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VOL 02 ISSUE 15 11.16.11 11.29.11



We’ve scoured the web for some of its best gay porn sites so you don’t have to—though you definitely should!



Tony James and Tuck Manning review four steamy films that are sure to get you off!



Check out pics from a recent night of Cocktails with the Stars, featuring some hot Randy Blue boys.



14 16



Porn star stud Tom Wolfe tells us 10 things about him we didn’t know.



Our sexpert Jim Larkins discusses the fuel that drives man’s urges and hormonal hitches.



What’s your favorite hanky color?

NOVEMBER 29, 2011


fro phot Fo nti os ers of r mo 4m Rom re en .bl an, g og spo o to t.c om 16



Roman Todd Interview BY

MARK GREY Roman Todd first raised eyebrows when he appeared as a ‘Fresh Meat’ candidate on Randy Blue Live. His quick wit and sly charm— and, of course, his lean, muscular body—won Roman instant popularity. His debut solo film on RandyBlue.com became a fan favorite, and it wasn’t long before the self-described straight boy was sucking and pounding with the best of them. Then Roman took it a step further, giving new meaning to the phrase ‘the sacking of Rome.’ In his first bottoming videos with Diego Sans and Blake Powel, Roman proved he could take it as well as he dished it out. No matter what was thrown at—and in—him, he took it in stride. It’s exactly his “yes sir, anything you want, sir” attitude that has made Roman Todd’s chat channel on RandyBlue.com among the site’s most popular destinations. Every night, fans clamor to Roman’s chat room for the chance to direct their own orders to the strapping stud who delights in being conquered.

Did you ever imagine you would be so popular in porn? The funny thing is I never thought I would be doing porn, but I am happy to have fans that enjoy watching me. Do you still regard yourself as straight? To be completely honest, I do consider myself straight. If I am not in L.A. filming, I am home with my fiancé. I guess you can say I am comfortable with my sexuality. I ultimately feel attracted to women, but am comfortable enough to have sex with guys. Would you have sex with men if you weren’t being paid for it? Probably not. Porn is just a really fun job that allows me to travel and have fun while getting paid a

lot of money. How did you find your way into gay porn? I responded to an ad on Craigslist. Originally I was set to do straight porn, but I was offered a lot more money to do the solo with Randy Blue, so I took it. Were you familiar with Randy Blue? I had never heard of Randy Blue before I started working there. I’m psyched to be part of such a great company. Have you done anything on film that you are surprised to have done? I never thought I would be doing half the things I have done! But now that I have, I am OK with it. 18 NOVEMBER 29, 2011



Roman Todd Interview




What do you do to prepare for a scene? I usually watch porn while on set. If I am doing a bottom scene, I try and practice before to make sure I can perform. Do you prefer to bottom? I don’t have a preference really now, but when I first started, I preferred to top. Bottoming hurt! But after getting used to it, I don’t mind doing both. What would your fans be surprised to learn about you? Probably that I went to college and have my Bachelor’s degree in Business and Administration. How much longer will you do porn? I’m not sure how long I will be doing porn. Most likely for a couple years. Is it just a means to an end? I have plans of starting my own small business someday. Porn gives me the freedom to save money for whatever I plan to go on to next. How do you feel about guys who make a career out of porn? I think it’s awesome that someone can make a career out of porn. Still, I think most guys should always have a back-up plan just in case something goes wrong. What’s involved in a typical shoot? Usually I wake up early, shower and then head over to wherever the shoot is taking place. I like to get to know the person I’m gonna do a scene with while the crew sets up. It helps us get more comfortable with each other. How long does a shoot take? Anywhere between four to seven hours. What’s been your favorite scene? I don’t have a favorite scene, as I don’t really watch the scenes I have

done. I guess if I were to pick one, I’d say the scene I did with Diego Sans where he gave it to me good. [Laughs] What’s your opinion on the current trend of barebacking? Barebacking is something I would not do unless I was in a committed relationship with that person. Have you ever been recognized for your film work? I was recognized once, walking down the street after a night of clubbing. He just screamed out my name, “Roman Todd!” Do you get a lot of attention from guys? I don’t really notice if I get attention from guys. I mean, I catch the occasional glance once in a while, but I don’t notice it all the time. How about with the ladies? Of course I’m popular with the ladies! [Laughs] At least I would hope so, although I am committed to one girl right now. I would think other girls would find me attractive. What do you do to keep in shape? I am really blessed with this aspect of my life. I rarely have to go to the gym. I just eat well and maybe work out two or three times per week. Every once in a while I miss a couple days and end up going once a week. What’s your favorite thing to do when you’re not filming? I love sports, especially soccer and snowboarding. Besides great looks, what makes you a Roman god? I think I have an amazing personality. I’ve never been told that I’m not fun to be around. I think personality is more important than looks. But having both just makes you so much more a Roman god. Watch Roman Todd live in his chat room at RandyBlue.com. NOVEMBER 29, 2011



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YNOT - Randy Blue Launches One-on-One Model Chat


10/24/11 3:23 PM







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Randy Blue Launches One-on-One Model Chat

Randy Blue Launches One-on-One Model Chat


by G. Zisk Rice Published on October 24th, 2011 10:59 AM YNOT – Los Angeles-based gay adult studio Randy Blue has launched a new live chat feature offering fans the opportunity to connect live and oneon-one with their favorite RandyBlue.com models. Members and non-members around the world can connect with popular performers including Reese Rideout, Jeremy Walker and Chip Tanner from the privacy of their own homes and offices. “Our members have long been asking us for this,” founder Randy Blue said. “The new video chat allows fans to communicate directly with our guys off-set, usually from the guys’ own bedrooms.” Stars have been assigned their own video chat room, and they can log on at any time, from any location. Fans are able to scan through the list of rooms to see which stars are online. A green light indicates a Randy Blue boy is available. Viewing the group chat is free. Fans who would like to engage in private conversation with a star may purchase credits. “It’s another amazing opportunity to meet the fans,” said performer Todd, who likes to boast that he regularly has 60 fans in his room at the same time. “It has become a competition among the Randy Blue boys to see who can entertain the most men in their room.

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“We have lots of fun in my room,” he continued. “It’s like a constant game of Truth or Dare, with fans daring me to do outrageous things in front of the cam. Let’s just say, I’m pretty daring.” Performer Nicco Sky said, “The fans become the directors. They tell us what they want to see, and in most cases we’re happy to oblige. It’s the ultimate peep show experience.” RandyBlue.com is the flagship website of the Blue Loot affiliate program. Blue Loot pays $55 per sign-up or up to 70-percent revenue share.

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moda, crónica y hombres en estado máximo de minimalismo material.

ay muchas razones por las cuales Chris Bines se ha convertido en uno de los sementales más populares de la red en nuestros días. Sus ojos azules de ensueño, su vello en pecho y barba… Hasta sus líneas de bronceado han recibido las mejores reseñas.


Pero lo que hace a Bines sobresalir del montón es la gran palabra “Hope” (esperanza) que tiene tatuada en el pecho. esperar por algo sin certeza o gozo. El presidente Obama uso esta palabra para lanzarse a la contienda por la Casa Blanca hace unos años, por ello nos causo curiosidad ver esta palabra en Chris y decipara él.

do uno que otro romance esporádico por ahora? cb: Actualmente estoy en una relación y no me podría encontrar más feliz. R*: ¿Como empezaste tu camino en la pornografía? cb: Respondí a un anuncio que encontré en la red, buscando por deportistas con buen cuerpo. Cuando vi la oportunidad, no lo dude y acepte. R*: ¿Que te excita? cb: Me gusta controlar. Supongo que soy un estereotipo de dominante. También tengo un fetiche oral. Me gusta traR*: ¿Quien ha sido tu coestrella favorito?

R*: (Esperanza) sobre tu pecho? chRis bines: Es en memoria de un amigo que murió muy joven. Me recu-

cb: Diría que Travis James. Nos conocimos por primera vez en la caminata del orgullo gay en Nueva York. La química empezó allí al principio.

R*: ¿Qué esperar lograr en tu vida?

R*: ¿Siempre fuiste un chico tan aventado?

cb: Espero vivir y aprender de lo que la vida me tiene que ofrecer. R*: ¿Como mides tu éxito? cb: Creo que para ser verdaderamente exitoso en la vida, necesitas hacer la diferencia en la vida de otra persona. R*:

¿Estas esperando encontrar una relación a largo plazo o solo estas tenien-

cb: No, no me gustaba causarle problemas a mi madre. Pero fui creciendo y empecé a salir de mi cascarón. R*: ¿El equipo de RANDY BLUE te advirtió que te ibas a convertir en un actor porno tan popular? cb: Lo hicieron pero no los creí. Al crecer, nunca creí que fuese atractivo. Esto ha sido un incentivo a mi autoestima.>>>






articulo local (pendiente)



R*: ¿A quién le das crédito por tu éxito? cb: El crédito en realidad es para RandyBlue.com Es un sitio popular. Sin este, no tendría ni la mitad de la atención que recibí. Creo que pueden decir que tome el tren que era. R*: Hay muchos chicos sexys en Randy Blue. ¿Por qué crees que tus fanáticos están tan enamorados de ti? cb: Tengo ese factor de niñito inocente que les encanta, pero creo también que se sorprenden de lo salvaje que puedo llegar a ser. R*: ¿Desde hace cuanto tienes barba? ¿Hay planes para afeitarse? cb: Recientemente cumplí los dos años y ¡No! Nunca podría afeitarme. Es mi estilo. Más importante aún, es mi estilo Randy Blue (risas)

R*: ¿Cuál es tu actividad favorita miencb: Me gusta pasar tiempo de calidad con mi familia, ir a las películas y al gimnasio. Oh, y me gusta leer para relajarme y podría gastarme un día entero jugando en mi xBOx360. Amo la playa: juego mucho baloncesto al aire libre y hace poco me uní a una liga de Flag Football (Football Americano sin anclajes) R*: ¿Cómo te mantienes en forma? cb: Tengo una rutina vigorosa, me ejercito 5 días a la semana, sigo una dieta estricta y hago jardinería; creo que todo esto es bueno para el cuerpo. R*: ¿Que dice el tatuaje al respaldo de tu brazo? cb: Es el nombre de mi hija.

R*: Los fanáticos aman tus ojos azules. cb: si. He obtenido lo que quiero usandolos. Sabes, mirar a alguien con estos ojitos puede ser algo cautivante (risas). R*: ¿te han reconocido en la calle? cb; ¡Sí! He tenido uno que otro encuentro. Es muy divertido, a veces se siente raro. Es siempre grato conocer un fanático, siempre y cuando se porten a la altura. No les voy a mostrar mi pene para la foto de recuerdo, solo porque ellos me lo pregunten de por favor. Usualmente les agradezco por verme y les respondo las preguntas que tengan.

R*: ¿Que es lo que esperas hacer después de que dejes el negocio del porno? cb: ¡hacer mucho dinero! Y nunca se sabe, esto podría abrirme puertas en el futuro. R*: estaremos al pendiente. cb: Mientras ustedes están en ello, yo seguiré follando. (Risas.) Visita Randyblue.com*


traducción: Edward Murillo Moreno.


Entertainment Sac Opera Meets Sac Philharmonic The Tears of a Clown in Pagliacci


he Sacramento Opera and the Sacramento Philharmonic join forces for an unforgettable program that will be presented twice in November.

Baritone Zachary Gordin, seen here performing the role of Aenas in West Bay Opera’s production of Dido and Aeneas, will sing the role of Silvio in The Sacramento Opera’s and Sacramento Philharmonic’s performance of Pagliacci.

The Sacramento Philharmonic Orchestra will be featured in the first half of the program, in repertoire influenced by the lyric stage and specially selected by Maestro Michael Morgan. Selections will include Richard Wagner’s Siegfried Idyll, which has been characterized as “transcendent� and “impossibly gorgeous.� In the second half, Sacramento Opera poses the philosophical question of whether life imitates art or vice versa in a full production of Leoncavallo’s internationally popular, Pagliacci. In this “play within a play,� stage and life

collide – violently. An itinerant commedia dell’arte theater troupe is preparing a comic presentation about a man, his wife and her lover, which is simultaneously mirrored by a deadly, real-life drama that ensues off stage. The show is dramatic and emotionally intense, underscored by lush and expansive orchestral music, tuneful choruses, and one of the most heart-wrenching songs in all of opera – “Vesti la giubba.� The performances are scheduled for Saturday, November 19 and Sunday, November 20 at the Sacramento Community Center Theater. Visit www.sacopera.org.

Operators Are Standing By

We can’t guarantee that Jeremy will be there every time you start a chat session, but Randy Blue has unleashed video chat on its site, allowing fans the chance to communicate live, oneon-one with its stars. Rumor has it they are all pretty hot - and you get to talk to them in the privacy of their own homes. T he group chat is free, but you’ll have to pay for one on one chat. “We have lots of fun in my room,� says Roman Todd, one of Randy Blue’s video stars. “It’s like a constant game of truth or dare with fans daring me to do outrageous things in front of the cam. Let’s just say, I’m pretty daring.� Check it out at RandyBlue.com



Outword Magazine 21


Randy Blue Raises the heat on social media

now at Randyblue.com, fans around the world can connect with popular stars including Reese Rideout, Roman Todd, Jeremy Walker and Chip Tanner from the privacy of their own homes and offices. “Our members have long been asking us for this,” says Randy Blue from the Los Angeles studios of his adult film company. “The new video chat allows fans to communicate directly with our guys off set, usually from the guys’ own bedrooms.”

Jeremy Walker Randy Blue has unleashed video chat on its site, allowing fans the chance to communicate live, one-on-one with its stars. Available for free

COCKYBOYS sign Gay Adult Superstar Kennedy Carter as an Exclusive

CockyBoys is happy to announce a new CockyBoy in their growing roster of exclusive models. British porn superstar Kennedy Carter is one of the most popular and high profile figures in adult 52

GRAB Magazine

Stars have been assigned their own video chat room on RandyBlue.com that they can log into at any time, from any location. Fans are able to quickly scan through the list of rooms to see which stars are online. A green light indicates a Randy Blue boy is in his room and available for chat. Viewing the group chat is entertainment and he is now a Cockyboy exclusive. Beyond his adult career he is an internationally booked go-go dancer performing at top clubs around the world. When not travelling for work he is a university student in Mexico City studying Latin American history and culture. Although born in England, Kennedy is a child of New York City and after his long term contract with Raging Stallion ended he was looking for the right studio to work with. When he found out CockyBoys moved to New York City he reached out to CockyBoyʼs Creative Director Benny Morecock and they both agreed instantly it was natural fit…“Kennedy Carter is a cockboy” Sayʼs Morecock of Carter “Kennedy is one of the most sexual and charismatic models in the industry. He is also one of the most popular. He has a lot of

November 8, 2011

free of charge. Fans who would like to engage in conversation with the stars can purchase credits that are redeemable for chat minutes. Fans can also use credits toward private video sessions for one-on-one communication with their favorite Randy Blue boy. “It’s another amazing opportunity to meet the fans,” says Roman Todd, a popular star on Randy Blue who likes to boast that he regularly has sixty fans in his room at any one time. It has become a competition among the Randy Blue boys to see who can entertain the most men in their room. Randy Blue Chat is available to both members and non-members at RandyBlue.com. Special package deals are also available. confidence which fits perfectly with our other exclusives. We look forward to releasing some really amazing scenes with him, the first scene live now with Kennedy and Tommy is instantly a huge hit with our members.” The first scene with the studio features the newly minted CockyBoy paired with CockyBoy exclusive, Tommy Defendi. Itʼs a perfect scene to serve as an introduction of Kennedy to CockyBoyʼs fan base. Kennedy says of his decision to sign with CockyBoys “ I chose to work with CockyBoys because after working with Raging Stallion in San Francisco for a year, I wanted to work with company that was based in NYC and that embodied that energy of NYC which no other company does like CockyBoys. To see more of Kennedy visit www.cockyboys.com


