DEDICATION: "TO MY LOST SHEEP… Come back!” (Jesus of Nazareth)
PROLOGUE: (God the Father Speaks) Dear, listen. I know very well that you, My Little One, and the team of My soldiers that are working CONSTANTLY in these Beautiful Dialogs for Humanity for these End of the Times are working the best humanly way they can, and still find mistakes in what you are able to write and would like to do justice and Honor the Holy Word from Heaven but, Little One, in Heaven we know that they are men and are fallible, but is the essence of what We tell you, We Instruct you, We Warn you what must remain unscathed. You must know that the messages many times have the limitation of who receives them, because it is like an infinite spring that must pass through a small and imperfect receptacle, like My Beloved Creatures are, but don’t be anguished by it, but make sure that you do not modify Heaven’s words, and write them down as We say them. Is that clear? That those we choose are little lambs and not experts of the word, of the typing, of knowledge of the Holy Scriptures. Your priority is this because it is your Mission and don’t neglect it and be faithful to the delivered Word. Do you understand? Do the best you can, but with a clean heart and with your enthusiasm and commitment, and let God to do the work in the hearts, which is where this beautiful word must be sheltered. And know that it is not for the just or for the holy, neither for the scholars or the straight, but for My Lost Sheep that seeing as the world is destroyed in front of their eyes, search for the Way back to the Paternal Home, so they can find it. It is for you. Do you have it clear? So don’t care or worry of the big ones, if they like or don’t like the Dialogs, but of the little ones to whom they are addressed. It’s the way that your Beloved Father has of extending His Holy Hand so you will take it and be guided to a safe shelter. Do you understand? It is an immense joy to receive them, translate them, disseminate them, and shelter them; so be joyous in your Holy Task, My Very Mine Creatures. September 20 of the Year of the Lord 2013
Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity – Y María del Getsemaní – Book II
Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity – Y María del Getsemaní – Book II
(GOD THE FATHER SPEAKS) Abba, what do you want me to tell my little brothers? Tell them, Little One, that it’s time to meet with their families and to forgive one another, all quarrels that they share among each other, to look at each other’s with eyes of love and compassion, because all of them are like my lost puppies. Don’t leave out anyone and love the, My Little One. I know this solitude is killing you, but you have been set apart from the men and women of this wicked century, and you receive communications from Heaven; you can’t be in contamination, that’s why we set you apart. A year is coming which many did not think of: 2013 is at the door. In this uncertain year, those who crossed over to the Conversion, even if they are alone, they are saved; the others –if well they are entertained and even accompanied- will fight HAND BY HAND FOR THEIR SALVATION. They did not want the Blessed Mercy of My Most Beloved Son Jesus Christ who died a death on the cross FOR YOU; they did not want it, they despised it; now they depend on the few that said yes, that did not despised it, who are the ones that carry with their crosses what you threw away with arrogance by the sides of the road, to be able to walk lighter and towards their own destination: that now they carry their crosses, know it. Now I don’t tell them anymore to be good with My prophets because they are not and will never be, but at least know that if you are still here having an opportunity, it is by the intercession and
Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity – Y María del Getsemaní – Book II
5 prayers, donation, consecration, and penitence of Most Holy Mary and her heavenly armies of victim souls, of praying souls, of penitent souls that you who have a chance to Save yourselves. If you are not willing even to give me an hour of your life going to Sacred Confession, carrying out the penitence given, and maintaining yourselves in grace, (WE HAVE ALREADY TOLD YOU) Obeying the Ten Commandments, being able to receive or practice the Sacraments of the Church, without forgetting the Holy Works of Mercy, do you want Me to give you Eternity, if you don’t give Me even an hour, as a sign of good will? No, Little One, I have been meditating on the coldness of men and it scares Me, it’s no other thing what was decimated from you as a young girl, that it’s not this lack of love and caring. You say very well that you are treated like a laborer, with such rudeness! You are not made for that.
(Our life here on earth is the opposite of the successful, the achievers, the popular.) The devil exalts his, Little One, the best are hidden because they are Mine, and many of them will never be known by the world. I don’t allow it. (OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST SPEAKS) Jesus? My Little One; I am not going to speak to you, I am going to embrace you, which is what you need. Shut that off and come… (Later…) Write and pay a lot of attention. As time goes by and the soul receives these communications from Heaven, it (the soul) finds life difficult and it is bland because it is in contact with the heavenly and from now on, from that moment on, that is its parameter and sees that it is in a place of lack of affection, falsehood, arrogance, vanity, and fight for power and prestige. The soul sees all that and its isolation is bigger each time. Even though it (the soul) is donating itself for hers, these don’t see it and go on with their lives without even taking it into consideration and even though the soul accepts it (because that is its donation), it does not mean it hurts less. Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity – Y María del Getsemaní – Book II
My Gethsemane was so painful because of that, for not being able to count with a brother’s shoulder on which to lean on, like you, Little One; it does not matter how many people are around you, in the moment of need there isn’t anybody (just your parents that do whatever they can, but cannot give you a home). And pain is like that, it’s not a huge suffering but, yes, very tiring because it is constant, day-byday. Do you understand? My souls are not interested in prestige, or to be recognized; they are not consoled by anything of the world. They are creatures with two objectives: Carry out their mission and love in its totality. Don’t feel bad for feeling bad, the one who was is dying and you want it to pass, and in its place remains the clean soul of Y María del Getsemaní, clean of human error. (THE MOST HOLY VIRGIN SPEAKS) My Daughter Mother… You are on The Way and the process of ripening always has a certain degree of pain in the soul because you are in the desert, in the remoteness, and the soul claims. This walking is soon coming to its end for your soul, already tired of the Gethsemane, it can find solace(*) where to charge energy, enthusiasm. Keep on praying and offering for all My children, especially those that are the farthest from salvation beg for them, My Daughter. I will do so, Mother. (SAINT JOSEPH SPEAKS) Don’t forget Saint Joseph, Patron of Families that so request it. In this year of 2013 pray strongly that he maintains families united because the Evil one -in the same way he has centered himself in destroying the Unity of the Church-, now will attack families with greater astuteness and disintegrate them with greater ease, and will monopolize the souls of the younger ones. Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity – Y María del Getsemaní – Book II
Maintain your families united and together, these are not times to draw away one from the other under no circumstance: because of work or school; keep yourselves united within the family nucleus. And for you, Little One, resist, the wave of attacks; they are like that: they want to leave you lazy, depressed, listless, that the current takes you out to sea where the sharks are waiting and sharpening their teeth. Resist: your strength is your Faith, set it before whatever comes towards you. Jesus, I believe in you; Jesus, I trust you. In spite of everything I Believe, in spite of everything I Love, and in spite of everything I Wait. So be it. Amen. Amen, Little One (*) Solace. 1.Console; 2. Relief from work. (December 2, 2012)
(GOD THE FATHER SPEAKS) Come Little One, and look. Yesterday was Sunday, My day completely; we did not write. Your earthly Family had arrived and you needed to honor your father and your mother. As you can see, in Heaven we don’t step on the heels of each other’s commandments.
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8 Heaven is a great painter and never leaves patches in our beloved easels, Little Ones. I know that in you efforts you run from one side to another trying to accomplish everything, but if it is something, the Beloved Heaven is a place of infinite understanding and compassion of such limited and fragile human condition. Sometimes you feel bad when you are not sure if the response came of your own desire (or from Heaven’s) and you anguish in a great way. But when your intention is clean and you are willing to wear the crown of thorns, (which is of sneer and mockery in front of men), and YOU DON’T FEEL ASHAMED of showing and demonstrating your faith in front of the world, nothing can result in being wrong. I Saw You with tenderness in how you went running to the Holy Mass and where so avid of God that you started reading more than what My Servant offered, but it was your thirst of God. If you would have been able, you would have wrapped yourself at the Infinitely Saintly Feet of My Beloved Son Jesus Christ. You did well, Little One, you cannot be responsible for more than your own devotion and closeness to The Orthodoxy and ancestral costumes of the Holy Church that My Most Beloved Only-Begotten Son Jesus Christ founded. Look, Little Girl, it is the enthusiasm that moves mightily the Hearts of Heaven. With such laziness and indifference, almost forced, My Children come on Sundays and feast days to My Holy House and Abode, that even if you are a blundering lamb and thrown, we are pleased with your presence because you go for one simple reason: Your Heart drags you, it comes first and your body just follows. On the contrary of what we usually see in My Churches, you love the homily and you love that it is long, and you don’t miss a word. You don’t practice a social religion, but one of recollection and Communication with The Holy Heaven. The Holy Eucharist is for you in your soul an explosion from Heaven and I Know, Little One that you wait for His holy hour with longing and expectation.
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9 NEVER miss the reverence, the recollection, and the attention. Even if anyone else does not do it: YOU DO IT, that even if only one does it well, the Holy Mass acquires its proper and deserved dignity. (I understand that it is like when a teacher gives his class and if even one student
maintains his attention firm, then there is reciprocity, and he perceives it.) Regarding the rest, Little One, continue like you have done up to now. You see that the changes in you who have slowly converted led by the Holy Hand of My Beloved Daughter Holy Mary are little-by-little. Not so for those who will fight for THE SALVATION, then it will be urgent. You, Little One, held on to the conversion, kept -yourself each time farther away from the world-, that which My Most Beloved Daughter was teaching you, heavenly knowledge. It pleases Me, you are so afraid of offending Me! That is a holy fear, reverential: apprehensive of losing the Beloved, and on its own is humble because in each step you recognize your fragility and easy fallibility. Never doubt that Heaven is who is guiding you with infinite love. Everything that has been shown to you Is and with your own eyes, this time of the body, you will ascertain it in reality. Regarding your earthly father is TRUTH OF TRUTHS, and you yourself will see the change. I am a God of Word, so what I have given I maintain it, I don’t Want you worrying thinking that your earthly father can lose it if he does not assist to The Holy Mass. It is a great gift I have given him for love of you, because you have not pleaded for anything more in this world than his Conversion, and subsequent Salvation. Through your entire desert, you have not stopped praying for him, and now more strongly. The same thing that happened with my son with whom you were merciful and had Communion for him, now I, Your Most Beloved and Most Merciful True Heavenly Father have permitted that your father can receive it in his soul this Holy Eucharist; that is why what you felt in your soul was cold, his; and he, felt warmth and home, yours. It was beautiful how you ran to the next Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity – Y María del Getsemaní – Book II
10 mass to receive communion holily because you did not feel My Beloved Son enter into your soul. That is where you had the Eucharistic vision.
During the second Holy Eucharist of the same day, I saw a Holy Host in front of me. My father on one side of me and my mother in the other were holding my hands firmly. We closed in a circle to enter together into the Whitest Host. Later, that night, I saw an Angel from Heaven pass and imprinted God’s seal on their foreheads: a cross, like the one given to me by Grace. I also saw how those that do not have it now have an inverted cross. They are sealing those for whom the faithful of the Lord have strongly prayed for, constantly and tirelessly. They are like the last ones to enter. Is it like that, Father? Little One, yes, sadly. They will receive My Holy Mercy for having been so loved by the Little Ones of My Holy Predilection; the rest will see my justice and it will depend on them and their works, what they will receive at the end. Nevertheless, do not stop praying for them that with prayer much is achieved. (AN ANGEL OF GOD SPEAKS) Sometimes a lot of love is necessary to save a soul that does not want to be saved, because it doesn’t even know that it is lost, doesn’t know it needs to be found. Lots and lots of prayers are necessary (I see an image of Saint Monica(*) that for decades prayed for her Son Saint Augustine). It is possible; don’t doubt it, THERE IS NOTHING IMPOSSIBLE FOR THE ETERNAL FATHER, but you must pray a lot, Little One, daughter of the Beloved Father. (*)Saint Monica (Born in Algeria: 331 A.D.[2] – Died in Rome: 387 A.D.) was an early Christian saint and the mother of St. Augustine of Hippo. For decades she prayed for her son Augustine to be baptized. Later he became a Doctor of the Church. (Wikipedia)
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(OUR MOST HOLY MOTHER MARY OF GUADALUPE SPEAKS) Little One, I Am Your Holy Mother Mary of Guadalupe and I need you to write this. You have come to these beautiful Mayan lands where since ancestral times live My so beloved Mayan children who have been victims of terrible discrimination, had their beautiful lands decimated, and they have been expulsed from them. God Father did not give them so they would be slaves in them, but so they would work them and enjoy them, but sadly, it has not been like that. Man’s greed has disrupted everything and the rich and powerful monopolize everything, much more of what they can even use or enjoy. In their desire of control and power, they have left My true children cornered and living in infrahuman conditions, many of the times, and in other scarcely, just barely, surviving by crumbs. THAT WAS NEVER THE INTENTION OF THE FATHER, BUT TO GIVE THEM SO MUCH RICHES AND BEAUTY THAT YOU CAN STILL SEE AROUND THEM. DON’T LET THEM BE ANGRY WITH THE BELOVED FATHER, because, Little One, that was not his plan, but know that it was Satan who ruined it and now wants to take their souls to ruin their eternal destiny. For Heaven there is no greater joy than to see a poor one of the Lord that, having been able to remain faithful, arrives at the Kingdom of God where he will be filled of all good, but he must trust that it will be so. They must forgive and not wish the things of the world, but be faithful to receive the Eternal Delights which are the Celestial. Not without great sorrow you go away from these lands, Little One, and it was not for lack of love that you were not able to do so much that Heaven desired, but because you were left alone and you had absolutely no support from anyone. So much good that they could have done, the ones who had resources and the means to help, but you have given everything you could, which was all you had. Those who could have really improved the condition of the poor were not interested Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity – Y María del Getsemaní – Book II
12 in doing so, and already your solitary and disinterested stay here has been enough. Heaven feels that those who were there to help you did not do it. The Devil took care of inclining the free will to selfishness and not only they did not help you, but they blocked you in everything that was possible. Little One, The Father sympathizes enormously when his prophets are mistreated, and they have done it with you. Not the poor, but the rich and those who had the power to help. Tell them this, Little One, and that it remains as an indelible testimony of your fruitful stay in these so loved lands of My loving and Maternal Heart. Shalom, My Little girl. Shalom, Mother Tonantzin (My little Mother, in the Nahuatl language) (December 11)
(GOD THE FATHER SPEAKS) Write, Little One. This year that enters 2013, is a year that was not spoken of because it is the beginning of a totally new cycle for the sad and poor Humanity. You believed you could keep on sinning without punishment, but you see it’s not that way, Little children! You were ALWAYS told in the Bible and in the Church's magisterium, but you preferred to have deaf ears and blind eyes so as not to see and not to hear the word you don’t want to hear. You had deaf ears to the Gospel of My Most Beloved Only-Begotten Son. Now time has ended and you should join your hands in prayer position and kneel to ask for forgiveness for such a waste of blessings and for sinning without stopping. Little Ones, the bill is coming to the diners that have devoured and destroyed the restaurant of the father, and don’t even have a coin in their pocket with which to Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity – Y María del Getsemaní – Book II
13 pay. How are you going to show your face to Me? Your lies, your justifications, your cynicism, your pretexts are nothing in front of Me. Who of you would dare look at My face and lie, see My Most Beloved Son or Most Holy Mary and sustain your lies? You will tremble with fear when you are not able to pay! During this little time, stop your gluttony, and start working for the Kingdom, that My Son is very generous with the repentant lamb, with the prodigal son: Go with your families and give give give until it hurts, give, now, for everything that you did not give through your long life, so the reaper won’t arrive and find you between the tares because he will throw you into the fire; that he does not find you with empty hands. And where are the gifts I have given you? Where? What have you done with them? You have thrown them to the pigs, you have USED them, not taken advantage of them, USED them for your own glory, isn’t that right? What have you done for the Good of the Kingdom of Heaven, to increase the faith of your family and brothers? What have you planted with the time I, God the Father, decreed you could have here on earth? There isn’t going to be any pretexts. Those who erred the way –which is so common in these unhealthy days- but when you hear these messages BELIEVE and return to the Way, all that you have confessed properly, atoned, and made reparation (penance) will not be taken into consideration, but pity on those of you who ignore these last attempts to rescue you from hell! This is the Last call. Don’t you see that we are no longer talking about you going to Heaven?, but for you to GET OUT OF THE WAY THAT LEADS TO HELL. Hell is real and exists, if you don’t want to believe it much worse for you, but I am telling you through this Little One: HELL EXISTS AND IT IS A REALITY! It would be better if you enter lame or one-handed into the Kingdom of Heaven that to be thrown in complete into the fires of hell. It is not a time of doubts -because no one knows for when I have stipulated your sad end-, and after this there is no time left or SPACE TO REPENT, CONFESS, AND ASK FOR FORGIVENESS, there the Judgment and the final destiny come.
