September 2017
microTECH Times Covered I.T. 24/7—Never Worry Again!
We often see millennials pressed into service as IT advisor for their company. However, they are not usually certified and abreast of the latest IT vulnerabilities your company is facing. Take a look at this million dollar reason to employ an outsourced IT department to care for your network.
Here's how it happens. A 62-year-old executive is stumped about how to edit his e-mail signature. Other venerable bosses have trouble navigating new applications, running updates or even operating their own peripherals (printers, faxes, scanners, etc.) They all spend time trying to do it themselves and might truly be just a keystroke away from doing it, but in the end they ask a younger person for help and the problem may be solved within seconds or minutes.
Why millennials? In the office, the 18-to-34year-old crowd is usually fearless about adapting to new gadgets or system upgrades. While they may seem a bit cocky at times, they really make life online look like second nature. Tech experts explain that millennials probably already helped
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their baby boomer parents with technology and now they see similar situations in the workplace. They are quick to dive into an issue hoping to build rapport and sometimes even prove themselves as a more valuable asset for the company. Unfortunately, technology is not easy.
Being an office techie has its ups and downs. Sure, the office techie quickly becomes one of the most sought after people in the office, but there are some pretty big drawbacks to this reputation. Sometimes their own work is interrupted so often that their efficiency is greatly impacted. Other times, it is hard to explain why they cannot fix an issue and this could damage their relationships with coworkers. Fixing misbehaving tech“Quality in a service or nology is not like grilling product is not what you a burger. There is no set put into it. It is what the time for repairs, no exact customer gets out of it. (Continued on page 2) ~ Peter Drucker
Adobe Acrobat XI Support Ends Soon…..Pg. 2 Update Your Password……………..Pg. 2 6 Types Of Spam Filters; Because Even Mild Spam Can Lead To An Infection………....Pg. 3 Spoofing Paypal Scam Tactic……...……..Pg. 4 How To Handle Emails, Interruptions, And Phone Calls...Pg. 4
“One important key to success is selfconfidence. An important key to self-confidence is preparation.” ~ Arthur Ashe “Discipline is doing what you hate to do but nonetheless doing it like you LOVE it.” ~ Mike Tyson “If opportunity doesn’t knock build a door.” ~ Milton Berle
It’s safe to say that cheeseburgers are an American favorite. September 18th, treat your self to a nice juicy burger to celebrate National Cheeseburger Day.
The beginning of the burger. There are a number of theories about where the cheeseburger began. History shows the hamburger was invented in the 1880’s by Fletcher Davis of Athens, Texas. Who knows when the cheese was truly added to the recipe. Lionel Sternberger, a Pasadena sandwich shop fry cook, experimented with a piece of cheese on a hamburger and found the result sensational in 1926.
Origins of this tasty celebratory day. While there really is no record of when this iconic food celebration started, but it really took off. Many restaurants around the world have taken this observation as a way to bring everyone together with great cheeseburger deals and new cheeseburger creations. (Continued on page 3)