Project Polska

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E m p o w e r i n g t h e Po l i s h C o m m u n i t y in Leicestershire




The Project Polska’s mission is to advance social cohesion, quality of life and wellbeing of the Polish diaspora, and to serve the diverse needs of the Polish community. It aims to bring together like minded individuals from the Polish community to connect, converse, communicate, learn and make a difference to the community.



Project Polska is a community led organisation working with the Polish diaspora across Leicestershire with a focus on empowerment and leadership.

We work with individuals to build up their resilience and skills, in order to help the community to develop assets, resources and strategies in the face of adversity and challenges. We encourage Polish expats to actively participate in the social, cultural and political life of their residence, as well as act towards building a positive image of Poland and promote Polish heritage to the wider communities around them. We place particular emphasis on fostering sustainable relationships between the Polish diaspora and local agencies in the interest of increased understanding among local partners on matters important to the community and on how to best approach and address those issues through meaningful dialogue. We believe our organisation provides a great opportunity to learn about the Polish community, as well as being a gateway to becoming involved in building a vibrant and culturally active platform of people who share the same values and vision.


capacity building

community development

OBJECTIVES health & wellbeing

civic participation



1. Engaging with the Polish Diaspora, Polish Culture and Language Masterclass

This half day masterclass is for anyone (particularly public sector professionals) wanting to engage or work more effectively with Polish community ensuring that their services are inclusive and accessible as required by the Equality Act 2010. A practical and interactive session, delivered by Polish community representatives who are experienced trainers and facilitators.

The workshop aims to: • Increase knowledge of culture, traditions and histor y of the Polish community

Pro szę !

• Learn the key phrases and useful expressions to use when encounter with a Polish speaking person • Identify obstacles to access services, that may inhibit the deliver y of quality provision to Polish community

Dz ięk uję !

• Improve understanding of how to engage effectively with the Polish community and how to address exclusion in the deliver y of services


2. Skilling Up Initiative

This is an initiative to help individuals to expand on their professional and life skills, as well as to share their knowledge and experience with others in the community. It gives individuals the opportunity to learn new skills or enhance their career development.

A range of professional training sessions focusing on: • Motivational and confidence building skills • Self-awarness • Assertiveness and public speaking • CV and interview skills workshops • Life saving skills


3. Me & My Health Programme

This is an eight weeks intervention, focusing on building up knowledge and behavioural skills to develop a better understanding of health related risks factors with view to increase life expectancy and reduce health inequalities among migrants communities.

The programme covers a number of key modules: • Positive health and wellbeing, achieving personal goals • Identification of risk factors increasing likelihood of cardiovascular diseases & cancer • Ageing & dementia • Diabetes • Mobility & physical activity

The programme also aims to develop a sustainable mechanism within the Polish community, in which by nurturing the participants skills and train them as local ‘health champions‘, they will in turn lead and spread the healthy messages to their networks.


4. Busy Bees Initiative

This is a community led intervention for Polish women living in Leicester designed to enhance their personal and social development, raise their aspiration and a sense of belonging to their local community.

• The project intention is to increase the long

term economic wellbeing of those women, empowering them in turn, to make a positive contribution to their communities. • Many aspects of the intervention focus on

developing participants communication abilities, problem solving skills, confidence, knowledge, self-esteem, and as result, empowering those women to take greater responsibility for their own and their families needs.


5. Conversational English Classes

Informal English classes aim to improve language skills and support economic migrants to manage their social and work situations and enabling them to participate confidently in English society.

Participants learn the following skills: • Listening • Speaking • Reading • Writing

He llo , I am wr iti ng ...

Participants also enhance their knowledge about English culture and customs. The classes cover practical topics such as health, housing, work and family matters. Further topics include English for getting a job and use in the workplace.


6. Ageing Well Initiative

The initiative is aiming at people over 50s, and focuses on promoting active participation of older people in the social and cultural life of the community, in order to live healthier and longer life.

• The objective is to enhance

knowledge and support of older people through greater efforts on health promotion and prevention. • Various social and wellbeing

activities are held regularly, to include health checks, seminars and film screenings. • The aim is also to enable individuals

to nurture and share their own experiences, heritage, tradition and culture.



7. Radosć Stay & Play Session

The Stay and Play session provides shared play and learning opportunities for families with young children aged 0-4 years old, mainly Polish but not exclusively, at the Edge Children’s Centre in Melton Mowbray. This 1.5 hour session runs once a week and is delivered by an experienced facilitator. It offers open drop-in facilities, support and opportunities for networking with other families, particularly for those who may be experiencing difficulties and social isolation.

The session aims to improve: • Parents’ capacity to support their children’s development and learning • Parents’ levels of confidence, knowledge, skills, motivation and communication • Social isolation and peer support • Active learning, problem solving and independence • Children’s social, emotional, cognitive and physical development • Opportunities for signposting to other support services


8. Business Networking Meetings

This is a proactive business networking group made up of local Polish entrepreneurs and start-ups from Leicester and the surrounding areas.

• A place where small businesses are encouraged to share advice,

tips and information to support their peers in business. • It also aims at promoting businesses ideas and build up

relationships with other like-minded business people.


9. My Voice Counts Focus Group Initiative

This initiative aims to inform strategic planning and engage with decision makers on issues important to the Polish community. Our model of working is based on open discussion with partners to update on current community matters and to provide consistent input within local service provision and deliver y.

Regular meetings are held with: • Heath agencies • Police • Local authorities • Third sector organisations


10. Social Activities

Our activities: • Book clubs • Film screenings • TED’s style discussion evenings • Health awareness talk



Telephone: 075 35 440 520


FB page:

Twitter: @ProjectPolska1



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