Web service programming

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WEB SERVICE PROGRAMMING Web Programming Assignment Help

MAY 11, 2017 PROGRAMMING ASSIGNMENTS HELP help@programmingassignmentshelp.net

Introduction To develop a new application is a challenge, the other issues i.e. functionality and complexity is a secondary thing. A WebService of mountain forecast information has developed that will provide its users to information of Location, Height and Weather to searched mountain of Scotland. This WebService has been developed using visual C#.net as its front end and the back end of WebService has been maintained using MySQL. In this WebService a user will search the mountain from the list of all mountains. After submitting the query WebService will generate the result which has the location, height and the average weather information of Particular Mountain. The REST is used in this WebService that stands for Representational State Transfer. It is a clientserver based cacheable communication protocol used in application that is utilised communication of application. This has been chosen because this networked application. It works with the HTTP. This WebService also records the user’s statistics that is IP address, date and time of use. It will also keep the number of times that methods utilised in WebService. Read more about Computer Network Assignment Help

Design of the WebServiceThis WebService has been designed using Object Oriented Programming Concepts. It will be developed with the following architecture of web service.

Figure 1- Web Service Architecture



Figure 2- functionality of web service The C#.Net is the best option for that. The C# uses object an oriented programming concept that makes it simple, type-safe language. It allows developers to develop breadth of application and web design. The object oriented programming languages has been following advantages and disadvantages: 

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Improved software-development productivity: OOP follows a methodology that allows developers to define programs and services in short modules that divided areas of memory. In the module data type and its operations are defined for the program structure. The program structure is called object. Object represents functions and data. The object is reusable and extendable, in which new attributes can be added. In other words there are main three factors used in OOP modular, extensibility and reusability Improved software maintainability: OOP based application’s design is modular hence if require to assess the application, the large scale modification can be done. Faster development: OOP provides the dynamic reusability; it will help in faster development. The OOP languages have rich set of library of objects. The developed object and code can be reusable. Higher-quality software: The OOP based programming languages have great extensibility. Except that the concepts like abstraction, encapsulation, polymorphism, and inheritance are the principle that makes high quality of software.

See more about Website Design Assignment Disadvantages:  

Larger program size: The OOP based languages requires large length of code as compare to other programming languages. Steep learning curve: In the OOP the coding is not so easy for some people. It becomes more complex if the basic concepts are not clear of developers. The basic concepts required to understand in proper way that are polymorphism and inheritance.



(saylor.org, 2015) To develop this WebService RESTful protocol is utilized. The web services developed by REST are stateless. REST is the preferred technology for developing arbitrary web services that communicate over internet. In simple words, REST protocol and standard influence the World Wide Web. It is quite simple as compare to traditional SOAP-based web services. REST-based web services help both in the building rich UI application. It interacts directly the web browsers Our web service requires the good caching infrastructure to produce results. It improves the performance of web service by altering the return/output in frequent way and dynamic in nature. The REST web services has not protocol for interface services thus the content passed with the default view of web services. The REST is utilizing to run that web service in mobile and PDA type devices. The REST protocol helps in integrate its services to the web applications design . It uses the XML, thus HTML pages of web application will make use of it in a convenience way. it makes the web service very simple. (Dhingra, 2015) It makes the data speed faster not only throughout the web service but also over the website. The REST helps in find, track and monitor information of the user. As per the requirement of web service it will help in statistics of the usage with various parameters. (DelChiaro, 2015) Read more about Computer Programming Assignments Help

Testing strategies for the develop Web service Testing strategies require performing on a web service to integrate it with multiple approaches that covers the all functionality of web service. The layered testing is performed in the web service. The main layers are application layer and messaging layer. The service components testing ensure the robustness of the web service to match the defined requirements. The testing has been done in regression suites. For the developed web service test strategy has following stages: For Complete Solution Please Visit our Website : www.programmingassignmentshelp.net Programming Assignments Help is the best assignment help provider in the United Kingdom. Our online assignment writing help UK is especially dedicated for the students studying in all UK colleges and universities. Submit assignment to get the best quality assignment help.



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