The Roman Conqueror By Mark Grey Roman Todd first raised eyebrows when he appeared as a 'Fresh Meat' candidate on Randy Blue Live. His quick wit and sly charm - and, of course, his lean, muscular body - won Roman instant popularity. His debut solo film on RandyBlue.com became a fan favorite and it wasn't long before the self-described straight boy was sucking and pounding with the best of them. Then Roman took it a step further, giving new meaning to the term 'the sacking of Rome'. In his first bottoming videos with Diego Sans and Blake Powel, Roman proved he could take it as well as he dished it out. No matter what was thrown at (and in) him, he took it in stride. It's exactly his "yes sir, anything you want, sir" attitude that has made Roman Todd's chat channel on RandyBlue.com among the site's most popular destinations. Every night, fans clamor to Roman's chat room for the chance to direct their own orders to the strapping stud who delights in being conquered. Did you ever imagine you would be so popular in porn? The funny thing is I never thought I would be doing porn but I am happy to have fans that enjoy watching me. Do you still regard yourself as straight? To be completely honest, I do consider myself straight. If I am not in LA filming, I am home with my fiancĂŠ. I guess you can say I am comfortable with my sexuality. I ultimately feel attracted to women but am comfortable enough to have sex with guys. Would you have sex with men if you weren't being paid for it? Probably not. Porn is just a really fun job that allows me to travel and have fun while getting paid a lot of money. How did you find your way into gay porn? I responded to an ad on craigslist. Originally I was set to do straight porn but I was offered a lot more money to do the solo with Randy Blue so I took it. Were you familiar with Randy Blue? I had never heard of Randy Blue before I started working there. I'm psyched to be part of such a great company. Have you done anything on film that you are surprised you have done? I never thought I would be doing half the things I have done! But now that I have, I am ok with it. What do you do to prepare for a scene? I usually watch porn while on set. If I am doing a bottom scene I try and practice before to make sure I can perform. Do you prefer bottom? I don't have a preference really now but when I first started I preferred to top. Bottoming hurt! But after getting use to it, I don't mind doing both. What would your fans be surprised to learn about you? Probably that I went to college and have my Bachelor's degree in business and administration. How much longer will you do porn? I'm not sure how long I will be doing porn. Most likely for a couple years. Is it just a means to an end? I have plans of starting my own small business someday. Porn gives me the freedom to save money for whatever I plan to go on to next. How do you feel about guys who make a career out of porn? I think its awesome that someone can make a career out of porn. Still, I think most guys should always have back-up plan just incase something goes wrong. What's involved in a typical shoot? Usually, I wake up early, shower and then head over to wherever the shoot is taking place. I like to get to know the person I'm gonna do a scene with while the crew sets up. It helps us get more comfortable with each other. How long does a shoot take? Anywhere between 4-7 hours. What's been your favorite scene? I don't have a favorite scene as I don't really watch the scenes I have done. I guess if I were to pick one I'd say the scene I did with Diego Sans where he gave it to me good (laughs). What's your opinion on the current trend in barebacking? Barebacking is something I would not do unless I am in a committed relationship with that person. Have you ever been recognized for your film work? I was recognized once, walking down the street after a night of clubbing. He just screamed out my name, "Roman Todd"! Do you get a lot of attention from guys? I don't really notice if I get attention from guys. I mean, I catch the occasional glance once in a while but I don't notice it all the time. How about with the ladies? Of course I'm popular with the ladies! (Laughs) At least I would hope so, although I am committed to one girl right now. I would think other girls would find me attractive. What do you do to keep in shape? I am really blessed with this aspect of my life. I rarely have to go to the gym. I just eat well and maybe work out two or three times a week. Every once in a while I miss a couple days and end up going once a week. What's your favorite thing to do when you're not filming? I love sports, especially soccer and snowboarding. Besides great looks, what makes you a Roman god? I think I have an amazing personality. I've never been told that I'm not fun to be around. I think personality is more important than looks. But having both just makes you so much more a Roman God. Watch Roman Todd live in his chat room at RandyBlue.com.




Some guys have it all—amazing bodies, Colgate smiles, a winning personality. Add to that the ability to bake a perfect soufflé and you have Trent Davis. Yes, it’s true. O ne of today’s leading men of porn heats up in the bedroom and in the kitchen. When Trent’s not flipping for the camera, he’s flipping pies in the oven. So where does he find the time to baste that terrific bottom of his? N ot at the gym. He credits his well-toned physique with always being on the go—running, playing basketball and having lots of sex when he can find it. He took some time to talk to us about all he’s got cookin’.

What’s the significance of the cherry in your mouth [on the cover of Randy Blue release I F*cked Trent Davis]? Actually, it is what the photographer suggested. I do as I’m told. [L aughs] Of course we have to ask—when did you first get your cherry popped? I was around 18 or 19 years old. Was it on film? N o, it wasn’t on film, but it happened around the same time I came to Randy Blue. How do you feel about being labeled a bottom? I love it. I don’t feel any shame about it whatsoever. I was born this way, baby. What drew you to porn? Men and sex. 20





A guy like you can have men and sex without it having to be on camera. Yeah, but there are lots of perks to being a porn star. Like money? Sure, but also fun, wild times. You’re a self-proclaimed horndog. What gets you most horny? A guy that is really into me. I love attention. What do you do when you’re not in front of the camera? I’m in cooking school. Of course you are. I’m serious. Fans are always surprised to learn that I bake. You’re a masterbaker? I get it. [L aughs] I’m a masterbaker and a masturbator. I do it all. What’s the craziest thing you’ve done in the name of love? I haven’t really been in love yet. That’s sad. N ot really. I’m young. I have plenty of time to find love. Would you date you? Hell yeah, ‘cause I’m hot. What’s that old com mercial? She’s got legs and she knows how to use them. That’s me.

Where do you see yourself in five years? Cooking in a five-star restaurant somewhere and maybe moonlighting in porn every now and then. What’s your secret obsession? Sneakers. Imelda Marcos’ shoe collection has nothing on mine.

If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? Absolutely nothing.

What’s one thing you own that you can’t live without? Porn. Remember? I’m a horn dog.

Cocky, are we? Yea h , I’ m pret ty g o o d i n t h at department. But my butt is my best body part.

What’s your biggest regret? That I didn’t start school sooner. I wish I could be cooking already.

Did it hurt like hell getting the tattoo on your arm? All tattoos hurt. Anybody who says otherwise is lying. But I took it like a champ. Is there a special meaning behind the tattoo? N ot really. I g ot it w h en I w as younger. I thought it looked cool. How open are you about your film career? Anybody that’s supposed to know, knows. I have no secrets. M ost guys I meet seem to know already anyway, so there’s not much use in me trying to hide anything. Would you be cool if a fan approached you in the supermarket? Hell yes, especially if we are by the cucumbers.

W hat ’s your biggest achievement? I’m most proud of the dedication I have maintained towards my education. Who has been your favorite costar? I have loved them all, but Eddie Diaz will always be my favorite. Do you socialize with any of the Randy Blue boys? When we are in the same city, I do, but it’s rare that we’re all in the same place at the same time. What’s the biggest misconception about Trent Davis? Probably that I sleep around. I wish it were true, but it’s not. Bet ween school and my work with Randy Blue, there’s not time. Luckily, I have my hand. But I’d much rather have someone else’s.




14 PULP pulpmagazine.biz



Popular for its All-American boynext-door models, RandyBlue.com has amassed one of the largest memberships of all gay adult sites in the world. Millions more men log on each month. The name is a combination of Randy (meaning horny) and Blue; a homage to sixties and seventies era porn films that were commonly referred to as Blue movies. “Before launching RandyBlue, I didn’t know how to hold a camera,” laughs the founder of the Los Angeles-based company who also goes by the name of Randy Blue. “I was the most unlikely pornographer in the valley. It came together because I worked my ass off to make the site the best it could be.” Blue set a goal for the company to add three new films and two live shows a week. No other studio does that. “I knew if we were going to compete against the big boys, we needed original content. Not just any content,” he adds. “We needed quality films our viewers couldn’t find anywhere else.” They also needed male models. RandyBlue.com introduces more talent than any other company in the industry. Among today’s most popular are Reese Rideout, Chris Rockway, Chip Tanner, Cayden Ross and our current coverboy, Nicco Sky. All are top stars in the porn industry. All were discovered by and received their start at RandyBlue, and similar to early Hollywood practices, all remain exclusive to the studio. Think Judy Garland and MGM. RandyBlue receives over six hundred applications each month from guys who want to be Randy boys. Of course, not everyone makes the cut. In addition to a great face and physique, Randy Blue looks for guys who are charming, approachable, kind and intelligent. Less than five percent of all who apply make it on to the site. Once the cast is set, hours of pre-creative, days of shooting, and weeks of post production go into the making of each film. “It’s an incredible amount of work,” continues Blue. “We joke that it’s a lot of blood, sweat and rears.”

Mr. Blue challenges his filmmakers and actors to think outside of the box with each film. “We’re not trying to re-invent the wheel, but we do strive to finds new ways to keep our films fresh, fun and interesting. It’s what our members have come to rely on.” Monthly membership to RandyBlue. com is $24.95. In addition to the website, RandyBlue launched two DVD lines last year. “Adrenaline” features the best

of RandyBlue.com, while “Randy Blue Presents” are the studio’s bigger budgeted productions. We spoke with some of the studios biggest stars.

August 5 - 18, 2011 15



What makes you stand out from the rest of the boys in porn? Most people would never guess I would have sex on film. I’m kinda the sexy, cute, shy guy in public, but when the camera turns on, I’m a full out, boner-fied sex star. Did you always know you wanted to be a porn star? I wanted to be a porn star since I started watching porn as a teenager. What attracted me was the idea of these gorgeous men being sexual icons. That’s why I love filming with RandyBlue. They have the hottest guys. Is the money good? Yes, it is. Do you like when guys recognize you? Of course I do. It’s a little bit of celebrity in my life. It’s funny when I think these guys coming up to me have seen every inch of my body. Would you date a fan? I’m not really opposed to it. Unless all they want to talk about is my film work. That could be a problem. What’s one thing you’ll never do on film? Double penetration. Is having ‘sex like a porn star’ as great as it sounds? It’s even better!

TRENT DAVIS What drew you to porn? Men and sex. 16 PULP pulpmagazine.biz


From 1 to 10, how would you rate yourself as a porn star? A ten. I have the enthusiasm and balls to go at any scene full on. And I got the looks to back it up.


A guy like you can have men and sex without it having to be on camera. Yeah, but there are lots of perks to being a porn star. Like money? Sure, but also fun, wild times. You’re a self proclaimed horn dog. What gets you most horny? A guy that is really into me. I love attention. What’s the craziest thing you’ve done in the name of love? I haven’t really been in love yet. That’s sad. Not really. I’m young. I have plenty of time to find love. Would you date you? Hell yeah ‘cause I’m hot. What’s that old commercial? She’s got legs and she knows how to use them. That’s me. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? Absolutely nothing. My butt is my best body part. Who has been your favorite co-star? I have loved them all but Eddie Diaz will always be my favorite. What’s the biggest misperception about Trent Davis? Probably that I sleep around. I wish it were true, but it’s not.

CHIP TANNER How did you find your way into porn? I had a very sexually repressive childhood, yet I was always really horny. I got into stripping as a way to break free from my repression. Then, Howard Andrew found me on Youtube and got me with Randy Blue.

You said in your first Randy Blue film that you were straight. Sexuality is so complex and complicated; I have a hard time putting a label on myself. I definitely have a preference for females, but I guess I’d call myself trysexual because I like to experiment.

If you were someone else, would you date you? I’ve got a better question: If I could clone myself, would I date me? The answer is like totally! I’ve got a unique personality and a hot body, so why not? Plus the incest thing would be a sexy bonus.

Was your film with Justin Blakely the first time you ever bottomed with a guy? No, before that I bottomed with Chad Hollon and I did a flip-flop with Nicco Sky and Porter Wescott.

What do you look for in a partner? Anyone that’s hot and horny! Asides from that, I guess I like someone that’s into athletics like me and they’d definitely have to have a nonjudgmental personality if they’re going to hang around me for any significant period of time.

In your first film, you expressed an interest in trying it. So was bottoming everything you thought it would be? I had played with anal toys before bottoming, so I had an idea of what it’d be like. I suppose it was pretty much how I imagined, a bit faster and rougher than how I play with my toys. [laughs] Are you a California boy? I spent most of my life in Fresno. Can you tell us any fun stories that may have hinted at a future career in porn? I remember when I was 11 years old, I was masturbating and I put my wiener in a vacuum hose because I thought the sucking would feel good. I was right, it was totally awesome. You’re not cut, which is unusual for an all-American boy. My parents thought it was a cruel and unnecessary procedure. I agree with them and I am glad they left me intact. A lot of uncut guys say when growing up, that they were embarrassed of their foreskin. I was clueless about circumcision until I got to 8th grade. When people first found out I had foreskin, some made fun of me, but truthfully, having foreskin has been largely a positive thing for me.

Would you date a guy? Or do you just like messing around with guys every once in a while? I treat guys and girls the same way: I just like to mess around with them. I don’t think I’m much for commitment so I don’t really date people. You committed to RandyBlue. Why? You could have signed with any studio. When I was first offered to do porn, I didn’t know much about the different companies other than that Randy Blue was one of the top paying, so that’s originally why I went with them. Now that I’ve been working with them for about a year, I’m very satisfied with my choice. Not only do I get paid well, but the whole staff team is very professional and very cool, and I’m given a lot of freedom in my personal life. Many companies put restrictions on their models. Plus, I’ve met and have become good friends with some of the Randy Blue boys, so it’s been great! What would fans be surprised to learn about you? I can jerk myself off using my feet. I guess that’s not too surprising coming from me. VISIT RANDYBLUE.COM

August 5 - 18, 2011 17




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COVER: Trent Davis


GRAB Magazine October 11, 2011 4

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October 11, 2011



Some guys have it all. Amazing bodies, Colgate smiles, a winning personality… Add to that the ability to bake a perfect soufflé and you have Trent Davis. Yes, it’s true. One of today’s leading men of porn heats up in the bedroom and in the kitchen. When he’s not filming on the Randy Blue set, Davis is taking classes at culinary school. He took some time from his busy schedule to talk to us about all he’s got cookin’. Trent Farber: What’s the significance of the cherry in your mouth? Trent Davis: Actually it is what the photographer suggested. I do as I’m told (laughs). T.F: Of course we have to ask, when did you first get your cherry popped? T.D: I was around 18 or 19 years old. T.F: Was it on film? T.D: No, it wasn't on film, but it happened around the same time I came to Randy Blue. T.F: How do you feel about being labeled a bottom? T.D: I love it. I don’t feel any shame about it whatsoever. I was born this way, baby. T.F: What drew you to porn? Men and sex. T.D: A guy like you can have men and sex without it having to be on camera. Yeah, but there are lots of perks to being a porn star. T.F: Like money? 20

GRAB Magazine

T.D: Sure, but also fun, wild times. T.F: You’re a self proclaimed horn dog – what gets you most horny? T.D: A guy that is really into me. I love attention.

October 11, 2011

T.F: What do you do when you’re not in front of the camera? T.D: I'm in cooking school. T.F: Of course you are. T.D: I’m serious. Fans are always surprised to learn that I bake.


