO: staff=1: M Supplier: Product=M: N DEO: Supplier=1: M Read more about C Programming Help
Normalization Normalization is a process of organizing data and establishes relations between the tables into the database. This concept is used in the database to secure data and avoid redundancy and inconsistency in the data values. Normalization basically has two significances:
To eliminate redundant data To ensure dependencies
The normalization can be achieved by:
1NF 2NF 3NF We have achieved normalization by starting address of customer and supplier entity into street, location, city, postcode and other attributes.
We have also made a different table to store the details of the contact person of customer and supplier table. In the product table, the product type has several products so instead of writing them as comma separating values we have made an entry for each product type category. So 1NF is applied to the address of customer and supplier table while 2NF is applied in Product table and 3NF is applied to the referral table by maintaining a different table for the {contact name, phone_no, email_id}.
Elaborated form of normalization through screenshots
Figure 2 Correct1NF Read more about Computer Network Assignment Help
Figure 3 Incorrect 1NF
Figure 4 Correct 2NF Get Help About Basic Web Designing Help
Dependency diagram
Database Implementation
Figure 8 Customer table
Figure 9 Business customer
Figure 10 School customer
Figure 11 Event table Relational data structure For full Solution of the Assignment please visit our website: Read more about Computer Programming Assignments Help Programming Assignments Help is the best assignment help provider in the United Kingdom. Our online assignment writing help UK is especially dedicated for the students studying in all UK colleges and universities. Submit assignment to get the best quality assignment help.