2019 Impact Report

Page 1



TABLE OF CONTENTS A Letter From Our Director

Page 4

Who We Are

Page 6

A Global Voice

Page 8

A Brand Refresh

Page 9

2019: Accelerating Action For A Clean And Health Ocean Paving The Way For A Sustainable Future

Page 12

Sustainable Development Goals

Page 13

Achieving ISO Environmental Standards

Page 14

A Clean Ocean

Page 16

Tackling Marine Debris

Page 18

Growing A Citizen’s Science Movement

Page 19

Adopt A Dive Site™

Page 20

Debris Free

Page 21

2019 Dive Against Debris® Data Report

Page 22

Debris Item Breakdown

Page 23

Top 10 Items Reported Through Dive Against Debris In 2019 Only

Page 23

Top 10 Trash Items Found In The Ocean 2011-2019

Page 24

Partnerships Against Trash

Page 26

Global Ghost Gear Initiative (Gggi) Annual Meeting & Dive Workshop

Page 28

Our Ocean: Learning, Sharing, Acting

Page 30

The Economist World Ocean Summit 2019

Page 32

Impact Stories: Community Action Against Trash

Page 33

Record Breaking Ocean Cleanup

Page 33

Ghost Nets Busters

Page 34

Keep The Creek Clean

Page 35

A Healthy Ocean


Page 10

Page 36

Climate Action

Page 38

Impact Stories: Community Action For A Healthy Ocean

Page 39

Coral Replanting

Page 39

Our Singapore Reefs

Page 39

Advocating For Vulnerable Marine Species

Page 40

Love The Unloved

Page 40

Shark And Ray Conservation: 2019 Highlights

Page 42

Cites Success For Mako Sharks

Page 44

Community Action For Mako Sharks

Page 46

Spotlight On Palma De Mallorca

Page 46

Spotlight On Curacao

Page 46

Cites Success For Rhino Rays

Page 47

Catch Limits For Blue Sharks

Page 48

Pushing For A Strengthened Finning Ban

Page 48

Taking Action For The Sustainable Development Goals

Page 49

Aware Week: 2019 In Numbers Impact and Participation during AWARE Week in September 2019

Page 50 Page 55

Our Supporters

Page 50


Page 59

2019 Fundraisers

Page 60

100% AWARE Partners

Page 62

All 100% AWARE Partners

Page 64

Corporate Partners

Page 68

2019 Donors

Page 70

Ways To Give

Page 73

Board Of Directors

Page 74

Project AWARE Staff

Page 76

Moving Forward

Page 75

Our Offices

Page 75




What happens when you bring together the purpose of marine conservation with the passion for underwater adventure? A global movement that takes real action for the ocean planet. In 2019, Project AWARE supporters’ individual actions collectively accelerated our conservation goals and advanced our vision for a return to a clean and healthy ocean. Starting with the success of a new campaign Every Dive a Survey Dive - we expanded our global citizen science movement significantly in 2019; global participation in Adopt a Dive Site™ grew by 28% and Dive Against Debris® survey submissions increased by 35%. This growth has propelled us towards reaching our goal to remove and report the next million pieces of debris – 2 million in total - by the end of 2020. Dive Against Debris® has now engaged over 85,000 scuba divers in 120 countries, continuing to grow the largest underwater data set of seafloor debris on the planet. The Dive Against Debris® data collected by our community of citizen scientists fills critical data gaps, mitigates pollution impacts on the marine environment and ultimately advances sound policy. In 2019, this unique global data set underwent a thorough scientific analysis, the first of its kind comparing land and seafloor debris. We will publish the findings in a scientific journal in 2020 4

to inform and engage governments, clearly linking underwater community actions to policy change. Every year, Project AWARE dedicates at least 25% of its resources to advancing our Healthy Ocean conservation goals. In 2019, we were thrilled to announce that, with our partners and community, we helped secure important trade restrictions to protect vulnerable marine species. Despite fierce opposition from influential governments, our work advanced critical safeguards for mako sharks, rhino rays and sea cucumbers at the 18th Conference of the Parties to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species. Over 30,000 community members elevated their voices by signing the #Divers4Makos petition urging governments to give the world’s fastest shark a fighting chance or cast their #LoveTheUnloved vote for the protection of highly traded sea cucumbers. Our Healthy Ocean program and ongoing partnership with the Shark League also brought historical catch limits for blue sharks. The fins-on and fins-off actions that our community took in 2019 are actively being leveraged to

advance the United Nations Global Goals. In July, with the launch of a new interactive infographic, we directly linked our short-term and long-term conservation work to the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. To embed this strategy, we engaged our community at the local level during AWARE Week and the Global Week of Action to Act for the SDGs in September. Project AWARE’s work in 2019 enabled the growth and conservation wins necessary to reach our future goals and overall vision. We couldn’t do this critical work without the support of our partners, donors, global community, staff and Board of Directors. We thank each and every one of them for creating positive change for our ocean planet in 2019.

Together we are Project AWARE - Where Conservation Meets Adventure™


Danna Moore Director, Global Operations




At Project AWAREÂŽ we believe in a future where the ocean no longer needs protecting. We connect the passion for ocean adventure with the purpose of marine conservation to create lasting change. The two critical areas that Project AWARE seeks to influence are: Community and Policy. We provide the tools and inspiration for our global community to take action with both fins on and fins off and we link those actions to policy to drive towards our vision for a return to a clean, healthy ocean.

We bring together a dedicated team of individuals around the world who share a passion for ocean protection and adventure to secure real and direct environmental victories.

We collaborate, cocreate and partner with individuals, governments, NGOS, and businesses who, like us, believe in a future where the ocean no longer needs protecting.

We champion policy change, engage and activate a global volunteer community to tackle specific objectives for global ocean conservation.

With offices located in Australia, United Kingdom and the United States, we take action to create both local and global change for the ocean and the communities who depend on it. Our local actions collectively protect the most vulnerable marine species and decrease pollution. Project AWARE is a registered non-profit organization. We are a global movement for ocean protection powered by a community of adventurers - Where Conservation Meets Adventure™



A GLOBAL VOICE We are united by our shared passion for the ocean and the belief that no action is too small to protect it. Online and offline, we inspire, inform, create and share actions needed to engage, connect and bring together the passion for adventure with the purpose of ocean conservation. We are a global voice for the ocean and our 2019 Impact Report demonstrates and showcases the power of what, together with our global community, we can achieve for a return to a clean and healthy ocean.


Web Visitors in 2019


new "News Flash" E-Newsletter Recipients

More than


raised through Online Giving

228.5k Facebook Followers


Conservation Actions Logged on My Ocean:


in 2019 alone.

217,552 since 2011


Instagram Followers


Twitter Followers


YouTube Views in 2019


YouTube Views since channel launched in 2008 FOLLOW PROJECT AWARE Instagram: @projectaware Facebook: /ProjectAWAREFoundation Twitter: @projectaware YouTube: /ProjectAWAREorg

A BRAND REFRESH In 2019, Project AWARE launched an updated and refreshed Brand Book This is a guide to the important elements that make Project AWAREÂŽ. Have a read, it will help you get to know us better: www.projectaware.org/brandbook.





PAVING THE WAY FOR A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE From securing trade controls for vulnerable marine species to building an army of Dive Against Debris® activists ready to take our flagship underwater citizen science program to the next level, 2019 saw Project AWARE actively leverage community action to advance the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

Launched in September 2019 as part of the UN Global Week to Act for the SDGs, Project AWARE’s latest interactive infographic illustrates and maps how our conservation goals support the implementation of the SDGs. Our conservation strategy is in alignment with the SDGs in a number of target areas. Project AWARE is committed to addressing the global marine debris crisis from an underwater perspective through citizen science and community engagement (#OceanAction17638). Project AWARE is partnering with scientists and other key organizations to analyze the Dive Against Debris® dataset in order to inform further research and policy change, advancing our knowledge and understanding regarding marine debris. Project AWARE is building an increasingly comprehensive global dataset that can be used to help inform effective prevention measures to stop further debris entering the ocean and thus helping to reduce ecosystem degradation. Countries can use Dive Against Debris® data to advance policies and legislation at national and international levels. Through new supply chain goals launched in 2019, Project AWARE is committed to not buy or distribute any single-use plastic products or packaging in its operations. Products’ viability is determined based on a full Life Cycle Analysis,


including adhering to ISO 1400 and SDG goals and principles. Additionally, Project AWARE is committed to working with countries to help them identify where they may need to focus their efforts, based on what is reported through Dive Against Debris®. Together with the Shark League - a coalition focused on responsible regional conservation of sharks and rays - Project AWARE is working towards securing science-based shark and ray catch limits, strict protections for endangered species, and strong, enforceable bans on shark finning at a regional level (#OceanAction17226). Project AWARE is committed to working with Global Ghost Gear Initiative (GGGI) partners to support the adoption of a Best Practice Framework for the Management of Fishing Gear as well as promoting ghost gear reduction measures at RFMOs. Together we are committed to tackling abandoned, lost and otherwise discarded fishing gear on a global scale (#OceanAction14840). Taking action with Project AWARE for a clean and healthy ocean can help support the implementation of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. Achieving the SDGs is critical to building an inclusive, sustainable and resilient future for people and the planet.


