Your journey to a successful sale with Charlie Goodyer
Your journey to a successful sale with Charlie Goodyer
About us, New Zealand’s second largest privately owned real estate company.
Right from the start, provincial New Zealand has been the place we feel most at home. Here, relationships and trust count for everything. A deal is done on a handshake, and locals judge you on how long they’ve known you.
With the increased complexity and changing landscape of property transactions, it has never been more critical to have someone in your corner who intimately knows the market, economic factors, and business systems.
No one knows property in the regions better than us. To know a market, you need to live in it. You can’t service it from a distance. Our heartland connection means we have the insights to bring the right people together, so you get the most value out of your property.
Our specialisation extends into real estate sales, negotiation, and modern marketing techniques.
We optimise sales opportunities for our clients bringing a niche range of skills to bear to put together tricky property transactions.
In over 38 years, we’ve built our family business into a company that stretches from Northland to Southland, and we’ve built it the provincial way; through hard work, discipline, friendships and a powerful sense of family.
“In the provinces, it’s all about relationships – with our clients, with our families, with our communities. We want to see them thrive. We are a positive and active contributor to growth. I am so proud of our family, of our track record and we love living here.”
Tim Mordaunt Chairman, Property Brokers
1 June 1986
Property brokers was formed when Tim Mordaunt and Don Brown purchased Michael Gray Real Estate at 236 Broadway Avenue, Palmerston North.
Property Brokers was open for business.
Not all real estate companies are created equal. Although they might look similar, they are, in fact, very different. Our model is simple – everything we do is designed to achieve the maximum sale price in a time frame that best suits our clients.
Our True Team Promise is our commitment to you that everyone in our team will be working to sell your property. Here’s what that means for you:
1. All our salespeople work for you - when you enlist a PB sales consultant, you engage the whole local and national team. All of our sales consultants are free to introduce their buyers to your property, creating competition at a scale that is not possible with most of our competitors.
2. Motivated to find the best buyer - Our commission is split 60% to the listing agent and 40% to the selling agent. All our agents are highly motivated to find the best buyer and work with them to ensure they have the best chance of buying the property. Other agencies sometimes don’t let other agents introduce buyers or give 90% to the listing agent. So you are in effect only enlisting the help of one person to sell your property.
3. We’re not franchised - Although franchise brands say they work together, they are, in fact, privately owned businesses that work in isolation. The only thing that’s really shared is the logo. It’s quite common that a franchise brand will directly compete with the same brand in the neighbouring town. We work together across the country as no one else can. It also means our sales consultants, from North to South, have the same high level of training and access to marketleading marketing and IT resources.
4. Strong across all divisions - We’re one of the few companies that are strong across Residential, Lifestyle, Rural, Commercial and Property Management. Our buyer networks are much larger, and we can put together deals that our competitors wouldn’t know about.
5. Support staff - Our sales consultants are backed by a vast support network spanning administration, management, training, marketing and IT. With the collective grunt of our sales team, state-of-the-art marketing, technology and systems, we can provide a service offering that we believe is unrivalled across New Zealand.
There is a vast difference between a good agent and a bad one. A good negotiator and marketer can add tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars to your sale price. So why would someone genuinely great at their job opt to earn less money in a company with fewer resources? The simple answer is they wouldn’t.
The more money we can get you, the more we’ll make. You won’t see a PB agent taking the first offer because it’s easy. We’ll fight hammer and tongs to get you the highest price because we know every little bit counts.
We are members of the largest national and largest international networks.
1. NZ Realtors - made up of NZ’s leading independent real estate companies with over 2700 salespeople. Barfoot and Thompson dominate Auckland, Tommy’s Wellington and Lodge Hamilton.
2. Leading RE - Invitation-only membership for market-leading independent firms - over 136,000 salespeople across over 70 countries
3. Farmlands - Our long-term strategic partnership with Farmlands gives our clients exclusive access to over 75,000+ Farmlanders
Our team is highly specialised across divisions; residential, lifestyle, rural and commercial because a specialist outperforms a generalist every time. With the increased complexity and changing landscape of property transactions, it has never been more critical to have someone in your corner that knows the market, economic factors, and business systems intimately.
We are the only company that specialises in the regions. We know our areas better than anyone. It’s easy to sell something you love. Why would you want to live anywhere else?
As NZ’s second-largest privately owned real estate company, we can negotiate the best rates with all our marketing suppliers and pass these on to customers. We also invest in market-leading technology to give our agents and customers the edge.
At the core of everything we do is an unwavering commitment to make a difference in the communities we serve. We love our towns, and that passion shows every time we show a property.
