Town of Fort Mill, SC Long Range Facility Needs Plan

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Town of Fort Mill, SC

Long Range Facility Needs Plan

JULY 28, 2023

The Town of Fort Mill hired Progressive AE to perform a 10-year Long Range Facility Needs Plan for 16 properties owned by the town, including ten municipal building sites and six parks. Progressive AE partnered with LMG, who supplied cost data, and McKibben Demographic Research who supplied population data.

This document provides recommendations and strategies to assist the town with understanding existing conditions of the buildings as well as how well the buildings are supporting the services within. These insights provide context for the town to prioritize future investment to existing facilities, new facilities, and services in a way that will best serve the community.









P 3 PROGRESSIVEAE.COM P 05 P 11 P 13 P 40 P 137 P 148 P 150
Summary and Recommendations
Feed Back
Study Annual Construction Cost per Facility
Estimate Backup


1. YMCA of Upper Palmetto 2. Fort Mill Community Center 3. Fire Station #1 4. Fire Station #2 5. Wastewater Treatment Plant 6. Fort Mill Police Department 7. Town Hall Building Town Hall Annex 9. Public Works Office / Maintenance Shop 10. Fort Mill Utility Office & Shops (Armory Building) 11. Harris Street Park 12. Calhoun Street Park 13. Doby Bridge Park 14. Walter Elisha Park 15. Steele Street Park
11 3 5 2 4 7,8 EXISTING TOWNSHIP FACILITIES & SERVICES 1 13 9 10 15 12 14 6 16 v
16. Veterans Park

Executive Summary and Recommendations

This study outlines a 10 year Facility Needs Plan for the Town of Fort Mill. It involves sixteen facilities identified by the Town. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the current capacity of each facility, evaluate the employment forecast of each building, determine the future capacity of the building, and identify facility maintenance needs. As a part of this study, McKibben Demographic Research was hired to look at the current population and forecast the population through 2035. The demographic report is attached as an appendix to this document.

Multiple options are provided to help guide the Town Administration and Town Council in prioritizing needs and solidifying a Long-Range Facility Needs Plan. Options evaluated facility improvements, renovations, additions, and/or new construction. A Facility Condition Index (FCI) number has been assigned to each building. This is an industry standard indicator of over all condition of the building. The FCI is assigned based on maintenance, repair and replacement deficiencies over time and is a separate indicator from the Overall Condition graphic assigned to each building which indicates current condition. Further explanation of the FCI index can be found in the appendix of this report. Preliminary cost estimates are provided giving financial insight to items and options identified in the study. Cost will vary based on the final programmed space and amenities, and the year in which the properties are addressed.

The next phase will be planning each facility in more detail, taking a closer look in identifying specific programs, space, adjacency requirements, as well as operational needs based on industry trends. The planning phase should start only when the town is ready to move forward with a chosen project. This will provide more specific information for the facility and will better define construction cost.

Progressive AE’s and LMG’s process for investigation involved data gathering and community visioning through multiple sources.

• Parks and facilities were toured, photographed, and evaluated for infrastructure health and longevity to understand if building systems and components were adequate, in need of repair, or past their usable life and in need of replacement. This helps shape whether future investments are reasonable within context of the life spans of the facilities in question.

• Each space was evaluated to understand if it had the appropriate area, adjacencies, and layout for the functions served. Storage needs, growth projections, and changes in program were investigated in order to provide the proper amount of context for future decision making. Observations also looked at space quality and safety.

• Departments and groups operating within each building were interviewed to understand their functional needs, future state projections, and any areas of concern. This provided understanding of what each group perceives to be working well or preventing them from providing service to the community.

• Community feedback was gathered through two separate community engagements and an online survey made available to all staff and residents via notification on social media and online advertisement through the town’s website. This input was invaluable in furthering the understanding of the community’s perceptions of the town’s current buildings and service delivery, desires for the town’s future, and how that aligns with our professional evaluation of each space.

Based on this investigation and community feedback, Progressive AE and LMG have developed the following recommended priorities for future investment in the town. These recommendations are broken into two groups: buildings and parks. Each group’s priority, as numbered, is based on needs and feedback from the town. The final priority assignment will be determined by the town.


1. Both Public Works Department and Utility’s Department (Offices and Maintenance Facility) are working in spaces that are too small and not adequate to meet current needs. These departments currently reside in separate facilities disjointed from one another. Both departments work closely with the other and rely on much of the same information. In addition to inadequate office and shop space, vehicle parking is overcrowded creating inconveniences for employee parking and coordination of the town’s vehicular fleet. Combining these groups would be a benefit with shared call center, shops, and storage facilities by creating a new Operations Center.

2. Fort Mill’s Town Hall Building sits on a large piece of land that lends opportunity for long-term growth. The Town Hall Building shares approximately 13% of its space with Comporium who provides telecommunication services to the area. Although Comporium holds a long-term lease, there is ample room for the town Hall building to grow on the site. The building can be easily renovated and expanded to meet growth for the next 50 years and beyond with the size of property it now occupies.

3. The Police Department, in its current state, does not have enough space to meet the department’s needs. The building can be renovated to meet the department’s projected growth for the next 10 years; however, growth after that may require a new building addition be added. Due to the previous building tenants’ functions and design of the building, layouts of core elements such as restrooms, breakrooms, elevator, and building infrastructure present challenges for a new efficient space plan. They also present security challenges to the daily operations of the department. Recent operational changes, relocating detention services, free up extra space allowing the department to reorganize and expand in the short term.

There is a significant shortfall of parking for police and employee vehicles. A parking structure could be constructed on the site to help alleviate agreements made with adjacent property owners but will not resolve long-term needs. The expense of a structure would need to be further evaluated to determine how it would fit in with the longevity of this site. The current location of the Police Department also limits access during large town events.

Other town or private sector needs may be more suited as an alternative use for this property.

4. The Utility Office & Shops (Armory Building) is not sufficient for operational needs. Many of the elements from the historic armory’s original construction remain today, much of it is not functional to the needs of the Utility Offices. The current layout is not efficient to accommodate the current and projected employee growth anticipated by the department. The building need repairs to improve employee safety. Exterior areas, such as the chimney damaged by time, need to be repaired or replaced. Work to this building will need to be coordinated with the Historic Commission. As the town continues to grow, so does the need for storage, shops, and vehicle parking. The current parking facilities are inadequate for the department’s current needs.

5. The Fort Mill Community Center (formerly Banks Street Gym) is used by the Parks and Recreation Department for community sports and functions such as a vaccination clinic and voting precinct. Though partially habitable, much of the building is off limits due to areas being in disrepair. Areas unsafe to the public require significant work to reengage its function as a community service and recreational center, preserving its historical legacy with the town’s residents. There are opportunities to turn this into a multifunctional building that can serve the community in several different ways.


6. Fire Station #1, the oldest of two, is centrally located near the town’s center and has seen the most use during its building life. Areas of the building need maintenance or renovation because of its continued heavy use. As the town has grown, the types of rescue services provided have grown, along with employment practices needs, the fire station needs modification to meet current trends and practices.

7. Fire Station #3 is not covered in this study but has been brought up as a consideration by both the Town and Fire Chief. Various considerations must be given to multiple factors when determining expansion needs. It is recommended that a separate and specialized study for emergency response services that considers current and future rescue service types, response times, etc, be performed soon to maintain focus on fire services needs and station location.

8. The YMCA at the Complex is owned by the Town and leased by the YMCA of the Palmetto. This fitness hub was constructed in the 1970’s. The building has maintenance needs that are typical of an aging structure. The town’s responsibility is largely to the exterior envelope of the building; however, a portion of the interior is also the responsibility of the Town’s upkeep. Most of the conditions with this facility are envelope related maintenance or replacement items. Interior maintenance items were found primarily in the pool area resulting from the caustic environment. The town is considering expanding the facility and renovating target areas to enhance and increase the building’s contribution to individual community sports programs.

9. The Public Works Office and Shop building is undersized for the current needs of the department. The office and maintenance shop, equipment storage, materials storage, along with parking is overcrowding the existing landlocked site leaving no room for expansion on the small irregular shaped parcel. The shop is undersized and inadequately equipped to service the town’s fleet of service vehicles. Offices, breakroom, and shower facilities do not handle staff demands. Though not suited for Public Works growth needs, the property does have other possible uses that will benefit the town’s needs.

10. Fort Mill’s Wastewater Treatment Plant was recently upgraded with new technologies that protect the town’s people and ecosystem. A major expansion is anticipated within the next 10+ years to expand the facility’s capacity pending the rate of population growth. While water treatment is in good shape, other portions of the facility have aged, primarily the office and lab building. Deterioration to this building is generally related to finishes due to years of service. A covered storage structure would be beneficial in preserving facility equipment such as mowers, tractors, valves, etc.

11. Fire Station #2 was recently completed. Being the newest building, the design is current for the fire department’s needs and practices serving that area of the community. Small modifications can improve key areas of the building to enhance a few key areas of the building.


1. Doby Bridge Park has several opportunities to grow with the town’s recent purchase of land along Doby Bridge Road. Newly acquired land, providing an approximate 20% increase in area, creates opportunities for additional playing fields and reorganization of the park to improve interior circulation, drop-off areas, and parking areas. Improvements are needed for managing rainwater, building repairs, and maintenance.

2. Veterans Park is one of the town’s understated properties. This long-term leased property occupies a prime location in town and connects Millstone Park to Confederate Park. It also is a joining link to Walter Elisha and Calhoun Street Park. Home to the Veterans Memorial, it serves as an informal part-time farmers market and provides additional parking area for downtown. Site enhancements such as a more permanent farmers market along with additional parking, public walk, and connectivity with downtown could improve interest and help alleviate some of downtown’s traffic congestion.

3. Steele Street Park is a successful neighborhood park that is popular with the surrounding residents. Like some of the other parks, the picnic shelter and splashpad need attention due to age. Opportunities exist to greatly enhance the park’s amenities by possible additions of basketball courts, picnic areas, and parking. The existing topography is well suited for an vamphitheater, bringing a unique amenity into the Town’s neighborhood park portfolio. With the park largely covered with trees, added safety features such as lighting and cameras would also offer a sense of security to the area.

4. Walter Elisha Park is Fort Mill’s largest natural park and is used for everyday casual visits and some of the town’s largest events. This park was donated to the town with constraints that it remains as an open natural park. With the addition of a new stage shelter, and its high visibility from N. White Street, the popularity of the park continues to rise. Added amenities such as widened sidewalks, park lighting, additional swings, utility infrastructure for events, parking, improved connectivity to the adjacent Calhoun Street Park, among other improvements would all benefit this flagship amenity.

5. Harris Street Park is a multi-use park offering a variety of activities. Through the years of adding and detracting amenities, this has grown in an unorganized fashion, losing land efficiency for use and future growth. Some of the park’s amenities such as the picnic shelter, gazebo, and abandoned water park need revamping. Through reorganization of park amenities, the town can achieve additional parking, open space, along with room for additional amenities such basketball courts and a new inclusive playground. There is an opportunity to create a nature trail that loops to the park on the west side of Dye Branch Creek, connecting back to Walter Elisha Park.

6. Calhoun Street Park sits on a hill overlooking Walter Elisha Park. It has a multipurpose field with a small gazebo. Improvements to this park include improved pedestrian lighting and better walking connectivity to Walter Elisha Park. An additional amenity may be a large picnic shelter that could double as a command center for large events at Walter Elisha Park. Power lines running through the area would determine the size and location of the shelter.

7. Millstone Park was not a part of this study however it connects to Veterans Park and Downtown. The connection to Veterans Park should be studied for safe pedestrian access and increased use of Millstone which occupies both sides of S. White Street.

8. Banks Athletic Park is the Town’s newest athletic facility. Given the age of this facility, this park was omitted from the study.


Building Profiles


Individual assessments were performed of each of the ten township owned buildings and services housed within. The focus was on evaluating performance of the building as it relates to efficiency and ability to serve the desired function. Interviews were conducted with staff where appropriate, lending context and understanding to the evaluations.


















P 12 P 14 P 16 P 18 P 22 P 24 P 26 P 28 P 30 P 32 P 33 P 34 P 35 P 36 P 37 P 38



• Owned by Town of Fort Mill

• Year of Original Construction: 1996

• Site Acreage: 3.04 +/- acres total

• Building Square Feet: 11,658 SF

• Parking: 55 spaces


BUILDING SHELL: Roofing leaksT

BUILDING INTERIOR: Updates needed: lighting, carpet, toilet rooms

Accessibility concerns


SITE: Good condition



Town Hall is located on one of the larger municipal building properties owned by the Town. Two buildings occupy this property; the Town Hall and the Annex Building, a 3,000 SF home constructed in the 1930s, serves as an outparcel office.

The Annex Building is in adequate condition but has items needing to be addressed should the building remain in service for a long duration. None of the items are critical . Most are a result of the building’s age and use. These items include window replacement, siding repairs, foundation repair, front stair replacement, and new interior finish upgrades. Added recommendations include a mechanical system. A hazardous material survey should be performed prior to the start of work due to the building’s age.

As a result of the recommendations in this report, the Town Hall building is the focus of the study. The Town Hall building shares a part of its space with Comporium, which was not evaluated in this assessment.

Building Shell:

• Building exterior walls are in good condition. There are stains on the interior ceiling tiles that suggest that the building may have active leaks.

Building Interior:

• The interior environment has high humidity with visible moisture on air vents and windows.

• New lighting and carpet are needed throughout.

• Drinking fountain spout height exceeds accessibility requirements.

Building Systems:

• HVAC system has condensation issues throughout. The system needs to be repaired.


• The parking lot is in adequate condition. The number of parking spaces appears adequate for building function based on the use data of this assessment.


The combined property for Town Hall and Annex Building is suited for long-term growth. The buildings combined take approximately 13% of the property area. The departments, in their current organization, do not have sufficient space to work efficiently. With reorganization of the current space and additions to the building, the Town Hall has more than adequate room for short-term and long-term growth. Building expansion will also allow the town to move functions currently being housed in the Police Department into one building, reinforcing its function as a government center. This includes the court room, jury deliberation space, court-related offices, and added support areas. The building enlargement will require modification to the drive thru lane and the parking lot. The Annex Building is recommended to be removed from the current location to allow for additional parking. This leaves part of the site untouched for future development and growth.




• Owned by Town of Fort Mill

• Renovation: 2003

• Site Acreage: 1.27 acres

• Building Square Feet: 19,760 SF

• Parking: 40 spaces



Roofing leaks, moisture in walls


Updates needed: lighting, carpet, toilet rooms

Sound sensitive areas require enhanced acoustic treatment

Jail facility renovations needed for current / future operational needs


Updates needed: HVAC, security systems


Limited parking, repair lot


RENOVATION: $9,089,126




FCI: 69%


The Police Department is undersized for current staffing due to court functions currently being housed within the building and the limitations of the site and building structure. Recent operations, removing the jail and associated functions from the Police Department, opened space that can be reclaimed for police operations. The jail needs extensive renovations before it can be re-purposed. Building core elements, such as restrooms and break rooms are spread throughout the building limiting renovations if these elements are to remain. The location of the core elements were placed by the previous building owners and were organized to accommodate separate businesses and not a single tenant. Lastly, the structure has been changed through a series of small renovations as town departments move in and out, and as the police department has adjusted to meet more immediate space needs. On-site parking is limited and will become an increased challenge as the department grows. The town has made agreements with adjacent property owners for visitors, employees, and police vehicles.

Interior conditions also present challenges. These challenges include acoustic separations for isolating private conversations, repairs/replacement of damaged or deteriorating millwork and finishes, stained ceiling tiles indicating leaks, obsolete wayfinding and signage, and lack of adequate secured storage. While there was a partial renovation for finishes to lighting in 2017, areas not included in the renovation will require the same upgrades.

Exterior building envelope conditions present another set of challenges. These challenges include moisture issues in the exterior walls, signs of water damage from roof leaks, a history of water infiltration, with having performed mold remediation in 2010, walls in the jail continue to exhibit growth from moisture issues. Steel elements in the jail continue to rust. The site needs maintenance to repair the cracks and small sink hole near the retaining wall.


The renovation of the building will be extensive to meet the projected growth and remediate the damage. The building envelope will need to be repaired and extensive reorganization and renovation of the facility will need to be done to meet the expected growth over the next 10 years. Beyond 10 years, a new facility will be necessary. While there is room to add a parking structure, it would meet only partial needs for the growing demand. Renovations to the building will be a short-term investment for the Town over the next few years with still having a need for a long-term investment in a new facility.

Immediate needs include:

• Repairing the exterior envelope.

• Re-organization of office space.

• Re-purposing the jail space.

• Upgrades to security.

• Acoustical improvements to more sensitive spaces.

• Replacement of worn finishes.

A long-term investment in a new police department at a different location outside of downtown will give the Police Department greater flexibility. Not only will a new facility create better adjacency between departments as well as address the parking concerns; but also, access to multiple routes in times of high congestion or special events. If planned accordingly, it can also provide room for future growth. Relocating the Police Department to another site will free up land close to downtown that can be used for a standalone 175-vehicle capacity parking structure on the street level.














• Owned by Town of Fort Mill

• Year of Original Construction: 1938

• Building Square Feet: 10,928 SF



Chimney collapsed

Update windows and seals


Updates needed: flooring, ceilings, lighting, paint

Accessibility concerns

Improve locker rooms, break room, accessibility


Plumbing, electrical, HVAC systems at end of life


Parking lot needs resurfacing

PROJECT COST: $4,339,450

FCI: 53%


The interior of the Utility Shop is worn out and needs to be updated. Unsafe walking surfaces need repair, and the lighting upgraded. The offices are oversized. The building needs a comprehensive renovation to update building systems. Site features such as pavement, fencing, and landscaping need repairs or replacement.

Building Shell:

• Several windows are broken or boarded over, and all windows are single pane glass.

• One chimney has fully collapsed.

• Building exterior needs cleaning. Masonry should be sealed to prevent moisture intrusion.

• There were no visible signs of roof leaks.

• Paint is peeling on the interior insinuating the presence of moisture.

Building Interior:

• The building does not meet ADA standards.

• Floors need to be repaired. The finishes and cabinetry throughout are old and need replaced.

• The building lighting is old and needs an upgrade.

• Single sex facilities are provided. Need new and separate facilities for each sex.

• Prior to any renovations, existing interior finishes need to be tested for the presence of hazardous materials due to the building’s age.

• Individual toilet rooms, not in locker room areas, are not accessible and need to be renovated.

Building Systems:

• Mechanical, plumbing, and electrical systems are old and need to be replaced.

• Communications infrastructure is outdated and needs to be replaced with current technologies.


• Visitor parking is located at the front of the site and is paved. Gravel surface parking, located behind the gated area, is spilling out onto the asphalt area creating additional wear and tear on the already worn pavement. Pavement needs resurfaced.


The current building condition is not adequate to meet the needs of the Utility Offices and Shops. Extensive renovation is needed to repair the damage, upgrade the building systems and finishes, and meet the growth needs of the department. The land locked property prevents expanding already overburdened fleet parking and covered equipment storage.

The Town of Fort Mill would benefit by combining the Utilities Department with Public Works and repurposing this site. The proximity of this building to downtown and its historic character lends itself to converting the building into an arts-related venue for music and performances along with other supporting functions that could be leased to the public.




• Owned by Town of Fort Mill

• Year of Original Construction: 1955

• Building Square Feet: 17,193 SF

• Parking: 65 spaces



Chimney collapsed

Update windows and seals


Updates needed: flooring, ceilings, lighting, paint

Accessibility concerns

Improve locker rooms, break room, accessibility







$6,935,280 2 3 4


This facility is a partially occupiable facility due to damage and deterioration of existing spaces and needs extensive renovation to remediate. Aside from the gymnasium and a few of the offices, the rest of the facility is unusable in its current condition. The conditioned offices in the building are occupied by the Parks and Recreation Department. The building needs a comprehensive renovation of all building systems.

Building Shell:

• Flat roof areas show signs of significant water infiltration and significant deterioration on all building systems levels.

• The roof needs to be replaced.

• Water damage is present at doors and windows throughout.

• Glass block clerestory windows are damaged due to impact from golf balls at the adjacent driving range.

• The building entrance canopy is deteriorated, and needs repaired/replaced.

• Windows are damaged.

Building Interior:

• The building does not meet ADA requirements.

• Paint is chipping on the interior walls. New finishes are needed throughout.

• Roof leaks.

• The gymnasium is not conditioned. Paint is flaking. Gymnasium wood flooring has rotting in several locations.

There are no acoustical systems in place for noise attenuation. Bleachers are damaged in areas and need repair.

• Locker rooms do not meet accessibility codes. These rooms require extensive renovation.

Building Systems:

• Mechanical systems in the building are inoperable. There is no mechanical system for the gym.

• The offices, currently in use by Parks and Recreation, have through-wall mechanical units, in lieu of using a central mechanical system.

• New electrical systems are needed throughout.

• New lighting is needed throughout.


• Parking lot asphalt is cracked and needs resurfaced.


The flat roof portions of the building on the west side are deteriorated due to moisture intrusion and lack of ventilation. This part of the building needs to be reconstructed. The town will need to perform a hazardous materials survey prior to start of work due to the building’s age and condition.

The combination of renovation and new construction will allow growth and flexibility in how this facility serves the community in the long term. Future amenities may include having multiple conference and event spaces leasable by the community, support offices, catering kitchen, and an outdoor veranda to serve a multitude of functions. On-site parking is limited, which may limit the size of the events; however, the town could supply shuttle services to accommodate large venues.




• Owned by Town of Fort Mill

• Year of Original Construction: 1994

• Site Acreage: 0.55+/- acres total

• Building Square Feet: 9,660 SF

• Parking: 24 spaces



Roof and overhead door repairs

Window replacement


Overcrowded and lacks accommodation for female fire fighters

Updates needed: kitchen equipment, bathrooms, finishes


Updates needed: HVAC equipment, lighting


Minor repairs and updates to asphalt paving

PROJECT COST: $3,113,438



The building’s interior is worn from daily use and needs to be updated. Condensation was present at the time of visit on windowsills and mechanical vents. The source of moisture calls for further investigation to determine the appropriate solution/s. The building needs renovations to accommodate space for male and female fire fighters and to accommodate operational needs of the Fire Department. The residential style kitchen is inadequate and has not held up to the daily heavy use. Reorganization of the building is needed to accommodate growth.

Building Shell:

• Structural repair is needed at overhead door.

• Overhead door motors need to be replaced.

• Windows have outlived life expectancy.

• Water stains are visible on the underside of ceiling due to roof leaks. Roof replacement is likely.

Building Interior:

• Spaces are crowded creating ADA and circulation challenges.

• There are no dedicated sleeping rooms and bathrooms for female employees impacting hiring.

• The lighting throughout the building is dim. New LED lighting will increase user and energy performance.

• Bathrooms are worn, with some damage, and have signs of a moisture problem.

• The kitchen is approximately 30 years old with residential style appliances. Cabinets are in poor condition. Residential appliances are not adequate for daily heavy use.

Building Systems:

• Mechanical/plenum system needs further investigation due to signs of moisture throughout the building.

• The truck bay exhaust system is not adequate.

• A sprinkler system is not present.

• Hot water tank needs replacing.

• Fire alarm panel is outdated.

• A new security system needed with card access.


• Parking lot asphalt has cracks visible throughout. Cracks should be sealed.


The current building size and organization are creating challenges for daily use and potential for growth. There is not enough room in the building for office and storage needs creating circulation issues throughout the building. Added space is needed to accommodate the lack of adequate general and turnout gear storage, female and fire chief quarters, office space, fitness equipment, and room for training. The kitchen needs full renovation, and the lounge will need to be expanded to accommodate the growth. Parking will also need to be reconfigured as the building expands.




• Owned by Town of Fort Mill, leased to YMCA of Upper Palmetto.

• Year of Original Construction: 1977

• Site Acreage: 16.05+/- acres total

• Building Square Feet: 20,000+ gross square feet

• Parking: 162 spaces



Roofing leaks

Window leaks

Pool deterioration due to caustic environment


Updates needed: equipment, flooring, pool, kitchens


Upgrades needed: HVAC, fire alarms


Asphalt parking lot is nearing the end of its useful life, it should be planned for replacement.



TOWN OF FORT MILL: $8,374,327
$2,976,252 FCI: 34% v


The YMCA at the Complex is a partnership between the Town, the YMCA, and Leroy Springs. This facility was originally constructed in 1977 and has multiple additions. It is used by members of the YMCA and the Fort Mill schools for swimming and the basketball sports program. The Town of Fort Mill owns the building and is primarily responsible for the building envelopment and the majority of the building’s mechanical and electrical systems. The YMCA leases the building and is primarily responsible for the interior of the building. The baseball fields operate as a part of the YMCA but are on adjacent property associated with Leroy Springs. The evaluation looks at the building envelope and systems that are the contractual responsibility of the Town. Due to the lease agreement, there are situations where cost for finishes and systems may be shared.

The existing envelope has water intruding into the building through the roof and windows/storefront. A new roof should address most of the water problems. Windows and doors need to be sealed. Single pane windows should be replaced with insulated double pane windows for energy efficiency. The kitchen needs a comprehensive overhaul. The community (exercise) rooms have floor maintenance issues caused in part by age and by usage. The original indoor pool environment will need to be addressed to stop corrosion to key building components. The sidewalks surrounding the building need to be replaced to avoid trip hazards.


Building Shell:

Water intrusion from the roof in the original complex is visible in various areas. Evidence of leaks can be found in both the walls and the ceilings throughout the building. Water Intrusion is visible at windows and storefronts. Roof replacement should address water leaks in horizontal exposures of the building. Replacement of single pane window systems with new double panels will address many of the leaks on the vertical exposure of the building. New sealant along with insulated glass will increase the building’s energy performance.

Building Interior:

Parquet wood floors in the workout rooms need replacement for something more suitable to the functions and classes programed for those rooms. Daycare walls, flooring, and ceilings are discolored and need refreshing. The basketball court floor has wear and resurfacing is recommended. VCT (vinyl composition tile) is delaminating from the floor in the employee kitchen. Kitchen and daycare cabinets are falling apart and need to be replaced.

Original natatorium pool finishes (tile flooring, roof trusses lights, doors, windows, etc.) are showing signs of corrosion resulting from the caustic environment.

Building Systems:

The majority of the HVAC systems have been replaced; however, the areas with the older systems will need an upgrade such as the pools. The main building does not have a fire alarm system and portions of the building do not have a sprinkler system.


Sidewalks and courtyard, adjacent to daycare, are being pushed up by tree roots creating uneven surfaces. Sidewalks need replacing. The asphalt parking lot is cracked in various areas and has areas of uneven pavement due to earth settlement. There are portions of the lot that need to be cut out and repaired. The existing tennis court shed is in poor condition and needs renovated. Tennis courts need repainte/resurfaced.




• Owned by Town of Fort Mill

• Year of Original Construction: Office: 1965; Shop: 2000

• Building Square Feet: Office: 4,284 SF; Shop: 4,375 SF (2 bays)


BUILDING SHELL: Satisfactory


Updates needed: lighting, carpet, toilet rooms

Accessibility concerns Additional shop and storage needed

BULDING SYSTEMS: HVAC system at end of life

SITE: Congested


NEW OPS CENTER: $18,467,108

REPURPOSE: $984,946 2 3






Public Works is undersized for its function and the estimated 140 vehicles that are serviced at the shop. The interiors of the administrative offices and restrooms are outdated, and the amount of storage is inadequate. Public Works needs room to store parts, dirt and gravel stockpiles, equipment, and trash and recycling bins. The existing topography and site restrictions constrict activities leading to a lack of parking, traffic, and limited area of growth. Site features, such as asphalt, are damaged due to a higher volume of traffic moving through the site.

Building Shell:

• The pre-engineered building exterior (offices and shop) appears to have been recently painted and is in good condition for its age.

• The construction trailer on site has deteriorated and needs to be demolished.

• Exterior covered storage did not show signs of deterioration.

Building Interior:

• Main building restrooms and breakroom are in deteriorated conditions and need updating.

• Finishes throughout the building need refreshing.

• The shop is undersized for the equipment found in the space.

• Rooms do not meet ADA requirements.

Building Systems:

• The mechanical system needs replacing.

• Service bays need an exhaust system.

• Electrical systems need updating.


• The site is congested.

• Truck wash areas do not have grease traps.

• Site is used to temporarily hold garbage bins. Need more space to alleviate congestion of cars.


The site and building are undersized for user needs and ability to efficiently work. The landscape and site boundaries prevent further development of this property prohibiting growth for parking, storage, and other programmatic needs for the department; needs include training facilities, vehicle wash area, larger break rooms, larger locker rooms, and secured storage. The building is at maximum capacity.

The Town of Fort Mill would benefit by combining Public Works and the Utility Department into one facility and repurposing this site. Given the proximity of the site to the cemetery and expressed need for cemetery storage and a maintenance facility, this site is set up to serve that purpose. The site is large enough to accommodate cemetery storage and operational needs as well as additional land for a future mausoleum or other related facility.




• Owned by Town of Fort Mill

• Year of Original Construction: Multiphased

• Site Acreage: 20.88+/- acres total

• Building Square Feet: 12,982 Multiple structures

• Parking: 7 spaces



Good condition


Updates needed: paint, flooring, ceilings


Updates needed: lab, HVAC, and lighting systems


Good condition

2 3 4


The wastewater treatment plant recently finished construction of two new treatment lines to improve the town’s ability to process water. The site is divided by a central driveway. Treatment lines are located on one side with round holding tanks on the other. The structures on the west side (Influent Pump Station/Preliminary Treatment Facility, Aeration Basins and Anoxic Tanks are new buildings). The structures on the east (Anoxic Tanks, Dewatering Facility, and Electric Building were recently renovated). The Laboratory Building is one of the original structures and has not been renovated in recent years. This Laboratory Building envelope appears to be in good condition but upgraded finishes, lighting, and technology are needed. The bathrooms are outdated. All other buildings on site appear to be in adequate condition needing only regular maintenance and upkeep.

Building/Structure Envelopes:

• The Laboratory Building is in good condition. Finishes are stained. The exterior has cosmetic needs.

• The Eastern Aeration Basin has a mast type crane beam that has been damaged. Crane needs repair or replace.

• Some of the existing tanks and concrete masonry structures have black staining on the exterior. Interviews with staff did not reveal any deficiencies with existing storage tanks. Staining appears to be a result of rainwater runoff and does not appear to indicate water leaks. Recommend that these areas be cleaned for further observation.

• The car port appeared to be in good condition.

Laboratory Building Interior:

• All finishes are old and worn from natural use and should be replaced. Most are discolored and stained. Floor tile grout is missing and ceilings are sagging.

Building Systems:

• Lighting needs updating for brightness and energy efficiency.

• Mechanical systems should be cleaned. The age of the system is not known.


• Asphalt paving is generally in good condition. Pavement from the street to the facility gate entrance is damaged, likely resulting from new road construction at the facility.


The wastewater treatment facility is in good condition overall and needs routine maintenance. The building size appears to be adequate for the number of employees anticipated over the next 10 years. Plans are currently in place to install an additional treatment line and Crom tank within the next 10 years pending town growth. A more immediate need is for an open structure for covered storage of vehicles, tractors, mowers, and valves. As development encroaches around the facility, the town should consider increasing security.




• Owned by Town of Fort Mill

• Year of Original Construction: 2020

• Site Acreage: 1.26+/- acres total

• Building Square Feet: 10,362 SF

• Parking: 18 spaces



Good condition


BUILDING SYSTEMS: Condensation at vents and windows

SITE: Good condition


CANOPY: $48,929

NEW FIRE STATION #3: $5,573,733

FCI: 1%


Fire Station #2 was completed in 2020. Being the newest building, the design is current and performs well for the fire department’s needs. Small modifications can be made to the building to enhance a few key areas of the building.

Building Shell:

• Building shell is in good condition.

Building Interior:

• Touch up paint is needed in areas.

• Vestibule carpet is showing substantial wear. The flooring should be replaced with a more durable material.

• Kitchen drywall, at outside corners, is damaged. Corner guards would be beneficial.

• Rust is present on the air vents and grab bars in janitor room and bathrooms.

Building Systems:

• High humidity is noticeable inside the building. The HVAC system should be further evaluated to determine if adjustments need to be made.

• Condensation and rust are present on supply and return vents at various locations.


• The asphalt parking lot is in good condition.


Fire station #2 is in good condition. The canopy over the main entrance needs to be larger at the front door to be effective preventing water intrusion during severe storms.

As the community continues to grow, the town needs to evaluate the need for a third fire station.




• Owned by Town of Fort Mill

• Site Acreage: 14 acres total

• Parking: 153 spaces



Restrooms in good condition

Press box in need of updates for accessibility


Updates needed: lighting, restroom flooring


Parking lot needs to be repaved in areas

Address erosion


Way finding to the park, from the main street, is not easily visible. The Restroom Building’s exterior is in good condition. Gutters need replacing and the fl oors are showing signs of wear. The Press Box Building does not appear to comply with ADA requirements. Gazebo columns are rusting at the grade level. Press Box windows and stairs are deteriorating. Play area does not include accessible equipment and ground play surfaces are damaged. Site issues include ponding water at Field #1 and erosion occurring behind the press box. Asphalt parking lots have cracked pavement throughout. Vehicular circulation is congested during heavy use.


The park can make improvements to the existing site through cosmetic upgrades and repairs as well as making use of the recently acquired acreage. The CMU on existing structures needs power washing and the metal surfaces need painting. Re-grading eroded areas or providing a retaining wall to address flooding is recommended. Many items will need to be repaired or replaced, this includes the window frames and stairs at the press box, restroom floors, playground surface, and portions of the perimeter fence. The added acreage allows for opportunities to reconfigure or add to the amenities provided at the park. The land can be used to add playing fields, parking, picnic shelters, walking trails, accessible playground equipment as well as a secondary entrance and improved vehicular and pedestrian circulation.

PROJECT COST: $1,871,134




• Owned by Town of Fort Mill

• Site Acreage: 4.5 +/- acres total

• Parking: 55 spaces



Parking is nearing end of life and difficult to navigate


The Town partially owns Veterans Park. The remaining part is leased by the town with a 100-year lease in place. The lease is in its infancy.

The park consists of a monument feature, a partially paved parking lot, and undeveloped land. The ground plaques and flag poles at the monument are in good condition but do not include the newly formed Space Force branch of the military. The entry to the parking lot is paved but the rest is gravel and leads to quick deterioration of the striping and unsafe pedestrian access to the downtown area.


Betterments can be achieved through beautification and reorganizing the park. Traffic can be alleviated by moving the parking lot and creating an added entry point off Cleborne Street. Construction of a farmers market shelter and a splash pad will activate the park and provide opportunities to create a pedestrian promenade with fencing at the railroad and access to downtown. This will improve pedestrian security while promoting the community. Preventative maintenance on the flag poles and monument will extend its life; however, the town may want to consider adding a memorial for Space Force.

PROJECT COST: $3,851,874




• Owned by Town of Fort Mill

• Site Acreage: 5 +/- acres total

• Parking: 33 spaces



Updates for Gazebo: gutter and paint


Address accessibility of equipment and paths/sidewalks Insufficient Lighting


There are many accessibility issues at this park, these include equipment that is not accessible, sidewalks with steep slopes, and pathways that are not accessible. Tree stumps are present in the open field area intended for play presenting a danger to running children. The splash pad and metal gazebo are showing signs of wear and aging. The parking lot asphalt is cracked and has potholes at various locations and landscape overgrowth covers park signage. There appears to be insufficient lighting for the park.


Preventative maintenance on existing structures, such as the metal gazebo needing to be repainted and the addition of a new gutter system, the play area equipment needs updating including accessible equipment, and refreshed surfaces. Additional projects are needed to address the need for upgraded lighting, additional parking as well as repair to the existing, and improved pedestrian access. The park lends itself to a natural amphitheater that could be addressed through a beautification project.

PROJECT COST: $496,627




• Owned by Town of Fort Mill

• Site Acreage: 12 +/- acres total

• Parking: 67 spaces



Good condition


Good condition


Walter Elisha Park is the town’s natural park, and it is next to Calhoun Street Park. The park is in good condition and well maintained. The Amphitheater constructed in 2021 is in good condition. There appears to be ample bathrooms and an accessible playground.


Benefits to the park would be widening sidewalks, providing added arbor swings, adding site lighting with incorporated electrical outlets to increase safety and accommodate vendors at festivals, and creating an improved pedestrian and vehicular access to Calhoun Street Park. Signage and street presence to the park needs to be improved and added parking on Sidney Johnson Street should be provided.

COST: $665,442




• Owned by Town of Fort Mill

• Site Acreage: 10 +/- acres total

• Parking: 51 spaces



Updates needed: lighting


Splash pad at end of useful life

Baseball and basketball areas need repair

Update landscaping


The park signage needs greater visibility. All park structures need some level of repair. Wood structures have the most need for repairs. Park layout is scattered and doesn’t allow for open space areas. Amenities could be better arranged for use and safety (e.g. charcoal grill next to a children’s play area).

Landscaping needs to be evaluated for visibility and safety. Toilet rooms are oversized for the number of fixtures provided. Splash pad is partially covered with sand/earth but protrudes upward creating a potential safety hazard to park users. The playground does not have accessible components. Grading from public way to park doesn’t meet accessible standards.


Preventative maintenance/repair of existing structures includes the gazebo, fence, scoreboard, basketball surface, and bleachers. Upgrades to the playground equipment need to be made.

Convert the former splash pad into a pickleball court, or another amenity and build a new splash pad elsewhere in the park. Reorganization of the park and converting the ball field into a multipurpose field will allow for a more efficient use of space. The space created could be used to provide additional parking, an enlarged picnic shelter, grill areas, and a new walking trail adjacent to the creek providing connectivity to this park and Walter Elisha Park.

PROJECT COST: $672,704








1 4 5 3 2 6 7 7



• Owned by Town of Fort Mill

• Site Acreage: 2.8 +/- acres total

• Parking: 25 spaces



Good condition


Good condition


The park is next to Walter Elisha Park but does not currently connect directly. Overall, Calhoun Street Park is in good condition. Restrooms are new and well kept and the field and fencing are good condition. Asphalt is in good condition.


Gazebo requires a touch up of paint. Grading required to level site. Connectivity to Walter Elisha Park would be a benefit. This would allow for better access to both parks during large events and could supplement covered areas for Walter Elisha Park. The addition of a new picnic shelter could increase park usage and double as a command center for large events. Other benefits for Calhoun Street Park include a high netting next to the multi-purpose field to prevent balls from going into the woods and an enclosed play area for young children. Increased safety factors would be the addition of non-sports-related lighting. PROJECT COST:

$ 354,080
1 3 4



Millstone Park was not a part of this study however it connects to Veterans Park and Downtown. The connection to Veterans Park should be studied for safe pedestrian access and increased use of Millstone Park which occupies both sides of S. White Street.


Upgrade playground equipment and eurfaces, Add fencing at playground, Add picnic area.

PROJECT COST: $156,778




Banks Athletic Park is the Town’s newest athletic facility. Given the age of this facility, this park was omitted from the study. New in 2022




Located behind the shops on Main Street.


Preventative Maintenance: Patch / Seal / Restrip



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Q1 How are you connected to Fort Mill?

Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 1 / 112 93 65% 900 1 14% 11 2 81% 27 1.14% 11 1 25% 12
Skipped: 0 TOTAL 961 # OTHER (PLEASE SPECIFY) DATE 1 Employee 12/14/2022 3:34 PM 2 Employee 12/13/2022 4:17 PM 3 Live nearby 12/10/2022 4:55 PM 4 Live really close but not in town limits 12/7/2022 7:52 PM 5 Fort Mill Address but York county resident 12/1/2022 2:06 PM 6 Live in Fort mill but not the town (Baxter) 12/1/2022 7:42 AM 7 Former resident 11/29/2022 5:59 PM 8 visitor 11/25/2022 12:09 AM 9 Employee 11/24/2022 12:02 PM 10 Teacher at Fort Mill schools 11/23/2022 4:45 PM 11 Teacher in a FMSD school 11/23/2022 4:22 PM 900 11 27 11 12 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 Resident Business Owner/Operator Both Neither Other (please specify) ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Resident Business Owner/Operator Both Neither Other (please specify)
Answered: 961
Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 2 / 112 12 employee 11/23/2022 4:13 PM

Q2 How long have you lived in the Town of Fort Mill?

Answered: 764 Skipped: 197


0-4 years

5-9 years

10+ years

Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 3 / 112 37 83% 289 26.57% 203 35 60% 272
TOTAL 764 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 0-4 years 5-9 years 10+ years


Ward 1 (green)

Ward 2 (yellow)

Ward 3 (blue)

Ward 4 (pink)

Q3 In which part of town do you live?

Answered: 724 Skipped: 237


Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 4 / 112 22 51% 163 20 03% 145 13 95% 101 43 51% 315
TOTAL 724 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Ward 1 (green) Ward 2 (yellow) Ward 3 (blue) Ward 4 (pink)


Q4 How long have you owned/operated your business in the Town of Fort Mill?

Answered: 16 Skipped: 945


0-4 years

5-9 years

10+ years

Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 5 / 112 43 75% 7 31.25% 5 25 00% 4
TOTAL 16 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 0-4 years 5-9 years 10+ years


0-4 years

5-9 years 10+ years IF RESIDENT & BUSINESS OWNER:

Q5 How long have you lived in the Town of Fort Mill?

Answered: 20 Skipped: 941

Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 6 / 112 25 00% 5 50.00% 10 25 00% 5
TOTAL 20 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 0-4 years 5-9 years 10+ years


Ward 1 (green)

Ward 2 (yellow)

Ward 3 (blue)

Ward 4 (pink)

Q6 In which part of town do you live?

Answered: 20 Skipped: 941


Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 7 / 112 40 00% 8 30 00% 6 10 00% 2 20 00% 4
TOTAL 20 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Ward 1 (green) Ward 2 (yellow) Ward 3 (blue) Ward 4 (pink)


Q7 How long have you owned/operated your business in the Town of Fort Mill?

Answered: 19 Skipped: 942


0-4 years

5-9 years

10+ years

Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 8 / 112 68 42% 13 21.05% 4 10 53% 2
TOTAL 19 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 0-4 years 5-9 years 10+ years

after 1995 between 1980-1995 between 1965-1980 between 1945-1965 before 1945

Q8 Please indicate the year you were born

Answered: 769 Skipped: 192


RESPONSES after 1995 between 1980-1995 between 1965-1980 between 1945-1965 before 1945

Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 9 / 112 3 51% 27 45 64% 351 38 23% 294 12.09% 93 0 52% 4
TOTAL 769 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Q9 Which existing facilities have you visited?

Answered: 775 Skipped: 186

Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 10 / 112
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%
Community Center1011 Fire Station 1 121 Tom Hall... Fire Station 2 1245 Fort Mi... Waste Water Treatment Fort Mill Police Town Hall Building200 Town Hall Annex Public Works Office and... Utility Office and Shop131
visited any
YMCA at the Complex971 T
I haven't


YMCA at the Complex971 Tom Hall St

Community Center1011 Talbot Drive

Fire Station 1 121 Tom Hall St.

Fire Station 2 1245 Fort Mill Parkway

Waste Water Treatment Plant1435 Spratt St

Fort Mill Police Department112 Confederate St.

Town Hall Building200 Tom Hall St

Town Hall Annex

Public Works Office and Maintenance Shop307 E Hill St

Utility Office and Shop131 Elliot Street

I haven't visited any of these facilities

Total Respondents: 775

Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 11 / 112 63.74% 494 19 35% 150 26 84% 208 10 84% 84 0.00% 0 26 58% 206 56 52% 438 0.00% 0 9 16% 71 9 16% 71 17 94% 139

Q10 What was your impression of those facilities?

went for a HOA meeting in the Y, it was fine As for the park, we only went there to get access to the Greenway trails The new fire station by Catawba Ridge looks amazing, but I have no need to visit it and I hope to keep it that way. I now remember going to the Fire Station off Tom Hall for a Halloween/Fall festival in 2019, the ECO1 from Ghostbusters was there and the FD was giving out Pizza and demonstrating fire safety - it was awesome

Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 12 / 112
Skipped: 505 # RESPONSES DATE 1 Ok fire station is nice, other buildings seem very old 12/31/2022 7:58 AM 2 The Fire station is modern and well kept The current town meeting room at the police station needs to be at Town Hall with updated electronics and visual aids 12/20/2022 9:45 PM 3 They are fine , not that great 12/19/2022 6:46 PM 4 Positive 12/17/2022 10:59 PM 5 No comment 12/17/2022 8:25 AM 6 Complex a little dated, but nice overall 12/17/2022 12:48 AM 7 Community Center aka Banks Street Gym needs a total renovation It’s said our kids have to play in a gym that paint falls of the felling and walls constantly The other facilities are good 12/16/2022 11:31 PM 8 Most all were newer except public works 12/16/2022 4:09 PM 9 Average 12/16/2022 1:25 PM 10 Good ; no complaints 12/16/2022 10:09 AM 11 Most are a bit dated 12/16/2022 8:05 AM 12 Clean, updated 12/16/2022 7:48 AM 13 Nice 12/16/2022 6:54 AM 14 Outdated 12/16/2022 6:29 AM 15 I thought they were fine Nothing stuck out to me when visiting 12/16/2022 6:10 AM 16 Perfectly fine, was during covid and so could not go inside. 12/15/2022 10:29 PM 17 Nice and clean 12/15/2022 8:52 PM 18 I liked the fire station open house when I had a younger son 12/15/2022 7:44 PM 19 Good 12/15/2022 5:17 PM 20 Fair 12/15/2022 4:25 PM 21 Can be updated 12/15/2022 2:55 PM 22 Could use some updating 12/15/2022 1:23 PM 23 Nice Clean Well ran 12/14/2022 4:31 PM 24 Entrance to Police station was difficult 12/14/2022 11:14 AM 25 The Fort Mill Community Center is in dire need of renovation or replacement 12/14/2022 8:22 AM 26
27 Clean, well run 12/13/2022
PM 28 Ok 12/13/2022 5:32 PM 29 The older part of the building was outdated 12/13/2022
12:30 AM
Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 13 / 112 30 Community center need alot work I hope to see get done 12/13/2022 1:33 PM 31 The community center was in very bad shape and the YMCA is extremely dated as well 12/13/2022 11:42 AM 32 Not inviting, dead, quite inside 12/13/2022 9:07 AM 33 Upgrades needed 12/13/2022 8:38 AM 34 The YMCA needs some help all others are in good shape from what I could see 12/13/2022 7:45 AM 35 Ok 12/13/2022 7:32 AM 36 The Complex could use a refresh and the new FMAC could really use some raised bleachers 12/13/2022 7:15 AM 37 Community Center looks to be in disrepair. Went to the Complex gym for youth basketball games at night and it was very dark and dangerous walking the path 12/13/2022 7:12 AM 38 The Y is a bit run down 12/13/2022 6:49 AM 39 Dated 12/13/2022 6:22 AM 40 Both are pretty nice and represent the town well 12/13/2022 6:19 AM 41 Some where nice Others needed updates 12/13/2022 6:08 AM 42 Indifferent 12/12/2022 6:33 PM 43 Nice 12/12/2022 6:21 PM 44 All were older buildings in need of updates 12/12/2022 1:16 PM 45 Very nice 12/12/2022 7:27 AM 46 Mostly favorable 12/12/2022 6:08 AM 47 Good 12/11/2022 7:40 PM 48 Needs updating/upgrading 12/11/2022 5:58 PM 49 Adequate but aging 12/11/2022 2:56 PM 50 They are dated but have been kept up well 12/11/2022 2:30 PM 51 Good 12/11/2022 10:50 AM 52 They’re nice! 12/11/2022 9:54 AM 53 Improvement from original when I moved here in the 1990s. 12/11/2022 6:06 AM 54 YMCA complex is run down The gym needs an overhaul 12/10/2022 8:21 PM 55 Nice 12/10/2022 1:36 PM 56 Very well maintained 12/10/2022 1:35 PM 57 Nice 12/10/2022 10:35 AM 58 Good 12/10/2022 8:00 AM 59 Could use updating 12/9/2022 10:12 PM 60 As with all infrastructure our country needs to regain this strength FM isn't as bad as the nation, but could update the police department especially Other bldgs seemed fine to me but I'm not working there Just a passersby 12/9/2022 8:58 PM 61 Positive 12/9/2022 8:31 PM 62 Clean & sufficient 12/9/2022 7:34 PM 63 Good 12/9/2022 7:10 PM 64 Old and need of updating - the “Community Center” is just an old gym and is decrepit 12/9/2022 6:24 PM 65 Very nice 12/9/2022 6:19 PM 66 Could use updating 12/9/2022 1:43 PM

I feel tennis courts are average in terms of maintenance, also we need more public courts as there is lot of demand during 4-7 because of kids tennis training camps Almost all courts will be covered by trainers and its tough for individuals. Please help by creating more tennis courts with lights so we can Accommodate and serve everyone Appreciate for taking the survey!!

Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 14 / 112 67 It was fine 12/9/2022 12:00 PM 68 Good overall 12/9/2022 11:34 AM 69 Dated Needs a refresh 12/9/2022 9:44 AM 70 They need to updated for the growth that is coming Station 2 is ok, but next ones need to be planned for growth 12/9/2022 9:40 AM 71 Accommodating 12/9/2022 9:40 AM 72 Fine 12/9/2022 9:21 AM 73 They’re fine 12/9/2022 9:08 AM 74 Well maintained and in good taste Matches the 'fee' of the town 12/9/2022 8:38 AM 75 Outdated, not on board with an updated, user friendly web presence 12/9/2022 8:22 AM 76 Swimming pool is very well maintained 12/9/2022 7:53 AM 77 Tom Hall Y is desperate need of upgrade Moved here 26 years ago and building has received very few upgrades with an aside to the pool for the high schools. 12/9/2022 7:50 AM 78 Nice 12/9/2022 7:24 AM 79 A little old but nice 12/9/2022 7:20 AM 80 Nothing special, kind of old with some renovations done YMCA has added the swimming pool piece but other than that nothing new 12/9/2022 7:19 AM 81 The Y definitely needs a remodel! Town Hall just needs to get new decor! 12/9/2022 6:57 AM 82 Kept in great shape. Haven’t been to Banks Gym in a while but it needed painting. 12/9/2022 6:52 AM 83 Ehhh 12/9/2022 6:24 AM 84 It was fine Old but clean 12/9/2022 6:12 AM 85 We’ll maintained 12/9/2022 6:08 AM 86 Y is outdated but the new pool is a great addition 12/9/2022 4:21 AM 87 They are good ymca need renovations 12/9/2022 12:20 AM 88 The Complex could stand a little upgrade, but otherwise, all facilities seem in good,
12/8/2022 10:35 PM 89 Small 12/8/2022 10:21 PM 90 Swimming pools are great. Like the small feel to the complex and not overly crowded 12/8/2022 8:56 PM 91 Well structured 12/8/2022 8:31 PM 92 They are nice 12/8/2022 7:54 PM 93 It was ok Needs updating 12/8/2022 6:26 PM 94 Good 12/8/2022 6:24 PM 95 Good 12/8/2022 5:47 PM 96
97 Need for modernization 12/8/2022
98 Meh, but better than many of them in NY 12/8/2022 4:50 PM 99
working order
5:42 PM
5:08 PM
The Y at the complex is outdated To get to the smaller exercise room, you have to walk through the big gym where other activities are taking place
4:45 PM

The only facility that I thought was in disrepair was the Community Center Structure is solid but the peeling paint inside is something that can be easily remedied. I’ve voted at this building for 3 years and in that time, no improvements have been made

thought the service was fast and friendly, but it shocked me how manual processes were The fact that there’s a drive through to pay utilities when the majority of towns have well established websites to handle billing was a bit of a shock.

Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 15 / 112 100 Good 12/8/2022 4:33 PM 101 Adequate for a small town, not for a growing city 12/8/2022 4:20 PM 102 Ok 12/8/2022 4:00 PM 103 Nice 12/8/2022 3:54 PM 104 Old 12/8/2022 3:50 PM 105 They are good and very convenient 12/8/2022 3:50 PM 106 It was ok 12/8/2022 3:50 PM 107 They are really good 12/8/2022 3:50 PM 108 Convenient and Organized 12/8/2022 3:47 PM 109 Good Service 12/8/2022 3:45 PM 110 It’s good facilities YMCA needs to be renewed 12/8/2022 3:45 PM 111 Sub par 12/8/2022 3:43 PM 112 They Are good 12/8/2022 3:36 PM 113 clean and efficient 12/8/2022 3:17 PM 114 Old, outdated, but the nice small town feel 12/8/2022 2:05 PM 115 Nice, but needing to be updated 12/8/2022 11:54 AM 116 Great! We went when the fire department was having an event a few years ago 12/8/2022 11:36 AM 117 Overall pretty good 12/8/2022 10:18 AM 118 Nicely appointed 12/8/2022 10:15 AM 119
12/8/2022 10:15 AM 120 Nice, clean, would recommend and use again 12/8/2022 9:57 AM 121 Clean and well kept 12/8/2022 9:45 AM 122 I
12/8/2022 9:26
123 They are nice 12/8/2022 8:40 AM 124 Really nice and clean 12/8/2022 8:15 AM 125 Ymca is old and needs updating town hall seems fine 12/8/2022 7:48 AM 126 Employees were very accommodating Pubic area was clean 12/8/2022 7:47 AM 127 Adequate 12/8/2022 7:44 AM 128 They are well maintained 12/8/2022
little old
can use a facelift 12/8/2022
130 Love the y facilities The others are decent municipal facilities 12/8/2022 6:44 AM 131 Kind of old 12/8/2022 6:27 AM 132 Fine 12/8/2022 5:51 AM 133 Needs some updating 12/8/2022 5:35 AM 134 The Old Complex
needs to be updated 12/8/2022
135 Small and outdated 12/8/2022
7:35 AM
Some of them are a
7:20 AM
which is now YMCA
5:20 AM
3:04 AM

Ok great facilities Didn't know their was a community center??

Town hall is nice. The ymca is creepy and needs updated.

The complex needs updates Town hall is functional for what it is

but in need of updates to old

center (gym?) in bad need of maintenance Complex not bad but could use some maintenance (floors), more space

The Y is dated and with the costs the YMCA require to use it, it's not worth it. Plus the softball fields are no longer included The Town Hall is nice At least from the foyer Station 1 is dated and needs repairs So do the trucks Station 2 is very nice but not well built The Community Center is a mess And with the loss of the Spratt Building the community was told there would be space at the Community Center before covid happened. That will more than likely never happen The other venue options are expensive for something like a birthday party or bridal shower The Police Station seems nice from what you can see as a visitor

165 The fire stations look really nice and official! The police department looks good from the outside and the lobby. I don’t remember much about town hall, but it was years ago. Our family loves going to the complex, but I know it has an older look to it We actually prefer the older complex pools because they aren’t as crowded The aquatics center is really nice and still has the new look of course I enjoy seeing the nostalgia of old Fort Mill and also a need to update some of the facilities


10:12 PM

Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 16 / 112 136 Acceptable 12/8/2022 1:35 AM 137 Old 12/7/2022
PM 138
141 Nice
143 Cool 12/7/2022
fast 12/7/2022
PM 146 Old/Dated 12/7/2022
are updated nicely 12/7/2022 8:50 PM 148 Outdated 12/7/2022 8:36 PM 149 Outdated 12/7/2022 8:27 PM 150 Good 12/7/2022
PM 151
152 Nice - well maintained 12/7/2022 8:21 PM 153 Was an old bank was my first impression 12/7/2022 8:02 PM 154 Run down, old, and outdated 12/7/2022 8:01 PM 155 nice 12/7/2022 7:52 PM 156 Well kept 12/7/2022 7:44 PM 157 Fine 12/7/2022 7:34 PM 158 Clean 12/7/2022 7:30 PM 159 They are fine 12/7/2022 7:30 PM 160 Older and in need of repair 12/7/2022 7:29 PM 161 Positive 12/7/2022 7:27 PM 162 Average 12/7/2022 7:26 PM 163 Some needed reno 12/7/2022 7:23 PM 164 I didn’t give it much thought, honestly. 12/7/2022 6:52 PM
166 Good 12/7/2022 6:50 PM
PM 139
10:09 PM
10:08 PM
10:08 PM
9:59 PM
Needs outdoor lighting for evenings
9:55 PM
Great for families…could have more programming Classes/events fill up so
9:11 PM
Depending on the facility they
8:23 PM
6:52 PM

The Complex does seem small and dated The FMAC is a great pool in the area, I do wish the locker rooms at the FMAC where bigger, they are very small for what that building handles

Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 17 / 112 167 Nice but a little dated and could use a facelift 12/7/2022 6:47 PM 168 Very clean, friendly staff 12/7/2022 6:43 PM 169 Nice 12/7/2022 6:36 PM 170 The new fire station is very nice, the other buildings are very dated and have a very 80’s feel to them 12/7/2022 6:34 PM 171 The utilities building could use an upgrade 12/7/2022 6:25 PM 172 YMCA could use updates Baxter village is WAY better 12/7/2022 6:19 PM 173 YMCA was nice but already undersized for volume of residents 12/7/2022 6:13 PM 174 I think they are adequate 12/7/2022 6:11 PM 175 Perfectly adequate at least Very impressive for some 12/7/2022 6:01 PM 176 Well put together 12/7/2022 5:53 PM 177 They were decent but somewhat "out-of-date" and small for the number of residents living within the Town of Fort Mill 12/7/2022 5:52 PM 178 Very clean 12/7/2022 5:45 PM 179 Dated 12/7/2022 5:39 PM 180 No thought really Just a building 12/7/2022 5:03 PM 181 Very nice 12/7/2022 5:00 PM 182 The new town office seemed great I don’t have much of an opinion on any of them since I don’t work at any 12/7/2022 5:00 PM 183 Clean and friendly enviornment 12/7/2022 4:52 PM 184 Needs updating 12/7/2022 4:51 PM 185 Nice, clean and I can definitely tell things have been upgraded 12/7/2022 4:49 PM 186 They seemed adequate 12/7/2022 4:37 PM 187 It was small and quiet I did not wait in a line 12/7/2022 4:34 PM 188 Okay 12/7/2022 4:30 PM 189 Adequate, and well maintained 12/7/2022 4:20 PM 190 Good 12/7/2022 4:15 PM 191 Somewhat outdated 12/7/2022 4:11 PM 192 Adequate for today's use and population. Fire and police need additional locations with improved access as town continues to grow in area and population 12/7/2022 4:05 PM 193 Several need to be updated 12/7/2022 3:47 PM 194 Fire station is nice YMCA seemed dated last I was there 12/7/2022 2:19 PM 195 Clean and nice 12/7/2022 1:37 PM 196
PM 197
198 Most were clean, relatively updated (some new) Serve a clear purpose 12/7/2022 11:11 AM 199 Fine 12/7/2022 11:01 AM 200 Older, needs updating 12/7/2022 10:44 AM
I felt like the YMCA at the Complex was outdated in many of its spaces However, I haven't been there since they updated their swimming facility, so I don't know what else may have changed
11:16 AM

201 Community center needs some love Other facilities were

Town Hall is fine, PD is fine, Banks St gym is in a bad way, public works needs consolidation with utilities in a new facility, fire station 1 is dated and needs upgrades, fire station 2 while new appears to be built on the cheap

They were great for the age they

No issues Seem fine Fire departments looked new

The Fire station was nice because we were there for an event back in 2019 to welcome the community

The Complex is dated and desperately needs to be renovated It’s an asset to the community, it’s well used and loved by many, however, it needs to be modernized to bring us forward. The Town Hall I’ve only been to once to set up my water & sewer service and that experience was fine

233 Community center definitely needs updating The fire station and police station seem fine, I've only visited them as part of field trips with my students The Complex is definitely dated but

Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 18 / 112
AM 202
12/7/2022 10:22 AM 204
12/7/2022 10:13 AM 205
ste 12/7/2022 9:58 AM 206 Wonderful 12/7/2022
AM 207
209 Structure 12/3/2022 12:59 PM 210 Clean, well laid out 12/3/2022
AM 211
AM 212
213 They are good 12/2/2022 4:29 PM 214 Could be better maintained especially landscape wise 12/2/2022 11:22 AM 215 They served the purpose Nothing especially good or bad 12/2/2022 11:02 AM 216 They are good 12/2/2022 10:42 AM 217 Need updating 12/2/2022 10:15 AM 218 good 12/2/2022 9:30 AM 219 Slightly below average / out of date 12/2/2022 7:32 AM 220 Sufficient 12/1/2022 11:27 PM 221 Utilities building needs a lot of work. 12/1/2022 10:03 PM 222 They are good facilities 12/1/2022 9:54 PM 223 Outdated facility 12/1/2022 9:53 PM 224 Complex is dated but serves a great purpose 12/1/2022 8:40 PM 225 They were fine 12/1/2022 8:32 PM 226 Appropriately updated Many employees are grouchy though so maybe they need a pay increase. 12/1/2022 8:10 PM 227 Dated- facility could use some updating it looks like an old bank 12/1/2022 7:59 PM 228 Good - needed facility for this area 12/1/2022 5:31 PM 229 Good 12/1/2022 4:19 PM 230 They are govt offices. Appear as expected 12/1/2022 3:03 PM 231 Nice, clean, friendly staff 12/1/2022 2:53 PM 232 Good 12/1/2022 2:19 PM
10:31 AM
Very old
for fire station 2
Ymca complex is a bit worn, town hall is nice
8:50 AM
12/6/2022 9:09 PM
The YMCA complex is a bit run down, I think a renovation of that building would be well received
9:10 PM
12/1/2022 12:59 PM
Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 19 / 112 the changes and updates are positive (aquatic center, etc ) 234 Quality and efficient 12/1/2022 12:09 PM 235 The road/parking areas of the YMCA are in need of some TLC 12/1/2022 12:05 PM 236 Good 12/1/2022 11:35 AM 237 they need facelift and rennovations 12/1/2022 11:15 AM 238 Dated and somewhat cramped but usable 12/1/2022 11:14 AM 239 Just like any other government building 12/1/2022 10:23 AM 240 Adequate, clean, and efficient. 12/1/2022 10:17 AM 241 Clean and organized 12/1/2022 10:01 AM 242 I thought they were modern and up to date 12/1/2022 8:49 AM 243 Older but adequate 12/1/2022 8:36 AM 244 Good 12/1/2022 8:25 AM 245 Good, a bit dated 12/1/2022 8:18 AM 246 positive 12/1/2022 8:06 AM 247 Fine but nothing special 12/1/2022 7:43 AM 248 Was there for voting which seemed in good condition Did not tour the facility 12/1/2022 7:34 AM 249 Fine Bit outdated 12/1/2022 7:30 AM 250 Nothing of note, nothing stands out 12/1/2022 7:08 AM 251 Impressed with all amenities provided 12/1/2022 6:58 AM 252 Clean Good location Friendly staff 12/1/2022 6:53 AM 253 Very clean and nice 12/1/2022 6:31 AM 254
255 Ok 12/1/2022 6:19 AM 256 clean and upkept 12/1/2022 2:50 AM 257 Serves its purpose 12/1/2022 12:30 AM 258 The
Banks St Gym/Community
tear down 11/30/2022 9:40 PM 259 Good 11/30/2022 9:18 PM 260 They are buildings that have been around for many years and are part of Fort Mill’s history 11/30/2022 9:16 PM 261 They are fine 11/30/2022 8:35 PM 262 Adequate 11/30/2022 8:31 PM 263 Ymca is old and outdated 11/30/2022 8:11 PM 264 Fine 11/30/2022 7:04 PM 265 Well kept 11/30/2022 5:50 PM 266 Well kept and maintained 11/30/2022 5:40 PM 267 Needs updating 11/30/2022 3:16 PM 268 A little dated but conveniently located 11/30/2022 1:14 PM 269 YMCA could use some updating 11/30/2022 1:06 PM
The YMCA Complex is so old,
and dirty/worn out Please rebuild the facility We use it and I take dance and we play tennis there We are members
6:20 AM
facilities I have visited have been nice and updated Not sure if the community center is referred to as
Center but if it is that place needs a total
Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 20 / 112 270 Good 11/30/2022 12:30 PM 271 Both were very nice and clean The pool was especially impressive 11/30/2022 10:49 AM 272 favorable 11/30/2022 10:19 AM 273 They're in the best repair possible, but need major overhauling 11/30/2022 10:16 AM 274 Very nice and clean! 11/30/2022 9:15 AM 275 The Y complex is old and smells Low ceilings 11/30/2022 8:52 AM 276 Need updating 11/30/2022 8:47 AM 277 Nice 11/30/2022 7:41 AM 278 They got the job done that was required 11/30/2022 7:36 AM 279 I little old and could need updating but kept clean 11/30/2022 7:16 AM 280 Nice, but run down 11/30/2022 5:50 AM 281 Out dated 11/29/2022 11:55 PM 282 Nothing special 11/29/2022 11:22 PM 283 Community center is quite old but the others are nice 11/29/2022 10:03 PM 284 Nice! Wonderful fire department Need better playgrounds 11/29/2022 9:46 PM 285 Outdated 11/29/2022 9:30 PM 286 Great! 11/29/2022 7:38 PM 287 Old and need upgrades 11/29/2022 7:31 PM 288 Aging, but clean. 11/29/2022 7:25 PM 289 Modern, clean Maybe a little plain 11/29/2022 7:14 PM 290 Some better than others 11/29/2022 7:06 PM 291 It is very nice 11/29/2022 7:03 PM 292 Good 11/29/2022 7:01 PM 293 Good 11/29/2022 6:56 PM 294 YMCA complex needs the tennis courts redone or replaced desperately Lots of cracks! 11/29/2022 6:07 PM 295 They all need upgrades and or replacement 11/29/2022 5:43 PM 296 All seemed to meet the needs required 11/29/2022 5:39 PM 297 Nice, clean 11/29/2022 5:36 PM 298 Some of the older facilities need major updates 11/29/2022 5:19 PM 299 very nice facilities, and glad to see the use of some older buildings continuing to be used and part of our growing community 11/29/2022 5:12 PM 300 Very nice 11/29/2022 5:01 PM 301 Small 11/29/2022 4:50 PM 302 Needs multiple upgrades Very outdated and too small 11/29/2022 4:38 PM 303 Well maintained 11/29/2022 4:38 PM 304 They are average for a town this size 11/29/2022 4:30 PM 305 Most are nice. 11/29/2022 4:28 PM 306 Welcoming! 11/29/2022 4:20 PM 307 No opinion 11/29/2022 4:10 PM
Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 21 / 112 308 Very nice; but YMCA Tom Hall could be refreshed in some areas 11/29/2022 3:40 PM 309 The old locations needed updating 11/29/2022 3:32 PM 310 Aged 11/29/2022 3:24 PM 311 Great 11/29/2022 3:24 PM 312 Served their purpose Parking limited 11/29/2022 3:19 PM 313 well maintained A bit dated 11/29/2022 3:13 PM 314 They are all nice but a few are outdated 11/29/2022 3:12 PM 315 Nice, acceptable 11/29/2022 3:11 PM 316 Okay but needs updates 11/29/2022 3:09 PM 317 They were nice 11/29/2022 3:05 PM 318 Old and outdated 11/28/2022 8:11 PM 319 nice 11/28/2022 3:10 PM 320 adequate 11/28/2022 1:07 PM 321 They look great. YMCA needs to have their parking lot replaced. 11/28/2022 6:17 AM 322 Perfectly functional, but all fairly aged 11/27/2022 11:54 AM 323 complex is nice and very useful for the community 11/27/2022 10:00 AM 324 Y Complex and community center are barely Adequate and need updating Town Hall is very nice 11/26/2022 4:28 PM 325 Varies 11/26/2022 3:52 PM 326 Friendly people 11/26/2022 1:07 PM 327 Great 11/26/2022 12:44 PM 328 Well built and welcoming 11/26/2022 10:24 AM 329 The YMCA Complex is dated but pretty well maintained and well used 11/26/2022 9:24 AM 330 Ok 11/26/2022 8:30 AM 331 I enjoy using the facility but does seem dated 11/26/2022 8:19 AM 332 Good 11/26/2022 8:04 AM 333 Firehouse is nice! Community Center could use some upgrades 11/26/2022 7:42 AM 334 Needs updated 11/26/2022 7:09 AM 335 Well maintained 11/26/2022 4:45 AM 336 Good 11/26/2022 12:05 AM 337 very nice 11/25/2022 11:47 PM 338 New town hall is nice 11/25/2022 9:55 PM 339 It was ok I think the entire downtown Fort Mill needs to be revitalized to be more robust including more restaurants, shops, etc 11/25/2022 9:27 PM 340 Simple but functional 11/25/2022 9:09 PM 341 They felt ‘dated’ 11/25/2022 8:57 PM 342 The ymca could use some refreshing - tennis courts (especially the surrounding sidewalks if this hasn’t been addressed) and gym 11/25/2022 8:14 PM 343 They seemed nice and well-kept 11/25/2022 8:10 PM
Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 22 / 112 344 We enjoyed them 11/25/2022 7:57 PM 345 Fine
fine 11/25/2022 7:51 PM 346 Complex
347 YMCA other than fmac deplorable 11/25/2022 6:39 PM 348 The facilities especially the community center are outdated 11/25/2022 6:10 PM 349 Very nice and clean! 11/25/2022 5:51 PM 350 Ok 11/25/2022 5:45 PM 351 Good 11/25/2022 5:08 PM 352
better playground
baseball fields 11/25/2022
PM 353
recreation center is old and outdated Town hall is modern and functional 11/25/2022
PM 354 The building is a little outdated but has a wonderful staff and great programs (YMCA) 11/25/2022 8:27 AM 355 It was a bit dated but conveniently located 11/25/2022 1:17 AM 356 Great 11/25/2022 12:11 AM 357 Nice 11/24/2022 10:34 PM 358 Good 11/24/2022 10:20 PM 359 Seemed like an appropriate size and efficient for our community 11/24/2022 9:35 PM 360 FMAC could
better internet capabilities. And it could use more seating
Complex But overall it’s a nice facility The other facility I have only been in the lobby It was fine 11/24/2022 9:23 PM 361 YMCA needs updated 11/24/2022 9:03 PM 362 They’re great 11/24/2022 9:03 PM 363 They were fine, nothing special 11/24/2022 7:25 PM 364 Decent Most buildings look old 11/24/2022 7:01 PM 365 A little older but updating has occurred 11/24/2022 7:00 PM 366 The ymca feels very outdated. 11/24/2022 4:20 PM 367 Clean, nice, friendly staff 11/24/2022 3:34 PM 368 Looked fine 11/24/2022 3:30 PM 369 Utilities shop is in VERY bad shape 11/24/2022 12:06 PM 370 The town needs new facilities. Everything is too small or in bad repair. 11/24/2022 11:13 AM 371 Familiar 11/24/2022 10:58 AM 372 Ok 11/24/2022 10:29 AM 373 Good 11/24/2022 10:22 AM 374 Just ok Not overly impressed 11/24/2022 10:10 AM 375 Nice but most are older 11/24/2022 10:07 AM 376 Fine, if a bit outdated 11/24/2022 10:07 AM 377 Police department needs to be larger and more conducive to the rapid growth of the town. 11/24/2022 10:05 AM 378 All building are nice and updated 11/24/2022 9:58 AM 379 Good, a little plain, but very clean and easy to access Fire station is beautiful 11/24/2022 9:05 AM
Some room for
at Fort Mill is outdated and in need of a renovation Many of the YMCA’s in the surrounding areas are brand new and state of the art 11/25/2022 7:20 PM
Complex is dated but serves its purpose Could use a
back by the
for events in the
Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 23 / 112 380 N/a 11/24/2022 8:34 AM 381 Beautiful 11/24/2022 8:13 AM 382 Looked a bit outdated 11/24/2022 8:11 AM 383 Dated, odd layout. 11/24/2022 8:09 AM 384 All good 11/24/2022 8:00 AM 385 Good 11/24/2022 7:39 AM 386 Nice, but some could use a little upgrade 11/24/2022 7:32 AM 387 Need updating, ymca is nice now that they had the pool addition 11/24/2022 7:27 AM 388 Very nice 11/24/2022 7:20 AM 389 Ymca could use a facelift inside I understand it is older and some areas have been updated gradually 11/24/2022 6:31 AM 390 Good 11/24/2022 5:05 AM 391 Good 11/24/2022 4:30 AM 392 Maybe needed childcare and more clear communication of pool location(s) and uses 11/24/2022 4:14 AM 393 for the most part, I think that they add to the beauty and appeal of our town 11/24/2022 2:15 AM 394 Good 11/24/2022 2:07 AM 395 Ok. It’s been awhile that I’ve been to the complex though. 11/23/2022 11:31 PM 396 Old 11/23/2022 11:16 PM 397 Some are nice but others are old 11/23/2022 11:15 PM 398 The complex is great but very dated 11/23/2022 11:03 PM 399 YMCA needs updates. The other locations appear to be in acceptable shape 11/23/2022 10:57 PM 400 YMCA at the complex could use some updating 11/23/2022 10:56 PM 401 Okay I guess 11/23/2022 10:52 PM 402 Some are nice Some need work Public Works building needs to be converted to an events center Relocate the staff to waste water plant 11/23/2022 10:43 PM 403 They were as expected 11/23/2022 10:30 PM 404 old and outdated 11/23/2022 10:30 PM 405 YMCA complex facility is well kept , despite it's older one I want splash pad for the kids because the one we have In Fort Mill it's small and not upgraded. 11/23/2022 10:27 PM 406 Newly built, nice 11/23/2022 10:13 PM 407 The facilities are outdated and need to be updated Air Conditioning, Floors, Plumbing, etc 11/23/2022 10:12 PM 408 Needs improvement all around 11/23/2022 10:06 PM 409 Have only been to the community center to vote.
ok though. Haven't
YMCA building since it was Springs 11/23/2022 9:58 PM 410 Fine Fire Station #2 is very nice 11/23/2022 9:54 PM 411 Very basic and sparse Would be depressed if I had to work therefore 11/23/2022 9:43 PM 412 Always well kept and maintained 11/23/2022 9:35 PM 413 Stable 11/23/2022 9:17 PM 414 Good 11/23/2022 9:12 PM 415 Dated 11/23/2022 8:58 PM
been to the
Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 24 / 112 416 Nice 11/23/2022 8:52 PM 417 With the exception of Fire Station 1, they all seemed clean, well kept, modern, and appeared to be adequate in size 11/23/2022 8:46 PM 418 Community Center needs updating 11/23/2022 8:27 PM 419 Ymca at the complex needs updating 11/23/2022 8:19 PM 420 They were nice facilities. 11/23/2022 8:06 PM 421 Functional Adequate 11/23/2022 7:55 PM 422 Fine 11/23/2022 7:36 PM 423 Somewhat outdated 11/23/2022 7:32 PM 424 Needed updating 11/23/2022 7:12 PM 425 YMCA very dated Didn’t go in Town Hall due to covid restrictions 11/23/2022 7:09 PM 426 Complex = old The others = fine 11/23/2022 6:52 PM 427 Nice, clean, modern 11/23/2022 6:46 PM 428 Very good 11/23/2022 6:14 PM 429 All looked clean and well maintained 11/23/2022 6:10 PM 430 Outdated gym last time I went 11/23/2022 6:08 PM 431 The Complex when I was there (prior to Y purchase) was run down in spots, but staff was great
it was very affordable
really like Town Hall 11/23/2022 6:01 PM 432 Love the Y 11/23/2022 5:26 PM 433 Nice 11/23/2022 5:21 PM 434 That it’s old and needs some well overdue updates 11/23/2022 5:14 PM 435 Ok 11/23/2022 5:08 PM 436 Small, outdated building 11/23/2022 5:05 PM 437 Very nice, we love our Town and the facilities offered 11/23/2022 5:01 PM 438 Good 11/23/2022 4:59 PM 439 Some were clean and nice,
to have a lot of trash
as well 11/23/2022 4:52 PM 440 Very nice and clean 11/23/2022 4:51 PM 441 Small 11/23/2022 4:51 PM 442 Fire, police
town hall
great Very
to date Town
equipment 11/23/2022 4:48 PM 443 Wonderful. 11/23/2022 4:46 PM 444 The complex is dated 11/23/2022 4:44 PM 445 Old & slightly run down 11/23/2022 4:39 PM 446 It needs updated
to are Riverwalk and Baxter 11/23/2022 4:39 PM 447 Community center well used 11/23/2022 4:35 PM 448 Sufficient 11/23/2022 4:33 PM 449 Well maintained and well lit! 11/23/2022 4:32 PM
to need
There are some that seem
around them
hall is a little small I feel that it should probably be larger to support the amount of staff it has now. The town works/utility building is in poor condition They desperately need New facility to be able to properly house and repair their
I take exercise classes there twice a
and use the other Y facilities 3 times a week and those locations are so much
and have plenty of
The other facilities I go
Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 25 / 112 450 Dated 11/23/2022 4:27 PM 451 Very nice 11/23/2022 4:24 PM 452 Most very dated 11/23/2022 4:16 PM 453 YMCA at the Complex: some of the facility is very dated You have to go down a metal spiral staircase to get to the spin room?! Town Hall: nice facility 11/23/2022 4:10 PM 454 Community center and the YMCA both need to be updated Dark and damp even on a sunny day 11/23/2022 3:52 PM 455 Community Center needs updating Complex also 11/23/2022 3:47 PM 456 Clean and functional 11/23/2022 3:43 PM

Q11 How well do these facilities serve the community?

Answered: 539 Skipped: 422

Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 26 / 112
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Very Well Well Adequate Not Well Poorly
Safety & Security
Services Cleanliness / Maintenance


Public works could use some updating. Next to residential use.

Curbside garbage service and debris service is impeccable The leave pickup is easy and convenient using the curb And the recycle and transfer centers are well ran and many locations.

We moved here from Waxhaw, and LOVE Fort Mill in comparison I am not happy with what I've heard from small business owners who are trying to open places up and how hard it has been for them to get permits and inspections, we heard the same thing from our pool contractor, as well as our neighbors pool contractor who said the same thing about Fort Mill

12:30 AM 5 Facilities were old, did not look like the facilities of a booming town. 12/13/2022 8:03 PM

The FMPD is in a dated bldg and the intersection of where they need to leave from (by the post office) or by improper pig isn't the best intersection (s) to view on coming traffic, especially in an emergency situation this isn't based on fact, just what I've observed being in their bldg (needs updating for security and tech reasons) and for their safety. They do a lot for our community abs we in turn should give them better security, tech and safer points of entry/exit

For the size of the area, the facilities still seem stuck in the “small town” feel which isn’t horrible but the area is moving from that identity…it’s not “small” anymore and should grow with the times/influx

a lot of people are known to the front desk

Wondering if they could help improve a situation or stop them from entering if a problem occurred with an unruly guest

The buildings don’t appear “quaint” as if there is the intention of trying to maintain the small town feel, they just look stuck in another era and appear to be over capacity

6:52 PM

6:34 PM

These questions are worded in a way that are difficult to accurately answer Maybe add an “unknown” option too 12/7/2022 5:00 PM

I do not know the security needs of the town, but I came from a town on along Island where there was security and ID checks at all town facilities I have no opinion at this time on the need for this in Fort Mill 12/7/2022 4:34 PM

4:05 PM

I do not think the Walter Elisha playground has been super well-maintained (there have been 12/7/2022 1:26 PM

Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 27 / 112 33 52% 176 38 86% 204 24 00% 126 3 05% 16 0 57% 3 525 1 98 31 03% 166 40 19% 215 23 36% 125 4 86% 26 0 56% 3 535 2.04 33 71% 180 41 95% 224 20 79% 111 2 62% 14 0 94% 5 534 1.95 #
this town 12/16/2022
PM 3
4:09 PM
There are not nearly enough sidewalks in
12/14/2022 4:31 PM
6 See above 12/13/2022 7:12 AM 7 Nice place to live 12/12/2022 7:27 AM 8
12/9/2022 8:58 PM 9 The swim facility addition to the Y is nice but the rest of the facility needs a major upgrade 12/9/2022 6:24 PM 10 The
security when the need
12/9/2022 9:40 AM 11 Technology needs at Town of Fort Mill Have to do so many things in person and that is so outdated 12/9/2022 9:21 AM 12 Again, the Y at Springs Complex 12/9/2022 7:50
14 No security feeling at the community center / gym 12/8/2022 2:05 PM 15 Complex- Safety
Security: Adequate *Guessing
fire and police stations need fences around them for
7:19 AM
See previous comment 12/7/2022

rusty, broken parts sticking out at times), but I think part of the issue there is just the age of the equipment.

21 See previous 12/7/2022 10:31 AM

22 Would like the YMCA to be more modernized / renovated 12/2/2022 7:32 AM

23 Utilities brought the scoring down 12/1/2022 10:03 PM


Before it was a YMCA there were tons of day camps in the summer. My kids and I miss them. 12/1/2022 8:40 PM

25 It’s an old facility with old amenities 11/30/2022 8:11 PM

26 Need better playgrounds 11/29/2022 9:46 PM

27 Would be nice to add lights on the tennis courts 11/29/2022 6:07 PM

28 The complex and Banks gym both need to be upgraded Brand new facilities for both, not just repairs 11/29/2022 5:19 PM

29 it has been a while since I visited the other buildings except for the reuse of the community center for voting. Most things looked well, except for the interior of the community center. 11/29/2022 5:12 PM

30 Just need to fix YMCA parking lot 11/28/2022 6:17 AM

31 given the size of the FM community, the complex probably needs to be expanded or an addl facility is needed Given the age of the building, it would benefit from upgrades 11/27/2022 10:00 AM

32 Outside facilities at YMCA are looking rough 11/26/2022 8:30 AM

33 Not sure about the sidewalks at the tennis court - but my son tripped over a very substantial sidewalk lip and damaged his face and teeth If that is still the condition, it should really be repaired 11/25/2022 8:14 PM

34 There is no lighting in the parking lot at the community center 11/25/2022 6:10 PM

35 The floors are falling in at the Utilities dept There is mold and rot under the offices and the HVAC barley works If that dept was fully staffed they wouldn’t have adequate parking or office space 11/24/2022 12:06 PM

36 The Community Center should have multiple rooms for community use, Air Conditioning, and more Courts for Basketball & Volleyball Thus the town does not have to rent gym space from the schools 11/23/2022 10:12 PM

37 The police facility and fire station seem the most updated Police forse is superb!! Utilities is cumbersome to deal with Building permits office is not very responsive 11/23/2022 9:43 PM

38 Police seem to be in shirt supply The fear j have is them being understaffed when a real emergency may arise Our schools are short resource officers That needs to be addressed asap. 11/23/2022 4:48 PM

39 Two facilities with very different conditions Difficult to rate both in one question 11/23/2022 4:10 PM

Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 28 / 112

Q12 Which existing parks have you visited?

Harris Street Park465 Harr

Calhoun Street Park203 Calh

Doby's Bridge Park1905 N...

Walter Elisha Park345 N Wh

Steele Street Park600 Stee

Veteran's Park106 N Wh

Millstone Park104 Spra...

I haven't visited any


Harris Street Park465 Harris Street

Calhoun Street Park203 Calhoun Street

Doby's Bridge Park1905 N Doby's Bridge Park Road

Walter Elisha Park345 N White Street

Steele Street Park600 Steele Street

Veteran's Park106 N White Street

Millstone Park104 Spratt Street

I haven't visited any of these parks

Total Respondents: 684

Answered: 684 Skipped: 277

Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 29 / 112 52.05% 356 20 03% 137 45 18% 309 91 08% 623 18 86% 129 43 86% 300 22 37% 153 5.12% 35
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Q13 How well do these parks serve the community?

Answered: 617

Skipped: 344

Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 30 / 112
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Very Well Well Adequate Not Well Poorly
Safety & Security
Amenities Cleanliness / Maintenance

Good parks Great additions to Walter Elisha park but the playground needs industrial cover like the large beams and canvas covers at other parks. The new Banks Recreation baseball fields are nice but a speed bump is needed on the cross walk at top of parking lot near field 3/4

Love the new Amphitheatre at W E park We need more options like these to give people other things to do Walking trails, pickle ball courts The baseball park is also great for kids and families

5 There is not enough shaded seating areas in ANY of the parks. The playgrounds have little to NO shade for kids Walter Elisha Park's playground is miserable on sunny days, there are only 2 old picnic benches, and the wood chips are not fun to play in (they splitter, they are messy, they get thrown, its limits play when rainy) There is still not enough parking at any of the parks. Dobys Bridge park is disjointed and the playground does not have enough activities for kids 2-4

I didn’t know about half of these park. Speaking for the main one, it is very clean and we put a lot of money and time into it for

Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 31 / 112 32.79% 200 30.82% 188 28.20% 172 7.05% 43 1.15% 7 610 2 13 31 27% 192 37 79% 232 26 55% 163 3 58% 22 0 81% 5 614 2.05 26 38% 162 35 99% 221 30 29% 186 6 51% 40 0 81% 5 614 2.19 # COMMENTS: DATE 1
bathrooms at elisha 12/15/2022 7:46 PM
So glad for
4:35 PM 3
4 Doby
needs better parking 12/13/2022
7 I avoid nearly all community events because the parking situation is too stressful 12/13/2022 6:25 AM 8 Both parks are nice and have been recently updated 12/13/2022 6:23 AM 9 There should be outdoor updated basketball courts at all the local parks 12/12/2022 1:18 PM 10 Nice park 12/12/2022 7:28 AM 11 Need lights in the Elisha Walters park and cut down those smelly messy hanging over in the street Bradford pear trees 12/10/2022 7:41 AM 12 Updated equipment needed, including benches, picnic tables, and sun shelters 12/9/2022 8:35 PM 13 Everything needs updated and modernized for the more web family! 12/9/2022 2:21 PM 14 Our parks look so sad compared to Tega Cay They need some major improvements and get rid of mulch 12/9/2022 9:23 AM 15 If there is “safety/security “ , I don’t recall Are there 911 call boxes? AED equipment on-site? 12/9/2022 8:24 AM 16 All parks should be updated, bright, friendly and safe for residents to use. Equipment should be plenty as well as trails and paths for bikes and walking 12/9/2022 8:23 AM 17 Walter alisha 12/9/2022 7:32 AM 18 Like the addition of the amphitheater Would like more diverse performers though 12/9/2022 7:25 AM 19 Harris Street needs a major update/upgrade 12/9/2022 7:06 AM 20 Some parks are getting better with upgrades 12/8/2022 10:32 PM 21 I think some of the parks are definitely cleaner than others. I don’t think we have ever left a park because of uncleanliness though 12/8/2022 10:26 PM 22 Fort mill has amazing parks! 12/8/2022 4:51 PM VERY WELL WELL ADEQUATE NOT WELL POORLY TOTAL WEIGHTED AVERAGE Amenities Cleanliness / Maintenance Safety & Security
8:12 PM
9:15 AM
7:47 AM


Black widows overran a slide at Doby’s bridge park over the summer We contacted the city at the time and made them aware It was handled quickly, but more preventative pest control could be helpful Walter Elisha has come a long way..however.,.the sand? Bad idea. That is a ringworm pit waiting to happen

12/8/2022 9:47 AM

Would like to see a paved or stone path from the soccer parking lot at WEP down to the path by bathrooms Walking that hill when wet and muddy isn’t the best 12/8/2022 6:46 AM

26 I don't always feel completely safe. Many times city workers are sitting at Dobys Bridge Park during the week for an hour 1/2 to 2 hours mostly SLEEPONG on city time unless they always have long lunches Sometimes two in the vehicles

12/7/2022 10:29 PM

27 Is DBP available to public when rented for tournaments? Need more parking at WEP; could remove sidewalks and replace with parking all around? 12/7/2022 10:13 PM

28 Dobys Bridge Park is basically for baseball 12/7/2022 9:01 PM

29 The playgrounds desperately need updating Equipment is outdated and old They also need shade at the playgrounds. There is literally none and during the summer it is unbearably hot.

12/7/2022 8:40 PM

30 Some parks are better than others regarding safety Parking is a pain at most 12/7/2022 8:26 PM

31 Most parks need updated equipment 12/7/2022 7:28 PM


Walter Elisha- Our sons love the playground and the tube slide We’re so thankful whenever the town fixes the broken playground equipment! We would love to see a more elaborate play area now that the amphitheater, Strawberry Festival, Tree Lighting, and smaller events are in that area. I remember the park across from the Greenville Zoo having a wide range of ages and unique equipment The BMX track has been a hit for our sons as well We love attending those events & our sons’ favorite thing to do is play on the playground during every event They have made so many friends and seen classmates Thank you for keeping the parks clean and user friendly! 12/7/2022 7:00 PM

33 Need more kids play set 12/7/2022 6:57 PM 34

All of the parks need to be updated with new/more play equipment, Squirrel Park in Matthews is a good example, and more lighting should be added for security and safety

12/7/2022 6:38 PM

35 Would love better access to these parks by sidewalks or bike lanes 12/7/2022 6:03 PM

36 The upgrades done to the Walter Elisha Park are very nice and deeply needed. I would like to see more community-wide events held there throughout the year for families to attend and enjoy

12/7/2022 5:54 PM

37 Restroom facilities are lacking as well as parking especially at Walter Elisha 12/7/2022 5:02 PM

Some of the older parks need updating (ex: Harris street)

4:52 PM 39 Last visit was before bathrooms 12/7/2022 4:37 PM

Needs more parking 12/7/2022 4:21 PM 41 Additional parks should be added as population grows Existing facilities should be on a continuing improvement program 12/7/2022 4:14 PM

42 More public trails in the parks and updated equipment in some 12/7/2022 4:12 PM 43 Need more lighting and parking 12/7/2022 3:48 PM 44 Could use more lighting 12/7/2022 1:38 PM

45 I accidentally addressed Walter Elisha in my last answer and couldn’t go back to change it, but I feel like it desperately needs an update! It’s such a popular park, and the equipment is lacking We visited Blowing Rock, NC and were so impressed with their playground near downtown. I think a similar playground for Fort Mill would be amazing! I love the Steele Street splash pad, and I’d love to see another added somewhere!

