May 2018

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Press Release






From the Editor’s Desk Complications in GST After collections from the goods and services tax peaking at over 1 lakh crore in April, industry hoped the GST Council would make life simpler for an increasingly compliant tax-payer base. Indeed, at its meeting last week the Council decided to introduce a new compliance system under which a single monthly GST return will have to be submitted by firms, barring a few Ashish Kumar exceptions. However, this will only be done in a phased manner — with the first of three transition stages to begin six months from now. Discussions over simplifying GST returns have been under way for months and Renu Rahtan considered by the Council, a committee of officers and a Group of Ministers. Nandan Nilekani, chairman of Infosys Technologies, the firm in charge of the GST Network's IT system, has been consulted. Yet, the solution offered has gaps. For instance, in the second stage of the transition to simpler returns, buyers will get provisional input credit even if the seller doesn't upload the invoices. While this could lead to disputes, in the third stage input credits will only be granted after sellers upload invoices. If a seller defaults G.K.Rathinam on depositing GST dues collected from a buyer and remains evasive, the Hatchery Specialist & Technical Consultant Palani, Tamilnadu authorities can reverse the credit availed by the buyer for such outstanding D. Mondal taxes. Eastern Regional Station, Indian Veterinary In any case, the timelines for the transition are long and bring fresh Research Institute, Kolkata uncertainty for businesses still recovering from the initial jitters and Dirisala Venkata Sivaji Post Graduate Scholar confusion around the tax regime. Firms will again have to cope with Teaching Assistant, Department of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Extension, Pondicherry significant changes in accounting software in the middle of the financial Tamizhkumaran. J year. The Council, credited with swift and significant course correction in Teaching Assistant, GST processes in its initial months, could have done more. The most Teaching Assistant, Department of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Extension, Pondicherry troubling is the Centre's push for the imposition of a cess on sugar over and Dr. C. Seenivasan, Ph.D above the 5% GST levied on it. A cess at the rate of 3 a kg is proposed to Technical, Vetline, Indore, India alleviate 'deep distress' among sugarcane farmers. Not surprisingly, this Dr. Sarada Prasanna Sahoo Livestock Officer, DADF, Govt of India faces opposition from several States. It has been rightly argued that this will burden consumers while favouring larger sugarcane-growing States like U.P. and Maharashtra. In addition, a special sugar cess will signal a looming breakdown of the basic tenet of GST: the abolition of such cesses and surcharges, barring the compensation cess for funding States' revenue losses for five years. Along with a proposal to reward digital GST payments, this has been referred to new ministerial groups, which are to revert in a fortnight. Lastly, the decision to make the GSTN a 100% government-owned firm, instead of the present structure with 51% private ownership, explains neither how this will address data security concerns nor the impact on the Network's functional efficiency, which was the original stated intent for giving private players an upper hand in operations.



Hatching egg storage and transport Dr. SaradaPrasanna Sahoo1, Dr. Narender Kumar2 and Dr. Subas Chandra Jena3 1. Livestock Officer, DADF, Govt of India, 2. Asst. Prof. CSK HPKV, Palampur,


3. Vety. Asst. Surgeon, Govt of Odisha

Optimum hatchability and chick quality can only be achieved when the egg is held under ideal conditions between laying and setting in the incubator. The fertile egg contains many living cells. Once the egg is laid, its hatching potential can be only maintained, but not improved. On farm egg storage and transport to the hatchery sometimes presents challenges which must be addressed, or the hatching potential will quickly deteriorate. Eggs should be collected from the farms and transported to the hatchery at least twice a week. There are three storage areas: farm egg room, transport, and hatchery egg room. It is important to stage the conditions in each of these situations as closely as possible to avoid sharp changes in temperature and humidity. Eggs should be gradually cooled from the point of lay to the hatchery egg room, which should be the coolest point for the egg. From that point, the eggs should be pre warmed to incubation temperature before setting in the incubator. These temperature changes should happen in a steady pattern decreasing from lay to the coolest point, then in a steady


Hen's Body

104 ‐ 106 F

40 ‐ 41 C

Hen House

75 ‐ 85 F

24 ‐ 29 C

On Farm Egg Storage

70 ‐ 77 F

21 ‐ 25 C

Egg Transportation Truck

68 ‐ 73 F

20 ‐ 23 C

Hatchery Egg Room

66 ‐ 70 F

19 ‐ 21 C

Pre‐heating Area

75 ‐ 80 F

24 ‐ 27 C

Setter Machines

99.5 ‐ 100 F

37.5 ‐ 37.8 C

to 1.5% hatchability per added day

pattern upward from the egg storage to setting in the incubator. Temperature fluctuations during egg storage time will cause a higher early embryonic mortality and poorer quality chicks. Condensation will form when cold eggs are taken into a warmer environment. This is most often overlooked when eggs are being transported from the farm to the hatchery and can be prevented by using temperature controlled egg transport vehicles A relationship exists between the length of time eggs are stored and the optimum temperature and humidity needed for the best hatchability. Generally, the longer eggs are to be stored, the lower the storage temperature. · Storage prolongs incubation time. On average, one day's storage adds one hour to incubation time. · Hatchability is depressed by prolonged storage. After six days of

maximize overall hatch and chick

storage, one can expect to lose 0.5



of storage. ·

Percent increasing as storage

extends further. Chick quality will be affected and broiler weights can be depressed in chicks hatched from eggs that have been stored for 14 days or more. Storage and transport conditions must be designed to minimize these losses. Temperature and humidity levels must be closely controlled at all stages to avoid variations. This is most challenging during egg transport, particularly at times when eggs are transported in weather extremes. Special storage considerations need to be implemented when eggs are stored more than 6 days prior to setting. All of these details will help

Role of Niacin in Poultry Nutrition Sandeep Kumar Chaudhary* and Akansha Singh ICAR-Indian Veterinary Research Institute, Izatnagar, Bareilly, U.P

1. L o w d i e t a r y l e v e l o f tryptophan,

well as esophagus become distinctly inflamed.

2. Niacin may be present in

5. Niacin deficiency in the hen

bound form in feeds that may not be

results in weight loss, reduced egg

available to the birds (rarely

production as well as a marked

happens with commercial poultry diets) 3. Presence of anti-nicotinic acid compounds such as pyridine3-sulfonic acid, 3-acetylpyridine, 6-aminonicotinamide and isonicotinic acid hydrazine etc. leads to deficiency. Deficiency symptoms Deficiency symptoms are particularly likely in poultry if diets with a high maize content are used, since maize is deficient in niacinand also in tryptophan. 1. Severe metabolic disorders of the skin and digestive organs.

decrease in hatchability. 6. Turkeys, ducks, pheasants and goslings are much more severely affected with a niacin deficiency than are chickens.Their apparently higher requirements are likely related to their less efficient conversion of tryptophan to niacin. Ducks and turkeys with a niacin deficiency show a severe bowing of the legs and an enlargement of the hock joint. Prevention and control of niacin deficiency Niacin deficiency in chickens

2. First sign is usually loss of

may be prevented by dietary

appetite, retarded growth, general

inclusion of niacin at ≥30 mg/kg;

weakness and diarrhea.

however, many nutritionists

3. Deficiency of Niacin in

recommend 2–2.5 times as much.

chicks leads to enlargement of

An allowance of 55–70 mg/kg of

tibio-tarsal joint, a bowing of the

feed appears to be satisfactory for

legs, poor feathering and dermatitis

ducks, geese, and turkeys. Ample

on the head and feet.

niacin should be provided in

4. Its deficiency in chicks also results in black tongue. In this condition, at around two weeks of age, the tongue, mouth cavity as


poultry diets so as to spare the utilization of tryptophan. Dietary requirement of niacin in broilers and layers (BIS, 2007)



Introduction Nicotinic acid is mainly found in plants, whereas, nicotinamide (physiologically active form) is a metabolic form of niacin found in animals. Niacin(Vitamin B3)can be synthesized from amino acid tryptophanin-vivo (except cat and mink). This shows that diet adequate in tryptophan amino acid can suffice the need of niacin. Metabolism of niacin Nicotinic acid and nicotinamide are the derivatives of pyridine. Nicotinamide is an integral part of two important coenzymes: nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD) and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADP); which are involved in hydrogen ion transferin living cells. NAD is involved in the oxidative phosphorylation system, TCA cycle and the metabolism of pyruvate, acetate, β-hydroxybutyrate, glycerol, fatty acids and glutamateetc.NADPH acts as a hydrogen acceptor in the pentose phosphate pathway. Requirements of niacin As niacin can be synthesized in-vivo from tryptophan amino acids in birds, dietary incorporation will be needed only in the following conditions:

Broilers Pre-


Starter Finisher Chick Grower

starter Nicotinic acid,













mg/kg (min.)