ACHIEVING ISO ENVIRONMENTAL STANDARDS Announced in August 2019, ISO 21416 addresses environmental issues related to the conduct of diver operations, and range from avoiding anchor damage and using renewable resources, to briefing divers on their impacts, supporting marine protected areas and providing guidance on environmentally responsible diving practices.


Its companion, ISO 21417, addresses educating scuba divers about broad general and regional threats to the aquatic environment, potential damage unaware divers can cause and our role as responsible scuba divers. 21416 and 21417 support each other and provide a unified formal framework for what the dive community has been saying, doing and encouraging for some time now. The revised Project AWARE Specialty course launched in 12 languages in August 2019 meets the ISO requirements. Divers completing the revised Project AWARE Specialty have covered everything ISO 21417 stipulates.

Copyright ©️ Charlie Fenwick - Big Bubble Dive.






TACKLING MARINE DEBRIS Pollution is one of the overarching stressors impacting the ocean planet. Marine debris - our man made trash that enters the ocean - is highly damaging with long lasting impacts on marine life, ecosystems not to mention our very own human health. Whilst conjecture remains regarding the contribution of sea-based sources of marine debris versus land-based sources, the fact remains that humans are responsible for all marine debris that is present in the ocean.

Project AWARE® has a longstanding history working on marine debris. And through 2019, we have continued to strive towards our vision of returning to a clean and healthy ocean through strategic partnerships, local community action and dedicated policy action.

“Marine debris is a hugely complex issue that requires cross-sectoral collaboration at local, national, regional and global scales. Data is also absolutely essential in order to understand the extent of the problem and a necessary piece of the puzzle in forming solutions to prevent debris at the source. And I’m pleased to say we’re doing it all,” says Hannah Pragnell-Raasch, Policy Lead, Project AWARE. “Through our Clean Ocean Strategy, we are really upping the ante.”

Dive Against Debris - our flagship Clean Ocean program - continues to evolve and strengthen. Having launched in 2011 with the overarching goal of yielding quantitative data regarding seafloor marine debris, robust enough to inform policy and improve waste management processes across all geographic scales, the program has evolved and grown with our community from ad-hoc clean-ups through to a credible citizen science program. And now, we approach a pivotal milestone which will see Dive Against Debris spearheaded as a credible, scientifically sound and cost-effect monitoring service that national and local governments can use to report on the success of debris management policies as well as the ability to track and measure global and regional conservation commitments such as the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Regional and National Plans of Action and the European Union’s Marine Strategy Framework Directive. Demonstrating our commitment to the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, 2019 saw the launch of the interactive infographic visualising the way in which our Clean Ocean Strategy supports the implementation of a number 18

of targets across the SDGs including, but not limited to, SDG 14 - Life Below Water. 2019 also saw us take the global Dive Against Debris dataset to the next level - embarking on a partnership with the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation (CSIRO) and the Ocean Conservancy to undertake pivotal analyses to investigate the relationship, if any, between the debris we find on land versus what we find on the seafloor as well as what socio-economic factors influence where debris ends up on the land and the seafloor. Watch this space in 2020 to see these studies published in the peer-reviewed scientific literature. The Project AWARE team is so proud to be part of such an active and supportive community of ocean adventurers. Our Clean Ocean work demonstrates the way in which we can collectively build the evidence needed to drive lasting change - connecting local community actions with local, national and international policy to prevent debris entering the ocean in the first place.

GROWING A CITIZEN’S SCIENCE MOVEMENT Every Dive a Survey Dive Making Every Dive Count Through a commitment to accelerating marine debris removal and reporting through Dive Against Debris®, Project AWARE is encouraging the global dive community to make Every Dive A Survey Dive which includes reporting debris-free sites. With strategic collaboration, Project AWARE’s Clean Ocean Strategy is helping ensure that there is less debris in the marine environment posing a hazard to human health and wellbeing - removing the debris that already exists in the ocean and working towards solutions to prevent more debris entering the ocean in the first place. In 2019, we took a stronger stand against debris in the ocean to boost participation in Dive Against Debris. Only divers have the skills required to collect Dive Against Debris data which is essential to find long-term solutions to the marine debris crisis. We need all divers to put their scuba skills to good use and make #EveryDiveaSurveyDive.

Data matters! Collectively our actions add up to big results and take us one step closer to a return to a clean and healthy ocean. Courtesy of Hayley-Jo Carr


ADOPT A DIVE SITE™ The popular Adopt a Dive Site initiative continued its growth with more than 140 sites adopted throughout 2019. Harnessing the unique underwater skill set of the scuba diving community, Adopt a Dive Site urges scuba diving leaders around the globe – to engage in ongoing, local protection and monitoring of our underwater playgrounds - committing to conduct Dive Against Debris surveys at their adopted site at least once a month. In total, 551 sites around the world are ‘adopted’ by our committed supporters and volunteers. This program provides the necessary foundation for the future of our global citizen science footprint, one that will continue to grow and expand to encompass more fins on and fins off actions.

“It’s a really simple way to make a difference underwater. Divers are passionate ocean advocates and often dive the same site regularly. Adopt a Dive Site gives them a way to take ownership of their local dive site and be part of the solution to achieving a clean, healthy ocean” - Peta Day, Project AWARE Community Coordinator


DEBRIS FREE In 2019, the number of debris free dive sites increased by 73% with 261 Dive Against Debris surveys reporting no debris - taking the total of debris free survey submissions to over 900 since the program launched in 2011. In July 2019, Project AWARE’s global community celebrated Plastic Free July with an underwater twist. Millions of people around the globe took on the challenge to go plastic-free for a month, or at least try to reduce everyday single-use plastic. While many of us were focusing on taking action on land, a dedicated group of debris activists, 431 to be precise, joined in the challenge with an underwater twist. They celebrated, with us, their ongoing actions to keep their local dive sites debris-free through Project AWARE's Adopt a Dive Site™ initiative, not only during Plastic Free July but year-round.

Knowing where rubbish is not present is as important as knowing where it is, especially in identifying marine debris hotspots. There is no other data set like Dive Against Debris that captures information on seafloor debris at this scale both temporally and spatially. Finding no debris on a dive is important data to submit as it can help identify when new problems arise. Simply select the “Our Survey Site Was Free of Debris” option when you submit your data. Debris-free sites are also visualized on the Dive Against Debris Map.



Data Report To ensure we support a quality Dive Against Debris dataset, each survey submitted to the Project AWARE team goes through a meticulous quality review process by our dedicated staff. The infographic below provides a mere snapshot of that body of work plus all that goes on “behind the scenes” enabling us to ensure our policy priorities are informed by sound data and science.



entangled animals discovered

Dive Against Debris quality reviewed surveys

debris-free surveys



items of debris items removed

hours spent underwater surveying dive sites


of all debris items reported were plastic

TOP 3 REPORTING COUNTRIES USA 522 Surveys 16.24% of all global surveys Indonesia 272 Surveys 8.46% of all global surveys Thailand 215 Surveys 6.69% of all global surveys


countries participated

20,795 participants

Total weight of debris removed:

Dive Against Debris Speciality Instructors & Trainers




Dive Against Debris Speciality Students

66,432 kgs 146,458 lbs

DEBRIS ITEMS BREAKDOWN Plastics 185,118 63% Glass & Ceramics 21,978 7% Metals 51,203 17% Rubber 4,168 1% Wood 3,965 1% Cloth 12,418 4% Paper & Cardboard 4,236 1% Mixed 4,969 2% Other 6,748 2%


PLASTIC Fishing Line 32,359 items 10.98%


GLASS & CERAMIC Fragments 7,182 2.44%

PLASTIC Fragments 31,975 10.85% PLASTIC Beverage Bottles: Less than 2 litres 18,495 6.27% METAL Fishing: Sinkers, Lures, Hooks 17,666 5.99% PLASTIC Food Wrapers 16,169 5.48% PLASTIC Bags: Grocery/Retail 14,987 5.08% METAL Beverage Cans (Aluminium) 4,236 1% GLASS Beverage Bottles 12,654 4.29% PLASTIC Cups, Plates, Knives, Forks, Spoons 10,265 3.48%


Top 10



Plastic Fishing Line 225,987


Plastic Fragments 154,570


Plastic Beverage Bottles 93,538


Glass Beverage Bottles 90,049


Plastic Food Wrappers 84,914


14.11% of all items

9.65% of all items

5.84% of all items

5.62% of all items

5.30% of all items

METAL Beverage Containers (aluminum) 84,537


Plastic Grocery/ Retail Bags 72,303


Metal Fishing Sinkers, Lures & Hooks 64,862


Plastic Cups, Plates, Knives, Forks & Spoons 53,665


5.28% of all items

4.51% of all items

4.05% of all items

3.35% of all items

Glass & Ceramic Fragments 40,582 2.53% of all items

10 25

PARTNERSHIPS AGAINST TRASH Solutions to the marine debris issue are not possible without partnerships – large and small – and a groundswell of support for change. We bring our unique, underwater perspective on marine debris that scuba divers help shape through the Dive Against Debris data they report. In order to influence positive change, Project AWARE partners against trash through these initiatives and alliances:

Through a variety of high profile international fora, Project AWARE has represented the global community of adventurers and delivered a Clean Ocean strategy to key stakeholders ensuring that addressing marine debris and working towards solutions to prevent marine debris at the source remains at the top of the agenda. 26



In November 2019, GGGI held its sixth Annual Meeting in Panama City, Panama. Participants from around the world gathered to examine what has been done in the fight against ghost gear (also known as abandoned, lost or otherwise discarded fishing gear, ALDFG) in the past year and explore how the collective can build on its accomplishments in the future. With over 100 member organizations, including Project AWARE, the GGGI is the world’s only alliance dedicated to tackling the problem of ghost fishing on a global scale with a membership that includes representatives from the fisheries sector, industry, retail corporations, academia and nongovernmental organizations (NGOs).