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14 My Truth is so simple; I did not want to make it complicated because you are children and very limited. Those that in their arrogance want to invent and disguise their lies of “truths” to fill their egos, are on the way to evil and drag myriads of them. The truth, like The Holy Salvation, is offered, not imposed. Little Ones, Catholics are right, even if they are perceived as being too stubborn because of their “rigidity”, because they do not want to change My Word and adjust it to the fashions and times. I AM A GOD OF ETERNITIES AND I DON’T SUBJECT MYSELF TO HUMAN TIMES, much less to your petty details. Those that want to make you believe that the final destiny is different as said in My Holy Word: LIE. If you are capable of believing more in the prince of lies than the King of Truth, you will be committing an error that will cost you eternity. Leave what needs to be left: LISTEN TO THIS: If you live with a woman or with a man who is not the one that God sanctified in his Church, stop sinning now or suffer the consequences. Leave what needs to be left, confess, after a hard and honest conscience exam, and MOST OF ALL DON’T SIN AGAIN. That My Beloved Son finds you with a clean dress to enter the Weddings of the Lamb, don’t be like the senseless that start running in the mud when they are clean and ready; maintain yourself clean, those that have already been cleaned up, don’t take the risk of muddying your dress (that is your own soul) because The Lamb Without Stain is coming for his. Don’t go on the side of the goats, invite them to your pastures, but don’t go to theirs. The places that the wolves go to are full of demons. Don’t go to places of perdition and death (of the soul). Keep away from the mud of the world. Listen, Little Ones, if only one of ours is lost, it will be a bitter victory, only one, that is why Heaven is desperate alerting you, to save you, Go to Holy Confession that your sins will be forgiven. Don’t stop before anything or anybody in the way to Redemption, because it is now when you have to do it. Now! Events are coming that you don’t know if the next one will be in your own town or community (because they happen all over the world). Don’t be the next to fall without warning. Warn your brothers. Tell them to read these messages, these Didactic Dialogs that Heaven has with its creatures and for My Love Believe, believe, believe! Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity – Y María del Getsemaní – Book II
What Heaven has not authorized, know that it is sin; the homosexual union, it is, don’t doubt it and all sexual practice that is outside of My Church, it is, don’t doubt that any is an exception. Those, who are the majority that cannot live in a marriage blessed by My Church, offer your chastity and guard it jealously. Amen. (Later) (AN ANGEL OF THE LORD SPEAKS) You have renounced to everything that a person needs to be part of society, to everything. This resignation that submerges you even more into the Gethsemane will be taken into account in the Kingdom of Heaven, like Abba (the Angel makes a reverence) has made reference to those that accumulate a debt and when the moment to pay it comes, they don’t have money to pay it with. In the same way you and those that are “dedicated to the Lord” have, in human language “an account” (in your favor), which is the opposite of a debt. That is very good, Little One, and when you unite it to the intentions of the United Hearts of Jesus and Mary (the Angel kneels in reverence), you have double earnings. We know that you dislike these economic terms, but they will be remembered by some of your brothers and they will know that there is no sacrifice or effort that is useless if it is for The Glory of the Father (the Angel kneels), and gratefulness to be for the salvation of the souls. There is nothing more worthy and necessary because they are millions going in the way to the abysm. Make offerings for Their Salvation and for the Intentions of Jesus Christ King of kings and Lord of lords. (Sunday December 9, 2012)
“Feast Day of Saint Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin”
(GOD THE FATHER SPEAKS) Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity – Y María del Getsemaní – Book II
16 Little One, Abba The strong and unpleasant sensation that surrounds you is everywhere; no one can escape it, only those that shelter themselves in prayer inside the sacred places will feel better. Don’t be afraid, but do as you are told. These are not times of doubt but of certainty and acting as it corresponds. Your purification is complete and your light growing, Little One. Everything out there is a net or spider web of confusion, that’s why, they are deliberately are trying, successfully, to confuse you, that it’s hard for you to make a decision and to put it into action. You haven’t been able to go and the ill feeling is growing. The Evil one is preparing for his final success because after that there will be no more. You wake up praying and it is necessary that you enter into the Embrace of Christ, My Jesus, very often, not only in the morning, when you awaken, at night, going to sleep, but at every moment to clamor Heaven for protection, clamor Heaven to declare your Consecration to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary, Little Ones. Clamor and seek refuge and protection that the fateful days are getting near very quickly. I am not saying they are at the door, but within your homes; they have already entered. Don’t heed, My Children, those who mock my prophets of these last times and say that nothing will happen: BECAUSE IT WILL HAPPEN. As in these past three years, the purification has been an event already verified, what is coming will be the same way, which now is THE JUSTICE, Little One, the justice. My children that have wanted to seek shelter in the only True Ark, which in the Immaculate Heart of Most Holy Mary, Celestial Ark, because they WILL KNOW that there is no bunker or shelter constructed by hands of man that will keep away My absence or My Holy presence or My justice. Those who believe because they have (economic) means to shelter in the sewers like rats need to know that will be useless, better to go to the churches, go the streets to help, to aid the needy, to clamor for forgiveness for their innumerable sins, Little One. The subterranean shelters are laughable. Do you believe that you can hide from the Divine Justice and instead of being
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17 generous; they turn more selfish looking ONLY to see how they can save themselves while humanity suffers and perishes. You must give; walk rapidly looking for My Son. You must know that the one who is coming from Heaven, takes you towards Calvary, and after and past is AT LAST! the Holy Heaven for the Blessed. Little One, you must accept your Holy Cross, like My Most Beloved Son Jesus Christ, carry it and walk towards the Golgotha. Don’t doubt it, that there is no other way. My Most Beloved Son Jesus Christ came to earth to show you the Way, with such an excruciating(*) (horrid) suffering, don’t you think it was because there are more options? If there were other options, be assured, that I WOULD NOT HAVE ASKED MY BELOVED SON TO COME TO EARTH TO SUFFER! But it’s that there is no other way. Mine, like My Most Beloved Son, are mocked, rejected, ignored, like My prophets, but they go on with My Plans, NOT IN THE ONES THEY WOULD PROPOSE. This, Little Ones, is very delicate: TO FOLLOW MY PLAN, not the one that each one proposes to himself, because you must know that if you don’t follow Mine; you will follow, and more in these times than in any other, Satan’s. He could tell you and convince you to remain where I, Your Father, urge you to go, for the love of thy neighbor, but he will make you IGNORE THE FIRST AND ABSOULUTE COMMANDMENT WHICH IS LOVE OF GOD ABOVE ALL OTHER THINGS. Wasn’t this subtlety with which he trapped that one who betrayed My Most Beloved Son Jesus Christ, for accepting money that was destined for the poor? That is why urge you to read the Holy Word because Satan, who is finite, not like Your Most Beloved Father, repeats himself over and over, and the same tricks that he uses now he has been using them since the beginning, but with different tints, through the human history. Read the Bible, My obstinate and ignorant Children, so you won’t fall into the old tricks, and to know that nothing that is not in the Bible is True Word. No secrets were left out to be revealed by
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18 other sources. Yes, Little One, I am referring to the silliness of the Mayan calendar, of those called UFO’s or extraterrestrials. THEY WANT TO REMOVE MY PRESENCE AND FILL THE HOLES OF THE INSCRUTABLE WITH MAGIC AND FANTASY? EVERYTHING THEY CANNOT EXPLAIN THEY WILL JUMP AND SAY, THAT IT IS NOT A FATHOMLESS MYSTERY OF GOD ONLY CREATOR, OF HIS MOST BELOVED REDEEMER SON, OF THE HOLY SPIRIT THE PARACLETE, BUT OF THE STUPIDITY OF THE UFO’S. And if you watch your information and search media, you will see how they are already flooded with these lies. No one that speaks of beings of other dimensions, of web sites, of extraterrestrial beings is coming from Me, but of the Evil one who in his brewery of good ingredients mixes drops of venom so you can drink it, and that is what you are doing: pouring venom into yourselves so you will drink it through the television programs. NOTHING THAT GOES AGAINST WHAT I SAY OR BE DIFFERENT TO THE HOLY WORD COMES FROM ME. If my own visionaries and prophets speak of the reality of these phenomenon’s contradicting MY HOLY WORD, THEY DO NOT COME FROM ME, AND THEY ARE NOT TELLING THE TRUTH. I tell you not to believe in stigmata’s because the evil one perverts and imitates all: NOT EVEN FOR THE STIGMATA’S, but that his word will not deviate to the right or the left of the magisterium of the Holy Church. Do you understand? Spread these messages, I your Father, urge you to do it. Here is where I speak to you week-byweek and make clear what I see the evil one doing, and what can make you fall. Spread these messages through all the media. You have to help my prophets of the last times with the spreading of these messages, send them to all the people you know, don’t leave any one out, that laziness or the distractions don’t prevent you of spreading this way of Communication of My Creatures with Heaven. Understand it, there is nothing more pressing than this now. Spread it, Spread it, Spread it, Latin America that I want to see you working and put yourself into good use. And, Little Children know, that if I have chosen this creature of solitudes it’s because I Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity – Y María del Getsemaní – Book II
19 Know where I deposit my loyalty. Suffice to know, I place on Her My Loyalty because I Know how she will be, how she has been, a valiant warrior of the Truth. This creature Very Mine will keep on writing these Dialogs until the end, so don’t abandon her and pray for her Holy Mission. Believe what she Tells you because it is Heaven’s Word and with urgency spread NOW these Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity. Yes, My Little One, there are a few poor people that do not have access to these massive media, so make copies, and generously hand out, hand out. (OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST SPEAKS) My Jesus? Little One Beloved of the Father Don’t be afraid, run from that place: I take you in My Arms but you must meet in the homes so they will remain blessed, not in hotels or vacation places, but in ancestral homes. (OUR HOLY MOTHER SPEAKS) Return to your homes now. Don’t be stubborn; Little Children that this is not time for doubts but of following the evacuation route of the world that we are urging you to follow. Go in the peace of My Most Beloved Son Jesus Christ, of Your Beloved Father, and My Husband Holy Spirit of Truth. (SAINT JOSEPH SPEAKS) Saint Joseph? Go Little Ones and don’t be afraid. Once in your shelters and safe places, bless them, and pray, read the Holy Scriptures, and maintain yourselves in prayer and patience. Concentrate in studying and developing the Graces of the Holy Spirit, which are the arms that you will need in these evil times. We remind you, Little Children: For absolutely no reason leave your Protection Prayers: Ephesians 6 and Psalm 91, the Consecration to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Holy Mary. Don’t go out without them, maintain yourselves in what we have told you and wait, that events will have to develop. (AN ANGEL OF THE LORD SPEAKS)
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20 Little One, I am an Angel of the Lord: Listen: these Dialogs with you which are being presented to the creatures will continue with you until the end, don’t anguish about that. Your brothers can rest assured that week-by-week they can count on this infallible guide from Heaven. Read it and re-read it through the week so you learn well the weekly lesson. Do you understand? It is the fountain of guidance, hope, and warning that you are going to need, and here it is. Don’t look in any other sites that they are going to be full of lies. Go to the Sacred Scriptures and come here for guidance, but don’t go looking in other sites because the lies are being elaborated and with paint (varnish, in looks) of truth. (*)Excruciating. Adj. Pain, boredom/embarrassment, terrible. Espasa Concise Dictionary @2000 Espasa Calpe (**)God’s Armor Ephesians 6: 10-18 10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. 11 Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. 12 For we are not contending against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. 13 Therefore take the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. 14 Stand therefore, having girded your loins with truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, 15 and having shod your feet with the equipment of the gospel of peace; 16 besides all these, taking the shield of faith, with which you can quench all the flaming darts of the evil one. 17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God. 18 Pray at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints. (***)Psalm 91 He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High, who abides in the shadow of the Almighty, will say to the LORD, "My refuge and my fortress; my God, in whom I trust." For he will deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence; he will cover you with his pinions, and under his wings you will find refuge; his faithfulness is a shield and buckler. You will not fear the terror of the night, nor the arrow that flies by day, nor the pestilence that stalks in darkness, nor the destruction that wastes at noonday. A thousand may fall at your side, ten thousand at your right hand; but it will not come near you. Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity – Y María del Getsemaní – Book II
21 You will only look with your eyes and see the recompense of the wicked. Because you have made the LORD your refuge, the Most High your habitation, no evil shall befall you, no scourge come near your tent. For he will give his angels charge of you to guard you in all your ways. On their hands they will bear you up, lest you dash your foot against a stone. You will tread on the lion and the adder, the young lion and the serpent you will trample under foot. Because he cleaves to me in love, I will deliver him; I will protect him, because he knows my name. When he calls to me, I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will rescue him and honor him. 16 With long life I will satisfy him, and show him my salvation. (Sunday December 16)
(AN ANGEL OF THE LORD SPEAKS) Little One of the Beloved Father, I am an Angel of the Lord. Please write: It is necessary, Little One that you continue with the Dialogs, not for having moved your geographical location with it you have to change (He laughs a little of my ingenuity and lack of human faith: mine). Look, Heaven chooses from eternity and towards eternity. Don’t think that because you moved the ocean for the closeness of the forest that you are going to change. It is so absurd, like if a father would stop loving his daughter because she cut her hair. It was heaven that brought you back, and because you understood that beyond the love of thy neighbor are the love and the obedience to God the Father in his Holy Trinity. The astute devil has been able to deviate in the same manner millions of good souls: they reach the service to the neighbor, but without the Love of God, and within his (the wicked one) obedience, it is scarce what a man can do for another. Even though the force of love is very
Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity – Y María del Getsemaní – Book II
22 powerful, nothing compares to the force, the reach that works have, even if they seem small, but guided by the Blessing of the Father (the angel kneels with great reverence). Didn’t Saint Francis do great things, built Chartres, or do small ones, in silence, love, and solitude; and his life and his example of Living Gospel is bigger than Chartres(*), which the Beloved Father loves so much? Little One, having been with your children, the love of thy neighbor has returned to you. When you got there your heart was hard as a rock from the world, and little by little, the wall broke down. Now you have to serve and love but another group, which in your mind you have loved (like you loved the Maya’s) the Third Generation, which is a different love and perfect in complement to the children. Jesus, the Divine, the Messiah, is born today December 24th in the hearts of the world. Receive Him with love to keep Him this year very warm in your own heart. Are you seeing here how you find again the interior and exterior silence that is so necessary? Yes, thank you, Angel of the Lord and pardon me for having been so short of faith in spite of everything. Pardon me. (*) Chartres Cathedral (December 24 of 2012 “Christmas Eve!”)
(SAINT MICHAEL ARCHANGEL SPEAKS) Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity – Y María del Getsemaní – Book II
23 These are difficult times, My Little One. You see that while you were converting and your heart removed itself from the world and we turned it into a little girl’s heart; the world traveled in the opposite direction. Their hearts were hardening and, without perceiving it, ended being like walls, against which you collide with a clean and Converted heart, because it is a child’s heart, again. If it wasn’t like that, how would you be able to see God, meaning how could you hear Us and have the visions that We send you from Heaven? Some souls, because of the suffering and the Cross they bear can love and understand the ones who are “different” to those of the world; not the rest, Little One. Relate yourself with touching, prudence, and cautiousness because they hurt you very easily. Simple words are like throwing you rocks that hurt you.
Little One, it was natural that you felt that way, after three years of solitude you return to meet with the world, but you will never go back to be part of it, just to be in it. You met with your earthly family, after having been with your Heavenly Family, and the reality knocked you because you don’t live any longer of mirages. (December 28 of 2012 “Holy Innocents Day”)
(GOD THE FATHER SPEAKS) I am so sorry, Little One, that your welcome has been so abnormally cold. Your solitude that does not diminish, even you being among yours. There are no longer any yours but the ones in Heaven. It was an attempt by Heaven to keep you accompanied, but it’s not working out as it was planned. You have done your part and that is what Heaven takes into account; you are in your parents’ house and what the surroundings react to your presence is the responsibility of each one. The Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity – Y María del Getsemaní – Book II
24 sadness that overwhelms you is already huge, Little One. Mine are not loved, appreciated, or sought, and only when they leave is that they notice who they were, and you are not an exception. Your heart is being bruised from the lack of love, of caring, of consideration. Now you shouldn’t have anything else to do with the world, just to serve your neighbor. Little One, I so sorry that everything has come about in such a crude and bad way for you and for Mine who can’t take it any longer. My poor, My widows, My orphans, and My abandoned are the only ones that clamor Heaven for My Son, the Christ, to come, or that We come for you. This was never Heaven’s plan but love has turned into an article of luxury that almost no one receives even on Christmas Eve. Now you are not up to celebrations because your heart is bleeding and your soul suffering. I know, Little One, I know what you desire, but you are still going to wait for a while on this cruel earth. You have done the correct thing, Little One; you have obeyed your Father. Keep on writing, Little One, it is I Abba who is dictating, even though now you don’t believe it. Look, Sooner or Later Heaven Gathers Hers. All remain like My Son covered with blood and abandoned, and you, Little One, are not the exception. You are on the way to Calvary carrying your Cross. But remember that here you close the circle of where you left many years ago, 14? Remember that behind Calvary is Paradise, and have it for sure that you will reach there. When you returned here you closed the circle from where you left already 14 years ago. Remember that you are doing My Holy Plan that now you can’t see what continues, but you must TRUST. (OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST SPEAKS) My Beloved of My Immaculate Heart, now you are bored and tired of the world and you still have to go a bit more. You are where you need to be, don’t doubt it. Remember the indifference and even the sneering with which your Divine Master, your Lord, your Friend suffered on the Way to Calvary. Mine, follow me, they do not have a different route. You have accepted your Cross of Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity – Y María del Getsemaní – Book II
25 Loneliness, of indifference, and with it you carry the pain. Don’t desist, that here is where you must be. Now is your moment to be here, when you don’t see what is behind the curve, you must trust Heaven to tell you, always TRUST. Heaven guides you and embraces you with love. Don’t doubt it. (OUR HOLY MOTHER SPEAKS) Little One Mother? You are doing well by being here trying to accompany your mother and father. It’s is not easy because you bring them warmth and they are not used to it; they bring them Heaven and they don’t recognize it. Maintain yourself in virtue, Little One, don’t desist. (SAINT JOSEPH SPEAKS) Little One of the Beloved Father Saint Joseph Remain in the peace of My Most Beloved Son Jesus Christ, which should be enough for you and know that you are doing the Father’s will, not yours, like My Most Beloved Son (he kneels in reverence) when He accepted his Cross. You are in Heaven’s Will, don’t doubt it. Those who belong to My Son, do, like My Son Himself, the will of the Beloved Father, even when they do not why, or for what. They don’t ask, like you, but accept His will over their own. You have been very brave in coming back. Remain in the Peace of My Son. (SAINT MICHAEL ARCHANGEL SPEAKS) Little daughter, you don’t know how different you are with everything that surrounds you. You left three years for your Conversion and now you are whom you must be. Not them. Your look is spiritual, theirs is material. The Father is happy that you accomplished and are back where you need to be now, for the moment. Remember that you are no longer of this world. (December 23)
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(GOD THE FATHER SPEAKS) Write, Little One, don’t be frightened that we have been writing for almost a year these Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity. Even though you haven’t found all the necessary help you need and sufficient to spread them: TRUST THAT IT WILL COME AND SO WILL BE IT: TRUST, Little One. Now the everyday is finding its course to where it needs to go. You enter, Little One, as a world, globally, to a stage of greater risk because as you very well know, all the demons have been loose since 40 or 50 years before the year 2000. So there is no safe place. The world is a cauldron of sin and man jumps into it from the greatest unconsciousness. ALWAYS remember that arrogance was the worst sin, because it is to want to absurdly be like THEIR GOD. This abominable sin is what opened hell and keeps on throwing them in, like burning volcano stone ablaze in sin, him. Don’t believe when you are told that everything is lawful; don’t believe when they say that man is the measure of all things (BECAUSE GOD IS); don’t believe when you are told that you can sin, that My Son Jesus Christ forgives everything; don’t believe how the Wicked one convinces you, in summary, that what My Most Beloved Son tells you is not true, and convinces you not to believe Him. I am telling you for the hundredth of thousand times: WHAT MY SON TELLS YOU AND IS IN THE BOOK OF LIFE (THE HOLY BIBLE) IS TRUTH OF TRUTHS. Don’t pretend to change HIS eternal Word to accommodate it to your highly sinful desires or your wicked times. THE TRUTH IS ONE AND THE SAME AND IT DOES NOT CHANGE IN TIME OR IN SPACE, so don’t play
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27 with your eternal destiny that you do not know when, on what day, in what instant, in what moment I will ask you to account for your lives: What have you done with THE LOVE that I gave you of MY HOLY AND BELOVED HEART to leave on earth? What have you done with LOVE? I will ask you and wait for the desired answer from eternity. What are you going to answer? Ask yourselves RIGHT NOW so you can mend your ways before the final test arrives. What have you done with the LOVE for your parents? For your brothers? For your friends? The merciful love for the poor, the orphan, the aged, the widow, the lonely, the abandoned, what have you done for my unprotected children? How have you educated your children with the TRUTH or towards the comfort and the lies? Have you made them proud children of God or selfish children of the world, or of the devil? What have you done with the little ones I sent for you to love? You have killed them in the wombs and have legislated in favor. I CANNOT STAND THIS ANY LONGER, AND KNOW THAT YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO PROCLAIM BEING CATHOLICS AND ABORT! IT’S ONE OR THE OTHER. YOU CANNOT PLEASE ME, YOUR MOST BELOVED FATHER, AND THE WORLD. SO I KEEP ON TELLING YOU: ONCE AND FOR ALL DECIDE AND BE FAITHFUL TO IT, THAT THERE IS NO MORE TIME TO BE CHANGING YOUR WAY OF THINKING. I TELL YOU: DECIDE AND HAVE THE FIRMNESS OF MAINTAINING YOURSELF IN IT, BECAUSE MY SON IS COMING AND HOW IS HE GOING TO FIND YOU REGARDING LOVE? WILL THERE BE LOVE FOR THE HOLY TRINITY, WHICH HAS CREATED YOU, AND HAS GIVEN YOU EVERYTHING OR WILL THERE BE TREASON?
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(GOD THE FATHER SPEAKS) Sorry, Abba. I was delayed. I know, Little One. They are just things of the body. Yes. Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity – Y María del Getsemaní – Book II
29 Those are not the things that should shame you, but the ones that come out of the human will. Not helping someone in need having the means to do so, that is a shame. You should be strongly ashamed. Little One, I am not at all pleased with your earthly family. It is a circle of arrogance and selfishness. I am truly telling you, if it wasn’t for how you have donated yourself to the Holy Heaven and that you don’t cease praying for them, they would run the same luck as the others because even though they feel “special”, they are so ordinary in their individualism and selfishness that if they could see their souls, their hearts, like I do, your Most Beloved Heavenly Father sees them spiritually, they would hurry up and kneel where they found out and dedicate their sad lives to My Holy Service. That eagerness they have about taking care of the body is useless. Death is for everyone: the proud and the meek. The only thing that has value is the caring of the soul that cannot be instructed without Holy Humility. I have already told you that elevated concepts are only good to fall from the highest abyss. The small works of love are what pleases Me. The plans of men must be humble and simple. You have to walk through the world like a shovel and hoe, removing the hardness of the hearts, removing the debris, and planting the good seed, which IS THE LOVE OF THY NEIGHBOR. There is no other way (law) even for the intellectuals, or for those who believe they are powerful, or the ones who accumulate and retain the coin that would be so useful for the poor. The rich are so attached to their lands, their money, their ideas and concepts lacking mercy and Holy Truth. Little One, Mine have always been unappreciated in the same way, like they try to do with their God Himself. They try to ignore Me to do as they please, but I live in the consciences of man -the good and the bad- and not one who does not possess Holy Mercy for their smallest brothers , will receive it from Heaven. You have known to be a sister to all, without making anyone more or less. You have learned to love and discern only seeing with the eyes of the soul. This is a principle of the spiritual walk. Don’t ever change this way of being and doing in the world, that even though you are alone doing it; it is correct and pleasing to My Holy Eyes and Most Beloved Look.