Broiler & Layer Breeders Chick Grower Layer Male Nicotinic acid, mg/kg (min.) 40.0




Dietary requirement of niacin in ducks and turkey (ICAR, 2013)

Ducks Starter Grower Rearer Layer Niacin, mg/kg 60.0




Turkey 0-6 week 6-12 week 12-18 week 18week pre-laying Breeder Niacin, mg/kg 60.0





Leg disorder in broiler fed niacin-deďŹ cient diet (left) compared to normal leg in broiler fed niacin supplemented diet (right).

Bowing of legs in ducks fed niacin-deficient diet



Vitamin C an ANTISTRSS in Poultry Compiled By Dr. Sanjay Gapat and Dr. Rupesh Rane, PMT Alivira Animal Health LimitedThane (W), Mumbai Anti-Oxidant and as Photo protectant

temperature make poultry, especially meat-type,

Vitamin C plays major roles in cellular

fast-growing chickens, more susceptible to heat

antioxidant defences. Acts as an anti-oxidant not

s t re s s . D u r i n g ex p o s u re t o h i g h a m b i e n t

through reaction with all oxygen species but by

temperature, poultry face difficulties in maintaining

formation of dehydroascorbyl (particular inert

body temperature. Under stress conditions, avian

radical), and also by transferring radical equivalents

blood undergoes a change from acid base balance to

from lipid phases too.

alkaline balance. There is a drop in the plasma, decreased level of vitamin C in the adrenal cortex, reduction in lymphocytes and depression of immune response.This article provides information on the different roles of vitamin C in maintaining and combating stress factors in poultry.

Antioxidant activity of vitamin C protects against UV-induced damage caused by free radicals. Pro-oxidant and Improves Resistance to Infections Vitamin c as a prooxidant is unlikely to convert metals to create reactive oxygen species (ROS)in

Combats the Effects of Heat-Stress and Disease Stress Factors

vivo. Reduction of Fe3+ into Fe2+ improves iron assimilation by intestine and thereby improves

Vitamin C plays an important role in the biosynthesis of corticosterone which is a hormone that enhances energy supply during stress. Improves

resistance to infections. Facilitates Wound Healing and Involves in Maintenance

performance associated with the suppressed stress

Vitamin C facilitate wound healing by promoting

responses indicated by lowering of the plasma

keratinocyte differentiation, stimulating the

corticosterone level and adrenocorticotropic

formation of the epidermal barrier, and re-

hormone. Birdsadministered with vitamin Cshows

establishing the stratum corneum. It helps in the

more resistance to a combined Mycoplasma

maintenance of collagen which is a structural protein

gallissepticum and Newcastle disease virus infection,

for cartilage, bones, muscles, and blood vessels. It

and to primary as well as secondary E. coli

plays roles in shell's organic matrix formation


thereby improves eggshell quality.

Alleviates Nutritional Stress

Boosts 'Immune System'

Heat-stress reduces the micronutrient intake by way of reducing feed intake, these micronutrients include vitamins A, C and E, which play important roles in the performance and immune functions of poultry. Vitamin C application through water improves uptake of micronutrients which results in better performance.

A high concentration of vitamin C are found in immune cells and is consumed readily during infections. Vitamin C modulate the activities of phagocytes, the production of lymphocytes and cytokines, and the number of cell adhesion molecules in monocytes.




The lack of sweat glands and relatively high body

Usage of Vitamin C as 'Antihistamine' Vitamin C is a natural antihistamine. It improves


the detoxification of histamine and prevents its release. Plays Important Role in Sperm Production Vitamin C favours male reproduction by improving semen volume, motile sperm per ejaculate and total sperm per ejaculate. Many t r i a l s re v e a l i m p r o v e m e n t i n re p r o d u c t i v e performance in spite of environmental temperature fluctuations. Relationship of Vitamin C to Other Vitamins It is involved in the regeneration of vitamin E, and these two vitamins appear to work together in their antioxidant effect. Vitamin C reduces the toxic effects, due to excessive intake of vitamin A. Vitamin C serves as a cofactor for the bioconversion of vitamin D3 to its active form 1, 25- (OH) 2D3. Betamint®: An Ideal Antistress Formula Betamint®a product from Alivira Animal Health Limited is the best way to deal the stress. Betamint® st is 1 of its kind with liquid betaine fortified with

Vi t a m i n C , E l e c t r o l y t e s & M e n t h o l . I t i s mentholatedsolution, it enhances thirstiness of the birds and thereby it corrects dehydration by improving water consumption.Manufactured as per European manufacturing norms & thereby it assures quality.It is an ideal nutritional approach to correct or prevent Heat stress.Betamint® acts as an osmolyte and helps to retain water while electrolytes help to restore the hydro-electrolytic balance of the cell. The goal of osmotic regulation is to keep the cell volume as constant as possible. Betamint®assists Na+-K+ ATP as pumps of the cell membrane, which leads to sparing observable amounts of energy. Rehydrates birds and reduces wet droppings.Betamint® a rich source of Vitamin C helps to reduces stress, boosts immune system, favours male reproduction by improving semen volume.Betamint® is recommended to use as a preventive measure during stress syndrome,summer stress, period like transportation to slaughter house, post vaccination period, after arrival of chicks from hatchery (in first two days of life).

Eat Less and Better Meat and Dairy, Say Campaigners A powerful alliance of 52 organisations have set out their stall for how to eat meat and dairy more sustainably. Eating Better and its partners including Friends of the Earth, Sustain, WWF and Compassion in World Farming today release a report which sets out how a 'less and better' approach to meat and dairy is better for people, animals and the environment.

There is practical advice to help policy makers, food companies and the public put this approach into practice. It also details eight principles explaining how meat and dairy consumption impacts upon the climate, animal welfare, nature, health, worldwide access to food, effectiveness of antibiotics, resource use and waste and the livelihoods of farmers.

The report, Principles for Eating Meat and Dairy More Sustainably: the 'less and better' approach is well-timed, as the UK Government is currently consulting on a post-Brexit food and farming strategy. Eating Better is calling on DEFRA to integrate a less and better approach to meat and dairy into its plans, and to do more to encourage and reward farmers adopting more sustainable and higher welfare animal farming methods.

Eating Better's Executive Director, Sue Dibb, said: “Industrial livestock production is having a devastating impact on our health, animal welfare and the health of the planet. As people are becoming more conscious about what they eat, a less and better approach to meat and dairy provides a positive way forward.

The report sets out Eating Better's 'less and better' approach including a guide to assurance and labelling schemes to help people choose better meat and dairy.


"But we urgently need the Government to play its part. Brexit provides a timely opportunity to put our livestock production and consumption onto a more sustainable footing and to support and encourage farming practices that benefit animal welfare, the environment and our health."