46 The cleanliness of the bathrooms needs to be better maintained. Would like to see more family bathrooms or at least have the ones that are currently there unlocked for use

12/7/2022 1:30 PM

12/7/2022 11:39 AM

Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 32 / 112
23 Steele St Park needs some
12/8/2022 3:04 PM

47 I love the new bathrooms at Walter Elisah park That was such a great upgrade! 12/7/2022 11:23 AM

48 Playgrounds are underwhelming 12/7/2022 10:24 AM

49 Walter Elisha is great 12/7/2022 8:52 AM

50 I'm not a fan of Walter elisha Park. For being our main large park it lacks so much and has no sun protection 12/6/2022 9:33 PM


The safety and security is provided because of its location and safety of the area. The playgrounds have often been unusable after rains For the size of the park I expect more out of the area provided for kids to play My children prefer the playgrounds at the BMX track and Cherry Rd park That being said, the grass always cared for and trash is not an issue I do not see the town utilizing the amphitheater I think that was a bit of a waste of money - the PA system can’t get the sound out very well. Would have been financially smarter to work with the greenway to utilize their facilities That space could also use some tennis courts & pickle ball courts We have to drive to Rock Hill for that regularly 12/3/2022 7:29 AM

52 Better lighting around Walter elisha park

53 W.E.L. Playground needs major updating. Doby’s Bridge Park fields are great but there is tons of trash in the woods, it needs to be collected and the fences need to be repaired to keep it from getting this bad again All other parks are fine

12/1/2022 10:05 PM

12/1/2022 8:45 PM

54 Bathrooms could be open earlier ☺ 12/1/2022 8:40 PM

55 Harris Street Park could be so much better But every times I go there will my young kids there is so much cursing going on at the basketball courts. I suggest you build the courts elsewherenot next to where young children should be playing

56 Veterans Park is nice. All the other could use some TLC. We would rather drive into Rock Hill to use their parks with the update playgrounds,etc

12/1/2022 8:38 PM

12/1/2022 8:20 PM 57 Love the improvements

60 More play areas integrated with nature and greater play equipment variety 12/1/2022 11:25 AM

61 WEP-has been known to have some sketchy people around in the early mornings. 12/1/2022 7:45 AM

62 Great for taking my grandchildren who also live in Fort Mill 12/1/2022 7:38 AM 63 Harris Street Park I would say does not feel as safe as the other parks 11/30/2022 9:42 PM 64 Harris street park has recently had some vandalism and regular drug use (pot smoking) 11/30/2022 8:34 PM 65 Harris Street Park has degraded in the last two years, mostly due to vandalism. 11/30/2022 8:32 PM

66 Kids need verter more inclusive playground equipment and sports areas that are not for city or club use like soccer field, outdoor and indoor basketball court, skate park 11/30/2022 8:13 PM 67 Need more benches 11/30/2022 5:51 PM 68 Old playground equipment and a lack of shade We love the new equipment and facilities at Sparkling Brook and would like to see the other parks updated 11/30/2022 10:52 AM

69 Dobys Bridge Park greatly needed more parking spots to facilitate three ball fields and a playground 11/30/2022 7:37 AM

70 Better playgrounds Sub par for the beautiful parks, Walter Elija is also wet and broken, Harristhe diggers have been out of sand for two years Veterans is great with the farmers market Even the new one over in waterside is not great - sun par playground 11/29/2022 9:49 PM

71 Walter Elisha is great! The other parks were so-so 11/29/2022 9:29 PM

72 Park equipment is too hot! We need real shade and trees A nice splash pad like what Pineville has too 11/29/2022 7:22 PM

73 Need to be more up to date, more amenities, more athletic fields 11/29/2022 4:52 PM

Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 33 / 112
5:33 PM 58 The bathrooms at Harris St need improvements
1:02 PM 59 poor parking at Walter Elisha park 12/1/2022 12:27 PM

74 Play ground equipment needs to be updated at Walter Elisha 11/29/2022 4:39 PM

75 Would like to see yoga offered at Walter Elisha or Veterans 11/29/2022 4:22 PM

76 More lights needed at the park at dusk 11/29/2022 4:09 PM


Playgrounds are in need of updating. Broken equipment and caution tape are dangerous. Many neighboring towns and cities are putting money into their play equipment updating and modernizing I would like to see W E Park playground be updated Please look at HHI parks, parks in flordia The equipment is so Ice and the playgrounds are one of a kind 11/29/2022 3:35 PM

78 Walter Elisha equipment isn’t maintained well 11/29/2022 3:25 PM

79 Our community needs more sports complexes and parks with playgrounds 11/29/2022 3:15 PM

80 Kids play equipment needs to be updated 11/29/2022 3:14 PM

81 Walter Elisha is the hub of fort mill/ Would be great to have updated equipment 11/29/2022 3:12 PM

82 The Steele street park has some safety concerns at times 11/29/2022 3:10 PM

83 Millstone park can feel unsafe at times and it makes me nervous with young children. 11/27/2022 11:56 AM

84 continued expansions of facilities and offerings at walter elisha are much appreciated and needed 11/27/2022 10:02 AM

85 I definitely appreciate restrooms and water fountains where available I wish there were more splash pads. I know there’s one at Steele St Park but that area doesn’t always feel as safe so we don’t visit it as much 11/26/2022 9:28 AM

86 I don’t really know about safety and security. We feel safe there during the day at the playground 11/26/2022 7:44 AM

87 Millstone is great but the neighborhood kids have vandalized it to some degree. I have witness it personally on several occasions 11/26/2022 4:47 AM

88 As parks go, they are all basically the same generic play structures that every other park has My kids aren't excited to play on anything except the merry-go-round at Harris St. 11/25/2022 11:50 PM

89 If it hasn’t happened yet, Walter Elisha park could use new playground equipment The railings of the play structures seem dangerous to me. 11/25/2022 8:16 PM 90 Needs shading over


92 Need new playground equipment and an aquatic center/splash pad Parks that are well shaded and wheel chair accessible 11/25/2022 5:12 PM

Parks are very well maintained 11/25/2022 3:04 PM

The quality of the parks is a bit all over the place, some need a face lift, others are great as they are

10:03 AM

I would like to see another park for children with physical disabilities on the east side of town 11/24/2022 2:18 AM 100 The improvements are Walter Elisha park have been great It does need a better playground with shade structure. With all of the businesses coming to downtown that would also attract a lot of people

type park would also be great, we have an active community

The playgrounds in Fort Mill, especially when compared with Rock Hill and Tega Cay are tired, worn down and could use a major upgrade

11:20 PM

All playground equipment needs updating and more opportunities for older kids, i.e. the 11/23/2022 11:06 PM

Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 34 / 112
restroom facilities 11/25/2022
95 Harris park needs improvements 11/24/2022 12:32 PM 96 Need lights in Walter Elisha 11/24/2022 12:24 PM 97
play ground
7:58 PM
Harris street park and Steele street park are dirty and feel unsafe while visiting
11/24/2022 5:32 PM
You have spent enough money here, no more We need a new police station , public works, and water department 11/24/2022 11:15 AM
Please add more swings for kids at the parks
A fitness
11/23/2022 11:34 PM

playground at Riverwalk has great options More shade is needed throughout

103 Walter Elisha is in dire need of update and maintenances


Please put lights around Walter Elisha park! If there are lights in the park , kids and people could enjoy the park after it gets dark! Why there are no light , why? Very frustrating Fort Mill, You can do better! Also - cameras! Please do better Fort Mill! Upgrade the playground , make a splash pad, put some big umbrellas ,fence of course and lights after it's dark out! Also - Why we don't have FREE dog park in Fort Mill? Why we need to go to the Greenway to use the dog park! Very upset about it , You have not done these things sooner and You could done them way time back!

11/23/2022 11:00 PM

11/23/2022 10:39 PM

105 Definitely need more options for special needs children The restrooms at Elisha were much needed Crosswalks would also be nice at the intersections with traffic signals near Elisha and Spratt 11/23/2022 10:03 PM 106 Harris St Park could be

107 Walter Elisha park, Build a real full scale splash pad So hot at every park in the summer 11/23/2022 9:22 PM


Would love a splash pad. Playground equipment needs updating. 11/23/2022 7:13 PM

109 Can’t really say 11/23/2022 6:11 PM

110 Parks seem outdated compared to parks in Rock Hill Same equipment that was there when I was little 11/23/2022 6:09 PM

111 The playgrounds specifically need a lot of attention, especially Walter Elisha and the one beside the old rug store The equipment for children is old and falling apart, and there is graffiti on some of it 11/23/2022 5:17 PM

112 It would be great if Calhoun park was more opened to the public A huge field hardly ever used is a waste Also, Walter Elisha is great especially with the amphitheater addition, more lighting around the trail would be a great safety feature and if possible a small fenced area for a dog park

113 Playgrounds could be improved in accessible and adaptive equipment, adding natural/environmental features (look at the Life science museum in Durham NC for some amazing ideas) Shade and trees are 100% needed in most parks No one wants to play on equipment in the burning sun Slides and swings can be dangerously hot in the SC sun Add sunshades and plant trees that will provide shade cover—and any new parks don’t clear cut them to develop! Allison Park in Baxter is nice since it is shady and has the natural elements where you can explore the walking trail and creek Harris Street Park has a lot of potential The gazebo needs to be fixed and the sand digging area needs to be refreshed My son loves the diggers!

114 Walter Elisha park/playground needs to be revamped It is Joe the center/focal point of our town The play equipment is very outdated There is no shade and no structure to make shade

115 I’m a little disappointed in the playgrounds of fort mill - this is a town MADE for families but rock hill/tega cay have better playgrounds! We frequently go to parks (daily) and find leaving fort mill is usually our favorite option We do enjoy Walter Elisha

116 Walter Elisha park is spacious, but the playground equipment is outdated Especially for being the main park of this town It needs shade! All parks in the town of fort Mill are fairly small and lack shade. Also considering it’s warm here a lot of the year, a splash pad would be amazing, and well attended! Splash pads don’t have to be complicated either, just sprayers would be a welcome addition to town

11/23/2022 5:08 PM

11/23/2022 4:57 PM

11/23/2022 4:50 PM

11/23/2022 4:40 PM

11/23/2022 4:35 PM

117 The playgrounds are outdated when compared to neighboring towns such as Tega Cay and Rock Hill 11/23/2022 4:29 PM

118 Especially Walter Elisha Equipment so old and run down It’s an embarrassment for Our main park 11/23/2022 4:22 PM

119 Always feel safe walking my dog in the loc parks

11/23/2022 3:46 PM

Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 35 / 112
9:55 PM


The parks are old and need a refresh The parks where the two Christmas trees are - are terrible! and the main focus points of downtown fort mill. We need to have something better like miracle park

or is


and there’s not that much here that everyone can do

options for all would be nice in our

are alot of

love to see an expanded and updated water park or outdoor public pool in Fort Mill We have such long hot summers here it would be a good addition to the community Also, Fort Mill really doesn’t have anyplace for teens to hand out. This could help alleviate that issue in the summer

Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 36 / 112 Q14 Are there any additions or improvements you'd like to see at our parks?
# RESPONSES DATE 1 More equipment that older kids can enjoy 12/17/2022 11:35 AM 2 More athletic fields for our kids 12/16/2022 11:32 PM 3
12/16/2022 8:48 PM 4 More natural seating 12/16/2022 10:10 AM 5 Fences, inclusive equipment, replace wood chips with safer higher quality flooring, more equipment that promotes health and wellness 12/16/2022 8:10 AM 6 1 I would love
handball court
high school
tracks are
to use the streets 12/15/2022 10:30 PM 7 Would love another splash pad 12/15/2022 4:54 PM 8 Pickleball courts!! 12/15/2022 4:26 PM 9 Adding more benches for kids to eat and play Possibly getting a splash pad? 12/15/2022 2:56 PM 10 More multi field athletic park 12/15/2022 1:24 PM 11 None 12/14/2022 4:35 PM 12 Security cameras More lighting Bathrooms should automatically lock at dusk 12/14/2022 3:37 PM 13 Some
no easy
which is where I go 12/14/2022 12:31 AM 14 Yes
residents options
12/13/2022 8:12 PM 15 More ample parking, or opportunity to take a trolly from another parking lot during events 12/13/2022 8:07 PM 16 Doby another field 12/13/2022 1:35 PM 17 SHADDED AREAS FOR PLAY AND FOR PARENTS TO WATCH.
be desired
walter elisha-
dogs 12/13/2022
18 Ball fields are needed and the Steele Street park needs a complete overhaul 12/13/2022
19 Would love more dog friendly spots with gates. Would be nice to
running/walking/biking 12/13/2022 7:47 AM 20 Doggie water fountains 12/13/2022 7:33 AM 21 Would
22 Public tennis courts and better basketball 12/13/2022 7:14 AM 23 Shady spots with seating 12/13/2022 6:50 AM
331 Skipped: 630
/ wall in Fort Mill
Too bad
locked, there are alot of
that have
Ponds to fish!
public place to fish in Fort Mill except the Greenway,
More additions of different interesting additions (amphitheater is a perfect example) to give all
Walking/exercise trails would be great too Not everyone moving here has
young Fort Mill
Fenced in play areas would
moves so fast through 160 and there
walkers with
9:15 AM
8:39 AM
have some marked paths for
7:20 AM

8:41 PM 37 My kids are older now, but when we moved to Fort Mill in 2009 they were toddlers I always wished the town had a public splash park to cool off during the hot summer months. The town of Dublin, OH has a beautiful public splash park that recycles water and would be a good example for Fort Mill https://www visitdublinohio com/listing/ballantrae-community-park-splashpad/243/

bottle fill stations! Benches, sunshade especially at Walter Elisha Equipment is outdated and limited for under 3 yrs and over 6 yrs

More parks All with restrooms and playgrounds and places to sit & watch children play

for that reason

Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 37 / 112 24 Maybe more lighting at Doby bridge park 12/13/2022 6:23 AM 25 Update
paths 12/13/2022
26 The
the town parks 12/12/2022 1:18 PM 27 No 12/12/2022 7:28 AM 28 Better lighting, better playground, equipment
benches/tables 12/12/2022 6:09 AM 29 Soccer
in Calhoun Street
open to public 12/11/2022 9:00 PM 30 tennis/pickle ball courts, basketball courts, soccer goals 12/11/2022
PM 31 More
PM 32 More lights to allow nighttime activities in the winter months 12/11/2022 2:31 PM 33 Better playground equipments 12/11/2022 10:51 AM 34 No 12/11/2022 9:55 AM 35 More seats in shaded areas 12/11/2022 9:20 AM 36 Revamp the YMCA complex 12/10/2022
PM 38 None 12/10/2022 1:36 PM 39 More parks 12/10/2022 10:36 AM 40 Lights and take down the Bradford Pear trees 12/10/2022 7:41 AM 41 More lights especially for Walter Elisha park So
after work after dark 12/9/2022 10:14 PM 42
7:35 PM 44 Yes, newer playgrounds Like the Blakeney shopping center or Freedom Park or the White water center Something for multiple family members 12/9/2022 2:21 PM 45 Covered seating 12/9/2022 12:02 PM 46 Accessibility via trails/sidewalks and bike lanes throughout Fort Mill. Only access is via car due to lack of safe sidewalks and bike lanes 12/9/2022 9:46 AM 47 Basketball courts 12/9/2022 9:23 AM 48 Leash laws enforced 12/9/2022 9:09 AM 49 AED at all parks 12/9/2022 8:24 AM 50 Parks
different age level playgrounds
51 Sidewalks along Dobys and Kimbrell to make areas walkable 12/9/2022
52 More fenced in splash pads, please! 12/9/2022 6:13 AM 53 Updated equipment and more parks 12/9/2022 6:09 AM 54 Updated Play equipment like zip lines and climbing structures 12/9/2022 5:35 AM
sidewalks and fix the cracks that have heaved up Add more bike
6:11 AM
addition of basketball courts at all town of
and more
Park was locked for no apparent
It would be nice if it were
use of field space for sports other than baseball Should have a multi-use soccer/football field that the public can use
many people
in the early morning and even
8:35 PM
Many parks have playgrounds only for smaller children and are not fun for the bigger kids Would like to see something like Pineville Lake Park here We drive all the way out there specifically
7:25 AM
6:53 AM

56 Like Dobys bridge park, we need parks for other sports like tennis, soccer

12:21 AM 57 The parks in fort mill are lacking scenery Adding ponds, water fountain, decks and better landscaping that would showcase the beauty of four seasons and add interest in different areas, not to mention it could attract birds ducks etc walking trails along side with these featureswould make the walk more enjoyable

59 Being able to use the bathroom outside of times when there are baseball games For example Dobys bridge park, the bathrooms are always locked

74 I would to see Walter Elisha park to have a complete renovation of their playground The one that is there is old and half the time one of the slides is always tagged off. I would like the playground to be more inclusive Pick Nick tables and maybe some shade We would definitely go more often

75 Some of the smaller parks, like Harris Street and Steele Street can be upddated 12/8/2022 10:19 AM 76 Tennis/basketball court 12/8/2022 10:16 AM 77 Advertise the parks better, I didn’t know about most of these parks 12/8/2022 10:16 AM 78 The update at Elijah Park was wonderful 12/8/2022 9:58 AM

79 I’d love to see more playground equipment for young children at Walter Elisha park. Most times when I’m there walking it’s with other parents of children under 5 and there’s only two baby swings in direct sun I’d love to see this expanded to accommodate younger little ones (splash pad, rubberized turf, small scale slides, etc) 12/8/2022 9:29 AM

7:49 AM

7:37 AM 82 Better parking at some, kids at play street signs so cars drive slower, more light or reflectors around walk ways and streets 12/8/2022 7:22 AM 83 See comment above. 12/8/2022 6:46 AM 84 Yes walter elisha needs lights 12/8/2022 6:29 AM

85 Additional trash cans (Walter Elisha) 12/8/2022 5:54 AM

86 No 12/8/2022 3:04 AM

Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 38 / 112
years 12/9/2022
PM 58 More
for younger children Between
5 perhaps 12/8/2022 10:26 PM
60 More lighting, trash pick up and security 12/8/2022 7:55 PM 61 More interactive playground equipment 12/8/2022 6:25 PM 62 Need tennis court Volleyball court 12/8/2022 4:53 PM 63 Can’t think of any?!? 12/8/2022 4:51 PM 64 Every park should have a bathroom 12/8/2022 4:47 PM 65 Activities 12/8/2022
PM 66 Basketball court 12/8/2022 3:57 PM 67 More tennis courts and sports related utilities 12/8/2022 3:52 PM 68
12/8/2022 3:49 PM 69 Clean more and more facilities 12/8/2022 3:44 PM 70 more working water fountains 12/8/2022 3:18 PM 71 Electric
has definitely excelled in this area 12/8/2022 3:04 PM 72 Some for older children 12/8/2022 2:09 PM 73
55 Not that I can think of My kids are older now so it’s been a few
1 -
8:58 PM
Volley Ball Courts in Parks and Indoor Court for Badminton and Volleyball
car chargers at the parks would be great
Picnic pavilion, areas to play sports (tennis, pickle ball, basketball)
12/8/2022 11:40 AM
seating 12/8/2022
81 Na 12/8/2022
80 More

landscaping, walking trails, better playground equipment, pickleball courts

free concerts In other locations other than Walter Elisha

like to see a splash pad incorporated into a park Also a public dog park would be a great addition.

Yes, Dobys Bridge Park could have something other then baseball and Walter Elisha should move the playground closer to the side street area and make seating for families to eat or spend time together A picnic area with Seating for concerts or bench seating with backs A changing area in back for male and female performers The stage at Water Elisha is beautiful but people sit and eat and run on there, you need rules. Latestly, better entertainment!!! Rock bands

in toddler friendly area equipment like Tega Cay Trailhead Park or Miracle Park in Rock Hill Also SHADE It is hot in the summer and equipment is directly in the sun

The swings around Walter Elisha park were a great addition! It is nice to walk around and then sit while our sons play on the playground Thank You! The restrooms are a good touch as well!

Some of the playgrounds could use an upgrade Some of the equipment is old and rusted or broken

6:26 PM 110 I believe the town needs to make sure play equipment is safe One bridge at Elisha seems as though railings need another barrier. Seems as though kids could easily fall. Would love to see equipment like Miracle Park in Rock Hill added to our parks 12/7/2022 6:17 PM

connections from surrounding neighborhoods streets to the parks and town (sidewalks) 12/7/2022 5:54 PM

Soccer fields with better grass or turf for less maintenance For the kids to have a good place to play without mud and holes in the field of play 12/7/2022 5:48 PM

More shaded areas 12/7/2022 5:40 PM 115 Updates to incorporate children of all ages Splash pads as well for summer 12/7/2022 5:05 PM

Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 39 / 112 87 More outdoor concerts 12/8/2022 12:03 AM 88
91 Shade
93 Landscape could use a change 12/7/2022
time 12/7/2022
12/7/2022 9:01 PM 97 Better walk ways to the parks 12/7/2022 8:36 PM 98 Shade at Elisha Better usage of Veterans Park Better upkeep of playground equipment Bathrooms Better monitored 12/7/2022 8:26 PM 99 More shaded playground area 12/7/2022 7:58 PM 100
101 Workout stations like Ballentyne 12/7/2022 7:31 PM 102 Security cameras. Restrooms. Water fountains 12/7/2022 7:31 PM 103 Mirror the park by the bmx track in Rock Hill 12/7/2022 7:28 PM 104 More
basketball courts
outdoor exercise areas 12/7/2022
PM 105
106 I’d like to see more police patrolling or emergency phones 12/7/2022 6:54 PM 107 Areas to shelter from inclement weather 12/7/2022 6:39 PM 108
111 More
for kids 12/7/2022
11:01 PM
10:29 PM
Dog park?
10:13 PM
structures over all playgrounds
10:13 PM
10:10 PM
10:09 PM
The kAnnapolis park is amazing Please add more activities to Walter
10:05 PM
None at this
9:55 PM
7:58 PM
parks and walking trails! dog parks, skateboard and
Any type of
7:00 PM
Squirrel Park and McDowell Park are good examples of incorporating splash pads or natural elements depending on the environment 12/7/2022 6:38 PM
6:09 PM

116 Better parking at Walter Elisha given the size of events held there 12/7/2022 5:02 PM

117 A fence would be helpful in keeping children safe some of the equipment are outdated 12/7/2022 4:54 PM

118 Elisha Park could have more things added Maybe a play water area like Steele Street Park Harris Park always have bee problems 12/7/2022 4:52 PM

119 Parks need more shaded areas for hot summer days

12/7/2022 4:38 PM

120 When my kids were younger I remember the playground equipment being SO hot bc it’s directly exposed to sun Maybe some shading screens if available 12/7/2022 4:37 PM

121 Need more play equiments

12/7/2022 4:30 PM

122 MORE parking 12/7/2022 4:21 PM

123 New equipment More parking 12/7/2022 4:16 PM

124 more family friendly public swimming, soccer, baseball, football and biking areas and facilities for both day and early night time use one or two areas where it's very dark for telescope use to study the stars

12/7/2022 4:14 PM

125 Lights, parking, fields 12/7/2022 3:48 PM

126 Harris street park needs to replace the gross sand box nobody uses with another basketball court that everyone uses

128 Update the Walter Elisha park to match the niceness of the amphitheater 12/7/2022 1:30 PM

129 We frequently visit Walter Elisha park but it would be great to have some shaded areas for the kids/parents On the weekends, it's nice to be able to use the park in the summer with some shade and amenities like Trailhead Park in Tega Cay. The benches/picnic areas need to be updated as they are peeling or individuals have stuffed garbage in them Having a play area that is gated with rubber matting instead of mulch is nice as I can still use the park when it's raining since the water doesn't pool as it does with the mulch in those areas I've also noticed that there are no inclusive or adaptive playgrounds in Fort Mill Is that intentional?

130 Parking Year round, at least monthly activities Use of the amphitheater for weekly activities such as using for a covered farmers market, ice skating in winter, weekly local bands, roller skating, etc.

131 I wish all of the parks had a bit of an upgrade to the playground equipment

132 Turf baseball fields like Tega Cay Overall better maintenance of fields

133 The same equipment has been at the playground at Elisha Park for 20+ years New equipment would be nice

134 Stop having things at Veterans Park like it's a real park It's a monument with a parking lot The field is horrible for actual events especially the farmers market Stop thinking Elisha Park is the best thing and only place in the world The upgrades are nice, but there is still NO PARKING, and events get too spread out to be enjoyed

135 Shade

136 More lighting around the walking path at Walter Elijah

137 Leveling of pathways. Bumpy for running.

138 The Walter elisha park playground needs to be completely redone It needs age appropriate sections. It needs more shade and the tables around it need more shade. During all my vacations this year, I have taken my daughter to different parks and all of them have made me jealous that fort mill doesn't have a park like that one For example, adventure playground, Pullen park, Rotary Club of Savannah Children's playground Even squirrel park in Matthew's has done a great job of shade and alot of options in a smaller space

139 NEW playgrounds

140 Water splash zone for kids

12/7/2022 11:39 AM

12/7/2022 11:27 AM

12/7/2022 11:23 AM

12/7/2022 10:45 AM

12/7/2022 10:43 AM

12/7/2022 10:34 AM

12/7/2022 10:24 AM

12/7/2022 9:59 AM

12/7/2022 8:52 AM

12/6/2022 9:33 PM

12/5/2022 10:19 AM

12/3/2022 9:24 PM

Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 40 / 112
the whole park 12/7/2022
2:21 PM 127 Lighting around

Shaded parks are a must in summer time! Walter E Elisha park definitely does not have any shade Fenced in parks / away from the street also are very nice A splash pad would also be nice! ��

I like the improvements at Walter Elisha and the addition of bathrooms My children are past the playground stage so don't have suggestions other than doing something with the sand area at Harris St It's been like that for 20 years now and could be better utilized Really, the whole park could do with updating.


Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 41 / 112 141 Special needs access and equipment More shade Water feature 12/3/2022 8:41 AM 142 More modern playgrounds
for playgrounds 12/3/2022 3:58 AM 143 Parking
tricky 12/2/2022
AM 144 picnic table
pavilion 12/2/2022 9:32 AM 145 Dog parks! 12/2/2022 7:32
146 Cleaner bathrooms at Walter Elisha 12/2/2022 6:25 AM 147 Walter Elisha playground needs to be updated 12/2/2022 12:10 AM 148 More connection points from park to park 12/1/2022 10:05 PM 149 Bigger/better
dog park 12/1/2022 10:05 PM 150 Bathrooms
earlier ☺ 12/1/2022
PM 151
152 More upkeep of the playground equipment 12/1/2022 8:20 PM 153 Parking
at Walter
park 12/1/2022
PM 155
PM 157 More lighting along walk paths to allow walking at night during the hot summer months 12/1/2022 12:36 PM 158 Love taking our daughter to various parks 12/1/2022 12:10 PM 159 No 12/1/2022 11:36 AM 160 We’ll
12/1/2022 11:25 AM 161 renovations 12/1/2022 11:15 AM 162 Restrooms
there are none 12/1/2022 10:18 AM 163 Street hockey court 12/1/2022 8:39 AM 164 The parks should provide more ADA amenities 12/1/2022 8:28 AM 165 Keep restrooms open year-round (sometimes they lock Harris Street Park) 12/1/2022 8:26 AM 166 More parks and facilities Veterans park isn’t really a “park” Love the newest additions to WEP Would love more basketball courts 12/1/2022 7:45 AM 167 Better maintenance around children play area 12/1/2022 7:38 AM 168 More seating around the playground or small pavilion 12/1/2022 7:21 AM 169 No 12/1/2022 7:11 AM 170 None at this time 12/1/2022 7:00 AM 171 Better restrooms, better integration with walking trails 12/1/2022 6:32 AM 172 Please rebuild the YMCA Complex 12/1/2022 6:23 AM 173 More basketball or teenage appropriate activities 12/1/2022 6:21 AM 174 None 12/1/2022 2:51 AM
and sidewalks and shade
Street Park is a bit
Fenced in
could be open
8:38 PM
is an issue
Elisha and Veterans
8:12 PM
Maybe a flashing light pedestrians can use to cross busy 160 heading to the
Ensuring cleanliness and safety are a number one priority
PM 156
designed splash pad for summer play, more shaded/nature play equipment, story and nature trails, etc Disc
and benches/swings where

175 If the footpath could be changed to a softer kind like the one in an running track so it kinder to the knees who jog or run. 12/1/2022 12:32 AM

176 Not at this time 11/30/2022 9:16 PM

177 Replacement of Walter elisha equipment 11/30/2022 8:36 PM

178 Increased deterrance at Harris St Park for vandalism, drug use 11/30/2022 8:32 PM

179 Skate park with ramps so kids can spend time outdoor, bike track, sports areas 11/30/2022 8:13 PM

180 Shade and seating 11/30/2022 7:05 PM

181 I would love more Benches and handicap accessoriesI would love to see more benches and more handicap accessories 11/30/2022 5:51 PM

182 Shade structures at Walter Elisha park Can’t believe that wasn’t pRt of the original plan It’s a million degrees in the summer 11/30/2022 1:16 PM

183 More shaded areas- either trees or covered areas at playgrounds 11/30/2022 12:31 PM

184 Newer playground equipment and more shade. Summers are brutally hot and we can't enjoy our parks 11/30/2022 10:52 AM

185 more promotion to general

Actual playgrounds similar to what tega cay or rock hill has done 11/30/2022 8:48 AM 188 The older parks definitely need updating 11/30/2022 7:17 AM


Better playgrounds SO many kids - need bigger better playgrounds Different options - swings, climbing, obstacles, etc 11/29/2022 9:49 PM

Some of the parks’ play equipment is worn down I also would like to see more turf/rubber flooring under the equipment as opposed to the loose bark (like at Walter elisha) Even just regular dirt/grass is better than the bark, as it gets on everything, in shoes, etc and can hurt small kids when they fall 11/29/2022 7:53 PM

7:32 PM

Splash pad 11/29/2022 7:22 PM

More modern equipment Maybe soft floor instead if mulch 11/29/2022 7:15 PM 200 Better playground equipment and splash pads 11/29/2022 7:04 PM

More events at Walter Elisha Park 11/29/2022 6:42 PM

More splash pads like at Steele

11/29/2022 6:37 PM

More parking 11/29/2022 5:40 PM 204 More shade, fences to protect children from wandering into roads 11/29/2022 5:30 PM

205 I'm not sure how these parks are monitored by security, but would always like to see security at these places and events 11/29/2022 5:15 PM

206 Separate area for dogs. Water fountains. More seating. 11/29/2022 5:07 PM

Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 42 / 112
public 11/30/2022
186 Water park 11/30/2022 10:15 AM
190 Security
11/29/2022 11:56 PM 192 More greenery and trees 11/29/2022 11:23 PM
for adults close to the playground at Walter Elisha with shade 11/29/2022 9:32 PM 195 Better lighting and safety features Better landscaping, hardscaping, and overall design 11/29/2022 7:53 PM 196
10:19 AM
189 I would like to see more security when walking through the parks.
box for emergency and some police run cameras 11/30/2022 5:53 AM
(fencing) and inclusion equipment
12:00 AM
Dog park area
More seating areas
More open space 11/29/2022

235 I would love to see our town think outside the same clunky plastic play spaces that everyone else has Give us a "destination park" like Martha Rivers in Gastonia, NC Or my family in Mishawaka, IN has amazing climbing structures and an incredible spray ground

Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 43 / 112 207 More athletic fields 11/29/2022 4:52 PM 208 Benches 11/29/2022 4:46 PM 209 Play ground equals table upgrades 11/29/2022 4:39 PM 210 We need more tennis courts. The only place in town is at the complex and the courts are in bad shape 11/29/2022 4:31 PM 211 More shade at playgrounds. 11/29/2022 4:30 PM 212 More benches and fresh mulch in children play areas 11/29/2022 4:21 PM 213 More lighting and more beach music concerts 11/29/2022 4:09 PM 214 Updated playground at Elisha Park 11/29/2022 4:04 PM 215 Better signage on streets directing to park 11/29/2022 3:22 PM 216 Yes More shade areas for times of the day when it it hot and an updated playground at Elisha park That park ground is so old and rusted 11/29/2022 3:15 PM 217 More kid friendly updated playgrounds 11/29/2022 3:14 PM 218 More shade 11/29/2022 3:13 PM 219 New equipment 11/29/2022 3:12 PM 220 I wish they would re do the Walter e Alisha playground it’s outdated and broken equipment 11/29/2022 3:10 PM 221 Additional fencing for younger children around the park 11/29/2022 2:39 PM 222 It just seems to me that our parks and sporting complexes are outdated and old They aren’t indicative of a fast growing town with a bright future 11/28/2022 8:13 PM 223 More use of the amphitheater It sits used far too much 11/28/2022 10:42 AM 224 Maybe more FREE dog parks to be incorporated. 11/28/2022 6:19 AM 225 Bathrooms at those without them Another splash pad 11/27/2022 11:56 AM 226 more water / splash parks for the summer 11/27/2022 10:02 AM 227 Parking!! Especially if large events are going to be at amphitheater Shuttle buses at the very least 11/26/2022 4:30 PM 228 Newer, safer playground equipment 11/26/2022 2:30 PM 229 More shade at the playgrounds 11/26/2022 10:25 AM 230 Shade at Walter Elisha playground would be WONDERFUL! 11/26/2022 9:28 AM 231 Yes! Splash pads for the kids and maybe flower or butterfly children’s gardens 11/26/2022 7:44 AM 232 Asking path or track would be nice 11/26/2022 7:44 AM 233 Security 11/26/2022 4:47 AM 234 More sports fields 11/26/2022 12:07 AM
236 More shade, splash pad options for kids 11/25/2022 10:53 PM 237 Playgrounds with rubber matting are easier with little kids 11/25/2022 10:04 PM 238 Walter
PM 239
241 Updated play structures suitable for a variety of ages 11/25/2022
11:50 PM
elashia, add a water feature, additional playground equipment, more parking. 11/25/2022 9:58
Walter elisha should have tracks, volleyball, basketball courts Doggy park, better shade 11/25/2022 9:11 PM 240 More benches for parents to sit nearby, More landscaping to make visually appealing 11/25/2022 8:59 PM
8:16 PM

and coverings over the

Water park, splash pad or public pool would be an amazing asset to the FM community Also the playground equipment is outdated. We could definitely use a large Trailhead Park like Tega Cay or Miracle Park in Rock Hill with adequate shade

new/updates playground equipment and an aquatic center/splash pad Parks that are well shaded and wheel chair accessible

I think more covered/shaded areas would be great Sun sails over the playground at Walter Elisha park would be amazing 11/24/2022 7:30 PM 254 More shade structures over the parks. More pickle ball courts. 11/24/2022 7:02 PM

I would like for the playground to be functional and for the to be fenced They have easy access to busy streets; which is a safety hazard 11/24/2022 12:52

Utilities needs a better training program and employee retention process The years of the good Ol’ Boys remembering where sewer and water lines were installed are far past FM! The infrastructure in the old parts of town is a ticking time bomb that the town isn’t prepared for 11/24/2022 12:10 PM 264 No The huge Christmas tree and the Banks Street Park would have funded pay raises (which would help retention) 11/24/2022 11:15 AM

265 No 11/24/2022 10:30 AM

266 Remove the unlawful prohibition on permitted Concealed carry or clarify exemption with permit. 11/24/2022 10:24 AM 267 No 11/24/2022 10:08 AM 268 More options for residents with limitations 11/24/2022 10:06 AM 269 Please add more swings for kids at the parks/playgrounds 11/24/2022 10:03 AM

270 Skate park. 11/24/2022 9:59 AM

271 More playground equipment Walk trails are nice 11/24/2022 8:27 AM

272 Cameras in the Parks 11/24/2022 8:15 AM

273 More walking and biking trails 11/24/2022 8:11 AM

274 All inclusive and updated play areas. Many of these feel 20 years old some with broken 11/24/2022 8:11 AM

Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 44 / 112 242 Restrooms 11/25/2022 8:12 PM 243
equipment 11/25/2022
PM 244
245 Calhoun and Walter Elisha need multi sports turf fields 11/25/2022 6:41 PM 246 Lights since it gets dark earlier in the winter 11/25/2022 5:51 PM 247 Covered
benches 11/25/2022
PM 248
249 More security 11/25/2022 12:12 AM 250 Restrooms 11/24/2022 10:35 PM 251 More events at the amphitheater 11/24/2022 10:20 PM 252 Rubberized playground footing and equipment that doesn’t get too hot (or shade elements) 11/24/2022 9:37 PM 253
nice 11/24/2022 5:32 PM 256 Updated playground equipment 11/24/2022 4:35 PM 257 New playground facilities Pedestrian access via sidewalks to the parks 11/24/2022 4:21 PM 258 OFF LEASH DOG PARKS!!!! 11/24/2022
PM 259
PM 261 Newer playground equipment 11/24/2022 12:32 PM 262
11/24/2022 12:24 PM
Yes, restroom facilities
7:23 PM
play areas, more shade, more trees and park
5:12 PM
255 More events, a craft fair would be
Bigger play area at Walter Elisha
Lights and take down the Bradford Pear Trees at the Walter Elisha Park they stink and make a mess and break off limbs easily and hang over in the road

equipment Also, no real sitting places for parents close by

275 All of the parks should be equal in offerings and condition 11/24/2022 7:34 AM

276 More options for older kids too 11/24/2022 7:27 AM

277 There can always be improvements. Parking is a problem sometimes. I’d like to see no parking signs on both sides of Ardrey St and maybe the angled parking there needs to be rethought 11/24/2022 7:23 AM

278 Updated play ground equipment Faster/safer repairs Shade 11/24/2022 6:32 AM

279 Better equipment, fences, special needs (miracle park is amazing for our autistic son) 11/24/2022 6:04 AM

280 Playgrounds at most of our parks needs to be upgraded I believe most parks need to add a basketball courts as well There should be security cameras at all of our parks 11/24/2022 5:07 AM

281 Harris street park updated play equipment 11/24/2022 4:31 AM 282 Updated playground at Walter Elisha

284 Maybe larger, more to do like at the new Tega Cay & Rock Hill (near bmx track) parks 11/24/2022 2:09 AM

285 The actual playgrounds themselves need to be updated Not sure if the members of the planning team need to visit some of the surrounding area playgrounds but if so, take a look at Miracle Park in Rock Hill cherry Park playground Trailhead in Tega Cay Catawba Park’s playground just to name a few to realize that the playground at Walter Elisha is at times, dangerous and extremely out of date 11/23/2022 11:20 PM

286 More of them More parks and less house and add some commercial areas to shop Everyone goes out of Fort Mill to shop 11/23/2022 11:17 PM

287 Better bathroom facilities 11/23/2022 11:06 PM

288 New equipment is needed at Walter Elisha with a sun shade and a pavilion for eating/picnics Dobys bridge needs to be power washed. 11/23/2022 11:00 PM

289 New additions Maybe a dog park Exercise equipment 11/23/2022 10:53 PM

290 Make sure all nearby neighborhoods are connected to the parks by wide, safe sidewalks 11/23/2022 10:44 PM

291 -Splash pad park ( the one we have is super old and tiny ) - All inclusive playground , special needs kids go to Miracle park,Because Fort Mill is lacking again! -Lights and Cameras in Walter Elisha park (and all parks), fence around upgraded playground , picnic area with umbrellas -FREE DOG PARK FREE DOG PARK FREE DOG PARK -FREE Community pool for Fort Mill residents , WHY we don't have one ? 11/23/2022 10:39 PM

292 Would love to see more glass basketball courts around Regent park 11/23/2022 10:32 PM

293 Splash pad at Elisha park A playground with some shade/covering 11/23/2022 10:30 PM

294 Add Soccer fields and larger playground areas 11/23/2022 10:13 PM

295 Splash pad moved to Walter Elisa park Or Calhoun would be better 11/23/2022 10:07 PM

296 Public athletic fields (soccer, football) 11/23/2022 9:50 PM

297 More dog parks that are maintained well with fences and gates and waste bag/ disposal stations 11/23/2022 9:45 PM

298 Walter Elisha equipment is outdated for the playground No shade thru the summer or ways to cool down I’ve always thought misters in the trail would be nice 11/23/2022 9:37 PM

299 Walter Elisha park Picnic tables, more shade coverage and a full splash pad There are little to no outside water areas or beaches for kids in the summer Free water areas! 11/23/2022 9:22 PM

300 An actual splash pad !! Not like that one little tiny one at Steele street park 11/23/2022 9:18 PM

301 Updated playground equipment 11/23/2022 8:59 PM

302 Shade and better equipment at Walter Elisha park 11/23/2022 8:53 PM

Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 45 / 112
11/24/2022 4:15 AM 283 see previous comment 11/24/2022 2:18 AM

303 Walter Elisha Park should remain generally unchanged as far as adding new venues; open space is much appreciated More people in public areas invites the possibility for more crime 11/23/2022 8:52 PM

304 The parks playground equipment is outdated and in worse shape than parks in cities around us (Tega Cay, Rock Hill, Charlotte, etc ) 11/23/2022 8:34 PM

305 Water features, amphitheater seating, more landscape architecture 11/23/2022 8:30 PM

306 I would love to see the Walter Elisha park updated with new playground equipment 11/23/2022 8:20 PM

307 More if them 11/23/2022 8:16 PM

308 Not at the moment 11/23/2022 7:56 PM

309 Soft playgrounds 11/23/2022 7:33 PM

310 Splash pad and updated playground equipment More access for individuals with disabilities 11/23/2022 7:13 PM

311 Millstone Park is newer but other town parks are old, generally unsafe, without shade, water fountains and restrooms For a town full of kids and families I would love to see state of the art parks and playgrounds 11/23/2022 6:54 PM

312 Harris street park needs to be safer and updated 11/23/2022 6:48 PM

313 No 11/23/2022 6:11

315 Love love LOVE the additions of benches and the amphitheater at Elisha park Some shade for the children in the actual playground would be nice - in the summer, the equipment can get way too hot 11/23/2022 6:02 PM

316 Better, new playground equipment. And better equipment for children of all ages. 11/23/2022 5:17 PM

317 More play equipment and usable for different ages and abilities 11/23/2022 5:15 PM

318 More lighting along Walter Elisha path, Calhoun park open to the public, dog park in side area of park 11/23/2022 5:08 PM

319 Most are geared for small kids, would like to see more ninja type structures for kids 6-12 11/23/2022 5:06 PM

320 Playgrounds could be improved in accessible and adaptive equipment, adding natural/environmental features (look at the Life science museum in Durham NC for some amazing ideas) Shade and trees are 100% needed in most parks No one wants to play on equipment in the burning sun Slides and swings can be dangerously hot in the SC sun Add sunshades and plant trees that will provide shade cover—and any new parks don’t clear cut them to develop! Allison Park in Baxter is nice since it is shady and has the natural elements where you can explore the walking trail and creek Harris Street Park has a lot of potential The gazebo needs to be fixed and the sand digging area needs to be refreshed My son loves the diggers! 11/23/2022 4:57 PM

321 More restrooms 11/23/2022 4:52 PM

322 Better equipment, better lighting 11/23/2022 4:50 PM

323 More restrooms at some, better signage and get the word out more about the various ones Is one for kids near the neediet kids? I don't know where they all are 11/23/2022 4:48 PM

324 Updated playground equipment at Walter Elisha Park. Inclusive equipment also. 11/23/2022 4:46 PM

325 Fenced in, updated playgrounds Restrooms close proximity 11/23/2022 4:40 PM

326 Some picnic tables 11/23/2022 4:40 PM

327 New playground 11/23/2022 4:39 PM

328 Splash pads! More playgrounds! Shade! We live in SC and it gets HOT and the sun is brutal!! Would love to play locally instead of having to venture to Charlotte or other areas to entertain my small kiddos in the heat 11/23/2022 4:35 PM

329 Better playgrounds 11/23/2022 4:29 PM

330 New equipment, Sun shades, splash areas for kids. 11/23/2022 4:22 PM

Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 46 / 112
More including equipment and better stuff

331 None. I’m happy with what we have. 11/23/2022 3:46 PM

Planning Survey 47 / 112
of Fort Mill Facility Needs


Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 48 / 112 46 80% 263 53 20% 299 Q15 Are there any services or amenities you wish the town of Fort Mill provided?
399 TOTAL 562 # YES, I'D LIKE TO SEE ADDITIONAL SERVICES OR AMENITIES (PLEASE DESCRIBE) DATE 1 More eating places in downtown 12/23/2022 8:01 PM 2 More tennis facilities, better inter connecting roads, the roads near the down town and in many other places are damaged, it feels disgusting while driving on the city roads 12/19/2022 6:49 PM 3 More sidewalks to connect our communities. There should be one that connects all Doby’s Bridge neighborhoods 12/17/2022 11:37 AM 4 Stirling neighborhood street maintenance & repaving. 12/17/2022 8:35 AM 5 More kid focused activities 12/16/2022 11:36 PM 6 Swimming, tennis, pickle ball, track and field 12/16/2022 8:49 PM 7 Sidewalks 12/16/2022 1:27 PM 8 Leaf pick-up 12/16/2022 10:11 AM 9 A roller hockey court Or mixed use Court that allows skating and hockey 12/16/2022 8:14 AM 10 Local busses 12/16/2022 6:39 AM 11 Splash pads 12/15/2022 8:52 PM 12 Vending machines 12/15/2022 7:47 PM 13 I’d like a public track 12/15/2022 7:31 PM 14 Snack bar,ice cream and soda 12/15/2022 5:22 PM 15 Widen the roads 12/15/2022 4:48 PM 16 Pickleball courts 12/15/2022 4:27 PM 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% No, I'm happy with the Tow Yes, I'd like to see
Answered: 562 Skipped:
I'm happy with the Town of Fort Mill's current services Yes, I'd like to see additional services or amenities (please describe)

17 More festivals and free activities for kids Use of the amphitheater more! Splash pad would be amazing. Food truck fridays on the street! Tons of food trucks like town of rock hill does with bands

More larger round abouts Large street lights on Fort Mill Parkway especially coming off Spratt and new development. Two Semi trucks have almost ran into me head on.