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30 Little One, don’t get distracted with the small things of the world, that you know are temporary. You won’t lack anything, don’t worry about that. There are so many of My Children in need, so many who pray for a miracle, but so few are the ones who are willing to be part of the Great Miracle of Love that I Want to pour over My little children. Their hearts are stone. THEY DON’T SEE YOU, LITTLE ONE, THEY DON’T UNDERSTAND YOU. But you do not seek the pleasantness of the world, but the pleasing of your Beloved Father and you have those, My Little One. I praise, Little One, your valor and your love. I, your Most Beloved Heavenly Father, know, for sure, that you always believe that what you do is too little, almost nothing, but in a desert where no one moves the sand so my Holy Angels can drop the Holy Seed, your work, like you call it, makes the difference between the possible and the impossible. I Rely on the men and even on nature to realize My Holy Miracles, but only on those that want and ask Me to be that answer to the Prayers of My most smallest and needy children. It is love that is exchanged between My Children, not money. This is a payment of selfishness. Money breaks the link. Write it. I went to the airport and in the parking a man that takes care and washes cars approached me, to ask me for something for pain. I asked him and he said how much his tooth hurt. His cheek was inflamed. I searched inside my purse. I didn’t have anything to give him, but could get it. I told him not to worry that I would go and look for some things. I gave him the best I could and water. I returned to the airport terminal. When I came out he was with his bucket finishing washing my car. I wanted him to wash it but I didn’t have any money. You solved his need, without expecting anything in exchange, just to take him out of his pain; and he solved yours. It is so simple because there was love and well-being in both of you. You left with warmth in your soul and a smile, and he remained feeling the same way. That is how it should be, removing debris so the Angels can do their work. A cold and indifferent exchange would have hardened much more his poor heart. Whoever is not thinking of God first in each act, passes through the world hardening hearts, which is the work of Satan; that is why I
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31 affirm it, Little One, whoever does not work for Me, Your Most Beloved Heavenly Father, works, wanting it or not, for the wicked one, for Satan. It is that simple. No man is an island, Little One, he constantly touches other lives, other souls, and changes it, for good or for evil? That is the question that you must ask yourself. If you would have told him in an amicable way that you did not have any and gone away, that is not what I need. Do the work that at the moment I AM ORDERING YOU TO DO. It is a very simple example but that is how GOOD works. Never stop doing it, because I urge My Children to go near a person so their prayer can be answered. Men like the spectacular, big scenes, of what according to them is magnificent. You know that there is no poem more “magnificent” than the one which with a few traces speak of the soul. I am not a God of empty speeches but of firm poems and absolutes of meaning and love. But they ignore what cannot be seen with the eyes of the body and blind the eyes of the soul. You no longer see with the body, but with the soul. ALWAYS STOP TO HELP WHOEVER NEEDS IT. This so simple -and you yourself have felt it-, could be the action that will make the difference in the final destiny of a soul: IN THE FINAL DESTINY OF A SOUL. How many of my children have fallen into hell because one of you gives him the last push of indifference and selfishness! Few are the ones that soften the hearts, like you, that is why your work is important, as you call it; it’s about giving love at your pace. Behind each work of charity I am there, Little One; behind the selfishness of the enemy is the enemy, and you are calling him so much that you are giving him permission to remain with you. The world now, Little One, is a (I see a ball of tight rubber bands, like a ball inside), and one must go softening, and that is only achieved with love. Feed the hungry, without concepts, simply giving a piece of bread and eliminating hunger; it is not for you to know or think of the results: those are Mine, just the pleasure of the work is theirs.
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32 Do you understand, Little One? Yes, Abba. I understand this. THOSE WHO TRY TO BE GOD FINISH BEING SLAVES OF THE EVIL ONE! UNDERSTAND IT ONCE AND FOR ALL! THAT THERE IS NO TIME TO KEEP ON PLAYING THAT I DON’T EXIST! THAT DIVINE JUSTICE DOES NOT EXIST! TO CALL MY SON WITH ABSURD NAMES WHICH ARE NOT THE NAMES I GAVE HIM. THEY ARE STUPID GAMES THAT CAN COST THEM ETERNITY(*), Little One, the eternity! Why don’t they want to understand or see? They are heading directly towards the abyss burdened with useless things that only will make their fall more spectacular. IS THAT WHAT YOU WANT, UNGRATEFUL CHILDREN? THAT FOR LOOKING FOR THINGS THAT OUTSHINE THE SENSES AND THE SPECTACULAR AND BIGGEST IN SIZE: THE ONLY GREATNESS THAT YOU WILL FIND THROUGH THAT WAY WILL BE YOUR GREAT FALL INTO THE ABYSS! Heaven doesn’t know anymore how to make them understand, Little One, but they don’t want to and leave my poor burdened with work and completely alone, and that is not right, Little One, it’s not right. It saddens Me greatly that they DON’T HELP YOU being able, so easily, to do it. You have done more for a small unknown, than them for you. This is painful and sad to Me. But love is like that, suffered, and you love them and pray and beg and share EVERYTHING that you have. Have peace in your soul, have repose in your heart that a soul like yours finds the Doors to Heaven wide open and your prayers, which you do with strong love and total concentration, are heard in Heaven. Keep praying for them that I, your Most Beloved Heavenly Father, will keep blessing them only because you ask Me with so much love.
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33 Remain in The Holy Peace of My Most Beloved Son, Jesus Christ, that the Blessing of The Spirit Paraclete remains in you and in yours, and in My Own (God Father says). Don’t let go of the Most Beloved and Knowledgeable Hand of My Most Beloved Daughter Most Holy Mary. Amen, Little One. Amen, Father. Come, Little One, that there is something else I Want you to write because I am using you as an example with my children. Write it. Lorenzo is a rude man and rather old. He slipped while coming in because the sole of his shoes were flat, from use. I took off mine and gave them to him. In other words, Little One, you did not want to see how he solved the situation. Simply you gave him your shoe, which is the way it has to be done. I never bring another pair with me in the car, but that day I had an intuition and did it. He accompanied me to the car and there he put them on, and I stayed calm that he wouldn’t slip again. Little One, that is how it is done and how you see, Heaven did not leave you shoeless either. You look out for your brothers and Holy Heaven looks after you. Many times the work is material and spiritual. What did Lorenzo ask you? He told me he wanted to cut someone with a machete(**), one that bothered him, and bury him in the hill. What did you do with that notion? I made arrangements so he could stay talking with a friend until he got rid of his anger. I advised him and told him that he must go to Confession, because a peer from work might hear him and Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity – Y María del Getsemaní – Book II
34 soften or cancel that wish, but that only a priest could pardon him in the name of God (for everything that he had done). I told him not to delay it because he did not know how much time he had left to live and if he died without the absolution, he could not go to Heaven. Later, the following week, I saw him, and that person, whom he wanted to kill, had stolen from him, but Lorenzo was at peace, rested, and said: “Leaving justice in God’s hands”. You see how a simple act can have such implications. The Wicked one had that trap prepared for Lorenzo, and removing your shoes abled you to save two lives and two souls. His slip was allowed by Me so it would deviate the plan of the Wicked one, if you would not have acted like what you are a LIVING GOSPEL… Do you understand? Or you neither SEE THIS, My Little Ones…? I love you. Your Father. Amen, Father. (*)The names and “decrees” of the NewAge or New Era philosopy. (**)Machete. Large blade used for gardening, weed, cut sugar cane, and other uses.
Little One, CALM DOWN, We Know that you cannot write and pray at the same time.
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35 I want to dictate some brief reflections about my Holy and Divine Mercy. Don’t be frightened, Little One, that when you realize that Heaven is speaking to you, you get a little bit scared, but it is how you have done in your life, you have never left fear overcome your intensity, your passion, your devotion, and your great love. When I was Placed on The Cross by the false judges, My most pressing thought were My Friends, the children that were going to be gathered by My Most Beloved Mother and taken to Her Holy Bosom, it wasn’t even the physical pain or the humiliation to which with unspeakable cruelty they wanted to submit Me, but that The Love for you Prevailed, favorite creatures from all creatures created by The Beloved Father. Little One, do you understand that Love? Can you at least treasure it for what it Is? It is so little what I ask in return: Me, God Himself, to have to almost Beg my creatures for Their Own Salvation. Is it by any chance so difficult, that you make it impossible, to kneel in front of a servant of mine and tell him with contrition, with repentance, Truth and Firm Intent of not sinning again, your filth? Is that instant within your busyness in your worldly lives too much for you? I won’t make you accountable for your offenses and sins, if you agree in going to My Holy Priests and confess your sins. Don’t you see that there is no more time left? (Jesus tells us with deep sadness.) Don’t you see Heaven knotted with gray clouds and heavy storms? Don’t you see that everything you do now is useless for your Salvation? Won’t you do this so small that I Come to ask of you, to beg you to be able to give you something so infinitely big? I HAVE ALREADY TOLD YOU, not even if all the Saints from Heaven Pleaded Me for someone who has not accepted My Mandates, and deserves justice, it is not possible to be an unjust judge because I have told you, what will be of My Little Ones who obey My Commandments, who are doing the Holy Works of Mercy. The time for a Perfect and Transforming Conversion has passed, but there is still time for Salvation. Don’t waste it in trifles of the world. This testimony is for those that haven’t had that Conversion, can live it through this Little One and BELIEVE. So you will go to Holy Confession, change your route towards Salvation.
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36 It is not a small the donation of this My Little One so anguished “Y María del Getsemaní”, who has offered herself so you also will be Saved. See the life she had and where she is now, and ask yourselves if I Have Forgiven her, wouldn’t I do the same with you? Her sins are forgotten because she has Confessed them, and most of all, she is a Living Gospel, and that is what I want from you. Confession with repentance and healing of your souls. Change your life now if not, I will not be able to welcome you in My Most Sacred Heart. You need to believe and kneel, repent and change your life. Many of you, that are now reading, will not be able to survive not even one earthly year and your ETERNAL salvation hangs from a string; the abyss is under your feet, now you know it. I, Jesus Christ, King of kings and Lord of lords, won’t be able to act with injustice, in the same way I wouldn’t be able to act with wickedness. Injustice is an impossible for God, so if you are OUTSIDE of the Holy Grace, I am giving you the Way to achieve it. There is no other way, there isn’t, My Beloved, don’t let them confuse you: there isn’t… Thank you, Little One. DIALOG 44: MY HOLY ANGER IS NOT LESSER BY THE INDIFFERENCE WITH WHICH MY HOLY MOTHER IS TREATED.
Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity – Y María del Getsemaní – Book II
Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity – Y María del Getsemaní – Book II
(GOD THE FATHER SPEAKS) Abba Little one, don’t be afraid. What we are going to talk about now is difficult, but it is where this spiritual way is leading you. You had to find The Monastery that attracts you and where you go for Vespers (when before you went to the ocean). There you find the interior and exterior silence that you believed you couldn’t find any more than by the sea. Your friend needs a lot of help and the occasion to help is happening now. Your ways separated because the loyalty of one another happened in contrary ways. I have told you, Little One, that you stayed alone because you did not pact with evil, but those who used to be your friends did make a pact and, there are the consequences. There they are, Little One. Now it’s your turn to do everything humanly possible so they can be freed of those pacts they made. It’s not an easy thing because they gave themselves to the devil and he is not going to want to free them so easily but nothing is impossible for Me, and even less if they come in the palm of the hand of My beloved Little One. It’s painful and sad because he betrayed you too and all suffered because of his decision, but now he comes back (five years later) in rags, repentant, and we have to help him. We always have to help whoever requests it so, and all the times that are needed. It is your duty to help and it is his concern if this time he is going to remain loyal or goes back to betray his word. Everything has a limit because the corporal life doesn’t last forever, so whoever has made satanic pacts, they better run and look for the exorcists so they can be liberated. There is nothing that is not forgiven if the spirit is contrite and TRULY repentant. But take care of not falling again because man does not know when I will call him to render account. It’s is very difficult to increase the light of the Spirit, you’ve seen it yourself how much ascesis(*), solitude, silence, service to the brother has been required to have your light. So don’t expect to have at
Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity – Y María del Getsemaní – Book II
39 the start the rewards of who has fought and MAINTAINED HIMSELF for a long time. You will be tested in loyalty again and those that aren’t will succumb, Little One, will succumb. But, Little One, it is your duty to Me, to serve him in everything so he can be saved and if he is going to betray again that is not in your power. Do the work, Little One. I know it discourages you to think that your friend will betray again. Do it. My Most Beloved Son used to say: “Go and don’t sin again”, but He did not stop from making the Miracles and forgiving the sins because of the risk that they would go and sin again. You get scared of hearing of exorcisms and taking him yourself to the exorcist, but you will do it, like you did today. You were cautious when you asked the Abbot what was the risk for you, because you don’t have to be courageous in the spiritual way, but walk with cautious courage, not with the thoughtlessness of the young man. Remember that you don’t come to the world to eat and drink, but to save souls, and that is what you are doing with your friend. Can I recover who was my closest friend, nothing else but to snatch him from the paws of evil? It’s not a small thing, Little One. I have told you how he (The Wicked one) attacked you and your friends in the worst way, but he cannot do anything against Me, and I tell you to help your friend and don’t think of the results because you are going to be discouraged, but in the simple joy of doing the work that I ask you to do. Little One, it is important that your brothers know it: to help those that are trapped by evil, to take them or go look for help BUT ONLY WITHIN MY CHURCH because if you do it through any other way or method you are going to make worse his sad situation. And it is not on one time (what is needed to be liberated), but in the walk in Commitment with God the Father and under the law of My Most Beloved Son Jesus Christ what is going to free you. Don’t waste time that there is nothing more important after maintaining yourselves in Grace, to help your brothers to return to Me. Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity – Y María del Getsemaní – Book II
Don’t be afraid that those that are with Me count with my Absolute Protection, but they must be Faithful and Trust in Me, Your Beloved Father. (OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST SPEAKS) Beloved, in my sad walk through earth I helped all the souls that asked me, and there is no one that suffers more than the soul imprisoned by devils. (OUR HOLY MOTHER SPEAKS) Little One, give love and don’t look to whom, give all. (SAINT MICHAEL ARCHANGEL SPEAKS) My protective Cape is a warranty for you and don’t be afraid, keep on going with this beautiful mission. Don’t let silence scare you because now you are learning, you are no longer a child, and you are growing; Less word but more reflection in silence when around them. Amen (*)Ascesis. 1.Rules and practices aimed at liberating the spirit and achieving virtue. (Sunday January 6)
Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity – Y María del Getsemaní – Book II
41 Little One, actually you are in a very uncomfortable place for my Children poets -because you are not in this world but neither in Heaven’s. It’s a place like in the middle of the road in which the soul yearns to be in the Beloved Heaven but it’s still tied to earth by its mission; and if it does possess the Graces of the Holy Spirit(*) and develop the Holy Virtues(**), it saddens and starts to wilt, because the Yearning is big in the soul; that is where you are now. The world and its things have lost all beauty to you, now there is nothing out there that catches your interest, that minimally traps your heart, because it has felt the Love of Heaven, the Amorousness, the Peace, the Warmth of the TRUE HOME, and it does not wish to be in the world but it is in the duty of fulfilling its mission. The patience, the temperance, the prudence in everything must be developed to the maximum so the soul can keep on walking in the Way. Do you understand? Do you feel it? Yes. A soul that is in a hurry, which is infantile and has tantrums, is going to despair. It is necessary to trust fully in the times of The Lord and forget even about thinking in the human times (I see that the Angel brings a clock and makes a “no” gesture). Truth is already planted in your soul and it wishes to get away from the world and dive into the Loved One, because it already sees Him, hears Him, feels Him and senses its eternal Destiny, but it waits because it’s not time yet. It is a promise from Heaven that the soul longs for but at the right time, Little One, at the right time. The events of the world will continue developing with horrid fastness before the astonished eyes of the incredible; and calmed and in prayer from those that have faith and have been studying, praying, and VOLUNTARILY placed themselves in the Holy Hands of God the Father. Little One, don’t be anguished if it’s Abba that calls you and not us, the angels that explain to you. Remember that we are of the same essence as The Truth.
Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity – Y María del Getsemaní – Book II
42 You don’t want to rest because you believe that the faster you finish, the faster you will be coming with us (he laughs tenderly). You are reckless and passionate; you are a poet of everything or nothing. That killed you for the world but it is good for you for Heaven’s work. Those qualities that you developed during your shoeless walk through the world, if well it did not leave you fruit for the world (the Angel shows my bricks to build buildings), they are the delicious fruit with which Heaven can work with. You have learned to quiet your mind, to isolate yourself, to be independent of the opinions of others, to quiet your interior, and that is why you listen to us with clarity. Since you started with the exercise of creative poetry, you knew and developed the interior and exterior silence, without which there is no possibility that you can listen to us and be in contact with the very Heaven. You have a tendency towards perfection, but you are not there yet, and we know it. Don’t let that anguish you. You will continue making small human mistakes, but they are no longer grave sins, only small faults because Our Lord Jesus Christ (the Angel kneels with profound reverence) King of kings and Lord of lords has to finish to mold you to His taste, Little One, and it still needs to be done, but time is part of the process that is needed. If Jesus who Is Perfect since his Conception as a Man, as son of Man, had to wait 30 blessed years so his fruit would ripen to when The Father Considered that it was time to go out and give it; if that was in Our King of kings and Lord of Lords, in imitating Him you have to wait that the virtues root themselves within you and be ready. You want to be very close to Our Lord, isn’t that true? Yes. Then you must work in them (the virtues) so that will happen. We will keep on guiding you closely and will keep secret these parts from Heaven that you have been feeling these last moments because they are very intimate feelings for the human creature. Thank you. Amen. Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity – Y María del Getsemaní – Book II
(*)The 7 Graces of the Holy Spirit are: Knowledge, Fortitude, Understanding, Piety, Counsel, Wisdom, and Fear of the Lord. They belong fully to Christ, Son of David. They complete and perfect the virtues of those who receive them. They make the faithful docile in readily obeying divine inspirations. (See Catechism of the Catholic Church, #1831) (**) The Virtues: The Cardinal Virtues play a fundamental role… All the rest are grouped around them. These are: Prudence, Justice, Fortitude, and Temperance. (See Catechism of the Catholic Church, #1805-1809) The Theological Virtues are infused by God into our souls, they are: Faith, Hope, and Charity. (See Catechism of the Catholic Church, #1812-1813) The Capital sins and the Virtues that defeat them, called Capital Virtues. Vices can be classified according to the virtues they oppose, or also be linked to the capital sins which Christian experience has distinguished, following St. John Cassian and St. Gregory the Great. They are called “capital” because they engender other sins, other vices.
Against Pride (the desire of high honor and glory); Humility, that is to recognize that we ourselves have within us nothing and sin. Against Avarice (the desire to accumulate riches); Generosity, which is to give with pleasure of your own things to the poor and needy. Against Envy (resentment of the qualities, goods and achievements of others because they reduce our self esteem); Charity, which is to desire and always make the good to your neighbor. Against Wrath (faced with a hurt or difficulty); Patience, which is to suffer all difficulties with peace and serenity. Against Lust (sexual appetite); Chastity, which is the control of your sensual desires. Against Gluttony (faced with food and drink); Temperance, which is the moderation in eating and drinking. Against Sloth (reluctance in doing your work or to respond to spiritual graces); Diligence, which is promptness of spirit to do good. (See Catechism of the Catholic Church, #1866) Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity – Y María del Getsemaní – Book II
(GOD THE FATHER SPEAKS) Little One Abba What you write is TRUTH OF TRUTHS, and you know it. You have been getting used to this new life, which is one in retreat. It is very difficult for My Children to take this step of going back, which is the living as they should do till the end. I, Little One, Will Come to pick you up when your beautiful mission has peaked and it’s your time, but before that happens, you must continue a little bit more, a little longer more. You must accompany my elderly (you will love them as if they were your own grandmother). Sometimes you don’t know how to love your neighbor, which you see so full of wickedness, hardness, and selfishness. You must love with the compassionate love with which you love a blind man and the leper, because even though you see them upright, bloated with proudness, in their successes of the world, with the expensive clothes and money, they are just lepers of the soul and deserve compassion. Little one, don’t expect anything in exchange, not even a “thank you”, or a gesture of kindness and acceptance. There are some who hate you because your soul shines and your mind is clear and they want the ones who are like themselves: lepers, with a sick soul. Always remember the works of Mercy (include them here again*) and the Prayer of Saint Francis(**), which you have not said for some time, and that is the compass of how you must behave among your brothers. Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity – Y María del Getsemaní – Book II
My Son, Little One, walked the ways with his hands open, with his arms wide open to Give what was asked of Him, so you (can be be material, spiritual guide, advice) and don’t stop to wait for the “thank you”... Thank you, Abba. I did not even know how to be amongst men and that is the prayer I used to say before leaving my home and being able to relate with them. Thank you, Abba, for giving me back the compass which I had lost. You asked, Little One, and your things, My beloved small creature, will not remain without an answer, as you can see. (*)THE CORPORAL WORKS OF MERCY 1. Feed the hungry. 2. Give drink to the thirsty. 3. Clothe the naked. 4. Shelter the homeless. 5. Visit the imprisoned. 6. Care of the sick. 7. Bury the dead. THE SPIRITUAL WORKS OF MERCY 1. Admonish the sinner. 2. Instruct the ignorant. 3. Advise the perplexed. 4. Comfort the unhappy. 5. Bear wrongs patiently. 6. Forgive all injuries. 7. Pray for the living and the dead. (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2008) (**) THE PRAYER OF PEACE OF SAINT FRANCIS Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity – Y María del Getsemaní – Book II
46 Lord, make me a channel of thy peace, that where there is hatred, I may bring love; that where there is wrong, I may bring the spirit of forgiveness; that where there is discord, I may bring harmony; that where there is error, I may bring truth; that where there is doubt, I may bring faith; that where there is despair, I may bring hope; that where there are shadows, I may bring light; that where there is sadness, I may bring joy. Lord, grant that I may seek rather to comfort than to be comforted; to understand, than to be understood; to love, than to be loved. For it is by self-forgetting that one finds. It is by forgiving that one is forgiven. It is by dying that one awakens to Eternal Life. Amen.