Vitamin C an ANTISTRSS in Poultry

Press Release

Rossari Animal Health participated in following domestic & international trade exposed happened @ Q1 2018 th th  India Poultry Expo, Nashik from 27 to 29 Jan 2018 with Stall No. B 41 & B 42 th th  VIV MEA 2018, Abu Dhabi from 5 to 7 February 2018 with Stall No. B 145 th th  Feed Tech Expo 2018, Pune from 8 to 10 February 2018 with Stall No. A 85  Paschim Banga Poultry Mela, Kolkata from th th 15 to 17 February 2018 with Stall No.B 49 B 54  VICTAM Asia 2018, Bangkok, Thailand from th th 27 to 29 March 2018 with Stall N0. A014 Rossari's stall at the mentioned events had been visited by several Indian as well as international eminent customers. The events provided an excellent opportunity to interact with various stakeholders of Poultr y industr y (Poultr y farmers/breeders/integrators/consultants/channel partners) & discuss the Rossari Animal Health product solutions of Poultry Business for different farming situations & requirements. Rossari is determined , to establish its strong foot hold at Animal Health Industry in future with its quality products, customer services & participation in industry gatherings in form of such trade events Brief Company Profile – Rossari Biotech Limited Rossari Biotech Limited is one of the leading manufacturers of specialty Enzymes & Chemicals in India having businesses in the Human Pharmaceuticals, Animal Health and Nutrition, Textiles, Paper and Construction Chemicals. Founded way back in June 1997 with a humble beginning, Rossari is now a leading player in the Textile and Construction Chemicals businesses in

India, rapidly growing at 25% annual CAGR. In last few years we have been felicitated with several prestigious awards



Press Release

1. Bio- Excellence award conferred by the department of IT,BT and S&T – Govt. of Karnataka 2011 2. Won the Entrepreneur of the year 2011, award for manufacturing category initiated by Franchis India & UTV Bloomberg 3. Frost and Sullivan Best Practices award for Indian excellence in chemicals, materials, food etc in Industrial enzymes-2011 4. Nominated by ET Now for 'The Leaders of Tomorrow' award -2010 5. Corp Excel Award – that was given by Honourable Finance Minister Mr Pranab Mukherjee – 2009 For Rossari Animal Health Division, the company expertise has always been the enzymes, probiotics & disinfectants for which, we are the basic manufactures. We have a wide range of satisfied customer base which includes various leading corporate, feed mills, hatcheries, integrators & individual poultr y far mers. All our products are introduced only after stringent quality clearance process from DSIR recognized R & D Lab & the quality of the same has always



Press Release

been demonstrated by our satisfied customer experiences Rossari Animal Health team participated at mentioned events Mr.Chari, Dr.Anish, Dr.Vishal, Dr.Sumanta, Dr.Aashaq, Mr.Sinha, Mr.Bagora, Mr.Mohite, Mr.Kumar and several other sales colleagues



Press Release



Press Release





Egg Rate April 2018

Zydus AH updates on Total Mycoplasma Control Program, Trace Mineral Nutrition & Gut Health Management

Press Release

“ MS is outrunning MG as primary etiological agent for production drop especially in layers.” -Dr Susim Mukul RayPanchkula&Jabalpur, India (March 11 & April 13, 2018) –The complexity of diseases in poultry has increased in last decade. The opportunistic pathogens like Mycoplasma gallisepticum&Mycoplasma synoviae has evolved over the years and have been found to be the primary etiological agent for production drop especially in layers. Zydus AH has conducted robust epidemiological survey during 2017-18 through serosurveillance and is able to generate titer baseline values correlating with production drop/production%. In Jabalpur, the concept was unveiled by Dr Susim Mukul Ray, Group Product Manager along with local technical & sales representatives. Furthermore, Dr Ray has discussed on concept of trace mineral nutrition and way to reduce its excretion in poultry manure. The event

MS is outrunning MG as primary etiological agent for production drop especially in layers. -Dr Susim Mukul Ray

has seen the gracious presence of Hon'ble Prof. (Dr) J L Vegad, CEO & Technical Director, Technical, Sales & Marketing Team, Phoenix Group, nutritionist, integrators, breeder & layer farmers. Increasing thrust for restrictions on MFAs in developed countries have instigated hunt for newer alternatives & approaches in poultry. Zydus AH takes a leap ahead through the launch of ImprovalTM BFS - The Novel Solution for Total Gut Integrity.“The strategic combination of aerobes and anaerobes leverages proliferation throughout the gut and is key to total gut integrity.”



Press Release

The strategic combination of aerobes and anaerobes leverages proliferation throughout the gut and is key to total gut integrity. -Dr Susim Mukul Ray

-Dr Susim Mukul RayIn Panchkula, the product was launched by Dr Susim Mukul Ray, Group Product Manager along with local Zydus AH Te c h n i c a l & S a l e s

Representatives. The events were attended by leading poultry consultants, nutritionist, broiler integrators, breeder & layer farmers and feed millers. “We are thrilled to unveil ImprovalTM BFS, the novel solution for total gut integrity by exploiting the


invivo probiotic biology in chicken gut”, says Group Product Manager, Dr Susim Mukul Ray. “The poultry gut microbiome is poorly explained. We have taken the privilege of understanding the gut microbiome and harnessing the knowledge to an


Press Release

innovative solution leveraging total gut integrity.”“The strategic combination of aerobes and anaerobes leverages proliferation throughout the gut and is key to total gut integrity.” -Dr Susim Mukul RayFor the first time ever, the concept of invivo probiotic biology in chicken gut has been illustrated and exploited for strengthening gut health. The attendees have largely appreciated the concept and were seen interacting during post launch Q & A session. The launch event was ended by vote of thanks to attendees and closing remark of Mr Kranti Kumar Bhalla, Divisional Sales

Manager -“On behalf of Zydus AH, it is indeed my pleasure to have your gracious presence and we thank you for joining us this evening. We express deepest sense of gratitude to all the attendees for making the event engaging and successful.”



Press Release



Choosak Namwong, vice

largest Cobb Asia events With booming export business to

president of Charoen Pokphand,

from its plant at Samutprakarn. British farmers should be the

commented: “Cobb is the breed

supplier of choice to the UK

the EU and Japan, Thailand's

of choice in the Asia-Pacific

poultry industry is growing

region and there is a good reason

market, says NFU The NFU has released its

rapidly, producing nearly two

for it. With the unparalleled

vision for a sustainable,

million tons of poultry meat in

support on technical service,

profitable and progressive

2017, according to a report from

Cobb is in the driving seat of our

future for farm businesses in

GIRA Meat Club. Charoen

industry.” The seminar covered a wide

response to Defra's consultation on a domestic

Pokphand and GFPT are both playing a significant role in this. “We are happy to be back in

range of topics including breeder

agriculture policy which

and broiler nutrition, female

Thailand to enjoy the hospitality

rearing and production

closes today The response makes the case for

of our customers,” said

management, MV male

a policy that allows British people

Mohammad Ismail, senior sales

management, hatchery

to enjoy more British food

director of Cobb Asia Pacific.