Camping area and open space for hiking like in Anne

Fort Mill needs to be MORE business friendly so places can come and open places to hang out Blakeney Shopping center is a great example of some outdoor splash and playground areas with shopping and food and drink

2:58 PM

27 I would like to see more sidewalks to connect communities and more social engaements to pull the community out fo their homes to get to know one another 12/13/2022 11:48 AM 28 More pedestrian and biking paths 12/13/2022 10:44 AM

29 activity/community center in the old PIKE building that is NOT religious affiliated. Building could host free arts and crafts, reading time, etc Think rock hill's fire museums, RH Culture & Heritage Museums, and the main street childrens museum -- It could actually be a place where families could spend time with other members of the community (the baxter library is already overwhelmed) 12/13/2022 9:25 AM

30 More ball fields for the kids See Matthews sports complex Springfield middle school grounds are near a major roadway and soccer games and flag football games are always played their. Not the safest place for kids to play sports 12/13/2022 8:43 AM

31 I think adults need more recreational sports or activities offered Everything we do we need to drive to Tega Cay; which isn’t far but would be nice to ride my bike to a field for softball, kick ball, or pickle ball

12/13/2022 7:49 AM

Fort Mill playgrounds fall far behind Rock Hill (e g Miracle Park, BMX Playground) 12/11/2022 9:15 PM

More retail stores on Main Street Improved sidewalks and more sideways on Springfield Parkway. Add Sidewalk to bridge on Springfield parkway by Nations Ford Highschool. 12/11/2022 5:54 AM

More gathering places to encourage family/friends to enjoy the parks- fountain, gazebo, etc 12/9/2022 8:39 PM

45 I think updating downtown would be great! Painting the buildings white and new venders. 12/9/2022 2:23 PM

Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 49 / 112
A multi field athletic park for football and lacrosse
1:25 PM 19
20 More walking trails; sidewalks, 12/14/2022 3:40 PM 21
4:40 PM
8:00 AM
23 More playground equipment 12/13/2022
24 More additions for events to get people something to do 12/13/2022 8:10 PM 25 Public covered basketball courts 12/13/2022 2:14 PM 26
12/14/2022 12:46 AM
9:09 PM
We need gym space and ball fields
32 Transportation service for elderly 12/13/2022 7:37 AM 33 Extra lighting at parks More beach bands in summer time 12/13/2022 7:36 AM 34 Again, something for teenagers 12/13/2022
AM 35 Would like better fields for youth football 12/13/2022
AM 36 More sidewalks connecting schools to neighborhoods 12/13/2022
37 Pickle ball bike paths one lane Main St 12/13/2022
6:51 AM
6:14 AM
Maybe a town pool for residents who don’t have access to pools in a subdivision 12/12/2022 1:22 PM
as mentioned
12/11/2022 6:03 PM
42 Charging stations for EV in the town area 12/10/2022 1:38 PM
More sidewalks 12/10/2022 12:30 PM

If fort mill parks and recreations can have better technology to notify new classes and send reminders of class registrations deadlines if would make people who moved from the north n rely on these technologies lives a lot easier

63 It would be awesome if we could make Main St a more family friendly area, by closing off the street and putting seating, a grassy area, a stage, anything and make it walkable I believe the businesses there would do well/better 12/8/2022 10:40 PM 64 Possibly


73 I like to ride my bike but I do not feel I can do so safely in Fort Mill I would tike to have a Riverwak on the Fort Mill side of the Cawtawba River


3:52 PM

78 I would like to have a sports complex near to our home Where we can play soccer, tennis, 12/8/2022 3:52 PM

Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 50 / 112
parks 12/9/2022
PM 47
50 Better technology 12/9/2022
51 Water
52 More bike
trails 12/9/2022
55 Stop the growth! 12/9/2022
etc 12/9/2022
57 Pickle ball courts 12/9/2022
AM 58
fields 12/9/2022 12:23 AM 62
46 Splash pads in some of the
pedestrian-only "main street" that doubled as a venue for fairs and concerts
12:00 PM
More fields for parks and Rec football
11:35 AM
Bike lanes and sidewalks. Pickleball courts
9:51 AM
9:24 AM
and sewer costs are still well above average Alternative solutions need to be explored with the state
8:44 AM
paths and running/walking
8:26 AM
Sidewalks on every street, ridiculous that they are not done when road projects are going on 12/9/2022 8:25 AM
Volleyball courts, Allow badminton to be played in the basketball courts few days a week 12/9/2022 7:55 AM
7:52 AM
Outdoor basketball facilities, larger and nicer meeting/event space to rent for parties, wedding,
7:40 AM
New things
6:36 AM 59 A trade joes or Whole Foods More dedicated green spaces 12/9/2022 6:26 AM 60 More restaurants and a grocery store near Doby’s We got to Indian Land for everything 12/9/2022 4:26 AM 61 More tennis courts, and soccer
10:46 PM
more public water parks or splash parks 12/8/2022 10:28 PM 65 Big splash park 12/8/2022 9:03 PM 66 A nicer splash park, dog park, better parking for shops off Tom Hall Revitalize shopping center with neighborhood Walmart 12/8/2022 8:04
67 Supermarkets, upscale lounges 12/8/2022
68 Cricket field, tennis field
ymca are in bad condition), volleyball courts
beach sand 12/8/2022
70 Tennis courts 12/8/2022
6:29 PM
(existing one at
6:17 PM
Tennis Courts
6:05 PM
5:48 PM
Tennis courts, more play areas for
12/8/2022 5:44 PM 72 Swiming pool Tennis courts 12/8/2022 4:54 PM
PM 74 Tennis courts, yoga center 12/8/2022 3:54 PM
75 Tennis courts, swimming pool 12/8/2022 3:53 PM 76 Volleyball and Badminton courts 12/8/2022 3:52 PM 77 Tennis Courts 12/8/2022

79 Cricket Ground, running track, tennis courts 12/8/2022 3:46 PM

80 Recycling pick up every week, more play areas built 12/8/2022 3:44 PM

81 Tennis courts as the courts at YMCA are always taken by some guy who is teaching other kids 12/8/2022 3:38 PM 82

Connecting Masons Bend trail to Catawba Park would be amazing 12/8/2022 3:12 PM

83 I think Walter Elisha park needs a brand new playground 12/8/2022 11:41 AM 84

I’d love to see the town save some land for public green spaces We are growing quickly and open land for events or playgrounds/walking trails is important to me I moved here from a town that didn’t plan well and there is a huge population but green space is scarce M 12/8/2022 10:22 AM

85 I love the historic downtown fort mill but it is not pedestrian friendly Sidewalks barely accommodate one stroller, there’s few crosswalks to access parts of the street with steep slopes. If traffic was reduced to one way with expanded sidewalk, I think downtown businesses traffic would flourish 12/8/2022 9:33 AM 86 Greenways/walking trails that cover several miles/areas

9:22 AM

Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 51 / 112 volley
87 More public splash pads, tennis courts, and basketball courts 12/8/2022
AM 88 Play streets would be fun 12/8/2022 7:48 AM 89 Tennis courts 12/8/2022
AM 90 More sidewalks 12/8/2022 7:39 AM 91 I think sidewalks/bike lanes would be great 12/8/2022 7:26 AM 92 Since schools lock theirs it’d be nice to have a community track to walk/run on somewhere 12/8/2022 6:51 AM 93 Please improve and expand the library or build an additional library 12/7/2022 11:03 PM 94 Public pickleball courts. More playgrounds. More community centers. 12/7/2022 10:40 PM 95 Better water testing 12/7/2022 10:31 PM 96 Same old “more parking” 12/7/2022 10:17 PM 97 Public pool Playgrounds with shade structures 12/7/2022 10:14 PM 98 More sidewalks and more bike paths or bike lanes in order to get into downtown safer 12/7/2022 10:12 PM 99 See previous response 12/7/2022 10:05 PM 100 Paved trails 12/7/2022 10:03 PM 101 Water park 12/7/2022 10:01 PM 102 More shopping/restaurant areas 12/7/2022 9:14 PM 103 Splash pads 12/7/2022 9:05 PM 104 Lighting on roads! My son's friend hit a deer as Dobys Bridge is pitch dark at night I almost hit a deer on 160 Lighting is needed with the increase of families moving in 12/7/2022 9:05 PM 105 More restaurants, on the Dobys bridge side of town 12/7/2022 8:28 PM 106 A community space that can be rented that has kitchen space. And that it's affordable like the Spratt Building was 12/7/2022 8:28 PM 107 sidewalks, bike lanes, & bridges 12/7/2022 8:16 PM 108 More sidewalks 12/7/2022 8:03 PM 109 Bike lanes!!!!!! Sidewalks!!!! 12/7/2022 8:03 PM 110 Tennis courts, gym, play area, recreational area 12/7/2022 7:59 PM 111 Something for teens. More activities on main street. 12/7/2022 7:54 PM

112 Walking trails, emergency preparedness classes. Between hurricanes, tornadoes, etc. The community would benefit overall if classes where available, even online We came from an area that had CERT certification and training Marketing and increasing awareness would help local emergency services

113 More restaurants, shops, groceries in my area

114 More marketing related to what amenities are already available Haven’t heard of many of the parks on this list and I’m sure they are nice

I’d love a community pool or more splash pads

118 Would love to have Main St closed every weekend! It is such a great way to enjoy the businesses and provides for a safer experience

Mountain bike, pump track, or skate park Pump track would be a great addition and counter huge cycling/bmx interest in Rock Hill.

The town needs to look at the shortage of indorr facilities where kids & young adults can play basketball or other indoor sports and recreation. Banks Street gym doesn't cut it.


Organization of a volunteer Fire Police brigade to be used in conjunction with the Fire Dept. to properly control traffic flow at accident & fire scenes, as well as zny other incidents such as traffic control at intersections during power outages, and as additional security presence during town events This frees up police to do actual law enforcement 12/7/2022 4:27 PM 135 see previous statements 12/7/2022 4:19 PM 136 More fields and courts 12/7/2022 3:50 PM

137 My daughter is a teen now but more small parks would have been nice when she was younger. A skate park would be fun 12/7/2022 2:23 PM

138 More walkability Increase community events 12/7/2022 1:14 PM

139 It would be nice if there were more bike spaces provided to those who ride on the roads as opposed to trails 12/7/2022 12:28 PM

140 Yard Waste Pickup - There is so much food waste that could be put into compost or in the yard waste bins for compost and sold to farms, homeowners for gardens, etc It's great to have the leaves picked up but it would be better to have yard waste bins instead where you could also compost

12/7/2022 11:43 AM

Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 52 / 112
7:37 PM
7:36 PM
115 More sidewalks. 12/7/2022 7:32 PM 116
PM 117
119 More sidewalks,
fire stations 12/7/2022
PM 120 More Sport facilities. 12/7/2022 6:41 PM 121
PM 122 Greenway Sidewalk on from White Grove area to Downtown 12/7/2022 6:21 PM 123 More parks and ball fields 12/7/2022 6:17 PM 124 More parks 12/7/2022 6:10 PM 125 Sidewalks! Specifically connecting Dobys Bridge Park to downtown 12/7/2022 6:06 PM 126
127 Sidewalk, ease of access to downtown fort mill 12/7/2022 5:56 PM 128 Jitney 12/7/2022 5:15 PM 129 Better
terrible 12/7/2022
PM 130 More Street lights and fast food places near Dobys 12/7/2022 4:58 PM 131 More things at the park, activities or older people 12/7/2022 4:54 PM 132 Improved tennis courts
retail spaces 12/7/2022 4:40 PM 133 Tennis, continuing education classes for adults, more books and events in the library, more arts 12/7/2022 4:37 PM 134
7:33 PM
Public pools and more nature trails
6:47 PM
bike paths, police substations, and new
5:57 PM
parking near Main Street It’s pretty
and more

141 Parking Year round, at least monthly activities Use of the amphitheater for weekly activities such as using for a covered farmers market, ice skating in winter, weekly local bands, roller skating, etc

11:29 AM 142 Walkability I wish that portions of the town were better connected through sidewalks, trails

More green space left in a more natural state, tidy and clean to enjoy without man made structures to detract We have no where to go to be with nature - our parks and ASCGreenway with bandstands, stages and exercise classes are taking away from enjoying nature when they are hosting yoga classes, concerts, races and activities every week

10:22 AM

Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 53 / 112
12/7/2022 10:53
144 Turf
12/7/2022 10:46
145 Parking in downtown is terrible on weekends 12/7/2022 10:45 AM 146 Fire Station near Masons Bend area, repair
replace banks st gym 12/7/2022 10:36 AM 147 Bigger and better playgrounds Parking downtown 12/7/2022 10:27 AM 148 Rail to CLT 12/7/2022 8:54 AM 149 Splash pad, redo playgrounds, a town library 12/6/2022 10:14 PM 150 Safe Routes to School program 12/5/2022 10:20 AM 151
AM 152 Public tennis courts and safer sidewalks and better playgrounds 12/3/2022 4:00 AM 153 Golf practice facility with full driving range 12/2/2022 9:15 PM 154 More recycling and yard pick up around fortmill 12/2/2022 11:24 AM 155 library, safe bicycle routes, more playgrounds, parks 12/2/2022 9:41 AM 156 Walking trails 12/2/2022 8:03 AM 157 We really need a nice dog park in fort mill and would love to see prettier parks with gardens similar to Rock Hills Glencairn 12/2/2022 7:37 AM 158 Splash pad for kids, updated playgrounds, more parks 12/2/2022 12:11 AM 159 Better parking downtown and at Kingsley, sidewalks down Doby’s Bridge Rd 12/1/2022 10:34 PM 160 More sidewalks connected to
missing them, trail connections, walking track because
schools suck
taxpayer access 12/1/2022 10:10 PM 161 Dog park Spray ground 12/1/2022 10:07 PM 162
connect all of the neighborhoods 12/1/2022
splash pad,
the parks 12/1/2022
PM 164
165 More walking trails/sidewalks to make places more walking accessible 12/1/2022
PM 166 Connect the sidewalk on Dobys bridge road all the way
gas station to Oxford Place 12/1/2022
PM 167
12/7/2022 11:25 AM 143
deck in down town FM No where to oark
Baseball fields. Hosting more travel baseball /softball tournaments.
Bicycles are important!!! Bike lanes!!! Bike racks! Tennis courts! Pickle ball courts! Ada compliant playgrounds
the areas
t allow
I’d love trails or sidewalks that
8:49 PM
picnic area attached to some of
Idk if this is a city thing or if it has to do with my apartment complex, but we need recycling service
5:35 PM
from 7/11
Would like a more affordable recreation center The complex is quite expensive to maintain a monthly membership.
1:06 PM
better restaurants, new businesses , less storage units, better stores, better entertainment, better roads 12/1/2022 11:17 AM 169
gyms with basketball and racquetball courts Public tennis courts
12/1/2022 8:53 AM 171 Diving facility and better river access. 12/1/2022 8:20 AM

172 Would love additional basketball courts I know the YMCA has them but availability is so scarce 12/1/2022 7:49 AM 173 More walkability, bike rental options 12/1/2022 7:32 AM

174 Expanded downtown with better traffic pattern 12/1/2022 7:30 AM

175 No parking on Main Street 12/1/2022 7:11 AM 176 Better fast food choices. 12/1/2022 7:06 AM

177 Need more community gyms to provide for sports that we pay for thru Parks and Rec Banks St Gym/ Community Center is an embarrassment to Fort Mill It feels unsafe with paint peeling off the wall and I’m sure asbestos is in there 11/30/2022 9:45 PM 178 Better gym facility with weight lifting equipment 11/30/2022 8:15 PM 179 Sidewalks 11/30/2022 7:06 PM 180 Event space 11/30/2022 3:18 PM 181 Better splash pad. Steele street unsafe. 11/30/2022 12:33 PM

182 published notices of impact fees communication about how impact fees are or are not being used 11/30/2022 10:22 AM

183 Adding turf to some of our fields so that they can be used when the parks and rec employees don't want to prep a field after a rain

10:18 AM

184 More outdoor spaces Open space for kids, parks without baseball fields More trails for hiking, biking. Turn lanes on the roads. Street lights!!!! 11/30/2022 10:06 AM 185 Parks and Rec needs an overhaul with how they operate and facilities they use The library needs to be at least double in size and potentially another location. 11/30/2022 8:50 AM

Public transportation to Charlotte 11/29/2022 11:57 PM 187 More festivals and events Please attract more businesses We NEED places to shop 11/29/2022 11:25 PM

188 Swimming pool (the two acres I front of Fort Mill Golf Club and behind the VFW would fit a nice one), splash pad (the old one on Steele street is no good, broken,etc )

9:54 PM 189 Public dog

Wish we had more splash pads I know one park does and my kids love it, but it’s small A bigger splash pad in a shaded area would be nice in the summer.

7:56 PM

198 Indoor baseball facilities similar to Rock Hill and more multipurpose fields (not just baseball and softball fields) We shouldn’t have to use schools for all these needs

5:32 PM

5:24 PM

203 I would love for Fort Mill to have a Christmas Market (European style) for a few days/week in the winter, where the farmer’s market is 11/29/2022 3:45 PM

Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 54 / 112
parks. Reservable multi-use fields. 11/29/2022 7:56 PM 190
191 More recreational spaces for sports 11/29/2022 7:33 PM 192 Splash pads/water play areas 11/29/2022 7:05 PM 193 Walking trails 11/29/2022 7:03 PM 194 Water supply improvement 11/29/2022
PM 195
more greenway
facilities 11/29/2022
I would like to see
and bike
6:44 PM
Something other than
11/29/2022 6:39 PM 197 Grocery stores 11/29/2022
199 Outdoor community pool 11/29/2022
paved greenway systems 11/29/2022
4:41 PM 200 More things for teens to be able to do 11/29/2022 4:33 PM
Public pool facilities and public
4:26 PM 202 More summer beach concerts 11/29/2022 4:11 PM

restaurants with outdoor area for kids to run and play while being inside a fence (Hobo's and Lake Wylie brewing are good examples)

232 Sidewalks throughout the town of Fort Mill Link Doby’s Bridge to Tom Hall street and Doby’s to Kimbrell to get access to the greenway!

237 Focus more on what businesses we have Less storage units, apartments and quick build homes. Care about making the town beautiful with family friendly/community infrastructure. 11/25/2022 5:18 PM

Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 55 / 112 204 Splash pads 11/29/2022 3:38 PM 205 Pickle ball and tennis courts 11/29/2022 3:27 PM 206 Swimming facilities for adults 11/29/2022 3:27 PM 207 Community pools, meeting spaces for social groups like book clubs, seeing circles, etc 11/29/2022 3:24 PM 208 Splash park 11/29/2022 3:14 PM 209 Re vamp of some of the playgrounds would be nice 11/29/2022 3:12 PM 210 A water park facility of some sort 11/29/2022 10:27 AM 211 better playground equipment for new Banks St park 11/28/2022 1:16 PM 212 Bicycle infrastructure & park closer to the Regent Park area 11/28/2022 6:27 AM 213 Trader
Home furnishing stores, retail shopping, wegmans, cultural activities, hair salons, fixed roads,
up Sutton road and eliminate the trash / looks like a meth lab 11/28/2022 3:46 AM 214 Outdoor pool/ aquatic center More recycling!! 11/27/2022 11:58 AM 215 Parking downtown Encourage more restaurants to the area Public bathrooms 11/26/2022 4:31 PM 216 More walking/biking paths - especially a safe way to cross over 77 from 160
Pleasant Road 11/26/2022
PM 217 Bike trails on the roads 11/26/2022
PM 218 More trails, walking places 11/26/2022
AM 219 Yes 11/26/2022
220 More park service sports, always fill up 11/26/2022 7:48 AM 221 I’m not sure. I don’t know all that’s provided. 11/26/2022 7:48 AM 222 Trash 11/26/2022 12:43 AM 223 More sports fields 11/26/2022 12:08 AM 224 community spaces that could be reserved for meetings for groups 11/25/2022 11:58 PM 225 Mail boxes. Hassle to drop off
letter at the post office. 11/25/2022 10:02 PM 226
PM 229 Better recycling Better roads/traffic 11/25/2022 8:16 PM 230
9:21 AM
I think the entire downtown should be more robust and vibrant to include more shops, restaurants, etc. 11/25/2022 9:30 PM
Bike ways, doggy parks, running tracks, soccer fields, volleyball/ basketball fields 11/25/2022 9:16 PM
More playground and bathroom facilities A public exercise area would be great I often here people asking if there is a public ally available track
11/25/2022 8:00 PM
More walking trails. 11/25/2022 7:53 PM
233 Updated community center 11/25/2022 6:13 PM 234 More walking
areas 11/25/2022 5:47 PM 235
236 Tennis courts 11/25/2022
11/25/2022 7:26 PM
Soccer fields for public use that are not occupied by teams More walking trails 11/25/2022 5:35 PM
5:25 PM
238 Senior citizens center 11/25/2022
3:05 PM

Too many places to eat, no places to shop. Target would be nice, something similar to Rock Hill -book store, craft store

259 New Banks park by Waterside at the Catawba no parking signs on the street curbs. In all communities golf carts being driven recklessly by kids, many under driving age

More green spaces, more walkable connections between the town (specifically over the larger roads/interstates), more arts facilities, we need a public concert hall/theater

More free events for children that involve crafts, treats, games, walking library etc

Honestly my largest issue in Fort Mill is the lack of preparation for the never ending expansion in the area Roadways need to be widened in the area around Fort Mill Pky near the new schools (example Catawba Ridge High School) to two lanes of traffic With the new neighborhood Elizabeth going in, adding a turning lane will not suffice. If that neighborhood is to be twice the size of mine in Waterside and that neighborhood fills up, there will be a significant traffic problem on top of the bottlenecks that already exist today Frankly if there

Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 56 / 112
More seating and events at the parks 11/25/2022 7:54 AM 240 Better street maintenance (potholes) 11/24/2022 10:39 PM 241 Tennis facilities 11/24/2022 9:39 PM 242 Skate park.. pickle ball…more baseball hoops 11/24/2022
PM 243 Parking 11/24/2022
PM 244
offered programs that linked with
245 Pickle ball courts, shade structures over the playgrounds 11/24/2022 7:04 PM 246 City pool, community center 11/24/2022 7:02 PM 247 A Gaga pit 11/24/2022
PM 248 DOG PARKS 11/24/2022
PM 249 An actual running track 11/24/2022
PM 250 More sidewalks, retail, restaurants 11/24/2022 2:57 PM 251 Improved recycling, ability to recycle large boxes and glass curbside 11/24/2022 10:59 AM 252 Stop over charging residents for water It’s criminal we have different rates 11/24/2022 10:32 AM 253 Gasoline and used motor oil disposal 11/24/2022 10:25 AM 254 Please add more walking/biking trails and connect existing ones. 11/24/2022 10:06 AM 255 Splash pad for kids 11/24/2022 8:30 AM 256 Put cameras in every neighborhood 11/24/2022 8:17 AM 257
students and residents 11/24/2022
I wish we
a community
organization that
the schools
7:28 PM
pools for
8:12 AM
11/24/2022 8:03 AM
262 Public access tennis court 11/24/2022
AM 263
AM 264 Utilize the river more? Anything for teens? 11/24/2022 2:31 AM 265 Upgrade existing playgrounds, fitness park, splash pad 11/23/2022 11:36 PM 266 Na 11/23/2022 11:18 PM 267
More varied community events 11/23/2022
7:44 AM
11/24/2022 7:27 AM
Parking downtown, somehow.
7:26 AM
Christmas festival 11/24/2022 4:16
11/23/2022 11:06 PM
The fee to pay your water & trash bill online is stupid
10:56 PM
Drop off compost facility
10:49 PM 270
10:32 PM 271
11/23/2022 10:20 PM

could somehow be three lanes to turn left onto Cherry Rd that would be ideal but that would come at a cost of widening that bridge and I understand that would be a significant investment. It seems that prior proper planning is not being done to understand current traffic issues to prevent piss poor performance on the roadways later on Prepare ahead of time, we all knew Elizabeth was coming but it doesn’t seem as if Fort Mill is prepared for the impact to the residents There will be plenty of complaining in the coming years Furthermore, how is Lennar able to build this new neighborhood having not completed Waterside yet? I was one of the last homes built, been here going on 4 years in the spring and yet this neighborhood is yet to be completed and turned over to the town This is simply unacceptable

272 Online Facility Rental, Walking Trail through whole town 11/23/2022 10:15 PM

273 More police .. 11/23/2022 10:10 PM

274 A dog park would be nice 11/23/2022 10:06 PM

275 Develop a better snd less expensive water resource Stop giving developers breaks that pass costs on to residents Like Masons Bend Mandate developers to dig water access points deeper vs using grinders This saves developers money and is a huge issue and costs for homeowners to maintain. We are the taxpayers and more concern should be for town recidente than developers Developers are always interested in Fort Mill Stop giving them breaks that get passed to homeowner after home is purchased On a positive note am glad the impact fee passed Was tired of paying a bunch of new schools each yesrs for newcomers Appreciate the ability to give feedback. Thank you 11/23/2022 10:03 PM

276 Library 11/23/2022 9:57 PM

277 More parks and rec youth sports/programs And adult programs like Zumba or fitness etc 11/23/2022 9:20 PM

278 No, I cannot think of any new amenities and I am not happy with the Town of Fort Mill's current services 11/23/2022 8:53 PM

279 A third fire station near the masons bend area is obviously needed There have been multiple fires and fatal medical emergencies in this area and it felt like forever before a fire truck arrived 11/23/2022 8:50 PM

285 I feel like one amenity our town lacks is a medium-priced decent restaurant- someplace with dessert, someplace we could go on Valentine’s Day. Instead we go to Rock Hill, IndianLand or south Charlotte I still miss GameTime Grill 11/23/2022 6:06 PM 286 public (no fees/membership) dog parks, more trails, water fountains for kids to play in and bring the community together 11/23/2022 5:20 PM

Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 57 / 112
playgrounds 11/23/2022
PM 281 Water park 11/23/2022
PM 282
284 Updated Walter Elisha park 11/23/2022
Improvement to
greenways for walking and biking
8:09 PM
A nice theatre for plays 11/23/2022 6:13 PM
water park/splash
would be nice. 11/23/2022
PM 288 Safer streets 11/23/2022
PM 289
PM 290
Field hockey youth sport 11/23/2022
Updated playgrounds 11/23/2022
Splash pads 11/23/2022
Better technology for utilities, bill pay and communications 11/23/2022 5:10
Curbside compost pick up 11/23/2022 5:02 PM
Outdoor sports rec 11/23/2022 4:55 PM 292 More restrooms 11/23/2022 4:53 PM 293 A more efficient recycling company would be great! 11/23/2022 4:53 PM 294
4:48 PM 295
4:37 PM

297 Pickle ball courts, more paved walking pathways 11/23/2022 4:23 PM

298 I would like to see a skate park or other facility for kids 11/23/2022 3:54 PM

299 Better access for elderly and handicapped 11/23/2022 3:52 PM

Needs Planning Survey 58 / 112
of Fort Mill Facility

Q16 Which of the following parks and facilities are your top priority for investment or improvement? Please select up to three

Answered: 514

Skipped: 447

Walter Elisha Park

YMCA at the Complex

Harris St. Park Community Center

Doby's Bridge Park

Wastewater Treatment Plant

Steele Street Park

Other (new facility,

Fort Mill Police

Veteran's Park


Operation Public Works

Office and

Fire Station 1 (Tom Hall St)

Town Hall Building

Calhoun St. Park

Fire Station 2 (Fort Mill...

Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 59 / 112
0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%


Walter Elisha Park

YMCA at the Complex

Harris St. Park

Community Center

Doby's Bridge Park

Wastewater Treatment Plant

Steele Street Park

Other (new facility, please describe below)

Fort Mill Police Department

Veteran's Park

Utilities Operation Center

Public Works Office and Maintenance Shop

Fire Station 1 (Tom Hall St)

Town Hall Building

Calhoun St Park

Fire Station 2 (Fort Mill Parkway)

Total Respondents: 514

Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 60 / 112 45.72% 235 40 08% 206 25 49% 131 20 82% 107 17.32% 89 15 18% 78 13 42% 69 12.65% 65 12 06% 62 10 51% 54 9 34% 48 8 56% 44 7 00% 36 7 00% 36 5.64% 29 4 86% 25

Q17 Please elaborate on or describe your answer:

new score board on field 1, take down mats behind home plate on field 1, fix step to score room Harris need new sand on field new score board take out the community cat litter box and add another

Ballantyne is a great example of cummunity minded growth with various outdoor facilites and green space Connecting communities like Nims Village and Arden Mill to each other as well as the surrounding schools would be wonderful and cut down on traffic. The town feels very disconnected

11:48 AM

1. Fenced in area (break it up by age too). 2. change the mulch to track material like tega cay's inclusive playground 3 ADD sun shades for play area AND parent's seating 4 more picnic benches (shade too!) 5 update the play equipment - the slide was broken for months and there are still broken things on the playground 6 more parking! 12/13/2022 9:25 AM

8:43 AM

Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 61 / 112
# RESPONSES DATE 1 The meeting room at the Police Station needs to be moved to the Town Hall Building The room needs to have updated electronic, visual and communications equipment plus be spacious enough for larger meetings or usages. 12/20/2022 9:59 PM 2 Keeping the wastewater management ahead of the growth is critical 12/17/2022 11:02 PM 3 Upgrade equipment and add features for older kids 12/17/2022 11:37 AM 4 Main Street 12/16/2022 1:27 PM 5 Fix Banks Street! 12/16/2022 8:14 AM 6 parks and greens spaces are important for the community 12/16/2022 6:39 AM 7 Update the facility 12/16/2022 6:37 AM 8 Make sure the facilities are up to handle the influx of new housing 12/15/2022 5:22 PM 9 Widen the roads 12/15/2022 4:48 PM 10 Multi field athletic park to use for tournaments like Manchester Meadows 12/15/2022 1:25 PM 11 Shops that maintain infrastructure and future build need to always have a plentiful budget Our town is growing so fast we need to make sure lots of money goes toward these shops 12/14/2022 4:40 PM 12 Steele Street Park is near Walter Y Elisha Park and improvements could be made to connect the two We need one centralized location for Town offices 12/14/2022 3:40 PM 13 This structure needs improvement or replacement asap! 12/14/2022 8:25 AM 14 Whomever handles permits should have a better facility to quickly process them 12/14/2022 12:46 AM 15 Upgrade equipment 12/13/2022 9:09 PM 16 I haven’t seen all the facilities, but the community center is old and updating could add more
folks 12/13/2022 8:18 PM 17 Things like pickle ball courts, something more to bring people to the park, and give older folks something to come out for 12/13/2022 8:10 PM 18 Update, modify to fit town vibe 12/13/2022 5:34 PM 19 Would like nicer recreational facilities for families to enjoy 12/13/2022 2:14 PM 20 Community center needs a total remake. Complex need up dates, new gym floor basketball goals, bleachers, new net that divides gym Doby need better parking
parking 12/13/2022
children 12/13/2022
Answered: 328 Skipped: 633
options for
on fields
table, better
1:44 PM
Recreational facilitate more active outdoor opportunities for

24 Could we add to the banks street park? Turf is nice as well as dog park

7:49 AM 25 Family friendly concerts at the park Beach bands to enjoy at Elisha park Would like to see more lights around the park 12/13/2022 7:36 AM

26 As previously stated, Fort Mill really lacks anything for teens to do that isn’t crazy expensive or requires parental supervision For mid and older teens there should be a place or places for them to hang independently 12/13/2022 7:24 AM 27 Feel back given in prior responses 12/13/2022 7:17 AM

28 Upgrade some of the garbage trucks, leaf truck , claw truck to keep them running 12/13/2022 6:26 AM

29 The community center needs to completely updated and painted, same with the YMCA The outdoor parks should have fiberglass backboards and updated playing surfaces 12/12/2022 1:22 PM 30 They all needed work 12/12/2022 7:30 AM

31 Walter Y Elisha Park has huge potential due to location and size, but it doesn't provide as many amenities. Even the playground is old and outdated. Doby's Bridge Park is the only park that serves the fast-growing southeastern part of town, and it's mostly baseball fields Expanding it and adding amenities for other sports (e g soccer) would be great 12/11/2022 9:15 PM 32 Building is old/dated 12/11/2022 2:32 PM

33 Better ball fields and tennis courts but also outdoor basketball courts would be nice. 12/11/2022

Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 62 / 112
34 I’d like to see more useable equipment
kids and shaded seats 12/11/2022
35 More investments 12/10/2022 1:38 PM 36 more sidewalks 12/10/2022 12:30 PM 37 Continue upgrades 12/10/2022 10:37 AM 38 Needs lights and cut down the Bradford Pear Trees 12/10/2022 7:44 AM 39 More
12/9/2022 10:15
40 Community center needs updating Harris street park needs security Veterans park needs restrooms 12/9/2022 9:00 PM 41 Water treatment 12/9/2022 7:11 PM 42 Building roof leaks when hard rain 12/9/2022 6:22 PM 43 See above 12/9/2022 2:23 PM 44 Banks gym needs a complete overhaul it’s a great facility 12/9/2022 11:35 AM 45 Would love to see a new community center
the other
77/21 12/9/2022 9:51 AM 46 Better on line/internet capabilities 12/9/2022 9:46 AM 47 Station 1 is falling apart and outdated It is equipped for the amount of responses and personnnel stationed there 12/9/2022 9:43 AM 48 Needs updating 12/9/2022 9:10 AM 49 We need lights in the park During the Christmas tree lighting it was too dark to really see anything 12/9/2022 8:50 AM 50 Update
safe for
need to
enjoy 12/9/2022 8:25 AM 51 As mentioned, need new
52 Updates! 12/9/2022
9:56 AM
for the
9:21 AM
cross walks and more easier access for people who use strollers Walking to the parks from our homes isn’t easy with strollers
side of
the parks to be inviting for
kiddos to be at They
be welcoming, offer trails, paths and play structure for all
event/meeting space for
,parties or weddings that can be rented out Should accommodate at least 100-150 people with kitchen facilities Again, don’t want to have to travel to Pineville, Charlotte, Rock Hill, or Tega Cay to take advantage of this type of space and then pay non-resident fees.
7:40 AM

53 New building and structures for the community

6:36 AM 54 Nothing, you will just raise taxes 12/9/2022 6:26 AM 55 Parks police and utility services are key to a great community and deserve proper funding 12/9/2022 6:26 AM

56 More equipment, more options, locations 12/9/2022 6:10 AM

57 Town hall needs a facelift 12/9/2022 5:37 AM

58 We are members and I have kids that use the pool and tennis courts They go to the Riverwalk Y for better workout facilities 12/9/2022 4:26 AM

59 These parks needs things for people who does have small children hence no longer visit the playground, or out side of kids sports to enjoy The only place that has is the greenway but that is paid park and not as convenient as a neighborhood park 12/8/2022 10:46 PM

60 The ROADS!!! The roads need addressing 12/8/2022 10:28 PM

Updates and cleanliness

8:04 PM

Fort Mill is an older city with charm but needs to have more amenities for younger families 12/8/2022 6:29 PM

63 Splash pad, new imaginative play ground area 12/8/2022 6:26 PM 64 Cricket ground, tennis, volleyball 12/8/2022 6:17 PM

65 Can we have Tennis Courts at Doby’s Bridge Park 12/8/2022 6:05 PM

66 We need more tennis courts in the ward 4 (pink) area as there are so many players, most of them are also coming from Ballantyne 12/8/2022 5:44 PM

67 Honestly, I feel like there needs to be a bigger focus on town planning. A real master plan to ensure our infrastructure can keep up with all the building Parks help offset that, but I feel strongly a building moratorium until they can get a master plan so we are looking at all of these projects holistically to ensure it can be supported Traffic, sewer, water It’s not unlimited

68 Exercise rooms should be big with lots of space for many people We need more indoor pickle ball courts for this popular, growing sport

12/8/2022 4:58 PM

12/8/2022 4:51 PM

69 Parks get most use from families 12/8/2022 3:58 PM

70 Looking for more sports utilities. 12/8/2022 3:54 PM

71 Ability to convert Basketball courts into Badminton courts on a rotation basis Adding required equipment and Blocking some time facilitating badminton 12/8/2022 3:52 PM

72 Tennis Courts 12/8/2022 3:52 PM

73 The building is too old 12/8/2022 3:52 PM

74 if treatment isn't kept up to date the water quality in the creek and river will deteriorate 12/8/2022 3:20 PM

75 It looks more dilapidated than the town’s other parks. With its small size and location that serves a more needful portion of our community, the impact would be much greater 12/8/2022 3:12 PM

76 Updates to community center and new play ground to Walter Elisha park would be joce 12/8/2022 2:19 PM

77 This building serves an important role for voting and as a new resident who hasn’t learned much about the history of this place, it appears it’s been here a very long time. The trusses on the ceiling are wonderful but they need some love along with fixing the peeling paint It looks so shabby for a building that’s sitting right next to the Fort Mill Golf Course

12/8/2022 10:22 AM

78 These two need to be updated to be closer in line with Walter Elisha Park 12/8/2022 10:21 AM

79 More landscaping, curb appeal 12/8/2022 10:18 AM

80 Parking is an issue Not sure how to deal with this as it is a bit land locked I would love to see tennis and basketball courts for our youth!

12/8/2022 10:18 AM

81 These could use some sprucing 12/8/2022 9:51 AM

82 This park is a beautiful gathering place and easy for meeting up with neighbors and friends due 12/8/2022 9:33 AM

Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 63 / 112

Harris streets book box is missing, it’s sandbox needs to be weeded and more sand added

and updating The gym (workout room) at the complex is small and older It has rooms that can be used to make it bigger Harris St park needs better parking, residents there don’t seem happy when there are little league games because we are parking up and down their street

Harris St is definitely an older park and needs improved parking and new fencing on the field. Fence is very low and I have seen a foul ball hit a child in the face while she was watching form the bleachers YMCA is such a great amenity but needs updating Would love to see that facility improve and people get more use out of it Would hate to see it sold and turned into more businesses The fields could also use a little love

Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 64 / 112 to
loop 83
85 Nothing specific- the improvements at WEP have been fantastic 12/8/2022 6:51 AM 86 N/a 12/8/2022 6:31 AM 87
AM 88 Improve
an additional library 12/7/2022 11:03 PM 89 Springs could use updating
more activities 12/7/2022 10:31 PM 90 It’s outdated 12/7/2022 10:25 PM 91 Parking, more gym space, paint community center 12/7/2022 10:17 PM 92 updates 12/7/2022 10:12 PM 93
park standards 12/7/2022 10:11 PM 94 Ward one- add pickleball & paved trails 12/7/2022 10:03 PM 95 Lighting 12/7/2022 9:58 PM 96 Not sure, but those are accessible to the entire community 12/7/2022 9:57 PM 97 More street lighting 8n Fort Mill With the increase of traffic as our population increases it is a safety issue Many people ride with bright lights on do to low visibility 12/7/2022 9:05 PM 98 Updating/fixing equipment on the playgrounds Adding shade at the playgrounds so it can be used more in the summer months 12/7/2022 8:42 PM 99 Would love to be able to walk to these parks or local places but their is not sidewalks on dobys 12/7/2022 8:38 PM 100 Outdated 12/7/2022 8:28 PM 101 I think all 3 speak for themselves 12/7/2022 8:28 PM 102 focus on creating sidewalks and safety for our children walking to school 12/7/2022 8:16 PM 103 I’d love a pool at the ymca 12/7/2022 8:03 PM 104 A park that is fenced in and all kids can use 12/7/2022 8:00 PM 105 Benches. Useable space 12/7/2022 7:59 PM 106 An area similar to a multi sport rec park would bring more revenue
future business
12/7/2022 7:37 PM 107 More lighting in the park in the evening 12/7/2022 7:36 PM 108 Infrastructure needs should come first 12/7/2022 7:33 PM 109
our service
park is outdated and needs improvements 12/7/2022
PM 110 Our consistent family favorite facilities to enjoy in Fort Mill! 12/7/2022 7:02 PM 111 Updating the building at the Y, updating the equipment at the parks, include more emergency phones on walking trails and at the parks 12/7/2022 6:57 PM 112
the large walking
7:39 AM
7:26 AM
Elliott street building is falling in Pd is not well suited for its mission PW is too small
and expand the library or build
There is a ton of potential at the Complex It’s outdated by current
to local businesses Lots of kids playing sports in fort mill A place similar to Manchester meadows in rock hill Be proactive for
I think we can
orgs (police, EMT and
Walter Elisha
12/7/2022 6:47 PM

113 Walter Elisha is becoming the heart of the town and it’s lacking, Town Hall doesn’t represent the growth the town has experienced and isn’t a building that makes any resident proud to enter, and the Fire Station is central to downtown but the interior/exterior doesn’t look like it was built to be a commercial building and compared to other departments in the area looks like it’s had bandaid repairs instead of proper renovations through the years

114 Bring up to the most minders standards for future growth 12/7/2022 6:40 PM 115


Playground equipment and draining of the playgrounds The utilities off is cramped and unwelcoming 12/7/2022 6:29 PM

Cycling additions - pump track, skate part, mountain bike trails Pump track is popular in many communities Refer to Poston Park in Gastonia Also mountain bike skill park like seen in Matthews (Francis Beatty Park) where they have a nice Mountsin bike slope line and dirt pump track 12/7/2022 6:22 PM

117 I think the older facilities and parks should take priority

6:17 PM 118 New park

6:10 PM 119 We need more indoor facilites where children can play indoor sports (basketball/soccer) or other recreational activities

120 Ymca could use sidewalks, bike paths to it. Same for other areas

12/7/2022 5:57 PM

12/7/2022 5:56 PM

121 Town Hall looks like a DMV 12/7/2022 5:15 PM

122 Several of the parks are due for upgrades 12/7/2022 5:06 PM

123 I just wish the YMCA could go back to normal Just pay a small fee to swim for the day, now we have to have a membership from my understanding 12/7/2022 4:58 PM

124 The complex at the YMCA is very dark, very outdated Not enough bleachers for basketball games Harris Street park needs new bleachers, updated playground

125 Improved tennis courts

12/7/2022 4:54 PM

12/7/2022 4:40 PM

126 I feel like this is a satemenr park for our area 12/7/2022 4:39 PM

127 I have not been able to visit these places yet, but plan to in the coming year! 12/7/2022 4:37 PM

128 Street Sweeping unit is DESPERATLY needed Intersections are especially HORRIBLE when it comes to filth, debris and glass left laying after accidents that the Fire Dept doesn't bother to clean up

12/7/2022 4:27 PM

129 The Fort mill ymca complex is very outdated and would probably get a ton more use if it was updated 12/7/2022 4:14 PM

130 As stated above in other answers, I’d love to see Walter Elisha’s playground renovated! 12/7/2022 1:31 PM

131 The park with the statues in downtown could use an update to reflect the growth of the town 12/7/2022 1:14 PM

132 With the growth here, I feel like additional police resources are needed. I also think that Harris St Park can be a bit sketchy, as my kids have told me about seeing people there selling drugs, and I've come across teens smoking pot on the trail at that park The Community Center could be updated to provide more affordable (or free) services to residents (i e , yoga classes, support groups)

133 Walter Elisha park is nice but outdated It is frequently used but needs to be updated to a park similar to Trailhead Park in Tega Cay

134 Parking Year round, at least monthly activities Use of the amphitheater for weekly activities such as using for a covered farmers market, ice skating in winter, weekly local bands, roller skating, etc

135 I have not visited the other sites I am a member of the YMCA and prefer the Complex location. I do know that some updates are in the works, but would be great if they could expand their weight lifting area

12/7/2022 12:28 PM

12/7/2022 11:43 AM

12/7/2022 11:29 AM

12/7/2022 11:25 AM

136 Parks and/or community centers need investment to keep them relevant. Fort Mill is growing and we have the ability to become more inclusive and truly embrace being a destination for 12/7/2022 11:14 AM

Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 65 / 112
12/7/2022 6:45 PM

137 Parking updates and bathroom and water fountain Do it like Italy and just have the spout so everyone has free wster and it’s touch less

138 Masons Bend Fire Station

139 Need another fire station

12/7/2022 10:53 AM

12/7/2022 10:36 AM

12/7/2022 10:27 AM

140 The Y at the complex is outdated compared to other YMCAs. Harris St. Park could use more lights at their basketball courts 12/7/2022 10:01 AM

141 Walter Elisha Park should be a destination On it's way Development across the street from it would be helpful. Water feature? 12/7/2022 8:54 AM

142 I described in earlier questions 12/6/2022 10:14 PM

143 Upgrade playgrounds, better paths 12/5/2022 10:20 AM

144 The playground could take a newer equipment 12/3/2022 9:28 PM

145 Face life to the complex and offer more community based classes like arts/crafts, group activities and pickle ball courts Add special needs play equipment to Walter Elisha and shade the play structure Community center needs to have more events and offerings, classes or community fund raising events

146 I would like to see more family friendly facilities

This is a good location and offers good activities, but it's just falling apart

12/3/2022 8:46 AM

12/3/2022 4:00 AM

9:15 PM

Park has become a major attraction point should be a bit bigger with more slides and swings it gets packed often and you have to wait 12/2/2022 11:24 AM 149 Public Works and Utilities do a very good job in my opinion, but their facilities are very old. I don't see how they do such a good job with facility limitations

11:09 AM 150 Indoor sports facility’s,

Please renovate this Y and bring it to a standard closer to Indian Land / Lake Wylie / Charlotte 12/2/2022 7:37 AM

It’s the only one I use consistantly and don’t hAve any major problems with it

A splash pad & shade I really like the one Pineville put in because there are picnic tables just outside the splash pad, and shaded areas within the splash pad.

The bathrooms are dark & frequently dirty Some of the playground equipment (merry go round, see-saw type ride ons, etc ) is very dated The sand area could be better utilized and is often used as a litter box for stray cats. We live nearby and walk there often, nothing has changed since my teenagers were young children, it just needs updating overall

8:42 PM


1:06 PM

163 I don't know what the fire fighters are getting paid but I saw an ad for fort mill pd hiring new officers and the pay was absurdly low to live in the area especially with how high the tax revenue must be with all the new move ins and artificial rise in property value I think raising their pay for such a thankless job should be a top priority of our tax money. 12/1/2022 10:20 AM 164 Water and utility, infrastructure should be the #1 priority in our community Without this, our schools don't function and our quality of life is lost. Ask Jackson, MS if water is important. 12/1/2022 8:53 AM

Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 66 / 112
badminton court, ping
court, indoor lawn tennis 12/2/2022 10:44 AM 151 library 12/2/2022 9:41 AM 152 Walking trails 12/2/2022 8:03 AM
12/1/2022 11:28 PM 156 Fire station in the Sutton rd area 12/1/2022 10:10 PM 157 W.E.L. Needs updated playground. Complex is dated, needs
refresh. 12/1/2022 8:49 PM 158
159 Atrial resources are top priority 12/1/2022
12/2/2022 6:26 AM
More parks
PM 160
11:38 AM
Larger, better equipped, modern looking
12/1/2022 10:22 AM


Planning for future water needs should also be on the radar, drought contingency plans

Some of the playground equipment could use updating

166 I follow the town's Twitter account and it seems we frequently have water main breaks I'd like to see the water & sewer improved along with streets & road repair

167 Needs shelter upgrade

168 YMCA complex-needs some updating. You put money for this great pool but now you need some extra fixing up Community center-that is the hub for basketball and we are always worried that the ceiling is going to collapse

169 These things need to be fortified to sustain our future growth

12/1/2022 8:51 AM

12/1/2022 8:44 AM

12/1/2022 8:27 AM

12/1/2022 7:49 AM

12/1/2022 7:15 AM

170 n/a 12/1/2022 7:12 AM

171 I do not know what the specific needs are in my selections 12/1/2022 7:11 AM

172 Please rebuild the YMCA Complex We are members and use it, but it so run down Driving over to Baxter Y is out of the way so we stay close to home We dance there and play tennis there

12/1/2022 6:26 AM

173 We need to support and upgrade our police officers We need to ensure that we continue to have potable water The complex to ensure that folks have a place to exercise in a safe environment. And for Elisha park, to have an open space for families and residents to use and have wholesome fun 12/1/2022 12:35 AM

174 Community Gyms for Sports. 11/30/2022 9:45 PM

175 Adding or updating to make these facilities cornerstones to family fun and town festivals will increase the desirability of the town 11/30/2022 9:21 PM

176 I’ve not been to many of these facilities, and I am happy with the ones I’ve visited 11/30/2022 9:20 PM

177 The parks are old and rundown They need a facelift 11/30/2022 8:36 PM

178 Vital services for community 11/30/2022 8:33 PM

179 Parks need to be inclusive And offer more options Add skate park to keep kids active 11/30/2022 8:15 PM

Safety and improvement at Steele St. Love Harris St Park but needs updating. KEEP THE TREES! 11/30/2022 12:33 PM

183 Fort Mill is such a family town but the playgrounds are old feeling and rusty and a bit worn out. Our kids love parks and we love the walkability of those two parks especially to downtown

Trails and open spaces for hiking and biking

10:54 AM

10:06 AM

Library What is currently there is less than a school library They do their best but it could be drastically improved 11/30/2022 8:50 AM

Fireman and police are always my first priority when moving to an area. Take care of them first since they are our life savers 11/30/2022 5:57 AM

190 Modernize, friendlier employees 11/29/2022 11:57 PM

I wish they would have programs for teens 11/29/2022 10:50 PM

192 Updated/upgraded playground equipment, more/nicer bathrooms 11/29/2022 10:08 PM

193 Need bigger, better places for families. Better programming. Greenway is great but the land at WE, Harris and Steele is there and just needs a facelift I know that’s easier said then down 11/29/2022 9:54 PM

Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 67 / 112
paint 11/30/2022
PM 182
5:53 PM
The community center is horrible as far as the
Fire and Police must always come first. Safety is first and foremost!
10:22 AM
The community center and the YMCA need to be completely redone 11/30/2022 10:18 AM
188 Some parks need a refresh 11/30/2022 7:43 AM

but the money spent on the amphitheater that sites empty 360 Days a years could improve Harris and Steele.