T.F: You’re a masterbaker? T.D: I get it. (Laughs) I’m a masterbaker and a masturbator. I do it all. T.F: What’s the craziest thing you’ve done in the name of love? T.D: I haven’t really been in love yet. T.F: That’s sad. T.D: Not really. I’m young. I have plenty of time to find love. T.F: Would you date you? T.D: Hell yeah ‘cause I’m hot. What’s that old commercial? She’s got legs and she knows how to use them. That’s me. T.F: If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? T.D: Absolutely nothing. T.F: Cocky, are we? T.D: Yeah, I’m pretty good in that department. But my butt is my best body part. T.F: Did it hurt like hell getting the tattoo on your arm? T.D: All tattoo's hurt. Anybody who says otherwise is lying. But I took it like a champ. T.F: Is there a special meaning behind the tattoo? T.D: Not really. I got it when I was younger. I thought it looked cool. T.F: How open are you about your film career? T.D: Anybody that’s supposed to know, knows. I have no secrets. Most guys I meet seem to know already anyway so there’s not much use in me trying to hide anything. T.F: Would you be cool if a fan approached you in the


GRAB Magazine

supermarket? T.D: Hell yes, especially if we are by the cucumbers. T.F: Where do you see yourself in five years? T.D: Cooking in a five star restaurant somewhere and maybe moonlighting in porn every now and then. T.F: What’s your secret

October 11, 2011

obsession? T.D: Sneakers. Imelda Marcos’s shoe collection has nothing on mine. T.F: What’s one thing you own that you can’t live without? T.D: Porn. Remember? I’m a horn dog. T.F: What’s your biggest regret? T.D: That I didn't start school


sooner. I wish I could be cooking already. T.F: What’s your biggest achievement? T.D: I’m most proud of the dedication I have maintained towards my education. T.F: Who has been your favorite co-star? T.D: I have loved them all but Eddie Diaz will always be my favorite. T.F: Do you socialize with any of the Randy Blue boys? T.D: When we are in the same city, I do, but it’s rare that we’re all in the same place at the same time. T.F: What’s the biggest misperception about Trent Davis? T.D: Probably that I sleep around. I wish it were true, but it's not. Between school and my work with Randy Blue, there’s not time. Luckily, I have my hand, but I’d much rather someone else’s.


GRAB Magazine

October 11, 2011

Intervista a

a cura di Jeff Dorta jeffdorta@projectpublicity.com


Quando abbiamo chiesto Travis James dove vorrebbe essere fotografato per questo servizio, ha suggerito a bordo piscina. “E ‘stato un lungo inverno”, ha detto. “Voglio il sole!” Non ci abbiamo messo molto a convincerlo di spogliarsi per noi di “CLUBBING” “Di natura sono un pò timido,” ammette, “ma non ho inibizioni adesso”. E’uno degli attori porno piu’affermati di casa RANDY BLUE. Ma lui dice che ci pensato per un po’. “E’ stato qualcosa che ho sempre voluto fare, ma mai avrei Preferisci piscina o in spiaggia? Mi piacciono molto entrambi. Sono cresciuto sulla spiaggia e mi piace il surf e beach volley. Mi piace anche oziare in piscina con gli amici o ad una festa in piscina ... nudo. Come passerai l’estate? Amo viaggiare, e spero di fare qualche viaggio. Forse partecipare a gay pride e scopare. Che tipo di protezione si usa quando si è fuori ad amoreggiare sotto il sole? vola meglio... Sei sicuro di saper indossare un bikini? Ahah... Io di solito preferisco il triangolo, o niente del tutto. Semplicemente non ci sono spiagge nudiste dove vivo. Sei un nativo di Los Angeles? Sono nato a Atlanta, GA. Ma sono cresciuto nella California meridionale. Cosa ti piace di più L.A.? Mi piacciono tutte le opportunità che ci sono a Los Angeles. Ci sono tante cose da fare e soprattutto si puo sperimentare qui, cosa che non si può fare altrove. Come Randy Blue? Esattamente. Ma Randy Blue non è tutto quello che faccio. E’ solo una delle tante opportunità che si sono aperte per me qui... oltre ai culi chiaramente. (Ride) Sei mai stato beccato in un luogo pubblico ... a pantaloni scesi? Poche settimane fa stavo ballando in un club e il mio migliore amico Brandon Wilde ha iniziato a spompinarmi sulla pista da ballo. Il proprietario del club non legali. Siamo stati sbattuti fuori! Sì, ho una persona incredibile nella mia vita: l’amo molto.

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Intervista a

a cura di Jeff Dorta jeffdorta@projectpublicity.com


Quando abbiamo chiesto Travis James dove vorrebbe essere fotografato per questo servizio, ha suggerito a bordo piscina. “E ‘stato un lungo inverno”, ha detto. “Voglio il sole!” Non ci abbiamo messo molto a convincerlo di spogliarsi per noi di “CLUBBING” “Di natura sono un pò timido,” ammette, “ma non ho inibizioni adesso”. E’uno degli attori porno piu’affermati di casa RANDY BLUE. Ma lui dice che ci pensato per un po’. “E’ stato qualcosa che ho sempre voluto fare, ma mai avrei Preferisci piscina o in spiaggia? Mi piacciono molto entrambi. Sono cresciuto sulla spiaggia e mi piace il surf e beach volley. Mi piace anche oziare in piscina con gli amici o ad una festa in piscina ... nudo. Come passerai l’estate? Amo viaggiare, e spero di fare qualche viaggio. Forse partecipare a gay pride e scopare. Che tipo di protezione si usa quando si è fuori ad amoreggiare sotto il sole? vola meglio... Sei sicuro di saper indossare un bikini? Ahah... Io di solito preferisco il triangolo, o niente del tutto. Semplicemente non ci sono spiagge nudiste dove vivo. Sei un nativo di Los Angeles? Sono nato a Atlanta, GA. Ma sono cresciuto nella California meridionale. Cosa ti piace di più L.A.? Mi piacciono tutte le opportunità che ci sono a Los Angeles. Ci sono tante cose da fare e soprattutto si puo sperimentare qui, cosa che non si può fare altrove. Come Randy Blue? Esattamente. Ma Randy Blue non è tutto quello che faccio. E’ solo una delle tante opportunità che si sono aperte per me qui... oltre ai culi chiaramente. (Ride) Sei mai stato beccato in un luogo pubblico ... a pantaloni scesi? Poche settimane fa stavo ballando in un club e il mio migliore amico Brandon Wilde ha iniziato a spompinarmi sulla pista da ballo. Il proprietario del club non legali. Siamo stati sbattuti fuori! Sì, ho una persona incredibile nella mia vita: l’amo molto.

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Intervista a

a cura di Jeff Dorta jeffdorta@projectpublicity.com


Ci sono diversi motivi per il quale Bines Chris è diventato uno dei più popolari porno attori sul web. I suoi occhi azzurri sognanti, il suo petto villoso e barba sul volto ... Anche le sue nuance di abbronzatura hanno ricevuto ottime recensioni. Ma ciò che rende Bines realmente differente è la gigante parola “speranza” tatuata sul petto. Il presidente Obama ha usato quella stessa parola per lanciarsi per lui.... E ‘in memoria di un amico scomparso in età molto giovane. Mi ricorda di non dare mai per scontata la vita. Spero di sperimentare tutto ciò che la vita ha da offrire. Io credo che per avere veramente successo nella vita, devi fare la differenza nella vita di qualcun altro. Ho risposto ad un annuncio che ho trovato sul web, alla ricerca di atleti con corpi muscolosi. Le opportunità sono sempre dietro l’angolo... Mi piace essere in controllo. Credo che avrei potuto essere etichettato dominante. Ho anche una dote orale. Mi piace ingoiare, se capite cosa voglio dire....:) Devo dire Travis James. Ci siamo incontrati per la prima volta a New York Pride. Non volevo provocare alcun dolore a mia madre. Ma,non ho mai voluto mentirle..e successivamente ho cominciato a venire fuori dal mio guscio. Il Merito va davvero a RandyBlue.com. Si tratta di un popolare sito web. Senza di esso, non avrei neppure ottenuto la metà dell’ esposizione che ho ricevuto. Credo si possa dire che ho preso il treno giusto. Ci sono un sacco di ragazzi sexy di Randy Blue. Perché pensi che i fan sono Ho quello sguardo innocente da ragazzo, ma penso che la gente si sorprenda di come domino quando scopo...

www.gayclubbing.it 5252- -www.gayclubbing.it

No! Non avrei mai potuto radersi. E ‘il mio look. Ancora più importante, è il mio sguardo Randy Blue (ride).

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Intervista a

a cura di Jeff Dorta jeffdorta@projectpublicity.com


Ci sono diversi motivi per il quale Bines Chris è diventato uno dei più popolari porno attori sul web. I suoi occhi azzurri sognanti, il suo petto villoso e barba sul volto ... Anche le sue nuance di abbronzatura hanno ricevuto ottime recensioni. Ma ciò che rende Bines realmente differente è la gigante parola “speranza” tatuata sul petto. Il presidente Obama ha usato quella stessa parola per lanciarsi per lui.... E ‘in memoria di un amico scomparso in età molto giovane. Mi ricorda di non dare mai per scontata la vita. Spero di sperimentare tutto ciò che la vita ha da offrire. Io credo che per avere veramente successo nella vita, devi fare la differenza nella vita di qualcun altro. Ho risposto ad un annuncio che ho trovato sul web, alla ricerca di atleti con corpi muscolosi. Le opportunità sono sempre dietro l’angolo... Mi piace essere in controllo. Credo che avrei potuto essere etichettato dominante. Ho anche una dote orale. Mi piace ingoiare, se capite cosa voglio dire....:) Devo dire Travis James. Ci siamo incontrati per la prima volta a New York Pride. Non volevo provocare alcun dolore a mia madre. Ma,non ho mai voluto mentirle..e successivamente ho cominciato a venire fuori dal mio guscio. Il Merito va davvero a RandyBlue.com. Si tratta di un popolare sito web. Senza di esso, non avrei neppure ottenuto la metà dell’ esposizione che ho ricevuto. Credo si possa dire che ho preso il treno giusto. Ci sono un sacco di ragazzi sexy di Randy Blue. Perché pensi che i fan sono Ho quello sguardo innocente da ragazzo, ma penso che la gente si sorprenda di come domino quando scopo...

www.gayclubbing.it 5252- -www.gayclubbing.it

No! Non avrei mai potuto radersi. E ‘il mio look. Ancora più importante, è il mio sguardo Randy Blue (ride).

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www.gayclubbing.it - 55

P r o u d l y C e l e b r a t i n g 1 6 Ye a r s S e r v i n g N a s h v i l l e !

M ay 2 0 1 1

i Out •


RAISING HOPE; The Rise of Chris Bines By Trent Farber

There are several reasons Chris Bines has become one of the most popular porn studs on the web today. His dreamy blue eyes, his hairy chest and facial hair... Even his tan lines have received rave reviews. But what makes Bines really stand out from the pack is the giant word “hope” that has been branded across his chest. It’s a powerful word that means to wish for, without certainty of fulfillment. President Obama used the word to catapult himself into the white house. We wondered what the word meant to Chris Bines.

High res art courtesy of RandyBlue.com

What is the significance of the “hope” across your chest? It is in memory for a friend who passed away at a very young age. It reminds me to never take life for granted.

Any plans to shave it off? No! I could never shave it off. It’s my look. More importantly, it’s my Randy Blue look (laughs). Fans would never allow it. I would get in so much trouble! Fans also love your baby blues. Yeah, I’ve gotten good at using them to get what I need. You know, staring someone in the eyes with these things can be kinda captivating (laughs). Are you ever recognized out in public? Like in the grocery store or at the mall? Yes! I have had a few encounters. There always fun. Sometimes a little awkward.

What do you hope to achieve in life? I hope to experience all that life has to offer. How do you measure success? I believe that in order to be truly successful in life, you need to make a difference in someone else’s life.

Are you cool with guys saying, “Hey, I know you from Randy Blue!” Sure, it’s always nice to meet a fan as long as they act appropriate. I’m not gonna whip it out for them, though I’ve been asked.

Are you hoping to find a LTR or are you having too much fun right now? I have one! I am currently in a relationship and I couldn’t be happier.

What do you say when a fan walks up to you? I usually just thank them for watching and answer any questions they might have.

How did you find your way into porn? I answered an ad I found on the web, looking for jocks with great bodies. When I see opportunity, I come a’ knocking.

What’s your favorite thing to do when not filming? I like spending time with my family, going to the movies and gym. Oh, and I love to read and relax and I could spend all day on my XBOX360.

What turns you on? I like to be in control. I guess I could be labeled dominant. I also have an oral fetish. I like to eat-in, if you know what I mean.

Your tan lines suggest you like fun in the sun. I live for the beach. I also play a lot of basketball and I just joined a flag football league.

Who has been your favorite co-star? I would have to say Travis James. We met for the first time at New York Pride. The chemistry was there from the beginning.

How do you stay in shape? I maintain a vigorous routine, working out five days a week. I also follow a strict diet. Plus I find some yard work every now and then can be good for the body.

Were you always a wild child? Not really. I didn't like causing my mother any grief. But as I got older, I began to come out from my shell.

Do you stay fit for your health or for your looks? Both.

Did the team at Randy Blue warn you that you would be as popular as you are? They did but I didn’t believe them. Growing up, I never believed I was good looking. It’s been a real boost to my confidence. What do you credit for your success? Credit really goes to RandyBlue.com. It’s a popular website. Without it, I wouldn’t have gotten half the exposure I have received. I guess you could say I caught the right train. There are a lot of sexy guys on Randy Blue. Why do you think fans are drawn to you? I have that innocent boyish look but I think surprise people with how wild I can be. How long have you had your facial hair? For two years now.

What does the tattoo on the back of your arm say? It’s my daughter’s name. Any plans for more tats? Not at the moment but I plan on adding more on my arms and back and maybe something on my oblique. You’ve done more than most already… what’s one thing you hope to do before you leave the biz? Make tons of money! And you never know, this could open more doors for me in the future. We’ll be watching. As long as you do, I’ll keep ****ing. (laughs) --- See more of Chris on RandyBlue.com.

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Don’t even pretend you don’t know what RandyBlue.com is. If you’re a gay man, you’re very much aware of the porn site along with CorbinFisher.com and SeanCody.com. I’m not a porn addict, but lately the men on RandyBlue.com have been much hotter than on the other aforementioned sites. So when this press release from their PR company showed up in my inbox , I thought I’d share it with you. Randy Blue has unleashed a new feature on their site. Drumroll please… Video chat allows fans the chance to communicate live, one-on-one with its stars. Best of all, you can try it out for FREE for now. Fans around the world can connect with popular stars including Reese Rideout, Roman Todd, Jeremy Walker and Chip Tanner from the privacy of their own homes and offices. In the past, we’ve had the pleasure of chatting with Reese Rideout during a gig at a local club. If he’s half as personable on this live video chat as he was in person, it’ll be worth. The guy is charming and pretty darn likable. Having a hot bod doesn’t hurt either. “It’s another amazing opportunity to meet the fans,” says Roman Todd, a popular star on Randy Blue who likes to boast that he regularly has sixty fans in his room at any one time. It has become a competition among the Randy Blue boys to see who can entertain the most men in their room.

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“We have lots of fun in my room,” continues Todd. “It’s like a constant game of truth or dare with fans daring me to do outrageous things in front of the cam. Let’s just say, I’m pretty daring.” “The fans become the directors,” adds Nicco Sky, another of Randy Blue’s boys. “They tell us what they want to see and in most cases, we’re happy to oblige. It’s the ultimate peep show experience.”

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I love me some of that Nicco Sky. WOOF. Stars have been assigned their own video chat room on RandyBlue.com that they can log into at any time, from any location. Fans are able to quickly scan through the list of rooms to see which stars are online. A green light indicates a Randy Blue boy is in his room and available for chat. Randy Blue Chat is available to both members and non-members at RandyBlue.com. Special package deals are also available. Related Stories: Kylie Minogue + Randy Blue Stars Dancing = Gayest Video Ever RandyBlue.com Stars Dance For Gender Equality On YouTube My Date With the Porn Star How To Use A Condom: Brent Corrigan’s Oral Exam


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BY JASON SECHREST JasonCurious.com


R andyBlue.com has an impressive lineup of some of the sexiest men in porn—Chris Rockway, Nicco Sky and Brett Swanson among them. Arguably, though, none are more popular than Reese Rideout. “The first time I saw Reese was in a magazine,” remembers Randy Blue, who Reese now calls his best friend. “I knew right away he represented the quintessential Randy Blue man. I did a bit of investigating and somehow found his number. Then I sweet-talked him into packing all his things and moving to Los Angeles.” M O RE 20

FR O M 19

That was 2007. Reese was a phenomenon from the start, nominated Amateur Star of the Year by the WeHo XXX Awards. He went on to star in a slew of other Randy Blue titles, and in 2009 won Men magazine’s Man of the Year. Earlier this year, Cybersocket magazine awarded him Best Porn Star of the Year. Reese’s relationship with Randy Blue has remained strong throughout. His latest video with the studio is Dirty Secrets, a deliciously seductive flick that reenacts guys’ hottest fantasies. Reese plays a mysterious stranger that offers his own brand of education to a young college stud. It’s another award-winning performance. Too bad there aren’t many awards left for Reese to win. In any account, it proves this veteran porn stud still has the stamina to deliver a wild ride.