techniques and brooding

whatever their income. The NFU

“With the launch of MV male, we

has said the foundation of this

are seeing great broiler results in

principles. Charoen Pokphand Group is

policy is a partnership between

the field, which keeps our

Thailand's largest chicken

farmers and Government - a

customers ordering more

p r o c e s s o r, o p e r a t i n g f r o m

partnership where farmers are

chickens from Cobb. “C u s t o m e r s a r e r e p o r t i n g

grandparents down to meat

empowered to design and deliver

processing. With its ambition to

excellent feed conversion and

provide safe and high quality

change. The NFU has laid emphasis on

improved meat yield with the

protein foods for consumers

the three cornerstones it believes

Cobb MV male, which is proving

worldwide to support the rapidly

should not only be central to the

very adaptable to different weight

growing population and adapt to

future of farm policy but any

requirements, nutritional

changing trends, the company

transition period also. Those

programs and environments.” May Sirimongkolkasem, GFPT

places great importance on every

cornerstones, as published in its vision repor t last year, are

vice president, said: “Cobb has

step of its operations. GFPT produces and distributes

been a great partner for our

frozen chicken meat, processed

company as the product from

chicken and by-products under

environment. NFU President Minette Batters,

C o b b p e r f o r m s w e l l . We

customers' and its own brand

pictured above, said: “We are

appreciate the fact that Cobb

labels for domestic and overseas

now on the cusp of a pivotal

operates with transparency and

markets. In 2015 GFPT had a

moment, as we leave the

they always support us. This

chicken processing capacity of

Common Agricultural Policy and

seminar is a great source of

122,000 tons per year and

once again take sovereign control

information on chicken

cooked chicken products

production for our customers.”

capacity of 32,000 tons per year

of our agricultural affairs. “I am clear on what success will


productivity, volatility and



Bangkok seminar one of

look like. I want British farmers

progressive farm businesses.” AB Agri named one of the

shared values. “Our commitment to upholding these values, and encouraging

the UK market, and I want British

UK's Best Workplaces AB Agri Limited has been

our colleagues' passion for our

people to be able to enjoy more

recognised as one of the UK's

industry, creates the foundation

sustainable, quality, affordable

Best Workplaces in the latest

British food at a range of different

Great Place to Work survey It came 34th in the large category

for our Best Workplaces culture. “We are very proud to have

and growers to remain the


number one supplier of choice to

achieved a Best Workplaces

prices that suit all incomes. “A future farm policy could uplift

(500-plus employees) in the

British far ming's ability to

annual Best Workplaces ranking

produce food for the nation, giving us greater security in the

announced last night. This recognises AB Agri as having

award is a testament to them and

supply of safe, traceable and

a "high trust, high engagement

their ongoing commitment to

quality British food that the public

ensure AB Agri is a great place to

trust. The policy could further

workplace culture". The prestigious Best Workplaces

enhance our reputation for high-

awards, organised by workplace

work. “I'd like to take this opportunity to

welfare British food, which

culture consultancy Great Place

thank all our colleagues for their

delivers for the environment,

to Work UK, enable organisations

commitment to the company and

across the world. “Caring for our iconic

to celebrate their achievements,

to our customers.” Engage with far mers to

build their employer branding

ranking for the first year. “Our people are responsible for creating our culture and this

investment and growth in rural

and inspire others to take action. T h e a w a r d re c o g n i s e s t h e

areas is part of the unique and

strength of leadership and the

Defra Secretary of State At a joint NFU and Defra

irreplaceable role that British

range of innovative, creative and

consultation event on the

farming plays in society. It's the

effective people focused practices

government's 'Health and

bedrock of the UK's largest

that create a successful workplace

Har mony' command paper

manufacturing sector, food and

yesterday (30 April 2018), Mrs

drink, which provides 3.8 million

culture. José Nobre, AB Agri chief

Batters said that farmers must be

jobs and contributes £112 billion

executive, said: “AB Agri is

engaged and empowered to

to the nation's economy. “We're making the case for a

unique, our businesses operate

deliver the reforms that are

across the entire food supply

coming to ensure farming can

policy that respects the vital work

chain - from farm to fork. Our

of farmers as food producers, but

people are 100 percent

continue to benefit the country. The NFU has been urging its

also in delivering goods for wider

committed to influencing and

members to complete the

society, and for this to be

improving food production, so

Government's consultation and

rewarded fairly. Without this, we

that what we eat, and what we

has undertaken a nationwide

cannot expect to enjoy the

feed our families, is produced

series of meetings to gather their

benefits that come from

safely and sustainably. Our

thoughts, ahead of its own

sustainable, profitable and

culture is built around these core

consultation submission.

countryside and suppor ting



deliver change, NFU tells

increasingly on food produced

comprehensive and sustainable

“Food production is at the heart

elsewhere in the world where we

agreement with the UK is needed.

of everything we do. While there

have little control over how it was

Duty-free trading must be a top

are a whole host of endeavours we turn our hand to - energy

produced. “During the last few months I've

priority.” President of the National Farmers

provision, rural tourism, business

been heartened to see a growing

Union of England and Wales,

services, environmental

enthusiasm for change - but there

Minette Batters, added: “UK farm

management - if we're not

remains understandable

businesses are the foundation of a

p r o d u c i n g f o o d w e ' re n o t

apprehension about the speed

thriving food chain that supports

farmers. “And as food producers, we

and scope of reform. “And this leads me to a critical

vital jobs and contributes massively to the UK economy.

deliver so much for the country

point. Farmers must be engaged

This is mirrored across the EU.

that sometimes goes

and empowered to deliver the

Inside or outside of the EU we

unrecognised - the management

refor ms that are coming.

need an environment that allows

of our treasured landscapes as

Otherwise there is a real risk that

us to be as efficient, innovative

occupiers of over 70 percent of

any future changes could be to

the UK landmass; growth, rural businesses as well as in our

the benefit of no-one.” As reported by the NFU We have a shared farming

and competitive as possible.” Chair man of AHDB, Peter of our food exports go to the EU

hugely successful food industry;

future after Brexit, say

and 70% of our food imports

and a secure and reliable supply

come from the EU. It is essential

of food, delivering affordable,

British and European farmers With less than a year until the UK

that we maintain a close

trusted and safe produce to all the

leaves the European Union,

relationship with our partners.

British public regardless of where

farming chiefs from Germany,

This is why I'm so pleased to be

they live or what their income is. “Not only is it important that this

Denmark, the Netherlands and

involved with this joint event with

the UK reiterated the need for

five EU agriculture

is recognised, but also that we

certainty for farm businesses at a

ensure, in an uncertain future, we

high-level seminar Brexit: Our

organisations.” Marc Calon, President of Dutch

don't take any steps that

Shared Farming Future. Leaders

farming union, LTO Nederland

undermine those high British

demanded that all politicians

agreed and said: “The UK has

food and farming standards -

prioritise the business of food

always been one of our most

standards we know the British

production during the Brexit

reliable trade partners and I hope

people value as much as we do. “We must also take a close look at

negotiations. President of German farmers'

we can continue this relationship

the standards of the food we

association (DBV), Joachim

important to make workable

import. It would be short sighted

Rukwied, emphasised that "The

agreements on product standards

to pursue a policy that reduces

link between the UK and the

and strive for frictionless trade.