(GOD THE FATHER SPEAKS) Little One Abba. Are you understanding and remembering how the love of thy neighbor is? Did you apply it today with your brother, John? Yes, Abba. And you feel… Well. Less vulgar language that you are still rude and you do not need to be so vulgar. Yes, Abba. Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity – Y María del Getsemaní – Book II
Say the Prayer of Saint Francis when you walk in the street, repeat it over and over, and learn the works of mercy so they come out of you, like a fountain of clear and crystalline water. Yes, Abba. Little One, sometimes it is not enough to TEACH, but that you have to remind them what has been taught, and if necessary, take a small step backward so the next step is firm, we will do it this way. Again the works of mercy and the love of neighbor which you left in a second place (where it belongs) to learn during these years the Greatest Commandment: Love of Your Father, and obedience. But once you have the First and foremost established, you have to adequately incorporate the second. In Church, by your family’s side, you covered your head with a veil and kneeled where no one else did, in other words, showed your loyalty to Me, Your Beloved Father, is first than any social gesture. If they mock you for doing things like I, your Beloved Father likes, well then, Little One, more merit to Heaven. Do you understand? Yes, Abba. (OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST SPEAKS) Write in green ink. Jesus? You assign me the color of the olive, but I am infinitely more love than olive, never forget it. The olives are not only Gethsemane but always and fundamentally, HOPE. Hope, My Beloved, Hope. The Gethsemane is each time more the past and the strength of hope, love is the future. (*)Jesus reminds me the vision I had today during the Holy Eucharist: He showed me a garden of roses so big that it seemed infinite, from there Jesus gave me a bouquet of roses tied with a ribbon, and I took it and embraced it as if I was a child. I was giving to each person a bouquet that Jesus himself gave me because now we have to give. The roses are so many that they never end. There is a white one open in my soul that emits its perfume.
Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity – Y María del Getsemaní – Book II
48 (OUR MOST HOLY MOTHER SPEAKS) Why do you think that The Rose is My flower? I don’t know, Mother. For its softness and how each petal embraces the others firmly but softly, at the same time. That is how I Embrace you, like the rose embraces each one of its petals. Tell them not to be afraid of My (holy) Arms. (AN ANGEL OF THE LORD SPEAKS) Little One, I am an Angel of the Lord. As you have been able to prove, everything is happening (in your life) exactly as Heaven indicates you. In an identical way, it will be in the entire world with the events announced. Don’t be scared; you are where you should be. The time is not time, as Our Lady and Queen of the Angels has told you. Do with love and dedication each act of love, go deep on it. Don’t be in a hurry, that if you are with your family, like we have indicated to you for this time, you don’t have anywhere to go, but towards inside the Hearts of Jesus and Most Holy Mary. Go deeper and don’t waste in giving love or in doing Good, which are few the ones who are totally with us, and if you are few, be total. Amen, My Beloved Children. (SAINT MICHAEL ARCHANGEL SPEAKS) I have to end these beautiful dialogs with strength and a sword of fire, Little One, because sometimes you don’t believe it is possible that it is Heaven who speaks to you, but it is. I, Saint Michael Archangel, Prince of the Heavenly Hosts, come to close with a good fire so it stays in your soul and believe, Little One of the Beloved Father. Continue your work discreetly and humbly that there is no more powerful weapon against the Enemy than humility. While you desire to remain little, you will be big; as soon as they ask to be Big they become insignificant for the battle. So be it, Saint Michael.
Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity – Y María del Getsemaní – Book II
49 Who like God+ No one like God. Who like God No one like God. +Who like God No one like God. So be it, Little One. Thank you Beloved Heavenly Warrior. (*)I chose the color green (because of the olive) for Beloved Jesus; that is how I identify His Holy Voice in the Books that They have been giving me; the red for when God the Father Speaks, blue for the Holy Spirit of God; and cherry for Our Holy Mother…
(AN ANGEL OF THE LORD SPEAKS) First, Little One, quiet down your spirit. Look For Silence where you can hide from the world, from your own noises, and once you quiet your mind and the noises around you, once it arrives, start praying. Noise does not quiet noise. Rightly you silenced the chanting, which is called Gregorian(*). It is a chant to silence the soul, and once quieted is able to communicate with God the Father. It’s not possible to communicate in midst of noise. Those who pray in a hurry and from a corner of their mind hardly pray. It is not magic nor is witchery, but PRAYER, and silence ordered. We understand that you find silence difficult, but it is necessary. Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity – Y María del Getsemaní – Book II
The daily occupations and worries silence God himself. Contemplate in silence the crucifix, a Holy Rosary, an image of the Divine Mercy, and just feel; it is not necessary to say words, sometimes you receive a word, and sometimes it’s just a caress in the soul, but from the silence. Silence is also a very deep prayer. Sometimes just kneel and stay kneeling in silence: contemplate a saintly image. In your own computers there are images; place one in the center and don’t look for anything else and little by little you will find communication with The Heavens. The hour that greatly pleases the universal Heaven is 3:00 in the afternoon. Look at Jesus of the Divine Mercy and devote your time in Silence to the Lord. Learn, practice this day by day so you can become masters of silence and, therefore, of prayer. Don’t try to meditate just to be silent, it’s the first thing. Amen, Little One. Amen, Angel of the Lord. (*)Gregorian chant initially was a Christian plainchant (simple, monadic, plain)…
(OUR MOST HOLY MOTHER SPEAKS) Mother? Listen, Little One. You are doing a good job. The people that should be already helping you are not doing it and are delaying even more the way to Heaven. Not because they are not now capable to understand Heaven’s plan, means that Heaven is changing the plan. The Devil is attacking very hard because they do not believe in the seriousness of the calls. You are going to have to continue alone, if the brothers We have prepared do not want to be ready to start now. In this way whoever is not willing to work, he is dismissed like in their companies, and we look for others to take their place.
Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity – Y María del Getsemaní – Book II
51 It’s sad but, HEAVEN’S PLAN IS OF SALVATION OF SOULS AND WE CANNOT WAIT ANY LONGER FOR ANYONE WHO IS NOT WILLING TO WORK NOW. Those who should be already helping you as Heaven’s helpers have the world as a priority. Heaven is not waiting any longer, let them know it. If they are going to work for The Kingdom they must do the Consecration to the Hearts of Jesus and Mary that My Son Augustine(*) has given them. This will show and demonstrate their attachment to Heaven, and it has to be now before the happenings worsen. Those who have in their plan to serve Heaven in 2014 or 2015 need to know that Heaven will no longer count with them. Tell them, Little One (Our Holy Mother tells us with immense anguish). To start with this (Consecrate themselves) and to read the tasks that Heaven leaves for them week by week in this holy receptacle that we prepared to hold the Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity. Those that want to think that it is a game, that they can read them when they do not have anything else to do, should know that if they do not place them as a priority, Heaven will rescind of them and they will not be able to carry out their Holy Mission. And to know that there isn’t anything else so painful for the soul that upon reaching JUDGMENT IN FRONT OF MY BELOVED SON will have to refute when asked regarding his loyal and punctual fulfillment of his Holy Mission. They keep on thinking that they can give God bread crumbs, when they have been given everything and we keep on giving. The world is coming to the term announced in the Book of Revelation, and those that are not Consecrated will be kept out. We know, Little One, that you put aside your personal business, where they correspond, after The Love to the Most Holy Trinity and, consequently, Love of Thy Neighbor. This is not a game. Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity – Y María del Getsemaní – Book II
52 Commit now or desist, that bread crumbs is not what Heaven is asking of you, and God is not to be placed in the last place. The entrance into Heaven is now, also Salvation, not tomorrow. There is no tomorrow, there isn’t, Little stubborn Children that believe that you have bought time. (*)Mary, Teacher of the Apostles of the Last Times, Volume I: Consecration to My Immaculate Heart. Revelations given to a soul whom Jesus calls Augustine of the Divine Heart, “Messenger of the United and Speared Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary”. Our Holy Lady asks me to write today’s date: (Saturday, January 19 of 2013)
(GOD THE FATHER SPEAKS) Little One, it is very important that everyone understand this, (especially in this time in which trips and communication are so extensive and developed): ALL AND EVERYONE WHO IS GOING TO BE PART OF YOUR LIFE IS NOW WITHIN YOUR REACH. Do you understand, My Little Ones? You don’t have to be looking in the extreme farthest away of the world or travel to remote places. It’s there, in your family, in your community, in your parish. You need simplicity and humility to see that right there is everything and all who you should touch with their souls and hearts. Do you understand? You don’t need, from humility, to make plans for trips to remote places; the only Trip is to the interior of the United Hearts of My Most Beloved Son and Most Holy Mary: THE TRIP IS TO THE INTERIOR OF ONE’S SELF. That is where I Am; on the outside you are just going to find more temptation and a greater possibility of falling. That is why we have told you: RETURN TO YOUR HOMES; TO THE PLACES WHERE YOU WERE BORN; TO YOUR OLD PARISHES, Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity – Y María del Getsemaní – Book II
53 THAT IS WHERE YOU SHOULD BE NOW. Do you understand, Little Ones? Forget about traveling, spending, accumulating, vacationing, getting to know new places, of being connected to those machines that isolate you from yours, who should be passionately loving and serving others. Relate with those close to you, serve those who are in your daily and ordinary life in the NOW which is My Time, that is the only Time in which you must and can act. Look for the old and lessen their cold; To the children and lessen their thirst for truth and knowledge of The Word of My Beloved Son Jesus Christ; To the women and orient them in not wanting to be men, look like them, but be from the dignity that I, Abba, stipulated and established that they were, that: women: In charge of the home and the children. Do not abandon your children to go after money, fame, and prestige. That has been man’s mistake, not yours, My Daughters, which have been warm, the guide, the representation of love, and you don’t want to be it any longer, and your children get lost with dizzying speed being educated by technology, not by their mothers. Fathers, be firm, the backbone of your family, and do not abandon them under any circumstance. Protect the weakest instead of despising them for being so. For those in a family, there is where you are to become holy, do not think of leaving it. Each one must be where his heart is, that’s where I AM, Little Ones. It’s so simple, Little Ones, to retake The Way if you follow this light of Truth that we are giving you, it’s so simple; but don’t try to do your fancy and be the exception. Live frugally and in a simple way, that the only wealth is the interior of the soul, inside the family, in the wisdom you leave your children, in the guidance you provide; not in material things that only move you away because you cherish them more that your poor souls. Live only with the necessary and what you have in excess find out someone you can give it away, Little Ones. The garment is only for covering your nakedness and protecting you from the cold, no more than that, and don’t try to make more of something that is nothing.
Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity – Y María del Getsemaní – Book II
54 (OUR HOLY MOTHER SPEAKS) My women get lost because of their garments and their vanity, (they place them) over their own children; let your soul be attractive to God, not your bodies or faces. Understand it, little ones; there is no time to lose. It is so simple… If you pay attention, it is very simple, but you must act, and act NOW! DIALOG 51: INVITATION FROM HEAVEN TO BE APOSTLES OF THE END OF TIMES
(OUR MOST HOLY MOTHER SPEAKS) Children: It is extremely painful for Heaven to have to talk to you in such a harsh way when we would like just to embrace you and fill you with blessings. (AN ANGEL OF THE LORD SPEAKS) Those of you who have your small children, your heart hurts when you have to call their attention. Imagine how painful it is for Our Mother, if it hurts you. Do not desist in your efforts to be better, even if it is just a little bit each day. Heaven just wants to fill you with Love, Well Being, and Indulge you, but to able to do it you must be out of danger. Because if they indulge you like they wish, they will continue on the direction they are heading, believing that it is a prize for their behavior. Heaven stops the blessings that are destined to each one until they get out of the destructive direction for your souls, which you are following. A Good Mother is the one capable of correcting her beaming heart of love just to make sure that her son understands, and NEVER, DON’T EVEN DOUBT IT, NEVER ARE THE CALLS OF Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity – Y María del Getsemaní – Book II
55 ATTENTION BECAUSE THEY DO NOT LOVE YOU, on the contrary, they love you so much that they retain their blessings for you, so you thirst, and will turn around and ask for them from the only source of living water, which is our King and Lord Jesus Christ. Remember that we the Angels make note and we turn to you to guide, console, and help you. We will help you at all times but be careful in calling THE ANGELS OF THE LORD JESUS; GOD’S MESSIAH. Do not be confused with strange or unpronounceable names which are the names of the fallen angels of hell. Go always on the safe side, to your dear Guardian or Custodial Angels. Don’t look for “new” Angels in booklets or strange sects, and not of God the Father. We tell you with the greatest love. Amen, Little One. (OUR HOLY MOTHER SPEAKS) Little One of My Immaculate Heart: (This is just for you but you can diffuse it if you wish) When inspiration arrives, the painter goes to the canvas, the poet to paper, the rest of the time they spend it to read and study so their work gets richer. It is the same in The Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity (BDDH). The quickness to instantly write is what allows the communication to be so precise and fluid. And, Little One, in the same manner that you use to do it with poetry and creativity, in general, whoever reads the Holy Scriptures more and has greater knowledge of The Truth and The Good, has the better instrument (because) he does not allow to be confused when the “voices or false interventions” arrive and their work gets richer. That is why, whoever serves Heaven cannot do it for just a short while, but in his daily activities he must do it at all times, be aware of what he is doing, and what he is doing is from Heaven and for Heaven.
Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity – Y María del Getsemaní – Book II
56 The Works of Mercy, so blessed and necessary; the Virtues have to be unraveled what they are and the soul know them clearly, because now people don’t even know what are the virtues nor how to call them, much less how to practice them. You must try to know and learn. In the same way the Evil one prepares his in the proper hexes of wickedness, Heaven prepares his in the Acts of the Apostles. Do you understand it? It is not about reading it once and quickly. The tasks we have left for you these last times, specifically in this Year of the Lord (Our Most Holy Mother kneels) are so you can start tuning, like an instrument to produce music. Do you understand? YOU HAVE TO TUNE THE MUSICAL INSTRUMENT BEFORE YOU CAN PLAY A MELODY IN IT, because if not you run the risk of mistuning the whole orchestra, which is to say that it brings false communications, like the one from those beings called extraterrestrial which are no more than demons disguised in one of their multiple disguises. (OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST SPEAKS) We have told you that you will not be given more of what the Holy Eternal Word contains, everything is there, children. Do not be confused and confuse others inquiring about the lies of the Wicked one which he uses to confuse and deviate the attention from the essential which is to continue through the straight way to Heaven, which is already established and does not change. Do you understand, my Little Ones? Please set aside the talks about the extraterrestrials or previous lives that it is very clear that in the Bible I tell you: it is one life on the earth and from there the Judgment and final eternal destiny. Do not look for secrets that you have to unravel with magic; those are things of the devil to keep you entertained and away from the Way. This Year of the Lord you already have your guide: Obey the Commandments; the Sacraments of My Holy Catholic Church –do not look for anything else–; develop the Virtues, and ask was Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity – Y María del Getsemaní – Book II
57 has been given to you by Heaven the soul to be ready and prepared; do the Holy Works of Mercy; look for the holy silence to pray with Us; and otherwise, keep out of the world in a frugal and simple life like My loving fishermen did when they followed me. Do not want to be the exception living in concubinage and justifying it, because you must be Saints to Serve Heaven. Be in The Way, that it Is Me, and do not deviate because with this you have enough to fill your instants with meaning and fulfilling with the Holy Heaven. Revise these Dialogs, copy them, and relive them. Study what we ask and make live the word that you read, like My Apostles were. Do not wait to err, but continue forward, stop again, go to confession, and keep on going, because that is how you walk in this world. To trip over is normal for man; not giving up is Heaven’s. Don’t forget to accompany Me in The Way to the Cross on Friday’s and meditate on it; don’t forget the protections(*) before leaving your homes, your works, and duties; and it pleases Me very much that my friends accompany Me every day at 3:00 P.M. for the Hour of My Divine Mercy. Here it is, Little One, what you have to do. Don’t look for anything else so you don’t get confused, because you are very little and your minds are full of fantasy and inlaid lies by the Evil one. If you follow this simple Way, you will reach My Sacred Heart where you will find what you REALLY DESIRE: Everything you are looking and have looked for through the long and wide of your lives on earth. You will find The Total Love, the Peace. The Beatitudes are for you to follow if you stay in this simple Way of the Truth. Read The Beatitudes(**) so you will know what is Coming for My Beloved Children.
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58 (OUR HOLY MOTHER SPEAKS) Use your sacramentals, the scapular of the Virgin of Carmel, the Miraculous Medal, wear them with pride and without shame, show the world that there are My Children everywhere proud of being so, identifying yourselves with others, and be true Christian followers, simple, kind and truthful, like the apostles that are of My Son’s, like His Dear Apostles of the Last Times. And lastly, My Little Angels (Our Mother is referring to us, but she calls us that way with love), do not put aside the Consecration that I gave you through My Son Augustine(***). Make that little effort during the 33 days that it will be very big for your development if you do so, with it you will be The Apostles of the Last Times, it is an open invitation for it. Do not despise this Loving invitation that I am making you to follow My Son, be the new Fishermen of Men like the most intimate Faithful and loyal Friends of My Son. Do you want to be it? There is the Consecration that constitutes a FIAT to God. (Our Mother asks me to write down today’s date, in this invitation from Heaven: January 23, 2013)
(THE HOLY SPIRIT SPEAKS) Little One of THE Beloved Father: It is not that I, Holy Spirit of Truth and Love, am not among men, it is that they have lost the possibility of listening to me because of the thunder in which they live. I will inspire you and lead your words and acts, but you must observe what the Celestial Family tells you, The Throne of God, fulfill with it and you will see God at the end of your lives, if you do not comply your destiny will not be pleasant. Children, obey Heaven which is THE ONLY WAY TO SALVATION AND SALVATION IS NOW. Do not permit the Evil one to deviate you, the course of events of the Divine Justice have started; don’t fall now because the end of your short lives can be coming around any day. Sleep in Grace, this is your priority. Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity – Y María del Getsemaní – Book II
(*) Letter of Saint Paul to the Ephesians 6; in the Holy Gospels, and Psalm 91. (**) THE BEATITUDES “Happy are those who they are spiritually poor; the Kingdom of heaven belongs to them! Happy are those who mourn; God will comfort them! Happy are those who are humble; they will receive what God has promised! Happy are those whose greatest desire is to do what God requires; God will satisfy them fully! Happy are those who are merciful to others; God will be merciful to them! Happy are the pure in heart; they will see God! Happy are those who work for peace; God will call them his children! Happy are those who are persecuted because they do what God requires; the Kingdom of heaven belongs to them! Happy are you when people insult you and tell all kinds of evil lies against you because you are my followers. Be happy and glad, for a great reward is kept for you in heaven.” (Matthew 5:3-12) (Catechism of the Catholic Church #1716) (***) The Consecration that Our Mother has requested can be download from the Internet, by simply copying the title in your finder: Mary, Mother of the Apostles of the Last Times Volume I: Consecration to My Immaculate Heart.
DIALOG 52: THE HOLY ROSARY I Who, after reading this, has the heart to turn Her down?
