“No Selves to Defend” is a short anthology published in 2014 that puts the case of Marissa Alexander in historical context. The women included in the publication (besides Marissa) are: Lena Baker, Inez Garcia, Rosa Lee Ingram, Joan Little, Cece McDonald, New Jersey 4, Cassandra Peten, Bernadette Powell, Juanita Thomas, Yvonne Wanrow, and Dessie Woods. ‘No Selves to Defend’ includes original art by Micah Bazant, Molly Crabapple, Billy Dee, Bianca Diaz, Rachel Galindo, Lex Non Scripta, Caitlin Seidler, and Ariel Springfield; as well as writing by William C. Anderson, Sam Hsieh, Mariame Kaba, Victoria Law, Andy Smith, Mychal Denzel Smith, Emily Thuma, Lewis Wallace, and Rachel Domain-White. NSTD was created to raise money for Marissa Alexander's legal defend. Only 150 copies were published and sold.