FINDING THE FEELING IN WORDS By Jared Rivera, from Manresa School, Yr. III-Justice Have you ever thought why most of the words you think of, sound better in thought and text rather than speech? Whenever you write about your thoughts, Do the people reading disregard your intended meaning? It would be better to explain it in the lessons I learnt from my english subject. The Persona would be you, and the Adressee would be the so called “People reading”. Now the meaning would be so extravagant and vivid to yourself that you would make it into an illusion, to hide you from the meaning that the Adressee came up with. Now it has become a matter of honoring the view of the author rather than the reader. I would like to support the process of “reading-inbetween-the-lines” or in simpler terms, I would like to send the message that we should take time in reading the writings of other people. Reading is not defined as watching lines of text, but understanding the meaning that each line of text represents. It doesn’t matter in which language the writings are written in, what matters is any writings that you are willing or forced to read, would be written in a language that you know or try to know. After all, one of the universal languages that the world has come to know and will always know are Feelings. Feelings are the code we use to communicate, and the thing that inspires a person to think,write, speak, or even type.
Authors are even more important than the books they write, because it is their mind that was so spacious enough to hold their knowledge, experiences, and their artistical personality to write. Reading their books is honored by reading them with intent, not content. Since content is achieved after the relief of intent. That is the true way that we respect and honor writers. Its an idea that allows the world to appreciate it’s writers and everyone knows that someone cannot be truly respected unless he respects his own ideas. I remember that my filipino teacher had said to the class in filipino, that you should never let anyone step on your ideas. Which I think is true because our ideas make us who we are. I would hope that by this time you have’nt yet gotten bored with my article since I also have an intended meaning. If you have reached it this far then you must be getting my point. There is a certain expression which I do believe is “You could read his face”. If I would go to a much deeper or maybe elevated look on the gift of writing and reading, then I would show God as the Great writer and reader. He wrote our personality and is the master of characterization. He has read our lives over and over and made sure to read our prayers. I also support the hobby of writing. This my friends, brings out the feeling in us. The words we are limited to speak of but are thought of, cannot stay with us. The thing is that when we keep it in my minds, we cannot stop the fact that it has a departure flight,-but if you do have the willpower to remember every thought you have thought of, at any moment, Then I must congratulate you. Otherwise, prepare a piece of paper and write what you are doing at the moment. The greatest writers were ussually the ones that wrote about what was happening to them at the moment. But is that not what influences are writing? What we feel in the moment?
Bringing life to a story required that you put your life in that story. Those are the most heartfelt stories one can write because as you let someone else read it, then he/she will feel what you felt when writing it. Now that is another way that a person discovers the feeling in words. I must say that during the time that I have written this part of the article, I came up with an idea that seems to dazzle and confuse me in everyway . There is this debate that can be tackled by both sides, but the winner would always be the side that had the most imaginative mind. The debate that I am talking about would be: “Would you be able to write, if you did not know how read, and, Would you be able to read, if you did not know how to write.”. This idea has come up many times in my classroom but somehow my classmates and teachers would have a different answer, and the debate would end when the teacher would say his/her answer. Now the idea that I would support would be “reading before writing”. I can guess that you would try to think of a statement that can prove my theory wrong but hear me out first. Who taught you how to write? Probably your parents or your teachers in school, but how did they teach you? It would be impossible to just say a letter or number and then the child would visualize it in his mind. So the easiest way to show the child how to write, is for the teachers to write it themselves. Now I do believe that the child would have to read what the teachers have written, to gain an understanding on the basic principles of writing. I would not say that this would be the final answer to the question since I know that you have either agreed or disagreed with my statement. Therefore, the people who disagreed would have come up with there own interpretation of the topic. So here is my final statement. Writing cannot exist without reading, and Reading cannot exist without writing. However, as I have said before, this is not a final conclusion of the debate. So it is feelings that make ideas, and ideas that inspire speaking and writing, but good communication would only exist if there were listening and reading.