Liceo Scientifico Statale “L. Mossa” - Olbia
Programma finale di lingua inglese A.S. 2013/2014 Classe 3° sez. D (corso tradizionale) Docente : prof.ssa F. Cubeddu Libri di testo: “Horizons” vol. 2, di Paul Radley e Daniela Simonetti Oxford La Nuova Italia “Millennium”, vol. 1, di Arturo Cattaneo e Donatella De Flaviis Signorelli Scuola Lingua Sono stati svolti i due moduli di lingua programmati: “Mind, body and spirit” – “Big Issues” In particolare sono state svolte le seguenti unità e contenuti: Unit 9 Functions: talking about past habits; comparing ability; talking about lifestyles Grammar: used to, adverbs and comparative adverbs, verbs +to or –ing Vocabulary: Exercise and fitness Unit 10 Functions: getting things done; giving advice; talking about health Grammar: have/get something done, should/ought to, why don’t you..., You’d better..., If I were you Vocabulary: the body, illnesses and remedies Unit 11 Functions: imagining different situations; making wishes; talking about feelings Grammar: second conditional, wish+past simple, make + object + adjective/verb; costruzione di LET Vocabulary: emotions Unit 12 Functions: describing events, reported statements Grammar: past perfect, reported speech: say/tell; phrasal verbs Vocabulary: relationships; phrasal verbs Unit 13 Functions: talking about past mistakes, reporting questions, reporting requests and instructions Grammar: should have/ought to have, reported questions: ask. Unit 14 Functions: talking about past facts, talking about developments; reflexive and reciprocal pronouns Grammar: past simple passive, present perfect passive, present continuous passive, future passive; reflexive and reciprocal pronouns