Hannah Pragnell-Raasch, Project AWARE Policy Lead, was invited to present on the critical work that Project AWARE undertakes connecting local community action to policy change. She was also invited to join other participants from the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, International Pole and Line Foundation and the Olive Ridley Project as a panelist in a dedicated discussion on Using Evidence and Research to Build Ambition Amongst Corporates and Policy Makers to Support and Enable GGGI to Scale its Impacts.

Following the GGGI Annual meeting, Hannah went on to join and contribute to a further sixday workshop, the fourth in a series co-hosted this year by the GGGI, the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), and the Government of Panama. The workshop aimed at implementing the GGGI’s Best Practice Framework for the Management of Fishing Gear and the FAO’s Voluntary Guidelines for the Marking of Fishing Gear across Central America, South America and the wider Caribbean. Additionally, the workshop involved specific guidance in developing a ghost recovery program across the region as well as the specific training of scuba divers in the safe removal and recovery of ghost gear from the water. In March 2019, Joanna Toole, an inspiration for all of us at Project AWARE and one of the principal architects and driving forces behind the establishment of the GGGI, was tragically killed

in the Ethiopian Airlines crash as she was on her way to further engage the international community to address ghost gear and its environmental impacts. In recognition of Joanna’s leading role in addressing ghost gear and in celebration of her legacy and dedication to her work, the Joanna (Jo) Toole Internship launched in October 2019 to support women in ocean conservation. Project AWARE encouraged women in its global community to register their interest for this incredible and inspiring opportunity. Her sudden and tragic loss will be felt across the ocean community for many years to come but this internship in her memory will give women opportunities to continue the important work that Joanne started.


OUR OCEAN: LEARNING, SHARING, ACTING Learning, Sharing, Acting was the 2019 Our Ocean conference’s vision for a clean, healthy and productive ocean. In October 2019, Project AWARE joined 500 world’s leaders, entrepreneurs, scientists, young leaders, and civil society in Oslo, Norway to:

The main delivery of the Our Ocean Conferences is voluntary commitments to implement significant and meaningful measures for clean, healthy and productive seas. Our Ocean Conference 2019 convened Heads of States, Ministers, and champions from various backgrounds to:

Expand our knowledge and understanding of issues facing the marine environment including challenges and experiences from attendees, speakers, panelists and experts;

Discuss significant progress on past ocean commitments;

Share progress on the commitment that we made at Our Ocean 2018 in Bali after celebrating #OneMillionLess - a milestone reached thanks to an army of dive volunteers, by Project AWARE’s flagship citizen science program: Dive Against Debris®; Act to reach #NextMillion2020 and add our next million pieces of debris to the global Dive Against Debris dataset by the end of 2020 to mobilize local communities and continue to build evidence of the scale of the global marine debris crisis.

Inspire new commitments made for the continuation of more concerted and integrated actions for protecting the ocean.

Project AWARE represented the voice of a global community of debris activists and recreational users of the marine environment. Our Ocean 2019 provided an opportunity to learn from and act with partners who share our vision for a return to a clean and healthy ocean. We joined members of the Global Ghost Gear Initiative to continue to make progress towards achieving the goals of our joint voluntary commitment made in support of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. Our Ocean 2019 brought together leaders from governments, businesses, civil society and research institutions to share their experience, identify solutions and commit to action for a clean, healthy and productive ocean. We shared our underwater perspective to the focus areas of the conference and proudly represented our global community of ocean adventurers taking action with us for a return to a clean and healthy ocean.





The sixth World Ocean Summit strived to build greater collaboration across regions and connect the world to new ideas and perspectives. Taking place in March 2019, this world-renowned event took place in the Middle East for the first time – a region often overlooked in ocean discussions. The Economist brought together political leaders and policymakers, heads of global business, scientists, NGOs and multilaterals from across the globe, and provided a forum for discussion amongst a more diverse and representative participation on the future of the ocean than ever before. Throughout the event, Project AWARE® joined a number of organizations to discuss solution-focused initiatives and news. We


proudly represented the voice of the global dive community and dive leaders, in particular, putting ocean conservation at the heart of their business. We highlighted our United Nations Voluntary commitments and announced our 2019 commitment to accelerate action for a clean ocean. Following the summit, Domino Albert, Project AWARE Associate Director Global Communications joined a PADI® community event in Dubai as a guest speaker. Activities included conducting a Dive Against Debris survey, sand art, and many other ocean awareness raising workshops and talks.

IMPACT STORIES: COMMUNITY ACTION AGAINST TRASH RECORD BREAKING OCEAN CLEANUP Ocean pollution and the amount of plastic in the ocean is an ever-growing talking point but unfortunately, it's also an issue that continues to be too often ignored. In a bid to change the "out of sight, out of mind" attitude, Dixie Divers, a PADI® dive center committed to making a difference, found an inspiring way to highlight the urgent need to turn the tide on the plague of plastic in our ocean with a Guinness World Record.


Supported by Project AWARE® and PADI®, the 2019 edition of the annual Save Deerfield Beach Event, organized by Dixie Divers and Deerfield Beach Women's Club in Florida on June 15, aimed to show that conservation brings more people together now than ever before. Hundreds of divers signed up to the event and came together to put their scuba diving skills to good use. Guinness World Record adjudicator, Michael Empric, who conducted the official scuba diver headcount, announced that 633 Dive Against Debris volunteers had taken part in the event. The day ended with a huge crowd of beachgoers and dive enthusiasts greeting with cheers the announcement that the Guinness World Record for the biggest ocean cleanup had been broken.


Courtesy of Dixie Divers

One by one by one... A world record is broken. 633 divers. 3200lbs of fishing gear. Over 9,000 pieces of marine debris reported to Project AWARE. To say today's collaboration of The World Record Clean Up Event hosted by Dixie Divers was a success is an understatement.


- Jack Fishman, Project AWARE Community Conservation Officer


IMPACT STORIES: COMMUNITY ACTION AGAINST TRASH GHOST NETS BUSTERS Malapascua, a small island in the Philippines north of Cebu island, is famous for its resident thresher sharks at Monad Shoal. For many divers, it’s a bucketlist destination. In June 2019, scuba divers from Malapascua went to Kimud Shoal, just a little further south, in search of hammerheads, but instead found a huge ghost net, covering over half the circumference of a coral pinnacle. The next day they put out an island-wide appeal to the Malapascua dive shops to join a net removal effort. More than 40 scuba divers from 12 dive shops responded to the call. Together, they removed over 150 meters of ghost net, weighing 100kg.

We were all shocked at the size of the net. To say it was enormous, would be a gross understatement. The net blanketed the pinnacle, starting at 12m on the top, reaching down to approximately 35m.” says Dennis, one of the scuba divers involved in the removal operation. “As a singular diver, you may feel overwhelmed and downhearted. It is when we come together, whether it be locally or internationally, that we can make a difference.


KEEP THE CREEK CLEAN Like working waterways around the world, Dubai Creek is vital for trade. Beneath its waters, however, on the sandy bottom unseen by most people, the detritus of modern living and light industry is taking its toll – tonnes of waste. In efforts to continue the Bank’s water conservation projects, Emirates NBD Private Banking and its corporate responsibility team decided to act. Under the Keep the Creek Clean program, in association with Divers Down UAE, in 2019, bank employees received training to become scuba

divers or improved diving skills to conduct regular Dive Against Debris surveys and conservation actions in the region. The group of divers and diving professionals have worked across the country to remove countless plastic bags and bottles, cans, industrial waste and household garbage that would otherwise pollute the seas. The bank’s efforts have resulted in the removal of over 5,400 kilograms from UAE waterways since the initiative launched.

Working with Emirates NBD has been an inspiration to us all. It shows how everyone from individual divers to large corporates can play an important role in helping to keep the UAE’s waterways clean for future generations.” - Michela Colella, Operations Manager at Divers Down.

Since the launch of Dive Against Debris, in 2011, Project AWARE’s passionate volunteer network has delivered real impacts through fins-on removal of debris and fins off reporting of that critical data. We thank every participant and volunteer in this absolutely essential effort to return to a clean, healthy ocean.







The ocean is the life-support system for our planet. It pumps nutrients around the globe, helps to regulate weather patterns and produces half of the oxygen we breathe. By absorbing 90% of the excess heat in the atmosphere and 30% of the CO2, it has so far protected us from the worst effects of the climate crisis. 2019 saw the long-awaited release of the Special Report on the Ocean and the Cryosphere, by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). Launched in September, the report highlights the seriousness of the threats our oceans face, but does provide new evidence for the benefits of limiting global warming to the lowest possible level – in line with the goal that governments set themselves in the 2015 Paris Agreement. The report finds that significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions, protecting and restoring ecosystems, and carefully managing the use of natural resources would make it possible to preserve the ocean and cryosphere as a source of opportunities that support adaptation to future changes, limit risks to livelihoods and offer multiple additional societal benefits. The report also highlights evidence of the benefits of combining scientific with local and indigenous knowledge to develop suitable options to manage climate change risks and enhance resilience.