Our family business has been around for over 35 years; we’ve seen the good times and been through the bad. We have the experience to know how to best support our customers in any market to ensure we get the best outcome. We know our system works.
We survey everybody that does business with Property Brokers using the Net Promoter Score methodology (NPS). Our current customer satisfaction score is 83.6, which is huge compared to the industry average of 15.*
*Perceptive research. 12 months to July. The scale goes from -100 to 100.
To be great, you have to put in the hard yards. After graduating from our intensive training academy, each Property Brokers agent receives approximately 100 hours of additional training and development per year.
As soon as you list with us your property is listed on the following leading real estate websites: pb.co.nz, agentsite.pb.co.nz, realestate.co.nz, oneroof.co.nz, trademe.co.nz, nzrealtors.co.nz, leadingre.com, hougarden.co.nz
Property Brokers consistently takes out the top awards at the Real Estate Industry Awards (REINZ). We’re in the top 1% of agencies year after yearhere are this year’s awards:
2024 Winners
• Innovation Award - PB Digital Solutions
• PM | Business Development Manager of the Year
• Rural Rising Star - Salesperson of the Year
2024 Finalists
• Large Agency of the Year
• Sustainability Award
• Small Residential Office of the Year - Waipukurau
• Medium Residential Office of the YearWhanganui
• Small Rural Office of the Year - Feilding
• Small Rural Office of the Year - Ashburton
• Individual Residential Salesperson of the Year
• Individual Rural Salesperson of the Year
Our dedicated team of residential professionals are proud of their client for life approach and work hard to develop lasting relationships based on excellent outcomes.
Our commercial team creates wealth. Always thinking laterally, their extensive business backgrounds allow them to connect people with opportunities they might have missed.
Our rural people have been farmers, stock agents, rural bankers, valuers, farm advisors and everything in between. They are great salespeople and genuine good sorts who know the market and industry.
Property Brokers Property Management is committed to providing long term, trouble-free tenancies for landlords and a great home for tenants and their families.
Our specialist lifestyle team are intimate with the nuances of lifestyle property. They get out of bed every morning excited to help people live the kiwi dream.
The compliance team add another bow to our commercial offering. We can look after all your commercial buildings requirements to ensure your property meets statutory requirements.
Clients universally praise Charlie for his enthusiasm, professionalism, and commitment to ensuring a positive experience in selling or buying homes. Charlie is recognized for his excellent communication skills, keeping clients well-informed throughout the process, regardless of their location.
His marketing skills are notably commended, with a strong emphasis on understanding the modern market and targeting the right buyers. Clients describe Charlie as hardworking, personable, and genuinely interested in their needs, leading to successful sales and purchases. The trust and confidence he builds with his clients are evident, with many highlighting his ability to make the process stress-free, pleasant, and successful.
Charlie's approachability, dedication, and the results he delivers have led clients to highly recommend him, often noting they would return for future transactions or refer him to others.
Professionalism: Frequently cited, showcasing Charlie's approach to his work and interactions with clients.
Communication: Emphasized across testimonials, highlighting Charlie's effectiveness in keeping clients informed and involved.
Enthusiastic/Positive Attitude: Many clients noted Charlie's energy and positivity, making the selling and buying process more enjoyable.
Marketing Skills: Clients praised Charlie's knowledge and application of modern marketing strategies to target the right audience.
Hardworking/Tireless: The effort Charlie puts into his work, going above and beyond for his clients, was a recurrent theme.
Charlie's ability to blend professional diligence with a personable approach has clearly made a significant impact on his clients, reflecting in their high satisfaction and willingness to recommend his services to others.
Long has the Kāpiti Coast been a haven for Wellingtonians, a coastal escape offering a rejuvenated way of life for a mere commute.
With the completion of Transmission Gully, as well as the Northern Expressway to Ōtaki, and the confirmation of the Ōtaki to North of Levin Expressway, Kāpiti is poised to become an even more enticing gem.
Kāpiti offers unparalleled sunset views, a vast coastline for leisurely strolls, access to the enchanting Kāpiti Island, and a bustling hub of activity. With the majestic Kāpiti Island guarding the horizon, a unique haven for New Zealand’s avian wonders.
have buyers in Kāpiti come from?
