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PROGRAMMA DI LINGUA E LETTERATURA INGLESE A. S. 2013/2014 Classe 4E Insegnante: Gabriella Saba LANGUAGE: STRUCTURES AND FUNCTIONS (Textbook Horizon 2nd vol. by Radley and Simonetti)

Ripasso: Have something done. Unit 11: Second conditional, wish+ past simple, make+ object+ verb/adjective. Imagining different situations. Making wishes. Talking about feelings. Unit 12: Question tags, reported speech (say, tell, ask). Past perfect v Simple past. Checking information. Descibing events. Reporting statements. Unit 13: Should have/ought to have. Reported questions and orders. Talking about past mistakes. Reporting questions, requests and instructions. Unit 14: Past simple, present perfect, present continuous and future passive. Reflexive and reciprocal pronouns.Talking about past facts. Unit 15: Be used to, get used to. Question revision (different tenses). Verb tense revision. Using phrasal verbs. Unit 16: Wish+ past perfect. Third conditional. General revision of the conditional Sentences. Imagining a different past. Talking about regrets. VOCABULARY Emotions. Relationship. Crime and punishment ( Bullism and Drug). Charities and world problems ( Unicef). Technology. Life choices. Reading “ The myth of America” ( from “ Millennium”) Vision of the film “A beautiful mind” LITERATURE

Textbook: “ Millennium” di Cattaneo, De Flaviis. The Stuart dynasty: James I, Stuart absolutism: Charles I, the Civil War (1642-49), Cromwell Commonwealth. The Elizabethan theatre, the structure of the theatre, the actors. The Restoration: historical and social background. Charles II, James II, the Glorious Revolution, the Bill of rights, the Toleration Act and the Act of Settlement. John Milton: the three stages of his life and literary career. “Satan takes possession of Hell”: reading, translation and comment. The Augustan Age: historical and social background The rise of the novel and journalism. Main features of the novel: story and plot-setting- characters-narrator-point of view.. The 18th Century Novel: realistic, utopian, epistolary and picaresque. D. Defoe and the realistic novel. "Robinson and Friday" ( from "Robinson Crusoe"): reading, translation and comment. Notes on “The Journal of the Plague year”. J. Swift: notes on his life and main works. ( “A Modest Proposal” and “ Gulliver’s Travels”). “Beloved horses, hateful men” ( from “ Gulliver’s Travels”): reading, translation and comment.

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Unit 11: Second conditional; wish + simple past; make+ object+ adjective/verb; imagining different situations; making wishes; talking about feelings; Take-Bring-Get-Carry: different uses. Hear/Listen to/ Feel: differences. Order of quantifiers. VOCABULARY Money and savings. The post office. Jobs: prerequisites, skills and personal qualities. Natural disasters. Expressions with make, do and get. Exercise and fitness. The body. Illnesses and remedies. Emotions. Textbook: "New Horizons" di Radley - Simonetti (Vol II) LETTERATURA The first invasions: from Celts to Vikings. The Norman conquest. Notes on the development of English Language. Notes on the Anglo-Saxon Literature. Main features of the Middle-Age Ballads. “Geordie”: reading, translation and comment. The origins of drama (Mystery, Miracle and Morality Plays; Interludes). Chaucer and the Middle Age. "The wife of Bath": reading, translation and comment. Chaucer and Boccaccio. Henry VIII and the reformation of the English Church. Elizabeth I and the conquest of the seas. Features of drama. Renaissance drama: the causes of the popularity of theatre, the structure of the building, the companies of players. Christopher Marlow: the legend of Faust. “Faustus’ Last Hour and Damnation”: reading, translation and comment. Textbook:” Millennium” di Cattaneo, De Flaviis. Gli alunni


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