The United Nations Climate CoP (CoP25 or the Blue CoP) came to a close in Madrid in December 2019 without the level of ambition and action required to tackle the climate emergency. The inclusion of text related to the ocean was an important but inadequate step forward. Climate breakdown is having a significant impact on the ocean, drastic cuts in CO2 and meaningful action is urgent and essential to avert serious impacts on ocean health and function. The release of the IPCC report and disappointing outcomes of the Blue CoP mark a shift in Project AWARE’s Healthy Ocean strategy. In the years to come, Project AWARE will build on the success of Dive Against Debris to develop citizen science actions that contribute much needed data which can help scientists better understand our seas and ocean. Through partnerships and collaboration, Project AWARE will leverage the important role that scuba divers can play in providing real-time vital information about the temperature of our ocean. We know that bringing an end to overfishing and pollution in all its forms and preventing further biodiversity, ecosystem and habitat loss are also essential measures within our reach to mitigate climate change.


IMPACT STORIES: COMMUNITY ACTION FOR A HEALTHY OCEAN CORAL REPLANTING In July 2019, Louise Kraechter, Project AWARE Community Engagement Manager, participated in COMO Maalifushi’s Women in Diving and Conservation celebrations in the Maldives. Like many other resorts across the Maldives, COMO Maalifushi has recently begun to invest in the restoration of their surrounding coral reefs to help promote and protect their unique tropical marine life. Kris Carrigan, COMO Maalifushi’s resident marine biologist, showed Louise first-hand the steps the marine biology team are taking to help Maalifushi’s house reef.

"It was great that Louise from Project AWARE could be part of the very first coral replanting directly back onto the house reef at COMO Maalifushi.” - Kris Carrigan, Marine Biologist, COMO


OUR SINGAPORE REEFS “World Oceans Day is a reminder of how valuable nature is and how much more we can do to protect it. Combating marine debris is no easy feat but with the To kick off the partnership, a Coral Rescue operation and Dive Against undying support from our passionate volunteers and Debris survey involving 20 volunteer divers, was organised in the benevolent partners, we can waters around Lazarus Island. About 140 pieces of marine debris weighing around 75 kg were retrieved and sorted for proper disposal. make our ocean a cleaner place for everyone to enjoy.” To commemorate World Oceans Day on 8 June, Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) and Our Singapore Reefs (OSR) embarked on a three-year collaboration to promote the importance of Singapore’s marine biodiversity. As part of this partnership, underwater clean-up activities and public outreach events will now be organised annually.

- Toh Tai Chong, co-founder of OSR.


ADVOCATING FOR VULNERABLE MARINE SPECIES At Project AWARE, when it comes to marine species, we firmly believe that all sea creatures deserve love and attention. Project AWARE and our partners and supporters have been showing the love for threatened species of sharks and rays for many years, even if fishery managers haven’t been that way inclined. We’ve pushed governments to introduce catch limits for sharks in the Atlantic and Mediterranean, helped incorporate threatened shark and rays onto the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (CMS) international agreement, and advocated for

sustainable trade in shark and ray products via the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Flora and Fauna (CITES). 2019 was another important year for sharks and rays with some significant wins including international trade controls secured for 18 shark and ray species at CITES CoP18. As well as our shark work, we shone a light on an arguably less charismatic ocean dweller and made the humble sea cucumber our 2019 poster boy. These incredible creatures needed some love and our global community didn’t disappoint when we called for support.

LOVE THE UNLOVED In 2019, as well as leading the charge to secure trade controls for vulnerable sharks and rays, we supported the listing of three species of holothurians at the 18th Conference of the Parties to CITES (CoP18). Anyone who has been in the ocean in tropical or temperate waters will likely have seen a holothurian, more commonly known as a sea cucumber. Despite their incredibly important role in the marine environment, they often get overlooked, yet loved in a way that is decimating their numbers. Some species are a highly prized delicacy in many parts of the world. They are some of the highest valued seafood on the planet. So when

the European Union, Kenya, Senegal, Seychelles, and the USA decided to put forward a proposal to consider three species of Teatfish (Holothurians), a type of sea cucumber widely fished and poached in the Indo-Pacific seas, for CITES Appendix II listing, we knew they would need love and support from our global community to encourage a winning vote for Holothurians at CITES CoP18, hosted in Geneva, Switzerland from 17 to 28 August. We mobilized the dive community and called ocean lovers to submit their sea cucumbers photos to our #LoveTheUnloved photo contest launched on Valentine's Day 2019 in support of the CITES CoP18 Holothurians proposal.

“We were inundated with high-quality photos and demonstrable levels of support," says Ian Campbell, Project AWARE Associate Director Policy and Campaigns. "This led directly to the US and EU governments referencing the value of them as an attraction to marine tourism as well as playing a vital role in keeping reefs healthy. While there was significant opposition from some countries that consume sea cucumbers, we managed to get a huge win, with over 100 countries supporting, and the role public support played was critical.” 40

Project AWARE’s #LoveTheUnloved photo contest didn’t go unnoticed and gave us ammunition to demonstrate growing public support for species less charismatic than sharks, yet so important for ocean ecosystems such as coral reefs. Sea cucumbers are some of the highest valued seafood on the planet. Without sea cucumbers, we face increased threats to coral reefs, seagrass beds, and lagoon areas, lose a natural weapon to fight climate change and will have a knock-on effect for their more glamorous neighbors like sharks.



2019 Highlights 2019 was an important year for shark conservation. Overfishing and habitat loss are two of the biggest threats facing marine life. Project AWARE has always held the protection of sharks and rays species at the crux of this issue as they are especially vulnerable to both overfishing and loss of critical habitats. In fact, one in four shark and ray species is facing an increased threat of extinction due primarily to overfishing and habitat loss. The future of sharks and rays - and the health of our ocean planet - hinges on keeping fishing and trade in check as well as protection for critical habitats such as nursery, mating and feeding grounds. To address this threat with action, Project AWARE worked with Shark League conservation partners (www.sharkleague.org) under our flagship Healthy Ocean program to focus on key opportunities to secure meaningful shark and ray conservation measures and protections.




©️ Steve Woods Photography

©️ Steve Woods Photography 43

CITES SUCCESS FOR MAKO SHARKS In March, the IUCN reclassified both species of Mako Sharks from Vulnerable to Endangered on the IUCN Red List, highlighting the urgent need for protection. For much of 2019, Project AWARE focused on securing international trade controls for makos through listing under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) at the Conference of Parties (CoP) in August. In May, the 18th meeting of the 183 countries that make up CITES took place in Geneva, Switzerland. Both shortfin and longfin makos, the world’s fastest sharks, were put forward by 27 different countries and the European Union. Project AWARE and our partners in the Shark League have been pushing for reducing fishing pressure on mako sharks for a number of years, backed by over 26,000 people who signed our #Divers4Makos petition. Despite fierce opposition from influential governments, 102 signatories to CITES voted in favor of a proposal led by the government of Mexico to include mako sharks in CITES Appendix II listing. The vote was then ratified in Plenary during the closing session of CITES CoP18, meaning both species are now granted new global trade controls. Many of Project AWARE’s supporters played a significant part in securing these protections. During the CITES meeting, direct social media pressure led to the Canadian minister making a public statement that Canada would back the mako proposals, something that was in the balance until this high-level decision was confirmed.

“After weeks of meetings, debates, and feelings of hope to despair, preceded by months and years of political engagement, both mako sharks species secured important trade restrictions at #CITESCoP18. What a fantastic team effort.” - Ian Campbell, Project AWARE Associate Director Policy and Campaigns

Securing their inclusion on CITES Appendix II is a step in the right direction and gives us more ammo to keep pushing fishing nations to limit their catches. Overfishing is the main threat to sharks and rays, our relentless work to put an end to uncontrolled mako shark fishing continues. In 2019, we continued to actively collaborate with our Shark League partners, namely Sharks Advocates International, The Shark Trust UK, and Ecology Action Centre, as well as with scientists, government officials, and most importantly our supporters, to get commercial fishing operations to significantly reduce the catches of mako sharks. In November, the European Union and the United States – despite long promoting science-based shark conservation — were the main obstacles to the adoption of urgently needed protections for mako sharks at the annual meeting of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT). Ten countries, led by Senegal and Canada, proposed and fought for consensus on banning retention of seriously overfished North Atlantic shortfin makos, as ICCAT scientists advise. Yet the EU and US refused to give up on exceptions for hundreds of tons of the Endangered species to be landed. ICCAT scientists estimate this population could take four or five decades to recover, even if fishing stops. Lack of consensus allows status quo fishing at unsustainable levels to continue.


©️ Tomas Kotouc - Wildscreen Exchange



COMMUNITY ACTION FOR MAKO SHARKS SPOTLIGHT ON PALMA DE MALLORCA In a shared effort to highlight growing public concern for declining shortfin mako shark populations, local conservation group, Save the Med, and Project AWARE brought the voices of more than 26,000 concerned ocean enthusiasts from around the world to the attention of fisheries managers ahead of critical decisions taking place at the meeting of the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT) – 18-25 November – in Palma de Mallorca, Spain.