194 Cleaner bathrooms and better/more parking 11/29/2022 9:44 PM

195 The equipment at these two parks needs to be updated Even the playground equipment at Walter elisha needs to be updated, though the rest of the park is very nice 11/29/2022 7:56 PM

196 New sports facilities 11/29/2022 7:33 PM

197 First responders deserve the best facilities After that I think the flagship park, Walter Elisha, needs an updated playground The YMCA complex is very outdated 11/29/2022 7:19 PM

198 The playgrounds are outdated and small 11/29/2022 7:05 PM

199 It looks old 11/29/2022 7:03 PM

200 As I stated earlier, the tennis courts have to be improved They are utilized and the current condition is unacceptable for such a great town! 11/29/2022 6:44 PM

201 The Complex, regardless of ownership, has long served the residents of Fort Mill Please do not develop this site with anything other than recreation, athletics, and community education services and keep it well maintained into the future. Community Center programs could/should be developed for all ages With growth, the water treatment plant should be updated and improved for future use and service 11/29/2022 5:45 PM

202 These facilities are extremely outdated and honestly embarrassing for the town We should have something much nicer 11/29/2022 5:24 PM

203 to me the police department should always and all of our city buildings should take priority, and our parks to stay clean and inviting

207 As it is the largest park to hold community events plus bring revenue to our businesses at these events, I feel we need to continue to ensure it remains well maintained 11/29/2022 4:51 PM

Equipment upgrades


4:41 PM

210 Park’s usable for all ages Walking trails and greenways would be great that you don’t have to pay for to use. Picnic tables that are clean and well maintained. Improved fields for little league practices and common open space for family sports/playtime 11/29/2022 4:26 PM 211 Freshen up these parks so they are more inviting to visit

213 Create a playground experience One of a kind that will bring joy to children and adults Please research parks in largo, Clearwater Florida HHI Pope st park So fun and unique for kids

Keep up to date and safe for kids/families

4:12 PM

3:16 PM 216 The play ground needs to be updated and there needs to be a shaded or covered area for hot times in the day 11/29/2022 3:16 PM

YMCA needs parking lot expanded and repaved. Continue to work on current building but provide upgrades 11/28/2022 6:27 AM

221 Please take care of Catawba River off of new grey rock road and all other access points 11/28/2022 3:46 AM

Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 68 / 112
204 Idk 11/29/2022
PM 205
priority over parks 11/29/2022
PM 206
11/29/2022 5:24 PM
Police, fire and services should always be a
More parks 11/29/2022 4:55 PM
and outdated 11/29/2022 4:32 PM
Parking down town 11/29/2022 4:11 PM
great 11/29/2022
218 This building needs improvements across the board 11/28/2022
PM 219 Banks St Athletic Park 11/28/2022 1:16 PM
3:38 PM
"Town Hall" looks like a comporium office
3:17 PM
217 Any improvements to the above
2:40 PM

222 Aquatic center with outdoor pool 11/27/2022 11:58 AM

223 our community really needs an adequate community center, which the old banks street gym doesn't do it.... 11/27/2022 10:04 AM

224 Update the Y, especially the indoor pools Fix Banks Street gym, the paint is falling off the walls/ ceilings 11/26/2022 3:55 PM

225 They are the ones I use most so always like seeing improvements 11/26/2022 10:27 AM

226 Improved bathrooms 11/26/2022 8:32 AM

227 An expansion of the machine room would be nice 11/26/2022 8:23 AM 228 These locations are most important 11/26/2022 8:06 AM

229 Kids park service sports fill up so fast, I can’t get my kids in, expanding this service is needed plus better announcements for these for new parents who don’t know how the system works 11/26/2022 7:48 AM

230 They need some serious updates Has a nice playground but that’s it 11/26/2022 7:48 AM

231 L 11/26/2022 12:43 AM

232 Make a truly unique play space for our kids. Many commercial playground companies have rope climbing structures that kids love and you just can't find around here 11/25/2022 11:58 PM

233 Splash pad at the park and more shade. Do whatever it takes to keep wast water plant well maintained 11/25/2022 10:58 PM

234 Add art installations and make fort mill artsy 11/25/2022 10:02 PM

235 I think the money should be spent on revitalizing the downtown of fort mill to include more restaurants and shops. 11/25/2022 9:30 PM

236 More police centers geographically distributed, waste water treatment is always good! Soccer fields,Walter elisha has great potential if they add running track, volleyball/basketball fields, picnic tables and shade 11/25/2022 9:16 PM

237 The complex feels so dated and the one at Baxter is across time I think more people would join if upgraded! Steele Street serves a mostly underdeveloped area so those kids deserve upgraded play equipment 11/25/2022 9:02 PM

238 I don’t know enough to answer this question. If there are updates/improvements needed for the fire stations, police station, or wastewater facilities, I think those should be the top priorities 11/25/2022 8:21 PM

239 The YMCA at the complex just needs updating inside throughout. 11/25/2022 8:16 PM

240 Water causes black muck on faucets, utilities 11/25/2022 8:15 PM 241 Just want to see more walking paths 11/25/2022 7:53 PM

242 They need updating FM is growing and we need newer/nicer/larger facilities to adequately support our community 11/25/2022 7:26 PM

243 Turf fields for multi sports 11/25/2022 6:42 PM 244 Ok 11/25/2022 5:47 PM

245 N/A 11/25/2022 5:25 PM

246 As Fort Mill grows, we have an opportunity to make our town beautiful Instead we are focused on more businesses, storage units and builders that throw up cheap looking homes 11/25/2022 5:18 PM

247 We are lacking a dedicated senior citizens center 11/25/2022 3:05 PM

248 We have 2 children on the YMCA swim team, and one of them was a preschool student at the complex for 2 years The staff is incredible and we love the Y The building however is a bit dated along with its restrooms, locker rooms, sports areas, and pool We would love to see it deep cleaned and upgraded/renovated

11/25/2022 8:30 AM

249 More fire stations 11/25/2022 12:14 AM

250 In door tennis courts, and refresh community center 11/24/2022 10:01 PM

Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 69 / 112

251 Somewhere in our ward near masons bend and lake ridge 11/24/2022 9:39 PM

252 My kids both swim at the Complex so seeing the investment in that facility is priority. 11/24/2022 9:26 PM

253 Both facilities need updating 11/24/2022 7:04 PM

254 I think it could be utilized better for other city programs 11/24/2022 7:02 PM

255 The playground equipment needs updating 11/24/2022 4:37 PM

256 DOG PARK! Ideally in the ward 4 area/old Fort Mill 11/24/2022 3:37 PM 257 Bigger play area 11/24/2022 3:32 PM

258 More sidewalks for walk ability 11/24/2022 2:57 PM

259 lights and take down the smelly bradford pear trees 11/24/2022 12:25 PM

260 It’s a 150yr old building with mold and rot everywhere. It’s also an eyesore that prospective new employees frown on from the second they walk in 11/24/2022 12:11 PM

261 The armory is falling apart. PW is way too small. The police department is not well suited to its mission 11/24/2022 11:17 AM

262 The department’s which do the work deserve the most up to date facilities. In order to make tasks as enjoyable as possible We as a town are only as happy as our employees 11/24/2022 11:01 AM

263 Masons Bend residents are being raped with the absurd water charges the town agreed to and then increased another 7%. The staff is also incompetent and gets bills wrong constantly and then just tells you that you have a leak when you don’t 11/24/2022 10:32 AM

264 It just needs a revamp 11/24/2022 10:08 AM

265 Larger, better designed facilities to accommodate growth 11/24/2022 10:07 AM

266 Banks Athletic Park - add more swings for kids, please and ensure baseball fields are always unlocked for use other than scheduled games 11/24/2022 10:06 AM

267 Anything new is always great 11/24/2022 8:35 AM

268 Splash pad for kids would be wonderful Selected Water Treatment as well because, in general, water has a strange smell to it 11/24/2022 8:30 AM

269 Put cameras in the Parks 11/24/2022 8:17 AM

270 The new Banks athletic park playground doesn’t have sufficient fencing around the playground. The playground literally has no fencing border to the parking lot and I’ve witnessed several times, kids chasing a basketball out into the parking lot without checking for traffic It’s missing ONE fence border - that’s all Since it’s brand new, I thought this would have been thoroughly planned out 11/24/2022 8:15 AM

271 The town has grown and I think a more spacious town hall with bigger meeting facilities makes sense 11/24/2022 8:12 AM

272 New Banks athletic park 11/24/2022 7:44 AM

273 I think these facilities are in need of the most upgrades 11/24/2022 7:36 AM

274 This is used for some many sporting events and could be updated and expanded, also host summer camps and could use additional activities 11/24/2022 7:29 AM

275 More modern play equipment and maintenance of the current equipment 11/24/2022 7:27 AM

276 There can always be improvements These facilities are fine, but can always be upgraded 11/24/2022 7:26 AM

277 Update facility, equipment, etc to be comparable to surrounding area facilities 11/24/2022 6:34 AM

278 Playground looks and feels very outdated, a fence is needed, also a splash pad like Pineville recently got would be amazing For the playground, at least a few areas of shade as well 11/24/2022 6:07 AM

279 Upgrades and security cameras 11/24/2022 5:08 AM

280 Better play equipment 11/24/2022 4:32 AM

Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 70 / 112

281 Playground needs to be updated because some of it doesn’t get used like the empty sand box thing 11/24/2022 4:16 AM


Stargazing Observatory, Outdoor exercise equipment stations, Rock climbing wall, Obstacle course, Large/fun seating - maybe with a view, dog park, enhance Main St. area, add more near Catawba River (or river themed to show personality of area), Welcome Center or Visitors Bureau on Main St to help people navigate and learn things to do (so many opportunities here to engage with community), splash pad, something to tie into all the tubing in the area, large fire pit area near a restaurant or Main St. and local vendors can sell s'mores, community art displays, community chess boards & seating, community garden for farm to table restaurant, general store, play scapes for teens 11/24/2022 2:31 AM

283 Perhaps improvements at the Steele Street Park could include more features that are accessible to children with physical disabilities This park seems to be the most outdated 11/24/2022 2:26 AM

284 NA 11/23/2022 11:07 PM

285 Both Walter Elisha and YMCA complex are in need of updates Both functional updates and aesthetic updates. Also would be nice to see more robust children's programs like the town of Pineville is able to provide for its residents/visitors, 11/23/2022 11:06 PM

286 Updated park equipment. 11/23/2022 10:49 PM

287 Better amenities at the parks, and a community pool 11/23/2022 10:32 PM

288 These buildings are old Community center doesn’t even have air conditioning 11/23/2022 10:15 PM

289 We need more officers place a sub station on the side of Fort Mill near Dobys bridge rd One that respond quicker to issues that occur in the neighborhoods around there 11/23/2022 10:10 PM

290 Police and fire department are a priority Give new equipment and technology and protection for them to be effective and safe in their jobd 11/23/2022 10:03 PM

291 Previously answered for Walter Parking is horrendous at dobys bridge for games We live less than five minutes away and and up leaving 30 mins prior to games just to make sure we can park 11/23/2022 9:38 PM

292 The town library is only walking distance to the wealthiest neighborhood Baxter is not an enjoyable drive to from the village with traffic there Let’s take back the original village of Fort Mill and make it amazing Build a full experience library back in the old village where we can bring the community together. I will paint it for free! We have no free beaches or water cool off areas in FM Build a huge splash pad in Walter Elisha 11/23/2022 9:31 PM

293 Splash pad 11/23/2022 9:20 PM

294 Needs updating 11/23/2022 9:00 PM

295 Walter Elisa park needs shade and equipment updated or maintained Water smells like chlorine a lot and is over priced, I’d like to see us offering fort mill their own water treatment center not though rock hill 11/23/2022 8:55 PM

296 The town very clearly has a need for a public work’s complex which is comparable to the city of rock hills 11/23/2022 8:50 PM

297 Harris Street Park needs to be updated and increase parking for baseball field 11/23/2022 8:34 PM

298 The entire ymca at the complex needs updating The building is very dated and needs to be remodeled The gym and pool especially need remodeling The Walter Elisha park is in desperate need of new playground equipment and it would be nice to remove the mulch and install a rubber surface. And SHADE! We need shade at the playground please! 11/23/2022 8:27 PM

299 These area could be updated and more available for fort mill business to use other than only craft vendors 11/23/2022 8:09 PM

300 These are the facilities I have the most personal non-monetary investment in 11/23/2022 7:58 PM

301 Town employees at these locations do not have adequate meeting space Work spaces are somewhat limited in size The old armory building is especially bad 11/23/2022 7:41 PM

302 Focus on the essentials that we all need 11/23/2022 7:13 PM

Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 71 / 112

303 Public works should have one unified


308 Our first responders buildings need to always be in great shape and equipped with what the first responders need 11/23/2022 5:53 PM

311 Having visited for meetings, town hall is crammed!

314 Harris street park with the creek could be an incredible natural play area, especially with the walking trail between it and Walter Elisha There is potential for the connecting walking trail to have something like a Story Walk that could be changed out seasonally Shade at the Walter Elisha playground is really needed, along with improved equipment Steele street is great since it is shady and has the splash pad but an update to the splash pad would be great—Pineville has a nice one at their lake park Utilities building absolutely beautiful building Interior looks like it is going to fall down Also probably has lead paint flaking off

315 Buildings could use updating 11/23/2022 4:53 PM

316 We need to invest in our facilities. The utilities department is falling apart. If the work cannot be done due to equipment not running properly or their building not functioning as needed, employees will be unhappy causing them to leave to better opportunities 11/23/2022 4:53 PM

317 Invest in resources and places for young, poorer kids to go, with wifi and homework support. 11/23/2022 4:50 PM

318 Cleaner and updated bathrooms at complex ; new and inclusive playground equipment at the parks; library on Dobys Bridge side of town along with more selection of books 11/23/2022 4:48 PM


4:29 PM

321 Steele street park needs to be updated for the neighborhood If the kids don’t have anywhere else to go, at least make what they have NICE 11/23/2022 4:37 PM 322 The Walter Elisha playground is boring and always floods It is small and my kids aren’t excited about it

It’s the hub of fort mill It’s where events take place, everyone sees it driving by The playground is old and rundown

325 The local YMCA needs updating The park needs a larger playground for kids older than 4-5 year olds 11/23/2022 4:21 PM

dated and

4:19 PM


Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 72 / 112
equipment 11/23/2022
304 Widen
park walking path 11/23/2022 6:17 PM
Not knowledgeable on subject 11/23/2022 6:13 PM
6:11 PM 307 Nothing to say 11/23/2022 6:06 PM
PM 310 Na 11/23/2022
More for older kids to do
11/23/2022 5:17 PM
Update 11/23/2022 5:10 PM 313 See other answers 11/23/2022 5:09 PM
park playground
play 11/23/2022
323 They look run down 11/23/2022 4:29 PM 324
Update the room where workout classes are held Add on to Walter Elisha
320 Park located right by downtown, fenced in
4:23 PM
326 most extremely
stressed 11/23/2022
327 Better access and more affordable options 11/23/2022
PM 328 Building is old but great services there 11/23/2022 3:48 PM

Total Respondents: 552

Answered: 552 Skipped: 409

Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 73 / 112 19.57% 108 61 05% 337 2 90% 16 16 67% 92 44 93% 248 64 86% 358 16 30% 90
Q18 Which of the following services are your top priority to support in an improvement or new investment?Please select up to three
# OTHER (PLEASE SPECIFY) DATE 1 To much trash on 21 12/23/2022 8:01 PM 2 I have seen cases in this area where a town decided that if they do not improve of widen roads the traffic will go away only to find themselves in grid lock We must think ahead in terms of future road construction, maintenance and growth 12/20/2022 9:59 PM 3 Sidewalks needed to connect communities 12/17/2022 11:37 AM 4 The 3 roads within the Stirling neighborhood at Doby’s Bridge Road/Stirling Heights Lane need maintenance The neighborhood was built 1999-2004 The existing infrastructure for 20+ year 12/17/2022 8:35 AM 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Trash Street Maintenance Cemetery Maintenance Facility Maintenance Public Safety Parks and Recreation Other (please specify) ANSWER CHOICES RESPONSES Trash Street Maintenance Cemetery Maintenance Facility Maintenance Public Safety Parks and Recreation Other (please specify)

I wish the grass cutters were more careful about hitting the markers and wouldn’t dig the dirt out around markers with the weed eaters With the dirt removed from the weed eater being turned sideways to trim around water gets under the markers and then they become un level I appreciate the guys but the mowers are too big for some sections in the cemetery

Please fix our roads! Fort mill parkway needs to be expanded Traffic is horrible and the widening project basically just added a turning lane for a new neighborhood It will not ease the traffic. Potholes are everywhere. It would be great to have those addressed too.

and infrastructure is my top priority Less reacting to proposals and more practice planning. Off the list though, keeping up with the beautiful facilities we are blessed to have and safety - always

about leaving some trees instead of destroying the reason everyone moves here to begin with? Our infrastructure can’t handle the influx of growth. And your longtime residents are becoming very frustrated with everything that made Ft Mill so desirable being leveled for housing developments and shopping centers

Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 74 / 112 old neighborhoods has been neglected by the Town 5 Recycling
to recycle glass 12/16/2022 8:49 PM 6
12/16/2022 4:16 PM 7 Roads and traffic - slow down new home permits and continue to provide retail spaces and new school buildings 12/14/2022 12:46 AM 8
12/13/2022 8:18 PM 9 Sidewalks
12/13/2022 11:48 AM 10 Need recycle service that collects more than bottles 12/13/2022 7:37 AM 11 I 12/13/2022 7:17 AM 12 Widening Doby’s Bridge Rd 12/13/2022 6:26 AM 13 Bike paths and one way traffic on Main St 12/13/2022 6:14 AM 14 More sidewalks Wider shoulders remove unsightly temporary signs as they pop up 12/10/2022 12:30 PM 15 There is some rough roads in and around town and stop
speeders up
down Sidney Johnson streets and around the Walter Elisha park 12/10/2022 7:44 AM 16 With tremendous growth Ft Mill will need more/better transportation infrastructure 12/9/2022 9:46 AM 17 Water and sewer 12/9/2022 8:44 AM 18 Add a skatepark somewhere! Take a look at the west coasts park and Rec development and you’ll get some expert ideas. 12/9/2022 8:25 AM 19 Growth 12/9/2022 7:52 AM 20 Needs Red light at the end of old nation rd and 160 getting very dangerous 12/9/2022 7:36 AM 21 Nothing I run the sewer for fort mill poorly Overcharge and we can’t do a thing about it 12/9/2022 6:26
22 More
AM 23 Again, a lot of the roads need addressing. 12/8/2022 10:28 PM 24 Master
28 Roadways/walkways 12/8/2022
30 Street need
repair 12/8/2022
31 More playgrounds 12/7/2022
We should
so that children can walk to school safely and traffic lights at Arden Mill entrance to protect pedestrians and drivers at such a high traffic area
street lights!!! The section of the parkway that was just redone is so dark, so is Doby’s Bridge Road The lack of lighting on already tight roads make it more dangerous
4:58 PM
An investment needs to be made in new garbage cans - mine is 20 years old And we should not have to pay for a replacement
10:21 AM
12/8/2022 9:51 AM
7:26 AM
Please lease the parking lot from First Baptist and build a parking deck for downtown. 12/8/2022 6:51 AM
6:31 AM
10:40 PM

33 Need to raise police salaries so all middle school have an SRO Sad so many are leaving in droves 12/7/2022 9:58 PM

Really want to see more sidewalks and bike lanes to allow us to travel to downtown area for events without having to battle traffic and parking issues 12/7/2022 6:06 PM

37 We really need to address road infrastructure in fort mill with all of the expansion Also more options for teenagers for things to do/places to hang out They’re all discouraged from going to the parks but have no where else to hang out in fort mill 12/7/2022 5:06 PM


Walkability, art/beautification

4:27 PM

1:14 PM 40 There many streets with potholes that are damaging to vehicles And for the trash pickup, more emphasis needs to be placed on recycling

12:28 PM

Sidewalks, particularly along Nation Ford Rd

11:29 AM 42 Trash people throw csn down and don’t pick them up

Does the town EVER improve their sidewalks??? The sidewalk on Old Nations Rd is so bad it’s nearly unusable Fix what we have in place please

7:35 AM

Commercial facilities at the corner of Doby's Bridge and 460 (Across from the 7-11) : revoke Harris Teeter's permit/approval if they aren't going to build the place 12/2/2022 9:15 PM 45 Libraries, cultural arts centers 12/1/2022 9:57

The intersection at Flint Hill and 51

11:10 AM 50 Government exists first and foremost to protect our citizens Public safety, first responders, road maintenance etc should be invested in before parks and rec It would be nice to be able to have everything. 12/1/2022 8:53 AM


The condition of a lot of streets is terrible The Fort Mill Pkwy construction so far has been a disappointment All of that work and you didn't even manage to add additional lanes?

Streets are horrible Need resurfaced ASAP Mainly around downtown 12/1/2022 2:53 AM

police and

10:22 AM

Street lights Street signs We have terrible street signs if there are any Trash clean up needs priority. 11/30/2022 10:06 AM 57 Lots of pot hole and uneven pavement in our neighborhood (Whiteville Park) 11/29/2022 9:33 PM 58 Roads/Streets are ABYSMAL Repairs are inadequate because they patch without addressing underlying substrate issues Please invest in quality of driving surface; better and more sidewalks; street lighting; and streetscaping/beautification/landscaping 11/29/2022 7:56 PM 59 Would like to put glass in my recycle bin 11/29/2022 7:23 PM

Parks and rec needs better sports 11/29/2022 7:19 PM

61 More street lighting. All the roads are dark including 160. 11/29/2022 5:08 PM

62 Parking It is beyond obvious that it is an issue in downtown If we are to continue to attract 11/29/2022 4:51 PM

Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 75 / 112
32 We have a cemetary??
10:31 PM
Lights 12/7/2022 9:05 PM 35 Cycling as mentioned earlier 12/7/2022 6:22 PM 36
12/7/2022 10:53
PM 46 Streets in Fort Mill are horrible!!! 12/1/2022 8:14 PM 47 Recycling 12/1/2022 5:35 PM 48 908-8536 12/1/2022 11:38 AM 49
51 Water
sewer infrastructure 12/1/2022 8:44 AM
7:12 AM
Recycling should be collected weekly 11/30/2022 5:42 PM
fire department service 11/30/2022

67 I thought no all roads leading into our beautiful city should be paved without patch work I live on Spratt Street and it is the worst Surprisingly no accidents have occurred due to pot hood dodging I travel the state for work and notice how out of the way towns have such well maintained roads.

4:51 AM

78 Stargazing Observatory, Outdoor exercise equipment stations, Rock climbing wall, Obstacle course, Large/fun seating - maybe with a view, dog park, enhance Main St area, add more near Catawba River (or river themed to show personality of area), Welcome Center or Visitors Bureau on Main St to help people navigate and learn things to do (so many opportunities here to engage with community), splash pad, something to tie into all the tubing in the area, large fire pit area near a restaurant or Main St and local vendors can sell s'mores, community art displays, community chess boards, community garden for farm to table restaurant, general store, play scapes for teens 11/24/2022 2:31 AM

79 I would love to see sidewalks along Doby's Bridge Rd, Highway 21, Old Charlotte Highway, and other major roads coming into town It would decrease traffic and increase opportunities for biking and walking into town. 11/24/2022 2:26 AM

82 Fix Sutton road at new Gray rock toad Those sticks put up back up traffic to the highway during rush hour Entire SUTTON road needs pavement PICK up the Downed STREET LIGHT LAYING IN FRONT BEND FOR MONTHS! Gives summons to homes Along Sutton rd that have tons on debris all over their property 11/23/2022 10:03 PM

83 If it is under your jurisdiction, many of the streets need to be repaved A great example would be Sam Smith Road Many also should be expanded to alleviate traffic Of course, not all can be expanded, either because of residential or commercial property, or because the road is physically wedged between buildings At some intersections between streets and major roads, turning off can be dangerous or time consuming because of the sheer amount of traffic The bypass is frequently littered 11/23/2022 8:53 PM

84 Saving any bit of nature that’s left 11/23/2022 8:17 PM

85 Skipper street is collapsing It needs to be repaired 11/23/2022 7:58 PM

86 Would love to see more street digns 11/23/2022 6:13 PM

87 More roads and widening of roads to meet the demand of a growing city and reduce traffic Make builders responsible for helping to improve the roads effected by the new development to 11/23/2022 5:20 PM

Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 76 / 112
businesses and hold large events we have to resolve the parking issues 63 Off banks st 11/29/2022 4:11 PM 64 The streets over here in Whiteville Park definitely need improvement 11/29/2022 3:27 PM 65 sturdier and better playground equipment 11/28/2022 1:16 PM 66 Expand roads to help with traffic 11/26/2022 3:36 PM
73 Recycling 11/24/2022
terrible 11/24/2022
More paved walking areas. 11/24/2022
many roads with destructive potholes 11/24/2022
Revitalizing downtown fort mill
9:30 PM
Sidewalks/bike paths and street lighting! 11/25/2022 7:26 PM
Recycling 11/25/2022 6:13 PM 71 Water .. poorly managed and tracked. Billing is terrible 11/24/2022 9:05 PM 72 Side walls from fort mill high school to Sutton Road 11/24/2022 3:32 PM
10:59 AM
Road Infrastructure here is
9:59 AM 75
8:30 AM 76 Sincerely though, some streets are awful So
8:15 AM
Signs for no street parking
7:44 AM
more 11/23/2022
81 Would love weekly recycling 11/23/2022
80 Need
11:18 PM

help reduce traffic and offset cost

88 Sidewalks and bike lanes! 11/23/2022 5:02 PM

89 Cheaper water/sewer bill 11/23/2022 4:29 PM

90 Some of the roads are deplorable and an embarrassment. 11/23/2022 4:12 PM

Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 77 / 112

Q19 What do you value most about the Town of Fort Mill?

Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 78 / 112
Answered: 435 Skipped: 526 # RESPONSES DATE 1 Small town feel 12/23/2022 8:01 PM 2 The schools and the parks 12/19/2022 6:52 PM 3 Small town feel with important services available 12/17/2022 11:04 PM 4 The police and fire departments 12/17/2022 8:37 AM 5 schools 12/17/2022 12:54 AM 6 This is where I have been born and raised 12/17/2022 12:26 AM 7 Love our community and neighbors 12/16/2022 8:50 PM 8 Ease of getting around from where we live and the services 12/16/2022 4:18 PM 9 Love the small town feel Stop allowing so much growth such as apartment, townhome communities in every green space builders can find Removal of old run-down trailers Keep panhandlers, beggars out of intersections, parking lots, etc holding up signs, etc safety!!! 12/16/2022 10:14 AM 10 1) The school system 2) love the events and festivals on Main Street 12/16/2022 8:15 AM 11 Scools 12/16/2022 6:40 AM 12 Small town ish still 12/16/2022 6:38 AM 13 It’s a wonderful place to call home 12/16/2022 6:36 AM 14 The community relationships 12/15/2022 8:53 PM 15 My time spent sitting in traffic 12/15/2022 7:49 PM 16 I love main street and the whole area of fort mill. 12/15/2022 5:24 PM 17 N/A 12/15/2022 4:50 PM 18 How much we come together as a community and really enjoy each other and gather for events 12/15/2022 2:58 PM 19 Schools 12/15/2022 1:25 PM 20 Schools Close to Rock Hill and Charlotte Amazing utilities and facilities 12/14/2022 4:41 PM 21 The Town provides many recreational activities and events, which has strengthened the Fort Mill Community and provided a safe and friendly atmosphere to capture the "small town" feeling in a region that is rapidly growing 12/14/2022 3:44 PM 22 It is well ran 12/14/2022 11:16 AM 23 School system, safety, easy drivability (hopefully improves), natural surroundings (please don’t develop all the forest areas 12/14/2022 8:03 AM 24 The
12/14/2022 12:52 AM 25 It’s is a friendly town with a nest downtown. It’s fun to have people come in to see the scarecrows in the fall and lights at Christmas 12/13/2022 8:21 PM 26 Friendliness, great public schools Walking / Exercise trails for all ages 12/13/2022 8:18 PM 27 Size and safety 12/13/2022 5:34 PM
Student to Teacher Ratio and knowing where my kid will goto school - it is why I left Waxhaw. I saw new schools being planned and built in accordance with new homes, whereas CMS and UCPS haven't built a new school yet they keep building more and more housing

groth potential and the people I've met It is apparent that the interest in growth, community and safety is at the forefront of everyone's intentions, which is invaluable when a community is experiencing such rapid growth

and town pride Even though many people, like myself, aren’t originally from Fort Mill; it’s a place most are proud to call home 12/13/2022 6:30 AM

Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 79 / 112 28 Family atmosphere 12/13/2022 2:14 PM 29 The
to see more improvements 12/13/2022 1:47 PM 30
12/13/2022 11:49
31 location to the city and its close to rock hill's amenities (because
suck) 12/13/2022 9:29 AM 32 Location and convenience 12/13/2022 8:47 AM 33 It is clean and pretty quiet Would love to see a sports bar and grocery store 12/13/2022 7:50 AM 34
12/13/2022 7:42 AM 35 Family events, Christmas lights Town is kept clean 12/13/2022 7:40 AM 36 Increased home value 12/13/2022 7:25 AM 37 The highly ranked school district and sense of community 12/13/2022 7:17 AM 38 Neighbors, small town feel 12/13/2022 6:52 AM 39
41 Safe Friendly for kids families and elderly 12/13/2022 6:15 AM 42 Sense of community 12/12/2022 6:36 PM 43 The family oriented atmosphere 12/12/2022 1:23 PM 44 Nice place to raise a family 12/12/2022 7:31 AM 45 -
of Charlotte 12/11/2022
PM 46 Sense of community 12/11/2022 2:58 PM 47 The small town feel 12/11/2022 2:32 PM 48 The community and the opportunities for youth to have quality athletics 12/11/2022 10:29 AM 49 The accessibility to everything 12/11/2022 9:22 AM 50 Schools 12/11/2022 6:12 AM 51 Small town community feeling 12/11/2022 5:55 AM 52 Schools 12/10/2022 9:13 PM 53 The small town feel 12/10/2022 1:39 PM 54 Safety 12/10/2022 10:37 AM 55 The people lived here all my life and stop all the house and neighborhood building no place for the animals left bring in some restaurants and less houses and people 12/10/2022 7:45 AM 56 Family atmosphere 12/9/2022 10:17 PM 57 Small town feel 12/9/2022 9:01 PM 58 Safe, small town friendly community, people are proud of and want to invest in our local economy 12/9/2022 8:41 PM 59 Safety 12/9/2022 7:12 PM 60 The school system 12/9/2022 6:26 PM 61 Ability to respond to community 12/9/2022 6:23 PM
sports programs for the children I would like
I USED to value that it was a small town in convenient
It has
ruined with all of
Sense of community
40 Growing up and coming town with a small hometown feel 12/13/2022 6:27 AM
green, lots of trees - family-oriented, good schools (although parks have some room for improvement) - it's a proper town with its own charm, not just a suburb

77 I love the downtown area look and feel and the annual activities for families I love the addition of gathering places like Kingsley and Baxter to give young adults something to do. I would appreciate the area so much more if it could grow with the needs of the people and in other areas more than just the Baxter/Tega Cay side of town :-)

and friendly! I love all the events you host in the town, which gets people out!

7:00 AM

I love the small town feel of Fort Mill I grow up and lived in Charlotte my whole life I got married and we moved to Fort Mill and have loved it ever since The atmosphere of all the local shops and breweries is great It’s honestly nicer living in Fort Mill than it is Charlotte

Keeping the “old” buildings and homes Historic committee needs to reassess lines and preserve more I am not happy with the historic preservation We don’t need to be an expansion of Charlotte’s strip malls

6:06 PM

It’s beauty, the small town feel in a big town So much to do! Great restaurants, greenway, parks & facilities. Adorable downtown and how the history of fort mill and traditions are never 12/8/2022 5:58 PM

Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 80 / 112
Small town charm 12/9/2022 4:24 PM 63 Safety/ family activities 12/9/2022 2:23 PM 64 Scarecrow contest 12/9/2022 12:06 PM 65 Super
of community gathering 12/9/2022
PM 66 The sense
with the amenities
complexities 12/9/2022
67 Small town feel Local connections Community activities 12/9/2022 9:52 AM 68 Family oriented activities 12/9/2022 9:47 AM 69 Small town feel, but growth is here and getting bigger 12/9/2022 9:43 AM 70 Safety and small town feel 12/9/2022 9:25 AM 71 Community events 12/9/2022 9:11 AM 72 The people 12/9/2022
oriented, 12/9/2022
74 The SMALL town feel, which is fleeting 12/9/2022 8:26 AM 75 The accessibility to CLT without living in CLT 12/9/2022 8:26 AM 76 Educated community
towards children Education 12/9/2022 7:56 AM
78 Small town atmosphere 12/9/2022 7:37 AM 79 Small town feel 12/9/2022 7:22 AM 80
81 The hometown feel with things to do 12/9/2022
82 Green spaces, and the culture 12/9/2022 6:27 AM 83 Safety 12/9/2022
AM 84
and history 12/9/2022 5:37 AM 85 Due to lack of a grocery store and restaurants we mostly go to Indian Land for things 12/9/2022 4:27 AM 86 Quite Town 12/9/2022 12:25 AM 87
88 The great schools
the family friendly atmosphere 12/8/2022
92 Family oriented 12/8/2022
93 Small town feel 12/8/2022
94 Schools
nice place to live, lots of events, lots
and small town feel
11:36 AM
8:50 AM
Small town feel, adequate but not pretentious, family
8:45 AM
and focus
7:51 AM
6:36 AM
The charm
There are a lot of potential and it is becoming more diverse.
10:47 PM
10:41 PM
12/8/2022 10:30 PM
All services are available and nearby No
12/8/2022 8:35 PM
12/8/2022 8:09 PM
6:31 PM
6:27 PM

lost in the growth I think people don’t realize really how great we have it and how hard the council works to provide it. I love it! I’m really worried that my fellow transplants are trying to create exactly what we all ran from I came here for different, for a better life I want the beautiful parks, the Christmas parades, the street festivals I want and respect the history That’s what I value most about fort mill

Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 81 / 112
96 Safety 12/8/2022 5:48 PM 97 The residents 12/8/2022 5:45 PM 98 Good schools which lead to higher property values 12/8/2022 4:52 PM 99 The community and schools 12/8/2022 3:58 PM 100 Am we value the road development and planning new tree 12/8/2022 3:56 PM 101 Schools 12/8/2022 3:53 PM 102 Schools 12/8/2022 3:53 PM 103 It's my home 12/8/2022 3:53 PM 104 Schools 12/8/2022 3:47 PM 105 People in our community 12/8/2022 3:40 PM 106 Downtown and the small town feeling of our neighborhood nearby 12/8/2022 3:21 PM 107 Small town feel 12/8/2022 2:19 PM 108 The downtown area, parks, and keeping green spaces green 12/8/2022 12:04 PM 109 Safety 12/8/2022 11:42 AM 110 The small town feeling with access to a big city Let’s keep Fort Mill small and smart 12/8/2022 10:23 AM 111 It's small town charm 12/8/2022 10:22 AM 112 Small-town atmosphere 12/8/2022 10:19 AM 113 Safety and public activities! The tree lighting this year was wonderful. So great to see so many community members out and about! 12/8/2022 10:19 AM 114 It was the quietness and charm. And the natural beauty of the town. It made me proud to be a resident of Ft Mill 12/8/2022 9:54 AM 115 I love that it’s a family friendly, culturally diverse and growing town There
12/8/2022 9:35 AM 116 The green spaces 12/8/2022 7:39 AM 117 The community, the events put on by
town, the great schools and the desire to improve 12/8/2022 7:28 AM 118
119 Location, is near Charlotte but away from it also 12/8/2022 6:32 AM 120 Peaceful safe place to live 12/8/2022 6:00 AM 121 It’s close to charlotte 12/8/2022 12:06 AM 122 Community 12/7/2022 11:05 PM 123 Safety Family friendly 12/7/2022 10:41 PM 124 The friendly small town feel 12/7/2022 10:32 PM 125 Safety 12/7/2022 10:26 PM 126 Small town feel 12/7/2022 10:18 PM 127 Outdoor life 12/7/2022 10:14 PM
are so many year round
put on by the town and local businesses, I love that about it!
I like finding the elements of its roots as a small town, away from all the big neighborhoods I love the farmers market, the Christmas parade and the lights I appreciate how good downtown is now with its mix of businesses
6:54 AM
Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 82 / 112 128 Small town feel 12/7/2022 10:13 PM 129 The parks 12/7/2022 10:12 PM 130 Schools 12/7/2022 10:04 PM 131 Fun 12/7/2022 10:01 PM 132 Welcoming
12/7/2022 9:58 PM 133 Community events 12/7/2022 9:14 PM 134 My community The wonderful schools 12/7/2022 9:07 PM 135 I appreciate
trash, leaves, bulk items, yard debris,
nice, hard working people 12/7/2022 8:44 PM 136 Trash service 12/7/2022 8:38 PM 137
12/7/2022 8:29 PM 138 People and town 12/7/2022 8:28 PM 139 community 12/7/2022 8:16 PM 140 Small town feel 12/7/2022 8:03 PM 141 The family-friendly environment. 12/7/2022 8:00 PM 142 Safety 12/7/2022 7:59 PM 143 Emergency services 12/7/2022 7:39 PM 144 Sense of community 12/7/2022 7:36 PM 145 Safe neighborhoods with good schools 12/7/2022 7:33 PM 146 Small town feel 12/7/2022 7:32 PM 147 Although has had extreme growth, still has a small town feel and there are lots of community events 12/7/2022 7:31 PM 148 Small town feel with lots of family friendly options! 12/7/2022 7:04 PM 149 I love the location, small town vibes in some of the communities, parks and rec, and schools 12/7/2022 6:59 PM 150 Safety and education 12/7/2022 6:58 PM 151 Small close knit community 12/7/2022 6:52 PM 152 School system 12/7/2022 6:49 PM 153 Safety 12/7/2022 6:48 PM 154 The people. The small town feel. The community in general is so overwhelmingly accepting and willing to help Love where you live 12/7/2022 6:47 PM 155 Love it 12/7/2022 6:42 PM 156 Small country town We need to stay true to our roots, as well as expand for those moving here But we can not lose what made us special 12/7/2022 6:31 PM 157 It’s grown but maintains a small town feel 12/7/2022 6:23 PM 158 Small town feel 12/7/2022 6:21 PM 159 The community, the schools and Greenway 12/7/2022 6:18 PM 160 Family friendly, clean, safe 12/7/2022 6:11 PM 161 I love the recent development of the main street area and the schools 12/7/2022 6:07 PM 162 The Small Town feel I would like to see more businesses (Restaurants/Brew 12/7/2022 6:00 PM
friendly environment Like the small town feel so continue to poor into those things that keep that alive.
the crews that pick up
etc they are very
The small town feel Community first Good schools Decent Parks & Rec Dept First Responders are visible in the community. The Main St Jams.

Pubs/Entertainment) on Main Street, but with a design that keeps the original feel the same as it was when first built. Enhance the bldgs without destroying the facia of the front.

163 Various amenities and schools 12/7/2022 5:57 PM

164 Keeping the community a small town feel without over expansion 12/7/2022 5:42 PM

165 The businesses 12/7/2022 5:16 PM

166 Small town atmosphere even through growth. 12/7/2022 5:07 PM

167 The sense of community and the safety 12/7/2022 5:07 PM 168 Still small town feel 12/7/2022 5:02 PM 169 Our great schools! Miss the small town feel 12/7/2022 5:00 PM

170 Having moved here two years ago, we LOVED the small town feel, country meets suburbia. Please stop chopping down all of the trees that make Fort Mill so beautiful! 12/7/2022 4:55 PM


173 Safety and involved community, cleanliness 12/7/2022 4:39 PM 174 The decent schools. 12/7/2022 4:27 PM

175 The small town feel and charm even though it is growing 12/7/2022 4:14 PM

176 The people and our safety Quaintness and charm 12/7/2022 3:51 PM

177 When I first came to Fort Mill in 1997 it was the small town feel like where I moved from That's gone so now it's that I feel safe in my home 12/7/2022 2:26 PM

178 My husband and I have both lived here our entire lives (give or take a few years, for college), and we’re now raising our children here We love the sense of community within our neighborhood but also in the town as a whole We want great schools for our children, and we want a sense of safety, while still being close to a large metropolitan area.

179 Really lovely town that is starting to grow and move in the right direction We have wonderful access to highways, great schools, and excellent breweries/restaurants that engage with the community

12/7/2022 1:35 PM

12/7/2022 1:17 PM

180 I love all the greenway space available, and particularly the dog park 12/7/2022 12:29 PM

181 The growth the city has seen over the past few years has been wonderful 12/7/2022 11:44 AM

182 Revitalization of Main St, but, we need more parking 12/7/2022 11:32 AM

183 I value the small town feel. Which is hard to balance up against the big city amenities that some, including myself, are looking for at times I do value the community aspect of the town, all portions of the town do seem to work together well

12/7/2022 11:31 AM

184 Family oriented Clean Historic Hospitable 12/7/2022 11:15 AM

185 Main Street needs an upgrade for parking. And the building are smelly with mold in some…. 12/7/2022 10:54 AM

186 The small town charm of Main St events And our first responders 12/7/2022 10:37 AM

187 Despite rampant growth it still has a small town feel 12/7/2022 10:02 AM

188 Quality of life, being outside Local parks + Greenway are great Wish Elisha Park and downtown were somehow more walkable to each other 12/7/2022 8:55 AM

189 I love anne greenway It's a green space like no other and living close to that was a priority for me 12/6/2022 10:15 PM

190 Accessability

12/5/2022 10:21 AM

191 Great community with great schools 12/3/2022 9:29 PM

192 Size and green space

12/3/2022 8:47 AM

Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 83 / 112
171 Safety
sense of community 12/7/2022 4:40 PM 172 The family environment I feel safe here with my family 12/7/2022 4:39 PM

I love the feeling of community when I run into people I know It’s getting bigger but it’s still a small town.

It's a great place to live We've been here 20 years, our children have grown up in, and still attend, Fort Mill schools. It's lost some of the small town feel for sure, but still enjoy loving here

221 I enjoy the small town feel but that's been fleeing quickly with all the new move ins and constant housing developments. I wish we could take it all back.

The people and the unspoiled feel of trees, farmland and greenspace Somehow as we have more construction, builders of both commercial and residential property need to prioritize landscaping for aesthetics to keep what makes our town so special

8:56 AM

225 Events held at Elisha Park Good schools 12/1/2022 8:52 AM

Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 84 / 112
194 Small town feel and community activities 12/3/2022
196 Safety of fortmill not much violence and crime seen 12/2/2022 11:25 AM 197 Quality of leadership
Neat appearance
Quality of services provided by Police, Fire
Public Works/Utilities 12/2/2022 11:19 AM 198 Community bonding, safety security for one and all 12/2/2022 10:46 AM 199 Small town feel 12/2/2022 10:18 AM 200 The people! The care with which things are planned 12/2/2022 8:04 AM 201 Small town feel with continued commercial growth 12/2/2022 7:38 AM 202 It’s local businesses! 12/2/2022 6:28 AM 203 Small town feeling 12/1/2022 11:29 PM 204 Small town feel, great schools, low crime 12/1/2022 10:35 PM 205 Staying safe. Quick
to emergencies. Safe outdoor space. 12/1/2022 10:13 PM 206 Bigger
so welcoming Variety of events throughout the year. 12/1/2022 10:09 PM
12/1/2022 8:51 PM 208 The safety of it I don’t take it for granted! 12/1/2022 8:43 PM 209 Family values 12/1/2022 8:41 PM 210 The town activities and festivals 12/1/2022 8:37 PM 211 The sense of community 12/1/2022 8:15 PM 212 The revitalization of downtown 12/1/2022 5:35 PM 213
safe, family friendly town 12/1/2022 4:26 PM 214 Small town feel 12/1/2022 3:05 PM 215 The green space and overall safety. 12/1/2022
PM 216
217 Small town atmosphere 12/1/2022 12:37 PM 218 Ymca 12/1/2022 11:39 AM 219 Sense of community, safety, downtown environment 12/1/2022 11:29 AM 220
193 It’s safety, great schools, and proximity to easily access
and the surrounding areas
7:39 AM
4:01 AM 195 It's a nice place with nice people and great foresight on school planning The downtown area is nice and the occasional events are fun for the family
9:17 PM
Small Town atmosphere is
It's a
1:08 PM
Safety, cleanliness, and small-town feel.
10:26 AM
222 Small town environment Friendliness of community 12/1/2022 10:05 AM 223 The commnuitu 12/1/2022 9:06 AM 224
12/1/2022 10:24 AM

229 I like the small town feel although it is growing too fast. Too many people for the roads and amenities I like the towns activities they hold 12/1/2022 7:50 AM

230 I love that it continue to grow but maintains small town feel. 12/1/2022 7:32 AM

231 It’s the country with the perks of being able to drive to the city It’s the last area like this around Charlotte I don’t want to see Kohls or more fast food Make the streets less backed up at a few areas and keep maintaining our water and sewage and public works 12/1/2022 7:17 AM 232 the safety 12/1/2022 7:12 AM

233 On the east side of I-77 the town being family oriented 12/1/2022 7:12 AM


6:23 AM

Town takes pride in events and hosting 12/1/2022 2:53 AM 238 Safety and family oriented environment 12/1/2022 12:37 AM

239 I still love the small town feel and the sense of community. 11/30/2022 9:46 PM

240 Downtown festivals, proximity to Charlotte events without the hustle of the city 11/30/2022

Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 85 / 112
226 Quality of life 12/1/2022 8:49 AM
Schools 12/1/2022 8:27 AM
Good schools 12/1/2022 8:20 AM
235 Safety,
Safe places for kids to be
7:07 AM
nice people, great schools 12/1/2022 6:27 AM
PM 241 Fort
PM 242
PM 243
PM 244 Quiet, small town atmosphere 11/30/2022 8:33 PM 245 Safety 11/30/2022 8:15 PM 246 Community 11/30/2022 7:06 PM 247 The small home town fell, not like a City 11/30/2022 5:54 PM 248 Small town values with plenty of services 11/30/2022 5:53 PM 249
dining options,
activities 11/30/2022
PM 250 Family friendly events 11/30/2022
safe community that has maintained
small town feel even with an exploding population 11/30/2022
PM 252 Small town feel 11/30/2022 12:33 PM 253 Safety 11/30/2022 11:10 AM 254 Family-friendly. The trees and closeness to Anne Springs Greenway. 11/30/2022 10:54 AM 255 schools
257 Down town 11/30/2022
258 Anne Springs Greenway 11/30/2022
Mill still has a quaint, small town atmosphere that would be a shame to lose I value the feeling of
and safely that Fort Mill has
The sense of community and all the events it has 11/30/2022 8:37
Its small town feel and active, regular events for residents Really impressed with the updates to Walter Elisha park!
Small town feel with great access to the
and town sponsored
3:19 PM
It’s a
11/30/2022 10:23 AM
The people and the maintaining of small town
11/30/2022 10:21 AM
10:16 AM
10:06 AM
like crazy 11/30/2022
259 Still has a small town feel even though it’s growing
9:17 AM

260 That it’s still a nice place to live but needs to catch up drastically with the growth

262 We moved here first and foremost for the schools Secondly public safety and we'll outfitted police protection and first responder fire department Thirdly, how cute the downtown area is and the restaurants and small shops the area has to offer

274 I love how great the school system and the downtown is much more vibrant than it used to be

Use to the small town, some things to much More things toward the

having known people who have served our community from the City Council to Police Dept I am proud of our community Along with some growth but still holding onto to its rich heritage, I enjoy being able to call this home for 50+ years

6:45 PM

Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 86 / 112
11/30/2022 8:50 AM
7:44 AM
offerings 11/29/2022 11:58 PM 264 The schools 11/29/2022 10:09 PM 265
events 11/29/2022
town feel
good schools 11/29/2022
Create community atmosphere 11/29/2022 7:34 PM 270 Growing
modern with a small town feel Love the history 11/29/2022 7:19 PM 271 The sense of community and diversity 11/29/2022 7:07 PM 272
273 Quality of life 11/29/2022
other end
11/29/2022 6:41 PM 276 Small town feel 11/29/2022 5:49 PM
PM 278 Small town feel 11/29/2022 5:09 PM 279 Schools 11/29/2022 5:07 PM 280 Small town feel 11/29/2022 4:56 PM 281 The safety and sense of community 11/29/2022 4:56 PM 282 The people and the events 11/29/2022 4:41 PM 283 Community 11/29/2022 4:40 PM 284 Small town feel 11/29/2022
PM 285 Events and small town feel 11/29/2022
286 The parks and thriving downtown 11/29/2022
287 History, green space and community events 11/29/2022
PM 288
Christmas lights at Christmas
need a manger scene merry Jesus, Joseph 11/29/2022
PM 289 small town feel 11/29/2022
PM 290
291 Community
family 11/29/2022
292 Cleanliness, safety, community oriented 11/29/2022
293 Safe, family oriented 11/29/2022
PM 294 Education system led by educators 11/29/2022
11/30/2022 6:02 AM 263 Feels like a small town but it has big town
Nice, clean, safe place for us
9:56 PM
Safety, good schools, upkeep of parks, streets, etc
9:46 PM
9:33 PM
The small town feel and natural areas.
7:05 PM
than up 160
4:33 PM
4:28 PM
The small town feeling and appropriate growth and improvement of main street and surrounding area The walkability of restaurants, shops, etc
3:47 PM
3:38 PM
3:28 PM
3:20 PM

The people and the small town feel that we have maintained.

