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AFBF Tips On Building Working Relationship With Your Representatives In

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Nevada Farm Bureau

Nevada Farm Bureau


It is very important for citizens to stay in touch with their elected representatives in Washington, D.C. Advocacy isn’t just relying on Farm Bureau lobbyists to carry your messages to elected Representatives and Senators. The organization’s effectiveness in getting things done is directly linked to Farm Bureau members who make it a priority to communicate with their representative in the U.S. House and their U.S. Senators. The American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF) advocacy staff have been providing very useful information pieces to not only encourage Farm Bureau member engagement, but also to help members understand the best practices to use in connecting with your representatives.

Cody Lyon, AFBF’s Managing Director, Advocacy and Political Affairs, recently offered this thoughtful piece to get you started or brush up your skills if you’re already in the practice of contacting your member of Congress: www.fb.org/news/ the-state-of-writing-your-lawmaker

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