Fisheries Ministers making decisions at ICCAT are all public servants, and we want to ensure that they hear, loud and clear, the message that the international dive community, including over 26,000 #Divers4Makos supporters: protect mako sharks NOW!”

urged Ian Campbell, Project AWARE Associate Director Policy & Campaigns.

SPOTLIGHT ON CURACAO At CITES CoP18, thousands of Project AWARE supporters used social media to express their concern for makos directly to ministries, helping immensely to sway officials’ positions and win the mako listing. Within weeks, Project AWARE staff headed to the Dutch Caribbean to join partners for the 2019 Curaçao International Dive Festival. The island of Curaçao, a marine tourism hub just off the coast of Venezuela, has been an ICCAT Party since 2014. The Festival focused on the efforts made by Curaçao businesses and government to embed and promote marine conservation into business models and tourism ventures. Events during the week celebrated local conservation-themed entrepreneurs and showcased diverse projects such as coral replanting, recycled marine plastic art, mangrove protection, beach cleans, and Dives 46

Against Debris®. We relished the opportunity to collaborate with our in-country partners, and speak at several events. We focused our public and media messages on the plight of Atlantic mako sharks and encouraged the Curaçao government to continue their efforts to strengthen ICCAT’s finning ban, and to support adoption of an ICCAT ban on mako shark retention, as advised by scientists. Many of the business representatives who helped organize the event, as well as hundreds of divers attending the festival, asked what they could do to support the Shark League’s efforts. We asked them, as tax-generating businesses and active contributors to the economy, to sign our letter to the Curaçao government and our #Divers4Makos petition, in a bid to make their voices heard.


Two other, lesser-known elasmobranchs (that’s the term that covers all sharks and rays) were also up for inclusion on CITES. Guitarfish and wedgefish, both kind of a weird cross between sharks and rays, are some of the most threatened species of elasmobranchs due to the value of their fins and the relative ease to catch them. Ian Campbell, Project AWARE Associate Director Policy and Campaigns, attended the CITES meeting on behalf of Project AWARE and pressured government officials with great success. All shark and ray proposals up for consideration at CITES CoP18, were granted international trade controls.

However, we must remember that success in getting these species listed is not enough. CITES only partially restricts international trade in listed species, and doesn’t put any obligations on countries to reduce fishing pressure. This is why we also worked towards ensuring that countries who supported listing these species on CITES Appendices, then followed through with these commitments to actively reduce fishing pressure on sharks and rays, and Endangered mako sharks in particular.


CATCH LIMITS FOR BLUE SHARKS In November 2019, ICCAT adopted groundbreaking new catch limits for blue sharks that represent a first for the world. Regional fishery bodies have banned take of several shark species but had yet to set concrete international catch limits for sharks, a species that makes up almost a third of the global shark fin market, until now. Science-based limits on landed blue shark tonnage will now be established for both the North and South Atlantic. This welcome measure is a direct result of years of public and political pressure, and is a sign that political will is changing.

PUSHING FOR A STRENGTHENED FINNING BAN A record number of ICCAT Parties (33 of the 47 present) cosponsored a proposal to strengthen ICCAT’s ban on finning (slicing off a shark’s fins and discarding the body at sea) by replacing a problematic fin-to-carcass ratio with a more enforceable requirement for sharks to be landed with fins attached. As they have repeatedly in the past, Japan and China blocked the measure. In addition, ICCAT adopted revised text that, once ratified, will modernize the Convention and strengthen the remit for shark conservation. The battle to stop overfishing and over exploitation of sharks and rays continues. ©️ Katrien Vandevelde - Blue Shark Conservation


TAKING ACTION FOR THE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS AWARE WEEK 2019 In celebration of Life Below Water, one of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals focused on the ocean, AWARE Week 2019 - 14-22 September - saw a record number of conservation actions taking place across the globe. Aimed at empowering more divers to look after the underwater world, the second global AWARE Week saw the dive community take action for the ocean planet fins on and fins off. Under the theme - Building Bridges - we, teamed up with our long-time partner PADIÂŽ, to call on dive professionals and the global dive community

to lead or take part in AWARE Week activities including AWARE courses focused on tackling ocean pollution, creating awareness for vulnerable shark and ray species, and empowering local communities to take positive actions for the protection of fragile aquatic environments. We are proud to share the results and celebrate the positive impact of AWARE Week Actions across the globe.







We are proud to share the results and celebrate the positive impact of AWARE Week Actions across the globe...




*14-22 September, 2019



140 Conservation Actions

FINS ON From taking citizen science action beneath the waves for a clean and healthy ocean.

FINS OFF ...to learning about the ocean and raising awareness about plastic pollution.



Pieces of Debris closer to reaching #NextMillion 2020

1.5 MILLION Pieces of Debris removed & reported

& 10K

Surveys since 2011


Impact and Participation during AWARE Week in September 2019 381 Surveys

2,793 Volunteers

38,832 Debris Items

339 Entangled Animals

Dive Against Debris results during AWARE Week and September 2019

Top 3 Reporting Countries 44 Countries Took Part in AWARE Week 2019 ©️ Charlie Fenwick - Big Bubble Dive featuring @Scuba.Sarah

USA 12% of the Surveys

UK 7% of the Surveys

Thailand 7% of the Surveys


#EveryDiveASurveyDive 55







FUNDRAISERS There’s no set formula when it comes to fundraising with Project AWARE® – the possibilities are as vast as the ocean. Some bake cakes, others take on the challenge to run marathons in full scuba gear.

In 2019, 416 fundraisers came together to raise over


MARATHONS Bank of America Chicago Marathon: In 2019, 13 runners joined Project AWARE’s marathon team. Together these endurance athletes not only ran over 26.2miles in the name of ocean protection but together, raised over $16,300. TCS New York City Marathon Team: Project AWARE’s New York City marathon team was small but mighty. 6 runners went all out to raise over $7,400 for the ocean protection cause!

NOT ALL HEROES WEAR CAPES, SOME WEAR SCUBA GEAR Mark learned to dive in 2009. That was it! He was hooked and quickly went on the life-changing journey of becoming a scuba diving instructor. Through scuba diving, Mark became aware of the scale of the problems facing the ocean including the onslaught of marine debris wreaking havoc on marine life and fragile aquatic ecosystems. In 2019, he joined the Project AWARE Bank of America Chicago Marathon Team as well as the Dublin Marathon to raise over $2,800 to help secure a brighter future for the health of our blue planet and help address the critical issue of marine debris. “I honestly cannot bear to watch what we are doing to the planet and its inhabitants. As a lover of the ocean, I'm very aware that ocean protection depends on all of our actions, large and small." - Scuba Mark


2019 FUNDRAISERS In 2019, 416 fundraisers came together to raise over


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Abbi Jackson Abieta Billy Admiredplague Adriana Sevening Adventure Sports Newmarket Inc. Ainslie Nash Alex Janz Alex Wall Alexis Lawrence Alicia Coleman Alvin Ratanaphan Amanda Baskwill Amber Ryanne Still Anais Engel Andreea Ioana Tarasescu Andrew Dean Andrew Hoad Andrew T. La Roy Angelique Johnstone Angelus Sarathiel Angie Fox Anna and Wouter Anna Herrick Anna-Jane Reetz Anne Coersmeier Anne Hartnett April Baugh April Dahn Arlene Antrim Arya Harsono AshLe Lund Ashley Chappel Ashley Lawrence Ashley Powell Ashley Schuele Assava Dive Resort atomic_m_and_c Austin Ingram Autumn Trosper Barrett Stapleton Baz Newman Bea Chenkin Beatriz Dionasio Ben Lang Bibi Laerke Kjaer

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Bill Carroll Bill Fenton Biz Kidz Fundraising - Dorothea Walker Elementary School Bjarn Grizzly Jakobsson Brandon Kaufman Brandy Morris Brandy Parmenter Brandy Travis Brenton Conrad Bri M Sutton Brooke M. Leifson Bryony Roberts Cailin O'Leary Cameron Miller Camille Vilain Carlene Gagnon Carleton Smee Carol Amber-Music Cassandra Karsch Cayce Brown Ceningan Divers Charles Dupont Charles Ortega Charli Louise Ann Polain Checka Soriano Chelsea Anne Chevy Brinkley Cheyenne Strehl Chris Vargas Christian Michalski Christy Domalakes chromellolive Chuanji Chen Cindy Sieman CJ Gahagan Collin Hymes CosmicKermit Daniel Ciccarello Daniel Kingsley Danita Garcia Davey Spedding David Daz Dawn Jeffrey Dawn Susan Marsh Dayalis Vasallo

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Dean Follmer Deanna Fahey Debra Louise Jones Dessie Larson Dive The Planet Dive World Domino Albert Donavan Maytum Donny Evans Dorothy Catapano Easy Street Services Company Edoardo D Alessandro Edward Nester Eleanor Rice Elena Lau Elizabeth Alaimo Ellen Kemp Ellie Richards Emilee Emilie Bauza Emily Chandler Emily Nabasny Emma Dias Emma Lindau Emma-Rose Walters Erika Sanchez Eurodivers Eva MzHyde Nacheva Fahad Asmar Federico Scalzi Francesca Soriano Freyline Gabriela Cadena Gabrielle Carpenter Gaby Carpenter Gary Joyce Gemma Wilbraham Geoff J. Skigen Georg Eriksen Gizelle Gabriela Grace Tanner ALL 4 DIVING INDONESIA Graham McMath Guest Services Blue Marlin Beach Resort GullibleGambit