British food production and

common market must remain as

This is especially vital for

means this countr y relies

close as possible. A solid,

perishable products like flowers

investment and employment in


Kendall, said: “Nearly two thirds

after Brexit. It is fundamentally



At the event, Mrs Batters said:


and fruits and vegetables.” Concluding the event, President

applicable laws, rules, and

improving quality and safety

regulations of Thailand and the

food, starting from the animal

of the Danish Agriculture and

countries where CPF has

welfare at the farm. We believe

Food Council Martin Merrild said:

that the healthier the animals are,

"What we are asking for is a future

operation. In addition, the company will also

the lesser chance of drugs and

relationship that maintains a level

focus, not only on customers'

substance use. This principle

playing field between the UK and

requirements, but also on the

helps us to make sure of the safe

EU. This means protecting the

international standards of animal

and nutritional foods will be

standards - the product standards

delivered to us and our love

as well as the production

welfare. “This policy will be adopted by all

standards – on both sides of a

of CPF's businesses around the

ones.” Mr Sukhawat added. It also announced plans to move

future border. If this is achieved

world in the pursuit of excellent

toward cage-free table egg

we are able to continue to provide

animal welfare management. We

farming to provide more freedom

h i g h q u a l i t y, s u s t a i n a b l y

also hope that our success and

for layers to express their animal

produced food at competitive

experiences will be passed on to

prices to the consumers." CPF announces global policy

our partners in the other livestock

behaviors. It is important to note that the

and aquaculture businesses,” Mr

company's poultry business in

on animal welfare CPF has been implementing its

Sooksunt noted. The Company is working closely

Thailand has implemented an international standard of animal

welfare practices in accordance to

with its business partners to

welfare since 2000. The company

the Five Freedoms of Animal

ensure that all animals receive

will also apply the same standard

Welfare to ensure that farm

appropriate and humane

to all broiler and meat-type duck

animals will be free from hunger

treatment. Furthermore, it aims to

farms of overseas operations

and thirst, discomfort, pain,

cooperate with business partners,

which will be supervised by

injury and disease, fear and

gover nment agencies, civil

certified Poultry Welfare Officers

distress, and be able to express

society organisations, institute of

n a t u r a l b e h a v i o u r. T h i s i s

researches, including all

by 2020. CPF is the first Thai company to

because the healthy animal is the

stakeholders, to raise awareness

be accredited with Germany's QS

foundation of healthy foods. Mr Sooksunt Jiumjaiswanglerg,

of the principle of animal welfare. Mr Sukhawat Dansermsuk, Chief

Standard for the chicken production process. The standard

Chief Executive Officer (CEO) -

Executive Officer (CEO) - Food

signifies quality and safety in the

Agro Industrial Business and Co-

Business and Co-President, said


President, said as the leading agro

the policy reflects the company's

production line, acknowledged

industrial and food

commitment to produce safe and

by German as well as other EU

conglomerates, CPF adheres to

quality foods. It will convince

consumers. It also reflects strict

Responsible Farming and Food

consumer in quality and safety of

compliance with transparency in

Production. The company's farms and

every part in CPF's food supply

a production process, traceability

chain. “The company strives for

and animal heablth and welfare

operation will comply with



by the company.

“The Guidelines provide a

report also shows how economies

developed its animal welfare

detailed look at implementing

of certain states will be hit hardest

practice continuously. Related

legislation across a range of

as a result. This new report is a

animal welfare activities are

scenarios. The contribution that

part of the ongoing effort by

reviewed by internal and external

foodstuffs no longer fit for human

Far mers for Free Trade to

auditors to ensure that all animals

consumption can make to animal

illustrate the negative impacts

have been treated [in accordance

feed, and ultimately the human

tariffs on American agriculture

with] this policy,” said CPF's Mr

food supply chain, is recognised. “UKFFPA members provide a

and amplify the voices of the

Somkuan Choowatanapakorn. The committee of animal welfare

valuable service and contribute to

has been assigned to set forth the

the Circular Economy in food

them. “The tariffs described in this

policies, goals, and to support,

within in the UK which is largely

report are a tax on American

assess and repor t to the

unrecognised. These Guidelines

farmers. They increase the cost of

company's executive committee.

provide a platform for increased

exporting, depress the prices of

The top management in each

harmonisation of the industry

farm futures, and end up hurting

business line will control and

across Europe and establish the

the bottom lines of farmers in

propel the administration in

valuable contribution made by

states across the country,” said

accordance with the policy and

the industry.” The Guidelines' objectives

Senators Richard Lugar and Max Baucus, co-chairs or Farmers for

include explaining and clarifying

Free Trade. “They also incentivise

the guidance of the company. EU guidelines give a boost to

many farmers who will be hurt by

former foodstuffs industry The Association, which

applicable legislation. They also

trading partners like China to

present 'best practices' that

look to other markets for their

represents companies processing

comply with the current EU

imports. That means trading

650,000 tonnes of former

regulatory framework without

relationships that took decades to

foodstuffs annually, believes that

unnecessar y administrative

develop can evaporate

the Guidelines

overnight. And as many farmers

industry in several ways. Paul Featherstone, who chairs

burden. Fa r m e r s f o r Fr e e Tr a d e

and trade experts know, once you

releases new report on the

lose an export market it doesn't

both the UKFFPA and the

effects of China-US tarrif

come back immediately, in fact, it

European Former Foodstuffs

often takes many years for trading

Association (EFFPA), which

wars on American farmers Fa r m e r s f o r Fre e Tr a d e , a

represents processors across

bipartisan campaign to rebuild

relationships to recover.” Some of the top states impacted

Europe, said: “This is a key

support for trade at the grassroots

include California, Iowa,

milestone, providing both

level, today released a new report

Washington, Missouri, and North

recognition for the industry and

highlighting the significant impact

Carolina. Retaliatory tariffs from

clarification. As the latest step in

Chinese retaliation from steel and

the Section 232 trade action on

developing the Circular Economy

aluminum tariffs will have on US

steel and aluminum are 15

Action Plan in Europe, it endorses

wine, almond, walnut, pork,

percent on all products excluding

the value of our sector within the

c h e r r y, a n d m a n y o t h e r

pork, which faces a 25 percent

food supply chain.

commodity producers. The


will help the




“CPF has launched and


Boehringer Ingelheim to invest €65 million in avian vaccines Boehringer Ingelheim has confirmed its commitment to the poultry business by announcing that it is about to invest €65 million into a high-tech building for the production of avian vaccines. The German group has laid the first stone of a 5,700 sq m building at its Lyon Porte-desAlpes (LPA) site. Known as F2IVE (Formulation and Filling of Inactivated Vaccines Extension), this major project will comprise a three-storey building - including 1,000 sq m of clean room space – mainly for formulating and distributing avian vaccines. “A s p o u l t r y c o n s u m p t i o n continues to rise around the world, there is an increasing demand for avian vaccines. This meant that our LPA production site in Saint-Priest was going to reach a saturation point by 2020. We had to do some forward planning and find additional production capacity”, explains Erick Lelouche, President of Boehringer Ingelheim Animal Health France. The new building, which has an environmentally friendly design, will house two formulation lines, a multi-format bottle distribution line and a bag distribution area. Earthworks for the new high-tech building began in March 2018 with the first batches expected in


spring 2020 for a range of avian vaccines destined for the world market, with the exception of the US. Fifteen months after the acquisition of Merial (a Sanofi company) in January 2017, this new investment will lead to the creation of 42 new jobs, primarily consisting of qualified operations staff (flow and maintenance managers, production technicians). “This investment reaffirms our commitment to the poultry industry worldwide. We believe the poultry sector has a great potential and future, and we are prepared to invest so that our business can grow with it, ultimately becoming the world leader in poultry vaccines”, shares Jerome Baudon, Head of Strategic Business Unit Avian, Animal Health. This new investment will eventually result in a threefold increase in the site's inactivated vaccine production capacity. Asian food industry leaders put animal welfare on their agenda Humane Society International (HSI) recently hosted Indonesia's first corporate animal welfare roundtable, bringing together leading food service, restaurant and hospitality companies to discuss the global movement towards higher animal welfare supply chains, specifically with respect to cage-free eggs Public concern for egg-laying hen


welfare has increased tremendously in recent years, and in response, food industry leaders in Asia and around the globe have committed to sourcing exclusively cage-free eggs. The roundtable, which took place on 5 April 2018 at Le Méridien Jakarta hotel, included among its speakers the head of the Southern Branch of the Vietnamese Depar tment of Livestock Production, Do Huu Phuong, who presented on the Vietnam livestock production sector's new and growing focus on animal welfare. Sodexo, one of the largest food service companies in the world, spoke on its global cage-free egg commitment and the steps the company is taking to complete this transition by 2025, including in Indonesia and throughout Asia. HSI presented on the scientific basis for cage-free egg production, the global trend towards higher animal welfare products and its partnerships with companies and governments to successfully transition to cagefree egg supply chains and practices. The roundtable was attended by representatives from Asian food and hospitality companies, both those that already have cage-free egg procurement policies, and those interested in adopting the policy, as well as officials from the Indonesian government and representatives from the

Indonesian Veterinary Medical Association.