My employer; size - hope it does not keep growing and additional effort is made to enhance it Fix the roads, spruce it up, eliminate the riff raff, keep it safe, protect the environment

efforts to keep it a nice place to live: so many waste pick up services, building and grounds keeping our public spaces tidy and all the family friendly events

I like the small town feel and the amenities it provides. More sidewalks to link the neighborhoods to these amenities would be nice

Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 87 / 112 295 The safe family friendly environment 11/29/2022 3:16 PM 296 The parks
recreation 11/29/2022 3:16 PM 297 Small town feel 11/29/2022 3:14 PM 298 Family friendly 11/29/2022 3:12 PM 299 Small town feel 11/29/2022
PM 300
301 safety 11/28/2022
PM 302 Cleanliness,
safe feeling
great school system 11/28/2022 6:28 AM 303
304 Size 11/27/2022 11:58 AM 305
11/27/2022 10:05
306 Beauty of the place 11/27/2022 5:05 AM 307 The people 11/26/2022 4:31 PM 308 Keeping it quaint
population growth 11/26/2022 3:56 PM 309 Greenway 11/26/2022 3:36 PM 310 The small town feel, security 11/26/2022 10:28 AM 311
312 Green space 11/26/2022 8:35 AM 313
atmosphere 11/26/2022 8:06 AM 315
low traffic
town infrastructure
up!!! 11/26/2022 7:51 AM 316
seasonal activities
festivals, the street venues
etc 11/26/2022 4:55 AM 318 Community 11/26/2022 12:08 AM 319
offered 11/25/2022
community 11/25/2022
322 Sense of community! Family oriented place 11/25/2022 9:17 PM 323 Small Town feel- community that comes together- people want to live and work here 11/25/2022 9:02 PM 324 Safety 11/25/2022
PM 325 Safety
green space 11/25/2022
326 Safety
green spaces 11/25/2022
329 School quality 11/25/2022
8:14 PM
family and dog oriented, overall
3:50 AM
still holding onto the small town feel even thought we're growing....a lot
but modernize it to
9:32 AM
8:24 AM
The good schools, the trees, the small town feel, the
down the
and let our
Downtown events bring community together Strawberry festival and tree lighting/parade
are great.
7:51 AM
that are
I love the town and events that are
11:59 PM
Sense of
10:59 PM
Downtown has finally come alive! Activities throughout the year Scarecrow crawl, farmers market, the most important parade.
10:05 PM
8:17 PM
8:17 PM 327 Still has the small town feel 11/25/2022 7:56 PM 328 Enjoy ‘old down town fort mill.’ Gives off a small town feel.
7:28 PM
6:43 PM

small town feel. Hopefully Fort Mill doesn’t make the same mistake as too many other fast growing cities and not plan for the supportive infrastructure (wider streets, schools, restaurants and stores)

The school system, and proximity to employment. Residents are kind

the people and its a beatiful town born and raised here 52 years ago safe place to live stop te speeding down sidney johnson street 11/24/2022 12:27 PM

350 I grew up here and although it’s grown by leaps and bounds it still has the small town vibe 11/24/2022 12:12 PM

Our reaction to change. We have grown but we try to keep our small town values. I am proud of those people who grew up here participate in town business Setting good example 11/24/2022 11:04 AM

The parks are great for kids, I just wish the playgrounds had more swings and more equipment for older children to enjoy and not just the younger children I enjoy the green spaces and the trees, but I don't care for seemingly unfettered construction that razes nature and causes traffic The Greenway is the best thing about Fort Mill The Town should follow their example and keep Fort Mill green and retain the parts of the town I've always loved even when I was growing up in Rock Hill before I moved to Fort Mill 11/24/2022 10:11 AM

Small town (for now) Community events and beautiful natural areas 11/24/2022 8:17 AM

Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 88 / 112 330 Family friendly events and amenities 11/25/2022 5:53 PM 331 It’s a nice town 11/25/2022 5:47 PM 332 Schools 11/25/2022 5:25 PM 333 Schools/education and safety. 11/25/2022 5:19 PM 334 Safety and family friendliness 11/25/2022 3:18 PM 335 Great neighbors Good civic leaders 11/25/2022 3:06 PM 336 Access to family programs and activities, great schools, safety 11/25/2022 8:31 AM 337 Good Government 11/25/2022 12:14 AM 338 Size 11/24/2022 10:40 PM 339 Small town community feel 11/24/2022 10:22 PM 340 Small family feel
loosing) 11/24/2022 10:02 PM 341
11/24/2022 9:28 PM 342 Love the safety, outdoor area, and all of the sidewalks/walkability 11/24/2022 7:31 PM 343 The school districts and safety. 11/24/2022 7:06 PM 344 Small town charm 11/24/2022 7:02 PM 345 Family atmosphere 11/24/2022 5:33 PM 346 Parks, community events and safety 11/24/2022 4:38 PM 347
PM 348 Safety,
approachability 11/24/2022
PM 349
(which we seem to be
11/24/2022 4:22
352 The
people. 11/24/2022
353 Small
city amenities 11/24/2022
AM 354
357 New
my property value 11/24/2022
AM 358
community events 11/24/2022
AM 359
sense of community 11/24/2022
value of education
community of
10:33 AM
town with large
Safety, things to do 11/24/2022 10:10 AM
The ASC Greenway
10:08 AM
trendy places to
shop, etc
Small town feel,
8:31 AM
The history 11/24/2022 8:18 AM
11/24/2022 8:13 AM

363 Small town feel and safety 11/24/2022 7:44 AM 364 Friendliness and all of the events offered throughout the year! 11/24/2022 7:42 AM

365 The history of the town 11/24/2022 7:30 AM

366 Used to be the small town atmosphere, but that ship has sailed But keeping the feel of that as much as possible, by limiting growth where possible and continuing to support local business. 11/24/2022 7:29 AM 367 Character and the people It’s a safe environment and the schools are wonderful 11/24/2022 7:27 AM

Small town feel Walkable 11/24/2022 6:35 AM

369 I do love seeing the town flags change and the events that are starting to happen The downtown buildings need some new life in them (appearance wise) Keep it feeling warm cozy and small town! 11/24/2022 6:09 AM

371 Used to be smaller community feel however growth is changing that

372 I love the scarecrow festival and Walter Elisha park 11/24/2022 4:17 AM

373 Community feel and community areas (like Kingsley & Baxter, but with more space), our schools, the river We also seem to have some of the nicest police officers 11/24/2022 2:49 AM

374 The downtown area is something to be proud of and the new ampitheater at Walter Elisha Enjoy the various festivals the town provides too 11/23/2022 11:37 PM

378 The small town feel/vibe that has easy access to the big town Lots of trees and slow but steady growth. Easy access to trails and an abundance of parks.

I love the feel of FM I feel safe

Proximity to Charlotte, Housing market, and Quality school I am close to city but have trees and tranquility at the same time.

Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 89 / 112
370 Town services are awesome 11/24/2022 5:08 AM
11/24/2022 4:33 AM
hometown feel 11/23/2022 11:21 PM 376 Small and safe 11/23/2022 11:19 PM 377 Safety 11/23/2022 11:18 PM
379 Not sure 11/23/2022
PM 380
town charm Love the east side of town Nice downtown 11/23/2022 10:50 PM 382 Small town feel, community support of small businesses 11/23/2022 10:47 PM 383 top public schools 11/23/2022 10:43 PM 384
close to Charlotte 11/23/2022 10:36 PM 385 The small town atmosphere 11/23/2022 10:32 PM 386 Schools 11/23/2022 10:20 PM 387
downtown 11/23/2022
PM 389 Small
are exceptional 11/23/2022
PM 390
11/23/2022 11:09 PM
10:57 PM
School system, Family oriented,
10:18 PM
Let’s shut off main st all together make it for people to enjoy year round People can
and eat and play in
town feel and beauty of the
I just think the Police EMTs and
Like the downtown area of Fot Mill and Greenspaces Would like to see more Greenway and community feel
9:59 PM
Its people
9:39 PM
They see the potential of build back better Schools being top rated is huge and we need to reflect it in our village 11/23/2022 9:36 PM
school spirit 11/23/2022
394 Small town feel. 11/23/2022
393 Community
9:21 PM

395 The community, events, parks and family atmosphere.

The people, culture, and environment

The fact that the town struggles with retaining quality employees who ultimately are the ones that provide the real service to the community

The small town feel Stop bulldozing every piece of land for another development It’s already getting over crowded

The willingness to grow and make it better for residents

It used to be the size but, council is quickly making this town difficult to navigate with all the traffic. With the 6000 new permits, IT IS GOING TO BECOME UNBEARABLE.

402 Fort Mill is located in a great area with access to a large city while maintaining small town charm. This environment, along with great schools, makes for a great place for families.

Not as much as we used to They do try to keep with as much tradition as possible, while still trying to bring new events to the town 11/23/2022 7:01 PM 406 Its small-ish town feel it is trying to hang on to I love the community

The small town stuff - the Christmas tree lighting, the 4th of July fireworks, the concerts and festivals at Elisha park

I love the small town feel, and think all the events and holidays that are participated in are amazing. I am very proud to say I live in Fort Mill.

The small town side of things, even though that feels like it is quickly being developed over I walked into a shop downtown the other week and my kindergarten teacher was in there and she recognized me I love that

The safety we feel,I’m this community All the community gatherings, closing Main St or the lighting of the tree There are many more and we enjoy all the different types of gatherings All the restaurants and boutiques

Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 90 / 112
kids 11/23/2022
8:56 PM
8:54 PM
11/23/2022 8:51 PM 398 Safe place to raise
8:36 PM
11/23/2022 8:19 PM
8:11 PM
8:02 PM
PM 403 Safe
active 11/23/2022 7:38 PM 404
PM 405
6:56 PM 407 Quality place to live 11/23/2022 6:17 PM 408 Not living here lo No enough to answer 11/23/2022 6:17 PM 409 Community events 11/23/2022 6:12 PM 410
411 The small town feel of it 11/23/2022 5:53 PM 412 Community feel 11/23/2022 5:52 PM 413 The small town feel 11/23/2022 5:19 PM 414 Walkable, growing, events, community 11/23/2022 5:12 PM 415 Curb side services Leaf collection, bulk and trash collection 11/23/2022 5:11 PM 416
PM 417
418 Schools and safety 11/23/2022
small town feel
make it feel like one as well 11/23/2022 4:54 PM 420 Lifelong resident so far Main Street is still open 11/23/2022 4:54 PM 421 Safety Community outreach 11/23/2022 4:53 PM 422 Community feel, safety, laid back, events planned that are fun. 11/23/2022 4:51 PM 423 The school system 11/23/2022
425 Family centric 11/23/2022
Still has the small town feel
11/23/2022 6:07 PM
5:03 PM
4:55 PM
and the
4:50 PM
4:48 PM
Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 91 / 112 426 Family friendly 11/23/2022 4:38 PM 427 Main Street and the great shops there 11/23/2022 4:30 PM 428 Small town feel 11/23/2022 4:29 PM 429 Safety 11/23/2022 4:23 PM 430 The wonderful schools 11/23/2022 4:21 PM 431 services 11/23/2022 4:19 PM 432 Small town feel with nice people 11/23/2022 4:12 PM 433 The town's caring and friendly atmosphere from town officials, staff, and residents. 11/23/2022 3:55 PM 434 Community and location 11/23/2022 3:54 PM 435 Local parks I’m in one at least twice each week, including the new on on Sparkling Brook 11/23/2022 3:49 PM

The city roads are trash visitors from other states are making fun of our roads and the safety issues near and around Tom Hall street , neighborhood walmart

Please help improve Main Street as well downtown It’s getting a little better but is still deserted and not that fun to go to

In case it was unclear, the roads in Ft. Mill aren't sufficient to support the residence let alone all the new building They need to be widened

Traffic will continue to get worse, pre planning roads PRIOR to building will keep traffic in check And make sure we do not get any more abominations that are the 77 interchanges at gold hill. That is the worst design - I know it's a state/federal thing, but my god it's scary.


I feel Fort Mill has not increased the roads in conjunction with the increase in population The FortMill parkway road was widened, only to allow for a center lane for new residents to get into their complex. C’mon, you did not consider needing additional lanes for all the cars that will be driving down fort Mill parkway? I feel that is poor planning And a missed opportunity 12/13/2022 8:18 PM

Stop building so many high dollar houses and build more affordable houses. Cap off the houses being built

None other than have been addressed. Thank you!

1:47 PM

Roadway planning is so poor - resurface, widen, and add sidewalks to BANKS Road The bypass by spratt street NEEDS ROAD LIGHTS. It is so hard to see the road lines that are there (there needs to be more) and wildlife is so heavy through there It is a deathtrap waiting to happen 12/13/2022 9:29 AM

If this "growth" is to continue, traffic lights need to be installed so that residents aren't trapped when trying to leave their neighborhood getting onto Hwy 21 during morning/afternoon rush hour traffic

The over grown growth of housing being built in fort mill The roads can not handle the amount of people that the new homes are given Parkway is overcrowded that I can not get to rock hill between 4-7 I feel trap in traffic

7:42 AM

7:40 AM

The growth of new neighborhoods needs to slow down until the roads and infrastructure can improve 12/13/2022 6:52 AM

Please upgrade the road quality and improve traffic patterns Traffic is awful at rush hour 12/13/2022 6:27 AM

2:32 PM

I would love to see there be more competition within the youth sports Currently, kids who have never played participate with everyone, and in basketball they are required to play the exact 12/11/2022 10:29 AM

Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 92 / 112 Q20
for providing your input! If you have any comments that weren't addressed in this survey, please describe below
Thank you
Answered: 137 Skipped: 824
6:52 PM
3 More sidewalks 12/16/2022
PM 4
PM 5
PM 6
parking 12/14/2022
12/13/2022 8:21 PM 9
8:50 PM
Downtown needs to look better, work on façade and more
12/14/2022 12:52 AM
We just need more things to do Not only will it be good for residents, but
will pull in people from other areas to spend time /money here
downtown 12/11/2022
12/13/2022 11:49 AM
Thank you for organizing the survey!
9:19 PM
Infrastructure needs addressing. Traffic out of control, roads not big enough to support traffic flow, especially in older areas like
2:58 PM

same amount of time as everyone else even in the 10u league In baseball, kids can hardly get the ball across the plate so there’s very little action. So kids who are trying to progress go to travel teams I just think we could tier these athletics through tryouts and still provide opportunities for kids trying to learn while also providing a more competitive environment for the others And at some point (age) kids should have to have some skill in a sport or realize that there is no future there

21 I have to say that too many festivities are being held at Walter Elisha Park starting to be a little too inconvenient to the neighborhood Try to spread it out to other areas in the community

22 Be here for 25 yrs love it

12/11/2022 6:12 AM

12/10/2022 1:39 PM

23 Put a hold on any more neighborhoods being built it’s ridiculous 12/10/2022 7:45 AM 24 Forget about surveying about facilities. How about our inadequate roads and overdevelopment of the town?? 12/9/2022 6:26 PM 25 Love living/working here 12/9/2022 12:06 PM

26 Please stop allowing builders to build and not adding roads We’re losing the charm of fort mill

12/9/2022 9:25 AM

27 Trader Joe’s needs to come here! 12/9/2022 8:26 AM

28 When we moved here 26 years ago, FM was a quaint town with lovely people It's sad to see the constant building and increased traffic I wish we had the old FM 12/9/2022 7:54 AM 29 See above 12/9/2022 7:51 AM 30 Overall we have good town, but since the neighborhood is growing with new developments, we need more amenities and bigger roads (2-4 lanes) 12/9/2022 12:25 AM

31 Return the Christmas Tree lighting ceremony to Main St!! It was so much better there! 12/8/2022 10:41 PM

32 Historic preservation needs to be addressed 12/8/2022 8:09 PM

33 Thank you for inviting the community to engage in this!!

12/8/2022 5:58 PM 34 None


Need open fields to play cricket or soccer Need Badminton courts, tennis courts and a good running track 12/8/2022 3:40 PM 38 Please allow more national chain restaurants to be built within or near the city limits 12/8/2022 10:22 AM

I would love to see more investment to aid traffic flow through main town roads. I’ve never lived anywhere that has no shoulders and so many roads without center dividers Our town is beautiful and thriving but our road system doesn’t reflect that 12/8/2022 9:35 AM

40 With all the building happening in the area plans for expanding roadways should be considered, some more lighting, maybe solar or just more reflectors Safety for our kids walking or playing outdoors is important during the day or at night 12/8/2022 7:28 AM

6:54 AM

We need more shopping I would love to see more consignment shops and less apartments Not enough space in schools for all these kids in apartments 12/8/2022 12:06 AM

N/a 12/7/2022 10:12 PM

I am a retired officer and my comments are for the good of our community 12/7/2022 9:07 PM

side walks 12/7/2022 8:16 PM

Thanks you FM for everything!

Thank you for your time and asking us! I really appreciate it.

7:31 PM

48 The town is growing and the services/amenities/town properties should reflect that instead of looking like someone said, “it’s always been that way so let’s keep it that way.” It is possible to 12/7/2022 6:48 PM

Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 93 / 112
35 Nope 12/8/2022
12/8/2022 3:53 PM
36 More Shopping centres are
PM 37
Nothing further 12/8/2022
12/7/2022 7:04 PM

I'm in an old neighborhood and would love to have sidewalks put in But I imagine that's a subject for a different

57 Fort Mill is becoming a town appealing to young people with disposable income looking to settle down We should continue to make investments to attract this demographic to continue to stimulate the town’s economy

8:55 AM

63 I am extremely concerned about the infrastructure in place being able to handle the real estate development that town planners have approved Your roads are not designed to handle the traffic that’s about to come from the development you’ve approved. How are we going to afford that?

65 We love FM! Thank you for all you do!

8:04 AM

66 My car has been broken into in my apt complex I filed a police report and nothing has occurred since so I feel it has been handled But since then I’ve felt on edge as a new resident and had hopes that Fort Mill wouldn’t be a community where I need to be extra extra careful 12/2/2022 6:28 AM

67 Focus on commercial growth to reduce homeowner tax load Focus on road improve to reduce traffic backup 12/1/2022 10:13 PM

68 The town needs to evaluate their staffing - 8 guys standing around watching 2 work is ridiculous 12/1/2022 8:15 PM

69 Traffic is a nightmare I know that not all of it would fall under town jurisdiction, but any improvements that can be made in the roads to address the log-jams would be appreciated 12/1/2022 1:08 PM

70 Attract more upscale shopping stores, entertainment venues, and breakfast-oriented restaurants

12/1/2022 10:26 AM

71 Additional dining establishments in Doby's Bridge/Outer Loop area 12/1/2022 10:05 AM

72 I appreciate the town's commitment to responsible growth I'm curious whether public transportation improvements are being considered within the context of this survey?

12/1/2022 8:49 AM

73 n/a 12/1/2022 7:12 AM

74 None 12/1/2022 7:12 AM

75 The parks and rec department needs to be held to account Specifically, Brown Simpson No one does any work and it is an embarrassment to our town When organizations pay our town money to rent an athletic field and no one employed by parks and rec can be bothered to get off the couch and prep a field after a light rain, you have a big problem

11/30/2022 10:21 AM

Na 11/30/2022 8:50 AM

Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 94 / 112 be modern
small town values
49 None, thanks! 12/7/2022
PM 50 Sidewalks! 12/7/2022
PM 51
PM 52 Na 12/7/2022
PM 53
54 None 12/7/2022 4:39 PM 55
12/7/2022 4:39 PM 56
and still maintain the
and feel
Can't emphasize sidewalks/ bike lanes enough
Consider closing off main st for traffic every wwekwnd
5:07 PM
I look forward to getting to know my new town
and contributing to it!
2:26 PM
bridge over the railroad track for safety 12/7/2022 10:54 AM 59 No 12/7/2022 10:37 AM 60 Please limit single family and multi residential growth 12/7/2022 10:02 AM 61
1:17 PM
How do i get involved?
62 Upgrade bike and walking paths 12/5/2022 10:21 AM
64 Build
12/3/2022 7:39 AM

77 Anne Close Greenway is a huge plus. We love being a member and a Friend of the Green. That is your best private asset in Fort Mill 11/30/2022 6:02 AM

78 NA 11/29/2022 10:09 PM

79 We’ve lived many places - East and west coast FM is a good place but could be great 11/29/2022 9:56 PM

80 I would love for there to be a housing freeze or something to allow for the infrastructure to catch up with the size of the community Too many houses are being built off streets that can’t accommodate the traffic. 11/29/2022 7:58 PM

81 More sidewalks would also be nice 11/29/2022 7:05 PM

82 I’m thankful for Mayor Savage’s leadership Being a native of Fort Mill, she uses positive relationships with other local and state government officials to ensure Fort Mill is well thought of in the greater area 11/29/2022 5:49 PM

83 Is there a building and zoning agent? They should take a look at the house on Gold Hill rd The entire front yard is filled with junk 11/29/2022 5:07 PM

84 Only that I feel we must continue to maintain a sense of that small town feel even though we are not so small anymore and ensure that we are not bowing to housing developers all the time. 11/29/2022 4:56 PM

85 No 11/29/2022 4:33 PM

86 A paved greenway would be an amazing amenity addition to the town that all ages use 11/29/2022 4:28 PM

87 The one point I wanted to point out is that in Oct when driving downtown, the scarecrows are a distraction from driving Again, I would like to see a manger scene at Christmas I would like to volunteer on a planning committee I have lived her for forty years Please email bakerm@comporium net 11/29/2022 4:16 PM

88 none 11/29/2022 4:12 PM

89 I'd like to see something of a nightlife I like the idea to close main street on the weekends 11/29/2022 3:20 PM 90 Na 11/29/2022 3:16 PM

91 Widen the fort mill parkway it’s a disaster 11/29/2022 3:12 PM

92 please continue to try and recruit businesses of all types It would be so nice to be able to do more shopping in FM without having to drive to CLT or RH And even though there have been a lot added, we still need more restaurants as evidenced by the very long wait time every weekend 11/27/2022 10:05 AM

93 We need more police patrol for speeding cars especially in residential neighborhoods. I live in the springfield subdivision and we rarely see patrol cars We need more speed digital sings that can be placed around town, one for the whole community is not sufficient 11/26/2022 8:35 AM


8:06 AM 95 Slow down the growth and housing developments and let our town infrastructure catch up!!! 11/26/2022 7:51 AM

96 I think the exteriors of the buildings on Main Street could be revitalized It would make our beautiful town more appealing Thanks for everything! 11/26/2022 4:55 AM 97 N/A 11/25/2022 7:28 PM

98 Thank you for making our town a great place to live! 11/25/2022 5:53 PM 99 N/A 11/25/2022 5:25 PM

100 I know there are many projects the town council is working on and many projects underway It seems as if there are many new neighborhoods going in and growth is good for the town. Of course with growth comes changes needed I believe we need more traffic flow in the town, 160 is becoming so dangerous, we need more roundabouts, we need better road maintenance and roadside trash pickup Need a town beautification project with more plants and flowers in and around the town The bridge over 77 on Sutton road and 160 looks like they are about to fall apart. The street maintenance is not well kept up, around the town. There is so much dirt and debris in the middle of the roads and overgrown grass over the bridges and town property 11/25/2022 8:17 AM

Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 95 / 112
good 11/26/2022

Would be nice to have weekly street cleaners and more city/town maintenance employees to help keep the town looking nice and cleaning up the curbs.

103 Need better streets around commotion firkds and Catawba ridge high sprat street 11/24/2022 9:06 PM


Would love to see more sidewalks around town especially on Sutton btwn baxter and the Loves Also the roundabout at the corner of masons bend neighborhood needs to be addressed because 18 wheels are constantly turning left their and going over the small side wall where they are building the new Bojangles 11/24/2022 7:06 PM

107 The water cost in fort mill is outrageous I don’t understand why moving 2 miles across state lines increase the cost so much 11/24/2022 10:10 AM


Water prices are out of control and the town of fort mill needs to get a good prep gram in place to keep billing consistent and have a process they can explain inconsistencies 11/24/2022 10:01 AM

109 Please stop allowing new neighborhoods to be built Traffic cannot accommodate more cars than are already here. Infrastructure is not being built to match the population increase, and this has been a problem for years!


Thank you to the Town employees and all that help run and maintain it!! I am a Fort Mill native and am very impressed how well our town has handled all of the growth that continues to happen I love this little mill town


112 Please keep up roads Banks road is a mess and needs to be resurfaced 11/24/2022 6:35 AM

113 The crime rate isn't seem great in SC or the area What features can we add to become a safer area? Do we have ways to mentor youth in need, prevent substance abuse, safe designs in mind, add more lighting. Work against poverty, peer pressure, bullying, drugs and for healthy, stable families Volunteer opportunities, community work space building like in Waxhaw, Professional Development Center (so many kids in great schools here - then what to do with that education) Bypass can use a good dog training & boarding option What's the culture/feel of the ward by Catawba River? Water theme (stargazing, farms, kayaks/ tubing, healthy activity). A CVB would be helpful to help the community utilize all we have. 11/24/2022 2:49 AM

114 Thx 11/23/2022 11:08 PM

115 Would love to see more events downtown and more invested into the downtown area I believe it could be so unique with shops and restaurants, and more events featuring the businesses I also feel like we miss a lot of events because we simply don’t know about them and parking is a nightmare many times Although it is improving year after year! 11/23/2022 10:47 PM

10:13 PM

118 We need to add some additional shopping choices It would be nice to have a Target, more grocery stores (especially near Fort Mill Parkway) We need to widen all the rides because the more houses we build the more people moved here 11/23/2022 10:18 PM 119 INCREASE THE POLICE FORCE many youth are taking over the Dobys bridge area since Massey and all those neighborhoods cops can’t catch them when you call they ride 4 wheelers and dirt bikes up and down the main road with NO regard for anyone else.

120 Do something please- about ability to get rid of grinders and get linked into town ester system 11/23/2022 10:06 PM

121 Whom ever thought of this public survey Good idea You will get a lot of nonsense but I hope it all works out to our advantage Thanks 11/23/2022 9:36 PM

Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 96 / 112
101 None 11/24/2022 10:40 PM 102 N/a 11/24/2022 9:28 PM
106 None
11/24/2022 3:38 PM
11/24/2022 10:33 AM
8:17 AM
11/24/2022 7:42
111 Thanks for the chance to weigh in.
7:29 AM
116 Do better Fort Mill ! 11/23/2022
117 More parks around Regent Park 11/23/2022
10:43 PM
122 Traffic ! 11/23/2022
123 Nothing 11/23/2022
9:21 PM
9:01 PM

124 It is stated in previous questions of making an improvement in services in the town for "new investments" Fort Mill is not a business The town's official design on public utilities and issues looks like a business logo If I do not stand corrected, council meetings allow public inquiry/comment to endure for five minutes. If council members are elected by the people, why are the people restricted in how they interact with the person they voted for? Elected officials are no longer public servants Where they do not serve their own interests, they serve others who serve themselves The town established a volunteer program for the public to pick up litter accumulated on roadsides This is public service The population growth rate between 2010 and 2020 was around 130%. This is self service. 11/23/2022 8:54 PM


Less neighborhoods that are clear cut Leave some of the fort mill beauty That’s why people move here. When we demolish the land to put in communities we look like a cement parking lot It’s ugly!

11/23/2022 8:19 PM

126 Please institute a moratorium and cease further construction, preventing further growth and strain on infrastructure 11/23/2022 8:02 PM

127 Can we get a sidewalk down dobys bridge!! 11/23/2022 7:38 PM

128 STOP building new subdivisions! Fort Mill is not Fort Mill anymore The more you approve new buildings, the more it costs to maintain People just keep coming to our town and keep wanting to change it. Refurbish old buildings and encourage the original Fort Mill residents to stay and not feel like they're being pushed out 11/23/2022 7:01 PM

129 I am grateful for all that town leaders do to care for, support and run out town. Its a great place to live! 11/23/2022 6:56 PM

130 Would like to see the stores and business in town get a facelift. Need new fronts, paint, repair cement walkways so no one falls Area looks dirty 11/23/2022 6:17 PM

131 Stop building residential areas, the roads and schools can't accommodate all the people moving here Update 2 lane roads to 4 to help alleviate traffic 11/23/2022 5:52 PM

132 Keep up the good work 11/23/2022 5:12 PM

133 Thank you for all you do What you did with Walter Elijah park is just top notch 11/23/2022 4:51 PM

134 We want sidewalks along dobys bridge road connecting neighborhoods; sidewalks along fort Mill parkway that actually connect to each other 11/23/2022 4:50 PM

135 Na 11/23/2022 4:38 PM

136 N/A 11/23/2022 4:30 PM

137 I would like to see more sidewalks downtown and roads fixed for my family to feel safer while walking/driving. downtown businesses need to have walls put up when homes are right behind them to help those families keep their privacy 11/23/2022 3:53 PM

Town of Fort Mill Facility Needs Planning Survey 97 / 112
FortMill,SCDemographicStudy–September2022 2 CONTENTS INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................................................3 DATA .............................................................................................................................................................4 ASSUMPTIONS ..............................................................................................................................................5 METHODOLOGY 7 REFERENCES 8 Appendix A: Population Forecasts ...............................................................................................................9 Appendix B: Population Pyramids...............................................................................................................10


Bydemographicprinciple, distinctionsaremadebetween projectionsandforecasts. Aprojection extrapolatesthepast(andpresent)into thefuturewithlittleornoattempttotake intoaccountanyfactorsthatmayimpact theextrapolation(e.g.,changesinfertility rates,housingmarkettrendsormigration patterns)whileaforecastresultswhena projectionismodifiedbyreasoningto takeintoaccounttheaforementioned(as wellasother)factors.

Tomaximizetheuseofthisstudy asaplanningtool,theultimategoalisnot simplytoprojectthepastintothefuture, butrathertoassessvariousfactors’ impactonthefuture. Thefuture populationchangesofeachtownare influencedbyavarietyoffactors. Notall factorswillinfluencetheentiretownor subareasatthesamelevel. Somemay affectdifferentareasatdissimilar magnitudesandratescausingchangesat varyingpointsoftimewithinthesame town. Theforecaster’sjudgment,based onathoroughandcomprehensivestudy ofthetown,hasbeenusedtomodifythe demographictrendsandfactorstopredict likelychangesmoreaccurately. Therefore,strictlyspeaking,thisstudyis aforecast,notaprojection;andthe amountofmodificationofthe demographictrendsvariesbetween differentareasofthetownaswellas withinthetimeframeoftheforecast.

Tocalculatepopulationforecasts ofanytype,particularlyforsmaller populationssuchasanindividualtown, realisticsuppositionsmustbemadeasto

whatthefuturewillbringintermsofage specificfertility,mortality,andmigration ratesforthetownaswellastheresidents’ demographicbehavioratcertainpointsof thelifecourse. Thedemographichistory ofthetownanditsinterplaywiththe socialandeconomichistoryoftheareais thestartingpointandbasisofmostof thesesuppositionsparticularlyonkey factorssuchastheagestructureofthe area. Theuniquenatureofeachtown's demographiccompositionandrateof changeovertimemustbeassessedand understoodtobefactorsthroughoutthe lifeoftheforecastseries. Moreover,no twopopulationsorsubsectionsofthe population,particularlyatthetownand neighborhoodarealevel,haveexactlythe samecharacteristics.

Themanifestpurposeofthese forecastsistoascertainthedemographic factorsthatwillultimatelyinfluencethe populationlevelsinthetownoverthe next15years.Thereareofcourse,other non-demographicfactorsthataffect populationlevelsovertime.Thesefactors includebutarenotlimitedtotherateand typeofexistinghomesales,economic growthorcontractionwithinthetown andthegreatermetropolitanarea,macroeconomicfactorssuchasthe30-year fixedmortgagerateandthetypeandpace ofnewhousingunitconstruction.

Unlessthetownspecifically requeststhecalculationofforecaststhat reflecttheeffectsofchangesinthesenondemographicfactors,theirinfluencesare heldconstantforthelifeoftheforecasts. Again,themainfunctionofthese

FortMill,SCDemographicStudy–September2022 3

forecastsistodeterminewhatimpact demographicchangeswillhaveonfuture population. Itisquitepossibleto calculatespecial“scenario”forecaststo measuretheimpactofplanningpolicy modificationsaswellasplanned economicandinfrastructurechanges. However,inthiscasetheresultsofthese populationaremeanttorepresentthe mostlikelyscenarioforchangesoverthe next15yearsinthetown


Thedatausedfortheforecasts comefromavarietyofsources. The TownofFortMillPlanningDepartment providedhistoricalnewhousingunit constructionactivityaswellasfuture approvedconstructionpermits. Birthand deathdatafortheyears2010through 2020wereobtainedfromtheSouth CarolinaDepartmentofHealth. Thenet migrationvalueswerecalculatedusing InternalRevenueServicemigration reportsfortheyears2000through2020. Thedatausedforthecalculationof migrationmodelscamefromtheUnited StatesBureauoftheCensus,2010to 2020,andthemodelsweredesigned usingdemographicandeconomicfactors. Thebaseage-sexpopulationcountsused arefromtheresultsofthe2010Census.

Oneofthefactorsthatmake calculatingpopulationforecastsfor municipalitiesunique(asopposedto otherpoliticaljurisdictions)isfactthat theycanandfrequentlydochange boundariesthroughannexation.FortMill isnoexceptionasthetownadded significantterritorybetween2010and 2020.Toaccuratelyascertainthetrue

growthtrendsduringthe2010to2020 timeperiodforthetown,the2010 populationgiventhe2020town boundariesmustbeobtained.Theis completedbysuperimposingthe2020 boundariesontothemappedresultsof the2010Censusresults.

InthecaseoftheTownofFort Mill,the2010Censuspopulationwas 10,811.The2020Censuspopulationwas 24,521anincreaseof13,710or126.8%. Butthe2010populationusingthe2020 townboundarieswas14,894.Thus,given thesamegeographicareathepopulation increasewas9,627or64.6%.The2010 Censusnumbergiventhe2020 boundaries(14,894)wasusedasthebase forthecalculationofthepopulation forecastsforthetown

Todevelopthepopulationforecast models,pastmigrationpatterns,current agespecificfertilitypatterns,the magnitude,anddynamicsofthegrossand netmigrationtrendsbyage,thecurrent agespecificmortalitytrends,the distributionofthepopulationbyageand sex,therateandtypeofexistinghousing unitsales,andfuturehousingunit constructionareconsideredprimary variables. Inaddition,thechangein householdsizerelativetotheage structureoftheforecastareawas addressed. Whiletherewasaslightdrop intheaveragehouseholdsizeintheTown ofFortMillaswellasmostotherareasof thestateduringtheprevious20years,the rateofthisdeclinehasbeenforecastedto slowoverthenexttenyears.

FortMill,SCDemographicStudy–September2022 4


Fortheseforecasts,themortality probabilitiesareheldconstantatthe levelscalculatedfortheyear2010. While thenumberofdeathsinanareaare impactedbyandwillchangegiventhe proportionofthelocalpopulationover age65,intheabsenceofanextraordinary eventsuchasanaturaldisasterora breakthroughinthetreatmentofheart disease,deathratesrarelymoverapidly inanydirection,particularlyattheschool, town,orattendancearealevel. Thus, significantchangesarenotforeseenin town’smortalityratesbetweennowand theyear2035.(Atthispointintime,there isinsufficientdataofthegeographicand agelevelimpactsofCOVID-19on mortalityrates.Weassumethatmost areaswillreturntotheirtraditional mortalityratelevelsby2022.)Any increasesforecastedinthenumberof deathswillbedueprimarilytothe generalagingofthetown’spopulation andspecificallytotheincreaseinthe numberofresidentsaged65andolder.

Similarly,fertilityratesare assumedtostayfairlyconstantforthelife oftheforecasts. Likemortalityrates,age specificfertilityratesrarelychange quicklyordramatically,particularlyin smallareas. Evenwiththerecently reportedriseinthefertilityratesofthe UnitedStates,overallfertilityrateshave stayedwithina10%rangeformostofthe last40years.Infact,thevastmajorityof year-to-yearchangeinanarea’snumber ofbirthsisduetochangesinthenumber ofwomeninchildbearingages (particularlyages20-29)ratherthanany fluctuationinanarea’sfertilityrate.

Theresidenttotalfertilityrate (TFR),theaveragenumberofbirthsa womanwillhavewhilelivinginthetown duringherlifetime,isestimatedtobe 1.78forthetotaltownforthetenyearsof thepopulationforecasts. ATFRof2.1 birthsperwomanisconsideredthe theoretical“replacementlevel”offertility necessaryforapopulationtoremain constantintheabsenceofin-migration. Therefore,intheabsenceofmigration, fertilityalonewouldbeslightlybelowthe levelneededtomaintainthecurrentlevel ofpopulationandenrollmentwithinthe TownofFortMilloverthecourseofthe forecastperiod.

Acloseexaminationofdataforthe TownofFortMillhasshowntheage specificpatternofnetmigrationwillbe nearlyconstantthroughoutthelifeofthe forecasts. Whilethenumberofinandout migrantshaschangedinpastyearsfor theTownofFortMill(andwillchange againoverthenext10years),thebasic agepatternofthemigrantshasstayed nearlythesameoverthelast30years. Basedontheanalysisofdataitissafeto assumethisagespecificmigrationtrend willremainunchangedintothefuture. Thispatternofmigrationshowsmostof thelocalout-migrationoccurringinthe 18-to-24-year-oldagegroupasyoung adultsleavetheareatogotocollegeor movetootherurbanizedareas. The secondgroupofout-migrantsisthose householdersaged70andolderwhoare downsizingtheirresidences. Mostofthe non-collegein-migrationoccursinthe0to-9and25-44agegroups(thebulkof whichcomefromareaswithin100miles oftheTownFortMill)primarily consistingofyoungeradultsandtheir children.

FortMill,SCDemographicStudy–September2022 5

AstheYorkCountyareaisnot currentlycontemplatinganymajor expansionsorcontractions,theforecasts alsoassumethatthecurrenteconomic, political,social,andenvironmental factors,aswellasthetransportationand publicworksinfrastructure(withafew notableexceptions)oftheTownofFort Millwillremainthesamethroughthe year2035.Belowisalistofassumptions andissuesthatarespecifictotheTownof FortMillTheseissueshavebeenusedto modifythepopulationforecastmodelsto predicttheimpactofthesefactorsmore accuratelyoneacharea’spopulation change.

Specifically,theforecastsforthe TownofFortMillassumethatthroughout thestudyperiod:

a. Thenational,state,orregional economydoesnotgointodeep recessionatanytimeduringthe 10yearsoftheforecasts;(Deep recessionisdefinedasfour consecutivequarterswherethe GDPcontractsgreaterthan1%per quarter)

b. Interestrateshavecomeofftheir historiclowsandwillnotfluctuate morethantwopercentagepointin theshortterm;theinterestratefor a30-yearfixedhomemortgage staysbetween5.0%and7.0%;

c. Therateofmortgageapproval staysat2015-2020levelsand lendersdonotreturnto“subprime”mortgagepractices;

d. Therearenoadditional restrictionsplacedonhome mortgagelendersoradditional bankruptciesofmajorcredit


e. Therateofhousingforeclosures doesnotexceed125%ofthe 2015-2020averageoftheTownof FortMillforanyyearinthe forecasts;

f. Allcurrentlyplanned,platted, approved,andpermittedhousing developmentsarebuiltoutand completedby2034.Allnew housingunitsconstructedare occupiedby2035.Speculativenew homeconstructionplansarenot included.

g. Theaverageannual unemploymentratesfortheYork CountyandtheGreaterCharlotte MetropolitanAreawillremain below7.5%forthe10yearsofthe forecasts.

h. Theinflationrateforgasolinewill staybelow5%peryearforthe10 yearsoftheforecasts;

i. Therewillbenobuilding moratoriumwithinthetown;

j. Businesseswithinthetownand theFortMillareawillremain viable;

k. Thenumberofexistinghomesales inthetownthatarearesultof “distresssales”(homesworthless thanthecurrentmortgagevalue) willnotexceed20%oftotalhomes salesinthetownforanygiven year;

l. Housingturnoverrates(saleof existinghomesinthetown)will remainattheircurrentlevels.The

FortMill,SCDemographicStudy–September2022 6

majorityofexistinghomesalesare madebyhomeownersovertheage of60;

m. Thetownwillhaveatleastan averageof625existinghomesales peryearforthenext10years;

n. Thetownwillhaveatleastan averageof450newsingle-family housingunitsconstructedperyear overthenext10years;

o. Therateofforeclosuresfor commercialpropertyremainsat the2015-2020averageforYork County.

Ifamajoremployerinthetown, YorkCounty,ortheGreaterCharlotte MetropolitanArea(particularlyin southernpartsofthemetropolitanarea) closes,reducesorexpandsitsoperations, thepopulationforecastswouldneedtobe adjustedtoreflectthechangesbrought aboutbythechangeineconomicand employmentconditions. Thesameholds trueforanytypeofnaturaldisaster, majorchangeinthelocalinfrastructure (e.g.,highwayconstruction,waterand sewerexpansion,changesinzoning regulationsetc.),afurthereconomic downturn,anyadditionalweaknessinthe housingmarketoranyinstanceor situationthatcausesrapidanddramatic populationchangesthatcouldnotbe foreseenatthetimetheforecastswere calculated.

Finally,alldemographictrends (i.e.,births,deaths,andmigration)are assumedtobelinearinnatureand annualizedovertheforecastperiod. For example,if1,000birthsareforecastedfor a5-yearperiod,anequalnumber,or proportionofthebirthsareassumedto

occureveryyear,200peryear. Actual year-to-yearvariationsdoandwilloccur, butoverallyeartoyeartrendsare expectedtobeconstant.


Thepopulationforecasts presentedinthisreportaretheresultof usingtheCohort-ComponentMethodof populationforecasting(Siegel,and Swanson,2004:561-601)( 2004). Asstatedinthe INTRODUCTION, thedifferencebetweenaprojectionanda forecastisintheuseofexplicitjudgment basedupontheuniquefeaturesofthe areaunderstudy. Strictlyspeaking,a cohortprojectionreferstothefuture populationthatwouldresultifa mathematicalextrapolationofhistorical trends.Conversely,acohort-component forecastreferstothefuturepopulation thatisexpectedbecauseofastudiedand purposefulselectionofthecomponentsof change(i.e.,births,deaths,andmigration) andforecastmodelsaredevelopedto measuretheimpactofthesechangesin eachspecificgeographicarea.

Foursetsofdataarerequiredto generatepopulationforecasts. Thesefour datasetsare:

a. abase-yearpopulation(here, the2010Censuspopulation giventhe2020Boundariesfor theTownofFortMill);

b. asetofage-specificfertility ratesforthetowntobeused overtheforecastperiod;

c. asetofage-specificsurvival (mortality)ratesforthetown;

FortMill,SCDemographicStudy–September2022 7

d. asetofage-specificmigration ratesforthetown.