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Gusde Weda Hannah Gelo Hannah Kwak Hannah Zollweg Harivololona Rahariniaina Harold Lanham Hayley Marie Fairburn Heba Khutaba Heidi Francis Hearter Ian Pratschler Ian Warwick IBM 2019 Employee Charitable Contribution Campaign IDEAL WRAP Imme Britt Jakobeit Ina Netlev India Agar instructor MoMo Irene Marchi Isabel Poppek Ismail Samooh Ivan Curtis Jackson Jack Smith Jackie Alvarez Jacob Tyson Jacqueline Perez Jacques M Chartron Jake Lockwood James Bylewski James McFeely Janette Wuttig Jason Karadeema Jay Devlin Jeff Burns Jeff Ferrell Jens Nassall Jeremy Forster Jeremy Regan Jess Wise Jessica Elaine Jessica Griffin Jessica Marie Jessica West Jill Smith Jim Brittingham Jim Palmer Joana Hawner Jody Smith Joel Jordan Johan Stramhielm John Doe John Kenton Jonathan Francetic Jonny Webber Jordon and Kate Josephine Weston Joshua Durrin Joy Bertagna jr1ch_

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Julian Nault Julie Brice Julien Zins Justin Beebe Kai Steinmetz Kailyn Denisa Burnett Kali Marie Kali Prescott Kara Dowson Karen Spracher Davis Katherine Bilcliffe Katherine Dean-Beesley Katherine Klosterman Kathrine Aasen Kathy Armstrong Lucarelli Katia Mujica Katie Shrives Kayla Dutton Keara McCardle Kees Edelman Kelly Marks Kelly Petit Kelsee Simons Kev Bierman Kevin Bieringer kharites_ Kids Camp Cares Kim Cooper Kim Seinstra Kira Renae Kourtney Most Kristen McLaughlin Kristy L. Doney krotukk ktmarine Kwok kit Ching Kylie Renna Lacey Murray Laura Hudson Laura Kazimierska Lauren Biscaldi Lauren Wiskerson Leonie Poelstra Lewis Rimmer Lexi George Lia Benedek Kaufman Liz Helms Liz Parkinson Lok Yee Bianca Chow Loretta Notah Luis Antonio Galindo Castro Luke Marshall Macey Wetzel Madelyn White Maj Verhoeven Mandy Zietsman Maria Varajao Marianna Matteotti Marie Simpson

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Marine Wildlife Club at H. Frank Carey High School Marios Katsanis Mark Dembitz Mark McGovern Mark Parallelmotion Mark Spindler Marshall Chambers Marta Szczeaniak Martina Rossi Mary E Knipfer Mateusz Wojciech Osiecki Matt Hatcher Matthew Cilliers Matthew Clements Matthew Holton Matthew Walden Matthias Christiansen Megan Carreau Megan Kindel Megan Renfro Mehrdad Erfani Melanie Marmaras Melissa Borges Melly Monroe Meriwest Credit Union's Marketing Department Michael & Sharon Bojcik Sicomac Fundraiser Michael Shawn Gould Michele Caravati Michelle Andersen Michelle Carter Michelle Gerber Mike Cornwell Modo Yoga Squamish Molli Marie Dean Monique Richards Morgan Senkal Morgan Stanley GIFT Moskito Valiente Mountain Shadows Montessori School mr_festis Nadun Gamini Natalie Fong Nate Tarr Nathalie Edler Bay New Horizons Divers Nic Emery Nicholas Curran Nico Dulcic Nicola Leske Nicolas Curran Nicole Tavarez Nikhil Das Nikky Holmes Nolan Rollo Oguzhan Zengin


100% AWARE PARTNERS Across the globe, scuba instructors and dive centers have committed to support ocean protection through 100% AWARE partnership. By making a donation to Project AWARE on behalf of every student they certify, these partners’ ongoing contributions provide vital funds to support a healthy and abundant ocean.

In 2019, 525 100% AWARE Partners raised over



“This is where I make my personal stand. Project AWARE cares about what I care about, so by becoming a 100% AWARE Partner my contributions become part of something much bigger and more meaningful than I could hope to accomplish myself”. Curtis Snaper - PADI® Course Director 62

“When working in Malaysia, I was passionate about protecting my dive sites. When I returned to the UK to set up The Fifth Point Diving Centre, I knew I had to bring that passion home with me. We encourage our divers to develop their buoyancy, and not to take or touch – unless it’s litter of course!” - Nic Emery - The Fifth Point Diving Centre

“Since becoming a 100% AWARE partner, Dive Bus PADI dive course graduates receive special versions of their cert cards and Project AWARE info. This reinforces the messages and actions from when they were diving with us, and hopefully influences them to continue taking care of our reefs and keep them trash-free, wherever in the world their next dive adventures take them.” - Zoe Osbourn - The Dive Bus Curacao 63

ALL 100% AWARE PARTNERS • • • • • •

20,000 Leagues Scuba and Aquatics Abyss Ocean World Academy of Scuba Academy of Scuba Acqua Life Dive Center Adam Burzynski

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Anthony Morton Anthony's Key Resort Antonino 'Nino' Calamia Aqua Plein Air, Inc Aqua Safaris Aquaexcursions Diving Centers -

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Adam Wucherpfenning Adrian 'Bev' Bebbington Aegean Seals Diving Center Ahmed Fouad Alaa Saeed Al Masri Alberta Adventure Divers Alejandro Pescador Alexander Kohls Alexey Kozin Alfa Diving Center Algan Ergene Ali Aldarbi All4Diving Indonesia Aloha Scuba Alpha Divers Kuwait Al-Razel Lagarde Amarilla Divers Amr Zakaria Ali Amy Slate's Amoray Dive Resort Andre Brasseler Andreas Brustmann Andrew Kikawa Andy Stewart Angel Rijos Ann Speer Anna Axelsson Anse Chastanet Scuba St Lucia Anthias Anthias Divers

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

UTW Palladium AquaMarine Diving - Bali Aquamarine.MT Diving Centre Aquatic Adventures - Rowville Aquatic Adventures of Michigan Aquatic Center of Rochester Archimède Armando Mesen Molina Art Fallon Asia Dive Academy Asian - Belgian Dive Resort Atlantis Diving Australian Diving Instruction Geelong Aviva Dive & Travel B&J Diving Centre B&J Diving Centre Bahia Apartments & Diving Bali Hai Diving Adventures Ban's Diving Resort Barbados Blue Water Barefoot Divers Barefoot Scuba Barrett S. Jackson Bart den Ouden Bart van den Bos BASE Diving Centre Beach Cities Scuba Ben Arthur

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• • • • • • • •

Beqa Adventure Divers Bernd Albert Best Spot Azores Bethan Comley Big Blu Mafia Island DC Big Blue (NY) Big Blue (Vanuatu) Black Beard Sports Blue Corner Dive Blue Corner Dive Peneida Blue Marlin Komodo Blue Ocean Club Blue Planet Blue Submarine BLUE SUBMARINE by NAVY SEALS ASD BLUE SUBMARINE by SCUBA WORLD ASD Blue Ventures Blue Water Divers Blue World Diver e.V. Bocas Dive Center Boonchob Vijarnsorn Bradley Copeland Brave Diver Brian Ferguson Brisbane Dive Academy Bruce Hall Bruce McPherson Bruce Weitzenhoffer BUBBLES Dive Centre Buceo Marina Buddies Dive Cove Cai Miao Caleb Hayes Captain Cook Cruises Fiji Carl Teare Catherine Glashier Ceningan Divers Centro Buceo Pedreña Centro de Buceo Pichidangui CEYLON WATER SPORTS (PVT) LD Nilaveli Diving Centre/ Unawatuna Diving Centre Charlene Bartlett Charles Bosma Charles Russell Charly Sub Diving School Chris Hartman Chris Hulett Christian St. Pierre Christian Tamayo-Villagran

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Christopher Adams Christopher Cirillo Christopher Southall Christopher Willey CJ's Reef Shack Claudio Baccinelli Claus Poehler Club Subaquatique de Vernier Cojo Diving Constantin "Costa" Benedic Corey Roulent Covenas Diving Co. Crystal Dive Resort Crystal River Watersports Curt Shumate Curtis Snaper Cyprus Underwater Explorers Ltd Dane Durand Daniel Anton Perez Daniel Chan Daniele Comin Danilo Bellese Darco Azarmaneche Darrell Bird Darwin Bawasanta Dave Rowbottom David Du David Gnadt David Groth David Keene David Rintoul David Speer Debora Roosli Deep Blue Divers Deep Blue Fiji Denzel Summer Derek Freres Diamond Diving Didier Duprat Dirk de Does Discovery Divers Dive Boutique Cozumel Dive Friends Bonaire Dive Georgia, LLC Dive Ninja Expeditions Dive Paradis Dive Point Red Sea Dive Potato Dive Rutland Dive Shack Dive World Inc Dive! Tutukaka Divecenter Scubido Diver City SCUBA Divers Den Divers Incorporated Divers Incorporated Monroe Divevolution Divewise

