Porcheddu inglese 3f

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PROGRAMMA DI LINGUA E CIVILTA' INGLESE CLASSE 3 F - LICEO SCIENTIFICO "L. MOSSA" – OLBIA A. S. 2013/2014 NEL PRESENTE A.S. SONO STATE STUDIATE LE FUNZIONI LINGUISTICHE E LE STRUTTURE GRAMMATICALI DELLE SEGUENTI UNITS DAL TESTO NEW HORIZONS, VOL. 2, DI P. RADLEY E D. SIMONETTI. SONO STATI PROPOSTI ANCHE ALCUNI BRANI DI LETTURA E CIVILTA’: UNIT 5 FUNCTIONS: Past actions in progress; Talking about past ability; Interrupted past actions GRAMMAR: Past continuous; could, was/were able to, managed to; Past continuous and past simple: when, while, as VOCABULARY: Air travel, Mythical creatures READING: Three Irish legends UNIT 6 FUNCTIONS: Talking about duration; Talking about multiple items; At the Post Office GRAMMAR: Present perfect: for and since; Present perfect v. Past simple; each, every, all VOCABULARY: Money and savings; the Post office READING: Money and happiness UNIT 7 FUNCTIONS: Talking about unfinished actions; Talking about skills; Going for a job interview GRAMMAR: Present perfect continuous: for and since; Present perfect v. Present perfect continuous; Adjectives and prepositions: good at, keen on… + -ing VOCABULARY: Jobs prerequisites, skills, personal qualities READING: I protested at Pamplona! UNIT 8 FUNCTIONS: Make, Do and Get; Describing processes; Talking about natural disasters GRAMMAR: Present simple passive VOCABULARY: Expressions with make, do and get READINGS: How are computer games made - Killer wave! – Looking for a better life I can’t sop doing extreme sports UNIT 9 FUNCTIONS: Talking about past habits GRAMMAR: Used to (affirmative, negative, interrogative) – Adverbs – Verbs + to / -ing VOCABULARY: Exercise and fitness READINGS: I can’t stop doing extreme sports UNIT 10 FUNCTIONS: Getting things done, Giving advice, Talking about health and illnesses GRAMMAR: Use of Have/Get something done, Should /Ought to, You’d better, If I were you… VOCABULARY: The body – Illnesses and remedies

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