Have you any dirty secrets to reveal today? If you really want to know, I’ll tell you… We really want to know. It happened the other day on the set of my latest Randy Blue film with Brett Swanson. I felt something rumbling in my stomach. I could tell I was about to blow so I ran outside and let one go! I sharted in my underwear. You sharted? I sharted. As in… Exactly! What’s a porn shoot without a little fecal matter, right? Oh Reese. TMI. You said you wanted to know. We have a section in Frontiers4Men called “10 Things You Don’t Know About Me.” Can you share something (unrelated to anything fecal) that your fans don’t know about you? I used to prefer servicing myself to get me close to ejaculation. Lately, though, I prefer penetration. I love jam ming in, then pulling out quickly and franticly ripping off the condom to blast my load on the guy’s back. Congratulations on the success of Dirty Secrets! Thank you! We gave the film five stars. I actually saw the review. You know, I read every issue of Frontiers4Men! What makes Dirty Secrets stand out from the rest of the porn pack? So much hard work went into the making of the film. You wouldn’t believe the amount of planning and set preparation that goes into each Randy Blue shoot. Dirty Secrets went above and beyond, because it was well-written and conceived. The movie dabbles close to the edge of soft sexy porn but offers some hard scenes too, for those that prefer their films down and dirty. Is there anyone in the film that you haven’t had sex with that you’d like to?

Micah Brandt. I think it would be fun to grab hold to his tight, thin waist. He has a great smile and my cum would show up nicely on his dark skin. In your scene, you play a dark stranger who meets a college stud at a bar. My scene depicts a real fear that people have these days—waking up tied to a bed and being hammered by a hot stranger. That sounds like a fantasy for many guys. Exactly. There’s something hot about losing all control. Was it your first time having sex in a bar? Back in college, a friend and I went to a rave in a warehouse on Halloween. The place was packed and jumping and w e w ere feelin g frisky. We foun d a spot behind some curtains to get it on. Hun dreds of peo ple were arms length away while we did it like two drunken animals. Was that your wildest sex in a public place? N o, my wildest sex would have to be the time at the video store. It was a normal Friday night and another friend and I decided to get a movie at Holly w o o d Vi d e o . We w ere p ra n ci n g aroun d the aisles w hen we noticed there was no one in the store but the workers at the front counter. We pulled our pants do w n an d went at it behind the video racks.

Have you always been an exhibitionist? I’ve been an exhibitionist all my life. I grew up in a com munity where all the town houses faced a playground. Let’s just say a lot of playing happened there, both on the ground and on the ju n gle g y m . M ost of w h at I kn o w a b o u t sex t o d ay, I learn e d o n t h e seesaw. Were you one of those “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours” kids? You bet. I was always up for a game of show-and-tell. How did you find your way into porn? I started out in magazines. I did pretty m u c h every n u d e m ale m a g azi n e out there. O ne day I got a call from Randy Blue. You could have signed with any studio. Why Randy Blue? Randy was just so down-to-earth and it felt like a place for me to belong. The level of care that he and his company put into their talent is tremendous. It was also a way for me to get down to L.A. What was in L.A. for you? I want to be an actor. I’m so close to fulfilling that dream. I have a big surprise that I will be revealin g soo n, having to do with acting. Do you remember shooting your first Randy Blue film? It w as a si m ple jack-off scene. For me, it was no different than what I do every morning after I wake up. I remember the house being really nice and I did it on some cool, fancy chair. I w o n d er w h ere t h at c h air is n o w and who has it? Oprah sold her chairs for $60,000! We should be able to get at least $60 for ours! What’s been your favorite film? The Coach movies were fun to shoot. We got to throw in some comedy, which is pretty unusual to mix with porn. It was a long shoot, though, because Chris Rockway can be a diva sometimes. By that, I mean all the time. This year will be your fourth year in adult films. That’s longer than most last! I’m sure I could go a few more years if I want. I’m in good shape and my dick still works fine. How long can you see yourself in porn? I’m like fine wine. I get better with age. I have no plans to hang up my condom anytime soon.

2010 was an award-winning year for you! 2010 was a perfect ten year. Cybersocket named you Porn Star of the Year. That was cool. I remember going onstage to get my award and I had no clue what I was going to say. So I just yelled, “I’m gay!” What did you do with the statue? It is on my fireplace mantle. You were also nominated by XBiz as Gay Performer of the Year. You win some, you lose some… Was it really an honor just being nominated? It was great being nominated, and it was fun watching the awards. Chi Chi was hilarious when she joked about straight guys calling her at all hours of the night. She really has the best job in the world. What do you hope to achieve in your career? So much has already happened to me that I never could have imagined. I have life goals that I’m pretty close to achieving thanks to my porn career. It’s a unique path I’ve chosen, but hey, we are all traveling down our own yellow brick ro a d . As lo n g as w e la n d i n Emerald City, we’ve done good. Is there anything you still have left to do on film? I have a hell of a lot to do on film and I want everyone to see it. The only thing I ask is to pretty please pay for it. Do

not download it from some hack site. I would not come into your home or office and steal from you. If you already pay for your porn, thank you. I’ll suck your dick the next time I see you. You don’t bottom too often. I’m a great top. It would be a poor business decision to put me anywhere else. Also, my ass is too tight. Is there anything that you won’t do on film? Getting fisted isn’t my thing. Do you save anything for the bedroom with your significant other? My morning wood. Would you date a porn star? Probably not, but who knows—maybe. Anyone in the right circumstances could be driven to do something they wouldn’t normally think possible. If you were someone else, would you date you? Sure, I’d date me. Besides a great ride, what do you offer? I’m a driven person. I’m also extremely p olite. W hen I was a kid, my nickname in school was Nice Reese.

I’m the kinda guy who likes to know as much as possible and if I don’t, I'll research it to find out. Truthfully, though, secrets are really something from the past that have no value in the present. We o nly really have n o w, an d now is what matters. Who is the real Reese? That’s a hard question to answer. I mean, I don’t have much to hide. You can see every inch of me. What do you do on a typical Monday morning? I spend most mornings with my dog, Happy. He is the best Rhodesian Ridgeback ever. What’s one thing you can’t live without? My hand. My foot doesn’t jerk me off as well as my hand does. Who is one person you could never live with? Justin Bieber. Although I do like his “Baby, Baby” song. What do you have planned for the new year? I am working very hard on something that we will be revealing soon, but I can’t say it yet.

What do you look for in a partner? Blon de, tall, thin, toned an d tig ht. Plus kind, generous and understanding. I like someone who loves to dream and listen to dreams.

What’s your New Year’s resolution? I aim to read more self-improvement books. I also hope to gain five more pounds of lean muscle and get my house refinanced. In this economy, that may be a shot in the dark.

Would you tolerate your partner keeping dirty little secrets of his own?

Visit RandyBlue.com to keep up to date on Reese Rideout.


Randy Blue Adds Video Chat

RANDY BLUE RAISES THE HEAT ON SOCIAL MEDIA WITH VIDEO CHAT THAT ALLOWS FANS TO CONNECT ONE-ON-ONE WITH THEIR FAVORITE RANDY BLUE BOYS Randy Blue has unleashed video chat on its site, allowing fans the chance to communicate live, one-on-one with its stars. Available for free now at Randyblue.com, fans around the world can connect with popular stars including Reese Rideout, Roman Todd, Jeremy Walker and Chip Tanner from the privacy of their own homes and offices. “Our members have long been asking us for this,” says Randy Blue from the Los Angeles studios of his adult film company. “The new video chat allows fans to communicate directly with our guys off set, usually from the guys’ own bedrooms.” Stars have been assigned their own video chat room on RandyBlue.com that they can log into at any time, from any location. Fans are able to quickly scan through the list of rooms to see which stars are online. A green light indicates a Randy Blue boy is in his room and available for chat. Viewing the group chat is free of charge. Fans who would like to engage in conversation with the stars can purchase credits that are redeemable for chat minutes. Fans can also use credits toward private video sessions for one-on-one communication with their favorite Randy Blue boy. “It’s another amazing opportunity to meet the fans,” says Roman Todd, a popular star on Randy Blue who likes to boast that he regularly has sixty fans in his room at any one time. It has become a competition among the Randy Blue boys to see who can entertain the most men in their room. “We have lots of fun in my room,” continues Todd. “It’s like a constant game of truth or dare with fans daring me to do outrageous things in front of the cam. Let’s just say, I’m pretty daring.” “The fans become the directors,” adds Nicco Sky, another of Randy Blue’s boys. “They tell us what they want to see and in most cases, we’re happy to oblige. It’s the ultimate peep show experience.” “Randy Blue is committed to finding new and innovative ways to leverage technology to enable fans around the world to connect with our stars,” says Randy Blue. Randy Blue Chat is available to both members and non-members at RandyBlue.com. Special package deals are also available.






kann nicht einfach sagen „heterosexuell“, „schwul“ oder „bi“. Ich bevorzuge Frauen, wĂźrde mich aber als „try-sexual“ bezeichnen, weil ich einfach gerne experimentiere!



In meiner Kindheit und Jugend musste ich meine Sexualität unterdrĂźcken, obwohl ich so groĂ&#x;e Lust verspĂźrte. Um mich von all den Zwängen zu befreien, fing ich später an zu strippen, kurze Zeit danach entdeckte mich Howard Andrew auf YouTube und holte mich zu Randy Blue. Das Geld, das ich hier verdiene, ist eine tolle Sache, aber ich wĂźrde nicht in der Pornowelt arbeiten, wenn ich nicht daran glauben wĂźrde und SpaĂ&#x; hätte.





Nein, ich war schon davor bei Chad Hollon der Passive und ich hatte mit Nicco Sky und Porter Wescott eine „Flip-FlopSzene“ abgedreht. DU BIST UNBESCHNITTEN, WAS FĂœR EINEN AMERIKANER UNGEWĂ–HNLICH IST ‌

Meine Eltern empfinden es als seine grausame und unnĂśtige Prozedur. Da stimme ich ihnen voll und ganz zu und bin froh, dass ich „intakt“ blieb! Der Trend hat sich Ăźbrigens in den USA geändert: Es wird mehr und mehr normal, Jungen nicht zu beschneiden.

Die meiste Zeit habe ich in Fresno, Kalifornien, verbracht.



Einen KĂśrper aus Gummi, mit anderen Worten: Ich bin sehr flexibel – oh, lĂ , lĂ ! AuĂ&#x;erdem bin ich sehr aufgedreht, was man lieben oder tolerieren muss ...

Die Sexualität eines Menschen ist komplex und kompliziert, es fällt mir schwer mich selbst einzuordnen. Es ist nicht immer alles schwarz oder weiĂ&#x;, ich

[ www.blu.fm ]

t*OUFSWJFX Trevor Blackenship

By Trent Farber T h ere are several reaso ns C hris Bin es h as become one of the most popular porn studs on the web today—his dreamy blue eyes, his hairy chest and facial hair. Even his tan lines have received rave reviews. But what makes Bines really stand out from the pack is the giant word “hope” that has been branded across his chest. It’s a powerful word that means “to wish for, without certainty of fulfillment.” President O bama used the word to catapult himself into the White House. We wondered what the word meant to Chris Bines.

W hat is the significance of the “hope” across your chest? It is in memory of a friend who passed away at a very young age. It reminds me to never take life for granted. What do you hope to achieve in life? I hope to experience all that life has to offer. How do you measure success? I believe that in order to be truly successful in life, you need to make a difference in someone else’s life. Are you hoping to find a LTR or are

you having too much fun right now? I have one! I am currently in a relationship and I couldn’t be happier.

for the first time at N ew York Pride. The che mistry w as there fro m the beginning.

How did you find your way into porn? I answered an ad I found on the web, looking for jocks with great bodies. When I see opportunity, I come a knocking.

Were you always a wild child? N ot really. I didn’t like causing my mother any grief. But as I got older, I began to come out from my shell.

What turns you on? I like to be in control. I guess I could be labeled dominant. I also have an oral fetish. I like to eat-in, if you know what I mean.

Did the team at Randy Blue warn you that you would be as popular as you are? They did, but I didn’t believe them. Growing up, I never believed I was good looking. It’s been a real boost to my confidence.

Who has been your favorite co-star? I would have to say Travis James. We met

What do you credit for your success? Credit really goes to RandyBlue.com . It’s a popular website. Without it, I wouldn’t have gotten half the exposure I have received. I guess you could say I caught the right train. There are a lot of sexy guys on Randy Blue. Why do you think fans are drawn to you? I have that innocent boyish look but I think I surprise people with how wild I can be. XX


How long have you had your facial hair? For two years now. Any plans to shave it off? N o! I could never shave it off. It’s my look. M ore importantly, it’s my Randy Blue look. [L aughs] Fans would never allow it. I would get in so much trouble! Fans also love your baby blues. Yeah, I’ve gotten good at using them to get what I need. You know, staring someone in the eyes with these things can be kinda captivating. [L aughs] Are you ever recognized out in public? Like in the grocery store or at the mall? Yes! I have had a fe w encounters. They’re always fun. Sometimes a little awkward. Are you cool with guys saying, “Hey, I know you from Randy Blue!” Sure, it’s always nice to meet a fan, as long as they act appropriate. I’m not gonna whip it out for them, though I’ve been asked. W hat do you say when a fan walks up to you? I usually just thank them for watching and answer any questions they might have. What’s your favorite thing to do when not filming? I like spending time with my family, going to the movies and gym. O h,

and I love to read and relax and I could spend all day on my Xbox 360. Your tan lines suggest you like fun in the sun. I live for the beach. I also play a lot of basketball and I just joined a flag football league. How do you stay in shape? I maintain a vigorous routine, working out five days a week. I also follow a strict diet. Plus I find some yard work every now and then can be good for the body. Do you stay fit for your health or for your looks? Both. What does the tattoo on the back of your arm say? It’s my daughter’s name. Any plans for more tats? N ot at the m o ment, but I plan on ad din g m ore on my arms an d back an d m ayb e so m et hin g o n m y oblique. You’ve done more than most already. W hat’s one thing you hope to do before you leave the biz? Make tons of money! And you never know, this could open more doors for me in the future. We’ll be watching. As long as you do, I’ll keep f*cking. [L aughs]

See more of Chris on RandyBlue.com.

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Cambiare ogni giorno HOT HOT HOT CHIP


alternative beauty


Mrs & Mr Murr BLAME COCO

il talento e la bellezza

urban attitude

di Trevor Blackenship, a cura di Ghya





Quando Chip Tanner arrivò alla Randy Blue, nessuno si sarebbe mai aspettato un tale successo. Certo, ha un viso d’angelo, un sorriso vincente e il suo corpo rasenta la perfezione grazie agli anni da ginnasta. Cos’è la Randy Blue? Facile! Una delle maggiori case cinematografiche americane specializzata in film porno gay. Chi è Chip? Facile! Un ginnasta che, alcuni mesi fa, è entrato nella “scuderia” della Randy Blue diventandone velocemente una delle principali star. Ciò che intriga di più i ragazzi americani è il suo dichiarare di essere “principalmente etero” e, nello stesso tempo, ammettere di avere una certa curiosità per il lato B. La maggior flessibilità sessuale del giorno d’oggi è ormai un fatto assodato e Chip non ha perso molto tempo domandandosi se soddisfare o no le sue curiosità; è lui che distorce la realtà nelle sue dichiarazioni oppure è così “flessibile” da essere impossibile da categorizzare? In che modo un ragazzo con una faccia d’angelo come la tua è approdato nel porno? La repressione sessuale che ho subito durante la mia gioventù otteneva il risultato contrario a quello voluto: ero perennemente eccitato; per evadere da questa costrizione ho iniziato a fare lo spogliarellista. Dopo pochissimo tempo Howard Andrew mi ha trovato in un video su YouTube e mi ha voluto subito nella squadra della Randy Blue. Certo, si guadagnano un sacco di soldi, ma non lo farei se non fosse qualcosa in cui credo e desidero veramente. Nel primo film che hai girato per la Randy Blue hai dichiarato di essere etero. È vero o è solamente un’etichetta che ti sei attaccato addosso? La sessualità è qualcosa di veramente complesso e complicato, è stato difficile per me assegnarmi una categoria ben definita. Non sempre è tutto o bianco o nero e non è così semplice dire “gay, etero o bi”. Preferisco decisamente le donne ma credo di potermi definire trisessuale a questo punto… mi piace sperimentare! Sei sempre stato un esibizionista? Sì, abbastanza… direi di sì. Mi piace essere al centro dell’attenzione, sono un esibizionista sia dal punto di vista sessuale che quotidiano. Nel tuo primo film hai dichiarato di essere curioso di sperimentare il sesso anale. Ora che hai soddisfatto, credo, tutte le tue curiosità mi puoi dire se era quello che ti aspettavi o no? Avevo già provato qualcosa utilizzando dei sexy toys, quindi un’idea di che cosa sarebbe stato l’avevo già. Sì… è stato più o meno come me lo ero immaginato, solamente un po’ più veloce e più rude di quello che avevo sperimentato io da solo [ride].


