• • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Toolset Overview
Provides Providesaaunified unifiedapproach approachto tothe themost mostcommon commonand andneeded neededmanagement managementtools toolsneeded neededininITIT Saves Savesmoney moneyby byconsolidating consolidatingtools toolsinto intoaamonthly monthlyexpense expense Unifies Unifiesaccess accessto tostatus statusand andaction actionvia viasingle singleweb webportal portal Provides security and management features Provides critical security andsecurity security management features •• critical Provides aa unified approach to common Provides unified approach to the the most most common and and needed needed Allows Allowsfor fordetailed detailedauditing auditingand andreporting reportingacross acrossthe theproducts products management tools management tools needed needed inin IT IT and through personal notifications Can Canalert alerton oncritical criticalissues issuesautomatically, automatically,via viaticket ticket and through personal notifications Eliminates Eliminatesmanaging managingsoftware softwareupdates updatesand andrenewal renewalcontracts contracts
Hosted Hosted Email Email •• Saves Saves money money by by consolidating consolidating tools tools into into aa monthly monthly expense expense
Anti-Malware Anti-Malware
Secondary SecondaryVirus Virus Secondary Virus Secondary Virus HitmanPro opinion HitmanProisisaasecond second opinionscanner scannerdesigned designed
Hosted HostedEmail Email
Since Since2001, 2001,Securence Securenceisisthe the worldwide worldwideleader leaderininhosted hostedemail email
Malwarebytes Malwarebytes business business products products provide provide the the strong strong anti-malware anti-malware detection detection and and the the remediation remediation your your business business needs needs toto survive survive inin today’s today’s threatscape. threatscape. Unique Unique and and powerful, powerful, Malwarebytes Malwarebytes business business products products deliver deliver the the layered layereddefense defenseexperts expertsrecommend. recommend.
Since Since2001, 2001,Securence Securenceisisthe theworldwide worldwideleader leaderinin totorescue hosted email rescuecomputers computersthat thathave havebecome becomeinfected infected¾Advanced hostedSpam email Blocking ¾Advanced Spam Blocking Cloning ¾Email• with Advanced Spam with viruses, viruses, spyware, spyware, Trojans, Trojans, rootkits rootkits and and¾Email •Cloning Advanced SpamBlocking Blocking ¾Message ¾MessageForwarding Forwarding other threats. • Cloning other threats. • Email Email Cloning ¾Advanced Routing ¾Advanced Routing Since Securence isisthe Since2001, 2001, Securence the Forwarding ¾Spam Quarantine ¾Spam Quarantine HitmanPro • Message HitmanPro works works •hosted Message Forwarding worldwide email worldwideleader leaderininhosted email alongside • • Advanced alongside your your AdvancedRouting Routing ¾Advanced ¾AdvancedSpam SpamBlocking Blocking existing • existing antivirus antivirus • Spam SpamQuarantine Quarantine ¾Email ¾EmailCloning Cloning software toto detect and software detect and and remove remove zero-day zero-day andForwarding HitmanPro scanner HitmanProisisaasecond secondopinion opinion scanner ¾Message ¾MessageForwarding other malware detection other malware designed designed toto evade evade¾Advanced detectionRouting ¾Advanced Routing ¾¾ 50 50GB GBmailbox mailboxper perus u designed that designedtotorescue rescuecomputers computers thathave have Quarantine ¾Spam Quarantine ¾¾ One OneNote Note11TB TBfile filesto s by traditional combines byspyware, traditional antivirus antivirus software. software. ItIt¾Spam combines become becomeinfected infectedwith withviruses, viruses, spyware, ¾¾ Skype SkypeFor ForBusiness BusinessH cloud when most cloud computing, computing, multi-criteria multi-criteria heuristics heuristics and and Builttotoprotect protectyour yourbusiness business when most Trojans, rootkits and ¾¾ Office Trojans, rootkits andother otherthreats. threats. OfficeOnline Online utions utions • • Built behavioral traditional behavioral analysis analysis toto effectively effectively reveal reveal and and traditionalendpoint endpointsolutions solutionscan’t can’t bypass bypass the the deceptive deceptive techniques techniques employed employed by by • • 50 50GB GBmailbox mailboxper peruser user modern malware. modern malware. • • One and sharing HitmanPro works alongside OneNote Note11TB TBfile file¾storage storage and sharing HitmanPro works alongsideyour yourexisting existingantivirus antivirussoftware softwaretoto 50 mailbox per ¾ 50GB GB mailbox peruser user ¾ One Note 11TB ¾ One Note TBfile filestorage storageand an • • Skype HD video conferencing detect Skypefor forBusiness Business HD video conferencing detectand andremove removezero-day zero-dayand andother othermalware malwaredesigned designedtoto ¾ ¾ Skype SkypeFor ForBusiness BusinessHD HDvideo videoc the thestrong strong • • Office OfficeOnline Online evade evadedetection detectionby bytraditional traditionalantivirus antivirussoftware. software.ItItcombines combines ¾ ¾ Office OfficeOnline Online
alware •• Malware
Hosted Hosted Email Email Unifies Unifies access access to to status status and and action action via via single single web web portal portal
•• Provides Provides critical critical security security and and security security management management features features
•• Allows Allows for for detailed detailed auditing auditing and and reporting reporting across across the the products products
•• Can Can alert alert on on critical critical issues issues automatically, automatically, via via ticket ticket and and through through cloud CCleaner cloudcomputing, computing,multi-criteria multi-criteriaheuristics heuristicsand andbehavioral behavioral CCleaner personal personal notifications • • Automatic - -CCLeaner AutomaticCleaning Cleaning CCLeanernotifications Anti-Virus Anti-Virus analysis totoeffectively analysis effectivelyreveal revealand andbypass bypassthe thedeceptive deceptive
n your on your CCleaner CCleaner
can canbe bescheduled scheduledtotoclean clean lwarebytes alwarebytes ning ––CCleaner can aning CCleaner canbe bescheduled scheduled and across andoptimize optimize acrossprofiles profiles imize across profiles timize across profilesautomatically. automatically. defense defense automatically. automatically.
