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Nevada Farm Bureau Nevada Farm Bureau Presents Congressman Amodei With Friend Of Farm Bureau Award

Scheduling became something of a challenge to set up the meeting to present Nevada Congressman Mark Amodei with this “Friend of Farm Bureau” Award for the just concluded 116th Session of Congress, but that has been marked as accomplished when Nevada Farm Bureau Executive Vice President Doug Busselman met with Nevada’s 2nd District Congressman on January 18th. This award is based on official voting record results compiled by the American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF).

Congressman Amodei scored an 86 percent voting record, agreeing with the Farm Bureau positions during the 2021-2022 Congressional session. He has earned this award for each of the sessions he has served as a U.S. Congressman.

“We’re very fortunate to have a representative like Congressman Amodei who hears what Farm Bureau policy urges and is so willing to work with our organization in considering our views on the issues being debated in the nation’s Capital.” Busselman said. “We’ve had a very good working relationship with Mark going back to his service in the Nevada Legislature.”

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