Roshith Rajan, Sodexo's director of corporate responsibility for Asia Pacific, said, “When Sodexo made a worldwide commitment to source cage-free eggs a couple of years ago, we were the first in our sector to do so, in support of responsible and sustainable business practices. Today, it is heartening to see more than 200 companies from across industries joining the cage-free movement in making commitments and demonstrating where the market is headed. As a company that provides Quality of Life services to millions every day, we aspire to create a better tomorrow for everyone.”

MSD Animal Health continues its partnership with WeForest to promote a healthy planet MSD Animal Health (known as Merck Animal Health in the United States and Canada) today announced, as part of its


commitment to a healthier planet on World Earth Day, its continued partnership with WeForest, an international nonprofit association engaged in largescale sustainable reforestation and reduction in plastic pollution. Through the partnership, MSD Animal Health will plant 20,000 trees this year in areas where they are most needed, including Brazil, India and Zambia. “We are proud to participate in WeForest's mission to restore the planet's natural resources by planting trees,” said Taylor Barbosa, DVM, Ph.D., ACPV, Executive Director, Global Poultry Marketing, MSD Animal Health. “Through this partnership and the use of novel technologies such as our e n v i r o n m e n t a l l y f r i e n d l y, Sphereon ® technology, MSD Animal Health is committed to environmental responsibility, in particular, working towards the offset of carbon emissions. With the help of poultry veterinarians and producers who use our products, we will continue to partner with WeForest in the years to come, planting even more trees.” ®

Sphereon is a novel vaccine formulation technology for the storage and preparation of live ® poultry vaccines. Sphereon technology freeze-dries live vaccines to small, highly soluble particles (spheres) that dissolve quickly and completely in water,



D a w n N e o, H S I c o r p o r a t e outreach manager for farm animals, said, “We're thrilled to host Indonesia's first corporate animal welfare roundtable and bring together forward-thinking companies that are committed to higher animal welfare standards in their supply chains. Humane Society International's mission calls not only for the improved treatment of animals, but for the support of companies as they i m p l e m e n t a n i m a l w e l f a re policies, and for greater collaboration among various stakeholders. We want to help ensure that companies have all of the tools and resources they need to make a cage-free future for laying hens a reality.”

In Asia and around the world, egg-laying hens spend their entire lives confined in wire battery cages, so small that they cannot even fully spread their wings. Science confirms what common sense tells us: the lack of space and restriction of movement is detrimental to the physical health of these animals and causes enormous frustration and suffering. Fortunately, the world is moving towards higher welfare cage-free production systems. The use of conventional battery cages for laying hens is banned or being phased out under laws or regulations throughout the EU, in five US states, in New Zealand, Bhutan and in the Australian Capital Territory. Officials in the majority of states in India, the world's third largest egg producer, have declared that the use of battery cages violates the countr y's animal welfare legislation, and the country is debating a national ban. Dozens of food and hospitality industry leaders including in Asia, such as Sodexo, Compass Group, Accor and Hilton, among others, have committed to sourcing exclusively cage-free eggs.

with no residue. Sphereon ® allows for improved preparation and administration of the vaccine, and is packaged in lightweight, 100 percent recyclable aluminium cups.


Are you using rodenticides correctly? Farmers, gamekeepers and pest controllers are being encouraged to undertake knowledge updates to maintain their professional competence in the use of stewardship-label rodenticides In its response to UK Rodenticide Stewardship's 2017 annual report, the Government panel that oversees the regime says continuing professional development (CPD) is particularly important: "Management of environmental risks relies on high levels of knowledge among those who use rodenticides outdoors, in order to limit the potential for secondary poisoning of non-target species and other unintended exposure." Fr o m t h e C a m p a i g n f o r Responsible Rodenticide Use, the body that co-ordinates stewardship implementation, chairman Dr Alan Buckle explains that obtaining a trainingbased certificate of competence or stewardship-approved farm assurance membership is not seen as a lifetime pass. He confir ms that the regime's Training and Certification Work

Group is currently drawing up CPD materials for all rodenticide user groups. O t h e r re q u i re m e n t s i n t h e Government panel's response paper include starting to monitor liver residues of rodenticides in the red kite, as a sentinel of scavenging species, in addition to the barn owl that takes live prey. The paper confirms, "the Rodenticides Stewardship Regime is fit for purpose". It acknowledges new standards adopted by stewardshipapproved farm assurance schemes, the 2018 programme of BASIS store audits, and supply of all requested monitoring data. It also reaffirms that, "Government scrutiny will focus on the extent of any behavioural change among those operating in the sector and the measurable effect this has on residue levels in non-target animals. Government will fully evaluate the regime after five years of operation at the latest." That deadline is in 2020. Sri Lanka's leading poultry company investing in hatchery infrastructure Delmo Chicken and Agro (Pvt) Limited, one of Sri Lanka's leading poultry production and processing company with its range of products marketed throughout the island under the brand name Delmo, has stepped up on a major upgrade in its capacity

company has built one of Petersime's state-of-the ar t hatcheries which has a 500,000 d a y- o l d c h i c k s p e r m o n t h capacity. The building of this hatchery is meant to emphasise the country's leading role in modern production in the South Asian region. Delmo, reports the Daily News, started its broiler production from backyard operations and has grown into one of the country's largest production companies. Brazil responds after EU ban on poultry imports After suspending 20 processing plants in Brazil from exporting meat to the EU, the Associação Brasileira de Proteína appeals to the World Trade Organisation (WTO) Urging Europe to reconsider the ban, Brazilian Minister of Agriculture Blairo Maggi said, "They are taking advantage of taking us out of the market due to sanitary concerns, which are unfounded," reports Global Meat News. According to Food Navigator, the vote, taken last thursday, was unanimously in favour of the ban on imports from 20 of Brazil's processing companies owing to flaws in the country's control system. It's reported that following the BRF investigation, exports of chicken have seen a decline of 9.7 percent.

The Daily news reports that the



Brooding - Temperature Management G.K.RATHINAM Hatchery Specialist, Technical Consultant, India one part protein. If early feed

temperatures are vital to ensure

consumption is limited, the chick

chick activity. Pre-heating is

will use both fat and protein in the

important and begins at least 24 to

yolk for energy leaving inadequate

48 hours prior to placement, even

protein levels for optimum growth.

As illustrated in the

during summer. This will ensure

Always use bird behavior as an

temperature guide, chicks from

the litter temperature is at least

important guide to gauge comfort

smaller eggs (younger breeder

32°C (90°F), with the air and


flocks) require higher brooding

internal structures adequately heated at placement.

Comfortable chicks breathe through their nostrils and will only

until they are fully feathered at 25 days of age. See the following temperature guide:

temperatures, about 1°C more for the first fourteen days.

Failure to achieve this target

lose 1–2g of moisture in the first 24

If humidity is less than the

will reduce activity and lower feed

hours. A chick that pants can lose as

guide, increase temperature 0.5 to

consumption, so the grower will

much as 5–10 grams of moisture in

1°C (1°F). If humidity is greater

lose the opportunity to quadruple

the first 24 hours. Dry bulb

than above, reduce house

day-old chick weight in the first

temperature, air movement and

temperature by 0.5 to 1°C (1°F) for


relative humidity are linked.

the 1st 14 days.