I’M ALL FOR SEXUAL FREEDOM AS LONG AS IT’S CONSENSUAL Lo rifaresti? Oh sì, ho già girato altre due scene del genere, una con Andrew Stark e l’altra con Jarrett Rex. Dovrebbero entrambi arrivare presto alla Randy Blue. Dove sei cresciuto? Ho passato gran parte della mia vita a Fresno, California. Puoi raccontarci qualche aneddoto divertente che ti è successo in cui si possono già scorgere avvisaglie della tua successiva carriera nel porno? Mi ricordo una volta, a undici anni, in cui mi stavo masturbando e ho deciso di metterLo nel tubo dell’aspirapolvere perché, secondo me, il risucchio dell’elettrodomestico, avrebbe aumentato il piacere. Avevo ragione, era assolutamente fantastico! [Io non lo proverei, non si sa mai!] Cosa ti piace di più quando fai uno striptease? Non sono più uno spogliarellista, faccio il go-go dancer però. Ci sono troppe ragazze che ancora oggi si aspettano le vecchie scenette, ormai un cliché, in cui impersono un poliziotto o un vigile del fuoco… è sorpassato! Qual è la città in cui ora ti senti “a casa”? Sempre e ancora Fresno. Credo sia semplicemente un posto tranquillo e poi laggiù, ho tutto! Però penso di trasferirmi, il prossimo anno o anche prima, a Los Angeles: la maggior parte del lavoro lo svolgo a L.A., quindi… Mi trasferirò in un posto più vicino e comodo. Da quanto tempo ti alleni come ginnasta? Ho iniziato quando avevo sedici anni, ovvero sette anni fa. Sogni mai di partecipare a competizioni di livello nazionale? Principalmente mi alleno autonomamente e autodidatticamente, non ho in programma di iniziare a farlo in vista di una competizione. È semplicemente un mio hobby. Con quale attrezzo ginnico te la cavi meglio? Tutto quello che faccio lo faccio sul pavimento, non mi alleno secondo i canoni classici della ginnastica. Nel mio allenamento inserisco tutto ciò che ritengo utile e interessante, comprendendo le arti marziali e anche un po’ di breakdance. Normalmente gli atleti hanno corpi veramente flessibili ma… menti rigidissime; si limitano a un’unica attività svolta secondo delle ferree regole. A me non piace categorizzarmi, preferisco avere molta più libertà d’azione e d’espressione. C’è qualcosa che non faresti mai in un film? Beh, se è vero che l’amore non ha limiti, credo di essere disposto a fare di tutto! Usciresti mai con una porno star? Non faccio discriminazioni. Certo, uscirei con chiunque mi piaccia, non mi interesserebbero il suo lavoro o la classe sociale a cui appartiene.

Se tu fossi un’altra persona, andresti a un appuntamento con te stesso? Ho una domanda migliore: se potessi clonarmi, uscirei con l’altro me? La risposta è “assolutamente sì!”. Ho una personalità unica e un corpo mozzafiato, perché no? Oltre a un corpo d’acciaio, cosa offri? Un corpo che è anche di gomma. In altre parole: sono molto flessibile, oh la la! Sono anche un personaggio assolutamente non convenzionale che, credo, o si ama dal primo istante o… si cerca di tollerare. Che cosa cerchi in un partner? Chiunque sia bello ed eccitante! Scherzi a parte, se devo pensare a qualcuno con cui uscire per un “significativo” periodo allora penso a qualcuno che apprezzi e pratichi l’atletica tanto quanto me, una persona che non si fermi alle apparenze e non sia assolutamente una spara sentenze! Usciresti con un ragazzo oppure ti piace semplicemente giocarci assieme di tanto in tanto? Considero gli uomini e le donne nello stesso identico modo, mi piace “giocare” con entrambi. Non sono un grande fan delle relazioni impegnative e quindi, fondamentalmente, non esco mai per dei veri e propri appuntamenti. Che cosa fai normalmente in una giornata? Sono molto abitudinario. Mi sveglio, faccio colazione, doccia, passo 4 o 5 ore allenandomi con i pesi, lavoro un po’ ai miei progetti al computer, vado al parco per esercitarmi ancora un paio d’ore, vado a lezione di ballo, poi in palestra per un’ora di giocoleria e stretching, torno a casa e vado a letto. La maggior parte delle persone credo trovi questa mia routine quotidiana noiosa e massacrante, ma a me piace moltissimo. Ovviamente quando sono a Los Angeles la mia giornata tipo cambia radicalmente: ballo e faccio festa tutta la notte, party hard! Qual è il tuo prossimo traguardo? Non ho degli obiettivi adesso, sto vivendo un periodo veramente fortunato. Ho impressione di poter imboccare numerosi e differenti percorsi nel prossimo futuro ma, per ora, mi considero soddisfatto dalla vita che faccio, dividendo il mio tempo tra atletica e porno. Dove ti si può incontrare? Ogni tanto faccio go-go dance in alcuni club a L.A., come il Club Eleven o il Here Lounge. Non credo di avere mai fatto, finora, un’apparizione pubblica ufficiale, ma se le cose alla Randy Blue continuano ad andare avanti come stanno facendo, credo sia più che possibile!.






RandyBlue.com has an impressive line-up of some of the sexiest men in porn. Chris Rockway, Nicco Sky, Brett Swanson, among them. Arguably, though, none are more popular than Reese Rideout. “The first time I saw Reese was in a magazine,” remembers Randy Blue, who Reese now calls his best friend. “I knew right away he represented the quintessential RandyBlue man. I did a bit of investigating and somehow found his number. Then I sweet-talked him into packing all his things and moving to Los Angeles.” That was 2007. Reese was a phenomenon from the start, nominated Amateur Star of the Year by the Weho XXX Awards. He went on to star in a slew of other RandyBlue titles and in 2009, won Men Magazine’s Man of the Year. Earlier this year, Cybersocket Magazine

awarded him Best Porn Star of the Year. Reese’s relationship with RandyBlue has remained strong throughout. His latest video with the studio is Dirty Secrets, a deliciously seductive flick that reenacts guy’s hottest fantasies. Reese plays a mysterious stranger that offers his own brand of education to a young college stud. It’s another awardwinning performance. Too bad there aren’t many awards left for Reese to win. In any account, it proves this veteran porn stud still has the stamina to deliver a wild ride. Max Jiminez: Have you any dirty secrets to reveal today? Reese Rideout: If you really want to know, I’ll tell you… M.J: We really want to know. R.R: It happened the other day on the set of my latest RandyBlue film with Brett Swanson. I felt something rumbling in my stomach. I

could tell I was about to blow so I ran outside and let one go! I sharted in my underwear. M.J: You sharted? R.R: I sharted. M.J: As in… R.R: Exactly! What’s a porn shoot without a little fecal matter, right? M.J: Oh Reese. TMI. R.R: You said you wanted to know. M.J: Can you share something (unrelated to anything fecal) that your fans don’t know about you? R.R: I used to prefer servicing myself to get me close to ejaculation. Lately, though, I prefer penetration. I love jamming in, then pulling out quickly and franticly ripping off the condom to blast my load on the guy’s back. M.J: Congratulations on the success of Dirty Secrets! R.R: Thank you!

December 21, 2010

GRAB Magazine



M.J: What makes Dirty Secrets stand out from the rest of the porn pack? R.R: So much hard work went into the making of the film. You wouldn’t believe the amount of planning and set preparation that goes into each RandyBlue shoot. Dirty Secrets went above and beyond because it was well written and conceived. The movie dabbles close to the edge of soft sexy porn but offers some hard scenes too, for those that prefer their films down and dirty. M.J: Is there anyone in the film that you haven’t had sex with that you’d like to? R.R: Micah Brandt. I think it would be fun to grab hold to his tight, thin waist. He has a great smile and my cum would show up nicely on his dark skin. M.J: In your scene, you play a dark stranger who meets a college stud at a bar. R.R: My scene depicts a real fear that people have these days about waking up, tied to a bed and being hammered by a hot stranger.

prancing around the aisles when we noticed there was no one in the store but the workers at the front counter. We pulled our pants down and went at it behind the video racks. M.J: Have you always been an exhibitionist? R.R: I've been an exhibitionist all my life. I grew up in a community where all the town houses faced a playground. Let’s just say a lot of playing happened there, both on the ground and on the jungle gym. Most of what I know about sex today, I learned on the see saw. M.J: Were you one of those “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours” kids? R.R: You bet. I was always up for a game of show and tell. M.J: How did you find your way into porn? R.R: I started out in magazines. I did pretty much every nude male magazine out there. One day I got a call from Randy Blue.

wonder where that chair is now and who has it? M.J: Oprah sold her chairs for $60,000! R.R: We should be able to get at least $60 for ours!

M.J: What’s been your favorite film? M.J: That sounds like a fantasy M.J: You could have signed R.R: The Coach movies were for many guys. with any studio. Why fun to shoot. We got to throw in R.R: Exactly. There’s RandyBlue? some comedy which is pretty something hot about losing all R.R: Randy was just so downunusual to mix with porn. It was control. to-earth and it felt like a place for a long shoot though because me to belong. The level of care Chris Rockway can be a diva M.J: Was it your first time that he and his company put into sometimes. By that, I mean all having sex in a bar? their talent is tremendous. It was the time. R.R: Back in college, a friend also a way for me to get down to and I went to a rave in a L.A. M.J: This year will be your warehouse on Halloween. The fourth year in adult films. That’s place was packed and jumping M.J: What was in LA for you? longer than most last! and we were feeling frisky. We R.R: I want to be an actor. I'm R.R: I'm sure I could go a few found a spot behind some so close to fulfilling that dream. I years if I want. I'm in good curtains to get it on. Hundreds of have a big surprise that I will be more shape people were arms length away revealing soon, having to do with fine. and my dick still works while we did it like two drunken acting. animals. M.J: How long can you see M.J: Do you remember yourself in porn? M.J: Was that your wildest sex shooting your first RandyBlue R.R: I’m like fine wine. I get in a public place? film? better with age. I have no plans R.R: No, my wildest sex would R.R: It was a simple jack-off hang up my condom anytime have to be the time at the video scene. For me, it was no different to soon. store. It was a normal Friday than what I do every morning night and another friend and I after I wake up. I remember the M.J: 2010 was an awarddecided to get a movie at house being really nice and I did Hollywood Video. We were it on some cool, fancy chair. I


GRAB Magazine

December 21, 2010

M.J: You don’t bottom too often. R.R: I'm a great top. It would be a poor business decision to put me any where else. Also, my ass is too tight.

M.J: Cybersocket named you Best Porn Star of the Year. R.R: That was cool. I remember going on stage to get my award and I had no clue M.J: Do you save anything for what I was going to say. So I just the bedroom with your yelled, "I'm Gay!" significant other? R.R: My morning wood. M.J: What did you do with the statue? R.R: It is on my fireplace mantle. M.J: You were also nominated by XBiz as Gay Performer of the Year. R.R: You win some, you lose some…

M.J: Is there anything you still have left to do on film? R.R: I have a hell of a lot to do on film and I want everyone to see it. The only thing I ask is to pretty please pay for it. Do not download it from some hack site. I would not come into your home or office and steal from you. If you already pay for your porn, thank you. I'll suck your dick the next time I see you.

M.J: Would you tolerate your partner keeping dirty little secrets of his own? R.R: I'm the kinda guy who likes to know as much as possible and if I don't, I'll research it to find out. Truthfully, though, secrets are really something from the past that have no value in the present. We only really have now and now is what matters. M.J: Who is the real Reese? R.R: That’s a hard question to answer. I mean, I don’t have much to hide. You can see every inch of me.

M.J: Was it really an honor just being nominated? R.R: It was great being nominated and it was fun watching the awards. Chi Chi was hilarious when she joked about straight guys calling her at all hours of the night. She really has the best job in the world. M.J: What do you hope to achieve in your career? R.R: So much has already happened to me that I never could have imagined. I have life goals that I'm pretty close to achieving thanks to my porn career. It's a unique path I’ve chosen but hey, we are all traveling down our own yellow brick road. As long we land in Emerald City, we’ve done good.

partner? R.R: Blonde, tall, thin, toned, and tight. Plus, kind, generous and understanding. I like someone who loves to dream and listen to dreams.


winning year for you! R.R: 2010 was a perfect ten year.

M.J: What do you do on a typical Monday morning? R.R: I spend most mornings with my dog, Happy. He is the best Rhodesian Ridgeback ever. M.J: What’s one thing you can’t live without? R.R: My hand. My foot doesn’t jerk me off as well as my hand does.

M.J: Would you date a porn star? R.R: Probably not but who knows, maybe. Anyone in the right circumstances could be driven to do something they wouldn’t normally think possible. M.J: If you were someone else, would you date you? R.R: Sure, I'd date me. M.J: Besides a great ride, what do you offer? R.R: I'm a driven person. I’m also extremely polite. When I was a kid, my nick name in school was Nice Reese. M.J: What do you look for in a

M.J: Who is one person you could never live with? R.R: Justin Bieber. Although I do like his "Baby, Baby" song. M.J: What do you have planned for the new year? R.R: I am working very hard on something that we will be revealing soon, but I can’t say it yet. M.J: What’s your New Years resolution? R.R: I aim to read more self improvement books. I also hope to gain five more pounds of lean muscle and get my house refinanced. In this economy, that may be a shot in the dark. Visit RandyBlue.com.

December 21, 2010

GRAB Magazine



9 7 7 1 7 42 3 0 3 0 0 1

ISSN 1742-3030













Kylie Minogue / Page 22


Bent on Cher / Page 26

Publisher Terry George Editor Gordon Hopps 08712 246 511 editor@bent.com Advertising Director Darrell Hirst 08712 246 529 darrell@bent.com

Key West / Page 44

Features Editor Adam Lowe adam.lowe@bent.com

Chip Tanner / Page 32 Now that we are well into 2011 many of us will be turning our thoughts to the warmer weather and anticipating a holiday in the coming months. The fact that the recent court case concerning whether a ‘Christian’ couple, who owned a bed and breakfast, had the right to deny a same sex couple a double room for the night means that we can book a room now, here in the UK at least, and know we should be treated the same as a heterosexual couple. It was an absolute shame that it came to a court case to have a judgement tell those who feel the need for religion, that their beliefs, do not out-weigh the law. Unfortunately, the church (and I include most religions in this) have a tendency to put their ‘faith’ (and I use the term loosely) above the rights of everyone else… unless you subscribe to the same cult, dogma, creed or belief system as they themselves. The law says that a civil partnership is regarded as the same as that of marriage… and that’s an end to it. As many people said at the time: “Peter and Hazelmary Bull (the owners of the B&B) were offering a service to the public by providing hotel accommodation. Everyone who provides services to the public should do so without discrimination. That’s the law. People of faith cannot legitimately claim exemption from equality laws that apply to everyone else.” There is a very sinister re-emergence of the religious right and we must challenge its dubious claims wherever they appear. We must object most vociferously when laws and prejudice are used to pillory people for loving each other… and the reason for that prejudice is simply the fact that the two people who love each other are the same sex. What kind of religion bans anyone loving anyone? Makes a mockery of the phrase “God is love” doesn’t it? 4

Meanwhile, in an interview with Gaydar Radio, TV host Jonathan Ross told listeners that his eldest daughter was a lesbian. He wasn’t bragging, he wasn’t outing her, it was just a matter of normal chat as he said that she regularly tweets about being a lesbian so it was well known and ‘out there’. The interviewer asked how he would feel if his daughter brought a woman home. Jonathan replied: “Well… that’s a question I’ve dealt with on a regular basis already and providing it’s a nice woman, I’m thrilled.” On the back of this ‘revelation’ I was asked to appear on local radio as they wanted to explore how gay and lesbians came out to their parents. I’m afraid I had to decline the request but it did get me thinking about how I broke the news to my mum that I was gay. Many (many, many) years ago I’d been seeing this lad, I was 25 he was 23, and it came to that moment when I wanted to introduce him to the only other people that meant anything to me. Alas, I wasn’t very subtle. I said to my mum, who I was living with at the time, that I was bringing a friend home, he’d be staying the night and we’d be sleeping together. I didn’t ask, I just made it a statement of fact as it never occurred to me that there would be any objections. I think my mum took all of three seconds to take in what I’d said and then her only comment was “O.K.”. The relationship with my mum, my step-father, me and my boyfriend was fantastic and it was like we were the best of friends from the word go. I don’t know if this approach would work for everyone but since that time, and until my mum’s death, Colin, my partner was treated as one of the family and we never had a harsh word between any of us.