(GOD THE FATHER SPEAKS) Little One, smallest of My Sacred Heart. Do you know why we have said “that you no longer live of mirages”? (Which is the title of Book V.) Not completely, but yes a little bit. Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity – Y María del Getsemaní – Book II
We say it because you already Live in The Truth, not in the false illusions that the world offers you. You know, Little One, and also those who read these BDDH(*). You already know that there is an absolute GOOD, and the rest is tinted of evil and deception; that’s why you, as well as those that follow these Beautiful Dialogs, no longer live in the mirage. (Abba shows me the reflection of a face in the water and behind it a marvelous city, like of gold, then someone dips a stick and gently stirs the water distorting the image.) That is what your little brothers, who live of mirages, run around frantic in their careers. Just a tiny pebble or a small shake is enough and the mirage disappears, which in your world where you live now, is the illusion of everything which is fame, prestige, fortune or accumulating and treasuring the material. Whoever Lives in the Truth sees the reflection of the face, not the reflection. AMEN and SERVE the only immutable Reality, which is Me, Little One, and My Love for you, that is now real for those that do not live of mirages. Now, Little One, we will discuss a subject which heaven has postponed until now to give it a special place: THE HOLY ROSARY. (AN ANGEL OF THE LORD SPEAKS) Already, Little One, we have been giving you reflections over each Mystery, which are bottomless, but to those who pray them DAILY -like Our Lady and Master has established-, we give them each day the strength to face the happenings of each instant. The Virgin, Our Queen and Lady (the Angel kneels) has requested it like a sling(**), like David’s against the giant Goliath: that sling is the Holy Rosary (the angel kneels with reverence and brings a large bouquet of roses). It is to offer this bouquet of precious roses to Our Lady. If you could see the Great Joy with which she receives them, you would not stop doing it constantly. The unbearable pain and the suffering is so devastating that she tolerates for Love of you, that you won’t deny this small joy of taking the gift she so desires: which is this Beautiful bouquet of white roses. Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity – Y María del Getsemaní – Book II
Our Lady in her Infinite Humility and Absolute Wisdom never asks anything for Herself, but The Rosary which (it is also for you because it represents the NECESSARY daily protection and much more in these evil times) is for Our Queen a small joy amidst so much atrocity and pain. Who, after reading this, has the heart to turn Her down? We know it takes a little bit of time, because it is like going to the countryside to pick a bouquet of roses, that’s all; but the greater the soul surrenders, during praying of the Holy Rosary, more fragrant and beautiful are the roses. Do not give her a weak(***) bouquet that is almost wilted. She doesn’t deserve a bouquet like that! Think about it as soon as you start praying: that one by one, mystery by mystery, you are gathering a dozen of roses. The best gift that you give, in addition to bringing yourselves (the Angel laughs a little while saying this) is to bring a soul back in the Way. In other words, I laugh, Little Ones, because you forget the most obvious: many of you are living in sin and lost from The Way, and in that state still want to guide others… (GOD THE FATHER SPEAKS) No, My Children, The Holy Rosary is not a luxury, but a need: Do you want to have something to defend yourselves against the Evil one; there you have it: arm yourselves with David’s sling, that going to a face to face battle with the giant Goliath is senseless, but My Children (Abba says this with such tenderness!), you believe you are wearing armor when poor ones! You are going naked to the fight against warriors that are demons. So, My Beloved Children, now you know it. (OUR MOST HOLY MOTHER SPEAKS) My Little One of My Immaculate Heart Mother? Jesus? Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity – Y María del Getsemaní – Book II
I always come before My Son solving and preparing(****)The Way. My Rosary, Little One, like My Beloved Heavenly Father has said (Our Lady kneels in deep veneration) is for yourselves. I have been asking for it because I need to protect you day by day, situation by situation, and instant by instant. Those who are lost need it to defend yourselves in returning to the Way; those of you already in Grace, to maintain yourselves, because the attacks, My Little Ones, (Our Mother Shows me Her Heart purplish-red of Love for us, her children) the attacks do not cease and day by day the demons, without pity, are trying to deviate my Mine. Take this David’s slingshot that Heaven has prepared to protect you. And like in the Letter from Saint Paul speaks about the fire darts from the Evil one, so here, My Little Ones, I give you something with which to combat them, not only with the necessary armor but with this slingshot fight so you can stay upright and in the way. Do not trust your own strengths and arguments that they mean nothing against the Evil one, because he is an Angel of great intelligence put to use in the worst way, which is to Offend our Loving Father, and full of extreme hate, making you sin and also making you believe that is not a sin. Push away these monsters of evil with David’s slingshot; protect yourselves of these attacks. My little warriors carry each day the weapon that their Mother of Heaven offers them. Take it, Little Ones, don’t be foolish that you are too weak and small. From the Holy Humility you will know that you will not be able to last until the end without the PROPER praying of the Holy Rosary. In Heaven we know that (it demands) time but it is a time that you invest, if you want to understand it in that manner, in the only thing that is incorruptible, which is your Eternal Destiny. If you devote time to save for something temporary like a car or to improve your bodies, what won’t you give each day for your Eternal Home, for your own eternity? How long does it take you? Don’t have that small amount of time during an hour that you can shut off the television to Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity – Y María del Getsemaní – Book II
63 give it to Your Mother that requests it for Your Salvation? Think about it, meditate on it, and act because there is no time left. (OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST SPEAKS) The Holy Rosary, My Dear One, is necessary. All you need to know is the My Holy Mother has requested it to satisfy Her Pleading. The Holy Pleading of a Mother does not deserve any explanation. Do what she tells you, Sheep of my herd, Do it NOW! So you can stay united to Me, Your Divine Shepherd, Your Holy Lord, Your Friend. Little One, buff and put in the footnotes the reflections I have given you(*****) and tell the smaller ones that if they pray in the right manner, I will with My Angels, light over the Holy Mysteries of Heaven, but pray with your heart in your mouth, not as if you were selling fruit in the street, with your soul in it. Amen, my daughter. Amen, my Divine Shepherd, My Lord, My Love… Tell them, Little One, that these reflections that I Give you as a reward to your prayer of surrender, like the Revelations I gave to you, Little One, are what each one needs to learn of each Mystery. Let them see how I told them to you, knowing that they can be able to hear Me personally, Little One, as a Great Intuition or mental image what I, Jesus Christ King of kings and Lord of lords, reveal to you. Try it and trust in My Promise. Amen, my daughter. Amen, Beloved Jesus, Amen! (*) Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity (**) Sling. (From Latin, funda). 1. Leather strip, or wool braid, or other similar material, used to throw stones. (***) Weak. Sickly. (****) Preparing. Make ready. (*****)From Heaven I am requested to write about The Gift they gave Me which are The Mysteries of Gethsemane. In addition to having cleared up deep doubts that I had, during the Prayer of the Holy Rosary. It is an incommensurable gift and a Promise from heaven, which Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity – Y María del Getsemaní – Book II
64 already has been Fulfilled to me, for saying the rosary with fervor, faith, and surrender; do it the same way so you can receive the gift that they offer so generously. The Holy Rosary –in my particular case the Holy Mysteries of Gethsemane- have become my strength and my Safe and Constant Refuge. See them in THE HOLY ROSARY II. January 27
JESUS TAUGHT ME THE MYSTERIES OF THE HOLY ROSARY WITH REFLECTIONS FOR THIS GENERATION OF THE LAST TIMES (GOD THE FATHER SPEAKS) “We want you to do it that way, Little One, in your own words. Don’t be afraid of writing the best way you can, we Know that you are just human.”
(Humbly I tell what was taught to me by Our Lord in each Mystery. I didn’t write it down as I heard it, but remembered and understood it, in my own words. It was on different occasions, each mystery, until all were finished.) Jesus, Our Lord, led me with the Socratic Method, the Maieutic(*). So with questions and with my answers, I went realizing the Truth. As if my answers were little pearls to make a necklace which is the revelation of each Holy Mystery. REGARDING THE INTENTIONS WHEN PRAYING THE HOLY ROSARY
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65 Jesus let me know that I had been carrying my father’s cross in this world in addition to carrying my own that is why I had suffered so much. And I know, that while I prayed for the intentions of Holy Mary (She requested it so in Medjugorje) that The Virgin had interceded for mine, and THAT WAS MY INTENTION! So I carried with my father’s cross and to his own regret he is saved. Do what Heaven tells you even though you don’t understand why… You see that the Virgin knows how to ask much better than yourself. So pray for Her Holy Intentions and don’t mention yours (She knows them). Amen. JOYOUS MYSTERIES: My Lord Jesus Instructed Me in The Joyous Mysteries of the Holy Rosary. First He asked me if I believed that He lives in the hearts of the Protestants. I said I did not know. FIRST: THE ANNUNCIATION OF THE ARCHANGEL GABRIEL TO THE VIRGIN MARY What I understood: Love and Obedience to God the Father above all things Jesus led me from the First Mystery: He took me with the Socratic method, the Maieutic(*) to let me fully realize the absolute impossibility that it could not have been the Divine Conception like Holy Mary witnessed it. He let me understand how it is impossible that whoever rejects his Holy Mother knows or has known Jesus intimately. Also the First Joyous Mystery is the perfection of Mary obeying the First Commandment: Love of the Father and Her total and unconditional surrender. SECOND: THE VISITATION OF THE VIRGIN MARY TO HER COUSIN ELIZABETH In the second mystery the Absolute Virtue is manifested, who is Holy Mary, when taking perfection with Absolute Humility the Second Commandment of Love: Love thy neighbor. THIRD: THE NATIVITY OF THE LORD Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity – Y María del Getsemaní – Book II
Jesus makes me see how the world received him: coldly and without compassion: the people sleeping or eating in the inn because of this lost the opportunity of being part of the Biggest Miracle of History, that an act of love from one of them would have filled All their homes with an many Blessings, but they missed it, like now they miss this Absolute Joy for being the same as those in the inn; losing all the grace. I understood the innkeeper’s behavior, which was to do the less possible, much less than he should have. But we don’t speak about him because we do not receive Jesus Christ in a better way than the innkeeper did: the least bad invite him where he is not wanted. That the little shepherds that were outside the inn (the world) saw the light, the Star, and they were there. FOURTH: THE PRESENTATION OF THE LORD Of the Fourth Mystery: If Holy Mary obeyed God’s Orders, being the Same Mother of God, that the arrogance of those that do without them (Confession, the Holy Mass, and the Holy Eucharist). He is referring to Protestants; that if I thought that Jesus can live in an arrogant heart. The soul that is this way already has a god who is himself. Later I asked, mentally, without speaking out loud, of those that talk about the Bible and sing praises. I understood that God lives within man and you can listen and find Him in the silence. That they want to believe, that they want to believe that they believe, but they do not know Jesus. That whoever knows Jesus it’s even impossible he can doubt of His Holy Mother. That whoever has felt God in his soul, even for an instant: Changes, even so more Holy Mary whose womb was His First Home in the world, that from there they became One. Whoever does not understand this or accept it has not felt Jesus in his soul, he is not there. I asked Him of the charisma that Protestants have and Jesus replied that they must be (I understood that they exist). FIFTH MYSTERY: THE FINDING IN THE TEMPLE Of the Fifth Joyous Mystery: Jesus asked me whom did I serve first, My Father or my terrestrial family. I replied, to my Father. That if I had to dine with them and God called me, I would go. I would not go to dinner with my family. Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity – Y María del Getsemaní – Book II
67 It is so clear, so neat, and so absolute in Truth when Emmanuel explains it to me, that there is no possible doubt. When trying to transcribe it, I lose the exact words and I beg his pardon, but He knows my limitations, my humanity. And I tell them not to leave me without my work. LUMINOUS MYSTERIES: FIRST: THE BAPTISM OF JESUS First Jesus asked me what marked His Baptism. I answered His public life. And before, he asked? I answered, it was the preparation. In your case your Confirmation marked yours, He said. (This time he was briefer because He noticed that my memory is of a short span.) SECOND: THE WEDDING FEAST OF CANA Jesus, through questions led me to see that in those times, as well as in these last times, it is His Mother that before it is time intercedes like she did for her relatives then (the people of the wedding); now she does it for her relatives (us). THIRD: THE PREACHING OF THE KINGDOM Be a Living Gospel yourself, the rest is demagogy. This speaks louder than treaty and treatise of the Gospel. FOURTH: THE TRANSFIGURATION Like Jesus Transfigured Himself, make me understand that what he has done for us is to transfigure our hearts: from stone to life. I understood that those whom he considers as his Apostles are His Living Gospels.
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68 FIFTH: THE INSTITUTION OF THE EUCHARIST Jesus asked me what was for me The Eucharist. I told him and he did not reply because he considered that my answer was proper. Yes. Not a piece of bread, but a piece of Heaven on earth. SORROWFUL MYSTERIES: Jesus came today to pray the Holy Rosary with me. HE explained to me each one of the five Sorrowful Mysteries and how each one, in respect to us, the people of the last times. We, his friends, are his John’s and his Mary’s of the last times. FIRST: THE AGONY IN THE GARDEN What Jesus told me of the first Mystery was that He had many flowers there that accompanied Him but that He chose me, a flower like a daisy with purplish color that was between the grass and the thistle. (That’s why I can’t write it down because when I do, it’s like I took away the Substance of What He Told Me, and how He said it, and how I was feeling when He said it. When they speak to me while I am writing taking notes, I do so copying exactly what I am being told. But when it is an experience I had and later I want to describe it or say what I was told, I can’t because I lose all the color, all the substance, and what is left is something anecdotal, when in reality it is the contrary: unspeakable!) SECOND: THE SCOURGING Jesus told Me about the second Mystery, that the last scourging He received it for us. THIRD: THE CROWNING WITH THORNS Of the Third Mystery He offered me a Crown of Thorns like His, but mine did not have any thorns.
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69 FOURTH: THE CARRYING OF THE CROSS Of the Fourth Mystery He said that the Third Fall was for us. FIFTH: THE CRUCIFIXION Of the Fifth Mystery He told me that The Last Drop of His Holy Blood, with the spear, was for us. GLORIOUS MYSTERIES: My Jesus Accompanied Me in the Glorious Mysteries and explained them to Me in this way. FIRST: THE RESURRECTION Of the First: Once we have left our bodies we will see the Truth of the world as it is. SECOND: THE ASCENSION OF THE LORD Of the Second: That in the same way He will come for us, in a cloud. He Showed my body on the beach here and He said that He will come for Me: I asked, can it be done like this? –because I had heard that we would go through a tunnel-, and he laughed. But my body was, not really dead, more like asleep. THIRD: THE DESCENT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT Of the Third Mystery: My Beloved Jesus showed me the image, the remembrance, (when This Way started it was with some white doves suspended in the air under the light)(**) and He Said that was where my veil had been removed. So I was able to take the Hand of Holy Mary.
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70 FOURTH: THE ASSUMPTION OF OUR BLESSED MOTHER Of the Fourth Mystery: That we will also be like Mary taken to Heaven without life passing through Us.(***) FIFTH: THE CROWNING OF MARY AS QUEEN OF HEAVEN Of the Fifth Mystery: That also we will receive a crown of life (like the one I had seen already and made a drawing). Jesus has told me this. He also showed me that I was like the purplish flower in the pot, and I saw the pot in a boat in which Jesus and his apostles were. He would come close and water it with a drop of sweat. When He moved aside in the boat to pray, He thought the little purplish flower would be until the end of times. Yesterday like today, My Jesus accompanied me in my morning prayers with a power not only of hearing but also visual, because since Sunday I not only hear Him, but I SEE HIM! THE HOLY ROSARY OF THE GETHSEMANE Jesus accompanied me in the Holy Rosary from Thursday into Friday: our most intimate: the Rosary of the Gethsemane. Jesus asked me to tell Him the Mysteries, I replied I did not know them, but told him anyway. FIRST: THE SOCIAL AGONY IN THE GETHSEMANE. We all abandoned Our Lord when He needed most our company. SECOND: THE PHYSICAL AGONY IN THE GETHSEMANE. Our Lord suffered until He sweated blood.
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71 THIRD: THE AGONY OF THE THOUGHT IN THE GETHSEMANE. Our Lord sees all the sins of men, even our days, and knows that despite of His Holy Sacrifice many will be lost. FOURTH: THE SPIRITUAL AGONY IN THE GETHSEMANE. When He accepted with infinite love to carry with our sins, Our Lord feels what the sinner feels, the worst of sufferings: the remoteness of the Father, the spiritual emptiness. FIFTH: THE AGONY OF JESUS IN THE GETHSEMANE BECAUSE OF THE PAIN IT WOULD CAUSE TO HIS LOVING MOTHER. This leads his agony up to the unimaginable, to the paroxysm(****) of what his Mother would suffer when accompanying him in Calvary and the Crucifixion. Jesus kissed my forehead. He said, “Thank you”. Amen. (*)Maieutic. (From the Greek, expert in child birth). 2. Socratic Method in which the teacher, through questions, leads the student to discover that which is latent inside of yourself, that is how I can compare it. The discovery of the Truth that you realize only through questions, with the answers to His answers. (**)Doves suspended in the air fluttering under the light.
(***)My daughter, there will be no death to those that love My Son. (The People of God that are alive in this instant.) His Loving Mother, Mother of Salvation. Sunday, April 20, 2012 at 10:00 a.m. to Luz María (Light of Mary) in Marian Revelations. Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity – Y María del Getsemaní – Book II
72 (****) Paroxysm. (Greek παροξυσμός) 1. Extreme exaltation of the affections and passions. 2. Med. An illness becoming worse. 3. Med. Dangerous or almost mortal accident, in which the patient loses consciousness and action for a long time. (Years of the Lord 2012 and 2013)
(GOD THE FATHER SPEAKS) Little One Abba What is not understood, like the majority of things you have been doing, the faithful do it in any way; like you, My Little One. Now little by little you are starting to Comprehend. The fact of not being able to be with the people you wanted as company and friendship is because they are not blocking out the evil like you, that The Holy Heaven to Covers you and keep away from you the incendiary darts of the Evil one. Sadly for you, Little One, the majority of them are not with their two feet firmly in My Ways. They walk, or pretend to do it, when there is no other alternative; but as soon as they come out of the pressing situation, they return to the ways of the world and with a greater force attract evil, because they PLAY, Little One, they think this is a game NOT WHAT IT REALLY IS: AN ABSOLUTE AND ETERNAL REALITY. You can’t, Little One, be there because they are participating of the world and this world is no more than a cauldron of sin. From the most sinful thought, they are already inviting evil into their lives, and if you are part of their lives, evil brushes you at each moment, and that is what makes you ill and feel bad. Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity – Y María del Getsemaní – Book II
73 The Gethsemane is very difficult, but it is the only way that you can stay in The Way. The Devil is very astute and subtle in how he deviates you and he takes advantage of the “weaknesses” (please write the word between apostrophes) of some to deviate others, and at the end, what happens is that none of them will stay in the way and they give each other pats in their backs saying and auto-convincing themselves that they are in the way, and the Evil one lets them stay in this lie. Do you understand? Very few, you saw how My Churches are neither My places, many of them are a swarm of sin and the Faithful must look where there are Holy and Faithful Priests to what you call the sane doctrine, the rest is just an excuse and justification to keep in the ways of men. Now, more than ever, the faithful soul must be with its intuition very awake (that in these times is so NECESSARY so it survives) and do not make exceptions. Go wherever you need to go but where it still is MY HOME, but don’t be proud! It is much easier for those who fall or who remain fallen to be pulled into the abysm, than for you to pull all of them out. Your human nature likes to apostate(*) because it lets you do what the body likes and if you go to the houses where the TRUTH is not practiced, your fallen nature rapidly will join the chaos and you will say to yourself “the Father said it” or “I saw it in Church”, their blindness will be double because if you feel bad you will no longer seek what they are saying or doing that is not of My Holy Pleasantness. If this is the way in my Homes which are no longer holy, where the norm was to love, try to be saints, how much more between those that are in the world and have their associations and groups. The soul walks alone with Heaven as a guide and companion. Heaven rescues the faithful soul that searches for Us and follows us. The soul that does not conform with a mediocre spirituality and just barely to think it will not be condemned, in the best of cases. But in the sad and great majority to man “He Doesn’t Care” as you say, he is the least worried about Condemnation, and you see that every day and through all the places. The devil has effectively removed the idea of the abysm and makes you believe that any way you choose leads to heaven. But we have told you: THE WAY TO SALVATION IS NARROW. The wide and easy routes that lead to the enter abysm of darkness and foul odor are all through which men walks DECIDING to ignore my Laws and Decrees. He walks serenely through them, Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity – Y María del Getsemaní – Book II
74 reminding himself that “he is free to walk where his instincts lead him”. The Devil has successfully been able to eliminate from that half sentence is that man is free, yes, but that liberty put into bad use, to the service of his desires, is going to lead him to decide himself his eternal destiny. Man decides it, it is Not imposed. There is no soul, Little One, that is sorry of having heeded this on earth. All is in the Example of The Life of My Son. Read The Holy Gospels, every day a little and about everything, not like a cooking recipe, but as a recipe to avoid eternal condemnation. Read the Bible, review My History of Love and Pain with you, with man, and take heed. How do you want to live to My Pleasantness if you don’t know what Pleases Me? Nothing Pleases me more than the Immaculate and impeccable way in which My Most Beloved Son Loved You during His Holy Time over the Earth. Seek to be like him, don’t follow anyone except My Son and Most Holy Mary, do not emulate(**) no one else so you don’t be confused. Little Ones, this is what the BDDH(***) pretend: Remove the chaff that has been accumulating through the long and wide of the centuries and leave clean The Way so you may contemplate it and follow it. In a time of extreme saturation of information, I donate this simple and exact Guide to follow. This is the Sane Doctrine. No one will be able to say they oppose it in any way. It’s is not about discussing the precepts, alleging, deepening, searching, formulating metaphysical thesis; but simply and plainly of seeing, without the chaff The Way to Heaven and it is this one, TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS GREAT GIFT FROM HEAVEN for My children. Get out of the discussions that almost always are futile, and promulgate this: My Way to Heaven is Clear, neat, and without secrets or crannies. Here it is. Read it, study it and take heed, Little Ones that I have presented it here for those that do not know anything about My Most Beloved Son. Follow this Perfect Guide to Heaven and don’t make complications. Be simple, be humble, be true and let yourself be guided, that you cannot trust blindly of any human guide. This Is My Hand and My Beloved Son’s, and of Most Holy Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity – Y María del Getsemaní – Book II
75 Mary’s; extended towards you, take it little ones, that we will guide you like Our Little One who writes this, who has not had any terrestrial teacher at all, but from and for Heaven. I Bless You in My Holy Name, My Most Beloved Son Blesses you, Our Beloved Spirit of Wisdom and Truth, and Most Holy Mary, who personally will bring you back to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ, Only True Home, Eternal, and Incorruptible. And help this little one that you have left alone in her work. Help her that it will be helping Heaven. Translate and diffuse; diffuse and translate. Do not let Our Voice be silent because there are no faithful that can dedicate time and effort to echo The Voices from Heaven. Do it now! That I, Your Father, will send the necessary guidance, but you need to Consecrate yourselves and commit yourselves. Have both feet very firm Over My Way. God, Your Most Beloved Father (*)Apostate. (From the Latin, apostatāre).1.Deny the faith of Jesus Christ received in baptism. 2. Intr. Said by a priest: Irregularly abandon the order or institute which you belong.3.Intr. Said by a clergy: To go without habitually of your condition, by not following the obligations of your state.4.Inter. Abandon a party to enter another one, or change opinion or doctrine. (**)Emulate. (From the Latin, semulāre). 1.Imitate the actions of others seeking the equal them or even exceed them (***) BDDH: Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity (February 8)
(GOD THE FATHER SPEAKS) Little One Abba! Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity – Y María del Getsemaní – Book II
Compassion with the littlest ones: For the Kingdom of Heaven the littlest ones are the biggest sinners; the big ones, are the ones that have advanced the most in the Path to Development and in Virtue. I need you, Littlest Ones, VERY COMPASSIONATE AND COMPREHENSIVE with those that are smaller than you. All of you have mud in your wardrobe; all, are going through a swamp, which is the world and there is no one who is more or less stained, but I tell you DON’T JUDGE AND YOU WILL NOT BE JUDGED!; judge your brothers and with the same rod that you use to measure them, you will be measured and judged. Do not be stubborn, children. No one should judge even his self. Do what I order, get up and retake Your Path, if you stumble, do not be a stumble for others. Prepare the path for the return of your littlest brothers and don’t fill it with more thorns. The Return is difficult because the Wicked one does everything possible that is in his hands so that souls do not return to their Loving Father; if you judge them harshly you will be working for the kingdom of Evil, not for My Holy Home. It is Compassion, Tolerance, Love, someone who listens to them, and affection what they need to Return to Me, Give them that! And with lots of patience. If it is about saving a sinner, do not spare efforts and think that there is no greater Gift for Heaven than the return of the Prodigal Son. Imagine the happiness you would feel if one of your sons was recovered after thinking him dead or lost forever. It is an ineffable(*) happiness and Those that tell us that They Love us, say so with acts; words are not sufficient, these have to go hand in hand with good actions. It is not sufficient to give the hungry a piece of dry bread, you have to stay close to them to feed them again (with physical bread and word bread and good behavior bread) when they feel hungry again. In this dessert, Little Ones, you have in your saintly hands the Live Water and Pure Water which is Your Lord Jesus Christ, King of kings and Lord of Lords, take him GENEROUSLY AND
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77 ABUNDANTLY to your littlest brothers, as if it was the last opportunity that you and the Littlest One have of Salvation. In these Times, My Little Ones, which are My Times, souls can easily fall in a catastrophe, without warning, and the last opportunity to change course, of heart, of repentance comes with the last breath over the earth. You, My Littlest Ones, do not have bought time and know that your end comes in an unknown moment for each of you and for all. Have your lamps ready with oil for when the darkness comes over the earth which will have a duration already announced by the prophets (I don’t hear the word but I know that they are 3-½
years because I see a holy hand with three fingers raised). The darkness looms over your heads and you uselessly accumulate that which is not more than more fuel for the fire. The Divine Word, My Little Ones, is the fuel that you need to light your lamps, oil them and don’t lose any more time accumulating, which is not of Heaven’s delight. Forget the material things and live frugally(**). Eat with frugality, dress simply and modestly and don’t start with excuses and exceptions, that the one who makes an exception in earth, thinking that he is different from the others, may not be able to enter the Kingdom of the Heavens: More is less, in Heaven. Travel lightly and share the excess with your brothers that lack even the most basic necessities. Do you understand that I want LIVE GOSPELS over the earth and not empty words of acts? Perhaps my Son taught you like that? He is your Divine Master, King and Lord. Follow His Holy example and don’t follow each other, only My Beloved Son and Most Holy Mary: They are your Holy Examples. I repeat to you: do not follow each other, but only My Son.