A newly hatched chick cannot

An increase in relative

Careful consideration of the

control its own body temperature

humidity will reduce moisture loss

five essentials driving early feed

until fully thermo-competent at 14

but can also reduce the chicks' heat

consumption and growth will

days old. Their core temperature

loss capabilities, so correct

ensure the grower captures the

ranges betw een 40 to 41°C

temperature & RH is vital (a lower

maximum potential of the least cost

(104–106°F), increasing to

RH% requires a higher dry bulb

advantage provided by the

41–42°C (106–108°F) by 5 days of

temperature). Furthermore, chicks



are very sensitive to air movement

A core temperature above 41°C (106°F) post hatch will lead to panting and below 39.5°C (103°F)

Age (days)

Relative Humidity %

0 7 14 21 28 35

30-50 40-60 40-60 40-60 50-70 50-70

reduced activity and low feed consumption. Remember to always measure a chick's core temperature when it is completely dry post hatch. A yolk sac contains 1–2 grams of moisture, with two parts fat and



Temp deg C chicks from <30 wk. parents 34 31 27 24 21 19

Temp deg C chicks from >30 wk. parents 33 30 27 24 21 19


Correct litter and ambient







Hormones In Poultry Production And Reproduction


Tamizhkumaran. J1, Arun Bharathi. A 2 1 Contract Faculty, 2 Consultant Veterinarian , 1 Department of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Extension, Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Veterinary Education and Research, Kurumabapet, Pondicherry – 605 009. The Endocrine system consists of


various glands and nodes which

Glucocorticoid, Mineralocorticoid

tuberalis in birds which releases:

secrete hormones. Hormones are


Natural Growth Hormone, Thyroid

chemical messengers which travel in

thyroxine, Thyroxine.

Stimulating Hormone,

the blood to activate specific tissues,


Adrenocorticotrophic Hormone

cells or organs (referred to as target

Parathormone, Calcitonin.

(ACTH), Sex hormones (Luteinising

cells or organ). These target cells have


Hormone (LH) and Follicle

special receptors, into which only

Insulin, Somatostatin.

Stimulating Hormone (FSH)) whereas

certain hormones can fit. Birds have a


neurohypophysis (Posterior pituitary

complement of endocrine organs

Progesterone, Androgen.

gland) consists of pars nervosa which

which includes the Pituitary-


produces arginine vasotocin and stores

hypothalamus complex, gonads,

It is a relatively small structure

oxytocin both of which play a role in

pancreatic islets, adrenal gland,

occupying 3% of the brain volume,

egg yolk release.

thyroid gland, parathyroid glands,

forms the large portion of ventral

Growth Hormone:

ultimobranchial glands (producing

Diencephalon. In the anterior

GH is directly synthesized by

calcitonin) & the endocrine cells of the

hypothalamus, the most prominent

somatotrophs in the caudal lobe of the

gut. In addition to the classical

cell clusters include preoptic nucleus,

anterior pituitary gland in poultry. GH

endocrine glands, hormones are

supra optic nucleus & para ventricular

acts specifically on the growth of

produced by other organs including

nucleus, while those in posterior

immune tissues in birds. The release of

the pineal (melotonin), liver (insulin

hypothalamus include medial

GH from somatotrophs in the chicken

like growth factor I) & kidney (renin,

posterior hypothalamic nucleus &

pituitary is controlled by the

1, 25-dihydroxy vitamin D3,

infundibular nucleus complex.



Hypothalamus produces the releasing

The number of somatotrophs;

Endocrine Glands & Hormones:

hormones which act on pituitary gland

The amount of GH available to be


for releasing of hormones.


I.) Anterior pituitary gland:

Pituitary gland:

Stimulatory control by hypothalamic

a.) Gonadotropins (FSH, LH)

The pituitary gland is intimately

peptides such as GH releasing

b.) Thyrotropin ( TSH)

connected to hypothalamus at the base

hormone (GHRH), thyrotropin

c.) Growth hormone (GH)

of the brain which regulates the

releasing hormone (TRH), ghrelin

d.) Adrenocorticotropic hormone

secretion of pituitary hormones. It

(Hunger hormone).


secretes hormones which are essential

Inhibitory control by the

e.) Prolactin

to normal metabolism or which

hypothalamic and peripheral

II.) Posterior pituitary gland:

coordinate other endocrine glands.

somatostatin, together with negative

a.) Mesotocin or Arginine Vasotocin

Adenohypophysis (Anterior pituitary

feedback by insulin-like growth factor


Pituitary gland:

A d r e n a l

g l a n d :

Thyroid gland: Tri iodo Parathyroid gland: Pancreatic islets: Glucagon, Gonads: Oestrogen,


gland) consists of pars distalis & pars

T3 & T4 in the plasma reduces the

include Epinephrine plays a role in

GH increases the release & synthesis

growth in birds. Hyper- &

controlling blood pressure and

of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1)

Hypothyroidism of genetic or

Norepinephrine involves in fat

and triiodothyronine (T3), thereby

nutritional origin, growth retardation


responsible for growth of the birds. Pineal Body:

may occur.



Triiodothyronine – Involved

It is the major glucocorticoid and has

The pineal gland is a neurosecretory

in feather (and beak and skin)

marked effects on carbohydrate, lipid

gland which is innervated by

development & may be involved in the

and protein metabolism in birds.

sympathetic nerves and is located deep

moulting process.

Production of corticosterone is

in the brain, anterior to the cerebellum.


Thyroxine: Regulates

stimulated by ACTH and other

Melatonin synthesis is inhibited by the

carbohydrate metabolism, heat

hormones including calcitonin. The

nerve impulses to the pineal gland;

production and promotes high blood

glucocorticoid receptor (GR) is

The frequency of impulses is inversely

sugar and growth.

expressed in multiple tissues in the

related to the amount of visible light

Metabolic effects of T3 chickens

chicken including the liver and

reaching the retina of the eyes. In

include the following:

anterior pituitary gland.

poultry, the pineal gland is probably

T3 increases heat production. When

Carbohydrate metabolism

responsible for circadian rhythms

chicken expose to cool environmental

Effects of corticosterone on

(24hour cycles) in physiological

temperatures, there will be increase in

carbohydrate metabolism include the

activity. So the Pineal body has been

concentrations of T3 and increase


described as a 'biological clock' and

thermogenesis. The amount of adipose

Increasing circulating concentrations

part of it function is to alert the

tissue in chickens is related to thyroid

of glucose if depressed in circulating

hypothalamus as to when to release

status (i.e) in case of hypothyroid

concentrations of glucose is observed.

certain hormones.

chicken, there will be increased

Increasing circulating concentrations

Thyroid gland:

adipose tissue whereas reduced

of insulin.

Thyroid gland located in the neck

adipose tissue in hyperthyroid

Decreasing circulating concentrations

region of the birds that produces

chickens.T3, together with insulin,

of nitric oxide.

thyroxine and triiodothyronine

elevates the rate of lipogenesis in

Increases breast muscle glycogen

hormones by the stimulation of TSH.

