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PROGRAMMA DI LINGUA E CIVILTA' INGLESE CLASSE 1 SUA - LICEO SCIENTIFICO "L. MOSSA" - OLBIA A. S. 2013/2014 NEL PRESENTE A.S. SONO STATE STUDIATE LE FUNZIONI LINGUISTICHE E LE STRUTTURE GRAMMATICALI DELLE SEGUENTI UNITS DAL TESTO MOVING UP, ENTRY BOOK E MOVING UP PRE-INTERMEDIATE, DI C. KENNEDY, C. MAXWELL, E. GREGSON, F. BENTINI. SONO STATI PROPOSTI ANCHE ALCUNI BRANI DI LETTURA E CIVILTA’: Da: MOVING UP Entry Book: UNIT 1: ME AND MY FAMILY– Verb Be: Present simple (all forms) - Verb Have got: Present simple (all forms) VOCABULARY: family and common verbs. UNIT 2: EVERYDAY LIFE – Present continuous; Expressions of frequency; Present continuous vs Present simple. VOCABULARY: everyday activities. UNIT 4: KEEPING FIT AND HEALTHY- Can, must, should. VOCABULARY: parts of the body. Da: MOVING UP Student’s book (Vol. 1): UNIT 1: SHOW TIME! GRAMMAR: Present tenses, Past simple, Future tenses: Will/Present continuous/Be going to. VOCABULARY: Entertainment. READINGS: “Stage Manager Greg Harrison tells us about her job”, “Circus of the Sun”, “A great day out”. UNIT 2: TODAY AND YESTERDAY GRAMMAR: Past simple vs Past continuous; Used to. VOCABULARY: Technology, gadgets and electrical appliances. READINGS: “That was the world tomorrow”, “Memorable moments”, UNIT 3: YOUNG ACHIEVERS GRAMMAR: Present perfect; Adverbs ever, never, just, already, yet. Defining relative clauses and pronouns VOCABULARY: Life experiences and achievements. READINGS: “Young achievers”, “Vivienne Westwood”, “University of l ife”.

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