District insights^ teamed with Property Brokers sales data† indicate that buyers actively looking to purchase property in Kāpiti are:
Top suburbs searched by users^
Location of users searching for property ^
Top price bands searched by users^
• Excited to open the door to home ownership
• Looking for property offering a good location and a good price point
• Highly motivated buyer
Media consumption
Highly engaged purchasers regularly consume advertising on industry portals and in property-related mass media, including:
• pb.co.nz
• Property Brokers first home buyer seminar
• Property Brokers agent websites
• Blogs
• realestate.co.nz
• trademe.co.nz
• homes.co.nz
• Financially confident and comfortable
• Professionals / business owners looking for property that can generate revenue while it appreciates in value over time
• Receptive, sharp and attentive
Media consumption
• nzrealtors.co.nz
• leadingre.com
• hougarden.co.nz
• oneroof.co.nz
• Google display network
• Social media
• Regional newspapers where appropriate
Passive purchasers regularly consume advertising in non-propertyrelated media, including:
• stuff.co.nz
• nzherald.co.nz
• Carousels (stuff.co.nz and nzherald. co.nz)
• Property sections of key newspapers
• For this group of buyers, the market is on at all times
• Active buyers who view their home as an expression of themselves
• Professionals who value quality and feeling connected
• Flyer drops
• On-site signage
• Electronic Direct Mail (EDM)
Media consumption
Highly engaged purchasers regularly consume advertising on industry portals and in property-related mass media, including:
• pb.co.nz
• Property Brokers agent websites
• realestate.co.nz
• trademe.co.nz
• homes.co.nz
• nzrealtors.co.nz
• leadingre.com
• hougarden.co.nz
• oneroof.co.nz
• Google display network
• Social media
• Regional newspapers where appropriate
• Professionals who are actively looking for larger homes, due to a change in income, new baby or marriage
• Looking for a lifestyle change
• Important features include modern kitchens, bathrooms and appreciate good location
• High net worth professionals actively looking to downsize
• Looking to sell their property and move to smaller, pareddown property that is easier to maintain
• Appreciate plenty of amenities and good location
• Qualified and engaged buyer
• Actively looking at many properties as time is a factor
• Want a professional to help them find a property that matches their list of nonnegotiables
Media consumption
Highly engaged purchasers regularly consume advertising on industry portals and in property-related mass media, including:
• pb.co.nz
• Property Brokers agent websites
• realestate.co.nz
• trademe.co.nz
• homes.co.nz
• nzrealtors.co.nz
• leadingre.com
• hougarden.co.nz
• oneroof.co.nz
• Google display network
• Social media
• Regional newspapers where appropriate
Media consumption
Passive purchasers regularly consume advertising in non-propertyrelated media, including:
• stuff.co.nz
• nzherald.co.nz
• Carousels (stuff.co.nz and nzherald.co.nz)
• Property sections of key newspapers
• Flyer drops
• On-site signage
• Electronic Direct Mail (EDM)
Media consumption
Active purchasers respond well to direct marketing and regularly consume advertising on industry portals and in property-related mass media, including:
• Face-to-face contact
• Prospecting phone calls
• Property Brokers magazines
• Property brochures
• Electronic Direct Mail (EDM)
• pb.co.nz
• Property Brokers agent websites
• realestate.co.nz
• trademe.co.nz
• homes.co.nz
• nzrealtors.co.nz
• leadingre.com
• hougarden.co.nz
• oneroof.co.nz
• Google display network
• Social media
• Regional newspapers where appropriate
• Google display network
• Social media
• Regional newspapers where appropriate
I’ll work with you to help you decide the best option for your property.
• Places a timeframe around the process (typically 4-6 weeks), giving purchasers a date to work their due diligence to.
• The property owner determines the terms and conditions of sale including the settlement date under which the property is to be sold.
• A transparent process that has potential to generate real competition between purchasers.
• When sold at auction, the sale is unconditional with a deposit paid on the day.
Selling by tender or deadline sale
• Places a timeframe around the process (typically 4-6 weeks), giving purchasers a date to work their due diligence to.
• While the owner sets out the terms and conditions in the tender document, it does allow purchasers to add conditions to their offer.
• Tenders remain open for a pre-determined timeframe after closing, allowing the owner to consider offers under less time pressure.
• Useful on complex sales that may involve various parcels of land and, therefore, different purchasing/selling options.
• Sets a specific timeframe within which a buyer must act.
• The owner sets preferred terms and conditions, but generally some flexibility for buyers to alter with their offer.
• The owner can consider offers prior to the closing date.
• An asking price is placed on the property. Buyers are able to make conditional and unconditional offers at any time.
• Benefit to purchasers as they can see the property owners expectations from the outset.
• No time pressure on property owners, but likewise on purchasers.
• Correct pricing of the property from the outset is critical to avoid the property becoming stale.
• Can shift the focus from buyer vs buyer to buyer vs owner.
• Maximise the sale price by not fixing an upper limit.
• Allow a margin for a premium without overpricing your property.