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78 Do not believe when you are told that it is impossible to be Live Gospels in these times, because I TELL YOU THAT IT IS. No time has been easy to take the Path of Goodness; all have been plagued by Evil, and nevertheless you don’t hear the Saints giving excuses that their time was very difficult; they requested it from Me and with happiness I opened Their Holy Paths. Do the same. Do not conform to being what the world expects you to be because it is very little to be able to enter the Kingdom of the Heavens. More is less. He that is the most simple, more humble, he who is despised in the earth is the biggest in the Heavens. Who fills himself with power and riches is a beggar at the gates of Heaven which he will not be able to enter. Do you understand, My Little Ones? What else do you need to know to follow My Loving Son? Everything is in His Gospels, but you read between the lines looking for ways to keep your riches and even like that you enter the Heavens! Riches in earth are the enemy of the riches in the Kingdom of the Heaven: Remove everything that enslaves you because it is better to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven without a hand, than be completely burnt in the Gehenna(***) of hell. All those possessions that you cherish… Do you want to be loved as favorites? Sell everything you have in excess and give the money to the poor. Are you going to continue being mediocre accumulating wealth which is nothing more than fuel for the fire in earth and the eternal fire? It is your free decision, Littlest Ones. I Love You Greatly and Wish that all and each one of my children come back, like the Prodigal Son, but I cannot oblige you, Little Ones. Peace is waiting for you; Happiness is waiting for you, the Glory, Little Ones, the Glory! Do not conform with the crumbs that the evil one throws at you like at the pigs, but be Children and receive the inheritance that I Have Lovingly and Generously Prepared For You.
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79 (OUR MOST HOLY MOTHER SPEAKS) Mother Today is the Candle Mass Day. (I see our Holy Mother with a simple white candle between her Holy Hands.) My children go to the temple to Bless their children, like Saint Joseph and I did to the Divine Baby Jesus. It makes me happy when my children over the earth imitate my simple acts. They are my happiness between so much sorrow and abandonment in which are my sheep that do not understand that the wolf is ALWAYS near and stalking. Tell them, My Littlest One, not to spare any efforts to return a sheep to its Mother’s Breast. One, My Littlest One, one single sheep is great joy and feast in the Heavens. Or perhaps, My Little Ones, you do not suffer if you cannot recuperate your son, even if you have five more in the family…? That sixth son is your sorrow. The mother is a slave of love for her children. Don’t be that knife, that dagger in My Most Sacred Heart, which is of My Most Beloved Son Jesus Christ. Return to me one of My Sheep! To his mother happy for you and hurting for her lost sons. There is no more time, please! If you see only one that can return do not lose sight of it, accompany it if it be necessary all the Way until I, Your Small Mother, can cover and protect her between My Loving Arms. Do it, My Littlest Ones, that when one sheep is lost, it is for all eternity. (JESUS CHRIST SPEAKS) My Daughter Write, the pleasure that Heaven has when one of My Sheep returns is immeasurable, and the pain eases a little when I am able to stretch it between My Loving Arms.
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80 I beg you: BRING MY SHEEP BACK TO ME, and your payment will be great in the Kingdom of The Heavens. Set your sight in only one and follow it like in a dense forest until you reach her and bring her to My Loving Arms. Bring My sheep one by one. Don’t try to bring them all, one by one. That way, Little Sheep of my Flock, as one by one the hearts Convert and Return to their Divine Shepherd, Their Lord, Their Friend. Don’t you know that I leave all to go after one, like the little one who writes this? My Beloved Lamb lost between the wolves! The efforts of Heaven did not cease until they brought her back to her Home and now you see the work that she does and she was just a lost lamb! In that way save and rescue one, which could well be the one whose mission is missing now. Do you see it? Think that you are rescuing the little one that writes this for you and do not scorn My Sheep because the more you scare them the deeper they hide in the forest. Thank you My Beloved. (SAINT MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL SPEAKS) Saint Michael? (Saint Michael nods) Tell them, My Little One, to those that Heaven has sent to help you that it is not an earthly guide that you are looking for nor advice, that when you needed it, it never came, that Heaven intervened, Our Little Lamb, but that what Heaven requires is the translation into other languages and diffusion. Do not argue, discuss or defend these Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity. Limit yourself to invite to fulfill their mission. Is it clear, Little One? Yes, Saint Michael Archangel, Yes. Amen, My Little One Amen and thank you for protecting me, Saint Michael.
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81 Keep on going… (*)Inefabble. (From Latin ineffabillis, indescriptible) 1. Adj. Cannot be explained with words. (**)Frugally. (From Latin frugalitas, ātis) 1. Adj. Thrifty, eat and drink in moderation. (***)Gehena. (From Biblical Latin gehenna, and Hebrew gē hinnōm, Valley of H., cursed because of pagan rites. (place of eternal punishment)
(OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST SPEAKS) “Let Me love you as you are; Love is patient, love is kind…” Jesus reminds me and lets me understand that the grace He has bestowed on me is Love(*). Little One, write today’s date: Tuesday, February 5th 2:57 P.M. Listen and write like this: When one of My beloved souls finds The Way to the Fourth Chamber of My Most Sacred Heart, it got there by Love, there is no other way. I have faithful servants, but who is intimate with his Lord only by merits of Love. Study love, practice love, drink and eat love, each morning dress with love and at night do not undress. Love is what prevails when the veil is drawn back in where there is no need of Faith, or of Holy Hope. All remains, like a new dress, except Love, that is the bouquet of flowers, the gift given to Me and in works, as a donation, not only in prayer. The soul that enters the Fourth Chamber of My Most Sacred Heart is educated in the Divine Love of God and of his neighbor. In this chamber there is no before or after, no North or South: Just Love. This soul has reached the most intimate corner of My Most Sacred Heart. Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity – Y María del Getsemaní – Book II
You see, my Little Ones, you can follow the bread crumbs that my Little One has dropped so you can come to Me: the Bread of Life and Cup of Salvation. Here you are intimate with Me, your Lord, your faithful friend, your owner of Love. There you sit at My Table and share My wine and My bread. You warm in the fire of love, like a chimney where outside is a raw winter and you are inside, with Me, in Holy Company. Do you understand? This Little One has dropped crumbs so you can follow them to reach Me. The Merciful will find mercy; practice your works with decision, LOVE, and courage. Do not desist, that following this Path, emulating it is how even the worst sinners, like her, reach Me. Do not let the Wicked one tell you that it is only for Saints, it is the Path for My Children, walk it and do not make any exceptions, which is the same as deviating from the path. Go after My Bloodied Footsteps that behind the Holy Cross is my Home. Understand, Little Ones that in this world there is no true or firm home. What you call “home” are only partition walls that crumble before the smallest cataclysm. Your homes are your souls. Light up the fire, keep the soup warm and bake bread, if you are going to invite Me to supper. Don’t offer Me the hardness, the cold, the indifference, the hurry; because that is not a Home for a King. I am not a God of accepting bread crumbs that is why I am telling you: whoever has much, much will be given, and who has little, even that will be taken.
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83 Understand that it is not with screams, loud songs, applauses and loud banging that attract Me to your heart, but with silence: that my Love is like a dove that if it is going to rest and nest in your heart, it only wishes to hear your paused heartbeats and in peace. How can you attract a peaceful dove? With shouts, cold, hard words and bombastic, or with the chimney on and the soup served? Do you understand how your soul needs to be, that chamber where I, Lord of Lords, can rest? How are you going to invite Me, so I, Jesus Christ, will knock on your door? Will you receive Me with thorny roses, or will you have cut off the thorns so I can pass with the finesse of a King, I, Jesus Christ King of kings? Do not let yourselves be confused by the wiles of the Evil One that even My Faithful Servants are made to believe that Sanctity is an exclusive pathway for a few elected. I have told you I WANT YOU HOLY, Little Ones, I WANT YOU HOLY. I DESIRE YOU HOLY SO YOU CAN SIT AT MY TABLE. Practice what is written in these Beautiful Didactic Dialogs. Follow these little bread crumbs towards My Most Sacred Heart, which is The Longed and Ancestral Home. There is no other, Little Ones: It is my Fire of Love or the hate of the Wicked one: There is no intermediate fire. Decide, Little Ones, and stop playing that now is only time for the Saved and the Condemned. Decide your final destiny now! Always remember that as soon as Souls consecrate themselves to Me and My Most Loving Mother, your Pathways are guarded by My Angels, but YOU HAVE TO REQUEST IT; we can’t intervene with your free will, immeasurable gift from My Most Holy Father with which you resemble His own Angels. Do you want to be an Angel in Heaven or a demon in hell? Decide now, Little Ones, that eternity is opening and time is NO LONGER TIME. (We have been warning and alerting you that time was coming to an end, well it is here, my Little Ones, it has arrived.) With this, my Little One, we begin this new project; this new book (Book VI). Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity – Y María del Getsemaní – Book II
(*) The preeminence of Love 1If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. 2And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. 3If I give away all I have, and if I deliver my body to be burned, but have not love, I gain nothing. 4Love is patient and kind; love is not jealous or boastful; 5it is not arrogant or rude. Love does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; 6it does not rejoice at wrong, but rejoices in the right. 7Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. 8Love never ends; as for prophecies, they will pass away; as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will pass away. 9For our knowledge is imperfect and our prophecy is imperfect; 10but when the perfect comes, the imperfect will pass away. 11When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child; when I became a man, I gave up childish ways. 12For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall understand fully, even as I have been fully understood. 13So faith, hope, love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love. Corinthians I 13:1-13 Source: (February 5)
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85 Little One of My Immaculate Heart, do not wear down in useless concerns. The Ways of the Lord are to be walked individually, not only to be read. The messages, like these Beautiful Didactic Dialogs are a gift from Heaven for all and every one of My Children; they are not to be put away jealously without sharing them. Do you understand, My Children? (GOD THE FATHER SPEAKS) Now, all My mystics, visionaries, and prophets of these last Times form together a protective wall and guide for all of humanity and between all of you, without contradicting My Word, you complete and complement each other. You saw it, Little One, how the necessary message was given through My Daughter Luz de Maria, in Revelaciones Marianas(1). In a different way you are told the same. Some are precise and direct, one by one; others, like those in BDDH unfold The Way to follow, like in True Life In God of My Vassula(2). All exude the same source of Good and Truth, but all are necessary because they are different ways of speaking to those that the other messages do not reach, and others yes. Do you understand this, My stubborn Children? Now, Little One it is very important to highlight this: Those that are happy with just reading them and DO NOT PUT THEM INTO PRACTICE little by little will stop reading them because a great gap will open between knowing and acting, with is filled with anguish. So little by little, now you know, start putting into practice these precepts and guides from Heaven. Do not fall into the trick of going to parties and carnivals, especially at the start of the Holy Lent, it is a time of reflection and opportunity of showing respect and letting others see that you are with My Most Beloved Son. Give a demonstration of your faith and loyalty and let your brothers see you, so they have something to compare with their own conduct. Say why you don’t go to parties or carnivals. Explain to them, with loving patience to your brothers what Holy Lent is, and prepare your souls to accompany My Most Beloved Son in these times.
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86 The invention of the carnivals is paganism, a way that was instituted by the Evil one so they celebrate him, and for you not to come near to accompany My Most Beloved Son Jesus Christ. It is not more than propaganda from the Evil one, AND DO NOT GO. You cannot be in the cults to Baal (3) and in My House. You have to decide. Do you understand, my Little Ones? The demons take a great quantity of souls in those events that are disguised as national folklore(4) and are just orgies. Don’t go, that in this very difficult time a soul that is taken by evil won’t have much time to come back to Its True Home which is Heaven. So you are warned of the great risk and REAL risk. Stay faithful and secure, do not say “My Lord will not come back for a long time…”(5) and with it fall into sin because you don’t know when He is coming back. The world already is another world(6), but you get used very easily to the novelty and stop seeing the evilness, that is presented to you as fashion and entertainment. Little Ones, do not compare yourselves to the world, nor ask for pardon thinking that others are much worse than you, better yet look up to Heaven and compare yourself to My Beloved Daughter Holy Mary and Your Lord Jesus Christ, if you want to be creatures of Heaven, not with those in the world that are putrid souls and on their way to hell. Follow this Way to Heaven: read it as a guide, step-by-step, to survive the world spiritually, and do not detach yourselves not even an instant from the Way. (SAINT JOSEPH SPEAKS) My Children, I am Saint Joseph, I know, having been a man, how difficult it is to stay on the Way, but it is possible and, even more, if you count with all the help that Heaven offers you TAKE IT!, don’t choose to walk alone: Take the help from Heaven. Ask for our guidance and support, and we will oblige and come. Do not stop until you are inside the Beloved Heart of My Son in the earth, your Lord Jesus Christ King of kings and Lord of lords. Once there do not desist in pleading and praying for your brothers on earth, and for the poor and holy souls of Purgatory. Do not forget them which is a great Work of Mercy to pray for them, because they Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity – Y María del Getsemaní – Book II
87 cannot (pray) for themselves. Be sensible and listen to them when they need any prayer or Mass, because you have them very abandoned and anybody of you who is reading this dialog might go to Purgatory, and it will do you well to have friends there from now. I tell you because it is a great good that you can advance on your Way to Heaven. (SAINT MICHAEL ARCHANGEL SPEAKS) We are giving you a step-by-step guide, an extended and unveiled way in front of you in the same voice of Our Beloved Father, of Our and Your King, Jesus Christ, King of king and Lord of lords, of your and our Most Holy Mother and Queen of heaven and earth, Our and your Lord Saint Joseph. Never anything like this in the history of humanity had been given, how the Heaven’s now intervenes directly, it had happened only in very isolated and necessary cases. Now you have prophets of the Lord working for Him with different charismas and virtues in almost all the countries of the world. So follow the Way that Heaven has unveiled. I warn you that if you see or feel that anyone of them is not real, pray strongly to receive an answer, so you won’t be confused. Remember that for one that is chosen by the Holy Heaven, hell will send one hundred false. So be astute as…(7) and cautious. If you see humility in the one receiving, if he does not suggest anything different to the Holy Bible or different to the Gospels, that he does not contradict the Holy Doctrine then you can trust in him. In the contrary, if you see that he likes the center stage, profit with the graces and gifts from Heaven, and takes all credit for his merits; know that you are in front of a false prophet. Discern with shrewdness so you won’t be deceived. Don’t go looking for the novelty, but the truth and stay in it, My Beloved Children. (OUR HOLY MOTHER SPEAKS) Little One of My Immaculate Heart: We have told you: those that turn down their Mission on earth to serve the Holy Heaven will be carrying a very heavy bag for eternity, because the pain in the soul is big when it did not fulfill its destiny and this is because by doing so he WASTED Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity – Y María del Getsemaní – Book II
88 HIS LIFE, so, Little Ones do not stop accepting to serve the Holy Heaven like He himself decides how it will be. Those that turn down this great service will not find peace, because this is the payment, the natural result of fulfilling its destiny. Not doing it makes your soul enter into pain and you will not find relief, only by accepting the mission for which you were created. Don’t turn to drugs or to drinking or vices to try to get relief because you will sink further. If you are anguished and anxious, pray hard and insisting so Heaven will let you know in what you are failing and how you can amend and return to the Holy Peace. Peace is the result of good deeds, there is no other way to achieve it. If you believe that you are doing good but are anguished, it is that something is deviating you. The one who finds himself walking in the center of the way, walks with serenity and safeness toward the goal. If you are not like this, know that you are running some risk and it is at nighttime, inside your Holy Rosary of Protection where you can “see” what is stopping you. Do it like that, trust all your worries and put yourself in the palm of My Hand, that I will know how to guide you, and most importantly, do not make hasty decisions that can commit you to the world and keep you away from Heaven. Now less is more, Our Beloved Father has told you, less of the world, is more of Heaven; so do not overload yourselves with work, but the minimum to fulfill your obligations and pay your bills and keep your homes, but the rest give to Heaven, and do not accumulate fashion or vanity. Be simple so you will have time for Heaven. Share everything and do not accumulate, that this shall gain you great celestial treasures. Be generous, My Children, with Heaven, with your time and with your brothers that have few or nothing, share, that the sharing is just breadcrumbs. (OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST SPEAKS)
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89 My daughter, a great gap is opening already between the world and Mine, especially the fortunate of Heaven that have reached this secret chamber of My Most Sacred Heart. You go out in the world to see and touch, like one that peeks into enemy territory and return to we can explain what you are feeling, you. You, My Little One, are highly sensitive, so you sense what is in the environment and absorb it quickly. Bring that because Heaven will talk it over with you to warn you and explain why many of our brothers feel the same way, and they most discern if it is for an individual, personal reason, or for something more out of their hands that occurs like a phenomenon on earth. Like this morning I woke up anxious. And that is why the reason was explained to you. Once it was clear to you, peace returned. I grabbed the Holy Rosary and prayed, and when I finished I had already understood the reason. That is the way that it must be, Our Little One, so you can from there share with your brothers and they will also understand and return to the Way, which is Peace, which is the Walk toward, in the direction of My Most Sacred Heart, which is your True Home. Do not stop until you live in My Most Sacred Heart, which is how I wish to keep you and cover you, like to this Little Girl Loved, just like her, you, my little ones. Is this lesson of love clear to you? We are offering you Heaven’s consolation and guide in these moments of grief, desperation, and anguish. Take it, Little Ones, that it is a holy celestial gift! Let’s leave it here for now, Little One. Amen, My Beloved Jesus. I leave you with My Holy Blessing, and Our Beloved Father’s, Our Beloved Spirit of Knowledge and Truth, and in Your Holy Mother’s blessing. Amen. (THE HOLY SPIRIT SPEAKS) Little One, the sensitive channels of your soul are very open, have always been, that is why poetry and art reached you, now Mysticism, as they call it, which is the highest a man or woman, My Very Own Little One, for all times, can reach. The risk, how you lived it in your own humanity Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity – Y María del Getsemaní – Book II
90 is very high because even if it is a great Grace from Heaven that is given to those of you in whom Heaven is going to deposit and TRUST a very large Mission; it is very dangerous because when you are not at Heaven’s service and well rooted in The Truth, the soul suffers greatly listening to murmurings of the Evil one (like it happened to you throughout your life before Consecrating to The Most Sacred Hearts of My Children Beloved Jesus and Most Holy Mary). In these times that My Spirit spills with generosity between the faithful elected, it’s even more dangerous than before; that is why do not open yourself to anything that is not a sure Way to Heaven because the demons can confuse you, don’t do it. Most of all stay away from shamans, strange rites, Oriental practices; close those channels to evil and open even a tiny window only to Heaven, that is why we recommend that you be in Grace and pray with faith, surrendering yourself, and daily devotion to the Holy Rosary. Little Ones, take heed that your eternity depends of the heed you make to Heaven’s recommendations, WHICH ARE NEVER AN IMPOSITION, BUT A LOVING INVITATION. Do you hear it clearly? The Holy Spirit of Truth guides from inside those Elected by the Lord, don’t doubt it. Amen Holy Spirit of Truth, amen. (1) The message dated February 7, 2013 in Revelaciones Marianas de Luz Maria (Marian Revelations of
Light of Mary). (2) Vassula Ryden. (b. Cairo, January 18, 1942) is a Christian mystic and Egyptian religious writer, that affirms having had two prophetic dreams in her childhood and visions of Jesus since 1985; has published an extensive work, that include the messages that she affirms she received from her dialog with God. Her work as gained some notoriety; the book, called True Life in God, has been translated by volunteers into 40 languages, and Vassula Ryden has been invited to give conferences about her experience in many countries. (3) Carnival = meat for Baal. This is the basis of the carnival: offer MEAT TO BAAL, dancing, shouting, noise in the city, dancers jumping, and blood pacts with Satan cutting themselves with knives. If you have participated of a carnival in an active way, I have to tell you that you have render homage to Satan. Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity – Y María del Getsemaní – Book II
91 (4) Folklore is a word that means “science of the people”. What it teaches is the so called “science of the people” that threatens against the commandments given to us by the “science of God”. (5) “But if that servant says to himself that his master is taking a long time to come back and if he begins to beat the other servants, both the men and the women, and eats and drinks and gets drunk”; Luke 12:45 “But if he is a bad servant, he will tell himself that his master will not come back for a long time”; Matthew 24:48 (6) It was the day that Pope Benedict announced his resignation, but I still did not know it. (7) “Listen! I am sending you out just like sheep to a pack of wolves. You must be as cautious as snakes and as gentle as doves.” Matthew 10:16 (February 11)
(GOD THE FATHER SPEAKS) My Little One. Abba. I want to confide this to you, even though I could tell it a to a high priest of My Most Beloved Son but now they are not there for Me, because they are busy being entertained with the diabolical wicked games of power in the Vatican and in the other dioceses. Little One, you are completely alien to power, to prestige, and to the knowledge of Bulls and Councils, but like a sweet Lamb you come to My Loving Arms where you lull to sleep and rest. Through My Little Ones I speak to you, like I have always done, but you keep on ignoring and not paying attention to them. This time is closed.