Award winning protection and performance. Award winningby protection performance. techniques employed modern techniques employed by modernmalware. malware. License Licenseper peragent agent • • Antivirus Antivirus for forPCs PCs and andMacs Macs • • Low LowCPU CPUand andmemory memoryusage usage • • Email Emailsecurity securityand andanti-phishing anti-phishing • • Firewall Firewallprotection protection • • Malicious Maliciouswebsite websiteblocking blocking
Data DataBackup Backup
StorageCraft® StorageCraft® ShadowProtect® ShadowProtect® isis aa disk-todisk-todisk diskrecovery recoverysolution solutiondesigned designedtotoprovide providefast, fast, simple, simple,reliable reliableprotection protectionand andrecovery recoveryon onboth both physical physicaland andvirtual virtualservers serversfrom fromlocal localdisk diskororoffoffpremise premisecloud cloudstorage storage 22
•• Eliminates Eliminates managing managing software software updates updates and and renewal renewal contracts contracts
• • Endpoint EndpointOptimization Optimization- -
mization cleans out mization––CCleaner CCleaner cleans out CCleaner cleans out CCleaner cleans outunnecessary unnecessaryfiles filestoto s totofree valuable hard es freeup upfree valuable harddrive drive up hard free upvaluable valuable harddrive drivespace, space,3clears clearsold old 3 dldregistries lead instability and registriesthat that leadtotothat instability and registries lead instability registries that leadto to instabilityand anderases erases rom totokeep client data fromendpoints endpoints keep client data cookies from endpoints totokeep cookies from endpoints keepclient clientdata data dsecure. secure. confidential confidentialand andsecure. secure.
• • Stop StopUnnecessary UnnecessaryPrograms Programs- -CCleaner CCleaner
ary Programs ––CCleaner sary Programs CCleanerstops stops Windows from stops Windowsstops fromrunning runningunnecessary unnecessary unning runningunnecessary unnecessarybackground background background programs background programsduring duringstartup startupthat that gstartup startupthat thatslow slowdown downendpoints. endpoints. slow down endpoints. slow down endpoints.The Theresult resultisisfaster faster ter boot ster boottimes timesfor forend-users. end-users.
boot boottimes timesfor forend-users. end-users. • •Endpoints Eliminate Disruptions - -Endpoints Eliminate Disruptions Endpointsare are ptions ––Endpoints are uptions arecleaned cleaned cleaned quickly so end-user never cleaned quickly so end-user never sers never users neverexperience experiencedowntime downtime experience experiencedowntime. downtime.
d Party Party Patching Patching
3rd 3rdParty PartyPatching Patching
The The App-Care App-Care patch patch management management solution solution extends extends the the power power patch patch management management capabilities beyond just capabilities management solution management solutionbeyond just Microsoft Microsoft updates updates toto third third ch management atch management party party applications applications such such asas st Microsoft third ust Microsoft updates to thirdFlash, Adobe Reader, Adobe Adobeupdates Reader,to Adobe Flash, h as ch asAdobe Adobe Reader, Adobe Java Runtime and Java Reader, RuntimeAdobe and more. more. Unpatched Unpatched applications and Unpatched andmore. more. Unpatched applications are vulnerable are highly highly vulnerable toto totomalware yvulnerable vulnerable malware malware which malware which cost time move to eproviders providers timeand and movecost to ITIT service providers time service providers time and move move toto remove. remove. egrate with ntegrate withLabTech, LabTech,AppApp- and Created Created toto integrate integrate with with LabTech, LabTech, App-Care App-Care ssary downloads updates for devices essary updates for devices downloads necessary necessary updates updates for for devices devices and and close stotocomputers computers to closeto can patches canpush pushto patches tocomputers computerstotoclose closesecurity security party Take partyapplications. applications. Take gaps party gaps inin third third party applications. applications. Take Take control control toto automate the e process and automate the process process and and schedule schedule patch patch he process andschedule schedule installation totooccur installation occuron onyour yourterms. terms. cur on your ccur on yourterms. terms.
PRICE PRICE LIST LIST HERITAGE VIRTUAL IT PARTNER - TOOLS Labtech - monitoring, alerting, reporting, patching, remediation includes Assurance updates Secuity Bundle Appcare, Hitman, Malware Bytes, Ccleaner
Monthly Costs $7.00
3rd party patching, secondary virus, malware protection, disc cleaner Virus Web Root Anti Virus Backup efolder local backup Backup efolder off-site remote (per GB) Hosted Exchange with SPAM Securence After Hours Live Help Desk Office 365 - Essentials
$3.00 $25.00
$12.95 $19.00 $5.00
Sonicwall Analyzer Content Filter reporting
Syslog Monitoring
PC station (for Analyzer and SysLog - 1 dedicated PC for each app)