• Draw in a greater range of buyers to consider your property.
• Prevent buyers from dismissing the property because of your asking price.
• However, as with a fixed price sale, selling by negotiation is likely to remove any sense of urgency among buyers because there is no fixed sale date.
This discovery phase will allow Charlie to gain a detailed understanding of everything involved with marketing your property. He will work with you to fully understand their objectives and aspirations. During this phase, Charlie will go through the appraisal process and conduct a thorough analysis of the current market so that we know exactly what your property is likely to sell for.
2. Discuss options set in our proposal, your timeline and our agency agreement
A unique marketing campaign will be tailor-made through a consultative process. This positioning will go a long way to position your property as a desirable option for buyers above other properties that are on the market. Charlie will ensure his campaign fits into your timeline to make your next step so you know exactly how he will obtain the premium market value for your property.
3. Photography completed, and sales strategy confirmed
Another important part of the process is ensuring that Charlie has visual aids to support the sale of your property. By painting a visual picture, Charlie can help potential buyers consume as much information from the initial stage of seeing your property advertisement. This includes photography, videography, virtual tours, and floor plans. Depending on the stage and property, Charlie will develop the right mix to best present your specific property.
Once Charlie has completed the necessary steps he can book our professional media consultant in line with the agreed timeline. Charlie will consider all methods of sale for taking your property to market. He will consider your situation, your type of property and the current market environment, these factors influence what method would be most beneficial.
A detailed marketing schedule will be created for your property. The campaign will be highly targeted to every corner of the market. We have many tools available to us from a marketing perspective across print, digital and networks. Because of our size and scale, we can secure some of the best advertising rates in the market.
The emphasis on our true team promise is what makes us different and is the strength behind our results. To manage the process of selling your property Charlie will be your only point of contact but your property will be exposed to our whole office and their database. For our team to contact their buyers regarding your property we complete a team viewing the day of going to market.
Charlie will manage everything to do with the marketing of the property; developing all advertising and marketing collateral, handling media placements, erecting signage, conducting open days/ homes, handling private viewings and appointments and drawing up contracts.
Charlie will provide constant communication with any viewing/open home feedback straight after the appointments carried out by him or his team. You will receive weekly written vendor reports. This includes advertising performance metrics, email and website performance metrics, comprehensive enquiry and feedback. With consistent feedback and understanding of the current market, Charlie will guide you from facts and stats.
The most important part of our job and the thing we do best. Whatever the sale method, Charlie will work with the interested buying parties to extract the most value out of your property.
When you work with us, you don’t just have access to the one agent; you’ll also have a team of equally committed salespeople, marketing experts and support staff, from right across the country working to get you the best result. This is our True Team Promise.
What we offer our customers is a promise unlike any other real estate and property management company.
Marketing doesn’t cost, it pays. The more people that know about your property, the more opportunity you’ll have to achieve a premium price.
We’ll identify the key target markets for your property, and help create a marketing strategy that suits your property as well as your budget and timeframe.
Here’s how we create an effective marketing campaign for your property:
Our local, national and international networks generate huge exposure.
We’ll put you on the right websites, online and social media channels. Email campaigns will be sent to target buyer groups.
The most important thing you can do to market your property well.
Allow buyers to see your property at its best and enable us to gather valuable feedback.
Your property is advertised in key property publications.
Simple and effective. Signs work 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Bring your property to life. Increase engagement across digital platforms.
Distributed to a wide network of buyers.
Your property will be displayed in your local branch office window.
Now that your property has sold, it’s time to think about moving to your new home. Moving can be a lot of work so to assist, we have put together some handy hints and checklists to help.
Have that big clean out and get rid of anything you no longer need or want. Hold a garage sale, sell online or donate to charity.
Decide if you want to do the packing yourself or use a removal company. If you choose to use a removal company, shop around and get a quote for an hourly rate and ensure the company you choose is available on the day of your move.
The removal company will have insurance to cover breakages, but of course it is more expensive.
Phone and internet
Electricity and gas – don’t disconnect, unless otherwise instructed. Take a final reading on settlement day and phone it through to your supplier
Paid TV (e.g. Sky) – arrange reconnection or initial set-up at your new address if they don’t already have it. The satellite dish belongs to your provider so you can’t take it with you
Wheelie bin or green waste removal
Newspaper delivery
Remember to also check what you need connected at your new home, including water supply
Obtain a supply of boxes from places like the supermarket or local stores
Book furniture transport for late morning or early afternoon
Arrange transit insurance
Arrange for somebody to care for your children on moving day (if appropriate)
Make suitable arrangements for pets
Arrange house and contents insurance for your new home
Make an appointment to see your solicitor to sign transfer documents/mortgage discharge documents
Enrol children in new school if appropriate
Cell phone and internet provider
Insurance companies
Hire purchase or finance companies
Shops where you have charge accounts or cards
Clubs and organisations
Police (if you own firearms)
Friends and relatives
Magazine or newspaper subscriptions
Child(s) activity and/or sports groups
Who else sends you mail or do you have accounts with?