Photo Editor Mark Hawkins, mark@bent.com IT Support Chris Chrisostomou Finance Director Ian Ellis Accounts Louise Lee 08712 246 516 accounts@bent.com Publishing Director Michael Rothwell

London Editor Simon Savidge simon.savidge@bent.com

Astrologer Philip Garcia

Designer Stephen Lubbock designer@bent.com

Cover Chip Tanner www.randyblue.com

Contributors: Beyonce, Lee Hudson, Chris Amos, Jason Guy, Johan Volny, Les Lea, Darrell Hirst, Terry George, Adam Lowe, Alex Wiggan, Gareth Longstaff, Trevor Blakenship.

Distribution and Availability 08712 246 529 Clubs & Bars Distribution Dale Express SUBSCRIPTION Tel: 08712 246 529 Web: mag.bent.com Basic annual rate: UK £36.00 International Call: +44 113 3449529

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NEXT ISSUE OUT: st 1 March

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A product of a sustainable resource


P I H C R O F P I FL IS CHIP TANNER RANDY BLUE’S NEWEST STAR By Trevor Blackenship When Chip Tanner first appeared on Randy Blue, no one expected he would cause such a stir. Sure, he has an adorable face, winning smile, and a body honed to tight muscular perfection from his years as a gymnast, but so do many of the Randy Blue boys. It was two things in particular about Chip Tanner that caught the attention of porn fans. His foreskin – deliciously odd for an All-American boy - and his declaration that he is ‘mostly straight’ while admitting to a curiosity for bottoming. We’ve heard it before, especially from the younger generation of guys who tend towards a more fluid view on sexuality than older gents. But Chip Tanner wasted no time fulfilling his curiosity, flexing his toes way into the air and throwing them over his head for Justin Blakely. Now that he’s done the deed, has Chip Tanner’s mind changed about what team he plays for? Is the gymnast stud stretching the truth or is he simply flexing his right to remain unlabeled? How did a seemingly innocent young guy like yourself find your way into porn? I had a very sexually repressive childhood, yet I was always really horny. First I got into stripping as a way to break free from my repression. Soon enough, Howard Andrew found me on Youtube and got me with Randy Blue. Of course the money is great, but I wouldn’t do it if it wasn’t something I believe in. I’m all for sexual freedom as long it’s consensual. You said in your first Randy Blue film that you were straight. Is that your story and are you sticking to it? Sexuality is so complex and complicated; I have a hard time putting a label on myself. It’s not always so black and white as to simply say “straight, gay, or bi”. I definitely have a preference for females, but I guess I’d call myself try-sexual at this point, because I like to experiment. Have you always exhibitionist?



Yeah, pretty much. I like attention so I can be an exhibitionist in both sexual and nonsexual ways. Was your film with Justin Blakely the first time you ever bottomed with a guy? No, before that I bottomed with Chad Hollon and I did a flipflop with Nicco Sky and Porter Wescott. In your first film, you expressed an interest in trying it. So was bottoming everything you thought it would be? I had played with anal toys before


bottoming, so I had an idea of what it’d be like. I suppose it was pretty much how I imagined, a bit faster and rougher than how I play with my toys. (laughs)

Do you have dreams of competing on a national level?

Besides a body of steel, what do you offer?

I’m largely self-trained and have no plans to do it competitively. It’s basically just a hobby for me.

Would you ever do it again?

What was your best apparatus event?

A body of rubber as well. In other words, I’m very flexible, oh la la! I’ve also got a quirky personality which I guess you either love or... well, you’ll hopefully tolerate.

Oh yeah, I already shot two more bottoming scenes, one with Andrew Stark and one with Jarrett Rex. They should be on Randy Blue soon. Where did you grow up? I spent most of my life in Fresno, California. Can you tell us any fun stories that may have hinted at a future career in porn? I remember when I was 11 years old, I was masturbating and I put my wiener in a vacuum hose because I thought the sucking would feel good. I was right, it was totally awesome! You’re not cut, which is unusual for an all American boy. My parents simply thought it was a cruel and unnecessary procedure. I agree with them on that and am glad they left me intact. When I was born, circumcision was the norm in America, but these days it’s actually becoming the norm for parents to leave their sons intact. A lot of uncut guys say that growing up, they were embarrassed of their foreskin. I made a whole video on the topic and put it on Youtube. Basically, I was clueless about circumcision until I got to 8th grade. When people found out I had foreskin, some made fun of me, which confused me, so I did some research. With my newfound information, I had confidence and I told people that foreskin is natural and fun and there’s nothing wrong with it. Most people actually listened to me and were really cool about it after that. So in the long run, having foreskin has been largely a positive thing for me. How long have you been training as a gymnast? I got into gymnastics training when I was 16, so it’s been seven years now.

Everything I do is on the floor. I don’t train conventional gymnastics. I basically train whatever I think looks cool which includes some elements from gymnastics, some from martial arts, and even some from breakdancing. Gymnasts have very flexible bodies but they rarely have flexible minds. They limit themselves to specific skills done in specific ways. I don’t like to put myself in a box, I prefer more freedom of expression. You could have signed with any studio. Why RandyBlue? When I was first offered to do porn, I didn’t know much about the different companies other than that Randy Blue was one of the top paying, so that’s originally why I went with them. Now that I’ve been working with them for about a year, I’m very satisfied with my choice. Not only do I get paid well, but the whole staff team is very professional and very cool, and I’m given a lot of freedom in my personal life. Many companies put restrictions on their models. Plus, I’ve met and have become good friends with some of the Randy Blue boys, so it’s been great! Is there anything that you won’t do on film? Well, if love really knows no boundaries, then I guess I’ll do anything! Would you date a porn star? I don’t discriminate, I just masturbate... in other words, sure, I’d date anyone I like, I don’t care what they do for a living or what social class they belong to. If you were someone else, would you date you? I’ve got a better question: If I could clone myself, would I date me? The answer is like totally! I’ve got a unique personality and a hot body, so why not? Plus the incest thing would be a sexy bonus.

Did you ever fool around with another gymnast on the pommel horse? If by “pommel horse” you actually mean a thoroughbred horse and by “fool around with” you’re specifically referring to a threesome, then hell the fuck ya I have! ...I should also mention I have a nutty sense of humor. What do you look for in a partner? Anyone that’s hot and horny! Asides from that, I guess I like someone that’s into athletics like me and they’d definitely have to have a nonjudgmental personality if they’re going to hang around me for any significant period of time. What would fans be surprised to learn about you? I can jerk myself off using my feet. I guess that’s not too surprising coming from me. To see more of Chip Tanner, visit RandyBlue.com.

“I wouldn’t do it if it wasn’t something I believe in. I’m all for sexual freedom as long as its consensual.”

When Chip Tanner first appeared on Randy Blue, no one expected he would cause such a stir. Sure, he has an adorable face, winning smile and a body honed to tight muscular perfection from his years as a gymnast, but so do many of the Randy Blue boys. Two things in particular about Chip Tanner caught the attention of porn fans. His foreskin—deliciously odd for an all-American boy—and his declaration that he is ‘mostly straight’ while admitting to a curiosity for bottoming. We’ve heard it before, especially from the younger generation of guys who tend towards a more fluid view of sexuality than older gents. But Chip Tanner wasted no time fulfilling his curiosity, flexing his toes way into the air and throwing them over his head for Justin Blakely. Now that he’s done the deed, has Chip Tanner’s mind changed about what team he plays for? Is the gymnast stud stretching the truth or is he simply flexing his right to remain unlabeled?

How did a seemingly innocent young guy like yourself find your way into porn? I had a very sexually repressive childhood, yet I was always really horny. First I got into stripping as a way to break free from my repression. Soon enough, Howard Andrew found me on YouTube and got me with Randy Blue. O f course the money is great, but I wouldn’t do it if it wasn’t something I believe in. I’m all for sexual freedom as long as it’s consensual. You said in your first Randy Blue film that you were straight. Is that your story and are you sticking to it? Sexuality is so complex and complicated; I have a hard time putting a label on myself. It’s not always so black and white as to sim ply say “straight, gay or bi.” I definitely have a preference for females, but I guess I’d call myself try-sexual at this point, because I like to experiment.


Have you always been an exhibitionist? Yeah, pretty much. I like attention, so I can be an exhibitionist in both sexual and nonsexual ways. Was your film with Justin Blakely the first time you ever bottomed with a guy? N o, before that I bottomed with Chad Hollon and I did a flip-flop with Nicco Sky and Porter Wescott. In your first film, you expressed an interest in trying it. So was bottoming everything you thought it would be? I had played with anal toys before bottoming, so I had an idea of what it’d be like. I suppose it was pretty much how I imagined, a bit faster and rougher than how I play with my toys. [L aughs] Would you ever do it again? O h yeah, I already shot two more bottoming scenes, one with Andrew Stark and one with Jarrett Rex. They should be on Randy Blue soon. Where did you grow up? I spent most of my life in Fresno, California. Can you tell us any fun stories that may have hinted at a future career in porn? I remember when I was 11 years old, I was masturbating and I put my wiener in a vacuum hose because I thought the sucking would feel good. I was right, it was totally awesome! What do you like about stripping? I’m no longer a stripper, I do go-go dancing instead. Too many girls expect the cliché police officer or fireman, it gets old. You’re not cut, which is unusual for an all-American boy. My parents simply thought it was a cruel and unnecessary procedure. I agree with them on that and am glad they left me intact. When I was born, circumcision was the norm in America, but these days it’s actually becoming the norm for parents to leave their sons intact. A lot of uncut guys say that growing up they were embarrassed of their foreskin. I made a whole video on the topic and put it on YouTube. Basically, I was clueless about circumcision until I got to 8th grade. When people found out I had foreskin, some made fun of me, which confused me, so I did some research. With my newfound information, I had confidence and I told people that foreskin is natural and fun and there’s nothing wrong with it. M ost people actually listened to me and were really cool about it after that. So in the long run, having foreskin has been largely a positive thing for me. Do girls like your foreskin as much as the boys do? I’ve never had a girl complain about it. O ddly enough though, I actually had one guy I did a porn scene with seem uncomfortable with it. What city do you call home now? I’m still in Fresno. I suppose it’s just a peaceful place and I’m all settled in here, though I’ll probably end up moving within the next year. M ost of my work is in L.A., so I should probably move nearer to there. How long have you been training as a gymnast? I got into gymnastics training when I was 16, so it’s been seven years now. Do you have dreams of competing on a national level? I’m largely self-trained and have no plans to do it competitively. It’s basically just a hobby for me.

M O RE 20

FR O M 19

What was your best apparatus event? Everything I do is on the floor. I don’t train conventional gymnastics. I basically train whatever I think looks cool, which includes some elements from gymnastics, some from martial arts and even some from breakdancing. Gymnasts have very flexible bodies, but they rarely have flexible minds. They limit themselves to specific skills done in specific ways. I don’t like to put myself in a box—I prefer more freedom of expression. You could have signed with any studio. Why RandyBlue? When I was first offered to do porn, I didn’t know much about the different companies other than Randy Blue was one of the top-paying, so that’s originally why I went with them. N ow that I’ve been working with them for about a year, I’m very satisfied with my choice. N ot only do I get paid well, but the whole staff team is very professional and very cool, and I’m given a lot of freedom in my personal life. Many companies put restrictions on their models. Plus, I’ve met and have become good friends with some of the Randy Blue boys, so it’s been great! Is there anything that you won’t do on film? Well, if love really knows no boundaries, then I guess I’ll do anything! Would you date a porn star? I don’t discriminate, I just masturbate ... in other words, sure, I’d date anyone I like. I don’t care what they do for a living or what social class they belong to. If you were someone else, would you date you? I’ve got a better question: If I could clone myself, would I date me? The answer is, like, totally! I’ve got a unique personality and a hot body, so why not? Plus the incest thing would be a sexy bonus. Besides a body of steel, what do you offer? A body of rubber as well. In other words, I’m very flexible, ooh la la! I’ve also got a quirky personality, which I guess you either love or ... well, you’ll hopefully tolerate. Did you ever fool around with another gymnast on the pommel horse? If by “pom mel horse” you actually mean a thoroughbred horse and by “fool around with” you’re specifically referring to a threesome, then hell the f*ck yeah I have! I should also mention I have a nutty sense of humor. What do you look for in a partner? Anyone that’s hot and horny! Aside from that, I guess I like someone that’s into athletics like me and they’d definitely have to have a nonjudgmental personality if they’re going to hang around me for any significant period of time. Would you date a guy or do you just like messing around with guys every once in a while? I treat guys and girls the same way, I just like to mess around with them. I don’t think I’m much for com mitment, so I don’t really date people. What do you do on a typical morning? My day-to-day life is very routine. O nce I wake up, I eat, then shower. I spend four to five hours in the morning practicing hand balancing, doing strength training and working on computer projects. After that I go to a park to practice gymnastics for two hours, then I go to ballet class for two hours, then I go to the gym and do one hour of juggling and one hour of stretching. Then I go back home and sleep. M ost people would probably find this sort of life mundane and exhausting, but it’s comfortable to me. O f course when I head out to L.A. my routine changes a lot. I go-go dance and party hardy! What would fans be surprised to learn about you? I can jerk myself off using my feet. I guess that’s not too surprising coming from me. What’s your current life goal? N o specific goals right now. I’m just living happy-go-lucky I guess. I feel as if there are many different paths my life could take, but as of now I’m comfortable just making a living doing porn and spending my days training. Where can fans meet you? I occasionally go-go dance at clubs in L.A., usually Eleven or Here Lounge. I don’t think I’ve done any official public appearances, but if things keep going the way they are at Randy Blue, it’s a sure possibility in the future.

To see more of Chip Tanner, visit RandyBlue.com.