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Divine Diving Diving Academy Scubacqua Diving Bee Marine House Diving King Corporation Dominic Black Dominic Diodato Dominik Mikolajczyk Donald Pollitt Dos Tiburones Dive Shop Douglas Honorio Down Under Dive Shop Dragoman Dive Center Duikcentrum Loosdrecht Dykcentrum Gullmarsfjorden Eaglehawk Dive Centre East Coast Scuba & Watersports Eat Sleep and Dive Eco Dive Eddiving Edward Anger Edward H Chan Efthymios Gkantis Eric Webster Evan C. Long Evolution 2 Explore Hamilton Island Fabrizio Angeloro Fantasea Diving Fenix Buceo First Buddy Tablas Float N' Flag Sport & Dive Inc Florida Sea Base Florida Underwater Sports Fouad Al Hakami Four Seasons Kuda Huraa Four Seasons Landaa Giraavaru

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Gary Phillips Gary Sanderson, Jr. Gasper Otorepec Gatwick Scuba Geoffrey Creighton Geoffrey Skeats Glyn Jenkins - DiveClub Northern Ireland Go2Similan Great Adventures Bonaire Gregory Molendyk Gregory Sparkman Guillaume Lacome Gustavo Suarez Gwennaël Perrin Hans-Joachim Meyer Hassan Khayal Helena Scuba Hervey Bay Dive Centre Hirokazu Tatebe Hi-Tide Divers Hsun-Wei Huang Hussain Ahmed Al-Abbas Hyeonsu Pyo Ian Edge Ian Riley Ignacio V. Lembeye IK Diving Ilaria Laterza Imad Khashfeh Indus Scuba Infinity2diving Iron Sub Ismael Samooh Ismael Schlack Issam Kanafani

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Frank Baquero Frank Lafleur Frank Van Klaveren Fu Chun Fun Dive Club Gangga Divers Bali Garden Island Resort

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Ivan Chin Hing Foong Jack's Diving Locker Jacob Childs James Chandler James Maroney James McKay Jan Sturre (Delta Phi Diving)


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Jason R. Keeffer/Kona Honu Divers Jason Sikat Jay Brewer Jay Elson Jean Michel Cousteau's Caribbean Jennifer Cumming Jenny Hillman Jetty Dive Centre Jill Heinerth John Brett John G. Gransbury Jomtien Dive Center Jon A. Rusho Jon Doughty Jon Jon Suarez Jonas Dahringer Jordan L. McGonigle Jose David "Balky" Balcazar Melgar Jose Luis Saenz Josep Lluis Massuet Casals Joshua Cohen Joshua V. Dykman JR Dive Julien van Loenen Justin Newton Kai Lin Liew Kai Steinbeck Kappi Divers Karina Sprechler Petersen Karma Dives Kelvin L. Dale Kenneth Johnson Key Dives Kholousi Khayal Kirill Popov Kohala Divers Kosrae Village Ecolodge Kristina Soderquist Kuwait Diving Team / Science Club Lahaina Divers Lanzarote Non Stop Divers L'Aquila DC Latitud Scuba Laura Lomazzi Leobardo Morales Cervantes Li Zhu Liang Chen Liquid Dive Adventures Liquid Dive Dumaguete Lisa D. Krygsveld Live & Let Dive Lloyd Jones Lofoten Diving London Diving Centre London Scuba Centre Louise Kraechter Lucja Rice Luke Ashford-Hodges Made in Blue

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Mahdi Andijani MaiDiving Marco Giovannini Marco Lusa Mark Mack Mark McNamara Mark Wolff Marlin Divers Pte. Ltd Marlon Espina Martin Green - at Pure Dive Martin L. Kelly Matava - Fiji's Premier Eco Resort Matt Clements Matt Dempsey Maui Dreams Dive Co. Maui-Diving Mauro Sacchi Max Gallino Mega Diving B.V. (Mega Divers) Michael C Hayes Michael Hughes Michael Hughes Michele Cavati Micronesia Divers Assoc Micronesia Eco Divers Min Hyeok Kim Moh Boon Leng Mohamad H Buhamadi Monther Jamal Muhamad Bin Abdullah Mu-Han Chang Nautilus Dive Center

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Oliver Payne Ollie Powell One&Only Reethi Rah Dive Centre Ozan Atabilen Pacific Freediving Palau Ocean Divers Paolo Cardani Paradise Divers Paradise Divers Parker Johnson Pascal van der Lei Passions of Paradise Patrick Scott Patriot Dive Center Patriot Scuba Paul Hummel (Southwestern Oklahoma SCUBA Club) Penny Nelsen Perth Scuba Peter Bickerton Petreos Divers Pierre Brits Pilbara Dive Tours Pissouri Bay Divers Planet Ocean Planet Scuba India Plataran Dive Po Hsiung Huang pp02 Mergulhos Pura Vida Divers Pure Dive Resort Purple Dive Penida

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Nemo Viva Neren Diving Komodo Nicolas Laatsch Noel Hansen (The Dive Place) Nuno Veloso Azevedo OBI BLU Oca Divers Ocean Planet Diving Center Oceans Unlimited Costa Rica Ohana Dive Co.

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Qi Palawan Quintin Hill Rachel Watts Rafael Arocha Garcia Rainbow Reef Divers Rec2Tec Diving Red Alert Diving Reef Scuba Ltd Remco Van 't Hooft Renee Tapsell

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Restuning Sandini Rich Karren Rick Miramontez Roatan Dive Center Roatan Divers Roatan Divers Sandy Bay Robert Hodgkiss Robert M. McDowell Robert Soncini

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Scubatec Scubatude Sea 2 Sea Scuba Sea Divers Sea I see Dive Center Sea Sky Jeju Seals Diving Center Sean Flynn Seattle Scuba School

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Robin Kendrick-Yates Rodrigo Pena Anza Roger Chan Ming Chau Ronald Boice Rupert Mayer Russell Hosp Ryan Anderson SA Scuba Shack Sabine Henkel Sacha Williamson Sail Caribbean Divers Sailing Club Divers Sairee Cottage Diving Sally Denton Sami Alhaj Saralyn Borg Sascha Engeler Scott G Taylor Scott Roberts Scott Tilley Scuba 6 Eco Diving Scuba Adventures - Pakistan Scuba Center Asia Scuba Courses Scuba Dive CRI Scuba Dream Scuba IQ Scuba Junkie Scuba Leeds Scuba Monkey Scuba Shack Diving Services Scuba Symphony Scubalino

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Seong Hwan Yoo SGS Tauchen Shamaa Hadeem Shan Hai Jin Dive Shana Kent Shan-Chen Yu Shannon Montalvo Shaun Soenen Sheesa Beach Dive Centre Shellie Hernandez Shiu Ming Chan Side Azura Simon Lau Sin City SCUBA Southern Maryland Divers Stanislav Yurchenko Stellar Divers Stephen Lyon Stephen Watkinson Steve Mays Steven Brown Steven Jack Power Steven Scwankert Sub Aqua Tech Subnauta Sugar Land Dive Center Summer Dive Centre Sunchaser Scuba, Ltd Sweet Bottom Dive Center Tairua Dive & Marine Taiwan Dive Center Take's Skinscuba Tauch Aktiv

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Tech Dive Academy Terry Wilkins Thalassa Dive Resort The Dive Bus The Dive Shack The Dive Shop The Dive Spot @ Lytle Shores The Fifth Point Diving Centre The Maryland Scuba Center The Reef Marina The Ski & Scuba Connection Thomas Koch (Aqua Hands) Thomas Nielsen Three Diving Club Tim Ness Timothy Attis Timothy Ramseyer Timothy Riley Tinos DC - The Dive Center Tito Oliveras Tokoriki Diving Trevor Bowden Tri-City Scuba Centre Turismo Curu Tyler Hammel Ulf Jakobsson Unawatuna Diving Centre University of Malta Diving Resource Centre University of Malta Diving Resource Centre Utila Dive Center Utila Lodge Velaa Private Island Dive Center Viewpoint North Diving Villa College Maldives VIP Diving Viti Water Sports - Nadi Vivian Dive Centre Vivien Siaw Lee Jing Vladimir Akimov Waiheke Dive and Snorkel Waikawa Dive Centre Wavecrest Scuba Wenkai Yang West Side Scuba Whalesark Enterprise White Star Quarry Wilfred Bindervoet William Brown William Nash William Stevenson XTC Dive Center Xu Xin Yawen Fang Yvan Rouxel


CORPORATE PARTNERS PADI® The Professional Association of Diving Instructors, the world’s largest scuba diver training organization, established Project AWARE in 1989 as an initiative to increase environmental awareness through diver education. Today, Project AWARE is a separate nonprofit organization and global movement that raises its own funds and drives its own mission and goals. PADI® supports Project AWARE with in-kind services, connects us with a network of divers and professionals around the world, and helps us raise donations through its processes.