Remind and confirm dates/times/locations for furniture removal people
Remind and confirm moving in/moving out details and key exchange with purchaser of your old house and the seller of your new home
Check with the sales consultant if arrangements have already been made to pick up and deliver keys
Clean the stove and/or oven and hob. Defrost the fridge and freezer
Ensure chattels that have been sold with the property aren’t accidentally packed or removed
Throw out or sell items that you don’t intend on taking with you
Label valuable/breakable items for special care when moving
Advise removal company of any dangerous goods being moved (ammunition, petrol, spirits, chemicals, paint)
Pack all jewellery, money, special documents, and anything of value or importance, and carry with you to your new address
Set aside items you will need on the day of the move e.g. food, drink, medicines, favourite toys and school lunch boxes
Pack each room, leaving the boxes stacked and labelled so people unloading at the new house know which rooms to place boxes and what priority they have
Set aside pot plants and cuttings you are taking with you
Put any spare rolls of wallpaper in a wardrobe
Left over house paint can be left and labelled in the garage or shed
Pack bed linen and pillows that you want to use at the new house separately. Making beds in your new home is a great job for willing helpers and saves you the bother, especially if you have tired children and you don’t want to worry about making up beds late at night
Put aside all warranties, guarantees and manuals for chattels that are staying in the house for the new owners.
Leave remote controls and any documentation/service records for air conditioning, ventilation, gas bottles or heaters in a prominent place for the new owners
Leave a note for the new owners advising them when rubbish is collected, where the water toby is situated and any other helpful information that may be of use
Leave your forwarding address in case any addressed mail slips through to your old address
Settlement cannot take place until all financial transactions have been completed and the agency has been notified by the vendors solicitor. Keys need to be given to the agency for collection. Remember you can’t start moving things into your new house until the funds have all cleared. The transfer of funds is the responsibility of your solicitor and bank.
It is illegal for your sales consultant to hand over keys before being advised by email by the solicitor.
Do not
Put breakables or liquid filled bottles/containers in drawers
Overload drawers. This makes furniture too heavy to shift
Move netting, barbed wire, timber, wood, coal etc, without special arrangements being made with your removal company
Store perishable goods where they might be overlooked
Nothing left behind. Look on hooks, behind doors and in high cupboards
Final reading of electricity and gas. Phone in reading to relevant supplier
Turn off all lights
Close and lock all windows and doors
Hand over the keys to solicitor or sales consultant (whichever has been arranged)
Any surplus keys should be labelled and left in the cutlery drawer
Remove all rubbish, recycling and green waste from the property
The sale of a property in public to the highest bidder after a 4-6 week extensive marketing campaign.
The legal proof of ownership of a property, carrying the owners’ names and any “interests” lodged (see “interests”).
Items that stay with the property when it is sold, e.g. carpets, curtains, light fittings. Often special items can be added, e.g. dishwasher, spa pool. Specific items can be excluded.
The fee payable to a real estate company for selling the property. This will be a percentage of the sale price.
The legal process of transferring the ownership of a property from one person to another.
More than one property situated on one area of land. Each owner has an interest in the land and leases their portion from the other for a period up to 999 years.
Paid by the customer to a trust account as evidence of intention to buy, usually 10% of the purchase price.
Where the client’s interest in the land belongs solely to them and indefinitely.
G.S.T. is payable on commission but not normally on the price of the property. This can vary depending on circumstances.
These are entries on the Certificate of Title, such as Caveat, Covenant, Easement, Encumbrance and Mortgage. These can affect what can be done or built on the property. It is always advisable to seek legal advice on this matter.
Such as auction, tender, or by negotiation. This allows feedback from customers in the current marketplace to help guide towards the eventual selling price.
Price below which a client is not prepared to sell at auction.
The written contract for the sale and purchase of property between the client and the customer.
Completion of sale when the balance of contract price is paid to the client’s solicitor and the customer is legally entitled to take possession of the property.
A sole and exclusive right for one real estate agency to sell a property for a set period of time and with one sales consultant responsible for managing the sale.
A date is decided and all offers are sealed and presented to the client at the same time. The property is marketed without a price (see ‘no price marketing’).