WORLD’s NEXT PORN MODEL Proseguono le selezioni dei piu’noti talent-show televisivi. In cerca di cantanti, ballerini, future pop-star, in quaranta paesi spopolano i format televisivi che da oltre 5 anni monopolizzano i palinsesti delle principali emittenti mondiali. Allora, perché nessuno è alla ricerca di quello che molti uomini gay ritengono di almeno pari importanza - il prossimo porno star? In America la ricerca è gia iniziata. Noi di Clubbing abbiamo scrutato alcune interviste dei principali contendenti. star? uanto sei porno Da 1 a 10, q Sei. gio cosi basso? Perc hé punteg imparare. i nel e ho molto da sto dei ragazz re l a d za iz er ratt Che cosa ti ca rimo ? porno sono stato il p o, d en sc re C i. i pel l torace. Sono La quantità d d avere peli su a la uo sc a o un “pò bear”. ragazz nte di essere ie sc co to ssi saputo a st sempre ro e se lo ave op sc ri lo ra ..o Depilavo tutto. ei mai tagliati. vr a no star? li n no prima essere una por r le vo i d o ut p ensavo di Hai sempre sa porno. Non p re a rd ua g to a mere, Ho sempre am avanti le teleca d o ss se re fa a om Francisco Fols essere capace ragazzi a San ei i d m i to or iu tt sc a no porno ho co so anno e dei or sc lo ir Fa o. Street tentativ giato a fare un hanno incorag ? c’è male. Ben retribuito di lavoro, non ta a rn io g a Per un ck star? to come una ro sacco di Ora sei tratta o ricevuto un H o. ov tr i m e ov ttimana fa. Dipende da d ino qualc he se rl Be a e on zi nosce? atten i ragazzi si rico o e nd ua q ce ia . Mi sorprend Ti p o divertimento su o mi il un e ss ch ne o e ed er Sì, cr a assum en p p a o H e. quando succed conosce. ssivo? re attivo o pa Preferisci esse re versatile. ce, o ti tocMi piace esse che non ti pia a os lc ua q fa Se un co-star re il girato? oi, si può taglia vu n no e ov d ca . qualsiasi cosa Posso gestire rvativo le senza prese na a o ss se il i Non farò ma

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www.gayclubbing.it www.gayclubbing.it -- 21 21

WORLD’s NEXT PORN MODEL Proseguono le selezioni dei piu’noti talent-show televisivi. In cerca di cantanti, ballerini, future pop-star, in quaranta paesi spopolano i format televisivi che da oltre 5 anni monopolizzano i palinsesti delle principali emittenti mondiali. Allora, perché nessuno è alla ricerca di quello che molti uomini gay ritengono di almeno pari importanza - il prossimo porno star? In America la ricerca è gia iniziata. Noi di Clubbing abbiamo scrutato alcune interviste dei principali contendenti. star? uanto sei porno Da 1 a 10, q Sei. gio cosi basso? Perc hé punteg imparare. i nel e ho molto da sto dei ragazz re l a d za iz er ratt Che cosa ti ca rimo ? porno sono stato il p o, d en sc re C i. i pel l torace. Sono La quantità d d avere peli su a la uo sc a o un “pò bear”. ragazz nte di essere ie sc co to ssi saputo a st sempre ro e se lo ave op sc ri lo ra ..o Depilavo tutto. ei mai tagliati. vr a no star? li n no prima essere una por r le vo i d o ut p ensavo di Hai sempre sa porno. Non p re a rd ua g to a mere, Ho sempre am avanti le teleca d o ss se re fa a om Francisco Fols essere capace ragazzi a San ei i d m i to or iu tt sc a no porno ho co so anno e dei or sc lo ir Fa o. Street tentativ giato a fare un hanno incorag ? c’è male. Ben retribuito di lavoro, non ta a rn io g a Per un ck star? to come una ro sacco di Ora sei tratta o ricevuto un H o. ov tr i m e ov ttimana fa. Dipende da d ino qualc he se rl Be a e on zi nosce? atten i ragazzi si rico o e nd ua q ce ia . Mi sorprend Ti p o divertimento su o mi il un e ss ch ne o e ed er Sì, cr a assum en p p a o H e. quando succed conosce. ssivo? re attivo o pa Preferisci esse re versatile. ce, o ti tocMi piace esse che non ti pia a os lc ua q fa Se un co-star re il girato? oi, si può taglia vu n no e ov d ca . qualsiasi cosa Posso gestire rvativo le senza prese na a o ss se il i Non farò ma

- www.gayclubbing.it 20 20 - www.gayclubbing.it

Heath Gior


Carsten An


Da 1 a 10, q uanto ti senti una porno sta Tre r? Perc hé un pun teggio cosi b asso? Sono un cant ante, anc he se il mionome è sciuto nel porn piu conoo. (Ride)

Che cosa ti d ifferenzia da i tuoi colleghi Io non sono un ? attore. Sono al 100% genu ino. Il seslo stesso sess o che faccio nella mia cam era da letto. Hai sempre sa puto di voler essere una p Ho sempre a orno star? vuto un grand e interesse p Quando ho ri e r il porno. cevuto la prim a offerta non un minuto. Ero ho entusiasta di esitato tutti i ragazz avrei incontra i sexy che to e il divertim ento. Ottime retrib uzioni? Dipende. Ha i bisogno di e ssere un bravo d’affari e co uomo n spiccate do ti sulle negozi economic he. azioni Ora che sei fa moso ti tratta no come una No. La magg rock star? ior parte dei ragazzi per sc perc hé faccio o ntato che porno sia arr ogante e stro nzo. Ti piace quand o i ragazzi ti riconoscono p da? er straottenendo un

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sono dannata mente bravi nel darsi.. Mi al partner il piace dare meglio. Se un co-star fa qualcosa ch e non ti piace ca in parti ch , o ti toce non gradisci puoi tagliare Il regista ci ch la scena? iede di solito prima delle ri che ci piace prese ciò e non piace. Non sono sicu

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ualcosa che no

n farei.

www.gayclubbing.it www.gayclubbing.it -- 21 21

ti porno star? Da 1 a 10, quanto ti sen Dieci. star! Finalmente una vera porno tà per fare tutto cio che aci cap Ho l’entusiasmo e le mi piace perseguire! dagli altri ragazzi nel Che cosa ti caratterizza porno? bpersone non si aspettere La maggior parte delle po un no So . set di un porno be mai di vedermi su un an qu ma ... ido in pubblico ‘sexy, ragazzo molto tim e... ent alm tot io mi trmuto do la camera si accende, ..in diavoletto. er essere una porno star? Hai sempre saputo di vol o star da quando ho iniziat Volevo essere una porno ha mi che olescente. Ciò a guardare porno da ad esti uomini splendidi, qu di ea attratto è stata l’id li. Vorrei innamorarmi divenire vere icone sessua detto che quando sarei di loro e mi sono sempre o ciuto essere come loro. Ecc cresciuto mi sarebbe pia i nno Ha . RandyBlue perché mi piace girare con ... hot ragazzi piu sexy ed Retribuzioni alte? Sì, decisamente. ttano come una rock star? Gli uomini gay ora ti tra enorme seguito. Ho visto A volte. RandyBlue ha un quando mi incontrano. alcuni ragazzi balbettare zi ti riconoscono per stra Ti piace quando i ragaz da? celebrità ... E ‘divertente E’ come vivere un po’ di azzi che vengono a quando penso a questi rag nno visto ogni centimetro salutarmi e sapere che ha del mio corpo. in alto o in basso? Si preferisce girare scene . rte dei casi, è un attitudine Passivo nella maggiorpa zo az rag un no attivo. So Ma mi piace anche essere ...(ride) to. tan ni og che ama “colpire” per essere passivo? più di to ga È vero che sei pa Questo è vero. ere in fondo? Non è meno lavoro per ess minuti accovacciata su e A volte mi passano dieci

Nicco sky

to di cadere. “Bottoming” mie gambe sono in procin è un duro lavoro. ( ride ) Doppia penetrazione.

22 - www.gayclubbing.it

www.gayclubbing.it - 23

P r o u d l y C e l e b r a t i n g 1 6 Ye a r s S e r v i n g N a s h v i l l e !

January 2011

i Out •


World’s Next Top Porn Stars By Mark Bruno Idol continues to scour the world for tomorrow’s next pop stars. Meanwhile, Top Model is in forty countries looking for fashion’s next live mannequin. There’s even a search for the globe’s next twinkletoes (So You Think You Can Dance). So why is no one looking for what many gay men consider of at least equal importance – the world’s next porn star? We decided since no one else was, we would. Here are the leading contenders.

H e at h Jo rd a n

For a days work, it’s not too shabby. Do gay guys treat you like a rock star? It depends on where I am. I got a lot of attention in Berlin a few weeks ago. . Do you like when guys recognize you? Yeah, I think its fun. It surprises me when it happens. I just assume no one knows me. Would you date a fan? I am happily partnered for almost five years now. Do you prefer to shoot scenes on top or on bottom? I like to be versatile. Is it true you get paid more to be on bottom? My scenes have all been versatile except for one so I’m not sure. Does a director shouting out moves take the fun out of the deed? Not at all. The only time that it may get in the way is if I can’t hear them and I have to turn up my ear from what I’m doing. What do you do to keep it up? I go into my own happy place. Are there fluffers on set? My scene partner is my fluffer. If a co-star does something you don’t like, or touches you in a place you’d rather they not, can you yell cut? I guess if he started touching my eyeball I would say cut. Otherwise, I can handle most anything. What’s one thing you’ll never do on film? I will never do anal sex without a condom and I will never be fisted. Is having ‘sex like a porn star’ as great as it sounds? My sex drive is as crazy now as it was a year ago before porn. I guess I was a porn star even before the cameras started rolling. ---- For more info, visit http://heathjordanxxx. blogspot.com. Carsten Andersson

Heath Jordan From 1 to 10, how would you rate yourself as a porn star? A six. Why so low? I have only done six scenes so far. I’m still new at this and have a lot to learn. What makes you stand out from the rest of the boys in porn? My fur. Growing up, I was the first guy in school to have chest hair. I was always self conscious about it. It wasn’t until about two years ago that I embraced it. If I had known that guys were going to find my hair this hot, I would have grown it out a long time ago. Did you always know you wanted to be a porn star? I always loved watching porn. I didn’t think I had it in me to do it until I was at San Francisco’s Folsom Street Fair last year and met some guys in porn that encouraged me to give it a try. Is the money good?

From 1 to 10, how would you rate yourself as a porn star? A three. Why so low? I’m really a singer, though I guess I’m making a bigger name for myself in porn. (Laughs) What makes you stand out from the rest of the boys in porn? I’m not an actor. I am 100% genuine. The sex I have on camera is the same sex I have in my bedroom. Did you always know you wanted to be a porn star? I always had a big interest in porn. When the first offer came, I didn’t hesitate a minute. I was excited about all the sexy guys I would meet and the fun. Is the money good? It depends. You need to be a good business man and excel at the art of negotiation. Do gay guys treat you like a rock star? No. Most guys assume that because I do porn, I must be arrogant as hell and an asshole. Do you like when guys recognize you? I think I do. It’s flattering and gratifying to know that the work is getting attention. Would you date a fan? Sure! If he is hot, I would definitely date a fan. Do you prefer to shoot scenes on top or on bottom?

Ca r s te n An d e r s o n Totally depends on my film partner. Some are damn good bottoms and some are real hot tops. I like to enjoy guys at their best. Is it less work being on bottom? No, even though the top decides the movements, you still have to re-act to what he does in a way that looks like you’re enjoying it. Does a director shouting out moves take the fun out of the deed? I’ve had directors shout out moves in a way that really turns me on. What do you do to keep it up? If I’m not enjoying it, I think back to great sex I have had in the past. Are there fluffers on set? I’ve never seen one. If a co-star does something you don’t like, or touches you in a place you’d rather they not, can you yell cut? The director usually asks us before the shoot what we like and don’t like. What’s one thing you’ll never do on film? I’m not sure there is anything I wouldn’t do. I’m pretty open minded. Is having ‘sex like a porn star’ as great as it sounds? It is. --- Carsten appears in Lucas Entertainment’s “Trapped in the Game”. Visit http://carstenandersson.com/.


• iOut

Ja n u a r y 2 0 1 1

w w w. i n s i d e O u t N a s h v i l l e . c o m

Continued from Page 15

Nicco Sky By Mark Bruno From 1 to 10, how would you rate yourself as a porn star? A ten. Finally, a porn star with confidence! I have the enthusiasm and balls to go at any scene full on. And I got the looks to back it up. What makes you stand out from the rest of the boys in porn? Most people would never guess I would have sex on film. I'm kinda the sexy, cute, shy guy in public, but when the camera turns on, I'm a full out, boner-fied sex star. Did you always know you wanted to be a porn star? I wanted to be a porn star since I started watching porn as a teenager. What attracted me was the idea of these gorgeous men being sexual icons. I would fall in love with them and I always told myself when I grew up I wanted to be just like them. That’s why I love filming with RandyBlue. They have the hottest guys. Is the money good? Yes, it is. Do gay guys treat you like a rock star? Sometimes. RandyBlue has a huge following. I've had guys start stuttering when they meet me. Do you like when guys recognize you? Of course I do. It's a little bit of celebrity in my life. Its funny when I think these guys coming up to me have seen every inch of my body. Would you date a fan? I'm not really opposed to it. Unless all they want to talk about is my film work. That could be a problem.

Do you prefer to shoot scenes on top or on bottom? I bottom more in scenes because I can do it with a boner and a smile on my face and not everyone can do that. But I also enjoy being a top. I am a guy that loves pounding every now and then. Is it true you get paid more to be on bottom? That is true. Isn’t it less work to be on bottom? Sometimes I spend ten minutes squatting up and down in a scene and when I'm done I feel like my legs are about to fall off. Bottoming can be hard work. Does a director shouting out moves take the fun out of the deed? It can take a little away from the fluidity of the scene but the director is seeing the scene from the viewer’s point of view so it makes sense for them to give input. What do you do to keep it up? I rub it a little bit and then I play with my nipples. It works every time. Are there fluffers on set? No, usually the guys in the film fluff each other. If a co-star does something you don’t like, or touches you in a place you’d rather they not, can you yell cut? I could, but I wouldn’t. Nobody likes a whiny porn star on set. What’s one thing you’ll never do on film? Double penetration. Is having ‘sex like a porn star’ as great as it sounds? It's even better! ---- For more RandyBlue.com.





Nashville GLBT Chamber Elects 2011 New Board of Directors by John Wade The Nashville GLBT Chamber of Commerce New Board of Directors Elected for 2011-12 President - Michael Fluck, Bridgestone Americas Exec Vice President - Jerry Jones, Vanderbilt Life Flight Secretary - David Lazarus, CIGNA Government Services Treasurer - Cathy Werthan, President, CPA Consulting At Large - Pam Sheffer, Oasis Center At Large - Laramey Lawson, Sr VP, GS&F At Large - Bradley Pinson, Fifth Third Bank The following are completing current terms in 2011

At Large - Debra Gaylord, Cracker Barrel At Large - Keith Little, Home Medical Products At Large - Mark Manasco, SunTrust Bank At Large - Jason Facio, ELAN At Large - Judy Lojek, Entrepreneur, Attorney At Large - Jeremy Davis, Fifth Third Bank There are exciting things on the horizon for the Chamber. We announced some of those at the holiday party on Thursday...member discount programs, new opportunities through a partnership with the Nashville Entrepreneur Center, a new position dedicated to membership growth and development. Stay involved as details

of these initiatives and much more will be coming your way in 2011! It has been my pleasure to be among those who have served the Chamber over the years. Although I have chosen to not seek another term on the board, I will continue to be active in the Chamber. This board and the mission of the Chamber has my full support. It is my hope that you too will give them the same support and enthusiasm you have shown in recent years. Your board of directors wishes you safe and happy holidays. The chamber looks forward to helping you acheive great success in 2011.

Everyone is Welcome! Join us On Sundays @ 11:00am & Wednesday Nights @ 7:00pm

At the Out Central Cultural Center 1709 Church Street For more information call 615.720.4707 Or Visit us on the web at www.c4ministry.org




por Mark B run o

C ar s te n A n d e rs s o n

He ath Jordan

Mientras que son muchas las cadenas televisivas que en todo el mundo buscan nuevas estrellas (Top Model, Pop Star, Fama a bailar), ¿por qué nadie busca lo que muchos gays consideran también tan importante como quién será la próxima estrella del porno? Como nadie lo ha hecho, hemos decidido que lo vamos a hacer nosotros. Y aquí están los tres aspirantes.