Despite the marked effects on glucose

Thyroid releasing hormone originates

chicken. Adrenal Glands:

metabolism, circulating

in the hypothalamus which causes the

These are a pair of small glands, some

concentrations of lactate are

release of Thyroid stimulating

9mm long, located in front of the

unchanged in chickens receiving

hormone from pituitary gland. The

kidneys. They have two regions, the

glucocorticoid administration.

thyroid glands receive an abundant

adrenal cortex and the adrenal

Protein metabolism

supply of blood from which they are

medulla. The cortex produces 2

The effects on corticosterone on

able to capture iodine for the synthesis

hormones namely Corticosterone that

protein metabolism include the

of hormones which contain three or

involves in stress reaction, protein

following effects reported in chickens:

four iodine atoms. In poultry, normal

breakdown, fat and carbohydrate

Depress in body weight, and

growth rate requires critical or optimal

metabolism and Aldosterone that

concentrations of T3 and perhaps T4

regulates sodium retention. The

Increasing net breakdown of muscle

also. Decrease in the concentration of

medulla produces two compounds

protein due to both decrease in


particularly breast muscle weight



1 and triiodothyronine.


synthesis and increase in degradation

that regulates calcium levels in blood

inhibit the secretion of PTH.

of protein

and bone whereas the other circuit is


Decreasing circulating concentrations

mediated by the hormone calcitonin

Islets of Langerhans: This group of

of total amino-acids and increases the

produced from the Ultimobranchial

specialized cells is located in the

concentration of urates. These are

bodies which are located behind the

pancreas. It produces hormones

indicative of both increases in

parathyroid glands. These are two

namely A cells - Glucagon: Raises

deamidation of amino-acids and

assisting bodies located behind the

blood sugar, and affects fatty acids; B

consequently of gluconeogenesis.

thyroid glands. Parathyroid hormone

cells - Insulin: Lowers blood sugar; D

causes the mobilization of calcium

cells – Somatostatin and F cells -

perfused liver.

from bone and controls the calcium

Pancreatic polypeptide

Lipid metabolism

level in the blood but Calcitonin


Corticosterone has marked effects on

causes the inhibition of calcium

The principal effect of insulin on

lipid metabolism including:

release from bone, thus calcitonin and

carbohydrate metabolism in the

Increase liver weight

Parathormone must be in balance.

tissues sensitive to insulin (except the

Increase hepatic lipogenesis

T h e p r i m a r y t a rg e t o rg a n s o f

liver) is to allow the transport of

Increase abdominal and subcutaneous

parathormone are kidney & bone.

glucose across the cell membrane.

adipose weight

During egg laying cycle, PTH

Generally, insulin promotes fat

Increase circulating concentrations of

functions in the resorption of calcium

deposition and protein synthesis. The

non-esteriďŹ ed fatty acids

from medullary bone. PTH secreted in

result of insulin activity is lowering of

Increase circulating concentrations of

response to Hypocalcemia condition

the blood glucose concentration in the

triglyceride and very low density

and thereby it decreases the calcium

blood. Insulin responds readily in the


excretion in the urine and increases the

liver, muscle, adipose tissue, and

calcium resorption from bone. PTH

leukocytes, whereas in the brain,


regulates vitamins D by stimulating 1-

kidney, intestines, and erythrocytes

Immune effects of corticosterone

hydroxylase activity & inhibiting 24-

show little response.

Corticosterone reduces the weights

hydroxylase activity in the renal


(weights as a percentage of body

cortex, thereby enhancing the

Its activity is elevation of the blood

weight) of the bursa Fabricius and

production of the calcium-regulating

glucose concentration. This is

s p l e e n . O t h e r e ff e c t s i n c l u d e

hormone 1,25 (OH)2 D3 to increase

achieved by the activation of

increasing the heterophil and

calcium absorption from bone.

adenylcyclase in liver cells, which in

lymphocyte (H/L) ratio in the

Vitamin D3 increase small intestinal

turn stimulates phosphorylase and

circulation. Corticosterone increases

absorption of calcium.

results in the breakdown of glycogen.

expression interleukins-1 beta, IL-6,

Calcitonin(CT) appears to control

In addition, glucagon increases

IL-10, IL-12 alpha and IL-18.

hypercalcemia & to protect the

gluconeogenesis, increases metabolic

Parathyroid Glands:

skeleton from excessive calcium

rate, and stimulates lipolysis. Another

In poultry, there is a small parathyroid

resorption by decreasing calcium

action of glucagon is stimulation of the

gland at the posterior end of each

resorption. When body demands for

secretion of insulin and of

thyroid. The parathormone produced

c a l c i u m a r e l o w, t h e m a j o r


by the parathyroid glands forms one

hydroxylation of 25(OH)D3 to


circuit of a double feedback system

24,25(OH) 2 D 3 takes place which

Somatostatin is an inhibitory agent to

Increasing gluconeogenesis by

Increase adipose lipo-protein lipase



pigeons and doves. In other avian

which include the oviduct, excurrent

circulation and to moderate the

species, prolactin is related to

duct system, and associated cloacal

metabolic effects of insulin, glucagon,

incubation behavior (broodiness) and

structures, are also critical to

and growth hormone. In this regard,

to inhibition of ovarian functioning.

reproductive success.

somatostatin inhibits the secretion of

Hormonal control of growth:

The male and female avian

insulin and glucagon. Also, as a

In poultry, the two major hormones

reproductive systems are regulated by

moderator, it inhibits the secretion of

required for the full expression of

the hypothalamus-pituitary-gonadal

gastrin, secretin, cholecystokinin,

growth are GH and T3 stimulated by the

axis. The hypothalamus produces a

pancreatic exocrine secretion, and

anterior pituitary gland. The effects of

gonadotropin-releasing hormone

gastric acid. Somatostatin also

GH and thyroid hormones are

(GnRH) that stimulates pituitary gland

moderates gastrointestinal motility

mediated by hepatic production of

production of luteinizing hormone

and the absorption of glucose. Gonads: Gonads or reproductive organs produce these hormones namely Testosterone, Progesterone that stimulate LH surge and Oestrogen. The functions of oestrogen are  Stimulate the calcium deposit in medullary bone  Development of plumage  production of yolk precursors  Development of reproductive tract  Development of other secondary sexual characteristics

insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1).

(LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone

IGF-I stimulate growth rate in

(FSH), which in turn regulate ovarian

chickens. Moreover, it increases the

and testicular function. Gonadal

skeletal muscle mass and elevated

steroids, primarily testosterone,

rates of protein synthesis and

estradiol, and progesterone return to

depressed rates of degradation.

the central nervous system through the

Glucocorticoid hormones including

bloodstream and provide a feedback

the endogenous avian steroid,

regulation of hypothalamic GnRH

corticosterone, and the synthetic

production and release.

dexamethasone depress growth by

The thecal and granulosa cells are the

depressing IGF-1. Other hormones

primary sources of the steroids

Arginine vasotocin (AVT):

such as estradiol and testosterone can

produced by the ovary. Progesterone

It stimulates uterine contractions

have marked effects on growth.

are secreted by the large follicles

during oviposition. Like oxytocin in

Glucagon-like peptide 2 increases

stimulates the preovulatory surge in

mammals, AVT is released from the

growth in chickens. The major

gonadotropins and small follicles that

posterior pituitary, and its plasma

circulating androgen in birds is

are in initial stages of development

levels rise significantly shortly before

testosterone. Testosterone acting via

(primary follicles) produce

and peak during oviposition as it helps

conversion to 5α Dehydro-

proportionally greater amounts of

in the regulation of uterine

testosterone (DHT) depresses growth

estradiol. Oviposition is initiated by


in chickens.

preovulatory endocrine control and


Hormonal control of reproduction:

also it requires the coordination of

In birds, the actions of prolactin are

Endocrine and behavioral components

muscular activity of shell gland

related either to reproduction or to

of reproduction are directed by the

controlled by the hormones like

osmoregulation. Prolactin is also

hypothalamus in response to

Prostaglandin E2, Prostaglandin F2α

thought to be involved in the control of

environmental triggers, such as

& arginine vasotocin. Prostaglandin

metabolism and growth in some birds.

photoperiod. The primary components

F2α, arginine vasotocin cause smooth

Prolactin stimulates the production of

of the "integrated" reproductive

muscle contraction & Prostaglandin

"crop milk" and the proliferation of

system are the hypothalamus, pituitary

E2 cause relaxation of vaginal

mucosal cells of the crop sac gland in

gland, and gonads. Accessory organs,




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slow the output of nutrients into the

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