Themostchallengingaspectof generatingthepopulationforecastsis foundinderivingtheratesofchangein fertility,mortality,andmigration. From thestandpointofdemographicanalysis, theTownofFortMillisclassifiedasa “smallarea”population(ascomparedto thepopulationofthestateofSouth CarolinaortothatoftheUnitedStates). Smallareapopulationforecastsaremore complextocalculatebecauselocal variationsinfertility,mortality,and migrationmaybemoreirregularthan thoseattheregional,stateornational scale. Especiallychallengingisthe forecastofthemigrationratesforlocal areas,becausechangesinthearea's socioeconomiccharacteristicscanquickly changefrompastandcurrentpatterns (PetersandLarkin,2002.)

ThepopulationforecastsforTown ofFortMillwerecalculatedusinga cohort-componentmethodwiththe populationsdividedintomaleandfemale groupsbyfive-yearagecohortsthat rangefrom0-to-4yearsofageto85years ofageandolder(85+). Age-andsexspecificfertility,mortality,andmigration modelswereconstructedtospecifically reflecttheuniquedemographic characteristicsoftheTownofFortMill


Peters,G.andR.Larkin PopulationGeography.7th Edition. Dubuque,IA:KendallHunt Publishing.2002.

Siegel,J.andD.Swanson TheMethodsandMaterialsof Demography: SecondEdition, AcademicPress: NewYork,New York.2004.

Smith,S.,J.TaymanandD.Swanson StateandLocalPopulation Projections,AcademicPress,New York,NewYork.2001.

FortMill,SCDemographicStudy–September2022 8

Appendix A: Population Forecasts

FortMill,SCDemographicStudy–September2022 9
2010 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 0-4 1,097 1,600 1,930 1,600 1,380 1,160 5-9 1,189 1,490 2,020 2,180 1,790 1,620 10-14 1,298 1,590 1,910 2,280 2,370 1,960 15-19 1,079 1,140 1,410 1,710 2,040 2,230 20-24 647 680 710 690 650 680 25-29 808 1,440 1,520 1,220 1,150 1,010 30-34 958 1,610 2,280 2,190 1,720 1,510 35-39 1,148 1,750 2,450 2,790 2,880 2,270 40-44 1,252 1,940 2,590 2,940 3,360 3,370 45-49 1,297 1,240 1,920 2,970 3,230 3,670 50-54 1,038 1,280 1,220 1,890 2,940 3,190 55-59 820 1,020 1,250 1,200 1,850 2,880 60-64 693 790 980 1,210 1,160 1,790 65-69 584 660 750 930 1,150 1,100 70-74 403 540 610 700 870 1,070 75-79 260 360 480 540 620 760 80-84 175 200 280 380 430 490 85+ 148 170 210 270 350 420 Total 14,894 19,500 24,520 27,690 29,940 31,180 Median Age 36.6 35.6 36.0 38.5 41.5 44.7 Births 1,040 1,340 1,240 1,110 1,000 Deaths 430 540 670 820 980 Natural Increase 610 800 570 290 20 Net Migration 3,990 4,250 2,590 1,940 1,210 Change 4,600 5,050 3,160 2,230 1,230
Mill, SC Total Population
Differences between period Totals may not equal Change due to