PADI Professional Members – Our partnership with PADI Professional Members around the world is essential in powering global conservation activities and programs. PADI Pros teach, lead and engage in local conservation. Project AWARE would not be able to achieve our goals and mission without their support.



https://www.padi.co.jp/visitors/aware/activity.asp https://www.facebook.com/projectaware.jpn













https://life.fourthelement.com/product-category/ campaigns/project-aware/


PLASTIC COLLECTIVE https://www.plasticcollective.co/

2019 OCEAN FILM FESTIVAL AUSTRALIA Celebrating its sixth anniversary and hitting a record number of venues, the 2019 edition of the Ocean Film Festival showcased some of the world's most captivating ocean-themed short films. Making a big splash in Australia before touring in Europe, the festival, sponsored by PADI® and other adventure and travel brands, was a huge success. Every year, $1 from the ticket sales is donated to conservation organizations including Project AWARE®.

“We are really excited to have the opportunity to be a conservation partner of this awe-inspiring film festival for the sixth consecutive year. The Ocean Film Festival is a unique event not to be missed. It inspires people to further explore, respect, enjoy and protect our ocean.” - Jack Fishman, Project AWARE Community Conservation Officer



$50,000+ • Sherif Abdel Baky

$10,000 - $49,000


• • • • • • •

• • • • • • • • •

4Ocean CAF Inglot McBeth Foundation PADI Paul M Angell Foundation Rumah Foundation

Anonymous Breckenridge Brewery Clif Bar Family Foundation Felsten Fishman Family Foundation Nancy Inman Ocean Film Festival Starbucks Foundation Strauss Family Foundation The Baldwin-Sieck Family Fund

$1,000 - $4,999 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


ACB Agencies Alexis Garcia Anonymous Bethany Johnson Birgit Benzin Blue Corner Dive Daniel Roozen Delos Chen Deupree Family Foundation Franklin Philanthropic Foundation Gerry O'Connell Henrik Nimb Ike Barbatsoulis Isles Foundation Jenna Sandford Jill Smith Kieran Mckey Kimberly Randal Lee Webber Lorraine Butzke Mark Wilkinson Martin Nash Michael Pfaff

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Michelle Burnett Michelle Depew Mykola Andrianov Nick Chong Nina Schnabel Ocean Grants Paul Takats Paycom Rachel Nakamura Robert Vor Keller Sang Woo Joung Sara and Bill Jackson Shannon Bownds Sushi4thesea The Schoon Family Fund The Stop & Stor Charitable Fund The Wisnewski Collatos 2015 Lead Annuity Trust Thomas Richardson Tisa Moore TK Maxx and Homesense Tonya Kok WWP Corporate

$500-$999 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Alan Rowe Albert Vandermerwe Alexander Suh Alexandra Enders Aliso Needham Alison Black Allan and Destiny Witt Amy Kimball Anders Thylin Anthony Enders Brian McLaughlin Brian Newell Bryan & Sukay Polley Charitable Fund Caplin Foundation Carol Calcagni Carsten Beith Caryn Simons Christine Naylor Christopher Dickson Christopher Sittler Christy Domalakes Cynthia Thomas Daniel Devenny Darcy Abrams Dave Flaherty David Shane Dean Crownover Eemeli Jouhki Erica Alvendia Findlay Park Partners LLP Franziska Daeniker Garth Swanson Hank Louis Heather Biszak Heather Finke Himanshu Behl Jack & Debra Knutzen James Schroeder James Taylor

Donation levels are reflected in currency donated.

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Jason Culliton Jeanne Marie Jim Szczurek John & Kathryn Charpie Kandace Baker Kandace Baker Karen Shelton Brown Kelly Zanzarella Kimberlee Herold Kyle Gilbert Linda Hartig Lisa Frommelt Martin and Laurie Charitable Giving Account Micaiah Landrus Monique Davis Nicola Leske Okidivezone Page Porter Peak Organic Brewing Co. Petchame Josefina Pete Kemme Philip Gilligan Robert Schermer Shawn Justin Sch Silvio Casagrande Sofia Jupiter Sunreef Mooloolaba Susan Hill Sydney Kurtz Takimoto Yohei Timothy Cushan Trudi Cooke Carroll V. V. Cooke Foundation Wadycki Family Charitable Fund William Mellor William Murray Golf

We’re proud of what we achieved in 2019 and look forward to our next wave of ocean protection. We’re committed to achieving local and global impact for a clean, healthy ocean in 2020 and beyond. 71

We’re fighting for ocean protection every day. By fundraising, donating, taking action and making informed choices, you partner with an unprecedented global movement of ocean advocates securing vital protections for our ocean planet. WASI women divers, Bali Indonesia

We can’t do it without you!




Cash gifts, whether made online, via a check or through PayPal is immediate and simple and can be tax deductible where allowed. A monthly gift to the ocean is a remarkable commitment. By becoming a monthly donor, you join a growing group of dedicated supporters from around the world who provide a reliable and essential line of defense for marine wildlife. Do you have a Donor-Advised Fund? If so, please consider making use of this giving vehicle to support Project AWARE. You’ve already made a tax deductible contribution, invest it in our oceans future.



Shopping through AmazonSmile is one of the simplest ways for you to support Project AWARE every time you shop, at no cost to you. You’ll find the exact same items and prices with the added bonus that Amazon donates a portion of the purchase price to Project AWARE (US & UK only at this time).


DEDICATIONS & MEMORIALS Honor your friend's wedding, anniversary or birthday with a gift for our ocean. Recognizing a loved one’s achievements of memory with a Memorial gift can be a meaningful and appreciated contribution.



Did you know you can invest in conservation with Project AWARE for years to come? Through gift and estate planning you can meet your financial goals and maximize your philanthropic giving. Contact your legal or financial advisor directly or learn more to start establishing your legacy for our ocean at https:// projectaware.org/legacy and join our Legacy Society.



Project AWARE can accept publicly traded securities. Please contact lauren.wiskerson@projectaware.org for more information.



Within the US, a free and convenient service for converting that extra car, truck, boat or RV into a tax deductible donation benefiting Project AWARE is available. You can donate online or call 877-999-8322 to make your donation.

WORKPLACE GIVING Donating to Project AWARE can be simple action through your workplace and Project AWARE is recognized by numerous programs like Benevity, Bright Funds, Good to Give, CAF and the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC). Ask your employer about donating to Project AWARE through workplace giving and in particular if they provide a match. Usually they will match your gift one for one or perhaps even higher!




Rally your friends and family around the cause – start your fundraising action today. Set a physical challenge, push your limits or even celebrate your birthday. A variety of popular platforms are available like JustGiving and Facebook to help maximize your fundraising campaign. Your action can have a great impact for our ocean.






Dr. Drew Richardson Chairman

Mark Caney Chairman

Henrik Nimb Chairman

Kristin Valette-Wirth Secretary/Treasurer

Suzanne Smith Secretary/Treasurer

Matthew Hill Secretary/Treasurer

Jenny Miller Garmendia Dr. Deborah Brosnan Jeff Nadler

Dr. Drew Richardson Kristin Valette-Wirth

Dr. Drew Richardson Kristin Valette-Wirth Jenny Miller Garmendia

PROJECT AWARE STAFF* Director, Global Operations Danna Moore

Communications Specialist Megan White

Community Coordinator Peta Day

Associate Director, Policy and Campaigns Ian Campbell

Communications & Translations Coordinator Stefania Di Dio

Development Manager Lauren Wiskerson, CFRE

Policy Lead Hannah Pragnell-Raasch

Global Tech & Design Specialist Christine Kulick

Digital Campaigns Specialist Orsi Fulop

Community Engagement Manager Louise Kraechter

Associate Director, Global Communications Domino Albert 74

Community Conservation Officer Jack Fishman

Operations Manager Kian Clineff Operations Coordinator Juanita Seino Operations Coordinator Ian Amos *At Time of Printing

MOVING FORWARD From securing international trade controls for vulnerable marine species, acting for the Sustainable Development Goals, engaging our global community in citizen science projects to promoting responsible shark and ray tourism 2019 has been an exciting year for Project AWARE and ocean conservation. Together with our partners and global community, we made huge progress towards our goals for a return to a clean and healthy ocean. With well-established and successful projects focusing on marine debris and shark conservation, 2019 provided a fantastic opportunity to capitalize on the great groundwork achieved in previous years.

Against Debris data that has been submitted to us to try to answer some fundamental questions on how marine debris interacts with ocean habitats, and, more importantly, to come up with potential solutions. Whether you will be able to help us with your fins on or fins off, 2020 is shaping up to be a super year for the ocean but we need your support more than ever. The road to saving the ocean by 2030, will be long and bumpy but we believe in turning our vision for a return to a clean and healthy ocean into reality. Thanks for believing and supporting our cause. Special thanks to the Project AWARE volunteers who have donated their photos, time and hard work in support of ocean protection.

We are increasing our ambition to remove and record more marine debris faster than before. In 2020, among many other projects, we will reveal the results of a scientific analysis of all the Dive

OUR OFFICES United States 30151 Tomas, Suite 200 Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688 +1 949-858-7657

United Kingdom The Pavilions Bridgwater Road Bristol BS13 8AE United Kingdom +44 117-300-7313

Australia Unit 3, 4 Skyline Place Frenchs Forest, Sydney, NSW, 2086 Australia + 61 2-9454-2890

PADIÂŽ Japan Volunteer Office +81 3-5721-1731



www.projectaware.org 76


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