Del 1 al 10, ¿cuántos puntos te das? Un se is. ¿ Por qué t a n poc o? S o l o h e h e c h o s e i s e s c e n a s . To d av í a s oy nu evo e n e s t o y t e n go mu c h o q u e ap re n d e r. ¿ Q ué t e diferenc ia de ot ros t íos del por no? M i p e l o. M i e n t r a s c re c í a , f u i e l p r i m e r c h i c o d e l i n s t i t u t o e n t e n e r p e l o e n e l p e c h o. S i e m p re f u i c o n s c i e n t e d e e l l o, p e ro n o f u e h a s t a h a c e u n p a r d e a ñ o s q u e ap re n d í a a c e p t a r l o, v í q u e a mu c h o s tios encontrar mi pelo les ponía. Debí haberlo de jado cre ce r h ace mu ch o tie mp o. ¿ Cuá ndo pensa st e en ent r a r en el por no? S i e m p re m e g u s t ó ve r p o r n o. N o l o p e n s é h a s t a q u e e s t u ve e n e l Fo l s o m S t re e t F a i r d e S a n F r a n c i s c o e l a ñ o p a s a d o, y m e e n c o n t r é c o n algu n os actore s q u e me an imaron a in te n tarlo. ¿ Y se g a na muc ho dinero? P a r a t i r a r u n o s d í a s , n o t e h a c e r i c o. Y l o s g ay s , ¿ t e t r a t a n c o m o a u n a e s t re l l a ? D e p e n d e d e l s i t i o. C o n s e g u í mu c h a a t e n c i ó n e n Be rlín h ace u n as se man as. ¿ Te g ust a c ua ndo t e rec onoc en? S i , e s d i ve r t i d o. M e s o r p re n d e c u a n d o p a s a . Te n í a asu mido q u e n adie me con ocía. ¿ Ha s queda do a lg una vez c on un fa n? N o, e s t oy e n p a re j a d e s d e h a c e c i n c o a ñ o s . En tus escenas, ¿qué prefieres: activo o pasivo? M e gu sta se r ve rsátil.

Arriba Nico Sky y derecha Heath Jordan

¿Es verdad que pagan más si haces de pasivo? E n todas mis e sce n as h e actu ado como ve rsátil, con una excepción, por lo que no lo sé.

Del 1 al 10, ¿cómo te puntuarías como est rella d e l p o r n o ? Un tre s.

U n d i re c t o r g r i t a n d o l o q u e t i e n e s q u e h a c e r, ¿ p u e d e h a c e r q u e p a s e l a d i ve r s i ó n ? N o d e l t o d o. S o l o l o l o g r a r í a s i n o p u e d o e s c u c h a r l e y t u v i e r a q u e g i r a r m e a ve r q u é e s t á dicie n do.

¿ Ta n poc o ? R e a l m e n t e s oy c a n t a n t e , a u n q u e c re o q u e p u e d o con se gu ir m á s f a m a e n e l p o r n o ( e n t re r i s a s ) .

¿Hay fluffers (estimuladores) en los estudios? M i c o m p a ñ e ro d e e s c e n a e s m i p ro p i o f l u f fe r. S i t u c o m p a ñ e ro d e e s c e n a h a c e a l go q u e n o t e g u s t a , o t o c a e l l u g a r e q u i vo c a d o, ¿ puedes pedir que pa ren la esc ena ? Po r s u p u e s t o q u e s i m e m e t e e l d e d o e n e l o j o p e d i r í a q u e c o r t a r a n . Pe ro s i n ó , p u e d o s o p o r t a r casi todo. ¿ Q ué no ha r ía s nunc a en una pelíc ula ? Te n e r s e x o a n a l s i n c o n d ó n , y t a m p o c o f i s t . ¿ Te n e r s ex o c o m o u n a e s t re l l a d e l p o r n o t a n exc it a nt e c omo suena ? Mi vida sexual es tan loca ahora como hace u n a ñ o, a n t e s d e l p o r n o. C re o q u e e r a u n a e s t re l l a d e l p o r n o i n c l u s o a n t e s q u e l a s c á m a r a s e m p e z a r a n a ro d a r. Pa r a m á s i n fo r m a c i ó n , v i s i t a ht t p:/ / hea t hjorda nxxx.blog spot .c om

¿ Q u é t e d i fe re n c i a d e o t ro s t í o s d e l p o r n o g ay? N o a c t ú o. S oy 1 0 0 % g e nu i n o. E l s e x o q u e t e n go f re n t e a u n a c á m a r a e s e l m i s m o q u e t e n go e n m i dormitorio. ¿ Cómo lle gas te al mu n d o d e l p o r n o ? S i e m p re m e a t r a j o mu c h o e l p o r n o. C u a n d o m e l o o f re c i e ro n , n o d u d é u n m i nu t o. E s t a b a t a n contento con todos los tíos sexys que iba a e n con trar y l a d i ve r s i ó n … ¿ Y el dine ro ? Depende. Tienes que ser un gran tipo para l o s n e go c i o s y e x c e l e n t e e n e l a r t e d e l a n e gociació n . ¿ Te t r a t a n l o s gay s c o m o a u n a e s tre l l a? N o. L a m ayo r í a a s u m e q u e p o rq u e h a c e s p o r n o, tie n e s q u e s e r mu y a rro g a n t e . ¿ Te g ust a q u e te re c o n o z c an ? C re o q u e s í . E s g r a t i f i c a n t e s a b e r q u e t e re conoce n p o r t u t r a b a j o. ¿ Q ueda r í as al gu n a ve z c o n u n f an ? Po r s u p u e s t o. S i e l t i p o e s c a l i e n t e , p o r s u p u e s t o q u e sí.




por Mark B run o

C ar s te n A n d e rs s o n

He ath Jordan

Mientras que son muchas las cadenas televisivas que en todo el mundo buscan nuevas estrellas (Top Model, Pop Star, Fama a bailar), ¿por qué nadie busca lo que muchos gays consideran también tan importante como quién será la próxima estrella del porno? Como nadie lo ha hecho, hemos decidido que lo vamos a hacer nosotros. Y aquí están los tres aspirantes.

Del 1 al 10, ¿cuántos puntos te das? Un se is. ¿ Por qué t a n poc o? S o l o h e h e c h o s e i s e s c e n a s . To d av í a s oy nu evo e n e s t o y t e n go mu c h o q u e ap re n d e r. ¿ Q ué t e diferenc ia de ot ros t íos del por no? M i p e l o. M i e n t r a s c re c í a , f u i e l p r i m e r c h i c o d e l i n s t i t u t o e n t e n e r p e l o e n e l p e c h o. S i e m p re f u i c o n s c i e n t e d e e l l o, p e ro n o f u e h a s t a h a c e u n p a r d e a ñ o s q u e ap re n d í a a c e p t a r l o, v í q u e a mu c h o s tios encontrar mi pelo les ponía. Debí haberlo de jado cre ce r h ace mu ch o tie mp o. ¿ Cuá ndo pensa st e en ent r a r en el por no? S i e m p re m e g u s t ó ve r p o r n o. N o l o p e n s é h a s t a q u e e s t u ve e n e l Fo l s o m S t re e t F a i r d e S a n F r a n c i s c o e l a ñ o p a s a d o, y m e e n c o n t r é c o n algu n os actore s q u e me an imaron a in te n tarlo. ¿ Y se g a na muc ho dinero? P a r a t i r a r u n o s d í a s , n o t e h a c e r i c o. Y l o s g ay s , ¿ t e t r a t a n c o m o a u n a e s t re l l a ? D e p e n d e d e l s i t i o. C o n s e g u í mu c h a a t e n c i ó n e n Be rlín h ace u n as se man as. ¿ Te g ust a c ua ndo t e rec onoc en? S i , e s d i ve r t i d o. M e s o r p re n d e c u a n d o p a s a . Te n í a asu mido q u e n adie me con ocía. ¿ Ha s queda do a lg una vez c on un fa n? N o, e s t oy e n p a re j a d e s d e h a c e c i n c o a ñ o s . En tus escenas, ¿qué prefieres: activo o pasivo? M e gu sta se r ve rsátil.

Arriba Nico Sky y derecha Heath Jordan

¿Es verdad que pagan más si haces de pasivo? E n todas mis e sce n as h e actu ado como ve rsátil, con una excepción, por lo que no lo sé.

Del 1 al 10, ¿cómo te puntuarías como est rella d e l p o r n o ? Un tre s.

U n d i re c t o r g r i t a n d o l o q u e t i e n e s q u e h a c e r, ¿ p u e d e h a c e r q u e p a s e l a d i ve r s i ó n ? N o d e l t o d o. S o l o l o l o g r a r í a s i n o p u e d o e s c u c h a r l e y t u v i e r a q u e g i r a r m e a ve r q u é e s t á dicie n do.

¿ Ta n poc o ? R e a l m e n t e s oy c a n t a n t e , a u n q u e c re o q u e p u e d o con se gu ir m á s f a m a e n e l p o r n o ( e n t re r i s a s ) .

¿Hay fluffers (estimuladores) en los estudios? M i c o m p a ñ e ro d e e s c e n a e s m i p ro p i o f l u f fe r. S i t u c o m p a ñ e ro d e e s c e n a h a c e a l go q u e n o t e g u s t a , o t o c a e l l u g a r e q u i vo c a d o, ¿ puedes pedir que pa ren la esc ena ? Po r s u p u e s t o q u e s i m e m e t e e l d e d o e n e l o j o p e d i r í a q u e c o r t a r a n . Pe ro s i n ó , p u e d o s o p o r t a r casi todo. ¿ Q ué no ha r ía s nunc a en una pelíc ula ? Te n e r s e x o a n a l s i n c o n d ó n , y t a m p o c o f i s t . ¿ Te n e r s ex o c o m o u n a e s t re l l a d e l p o r n o t a n exc it a nt e c omo suena ? Mi vida sexual es tan loca ahora como hace u n a ñ o, a n t e s d e l p o r n o. C re o q u e e r a u n a e s t re l l a d e l p o r n o i n c l u s o a n t e s q u e l a s c á m a r a s e m p e z a r a n a ro d a r. Pa r a m á s i n fo r m a c i ó n , v i s i t a ht t p:/ / hea t hjorda nxxx.blog spot .c om

¿ Q u é t e d i fe re n c i a d e o t ro s t í o s d e l p o r n o g ay? N o a c t ú o. S oy 1 0 0 % g e nu i n o. E l s e x o q u e t e n go f re n t e a u n a c á m a r a e s e l m i s m o q u e t e n go e n m i dormitorio. ¿ Cómo lle gas te al mu n d o d e l p o r n o ? S i e m p re m e a t r a j o mu c h o e l p o r n o. C u a n d o m e l o o f re c i e ro n , n o d u d é u n m i nu t o. E s t a b a t a n contento con todos los tíos sexys que iba a e n con trar y l a d i ve r s i ó n … ¿ Y el dine ro ? Depende. Tienes que ser un gran tipo para l o s n e go c i o s y e x c e l e n t e e n e l a r t e d e l a n e gociació n . ¿ Te t r a t a n l o s gay s c o m o a u n a e s tre l l a? N o. L a m ayo r í a a s u m e q u e p o rq u e h a c e s p o r n o, tie n e s q u e s e r mu y a rro g a n t e . ¿ Te g ust a q u e te re c o n o z c an ? C re o q u e s í . E s g r a t i f i c a n t e s a b e r q u e t e re conoce n p o r t u t r a b a j o. ¿ Q ueda r í as al gu n a ve z c o n u n f an ? Po r s u p u e s t o. S i e l t i p o e s c a l i e n t e , p o r s u p u e s t o q u e sí.

¿Prefieres actuar como activo o como pasivo? D e p e n d e d e m i p a re j a d e e s cena. Algunos son lo m á s c o m o p a s i vo s , y o t ro s son activos muy c a l i e n t e s . M e g u s t a s a c a r l o mejor de cada uno. ¿ E s me n o s c a n sa d o t r a b a j ar co m o p asi vo ? N o, i n c l u so c u a n d o e s e l a c tivo el que decide los m ov i m i e n t o s , t ú t i e n e s q u e reaccionar a lo que él h a g a , d e m o d o q u e s e ve a q ue estás disfrutando. Y s i e l d ire c t o r g r i t a , ¿ t e desconcentra de la d i ve rs i ón ? H e t e n i d o a l g u n o s d i re c t o res que cuando me gr ita n m e p o n e n más t od av í a . ¿ Y qu é h a c es p a r a m a n t e n er l a erecci ó n ? S i n o l o e s t oy p a s a n d o b i e n , recuerdo entonces alg ú n s e x o g e n i a l q u e h ay a t e ni d o ant er i or m ent e . ¿ H ay f l uf fer s e n e l est u d io? Nu n ca h e v i s t o u n o. S i t u p a re j a h a c e a l go q u e no te gusta, o t e t o c a u n l u g a r q u e n o t e gusta, ¿puedes cor t a r l a esc e n a ?

Normalmente , el director siempre nos pregunta ant es qué n o s g usta y qué no. ¿Qu é n o h arías nunca e n una e s ce na? No estoy seguro qué no haría. Soy bastante abi er t o d e mente . ¿E s ten er s ex o como un e s tre lla de l porno, tan b u en o como s ue na? S eguro que sí. Carsten aparece en la película de Lucas Enter tainment “Trapped in the Game”. V i si ta h ttp://cars te nande rs s on.com/ N icco Sky Del 1 al 10, ¿cómo te puntuarías como estrel l a d el porno? 10. ¡Por fin, una estrella del porno con seguridad! Tengo el entusiasmo y las pelotas para dar en cualquier escena todo. Y consigo lo mismo de lo s demá s. ¿Qué te hace distinto de otros actores porno? La mayoría nunca adivinaría que podría tener sexo en una película. Soy el típico sexy, a ma ble y tímido c hic o en públic o, pero cuando las cámaras se enciende , me transformo en una estrella del po rno. ¿Cuándo llegaste al mundo de l porno? Siempre quise ser actor porno desde que lo ví cuando era un adolescente . Me atraía la idea de ser como aquellos tiarros, siendo un icono sexual. Me enamoraba de ellos, y siempre me dije que cuando creciera querría ser como ellos. Por ello estoy grabando con RandyBlue , porque tienen lo s tipo s má s c a lientes. ¿Y e l dine ro? Si, está bien. ¿Te tratan los gays como a una e s tre lla? A veces. Mi productora tiene muchos seguidores. He visto chicos tar tamudeando cuando me ha n enc o ntra do.

Carsten Andersson

¿Te gus ta cuando te re conoc en? Por supuesto. Ser un poco céle b re e n m i v i d a . E s diver tido pensar cuando se ace rc a n q u e h a n v i s t o c a da c entímetro de mi c uerpo. ¿Que darías con un f an? No me opongo a ello. A menos q u e l o ú n i c o q u e quiera es ha bla r de mi tra ba jo. En tus escenas, ¿prefieres se r a c t i vo o pas ivo? En mis escenas actúo más como p a s i vo p o rq u e mientras tanto puedo tener un a s o n r i s a e n m i cara, y no todo el mundo puede . Pe ro t a m b i é n disfruto siendo activo. Soy un t i p o a l q u e l e g u s t a ta nto una c o sa c o mo o tra . ¿Te pa g a n má s si eres pa sivo ? Si, es verdad. ¿Pe ro no e s me nos trabajo s er pa sivo? Algunas veces estoy hasta diez m i nu t o s s e g u i d o s de cuclillas, arriba y abajo en u n a e s e n a , y c u a n d o por fin termina pienso que mis p i e r n a s n o m e v a n a responder. Ser pasivo puede s e r u n t r a b a j o mu y duro. Y si un director te grita en u n a e s c e n a , ¿ s e pie rde la dive rs ión? Puede apartarte un poco de la fluidez de la escena, pero es él quien ve la escena desde el punto de vista del espectador, por lo que hace que las escenas tengan el sentido que deben tener. ¿Qué hace s para aguantar duro? Me masturbo un poco y enton c e s j u e go c o n m i s pezones. Funciona siempre . ¿Hay f luf fe rs e n e l e s tudio? No, normalmente son los propi o s a c t o re s q u i e n e s se estimula n uno s a o tro s. Si un actor con el que comp a r t e s e s c e n a hace algo que no te gusta, o t o c a e n e l lugar que no debiera, ¿pides q u e c o r t e n l a grabación? Podría, pero no se debe . A nadi e l e g u s t a s e r u n a div a en el estudio. ¿Y qué no harías nunca e n una pelíc ula ? Una do ble penetra c ió n. ¿Es tener sexo como un acto r p o r n o t a n bue no como s e dice ? Es incluso mejor. Para más información de Ni c c o, v i s i t a R andyBlue .com

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By: Jeremiah Dover

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