Appendix B: Population Pyramids

FortMill,SCDemographicStudy–September2022 10
DemographicStudy–September2022 11
FACILITY NAME TOTAL PROJECT COST 2032 FCI 2023-24 2024-25 2025-26 2026-27 2027-28 2028-29 2029-30 2030-31 2031-32 2032-33 Town Hall BuildingReno $6,054,500 81% $0 $602,403 $5,452,096 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Town Hall BuildingNew $9,842,369 0% $0 $801,730 $9,040,639 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Town Hall Annex $0 N/A $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Fort Mill Police DeptReno $9,089,126 80% $0 $889,017 $8,200,110 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Fort Mill Police DeptNew $14,186,898 0% $0 $1,165,489 $13,021,409 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 PDDemo & Parking Deck $11,273,724 0% $0 $0 $769,692 $0 $10,504,032 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Fort Mill Utility Office & Shop $4,339,450 66% $0 $0 $354,521 $0 $3,984,930 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Public Works Office / Maint. $984,946 62% $0 $0 $94,562 $416,359 $0 $0 $0 $474,025 $0 $0 New Operations Center $18,467,108 N/A $1,965,458 $0 $16,501,650 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Fire Station #1 $3,113,438 53% $0 $0 $304,270 $0 $2,809,168 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Fire Station #2 $48,929 1% $0 $6,870 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $42,059 Fort Mill YMCAToFM $8,374,327 25% $0 $0 $5,950 $0 $0 $569,133 $0 $7,799,244 $0 $0 Fort Mill YMCAYMCA $2,976,252 9% $0 $0 $47,600 $0 $0 $26,960 $0 $2,901,692 $0 $0 Banks St. Community Center $6,935,280 80% $5,500 $483,337 $6,442,906 $0 $0 $0 $0 $3,538 $0 $0 New Fire Station #3 $5,573,733 N/A $0 $0 $0 $384,234 $5,189,498 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Wastewater Treatment Plant $11,769,119 15% $0 $0 $23,800 $0 $0 $0 $830,198 $10,915,121 $0 $0 Banks Athletic Park $0 N/A $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Calhoun Street Park $354,080 N/A $0 $0 $0 $56,563 $297,517 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Doby's Bridge Park $1,871,134 N/A $0 $0 $0 $162,427 $1,708,708 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Harris Street Park $672,704 N/A $0 $0 $0 $93,585 $579,118 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Millstone Park $156,778 N/A $0 $0 $0 $8,460 $148,319 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Steele Street Park $496,627 N/A $0 $0 $19,635 $50,555 $426,436 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Veterans Park $3,851,874 N/A $0 $389,117 $3,462,757 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Walter Elisha Park $665,442 N/A $0 $0 $0 $68,135 $597,307 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Municipal Parking Lot $44,104 N/A $0 $24,904 $0 $0 $19,200 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $121,141,942 $1,970,958 $4,362,867 $63,741,597 $1,240,318 $26,264,233 $596,093 $830,198 $22,093,620 $0 $42,059 TOWN OF FORT MILL Annual Construction Cost per Facility Total Funds Required 2023 LONG RANGE FACILITY NEEDS PLAN FacilitiesMillFortofTown MillFortofTown Parks
Lump SumUnitCost/Unit Cost Estimate I A FacilityImprovements: New Construction - NewAddition or 6,250 $375.00 $2,343,750 Expand for Approximately(15) Staff / (3) Meeting Areas / Storage / CouncilChamber 2025 - Expand the IT Area or $0 Need 15 Offices (120sf), (3) Conference, CouncilChamber for 50 or One large conference (Expand Existing) Renovation - Restrooms $175,000 or $175,000 Allowance: Full Renovation of Existing Restrooms 2025 - Misc. Renovation or 10,130 $75.00 $759,750 Allowance: Reorganize Departments 2025 - Additional HD Storage $40,000 or $40,000 Allowance: High DensityStorage 2025 Site - Grading for NewConstruction $250,000 or $250,000 Allowance 2025 - Drainage / Erosion or $0 - Utilities or $0 - Landscaping / Grassing $25,000 or $25,000 2025 - Irrigation or $0 - Athletic Field(s) / Playground(s) or $0 - Parking Lot(s) or 100 $2,750.00 $275,000 Expand Parking Lot 2025 - Parking Lot(s) $10,000 or $10,000 Preventative Maintenance (Patch / Reseal / Restripe) 2025 - Driveway(s) / Turnlane(s) or $0 - Sidewalks or $0 - ADA or $0 - Fencing or $0 - Site Lighting or 5 $5,500.00 $27,500 Add Site Lighting 2025 or $0 Building Envelope - Structural or $0 - Roof: LowSlope or 3,950 $25.00 $98,750 Replace Ballast Roofing with Mod-Bit System 2025 - Roof: LowSlope or 7,800 $0 Replace TPO Roofing with Mod-Bit System 2035 - Roof: Metal or 2,000 $0 Recoat / Seal Finish 2035 - Exterior Walls or $0 - Exterior Doors or $0 - Storefronts / WindowWalls or $0 - Windows or $0 - Painting or $0 - or $0 Building Finishes - Flooring: VCT or $0 - Flooring: Carpet or $0 - Flooring: EpoxyFlooring or $0 - Ceiling: ACT or $0 - Ceiling: Other or $0 - Walls: Painting or $0 - Walls: Other or $0 - Casework or $0 - Interior Doors / Windows or $0 - ADA / Code Upgrades $10,000 or $10,000 Misc. ADA Code Compliant Items (Hardware/ Water Fountains / etc.) 2025 - or $0 Building Systems - Food Service or $0 - Plumbing or $0 - Fire Sprinkler or $0 Not Sprinkled - HVAC or 10,130 $15.00 $151,950 Replace HVAC Equipment (1/2 Replacement) 2025 - HVAC or $0 Moisturein HVAC System (Potential Dehumidification System) - Electrical or 10,130 $15.00 $151,950 Upgrade Lights to LED 2025 - Fire Alarm or 10,130 $5.00 $50,650 Replace FireAlarm System (NoCurrent System) 2025 - Intercom or $0 - Security: Cameras $15,000 or $15,000 Refresh 2025 - Security: Intrusion or $0 - Access Controls or $0 Update Access Control Hardware Technology - Network Equipment (Switches) or $0 - Wi-Fi Equipment or $0 - Data Cabling or $0 - Smart Display or $0 - or $0 FacilityImprovementsSub Total $4,384,300 II B Support Costs Prof/Pm/Support Fees 12.0% $526,116 2024 Survey/Testing 1.5% $65,765 2025 Storage and Moving $0 CityFees/County $0 FF&E 3% $131,529 Add Blinds and Misc. Furniture 2025 Land Purchase $0 Support CostsSubtotal $723,410 Program Subtotal $5,107,710 Program Escalation $436,019 Program Contingency $510,771 $6,054,500 Program Total 2023 LONG RANGE FACILITYNEEDS PLAN Category/Description CampusProgram Total6,054,500 $ Comments Year Required TOWN OF FORT MILL Town Hall Building - Reno Summary Sheet
Lump SumUnitCost/Unit Cost Estimate I A FacilityImprovements: New Construction - NewFacility or 18,500 $215.00 $3,977,500 NewFacility- Building & Finishes 2025 or Renovation - Renovation or $0 Site - Grading for NewConstruction or 2 $275,000.00 $550,000 Site is unknown and assumed to be 2 acres or less 2025 - Drainage / Erosion $25,000 or $25,000 Enhanced Erosion Control 2025 - Utilities $50,000 or $50,000 Assumed Minimal 2025 - Landscaping / Grassing $50,000 or $50,000 2025 - Irrigation or $0 - Athletic Field(s) / Playground(s) or $0 - Athletic / Playground Equipment or $0 - Parking Lot(s) or 150 $2,750.00 $412,500 150 Space Parking Lot 2025 - Driveway(s) / Turnlane(s) $50,000 or $50,000 Assumed Minimal 2025 - Sidewalks $15,000 or $15,000 2025 - ADA or $0 - Fencing or $0 - Site Lighting or 10 $5,500.00 $55,000 2025 or $0 Building Envelope All Structure & Envelope Included in B&F NewConstruction - Structural or $0 - Roof: LowSlope or $0 - Roof: Metal or $0 - Exterior Walls or $0 - Exterior Doors or $0 - Storefronts / WindowWalls or $0 - Windows or $0 - Painting or $0 - or $0 Building Finishes All Finishes Included in B&F NewConstruction - Flooring: VCT or $0 - Flooring: Carpet or $0 - Flooring: EpoxyFlooring or $0 - Ceiling: ACT or $0 - Ceiling: Other or $0 - Walls: Painting or $0 - Walls: Other or $0 - Casework or $0 - Interior Doors / Windows or $0 - ADA / Code Upgrades or $0 - or $0 Building Systems - Food Service $10,000 or $10,000 2025 - Plumbing or 18,500 $12.75 $235,875 NewFacility 2025 - Fire Sprinkler or 18,500 $6.02 $111,370 NewFacility 2025 - HVAC or 18,500 $35.38 $654,530 NewFacility 2025 - Electrical or 18,500 $33.58 $621,230 NewFacility 2025 - Fire Alarm or $0 - Intercom or $0 - Security: Cameras $45,000 or $45,000 2025 - Security: Intrusion $15,000 or $15,000 2025 - Access Controls $50,000 or $50,000 2025 Technology - Network Equipment (Switches) or 18,500 $2.00 $37,000 Assume- ReuseExisting Equipment 2025 - Wi-Fi Equipment or $0 - Data Cabling or 18,500 $2.00 $37,000 NewFacility 2025 - Smart Display or $0 Included In FF&E - or $0 FacilityImprovementsSub Total $7,002,005 II B Support Costs Prof/Pm/Support Fees 10.0% $700,201 2024 Survey/Testing 1.5% $105,030 2025 Storage and Moving $0 CityFees/County $0 FF&E 7% $490,140 2025 Land Purchase $0 Support CostsSubtotal $1,295,371 Program Subtotal $8,297,376 Program Escalation $715,255 Program Contingency $829,738 $9,842,369 2023 LONG RANGE FACILITYNEEDS PLAN Category/Description CampusProgram Total9,842,369 $ Comments Year Required TOWN OF FORT MILL Town Hall Building - New Summary Sheet Program Total
Lump SumUnitCost/Unit Cost Estimate I A Facility Improvements: New Construction - or $0 Renovation - General Maintenance or $0 Sell/ Demo Building Once Alternations are made to Existing TownHall - or $0 Site - Grading for New Construction or $0 - Drainage / Erosion or $0 - Utilities or $0 - Landscaping / Grassing or $0 - Irrigation or $0 - Athletic Field(s) / Playground(s) or $0 - Athletic / Playground Equipment or $0 - Parking Lot(s) or $0 - Driveway(s) / Turnlane(s) or $0 - Sidewalks or $0 - ADA or $0 - Fencing or $0 - Site Lighting or $0 - TurnLanes or $0 - or $0 Building Envelope - Structural or $0 - Roof: LowSlope or $0 - Roof: Metal or $0 - Roof: Shingle or $0 - Exterior Walls or $0 - Exterior Doors or $0 - Storefronts / WindowWalls or $0 - Windows or $0 - Windows or $0Building Finishes - Flooring: VCT or $0 - Flooring: VCT Maint. or $0 - Flooring: Carpet or $0 - Flooring: Ceramic Tile or $0 - Flooring: Wood Flooring or $0 - Flooring: Sports Flooring or $0 - Ceiling: ACT or $0 - Ceiling: Other or $0 - Walls: Painting or $0 - Walls: Other or $0 - Casework or $0 - Interior Doors / Windows or $0 - ADA / Code Upgrades or $0 - Asbestos Abatement or $0Building Systems - Food Service or $0 - Plumbing or $0 - Fire Sprinkler or $0 - HVAC or $0 - Electrical or $0 - Fire Alarm or $0 - Intercom or $0 - Security: Cameras or $0 - Security: Intrusion or $0 - Access Controls or $0Technology - Network Equipment or $0 - Wi-FiEquipment or $0 - Data Cabling or $0 - Active Boards / Smart TVs or $0 - or $0 Facility Improvements Sub Total $0 II B Support Costs Prof/Pm/Support Fees $0 Survey/Testing $0 Storage and Moving $0 CityFees/County $0 FF&E $0 Land Purchase Acres $0 Support Costs Subtotal $0 Program Subtotal $0 Program Escalation $0 $0 Program Contingency $0 $0 Program Total 2023 LONG RANGE FACILITY NEEDS PLAN Category/Description Campus Program Total$ Comments Year Required Escalation TOWN OF FORT MILL Town Hall Annex Summary Sheet
Lump SumUnitCost/Unit Cost Estimate I A FacilityImprovements: New Construction - Add Impound Yard or $0 Impound Yardto be located at Existing Public Works Site 2025 - Parking Deck or 75 $35,000.00 $2,625,000 75 Car Parking Deck over lower parking lot 2025 - or $0 Renovation - Renovation (Selective) or 19,760 $115.00 $2,272,400 Multi-PhaseRenovation of EntireFacility 2025 - or $0 Site - Grading for NewConstruction $115,000 or $115,000 Allowance 2025 - Drainage / Erosion $50,000 or $50,000 Allowance: Drainage Issues between Parking & Retaining Wall 2025 - Utilities or $0 - Landscaping / Grassing $25,000 or $25,000 2025 - Irrigation or $0 - Athletic Field(s) / Playground(s) or $0 - Athletic / Playground Equipment or $0 - Parking Lot(s) or $0 Preventative Maintenance (Patch / Reseal / Restripe) - Parking Lot(s) $120,000 or $120,000 Allowance: Mill / Replace Lower Parking Asphalt 2025 - Driveway(s) / Turnlane(s) or $0 - Sidewalks or $0 - ADA or $0 - Fencing or 500 $150.00 $75,000 Allowance: Perimeter SecurityFencing 2025 - Site Lighting or $0 - or $0 Building Envelope - Structural or $0 - Roof: LowSlope or 600 $25.00 $15,000 Replace Original Roofing with 2-Bit Mod Roofing (2003) 2025 - Roof: Metal or $0 Replace Metal Standing Seam Roof - Roof: Shingle or $0 - Exterior Walls $5,000 or $5,000 Investigate MoistureIssue 2025 - Exterior Doors or $0 - Storefronts / WindowWalls or $0 - Windows or $0 - Painting or $0 - or $0 Building Finishes - Flooring: VCT or $0 - Flooring: Carpet or $0 - Flooring: Ceramic Tile or $0 - Flooring: QuarryTile or $0 - Ceiling: ACT or $0 - Ceiling: Other or $0 - Walls: Painting or $0 - Walls: Other or $0 - Casework or $0 - Interior Doors / Windows $5,000 or $5,000 All NewInterior Signage 2025 - ADA / Code Upgrades $5,000 or $5,000 Upgrade Door Hardwareto ADA Compliant 2025 - Asbestos Abatement or $0 - or $0 Building Systems - Food Service or $0 - Plumbing $50,000 or $50,000 Replace Durapex/ Older Fixtures / Water Heaters 2025 - Fire Sprinkler or $0 - HVAC or 19,760 $30.00 $592,800 HVAC Original Equipment ReplacePer 20yrCycle 2025 - Electrical or 19,760 $12.50 $247,000 Upgrade Lighting to LED 2025 - Electrical $35,000 or $35,000 Allowance: NewTransfer Switch for Generator to SupplyEntireBuilding 2025 - Fire Alarm or 19,760 $5.50 $108,680 Replace Existing FireAlarm (2012) (Per 20yr Cycle) 2025 - Intercom or $0 - Security: Cameras $75,000 or $75,000 Enhance Existing System 2025 - Security: Intrusion or $0 - Access Controls or $0 - or $0 Technology - Network Equipment or $0 - Wi-Fi Network Equipment or $0 - Data Cabling or $0 - Audio / Visual or 19,760 $2.50 $49,400 Allowance: Updated AV & Telecom Systems for EntireBuilding 2025 - or $0 FacilityImprovementsSub Total $6,470,280 II B Support Costs Prof/Pm/Support Fees 12% $776,434 2024 Survey/Testing 1.5% $97,054 2025 Storage and Moving $0 CityFees/County $0 FF&E 5% $323,514 Misc. Furniture Needs 2025 Land Purchase $0 Support CostsSubtotal $1,197,002 Program Subtotal $7,667,282 Program Escalation $655,116 Program Contingency $766,728 $9,089,126 Program Total 2023 LONG RANGE FACILITYNEEDS PLAN Category/Description CampusProgram Total9,089,126 $ Comments Year Required TOWN OF FORT MILL Fort Mill Police DeptReno Summary Sheet
Lump SumUnitCost/Unit Cost Estimate I A FacilityImprovements: New Construction - NewConstruction or 28,000 $215.00 $6,020,000 NewFacility- Building & Finishes 2025 - or $0 Renovation - Renovation or $0 - or $0 Site - Grading for NewConstruction or 2 $275,000.00 $550,000 Assume2 Acre Site (orless) 2025 - Drainage / Erosion $25,000 or $25,000 Enhance Erosion Control 2025 - Utilities $50,000 or $50,000 Assumed Minimal 2025 - Landscaping / Grassing $75,000 or $75,000 2025 - Irrigation or $0 - Athletic Field(s) / Playground(s) or $0 - Athletic / Playground Equipment or $0 - Parking Lot(s) or 150 $2,750.00 $412,500 150 Car Parking Lot 2025 - Driveway(s) / Turnlane(s) $50,000 or $50,000 Assumed Minimal 2025 - Sidewalks $10,000 or $10,000 2025 - ADA or $0 - Fencing $75,000 or $75,000 Allowance 2025 - Site Lighting or 10 $5,500.00 $55,000 2025 - or $0 Building Envelope All Structure & Envelope Included in B&F NewConstruction - Structural or $0 - Roof: LowSlope or $0 - Roof: Metal or $0 - Roof: Shingle or $0 - Exterior Walls or $0 - Exterior Doors or $0 - Storefronts / WindowWalls or $0 - Windows or $0 - Painting or $0 - or $0 Building Finishes All Finishes Included in B&F NewConstruction - Flooring: VCT or $0 - Flooring: VCT Maint. or $0 - Flooring: Carpet or $0 - Flooring: Ceramic Tile or $0 - Flooring: QuarryTile or $0 - Ceiling: ACT or $0 - Ceiling: Other or $0 - Walls: Painting or $0 - Walls: Other or $0 - Casework or $0 - Interior Doors / Windows or 28,000 $3.00 $84,000 Interior Door Hardware Premium 2025 - ADA / Code Upgrades or $0 - Asbestos Abatement or $0 - or $0 Building Systems - Food Service $10,000 or $10,000 2025 - Plumbing or 28,000 $12.75 $357,000 2025 - Fire Sprinkler or 28,000 $6.02 $168,560 2025 - HVAC or 28,000 $35.38 $990,640 2025 - Electrical or 28,000 $33.58 $940,240 2025 - Fire Alarm or $0 2025 - Intercom or $0 - Security: Cameras $150,000 or $150,000 2025 - Security: Intrusion $50,000 or $50,000 2025 - Access Controls $50,000 or $50,000 2025 - or $0 Technology - Network Equipment or $0 - Wi-Fi Network Equipment or $0 - Data Cabling or 28,000 $2.00 $56,000 2025 - Audio / Visual or $0 - or $0 FacilityImprovementsSub Total $10,178,940 II B Support Costs Prof/Pm/Support Fees 10% $1,017,894 2024 Survey/Testing 1.5% $152,684 2025 Storage and Moving $0 CityFees/County $0 FF&E 6% $610,736 2025 Land Purchase $0 Support CostsSubtotal $1,781,315 Program Subtotal $11,960,255 Program Escalation $1,030,618 Program Contingency $1,196,025 $14,186,898 2023 LONG RANGE FACILITYNEEDS PLAN Category/Description CampusProgram Total14,186,898 $ Comments Year Required TOWN OF FORT MILL Fort Mill Police Dept - New Summary Sheet Program Total
Lump SumUnitCost/Unit Cost Estimate I A FacilityImprovements: New Construction - Parking Deck or 230$32,500.00$7,475,000 Parking Deck (Brick Clad) - Two (2) Levels = 230 spaces, 3 levels = 345 spaces 2027 - or $0 Renovation - Renovation or $0 - or $0 Site - Grading for NewConstruction $500,000 or $500,000 Allowance: Demo of PD and Site Prep 2027 - Drainage / Erosion $25,000 or $25,000 Allowance: Enhanced Erosion Control 2027 - Utilities or $0 - Landscaping / Grassing $50,000 or $50,000 2027 - Irrigation or $0 - Athletic Field(s) / Playground(s) or $0 - Athletic / Playground Equipment or $0 - Parking Lot(s) or $0 - Driveway(s) / Turnlane(s) or $0 - Sidewalks or $0 - ADA or $0 - Fencing or $0 - Site Lighting or $0 - or $0 Building Envelope - Structural or $0 - Roof: LowSlope or $0 - Roof: Metal or $0 - Roof: Shingle or $0 - Exterior Walls or $0 - Exterior Doors or $0 - Storefronts / WindowWalls or $0 - Windows or $0 - Painting or $0 - or $0 Building Finishes - Flooring: VCT or $0 - Flooring: Carpet or $0 - Flooring: Ceramic Tile or $0 - Flooring: QuarryTile or $0 - Ceiling: ACT or $0 - Ceiling: Other or $0 - Walls: Painting or $0 - Walls: Other or $0 - Casework or $0 - Interior Doors / Windows or $0 - ADA / Code Upgrades or $0 - Asbestos Abatement or $0 - or $0 Building Systems - Food Service or $0 - Plumbing or $0 - Fire Sprinkler or $0 - HVAC or $0 - Electrical or $0 - Fire Alarm or $0 - Intercom or $0 - Security: Cameras $35,000 or $35,000 2027 - Security: Intrusion or $0 - Access Controls or $0 - or $0 Technology - Network Equipment or $0 - Wi-Fi Network Equipment or $0 - Data Cabling or $0 - Audio / Visual or $0 - or $0 FacilityImprovementsSub Total $8,085,000 II B Support Costs Prof/Pm/Support Fees 8.0% $646,800 2025 Survey/Testing 1.5% $121,275 2027 Storage and Moving $0 CityFees/County $0 FF&E $0 Land Purchase $0 Support CostsSubtotal $768,075 Program Subtotal $8,853,075 Program Escalation $1,535,342 Program Contingency $885,308 $11,273,724 2023 LONG RANGE FACILITYNEEDS PLAN Category/Description CampusProgram Total11,273,724 $ Comments Year Required TOWN OF FORT MILL PD - Demo & Parking Deck Summary Sheet Program Total
Lump SumUnitCost/Unit Cost Estimate I A FacilityImprovements: New Construction - or $0 Renovation - Renovation or 10,928 $125.00 $1,366,000 Allowance: Convert Facilityto a CommunityCenter for Performing Arts 2027 Site - Grading or $0 - Drainage / Erosion or $0 - Utilities or $0 - Landscaping / Grassing $35,000 or $35,000 2027 - Irrigation or $0 - Athletic Field(s) / Playground(s) or $0 - Athletic / Playground Equipment or $0 - Parking Lot(s) $5,000 or $5,000 Preventative Maintenance (Patch / Reseal / Restripe) 2027 - Parking Lot(s) or 50 $2,750.00 $137,500 Expand Parking 2027 - Driveway(s) / Turnlane(s) or $0 - Sidewalks $5,000 or $5,000 Allowance 2027 - ADA or $0 - Fencing or $0 - Site Lighting or 8 $5,500.00 $44,000 2027 - Signage $10,000 or $10,000 2027 Building Envelope - Structural $20,000 or $20,000 Allowance: Repair Chimney 2027 - Roof: LowSlope or 10,928 $18.00 $196,704 TPO on barrel Roof 2027 - Roof: Metal or $0 - Roof: Shingle or $0 - Exterior Walls or $0 - Exterior Doors or $0 - Storefronts / WindowWalls or $0 - Windows $50,000 or $50,000 Allowance: Replace Single Pane Exterior Windows 2027 - PressureWash & Tuck Point $25,000 or $25,000 Allowance 2027 - or $0 Building Finishes - Flooring: VCT or $0 - Flooring: Carpet or $0 - Flooring: Ceramic Tile or $0 - Flooring: QuarryTile or $0 - Ceiling: ACT or $0 - Ceiling: Other or $0 - Walls: Painting or $0 - Walls: Other or $0 - Casework or $0 - ADA / Code Upgrades or $0 - Asbestos Abatement $5,000 or $5,000 Phase IHazardous Materials Investigation - Prior to Renovations 2027 - or $0 Building Systems $0 - Plumbing or $0 Full Renovations of Plumbing Systems. - Fire Sprinkler or $0 - HVAC or 10,928 $35.00 $382,480 Full Renovation of HVAC System 2027 - Electrical or 10,928 $30.00 $327,840 Replace Existing Panels / Wiring / Etc. 2027 - Electrical $300,000.00 or $300,000 Theatrical A/V and Lighting 2027 - Fire Alarm or 10,928 $5.00 $54,640 2027 - Intercom or $0 - Security: Cameras $15,000 or $15,000 2027 - Security: Intrusion or $0 - Access Controls or $0 - or $0 Technology - Network Equipment (Switches) or $0 - Wi-Fi Network Equipment or $0 - Data Cabling or $0 - Active Boards / Smart TVs or $0 - or $0 FacilityImprovementsSub Total $2,979,164 II B Support Costs Prof/Pm/Support Fees 10% $297,916 2025 Survey/Testing 1.5% $44,687 2027 Storage and Moving $0 CityFees/County $0 FF&E 3% $89,375 2027 Land Purchase $0 Support CostsSubtotal $431,979 Program Subtotal $3,411,143 Program Escalation $587,193 Program Contingency $341,114 $4,339,450 Program Total 2023 LONG RANGE FACILITYNEEDS PLAN Category/Description CampusProgram Total4,339,450 $ Comments Year Required f TOWN OF FORT MILL Fort Mill UtilityOffice & Shop Summary Sheet
Lump SumUnitCost/Unit Cost Estimate I A FacilityImprovements: NewConstruction Site to be used for impound yard, cemeteryoperations, mausoleum Expansion 2026 - New Construction $300,000 or $300,000 Allowance: Mausoleum Construction 2030 - or $0 Renovation - Renovation or 2,620 $50.00 $131,000 Renovate Shop Building 2026 - or $0 Site - Relocate Mobile Office $5,000 or $5,000 2026 - Grading /Site Related $100,000 or $100,000 Prep Site for Mausoleum 2026 - Drainage /Erosion or $0 - Utilities or $0 - Landscaping /Grassing $35,000 or $35,000 2030 - Irrigation or $0 - Athletic Field(s) / Playground(s) or $0 - Athletic / Playground Equipment or $0 - Parking Lot(s) or $0 - Parking Lot(s) or $0 - Driveway(s) /Turn lane(s) or $0 - Sidewalks or $0 - ADA or $0 - Fencing or 1,600 $32.00 $51,200 Perimeter Fencing Maintenance (6' Black Vinyl) 2026 - Site Lighting or $0 - or $0 Building Envelope All Structure &Envelope Included in B&F New Construction - Structural or $0 - Roof: Low Slope or $0 - Roof: Metal or $0 - Roof: Shingle or $0 - Exterior Walls or $0 - Exterior Doors or $0 - Storefronts / Window Walls or $0 - Windows or $0 - or $0 Building Finishes - Flooring: LVT or $0 - Flooring: VCT or $0 - Flooring: Ceramic Tile or $0 - Flooring: Carpet or $0 - Flooring: Sealed Concrete or $0 - Flooring: Plywood or $0 - Ceiling:ACT or $0 - Ceiling:Other or $0 - Walls:Painting or $0 - Walls:Other or $0 - Casework or $0 - Interior Doors /Windows or $0 - ADA /Code Upgrades or $0 - Asbestos Abatement $25,000 or $25,000 Allowance: Any Possible Hazardous Material 2026 - or $0 Building Systems - Plumbing or $0 - Fire Sprinkler or $0 - HVAC or $0 - Electrical or $0 - Intercom or $0 - Security:Cameras $15,000 or $15,000 2026 - Security:Intrusion or $0 - Access Controls or $0 - or $0 Technology - Network Equipment or $0 - Wi-Fi Equipment or $0 - Data Cabling or $0 - Active Boards /SmartTVs or $0 - or $0 FacilityImprovements Sub Total $662,200 II B Support Costs Prof/Pm/SupportFees 12.0% $79,464 2025 Survey/Testing 1.5% $9,933 2026 Storage and Moving $0 CityFees/County $0 FF&E $0 Land Purchase $0 Support Costs Subtotal $89,397 Program Subtotal $751,597 Program Escalation $158,190 Program Contingency $75,160 $984,946 Program Total 2023 LONG RANGEFACILITYNEEDS PLAN Category/Description Campus Program Total984,946 $ Comments Year Required TOWN OF FORTMILL Public Works Office / Maint. Summary Sheet
Lump SumUnitCost/Unit Cost Estimate I A FacilityImprovements: New Construction - NewAdmin / Office Bldg. or 14,000 $375.00 $5,250,000 Offices / Meeting / Storage Spaces 2025 - NewVehicle / Equipment Maint. or 8,000 $225.00 $1,800,000 Vehicle / Large Equipment Maintenance Building / Storage / Offices 2025 - Car / Equipment Wash Bay or 1,500 $175.00 $262,500 Pull Through Wash Bay 2025 - Covered Equipment Storage or 8,000 $140.00 $1,120,000 Open Air CoveredEquipment / Trash-Recycling Bin Storage 2025 - Enclosed Storage or 3,000 $175.00 $525,000 (5) BayEnclosed Storage Bldg. 2025 - Covered Fueling Station or $0 Future - WarehouseStorage or 12,000 $175.00 $2,100,000 2025 - or $0 Renovation - or $0 Site - Grading for NewConstruction or 5 $168,000.00 $840,000 2025 - Drainage / Erosion or $0 - Utilities $50,000 or $50,000 2025 - Landscaping / Grassing $125,000 or $125,000 2025 - Irrigation or $0 - Athletic / Playground Equipment or $0 - Parking Lot(s) or 175 $2,750.00 $481,250 Personal 2025 - Driveway(s) / Turnlane(s) $75,000 or $75,000 2025 - Sidewalks $15,000 or $15,000 2025 - ADA or $0 - Fencing $50,000 or $50,000 2025 - Site Lighting or 10 $5,500.00 $55,000 2025 - TurnLanes $50,000 or $50,000 2025 - or $0 Building Envelope All Structure & Envelope Included in B&F NewConstruction - Structural or $0 - Roof: LowSlope or $0 - Roof: Metal or $0 - Roof: Shingle or $0 - Exterior Walls or $0 - Exterior Doors or $0 - Storefronts / WindowWalls or $0 - Windows or $0 - or $0 Building Finishes All Finishes Included in B&F NewConstruction - Flooring: VCT or $0 - Flooring: Carpet or $0 - Flooring: Ceramic Tile or $0 - Flooring: Terrazzo or $0 - Flooring: Sports Flooring or $0 - Ceiling: ACT or $0 - Ceiling: Other or $0 - Walls: Painting or $0 - Walls: Other or $0 - Casework or $0 - Interior Doors / Windows or $0 - ADA / Code Upgrades or $0 - Asbestos Abatement or $0 - or $0 Building Systems - Food Service $10,000 or $10,000 2025 - Plumbing or $0 - Fire Sprinkler or $0 - HVAC or $0 - Electrical or $0 - Fire Alarm or $0 - Intercom or $0 - Security: Cameras $25,000 or $25,000 2025 - Security: Intrusion $20,000 or $20,000 2025 - Access Controls $25,000 or $25,000 2025 - or $0 Technology - CoreNetwork Equipment or $0 Assume- ReuseExisting - Network Equipment or $0 - Data Cabling or 40,500 $2.00 $81,000 2025 - Technology or $0 - or $0 FacilityImprovementsSub Total $12,959,750 II B Support Costs Prof/Pm/Support Fees 8% $1,036,780 2023 Survey/Testing 1.5% $194,396 2025 Storage and Moving 0.25% $32,399 2025 CityFees/County 0.25% $32,399 2025 FF&E 5% $647,988 2025 Land Purchase 5 $150,000.00 $750,000 Allowance 2023 Support CostsSubtotal $2,693,963 Program Subtotal $15,653,713 Program Escalation $1,248,024 Program Contingency $1,565,371 $18,467,108 Program Total 2023 LONG RANGE FACILITYNEEDS PLAN Category/Description CampusProgram Total18,467,108 $ Comments Year Required TOWN OF FORT MILL New Operations Center Summary Sheet
Lump SumUnitCost/Unit Cost Estimate I A FacilityImprovements: NewConstruction - Expansion - Phase 1 or 3,000 $375.00 $1,125,000 Training /Fitness /Battalion Chief Quarters / TurnoutGear Storage 2027 - or $0 Renovation - Renovation - Phase 2 or 2,300 $150.00 $345,000 Allowance: Kitchen /Female Quarters / etc. 2027 - Renovation - Phase 3 or 2,300 $65.00 $149,500 Allowance: Current Male Living Quarters & Locker Rooms (1994) 2027 - or $0 Site - Grading for New Construction $75,000 or $75,000 Allowance 2027 - Drainage /Erosion $5,000 or $5,000 Add Drainage to Front of Building to Address StorefrontLeaks 2027 - Utilities or $0 - Landscaping /Grassing $15,000 or $15,000 2027 - Irrigation or $0 - Athletic Field(s) / Playground(s) or $0 - Athletic / Playground Equipment or $0 - Parking Lot(s) or 8 $3,500.00 $28,000 Replace Parking Spaces Offset by Addition 2027 - Parking Lot(s) $5,000 or $5,000 Allowance: Preventative Maintenance (Patch /Seal / Restripe) 2027 - Driveway(s) /Turn lane(s) or $0 - Sidewalks or $0 - ADA or $0 - Fencing or $0 - Site Lighting or $0 - or $0 Building Envelope - Structural or $0 - Roof: Low Slope or 2,700 $24.00 $64,800 Replace Original Roofing (1994) 2027 - Roof: Metal or $0 - Roof: Shingle or 7,550 $0 Replaced in August2022 2042 - Exterior Walls $5,000 or $5,000 Re-PaintExterior Trimas Needed 2027 - Exterior Doors or $0 Replace Bay Coiling Doors (Current Budget) 2023 - Storefronts / Window Walls or $0 - Windows $5,000 or $5,000 Repair / Replace Window Glazing /Seals as Needed 2027 - or $0 Building Finishes - Flooring: VCT or $0 - Flooring: Ceramic Tile or $0 - Flooring: Quarry Tile or $0 - Flooring: Terrazzo or $0 - Flooring: Sports Flooring or $0 - Ceiling:ACT or $0 - Ceiling:Other or $0 - Walls:Painting or $0 - Walls:Other or $0 - Casework or $0 - Interior Doors /Windows or $0 - ADA /Code Upgrades or $0 - Asbestos Abatement or $0 - or $0 Building Systems - Food Service $50,000 or $50,000 New Kitchen Equipment /Hood 2027 - Plumbing $7,500 or $7,500 Replace Existing Water Heaters 2027 - Fire Sprinkler or 9,660 $6.00 $57,960 Full Sprinkler System for Existing Building 2027 - HVAC or $0 Equipment Replaced (2017) 2037 - HVAC or 4,600 $15.00 $69,000 FullyDuctHVAC System (ConfirmExisting System /Return Plenum) 2027 - HVAC or 8 $2,500.00 $20,000 - Exhaust Evacuation System - (8) Drops 2027 - Electrical or $0 - Fire Alarm or 9,660 $3.00 $28,980 Upgrade Fire Alarm System 2027 - Intercom or $0 - Security:Cameras $15,000 or $15,000 Augment 2027 - Security:Intrusion or $0 2023 - Access Controls or $0 2023 - or $0 Technology - Network Equipment $60,000 or $60,000 Allowance: Add Radio Repeater on Tower for Greater Range 2027 - Wi-Fi Network Equipment or $0 - Data Cabling or $0 - or $0 FacilityImprovements Sub Total $2,130,740 II B Support Costs Prof/Pm/SupportFees 12% $255,689 2025 Survey/Testing 1.5% $31,961 2027 Storage and Moving $0 CityFees/County $0 FF&E 1.5% $31,961 2027 Land Purchase $0 Support Costs Subtotal $319,611 Program Subtotal $2,450,351 Program Escalation $418,051 Program Contingency $245,035 $3,113,438 Program Total 2023 LONG RANGEFACILITYNEEDS PLAN Category/Description Campus Program Total3,113,438 $ Comments Year Required TOWN OF FORTMILL Fire Station #1 Summary Sheet
Lump SumUnitCost/Unit Cost Estimate I A FacilityImprovements: New Construction - NewConstruction or $0 OriginallyConstructed 2020 - or $0 Renovation - or $0 Site - Grading for NewConstruction or $0 - Drainage / Erosion or $0 - Utilities or $0 - Landscaping / Grassing or $0 - Irrigation or $0 - Athletic Field(s) / Playground(s) or $0 - Athletic / Playground Equipment or $0 - Parking Lot(s) $2,500 or $2,500 Allowance: Preventative Maintenance (Patch / Seal / Restripe) 2032 - Driveway(s) / Turn lane(s) or $0 - Sidewalks or $0 - ADA or $0 - Fencing or $0 - Site Lighting or $0 - Utilities or $0 - or $0 Building Envelope - Structural or $0 - Roof: LowSlope or $0 - Roof: Metal or $0 - Roof: Shingle or $0 - Exterior Walls or $0 - Exterior Doors or $0 - Storefronts / WindowWalls or $0 - Windows $3,500 or $3,500 Add Canopyto Side Entrance 2024 - or $0 Building Finishes - Flooring: LVT or 1,639 $0 - Flooring: Carpet or 2,362 $5.00 $11,810 Replace Carpet Per 12 Year Cycle 2032 - Flooring: Ceramic Tile or 408 $0 - Flooring: Sealed Concrete or 3,572 $0 - Flooring: Fitness Rubber Flooring or 332 $0 - Ceiling: ACT or $0 - Ceiling: Other or $0 - Walls: Painting or 10,124 $1.10 $11,136 Painting Per 10 Year Cycle 2032 - Walls: Other or $0 - Casework or $0 - Interior Doors / Windows or $0 - ADA / Code Upgrades or $0 - Asbestos Abatement or $0 - or $0 Building Systems - Food Service $2,500 or $2,500 Misc. Small Kitchen Equipment Replacement 2032 - Plumbing or $0 - Fire Sprinkler or $0 - HVAC $2,500 or $2,500 Allowance: HVAC System (Humidity/ Condensation) 2024 - Electrical or $0 - Fire Alarm or $0 - Intercom or $0 - Security: Cameras or $0 - Security: Intrusion or $0 - Access Controls or $0 - or $0 Technology - Core Network Equipment or $0 - AncillaryNetwork Equipment or $0 - Data Cabling or $0 - or $0 FacilityImprovements Sub Total $33,946 II B Support Costs Prof/Pm/Support Fees $0 Survey/Testing $0 Storage and Moving $0 CityFees/County $0 FF&E $0 Land Purchase $0 Support Costs Subtotal $0 Program Subtotal $33,946 Program Escalation $11,588 Program Contingency $3,395 $48,929 Program Total 2023 LONG RANGE FACILITYNEEDS PLAN Category/Description Campus Program Total48,929 $ Comments Year Required TOWN OF FORT MILL Fire Station #2 Summary Sheet
Lump SumUnitCost/Unit Cost Estimate I A FacilityImprovements: New Construction or - NewGym w/ Elev. Walking Track or 10,000 $375.00 $3,750,000 90' court, sub-dividable 2030 - Group Restroom or $0 Allowance: To support Tennis & Soccer Fields (CurrentlyUnder Construction) - or $0 Renovation or $0 Last Renovated in 2010 - 20yr Renovation or $0 - Interior Renovations or $0 - or $0 Site or $0 - Grading for NewConstruction $250,000 or $250,000 Allowance: Gym Addition 2030 - Grading & Misc. $150,000 or $150,000 Allowance: Create Skateboard Park East of Main Entry 2030 - Drainage / Erosion $25,000 or $25,000 2030 - Utilities or $0 - Landscaping / Grassing $15,000 or $15,000 Beautification of Front 2030 - Irrigation or $0 - Athletic Field(s) / Playground(s) or 4.5 $0 Tennis Court Resurfacing (Already Funded) - Athletic / Playground Equipment or $0 - Athletic / Playground Equipment or $0 - Parking Lot(s) $100,000 or $100,000 Preventative Maint. Existing Parking (Patch / Seal / Restripe) 2030 - Driveway(s) / Turn lane(s) or $0 - Sidewalks $15,000 or $15,000 Allowance 2030 - ADA $5,000 or $5,000 Building Assessment for ADA Compliance 2025 - Fencing or $0 - Site Lighting $150,000 or $150,000 Allowance: Upgrade Tennis Court Lighting 2030 - Turn Lanes or $0 - or $0 Building Envelope or $0 - Structural or $0 - Roof: LowSlope or $0 - Roof: Metal $250,000 or $250,000 Allowance: Address OriginalPoolRoom Ceiling 2030 - Roof: Metal or 52,250 $5.00 $261,250 Patch & ResealOriginal Metal Roof Panels (Current Leaks) 2030 - Exterior Walls or $0 - Exterior Doors or $0 - Storefronts / WindowWalls or 7 $5,000.00 $35,000 Replace (7) Sets of Storefront Windows 2030 - Storefronts / WindowWalls or 4 $10,000.00 $40,000 Replace (4) Sets of Sliding Glass Doors at Existing PoolArea 2030 - Windows or 600 $95.00 $57,000 Replace Existing Gym Windows with Kal-Wall(6'x90') 2030 - or $0 Building Finishes or $0 - Flooring: VCT / Vinyl or $0 - Flooring: Hard Tile / Terrazzo or $0 - Flooring: Sports Flooring or $0 - Flooring: Sports Flooring or $0 - Flooring: Carpet or $0 Replaced (2020) - Ceiling: ACT or $0 - Ceiling: Other or $0 - Walls: Painting or 48,351 $0 - Walls: Other or $0 - Casework or 100 $0 - Interior Doors / Windows or $0 - ADA / Code Upgrades or $0 - Asbestos Abatement or $0 - or $0 Building Systems or $0 - Food Service or $0 - Plumbing or $0 - Fire Sprinkler or $0 - HVAC or $0 - Electrical or $0 - Fire Alarm or 48,351 $5.50 $265,931 Currently does not have Fire Alarm in Main Bldg. 2030 - PoolMaintenance or $0 - Security: Cameras or $0 - Security: Intrusion or $0 - Intercom or $0 - Access Controls or $0 - or $0 Technology or $0 - Core Network Equipment or $0 - Ancillary Network Equipment or $0 - Data Cabling or $0 - Data Cabling or $0 - Active Boards / Smart TVs or $0 - or $0 FacilityImprovements Sub Total $5,369,181 II B Support Costs Prof/Pm/Support Fees 8% $429,534 2028 Survey/Testing 1.0% $53,692 2030 Storage and Moving $0 City Fees/County $0 FF&E 2% $93,961 2030 Land Purchase $0 Support Costs Subtotal $577,187 Program Subtotal $5,946,367 Program Escalation $1,833,323 Program Contingency $594,637 $8,374,327 Program Total 2023 LONG RANGE FACILITY NEEDS PLAN Category/Description Campus Program Total8,374,327 $ Comments Year Required TOWN OF FORT MILL Fort Mill YMCA - ToFM Summary Sheet
Lump SumUnitCost/Unit Cost Estimate I A FacilityImprovements: New Construction or - or $0 Renovation or $0 Last Renovated in 2010 - 20yr Renovation or 9,250 $25.00 $231,250 Cosmetic Renovation to Pre-K / Afterschool Classrooms 2030 - Interior Renovations or 48,351 $25.00 $1,208,775 Some Renovations PreviouslyCompleted 2030 - or $0 Site or $0 - Grading for New Construction or $0 - Grading & Misc. or $0 - Drainage / Erosion or $0 - Utilities or $0 - Landscaping / Grassing or $0 - Irrigation or $0 - Athletic Field(s) / Playground(s) or $0 - Athletic / Playground Equipment or 6 $5,500.00 $33,000 Replace (6) Existing Basketball Goals with Adjustable Goals 2030 - Athletic / Playground Equipment or 300 $200.00 $60,000 Add (300) Seat Bleachers 2030 - Parking Lot(s) or $0 - Driveway(s) / Turn lane(s) or $0 - Sidewalks or $0 - ADA or $0 - Fencing or $0 - Site Lighting or $0 - Turn Lanes or $0 - or $0 Building Envelope or $0 - Structural or $0 - Roof: Low Slope or $0 - Roof: Metal or $0 - Roof: Metal or $0 - Exterior Walls or $0 - Exterior Doors or $0 - Storefronts / Window Walls or $0 - Storefronts / Window Walls or $0 - Windows or $0 - or $0 Building Finishes or $0 - Flooring: VCT / Vinyl or $0 - Flooring: Hard Tile / Terrazzo or $0 - Flooring: Sports Flooring or 7,500 $18.00 $135,000 Replace Existing Gym with Woodflex 2030 - Flooring: Sports Flooring or 8,000 $20.00 $160,000 Install Stonehard Non-Slip Surface at Existing Pool Area 2030 - Flooring: Carpet or $0 Replaced (2020) - Ceiling: ACT or $0 - Ceiling: Other or $0 - Walls: Painting or 48,351 $1.10 $53,186 Repainted (2020) (Per 10yr Cycle) 2030 - Walls: Other or $0 - Casework or 100 $150.00 $15,000 Replace Classroom Casework (100Lft) 2030 - Casework or 40 $150.00 $6,000 Replace Kitchen Casework Wall & Base (40Lft) 2030 - Interior Doors / Windows or $0 - ADA / Code Upgrades $50,000 or $50,000 Allowance 2030 - Asbestos Abatement or $0 - or $0 Building Systems or $0 - Food Service $5,000 or $5,000 2030 - Plumbing or $0 - Fire Sprinkler or 48,351 $0 CurrentlyNon-Sprinkled Building - HVAC or 48,351 $0 HVAC Systems Replaced within last 4 years 2038 - Electrical or 7,500 $3.00 $22,500 Replace Existing Gym Lights to LED 2030 - Fire Alarm or 48,351 $0 - Pool Maintenance $25,000 or $25,000 Misc. 2025 - Security: Cameras $15,000 or $15,000 2030 - Security: Intrusion or $0 - Intercom or $0 - Access Controls $15,000 or $15,000 2025 - or $0 Technology or $0 - Core Network Equipment or $0 - AncillaryNetwork Equipment or $0 - Data Cabling or $0 - Data Cabling or $0 - Active Boards / Smart TVs or $0 - or $0 FacilityImprovements Sub Total $2,034,711 II B Support Costs Prof/Pm/Support Fees 1% $20,347 2028 Survey/Testing 1.0% $20,347 2030 Storage and Moving $0 CityFees/County $0 FF&E 2% $35,607 2030 Land Purchase $0 Support Costs Subtotal $76,302 Program Subtotal $2,111,013 Program Escalation $654,138 Program Contingency $211,101 $2,976,252 Program Total 2023 LONG RANGE FACILITY NEEDS PLAN Category/Description Campus Program Total2,976,252 $ Comments Year Required TOWN OF FORT MILL Fort Mill YMCA- YMCA Summary Sheet
Lump SumUnitCost/Unit Cost Estimate I A Facility Improvements: NewConstruction - Addition on Backof Existing (MP) or 6,000 $375.00 $2,250,000 Community Center Space (toreplace existing low roof area) 2025 - SideCanopy Area $75,000 or $75,000 Allowance: Grading, Concrete Slab, Aluminum Canopy, Fencing 2025 - Enclose EntranceCanopy $50,000 or $50,000 Allowance 2025 - or $0 Renovation - GroupRestrooms $150,000 or $150,000 Renovate to meet ADA andUpdated CodeRequirements 2025 - RenovateExistingTeam Rooms or 3,550 $150.00 $532,500 Renovate Existing Locker Rooms 2025 - Existing Offices or 1,500 $100.00 $150,000 Renovationof ExistingOfficeSpaces 2025 - DemoSide Canopy $3,500 or $3,500 2025 - or $0 Site - Grading for New Construction $10,000 or $10,000 Misc. @ SideOf Building 2025 - Drainage / Erosion or $0 - Utilities or $0 - Landscaping / Grassing $20,000 or $20,000 Beautification 2025 - Irrigation or $0 - Athletic Field(s) / Playground(s) or $0 - Athletic / PlaygroundEquipment $3,000 or $3,000 Allowance: AddCross Court Volleyball Stanchions toMain Gym 2025 - Athletic / PlaygroundEquipment or 2 $7,500.00 $15,000 Replace (1) Scoreboard& Add (1) Scoreboard 2025 - Athletic / PlaygroundEquipment or 6 $7,500.00 $45,000 Replace (6) Basketball Goals withAdjustableGoals 2025 - Athletic / PlaygroundEquipment or 520 $200.00 $104,000 Replace Bleachers (520Seats - 260 Seats Each Side) 2025 - Parking Lot(s) $2,500 or $2,500 PreventativeMaintenance (Patch / Reseal/ Restripe) 2030 - Driveway(s) / Turnlane(s) $10,000 or $10,000 Allowance: AddDrive for Catering Kitchen 2025 - Sidewalks or $0 - ADA or $0 - Fencing or $0 - Site Lighting or 4 $5,500.00 $22,000 AddLightingtoParking Lot 2025 - Signage $7,500 or $7,500 AddWayfinding Signage from Banks St. 2025 - or $0 Building Envelope - Structural or $0 - Roof: Low Slope (Gym) or 8,150 $25.00 $203,750 Replace Low SlopedRoof (Gym) 2025 - Roof: Low Slope or 5,050 $25.00 $126,250 Replace Low SlopedRoof at Existing Locker Rooms 2025 - Roof: Metal or $0 - Roof: Shingle or $0 - Exterior Walls $15,000 or $15,000 PressureWash and CaulkExterior Joints 2025 - Exterior Walls $30,000 or $30,000 Paint Exterior 2025 - Exterior Walls $15,000 or $15,000 Allowance: SunShades 2025 - Exterior Doors or 13 $1,250.00 $16,250 Replace (13) Exterior Doors 2025 - Storefronts / Window Walls or 800 $95.00 $76,000 Replace (12) (15x4) Block Windows with Kal-Wall 2025 - Windows $35,000 or $35,000 Allowance: Repair / Replace Windows 2025 - or $0 Building Finishes - Flooring: VCT / Vinyl or 5,050 $12.00 $60,600 LVT 2025 - Flooring: Carpet or $0 - Flooring: Hard Tile or 1,000 $14.00 $14,000 2025 - Flooring: Terrazzo or $0 - Flooring: Sports Flooring or 8,150 $3.00 $24,450 Refinish / Restripe Gym Athletic Wood Flooring 2025 - Flooring: Sports Flooring $7,500 or $7,500 Patch/ Repair Water Damaged Wood Flooring 2025 - Interior $25,000 or $25,000 Vapor Blast Interior Walls & Ceiling 2025 - Ceiling: ACT or 1,500 $4.00 $6,000 Replace OfficeArea Grid and Tile 2025 - Ceiling: Other or $0 - Walls: Painting or 13,200 $2.00 $26,400 2025 - Walls: Other $10,000 or $10,000 Acoustical Treatments inGym 2025 - Casework or $0 - Interior Doors / Windows or $0 - ADA / CodeUpgrades or $0 - Asbestos Abatement $5,000 or $5,000 Perform PhaseIInspection (Hazardous Material Assessment) 2023 - or $0 Building Systems - Food Service $50,000 or $50,000 Hood, Kitchen Equipment 2025 - Plumbing or 8,800 $20.00 $176,000 2025 - Fire Sprinkler or $0 - HVAC or 8,800 $35.00 $308,000 Replace HVAC 2025 - HVAC or 8,150 $25.00 $203,750 AddHVAC toGym 2025 - Electrical or 1,500 $12.50 $18,750 Replace Light Fixtures inOffice Area. 2025 - Electrical or $0 Gym LED Lighting New (2020) 2025 - Electrical or 13,200 $27.00 $356,400 Update ElectricalPanels / Wiring / etc. 2025 - Fire Alarm or $0 FireAlarm Replaced (2020) 2040 - Intercom or $0 - Security: Cameras $15,000 or $15,000 2025 - Security: Intrusion or $0 - Access Controls or $0 - Signage $2,500 or $2,500 AddInterior / Exterior Signage 2025 - or $0 Technology - Network Equipment (Switches) or $0 - Wi-Fi Equipment or $0 - DataCabling or $0 - or $0 Facility ImprovementsSub Total $5,276,600 II B Support Costs Prof/Pm/Support Fees 8.0% $422,128 2024 Survey/Testing 1.5% $79,149 2025 Storageand Moving 0.25% $13,192 2025 City Fees/County 0.25% $13,192 2025 FF&E 0.75% $39,575 Misc. Equipment, Furnishings 2025 Land Purchase $0 Support CostsSubtotal $567,235 Program Subtotal $5,843,835 Program Escalation $507,062 Program Contingency $584,383 $6,935,280 Program Total 2023 LONG RANGE FACILITYNEEDS PLAN Category/Description CampusProgram Total6,935,280 $ Comments Year Required TOWN OF FORT MILL BanksSt. Community Center Summary Sheet
Lump SumUnitCost/Unit Cost Estimate I A FacilityImprovements: New Construction We must demonstrate need basedonstatistics associated withsimilar towns - New Fire Station #3 or 10,124 $215.00 $2,176,660 Site Adapt of Fire Station #2 2027 - or $0 2027 Renovation - Renovation or - or Site - Grading for New Construction or 1.50 $268,000.00 $402,000 (1.5) Acre Site 2027 - Drainage / Erosion $15,000 or $15,000 Enhance Erosion Control 2027 - Landscaping / Grassing $50,000 or $50,000 Minimal Landscaping 2027 - Irrigation or $0 2027 - Athletic Field(s) / Playground(s) or $0 - Athletic / Playground Equipment or $0 - Parking Lot(s) $75,000 or $75,000 Allowance: Drivewayand (15) Space Parking Lot 2027 - Driveway(s) / Turn lane(s) $25,000 or $25,000 Minimal 2027 - Sidewalks $5,000 or $5,000 2027 - ADA or $0 - Fencing $10,000 or $10,000 2027 - Site Lighting or 5 $5,500.00 $27,500 2027 - Utilities $25,000 or $25,000 Minimal 2027 - Other or $0Building Envelope All Structure & Envelope Included in B&F New Construction - Structural or $0 - Roof: Low Slope or $0 - Roof: Metal or $0 - Roof: Shingle or $0 - Exterior Walls or $0 - Exterior Doors or $0 - Storefronts / Window Walls or $0 - Windows or $0Building Finishes All Finishes Included in B&F New Construction - Flooring: VCT or $0 - Flooring: Carpet or $0 - Flooring: Ceramic Tile or $0 - Flooring: Quarry Tile or $0 - Ceiling: ACT or $0 - Ceiling: Other or $0 - Walls: Painting or $0 - Walls: Other or $0 - Casework or $0 - Interior Doors / Windows or $0 - ADA / Code Upgrades or $0 - Asbestos Abatement or $0Building Systems - Food Service $50,000 or $50,000 Commercial Hood and Kitchen Equipment 2027 - Plumbing or 10,124 $12.75 $129,081 2027 - Fire Sprinkler or 10,124 $5.00 $50,620 2027 - HVAC or 10,124 $35.38 $358,187 2027 - Electrical $100,000 or $100,000 Allowance: Emergency Generator 2027 - Electrical or 10,124 $33.58 $339,964 2027 - Fire Alarm or $0 2027 - Intercom or $0 - Security: Cameras $15,000 or $15,000 2027 - Security: Intrusion or $0 - Access Controls $10,000 or $10,000 Access Control and Security System 2027Technology or $0 - Network Equipment $25,000 or $25,000 Allowance: IT & Dispatch Systems Infrastructure 2027 - Wireless Access Points or $0 - Data Cabling / Racks or $0 - Active Boards / Smart TVs or $0FacilityImprovements Sub Total $3,889,012 II B Support Costs Prof/Pm/Support Fees 8% $311,121 2026 Survey/Testing 1.5% $58,335 2027 Storage and Moving $0 CityFees/County 0.75% $29,168 2027 FF&E 2% $77,780 2027 Land Purchase $0 Has Property - At Mason's Bend Entrance Support Costs Subtotal $476,404 Program Subtotal $4,365,416 Program Escalation $771,774 Program Contingency $436,542 $5,573,733 Program Total 2023 LONG RANGE FACILITY NEEDS PLAN Category/Description Campus Program Total5,573,733 $ Comments Year Required TOWN OF FORT MILL New Fire Station #3 Summary Sheet Independent response time analysis needed along with projected growth areas
Lump SumUnitCost/Unit Cost Estimate I A FacilityImprovements: NewConstruction - New System or $0 Completed in 2022 - 3rd SystemLine $6,500,000 or $6,500,000 Allowance: 3rd Treatment Line (Required within 8yr to 10yr) 2030 - Storage Tank $1,000,000 or $1,000,000 Allowance 2030 Renovation - Renovation or $0 Allowance: Finishes and Casework @ Office (See Below) 2030 Site - Grading for New Construction or $0 - Drainage /Erosion or $0 - Utilities or $0 - Landscaping /Grassing or $0 - Irrigation or $0 - Athletic Field(s) / Playground(s) or $0 - Athletic / Playground Equipment or $0 - Parking Lot(s) $5,000 or $5,000 Allowance: Preventative Maintenance (Patch /Seal / Restripe) 2030 - Driveway(s) /Turn lane(s) or $0 - Sidewalks or $0 - ADA or $0 - Fencing or $0 - Site Lighting or $0 - or $0 Building Envelope - Structural $5,000 or $5,000 Repair / Replace Damaged Crane Beam 2025 - Roof: Metal or $0 - Roof: Shingle or $0 - Exterior Walls or $0 - Exterior Doors or 2 $7,500.00 $15,000 Replace (2) Coiling Doors at Bays 2025 - Storefronts / Window Walls or $0 - Windows or $0 - Painting or $0 Building Finishes - Flooring: VCT or 1,155 $5.00 $5,775 Replace VCT with LVT Throughout 2030 - Flooring: Carpet or $0 - Flooring: TileBase or $0 - Flooring: Ceramic Tile or 200 $17.50 $3,500 Tile is Dated but Functional 2030 - Flooring: Stage Wood Flooring or $0 - Ceiling:ACT or 1,350 $5.00 $6,750 Dated Original Metal Louver Ceiling 2030 - Ceiling:Other or $0 - Walls:Painting or 2,252 $2.50 $5,630 RepaintInterior of Office Building 2030 - Walls:Other or $0 - Casework or 15 $175.00 $2,625 Replace Kitchen Casework (15LftBase &Wall) 2030 - Casework $3,500 or $3,500 Replace Restroom ToiletPartitions 2030 - Interior Doors /Windows or $0 - ADA /Code Upgrades or $0 - Asbestos Abatement or $0 - or $0 Building Systems - Food Service or $0 - Plumbing $1,500 or $1,500 Update Existing Restroom Fixtures 2030 - Plumbing $2,500 or $2,500 Replace Lab Fixtures 2030 - Fire Sprinkler or $0 - HVAC or 2,252 $8.00 $18,016 Upgrade Office Building HVAC System 2030 - Electrical or $0 Replace UV Blubs (Per 2yr Cycle) - Fire Alarm or $0 - Intercom or $0 - Security:Cameras or $0 - Security:Intrusion or $0 - Access Controls or $0 - or $0 Technology - Network Equipment (Switches) or $0 - Wi-Fi Network Equipment or $0 - Data Cabling or $0 - or $0 FacilityImprovements Sub Total $7,574,796 II B Support Costs Prof/Pm/SupportFees 8% $605,984 2029 Survey/Testing 1.5% $113,622 2030 Storage and Moving $0 CityFees/County 0.25% $18,937 2030 FF&E 0.35% $26,512 Replace Lab Hood 2030 Land Purchase $0 Support Costs Subtotal $765,054 Program Subtotal $8,339,850 Program Escalation $2,595,284 Program Contingency $833,985 $11,769,119 Program Total 2023 LONG RANGEFACILITYNEEDS PLAN Category/Description Campus Program Total11,769,119 $ Comments Year Required TOWN OF FORTMILL Wastewater Treatment Plant Summary Sheet $1,000,000
Lump SumUnitCost/Unit Cost Estimate I A FacilityImprovements: New Construction - New Facility or $0Renovation - Renovation or $0Site - Grading for New Construction or $0 - Drainage / Erosion or $0 - Landscaping / Grassing or $0 - Irrigation or $0 - Athletic Field(s) / Playground(s) or $0 - Athletic / Playground Equipment or $0 - Parking Lot(s) or $0 Preventative Maintenance (Patch / Reseal / Restripe) - Driveway(s) / Turn lane(s) or $0 - Sidewalks or $0 - ADA or $0 - Fencing or $0 - Site Lighting or $0 - Utilities or $0 - Other or $0Building Envelope - Structural or $0 - Roof: Low Slope or $0 - Roof: Metal or $0 - Roof: Shingle or $0 - Exterior Walls or $0 - Exterior Doors or $0 - Storefronts / Window Walls or $0 - Windows or $0Building Finishes - Flooring: VCT / Vinyl / LVT or $0 - Flooring: Carpet or $0 - Flooring: Hard Tile / Terrazzo or $0 - Flooring: Sports Flooring / Other or $0 - Ceiling: ACT or $0 - Ceiling: Other or $0 - Walls: Painting or $0 - Walls: Other or $0 - Casework or $0 - Interior Doors / Windows or $0 - ADA / Code Upgrades or $0 - Asbestos Abatement or $0 - Bleachers or $0 - Sports Equipment or $0Building Systems - Food Service or $0 - Plumbing or $0 - Fire Sprinkler or $0 - HVAC or $0 - Electrical or $0 - Fire Alarm or $0 - Intercom or $0 - Security: Cameras or $0 - Security: Intrusion or $0 - Access Controls or $0Technology or - Network Equipment or $0 - Wireless Access Points or $0 - Data Cabling / Racks or $0 - ClassroomA/V or $0 - or $0 FacilityImprovements Sub Total $0 II B Support Costs Prof/Pm/Support Fees $0 Survey/Testing $0 Storage and Moving $0 CityFees/County $0 FF&E $0 Land Purchase Acres $0 Support Costs Subtotal $0 Program Subtotal $0 Program Escalation $0 Program Contingency $0 $0 Program Total 2023 LONG RANGE FACILITY NEEDS PLAN Category/Description Campus Program Total$ Comments Year Required TOWN OF FORT MILL Banks Athletic Park Summary Sheet
Lump SumUnitCost/Unit Cost Estimate I A FacilityImprovements: New Construction - Picnic Shelter $25,000 or $25,000 Allowance: New Picnic Structure 2027 - or $0 Renovation - or $0 Site - Grading for New Construction $135,000 or $135,000 Grade Flat Surface BetweenPark and Walter Elisha Park / Retaining Walls 2027 - Drainage / Erosion or $0 - Utilities or $0 - Landscaping / Grassing or $0 - Irrigation or $0 - Athletic Field(s) / Playground(s) $15,000 or $15,000 SmallChild Play Equipment 2027 - Athletic / Playground Equipment or $0 - Parking Lot(s) or $0 Preventative Maintenance (Patch / Reseal / Restripe) - Driveway(s) / Turn lane(s) or $0 - Driveway(s) / Turn lane(s) or $0 - Sidewalks or $0 - ADA or $0 - Fencing $20,000 or $20,000 High Netting & Add New Retaining Wall 2027 - Site Lighting or 3 $5,500.00 $16,500 2027 - or $0 Building Envelope - Structural or $0 - Roof: Low Slope or $0 - Roof: Shingle or $0 - Roof: Downspouts or $0 - Exterior Walls $2,500 or $2,500 Refresh Paint at Gazebo 2027 - Exterior Doors or $0 - Exterior Doors (Pair of Doors) or $0 - Storefronts / Window Walls or $0 - Windows or $0 - or $0 Building Finishes - Flooring: VCT or $0 - Flooring: Carpet or $0 - Flooring: Terrazzo or $0 - Flooring: Ceramic Tile or $0 - Flooring: Sports Flooring or $0 - Ceiling: ACT or $0 - Ceiling: Other or $0 - Walls: Painting or $0 - Walls: Other or $0 - Casework or $0 - Interior Doors / Windows or $0 - ADA / Code Upgrades or $0 - Asbestos Abatement or $0 - or $0 Building Systems - Food Service or $0 - Plumbing or $0 - Fire Sprinkler or $0 - HVAC or $0 - Electrical or $0 - Fire Alarm or $0 - Intercom or $0 - Security: Cameras $15,000 or $15,000 2027 - Security: Intrusion or $0 - Access Controls or $0 - or $0 Technology - Network Equipment (Switches) or $0 - Wi-Fi Network Equipment or $0 - Data Cabling or $0 - Active Boards / Smart TVs or $0 - or $0 FacilityImprovements Sub Total $229,000 II B Support Costs Prof/Pm/Support Fees 20% $45,800 2026 Survey/Testing 1.5% $3,435 2027 Storage and Moving $0 CityFees/County $0 FF&E $0 Land Purchase $0 Support Costs Subtotal $49,235 Program Subtotal $278,235 Program Escalation $48,021 Program Contingency $27,824 $354,080 Program Total 2023 LONG RANGE FACILITY NEEDS PLAN Category/Description Campus Program Total354,080 $ Comments Year Required TOWN OF FORT MILL Calhoun Street Park Summary Sheet
Lump SumUnitCost/Unit Cost Estimate I A FacilityImprovements: New Construction - NewPress box $15,000 or $15,000 Allowance: Field 1 2027 - or $0 Renovation -Demo House $5,000 or $5,000 DEMO Existing House 2027 -Relocate Existing Maint.Sheds $15,000 or $15,000 Allowance 2027 - Preventative Maintenance or 1,700 $5.00 $8,500 Preventative Maintenance on allExisting Structures 2027 - or $0 Site - Grading for NewConstruction $35,000 or $35,000 Grade forNew Multipurpose Field at Doby's Bridge Rd. 2027 - Grading for NewConstruction $50,000 or $50,000 Grading forNewParking, Drive,Misc. 2027 - Drainage /Erosion $10,000 or $10,000 Grade Embankment Behind Field #1 to Address Erosion 2027 - Landscaping / Grassing $20,000 or $20,000 Beautification 2027 - Irrigation or $0 - Athletic Field(s) /Playground(s) or 4,400 $18.00 $79,200 Replace Existing PIP Rubber Playground with Turf 2027 - Athletic / Playground Equipment $30,000 or $30,000 Refresh Playground Equipment 2027 - Athletic / Playground Equipment $100,000 or $100,000 Allowance: NewAll-Inclusive Playground with Access & Equipment 2027 - Athletic / Playground Equipment or 100 $300.00 $30,000 New Aluminum Bleachers 2027 - Athletic / Playground Equipment or 3 $7,500.00 $22,500 Update Scoreboards (within the next 10 years) 2027 - Athletic / Playground Equipment or 8 $50,000.00 $400,000 Investigate Possibility of PickleballCourts (8 total) 2027 - Parking Lot(s) $5,000 or $5,000 Preventative Maintenance (Patch / Reseal/ Restripe) 2027 - Parking Lot(s) or 40 $2,750.00 $110,000 Additional(40)Parking Spaces 2027 - Driveway(s) / Turn lane(s) $25,000 or $25,000 Allowance: NewDrive at Church (Connection) 2027 - Driveway(s) / Turn lane(s) $25,000 or $25,000 Develop Hammerhead Turn Around Behind Field #2 2027 - Sidewalks or 2,000 $8.00 $16,000 Sidewalk from Dobys Bridge Rd. 2027 - ADA or $0 - Fencing or 1,300 $30.00 $39,000 Replace Field #1 Fencing & Backstop 2027 - Fencing or 3,800 $25.00 $95,000 Replace /InstallPerimeter Security Fencing 2027 - Site Lighting $150,000 or $150,000 Allowance: Add Sports Lighting to New Multipurpose Field 2027 - Utilities or $0 - Signage $5,000 or $5,000 Wayfinding Signage Throughout 2027 - or $0 Building Envelope - Structural or $0 - Roof: LowSlope or $0 - Roof: Metal or $0 - Roof: Shingle or $0 - Exterior Walls or $0 - Exterior Doors or $0 - Storefronts /Window Walls or $0 - Windows or $0 - or $0 Building Finishes - Flooring: VCT/ Vinyl or $0 - Flooring: Carpet or $0 - Flooring: Hard Tile / Terrazzo or $0 - Flooring: Sports Flooring or $0 - Ceiling: ACT or $0 - Ceiling: Other or $0 - Walls:Painting or $0 - Walls:Other or $0 - Casework or $0 - InteriorDoors /Windows or $0 - ADA / Code Upgrades or $0 - Asbestos Abatement or $0 - or $0 Building Systems - Food Service or $0 - Plumbing or $0 - Fire Sprinkler or $0 - HVAC or $0 - Electrical or $0 - Fire Alarm or $0 - Intercom or $0 - Security:Cameras $25,000 or $25,000 Park Security Cameras 2027 - Security:Intrusion or $0 - Access Controls or $0 - or $0 Technology - Network Equipment or $0 - Wireless Access Points or - Data Cabling / Racks or $0 - Active Boards /SmartTVs or $0 - or $0 FacilityImprovements Sub Total $1,315,200 II B Support Costs Prof/Pm/SupportFees 10% $131,520 2026 Survey/Testing 1.5% $19,728 2027 Storage and Moving $0 City Fees/County $0 FF&E $0 Land Purchase $0 Support Costs Subtotal $151,248 ProgramSubtotal $1,466,448 ProgramEscalation $258,042 ProgramContingency $146,644 $1,871,134 Summary Sheet Year Required Comments ProgramTotal Category/Description Campus ProgramTotal1,871,134 $ TOWN OF FORT MILL Doby's Bridge Park 2023 LONG RANGE FACILITYNEEDS PLAN
Lump SumUnitCost/Unit Cost Estimate I A FacilityImprovements: New Construction - PickleballCourt $10,000 or $10,000 Convert Existing Dig Pit / Splash Pad to NewPickleballCourt 2027 - or $0 or $0 Renovation - Existing Gazebo $5,000 or $5,000 Renovate Existing Gazebo 2027 - Restroom Building $2,500 or $2,500 Renovate Existing Restroom Building 2027 - Picnic Shelter $15,000 or $15,000 Renovate Existing Picnic Shelter 2027 - Monument Sign $7,500 or $7,500 Replace Existing Non-Visible Sign with Monument Sign 2027 or $0 Site - Grading for NewConstruction $10,000 or $10,000 Misc. 2027 - Grading $20,000 or $20,000 Convert BaseballField to MP Field 2027 - Drainage /Erosion $5,000 or $5,000 2027 - Utilities or $0 - Landscaping / Grassing $20,000 or $20,000 Park Beautification 2027 - Irrigation or $0 - Athletic Field(s) /Playground(s) or 2,000 $18.00 $36,000 Replace Playground Mulch/Rubber with Turf (When Installed?) 2027 - Athletic / Playground Equipment $30,000 or $30,000 Allowance: Replace Existing Playground Equipment 2027 - Athletic / Playground Equipment $20,000 or $20,000 Relocate BasketballCourt 2027 - Athletic / Playground Equipment or 4 $2,500.00 $10,000 Add Four (4) Swinging Benches 2027 - Parking Lot(s) or 30 $2,750.00 $82,500 Develop AdditionalParking 2027 - Parking Lot(s) $5,000 or $5,000 Preventative Maintenance (Patch / Seal/Restripe) 2027 - Driveway(s) / Turn lane(s) or $0 - Sidewalks $50,000 or $50,000 Allowance: Develop Walking Trailand Two (2) Pedestrian Bridges 2027 - ADA or $0 - Fencing or 650 $25.00 $16,250 4ft Perimeter Safety Fencing at Stream 2027 - Site Lighting or 10 $5,500.00 $55,000 Update / AdditionalSite Lighting 2027 - Utilities or $0 Building Envelope - Structural or $0 - Roof: LowSlope or $0 - Roof: Metal or $0 - Roof: Shingle or $0 - Exterior Walls or $0 - Exterior Doors or $0 - Storefronts /Window Walls or $0 - Windows or $0 Building Finishes - Flooring: VCT/ Vinyl or $0 - Flooring: Carpet or $0 - Flooring: Hard Tile or $0 - Flooring: Terrazzo or $0 - Flooring: Sports Flooring or $0 - Ceiling: ACT or $0 - Ceiling: Other or $0 - Walls:Painting $2,500 or $2,500 Refresh PaintatExteriorRestrooms 2027 - Walls:Other or $0 - Casework or $0 - InteriorDoors /Windows or $0 - ADA / Code Upgrades or $0 - Asbestos Abatement or $0 Building Systems - Plumbing $3,500 or $3,500 Allowance: Add Water Fountains 2027 - Plumbing or $0 AdditionalWaterClosets in Restrooms? (Currently Single Toilets) - HVAC or $0 - Electrical or $0 Lighting Controls to Restrooms - Fire Alarm or $0 - Intercom or $0 - Security:Cameras $15,000 or $15,000 2027 - Security:Intrusion or $0 - Access Controls or $0 - Security CallBoxes or 2 $12,500.00 $25,000 (1) Emergency CallBoxes 2027 - or $0 Technology - Network Equipment (Switches) or $0 - Wi-FiEquipment or $0 - Data Cabling or $0 - Active Boards /SmartTVs or $0 - or $0 FacilityImprovements Sub Total $445,750 II B Support Costs Prof/Pm/SupportFees 17% $75,778 2026 Survey/Testing 1.5% $6,686 2027 Storage and Moving $0 City Fees/County $0 FF&E $0 Land Purchase $0 Support Costs Subtotal $82,464 ProgramSubtotal $528,214 ProgramEscalation $91,668 ProgramContingency $52,821 $672,704 ProgramTotal 2023 LONG RANGE FACILITYNEEDS PLAN Category/Description Campus ProgramTotal672,704 $ Comments Year Required TOWN OF FORT MILL Harris Street Park Summary Sheet
Lump SumUnitCost/Unit Cost Estimate I A FacilityImprovements: New Construction - or $0 Renovation - Renovation Caboose $5,000 or $5,000 Allowance: Refresh Exterior Finish 2027 - or $0 Site - Grading for New Construction or $0 - Drainage / Erosion or $0 - Utilities or $0 - Landscaping / Grassing $7,500 or $7,500 Park Beautification 2027 - Irrigation or $0 - Athletic Field(s) / Playground(s) or 3,370 $18.00 $60,660 Replace Mulch with Turf Playground Surface 2027 - Athletic Field(s) / Playground(s) or $0 Refresh Playground Equipment 2035 - Athletic Field(s) / Playground(s) $1,500 or $1,500 Add Wayfinding Signage 2027 - Parking Lot(s) $2,500 or $2,500 Preventative Maintenance (Patch / Reseal / Restripe) 2027 - Driveway(s) / Turn lane(s) or $0 - Sidewalks $5,000 or $5,000 Allowance: Address Picnic Area Concrete Pad 2027 - ADA or $0 - Fencing $2,500 or $2,500 Paint Handrails 2027 - Fencing $3,500 or $3,500 Add Fencing at Playground 2027 - Site Lighting or 2 $5,500.00 $11,000 2027 - or $0 Building Envelope - Structural or $0 - Roof: Low Slope or $0 - Roof: Metal or $0 - Roof: Shingle or $0 - Exterior Walls or $0 - Exterior Doors or $0 - Storefronts / Window Walls or $0 - Windows or $0 - or $0 Building Finishes - Flooring: VCT or $0 - Flooring: Carpet or $0 - Flooring: Terrazzo or $0 - Flooring: Ceramic Tile or $0 - Flooring: Sports Flooring or $0 - Ceiling: ACT or $0 - Ceiling: Other or $0 - Walls: Painting or $0 - Walls: Other or $0 - Casework or $0 - Interior Doors / Windows or $0 - ADA / Code Upgrades or $0 - Asbestos Abatement or $0 - or $0 Building Systems - Plumbing or $0 - Fire Sprinkler or $0 - HVAC or $0 - Electrical or $0 - Fire Alarm or $0 - Intercom or $0 - Security: Cameras $15,000 or $15,000 2027 - Security: Intrusion or $0 - Access Controls or $0 - or $0 Technology - Network Equipment (Switches) or $0 - Wi-Fi Equipment or $0 - Data Cabling or $0 - Smart Displays or $0 - or $0 FacilityImprovements Sub Total $114,160 II B Support Costs Prof/Pm/Support Fees 6% $6,850 2026 Survey/Testing 1.5% $1,712 2027 Storage and Moving $0 CityFees/County $0 FF&E $0 Land Purchase $0 Support Costs Subtotal $8,562 Program Subtotal $122,722 Program Escalation $21,783 Program Contingency $12,273 $156,778 Program Total 2023 LONG RANGE FACILITY NEEDS PLAN Category/Description Campus Program Total156,778 $ Comments Year Required TOWN OF FORT MILL Millstone Park Summary Sheet
Lump SumUnitCost/Unit Cost Estimate I A FacilityImprovements: New Construction - New Construction $15,000 or $15,000 New Picnic Shelter 2027Renovation - Splash Pad $5,000 or $5,000 Preventative Maintenance on the Splash Pad 2027 - Existing Picnic Shelter $10,000 or $10,000 Renovate Existing Structure 2027Site - Grading for New Construction $50,000 or $50,000 Allowance: Grading for Parking Lot, Court, Misc. 2027 - New Amphitheater $50,000 or $50,000 Allowance: Construction of new Built-In Seating 2027 - Drainage / Erosion $10,000 or $10,000 Misc. 2027 - Landscaping / Grassing $15,000 or $15,000 Beautification of Park 2027 - Irrigation or $0 - Athletic Field(s) / Playground(s) $20,000 or $20,000 Add Second Basketball Court 2027 - Athletic Field(s) / Playground(s) or 3,500 $1.75 $6,125 Resurface Existing Basketball Court 2027 - Athletic / Playground Equipment $30,000 or $30,000 Refresh Playground Equipment 2027 - Athletic / Playground Equipment or 2 $3,000.00 $6,000 Replace (2) Basketball Goals 2027 - Parking Lot(s) $2,500 or $2,500 Preventative Maintenance (Patch / Reseal / Restripe) 2027 - Parking Lot(s) or 30 $2,750.00 $82,500 Additional Parking Lot 2027 - Driveway(s) / Turn lane(s) $2,500 or $2,500 Demo / Replace EntryCurb for Turn Radius 2027 - Sidewalks or $0 - ADA or $0 - Fencing or $0 - Site Lighting or 3 $5,500.00 $16,500 Allowance: Additional Park Site Lighting 2025 - Utilities or $0 - Signage $5,000 or $5,000 New Monument Sign 2027Building Envelope - Structural or $0 - Roof: Low Slope or $0 - Roof: Metal or $0 - Roof: Shingle or $0 - Exterior Walls or $0 - Exterior Doors or $0 - Storefronts / Window Walls or $0 - Windows or $0Building Finishes - Flooring: VCT / Vinyl / LVT or $0 - Flooring: Carpet or $0 - Flooring: Hard Tile / Terrazzo or $0 - Flooring: Sports Flooring / Other or $0 - Ceiling: ACT or $0 - Ceiling: Other or $0 - Walls: Painting or $0 - Walls: Other or $0 - Casework or $0 - Interior Doors / Windows or $0 - ADA / Code Upgrades or $0 - Asbestos Abatement or $0 - Bleachers or $0 - Sports Equipment or $0Building Systems - Food Service or $0 - Plumbing or $0 - Fire Sprinkler or $0 - HVAC or $0 - Electrical or $0 - Fire Alarm or $0 - Intercom or $0 - Security: Cameras $15,000 or $15,000 2027 - Security: Intrusion or $0 - Access Controls or $0Technology or $0 - Network Equipment or $0 - Wireless Access Points or - Data Cabling / Racks or $0 - Active Boards / Smart TVs or $0FacilityImprovements Sub Total $341,125 II B Support Costs Prof/Pm/Support Fees 12% $40,935 2026 Survey/Testing 1.5% $5,117 2027 Storage and Moving $0 CityFees/County $0 FF&E 1% $3,411 Grills, Etc. 2027 Land Purchase $0 Support Costs Subtotal $49,464 Program Subtotal $390,589 Program Escalation $66,979 Program Contingency $39,059 $496,627 Program Total 2023 LONG RANGE FACILITY NEEDS PLAN Category/Description Campus Program Total496,627 $ Comments Year Required TOWN OF FORT MILL Steele Street Park Summary Sheet
Lump SumUnitCost/Unit Cost Estimate I A FacilityImprovements: New Construction - Pedestrian Bridge $500,000 or $500,000 Allowance 2025 - Flag Pole $2,500 or $2,500 Additional Flag Polefor Space Force 2025 - Monument $1,000 or $1,000 Medal of Honor Winner Monument 2025 - Open Air Building 10,000 $150.00 $1,500,000 Open Air Farmers Market 2025Renovation - Renovation or $0Site - Grading for NewConstruction $200,000 or $200,000 Allowance 2025 - Drainage / Erosion $25,000 or $25,000 2025 - Utilities $25,000 or $25,000 Minimal 2025 - Landscaping / Grassing $25,000 or $25,000 Beautification 2025 - Irrigation or $0 - Athletic Field(s) / Playground(s) or $0 - Athletic / Playground Equipment $20,000 or $20,000 Splash Pad 2025 - Athletic / Playground Equipment or 6 $2,500.00 $15,000 Add Four (6) Swinging Benches 2025 - Parking Lot(s) or 150 $2,750.00 $412,500 NewParking Lot 2025 - Driveway(s) / Turnlane(s) or 2 $25,000.00 $50,000 2025 - Sidewalks $20,000 or $20,000 2025 - ADA or $0 - Fencing or 700 $30.00 $21,000 Install Fencing on top of Railroad Embankment 2025 - Site Lighting or $0 - Other or $0Building Envelope - Structural or $0 - Roof: LowSlope or $0 - Roof: Metal or $0 - Roof: Shingle or $0 - Exterior Walls or $0 - Exterior Doors or $0 - Storefronts / WindowWalls or $0 - Windows or $0Building Finishes - Flooring: VCT / Vinyl / LVT or $0 - Flooring: Carpet or $0 - Flooring: Hard Tile / Terrazzo or $0 - Flooring: Sports Flooring / Other or $0 - Ceiling: ACT or $0 - Ceiling: Other or $0 - Walls: Painting or $0 - Walls: Other or $0 - Casework or $0 - Interior Doors / Windows or $0 - ADA / Code Upgrades or $0 - Asbestos Abatement or $0 - Bleachers or $0Building Systems - Food Service or $0 - Plumbing or $0 - Fire Sprinkler or $0 - HVAC or $0 - Electrical or $0 - Fire Alarm or $0 - Intercom or $0 - Security: Cameras $15,000 or $15,000 2025 - Security: Intrusion or $0 - Access Controls or $0Technology or $0 - Network Equipment or $0 - Wireless Access Points or $0 - Data Cabling / Racks or $0 - Classroom A/V or $0 - or $0 FacilityImprovementsSub Total $2,832,000 II B Support Costs Prof/Pm/Support Fees 12% $339,840 2024 Survey/Testing 1.5% $42,480 2025 Storage and Moving $0 CityFees/County 0.50% $14,160 2025 FF&E 0.75% $21,240 2025 Land Purchase $0 Support CostsSubtotal $417,720 Program Subtotal $3,249,720 Program Escalation $277,182 Program Contingency $324,972 $3,851,874 Program Total 2023 LONG RANGE FACILITYNEEDS PLAN Category/Description CampusProgram Total3,851,874 $ Comments Year Required TOWN OF FORT MILL Veterans Park Summary Sheet
Lump SumUnitCost/Unit Cost Estimate I A FacilityImprovements: New Construction - Amphitheater Completed in2021 - Restrooms Completed in2020RenovationSite - Grading for NewConstruction $50,000 or $50,000 Misc. Grading for Pathway& Parking 2027 - Drainage / Erosion or $0 - Utilities or $0 - Landscaping / Grassing $15,000 or $15,000 Landscape Beautification 2027 - Irrigation or $0 - Athletic Field(s) / Playground(s) or $0 - Athletic / Playground Equipment or $0 Refresh Playground Equipment (2023) - Athletic / Playground Equipment or 6 $2,500.00 $15,000 Add Four (6) Swinging Benches 2027 - Parking Lot(s) $3,500 or $3,500 Preventative Maintenance (Patch / Reseal / Restripe) 2027 - Parking Lot(s) or 25 $2,750.00 $68,750 NewParking Lot (SidneyJohnson Rd Side) 2027 - Driveway(s) / Turnlane(s) or $0 - Sidewalks or 27,000 $7.50 $202,500 Rework entirewalking path (8' wide Asphalt) 2027 - ADA or $0 Add ADA Compliant Playground Equipment and Access (2023) - Fencing or $0 - Site Lighting or 25 $2,000.00 $50,000 Sight Lighting (Path Lights at Walk) 2027 - TurnLanes or $0Building Envelope - Structural or $0 - Roof: LowSlope or $0 - Roof: Metal or $0 - Roof: Shingle or $0 - Exterior Walls or $0 - Exterior Doors or $0 - Storefronts / WindowWalls or $0 - Windows or $0 - Windows or $0Building Finishes - Flooring: VCT or $0 - Flooring: Carpet or $0 - Flooring: Ceramic Tile or $0 - Flooring: Terrazzo or $0 - Flooring: Sports Flooring or $0 - Ceiling: ACT or $0 - Ceiling: Other or $0 - Walls: Painting or $0 - Walls: Other or $0 - Casework or $0 - Interior Doors / Windows or $0 - ADA / Code Upgrades or $0 - Asbestos Abatement or $0Building Systems - Food Service or $0 - Plumbing or $0 - Fire Sprinkler or $0 - HVAC or $0 - Electrical $15,000 or $15,000 Allowance: Underground for Lights 2027 - Fire Alarm or $0 - Intercom or $0 - Security: Cameras $15,000 or $15,000 2027 - Security: Intrusion or $0 - Access Controls or $0 - SecurityCall Boxes or 2 $12,500.00 $25,000 EmergencyCall Boxes Located 2027Technology or $0 - Network Equipment or $0 - Wireless Access Points or - Data Cabling / Racks or $0 - Active Boards / Smart TVs or $0FacilityImprovementsSub Total $459,750 II B Support Costs Prof/Pm/Support Fees 12% $55,170 2026 Survey/Testing 1.5% $6,896 2027 Storage and Moving $0 CityFees/County $0 FF&E $0 Land Purchase $0 Support CostsSubtotal $62,066 Program Subtotal $521,816 Program Escalation $91,444 Program Contingency $52,182 $665,442 Program Total 2023 LONG RANGE FACILITYNEEDS PLAN Category/Description CampusProgram Total665,442 $ Comments Year Required TOWN OF FORT MILL Walter Elisha Park Summary Sheet
Lump SumUnitCost/Unit Cost Estimate I A FacilityImprovements: NewConstruction - New Construction or $0 - or $0 Renovation - Renovation or $0 - or $0 Site - Grading for New Construction or $0 - Drainage /Erosion $5,000 or $5,000 Allowance: Correct Several Drain Inlets 2024 - Utilities or $0 - Landscaping /Grassing $1,500 or $1,500 Misc. 2024 - Irrigation $2,500 or $2,500 Repair Existing Irrigation 2024 - Athletic Field(s) / Playground(s) or $0 - Athletic / Playground Equipment or $0 - Parking Lot(s) $7,500 or $7,500 Preventative Maintenance (Patch / Reseal /Restripe) 2024 - Driveway(s) /Turn lane(s) or $0 - Sidewalks $3,500 or $3,500 Allowance 2024 - ADA or $0 - Fencing or $0 - Site Lighting or $0 - Turn Lanes or $0 - or $0 Building Envelope - Structural or $0 - Roof: Low Slope or $0 - Roof: Shingle or $0 - Exterior Walls or $0 - Exterior Doors or $0 - Storefronts / Window Walls or $0 - Windows or $0 - or $0 Building Finishes - Flooring: VCT or $0 - Flooring: Carpet or $0 - Flooring: Ceramic Tile or $0 - Flooring: Quarry Tile or $0 - Flooring: Terrazzo or $0 - Flooring: Epoxy or $0 - Flooring: Sports Flooring or $0 - Ceiling:ACT or $0 - Ceiling:Other or $0 - Walls:Painting or $0 - Walls:Other or $0 - GymBleachers or $0 - Casework or $0 - Interior Doors /Windows or $0 - ADA /Code Upgrades or $0 - Asbestos Abatement or $0 - or $0 Building Systems - Food Service or $0 - Plumbing or $0 - Fire Sprinkler or $0 - HVAC or $0 - Electrical or $0 - Fire Alarm or $0 - Intercom or $0 - Security:Cameras $15,000 or $15,000 2027 - Security:Intrusion or $0 - Access Controls or $0 - Athletic LaundryEquipment or $0 - or $0 Technology - Network Equipment (Switches) or $0 - Wi-Fi Equipment or $0 - Data Cabling or $0 - or $0 FacilityImprovements Sub Total $35,000 II B Support Costs Prof/Pm/SupportFees 5% $1,750 Civil Engineer (If Needed) 2024 Survey/Testing $0 Storage and Moving $0 CityFees/County $0 FF&E $0 Land Purchase $0 Support Costs Subtotal $1,750 Program Subtotal $36,750 Program Escalation $3,679 Program Contingency $3,675 $44,104 Program Total 2023 LONG RANGEFACILITYNEEDS PLAN Category/Description Campus Program Total44,104 $ Comments Year Required TOWN OF FORTMILL Municipal Parking Lot Summary Sheet

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