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92 The tragic event of My Loved AND FAITHFUL POPE BENEDICT is a shame to the world, because they have forced him to resign. He, like a tame lamb and true imitation of My Most Beloved Son Jesus Christ, shakes the dust from his feet and leaves the nest of snakes in which the before saintly homes of My Son have converted to. Most Holy Mary had warned you, but you did not want to (heed), you stopped being the Living Gospels and became bankers, soldiers, and chiefs of armies and governments; everything except LIVING GOSPELS, which is what you had to be. For that reason, My Little Ones, today I won’t be where My Spirit is not Loved and Respected how it must be formally. I will walk between My little ones that are so simple that are capable of believing in Me, LIVE GOD, and not between the bookcases and the hallways of power. Man has wanted, and it HAS DECIDED, to do without Me, His Loving Father, well they will do without Me and a time will come of pain, chaos, and confusion. Little ones, sheep of my flock: DO NOT DEVIATE TO THE RIGHT OR THE LEFT OF WHAT THE MAGISTERIUM OF MY CHURCH HAS TAUGHT YOU DURING CENTURIES. ALWAYS REMEMBER: I AM NOT A GOD OF CHANGING OPINION OR OF SUPPORTING MEN: THEY ARE THE ONES THAT, IF THEY ARE TO CONTINUE MY TRUTH, HAVE TO JOIN ME. Those who still doubt that God does not modernize, I have let you seen the clear signal that manifests My Justly and Saintly ire when I threw a lightning rod over the dome of Saint Peter’s, in situations in which you act from peak of your wickedness, hypocrisy and iniquity. You have seen it and I want, Little Ones, that you have that image very well recorded in your minds and hearts so you won’t be confused and believe that I Am a God “a boat, a vane God”; I am a God of Perfect Love and Impeccable Justice. Do not try me, Little Ones, don’t try me because I don’t make exceptions. The schism has occurred and you should decide if you are going to change because if you are waiting that I, God of Gods, change for your whims and satisfaction that will NEVER happen. Change now that there is time; do not get involved in matters that completely exceed you. Come back to be Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity – Y María del Getsemaní – Book II
93 simple sheep of my flock and don’t try to stand out above the crowd. Make yourselves little, so I, God of Gods, can make you big. Do not look for greatness which is what the little man looks for. Maintain yourselves faithful and firm that even though times change or happen one after another, and the centuries pass, I AM. (Ash Wednesday, February 13) Year of the Lord 2013
(OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST SPEAKS) Now Little One, those that have been curious in reading these Beautiful Dialogs which Heaven has donated as a signal of Love and Mercy, I tell you: Read them and Re-read them, but MOST OF ALL PUT THEM INTO PRACTICE. NOW! You, Little One, will select the ones you are going to be editing and preparing, and you will prepare them as a Book. You will start with One and so on until the Fifth one that we have finished. Number Six, the one were in now, Little One, I have let you see the beginning, so you can see where you will go if you continue this way of life leaving crumbs as my My Faithful Lamb has done. You will edit them and put them in these sites and once in the web, like you say, you will not have to deal with them anymore, because like you say, you can’t listen, write and at the same time spread them and translate them. Your work is hard and clear, you cannot pretend to do the
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94 work that corresponds to your other brothers because it’s been costing you the Holy Peace that you so much require to Listen to Us with the necessary clarity. Do you understand? It will be our responsibility, not hers, what you do regarding the spreading and translation. Organize yourselves to do it. Once you have placed in the hands of the world the 5 Books, we will keep the 6th intimate for a while more until that we receive from Heaven the answer we have been waiting for. Then you will go back with your Conversion Diaries of the remaining two years since you saw the Dove flapping in the Light, until you started to hear our voices. Your diaries are a treasure, Little One, because they go back to when you were a child and your way through life, but you will do them with calm and peace. Do you understand? The ones you have placed in this site are enough so they have a clear idea of the Celestial Value, as a Guide and the Knowledge they contain. Don’t anguish any more about their spreading and translating, that Heaven will take care of them and My Children will respond. Thank you, Shokram My Jesus, thank you. Amen, Little One. Amen, My Beloved Jesus. (OUR HOLY MOTHER MARY SPEAKS) Little One of My Immaculate Heart Holy Mother. Even though you always think you are not doing enough, it is a sign of the Marians, of Mine; in the contrary, the worldly think that by just giving a small coin that is already too much. You will do it as My Beloved Son dictates to You and don’t worry anymore about them. It has always Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity – Y María del Getsemaní – Book II
95 been the same way with my mystics and prophets, and will continue being so; they have enough with their hard work and the rest will be done by someone with the grace, the virtues, and qualities that we have given them. You look up to Heaven, and men will take care of men. -Yes, so be it. Thank you, Holy Mother. (SAINT MICHAEL ARCHANGEL SPEAKS) Saint Michael? Little One. You do your work well, do not deviate from it to do what others do not do, because it causes you to much anguish and insomnia. Do you understand, Little One? Armies are not comprised of only one person like you pretend; you can’t fill all the vacancies. Take care of filling yours with Love, dedication, commitment and loving humility. Yes, My Loving Saint Michael, so be it. Amen, Little One of the Lord. Amen, Saint Michael. (SAINT JOSEPH SPEAKS) Saint Joseph? Heaven, My Little One, is very happy with your work, focus in it, like My Beloved Son tells you, and do exactly as He tells you that you are very loved by Jesus Christ, King of kings and Lord of lords. So be it, My Saint Joseph.
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96 Amen, Our Little One. Amen. Ash Wednesday, February 13
“Leave everything and follow Me”, Jesus has told me since I returned to my parents’ home. “I don’t want you to have anything, I want to give you ALL.” (OUR HOLY MOTHER SPEAKS) Little One Holy Mother? In this book that you will do with My Beloved Son miracles will happen like you the one you have just seen with your surprise. My Children do not imagine the Greatness of Heaven when a few of them collaborate. Remember that Heaven puts the hundredth and you only your good disposition. Don’t be afraid to work for Heaven’s projects that no one will pay you better. (When
She said this I saw her for the first time, like a 14 year-old almost with a naughty joy and understood that it is because they are obliging Heaven’s will in spreading the BDDH.) (SAINT MICHAEL ARCHANGEL SPEAKS) All is for saving souls, don’t forget it, everything. If you saw one of these poor souls in their fatal destiny of hell, you would not spare any effort in doing whatever is necessary to save them, which is the praiseworthy end of the BDDH, and never forget it. When you are saved helping other souls, you are helping to save other souls. And each soul is not less than a Son of God, you have children, what wouldn’t you do to Save one, the same it is for The Beloved Father: What doesn’t He do, but it requires of his surrender and good will to spread.
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97 Do it, Little Ones that it does not cost you anything and it gives Heaven much joy, to who you owe so much. Heaven won’t get tired of repeating what needs to be done, as many times as necessary, in the same way you don’t get tired of saying “I love you” to your loved one, this is the way, one of many that The Beloved Father has to tell you: “I LOVE YOU, LITTLE ONES”. AMEN. February 14
(GOD THE FATHER SPEAKS) Little One Abby What is happening is that your heart already belongs to Heaven and you feel greatly the suffering of others as if it was your own, that is what My Beloved Son felt and feels Today in the Cross, the pain for each one of you. It’s not a weak “I feel it” or an obligation, like some of you on earth sometimes say you feel, but a pressing pain that penetrates like lighting and breaks you in half. That is the Pain that Humanity causes in My Most Beloved Son. It wasn’t only because of the accident that your so loved and loyal pet suffered, but for something that seemed so simple: This Friday in Lent a group of persons gathered (in which the Church asks us to observe abstinence of meat), My children, the majority of them to Thank me for having saved their lives and a moment later they were eating a carnivorous banquet. That was very painful, Little One, because they had not finished saying those words of thanksgiving when they were already breaking My Laws. Is that love, Little One, is that respect? I tell you that it is not so. Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity – Y María del Getsemaní – Book II
Do what I Tell you, what My Church tells you, don’t tell me “I love you” and with your behavior do exactly the opposite to My Law. Do you understand, Little One? That is how the faithful rest is: the few, very few, so few, that abstained (of eating meat on the Friday’s of Holy Lent) are the ones that can be called Mine, and if addition they follow My Ways. Whoever is not willing to observe this simple Law, what are we to expect of them to make a real sacrifice for Love of My Most Beloved Son, for love of their neighbor? If in small things you are not faithful, believe Me that Heaven will not wait for you to be in bigger ones. If you cannot give even five minutes to help the brother in calamity, what is there to expect that can remain in the holy rest until the end? Now the trials are small, but they will be getting bigger and don’t wait to disregard simple precepts of My Church, Little One, that these are not times for the cowards, but for the Heroes. Do what My Son Tells you and do not be arrogant and try to be the exception. Do not do it like that, Little Ones. A small fast… and if you can’t… a minimum abstaining on the days My Church has said and you don’t do it. What do you expect to happen to you this way? Heaven cannot give errands or big missions to those that do not show fidelity and closeness to Heaven in small things, it will not do it. So now you know. Put here, Little One, the regulations of My Holy Church(*) so you won’t forget them. I also won’t make an exception to those who –they are now so many- that live in concubinage(**), I have told you, you have to elect: SIN OR THE WAY, because you will desist the Way if you love sin more in any of its forms. Do not invent ways to please Me to compensate for the laws that you do not honor: Honor My rules and precepts, which are clear and simple. Do you understand, my proud little ones, who are always looking for an exception?
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99 In regards to you, Little One, you no longer like being in the world because it fills with you with pain and you absorb it like a clean cloth in a puddle of mud. Stay away from him, Little One, because he ruins you easily and disables you to carry on your mission. Do not pay attention, Little Ones, of the news that you are getting now: it is a lie on top of another lie all about falsehood. You will know -by the mouth of My Prophets and by the contact with My Mystics- what we need to tell you. They are preparing to discredit My Most Beloved Son Jesus Christ, ONLY King of kings, Only Lord of Lords, to elevate the one who comes in his own name. Everything is prepared for this, and you continue ignorant even of the greatest signs. If you don’t pay attention and listen to the lie, it will envelop you like a snake who little by little covers you from feet up, to your waist, and finally all the way to your face to immobilize you, so you cannot turn and be able to listen, say, nor distinguish THE TRUTH. Those who are still receiving these messages of My Beloved Servants, of My Prophets, of My Mystics whom I love so much; do not be confused with false information that is reaching you from all sides like a stoning against the Holy Truth. Maintain yourself in My Grace. Don’t lose it along the Way. Stay firm in My Grace so I can Send you protection. You see how there is not one place left without infection. If on the contrary, you desist of My Holy Grace, if you depart My Loving protective Mantle, it will be as if you were telling me that you do not want My Ways. So think about it very well if you are going to offend Me because My Holy Ire has been awakened with the fatal happening which the wicked have made of pushing My Faithful Servant Benedict out of Seat Peter’s Chair. What Heaven allows is because it must respect men’s free will and if you decide not to count with Me and walk the ways of the men, you will do so because it’s what you wish but you must know that the ways of men does not lead to Heaven. The Holy Way of My Son is very simple. Those of you who pretended you did not know that it was Friday of observing abstinence, I tell you that you were already out because if you would have assisted to My Holy House in the day that I have stipulated to visit Me you would know it, you would know it. You see how one omission leads you to others even more serious.
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100 I have permitted that from Heaven a rock falls which has shown the power that I have over the entire Universe (the meteorite that fell in Russia). It’s been only a sample, My little ones, and already you are looking for science to explain this phenomenon which does not have an explanation, but that through My Holy Warning to Humanity: Turn to Heaven, obey Heaven and don’t fall to death without warning. Maintain yourselves in My Grace, it is the only assuredness that you have at the hour of death: Maintain yourselves in My Grace so My Dear Daughter can protect you. Don’t pretend to play with Me, Little ones, don’t do it, that very easily you will leave My Protection and give chance to the Wicked to crush you, and know that he will do it because all demons are lose over the face of the earth and lurking to sin which is the permission they exert to enter. Do not open the door to them that is why I tell you: MAINTAIN YOURSELVES IN MY HOLY GRACE. Do you understand? (HOLY MARY SPEAKS) Little One, Most Holy Mother If My children do not observe even the smallest thing, that which practically does not cost them anything, how will they do with the big things that are coming? Where will they find the Faith to bear the future events? If you do not seek protection in My Holy Bosom, do you still think that you can endure with such limits with your human strengths? Don’t you see the APOCALYPTIC events that are hovering over us? Are you by any chance blind, my Little Ones? Come close to Me, your Holy Mother, so I may open your eyes because you are walking with your eyes closed to a place where you would never wish to have ever gone. Open your eyes and keep them open. Do not let yourselves be confused with the falsehood of the sects and inspired explanations by the demons. Keep firm and faithful, in the simplicity of the Way which is the Only Way, the one My Beloved Son opened for you with his own Holy Sacrifice so you could reach Heaven. Walk this Way so Heaven will welcome you at the right time, but do not cry to Me again or beg me that I take you to Heaven when your whole life and conduct and liberty was directed, in life, towards the abyss. Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity – Y María del Getsemaní – Book II
101 I BEG YOU NOW, CHILDREN: fulfill the precepts of My Beloved Son so the Wicked one does not snatch and claim you as his own. CONSECRATE YOURSELVES TO MY IMMACULATE HEART SO I CAN RECLAIM YOU AS MINE. Do you understand now the Vital IMPORTANCE OF THE CONSECRATION, which we have insisted so much? (OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST SPEAKS) My Daughter, the love you feel for My Creatures is growing, each time more because your small heart is united to My Infinite Heart, that is why you feel again as if you were a small child (when the heart is not yet detached of My Holy one). Know that you feel like children… Let the children to get close to My…(***) It is when Friendship with the Holy Heaven becomes intimate because the soul already walked the earth and DECIDED freely to return to the Home it had left. It is then -with a child’s heart but with an adult’s decision- when the heart returns and that is how, Little One, like you are now; that they Convert into mine: Faithful, Loving, Compassionate, Firm, and Courageous. Compassion is their sign, a brand. You have seen as the brand of the Wicked one and of his demons is the coldness of the heart, their blood cold as a reptile, not warm like My Sons. May Compassion be the sign that illuminates you and the fidelity to My Saints and Immutable principles, the loyalty to Me, your Holy Lord, Your God, Your Friend. Be Wise in your decisions before men, be holy in your actions, be impeccable now! Do not give chance of doubt, that you might prepare the most beautiful speeches, exegesis of My Holy Word and want to dogma(****), but with only one of your actions you say more than ten years of words. So take care of your example that My children look for examples of loyalty, be an example between the unfaithful. Give them that fortitude of seeing My principles embodied in a man, and be Living Gospels, not empty words that do not convince. Children, know that I, Jesus Christ King of kings and Lord of Lords can see inside of your Heart: keep it clean so I, Jesus Christ, can live in there. Do not fill it with filth and dirt while you maintain
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102 your exterior presentable and your word precise. Maintain your heart simple, open, and loving like when you were small, and I lived in there. Is this clear, Little Ones? “This is all for now”, an Angel from Heaven tells me. Amen. Thank you. So be it. “DO NOT LET YOURSELVES BE OVERCOME BY EVIL”, God the Father gives the title for this Dialog. (*)THE 5 PRECEPTS OF THE CHURCH 1. You shall attend Mass on Sundays and on holy days of obligation and rest from servile labor. 2. You shall confess your sins at least once a year. 3. You shall receive the sacrament of the Eucharist at least during the Easter season. 4. You shall observe the days of fasting and abstinence established by the Church. 5. You shall help to provide for the needs of the Church. (Catechism of the Catholic Church 2041-2043) (**)Concubinage.(Latin concubinatus)1.Marital relationship of a man and a woman without being married. (***) but Jesus said, "Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them; for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven." (Matthew 19:14) (****) Dogma. A principle or set of principles laid down by an authority as incontrovertibly true. It serves as part of the primary basis of an ideology or belief system, and it cannot be changed or discarded without affecting the very system's paradigm, or the ideology itself. They can refer to acceptable opinions of philosophers or philosophical schools, public decrees, religion, or issued decisions of political authorities.
(SAINT JOSEPH SPEAKS) My dear Saint Joseph
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103 Little One, I want to remind you that Wednesday’s have been Consecrated to Me, and these moments so close to the cataclysm that is approaching, it is necessary that you meet with your families and that all the children Consecrate to Most Holy Mary, Queen of Heaven and of Earth. No one more loved in Heaven and for My Most Beloved Son, Our and Your Lord Jesus Christ, who has requested Me that whole Families be consecrated to My Paternal Protection. Also don’t forget, if you ask me, I will be there standing in front of the agonizing. In these times in which the battle for the souls is “relentless” -as you say say meaning bloody and ruthless-, you will need to be assured that your Whole Families are under My Paternal Protection. It is I, my Little One, who is going to gather and maintain the harmonious cohesion between its members. In the same manner that it is indispensable that all Consecrate to the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Most Holy Mary, that your Family should Consecrate to Me, Your Beloved and Always Faithful Chaste Saint Joseph. Little One, do you understand? How are they going to be Consecrated, Saint Joseph? With the liberty that Our Beloved Father has conferred upon you as a sign of love and likeness to all celestial creatures, say this: “Saint Joseph, I Consecrate my complete earthly family to your Paternal Protection so you may guard us discreetly and securely in these times. Do not permit, Beloved Saint Joseph, that not even one is lost dying without receiving the last rites and without your Loving and beloved presence at the side of each dying person of our family. We Entrust you this which is the Greatest Grace that Heaven has lent us to reach the Celestial Glory together.” Amen. Did you write it, Little One? Yes, my loving and beloved Saint Joseph. Now spread it and don’t forget it. It would please me very much if especially on Wednesday’s; you would say it and it would be an immense joy if you do it when the family is gathered Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity – Y María del Getsemaní – Book II
104 together. Give me, your humble Servant, this happiness which I am asking, I am requesting; I am begging for your Good and Salvation. Thank you, Little One, your Family remains in My Protective Bag. Let it be so, my beloved Saint Joseph. Amen. (Wednesday February 20)
(GOD THE FATHER SPEAKS) (DIALOG SENT TO THE TEACHERS AND DOCTORS OF THE LAW)* Little One, It’s your Abba. Here I am, Abba, ready to write down Your Holy Word. Write: In these Last Times in which confusion takes over almost everyone, I give you a safe guideline. When the apostasy becomes a common thing, anyone who does not love God over sin will fall because the Church will conspire with the wicked to give them permission to sin, and those that do not have their hearts deeply rooted and (I see two hearts from which roots come out and join and interlock like a strong and firm embrace), whoever does not have their hearts interlocked like this with His, My Most Beloved Son and the Immaculate Heart of the Most Holy Mary, are like leaves that fall with the wind. Only those like My Mystics and Prophets and visionaries of these Last Times that are like This will remain In the Holy Doctrine and the Truth. Including the ones who reason and explain, if they do not seek within themselves to be with their roots firmly
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105 interlocked to the Mystic Truth of My Beloved Son and they have them in their own intellect, they will fall. Let My Mystics speak because they quiet them since they want to be the center of attention, the ones who defend My Houses, but when they are not allowed to speak, it is like they are Silencing Me to give way to their human intellect. Never judge My Elected because I don’t choose them on a whim or in an “express” way, like some pretend to ascertain. They are creatures that have been chosen since before their birth, have been proven in the fire of anguish; in fidelity and loyalty, and none of Mine are to be taken lightly. Just for the sake of listening to novelties, they silence the ones who go ahead marking the steps. I have told you there are no novelties, only Truth and My Desire that you remain within them, so you won’t be confused I have given you this Faithful Way to a Sane Doctrine, true to My House and Sure to Heaven, but you must read it, practice it, believe it, follow it. Leave the interpretations and instead be LIVING GOSPELS and don’t give up My Saints, that at the end I will laugh at you, if they discredit you. Be very careful when judging because I am not a God of accepting jokes nor making fun of Mine. Respect them for what they are: the closest collaborators of My House. This I tell to all the teachers, to the intellectuals. If you have open forums, open them for my prophets and mystics and shut your mouth because they are who have My Word. Don’t be foolish and let those who have My Word speak. Don’t say there are “first and second class” mystics, those categories are not Mine but of your tastes and beliefs. Be cautious and prudent when speaking, don’t trust your own opinion and intelligence, base yourself well in the graces of the Holy Spirit, when talking and do it from Virtue, when you gather to speak you resemble parrots and not teachers. Do you understand? Do not confuse My people? If you disdain my chosen, you disdain Me, know it and be cautious, Little teachers of the Last Times. Is this clear? Since I did not choose you as intimates and receptors of My Word, you cannot or do not want to understand. Be humble enough to place yourself in the place that Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity – Y María del Getsemaní – Book II
106 corresponds you, and it is not at the level of my chosen but behind them. My mystics and prophets are the rampart that will defend the Sane Doctrine and My Sacred Word; it is not you who are going to do it. Be humble and treat them with respect because they are chosen by The Holy Heaven. Are you by chance lacking something or isn’t Heaven providing for your needs while you educate My people? Then why don’t you put your books and pamphlets at the reach of everyone? Instead you limit them to small libraries so only a few can purchase them. If you want Me to be generous to you, be generous with my Children, who don’t have where to turn to. Give freely as I have given, because it is not for personal glory but to keep My people Saintly in the True Doctrine. Do you understand? My Children are thirsty for Truth and you keep the wells (except) for those who have the coins to pay for the Water. Per chance did My Loving Son charge you for giving you wisdom and for opening your hearts to the understanding of the Holy Scriptures? If is not so, if he did not charge you, don’t charge My Children that you are playing with My Children’s salvation when you retain My Truth, selling it. Haven’t you heard how My Beloved Son turned over the tables in the Temple in Jerusalem and chased the money exchangers? Don’t be money exchangers in My Temple of Knowledge that you exchange wisdom for coins because it will harden my ire. What we ask of you in these times is for the heroes, for those who have no attachments, do not attach yourselves to your names, get rid of everything I have given you and ask yourselves: ARE YOU MINE OR ARE YOU FROM THE WORLD, MASTERS OF THE LAW(**)? I love you and I don’t want to lose you, that is why I scold you and alert you. Be generous with My Children, open the flood gates which you have, my children are thirsty. (OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST SPEAKS) Little One, my Mystics and Prophets of These Last Times place everything at the reach of My Children, but you, teacher of The Law have become money exchangers(***). Or do you believe Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity – Y María del Getsemaní – Book II
107 you are above of my intimate Friends? Unthankful servants! Place your Fruit at the reach of My Poor People who Hunger for My Truth, which I have inspired you. GIVE GENEROUSLY WHAT HAS BEEN ENTRUSTED TO YOU! (OUR HOLY MOTHER SPEAKS) Little One: Trust completely what The Most Blessed Loving Father Tells you and in what My Loving Son alerts you. Don’t take lightly any warning because it is NOW when you will be asked to give up everything without restraint, give everything because the lighting is raging and the provisions are necessary. Do not profit from the knowledge that My Son abundantly has entrusted to you. I Command you as Captain of the Armies of My Prophets of the Last Times. Give everything, do not charge, like heaven does not charge you and provides for us magnificently. (AN ANGEL OF THE LORD SPEAKS) Don’t be afraid, Little One, speaking like this that you are already under the guard of the opinions of the wise. You don’t depend on them, nor of anyone of the most loved from the Kingdom. Don’t wait for the judgment of the Teachers regarding your mission, do it as you have done up to now and don’t turn around to see if they accept or don’t accept you, because it is God the Father, which is Jesus Christ True God and True Man, who is Speaking to you. Do not turn around to men for opinions and judgments, but to the Holy Heaven, so don’t delay in your work. Amen. (*) See message to J.V. “Ask Me For That Thirst, That Hunger Of Love” January 31, 2013 in God the Father Speaks. (**) Specialist in the Bible. Also called notary. It does not mean that they could benefit more from the Bible (Matthew 11: 25, John 3: 10). On the contrary, they run the risk of using their knowledge not as a service, but as a source of glory and power (Mark 12: 38-40, Corinthians I 1: 17-31). Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity – Y María del Getsemaní – Book II
(***) 2. Banker (Chief of money exchange house) (February 21)
(GOD THE FATHER SPEAKS) To My Children: Little One, do not be afraid of writing My Words of warning to My Children. The Good Father, Little One, always warns His Children of what is going to happen if they continue to walk in a disorderly manner. The bad father allows his Children to keep going toward the cliff. I, Little One, for that reason caution and warn you regarding what you need to do to save yourselves. Don’t doubt My Word; it comes Directly from My Will. Do not doubt it, Little One. This past week the messages were one after the other because it was required by the haste of the moment. The signal that has been given from the headquarters of the Vatican is monstrous. It’s been almost a year since you write My Holy Word and this has been accomplished(*). Those who, have ignored My Warnings to men, continue VOLUNTARILY in their stubborn and selfish way towards the Evil one, they will suffer terrible consequences. But know, so dearly loved Little Ones, that it is not I, your Loving Father who punishes you, it is your own humanity to which you have paid more attention than to Your God. It’s time that Mine prepare because THE ATTACKS ARE INTENSIFYING. It is going to be necessary that you seek protection and drop on your knees in continuous and holy prayer. Do not perish that the end will be in a blink of an eye. The events like they have Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity – Y María del Getsemaní – Book II
109 been announced by My Prophets Have to happen so the purification will be completed and My Holy Son can return to Reign, King of kings, and Lord of lords. Don’t wait until the cataclysm is at your doorstep to move your soul and turn to Me. Take advantage of this time of Holy Lent to reconcile yourself with My Most Beloved Son and don’t Test me any longer, Little Ones. I reprimand you because of love, I warn you because I love you. My Holy Word does not change from country to country, or from time to time. You have your Bibles where you can check My Value, My Love, and My Strength; but also My Holy Ire with those that challenge Me. Don’t be the ones who light the fire of My Ire, Little Ones of mine. Go to confession, go, with the heart and mind present, to the Holy Eucharist; turn your face to Your Most Holy Mother, who cries tears of bitterness for each one that does not want to listen to Her Loving Pleas. Little Ones, don’t play anymore. Do not let your guard down that the Evil one walks around like a roaring lion. Look for the Protection of the Most Sacred Heart of My Son Jesus Christ, who is the only secure Refuge. Take Most Holy Mary’s hand that the attacks are intensifying the events, and you do not want to SEE. Even though I tell you, you don’t want to believe that It Is Me, God of Gods who is speaking to you, love you, and reprimand you, like the Your Perfect Father. PRAY, PRAY, PRAY. Do not waste time in the fleeting things of the world that are but wood for the fire, maintain yourselves centered in your souls, which are the only things that will prevail in eternity. Very well, Little One, we keep on going. I love you. Your Father God (*) On February 24, 2012 I heard: “Write”, for the first time and I did. (February 23) Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity – Y María del Getsemaní – Book II
(GOD THE FATHER SPEAKS) Little One, Abba. Again on Sunday. Do you remember that I told you that Sundays, which is My Day, we would write? Yes, Abba. Has it been so? Yes, Abba. Except on last Sunday in which we wrote on the same day of the announcement of My Pope’s resignation and on each day of the week that followed. This happened, Little One, because that was a parting of the waters, a very important event, and the culmination of all the previous succession of events; mark that date because the world entered into another dimension of the purification. Those that have heeded the advice are sheltered and the rest will see My Justice. Through My Prophets, Visionaries, and Mystics I have been warning you. I was signaling the Way and teaching with the example of My Saints. You have always had My Holy Word and the Catechism of My Church. The Guide has been there. My Most Beloved Daughter has had Apparitions in numerous occasions and in many diverse countries to offer you Her Hand between you. Now I have sent you two waves of My Mystics and prophets, and you still do not understand, and yet do not change. Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity – Y María del Getsemaní – Book II
The countries are preparing for war with their atomic arms and immense armies, and my children are ignorant of everything for wanting to remain comfortable; they do not change. With you, the few that have let Your Heart Convert, we will fight and keep My Holy People, My Faithful Rest. I have allowed the events to come paused and not all together so you can open your eyes, but you place everything in the normal basket, nothing surprises you, you don’t feel compassion, and you do not become alarmed or scared with what happens to your brothers around the world. You don’t take care of being better persons; you see as “normal” the lowest and outrageous acts which you commit. Now nothing surprises or alarms you. Now even the meteors that fall from My Universe to your earth, you see them like something common. How are you going to change when not even the events teach you anything? If your reality comes from your television and computers, and you don’t believe in the firm dogmas of My Holy Church, and do you think that because you believe in something, you make it real, like if you were living inside of a movie? My Messages will continue until the very end, the Dialogs with My Creatures, the same. I will not leave you alone and abandoned NEVER; Little Ones, do not be afraid. To the small faithful rest, I say: You have, My Children, chosen the best part, because the ones who have less, even that less will be taken away, and those who have much, much will be given; if you have been faithful in the less, you will receive more. Do not desist; the Glory is at the Turn of the Corner. Don’t do as the silly women that become desperate because the loved ones do not arrive and they fall into sin. You will also be tested in patience, temperance, fortitude; so have your virtue swords sharpened so you can keep away sin and temptation with it. The moment is coming in which everything will come to light, Little Ones. Remain standing, be My courageous warriors, that your Captain (Holy Mary) goes in front and won’t let anything happen to you, but do not leave Her Loving Protection, that your goal always be to ENTER THE Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity – Y María del Getsemaní – Book II
112 SACRED HEART OF MY MOST BELOVED SON, THAT IS YOU GOAL, do not be distracted with any worldly thing. Thank you my loved ones. (OUR HOLY MOTHER SPEAKS) Little One of My Immaculate Heart Holy Mother. Now, Little One, that my Armies are formed, endure the attacks together. We have told you that the battle will be won by My Most Beloved Son. Each one of you battle against sin so you won’t succumb to it, do not underestimate the audacity of your enemy that it only compares to his wickedness. Stay united and ALWAYS IN THE GRACE OF GOD, who is your protection. Do what you have as a safe guide and don’t try to fight evil body to body, get away from it, help and assist your brothers. It is not a battle of men, but a spiritual one. Do not fall into temptation to go to marches or big multitude events, better yet, maintain your guard and silence. But most of all do not let go of My Holy Hand, because there you are safe. Use your sacramentals so you can identify each other, and be astute and prudent, don’t let yourselves be deceived. If you are unsure if I, Your Most Holy Mother, is behind a visionary, prophet, mystic, apparition or way; turn around and flee from there, look only for The Safe Refuge, that deceptions are very well elaborated and My children are not as smart as the Evil ones, and you can fall. Stay in the safe way and don’t look for shortcuts because you can get lost. Maintain yourselves loyal to the teachings of the Church, and do not change the ancestral ways of your fathers and grandfathers. (OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST SPEAKS)
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113 EVEN IF YOU HEAR THAT SIN IS NO LONGER SIN, I TELL YOU: IT CONTINUES BEING SIN, Little Ones, and it always will be. Are not men, sinners between sinners, who are saying it? The sick are not going to cure the doctor, but the doctor the sick? The sick can’t tell the doctor how to cure him, what medicine to take and which not to take. Don’t be gullible in believing that in the worst time of all humanity, I am going to loosen My ancestral principles nor widen the Way so you can walk comfortably by it; I won’t do it. If they tell you that sin is no longer sin, DO NOT BELIEVE IT, if they tell you that hell does not exist, DO NOT BELIEVE IT, because whoever contradicts MY WORD WHICH IS THE TRUTH OF TRUTHS is a son of the prince of lies. So know it once and for all: ARE YOU GOING TO BELIEVE THE TRUTH OR THE LIE, which one fits you better? Truth will make you free, and lies will chain you perpetually in eternity. My Truth is clear, neat, and crystalline; do not mix it with the teachings of the demons. Stay in what I have told you for thousands of years. Any precept that contradicts My Holy Word is anathema. Everything that will not take you to be living gospels does not come from Me, Little Ones, but of the Evil one. DO NOT LET YOURSELF BE CONFUSED because you have been warned. Do not look for a doctrine different than Mine, because I have given you THE TRUTH, and you have it in front of you. Keep busy walking toward My Sacred Heart, and don’t go about losing time mincing My Word. I want you to BE SAINTS, TO BELONG TO ME THAT YOU LIVE IN MY MOST SACRED HEART: ONLY REFUGE AND HOME THAT YOU HAVE. Be wise and simple and humble so you don’t fall. Don’t try to be better than your brothers; you are to serve not to be served, like Me, Jesus Christ, King of kings and Lord of lords, who went to Serve. Are you by any chance younger than your older Brother? Follow My Example, wash the feet of your brothers, of sinners, invite them to your table and share the bread and cup of Salvation with them. FOLLOW MY EXAMPLE, for that reason I gave them to you.
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114 (SAINT MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL SPEAKS) Little One Saint Michael. You count with My protection, with My sword at every moment, must you must ask for it. That is all for now, little one. (SAINT JOSEPH SPEAKS) Saint Joseph: Don’t forget, Little Ones, to consecrate yourselves to the Immaculate Heart of Mary each day, and go on to Paradise, which is the Heart of My Most Beloved Son, go on… You can count with My intercession and my pleas for your families, but you must ask for it. (AN ANGEL OF THE LORD SPEAKS) Little One of the Lord Angel of the Lord. These books will be of great help for men. Now men are distracted with so many shows that are available in their technological equipment, but it will not always be so. They need to keep safely and securely a copy of their Bibles and of the teachings that feed their soul, because man does not live of bread alone. All documents that in these last times guide you, give you hope, make you smarter, which are your spiritual nourishment, make a hard copy, put them in a safe place, don’t forget it. Little
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115 Ones, do not trust technology totally, because it will not be always there for you to rely on it. Do you understand? Trust paper which lasts longer. February 24 (First anniversary of writing BDDH)
TO MY LOVING FAITHFUL REST: (SAINT JOSEPH SPEAKS) My dear Saint Joseph? Little One (I perceive him to be very sad) Our Mother is very sad for all the children she counted on, who have decided to turn their backs to the Holy Heaven. It is a great loss, not only for the Beautiful Dialogs, but for humanity as a whole, and I have Wanted, always with the Permission of Our Most Loving Holy Father God, to exhort you one more time. Little ones, your Father Saint Joseph is speaking to you. I beg you not to despise the orders from Holy Heaven, because it is a great total loss. What Heaven requires of each one of you is only what each one of you is capable of giving. If you entrust yourself to Heaven, it will look after your families, your dying, and your needs. If, in the contrary, with your free will, you decide, to follow your desires and human routes, you will realize your mistake too late. Heaven does not spare Blessings, but those that do not want to work for The Kingdom will not need so many Blessings and Graces which were destined for you, and they will be stored in the Holy Heaven to be given to the few that have believed and have wanted to help. Don’t waste so much of the
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116 love that your Father has placed in you. Each one of you that abandons the ranks of Most Holy Mary causes a pain like from a dagger in Her Most Sacred Heart. That is why I am begging you, pleading with you: DO NOT ABANDON HEAVEN FOR THIS WORLD, that the world will not pay you, rather will retain you as prisoners of war because the Wicked one knows you have a Mission, and he will attack you with more rawness. Do not detach yourself from Your Mother; especially those who have big missions with Heaven, and peace will flood your Hearts because of My intercession for your families. You cannot be forced to do it, that is why I beg you, if you are thinking that you no longer want to be at the service of Heaven, I tell you: “it’s better to be able to enter lame into the Kingdom of Heaven than be thrown wholly to gehena”(*). In other words, Little ones that are also mine, get rid of the temptations that make you to repeat sinning, but do not get try to put Holy Heaven aside, which is a mistake that you will carry for eternity. Do you understand, Little ones that are very Ours? You will not go without, The Father has told you, My Most Beloved Son Jesus Christ, King of kings and Lord of lords has confirmed it -but without your good disposition and free will there is nothing that Heaven can do. CONSECRATE YOURSELVES, CONSECRATE YOURSELVES, CONSECRATE YOURSELVES, that time is no longer time and you keep on playing like a puppy running after his own shadow. Stop running after the worldly illusions, that they disappear as soon as you believe that you are going to reach them, turn your face to God the Father and ask Him to accept you again to fulfill your Mission. Put ALL your heart in it and entrust your home and families to me. I love you. Your putative father, Your loving and beloved Saint Joseph.
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117 (OUR HOLY MOTHER) Holy Mother? Little One (I feel Her to be very sad) Many of My Children who have been guided here by My Holy Hand, do not want to take the orders from Heaven seriously, and they want to keep on giving Heaven crumbs. Now is not a time of crumbs but of soldiers to complete their Mission. If they continue doing so, they will succumb to the onslaught of the Evil one. Now, Little One, we don’t even know how to tell you that the events hang over your heads and you can see it now with what is happening around you, and you want to keep on giving Heaven crumbs, and you won’t even have that if you do not consecrate and commit as I Have Requested. Russia’s Consecration did not take place, and see what has happened with My people when they have refused My Loving and Maternal Protection. Do you want to be like Russia that does not consecrate and the calamities come one after the other? Or are you going to be like the countries that courageously kneel down and beg for mercy? Compare yourselves with the countries that around you, and know the decision you make depends on each one of you. CONSECRATE
YOURSELVES so in that way you can give me loving permission to be guided by your Most Sorrowful Mother, who loves you with all her heart and is silenced by your daily chores. THE DUTY is with The Holy Heaven, Understand it!, that the enemy stalks like a roaring lion(**), and is even more cruel to My Children already marked with My Love. I am speaking to you, the loving Faithful Rest, and I exhort you not to take a step backwards and leave Heaven for that which represents temptation in the world.
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118 Stay away from it (the temptation) because, if not, you will stay away from the Holy Heaven. And those of you with which Heaven counts on, don’t stay away because the attacks are intensifying and all, and each one of you, have been prepared for these moments. No one will go to war without the due preparation. I Have chosen you to battle on my Side, do not let Me down, Little Ones, that the battle rages and we need you wholly for Heaven. Do you accept? Does your Mother have your FIAT? Tell me in your prayers and I will protect you, but you have to commit. PRAY, PRAY, PRAY. I Love You, Your Loving Begging Mother (OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST SPEAKS) Loved Little One? My Jesus? In the same way that we tell you: “Write” and you leave everything and do it; in the same manner My Children must do the same or they will not prevail. The Way narrows as time advances and those that a short while ago (I see it is 3 years) could have been in The Way with whatever strengths they had left, now they will no longer be if they do not place themselves in very center of The Walk. It is, Little One, like a road that is getting narrower and only the ones in the middle of the road will remain. That is what has been happening, so even if you believe that you are not mortally sinning, your performance leaves much to be desired, and you begin to feel the restlessness of sin. The Light of the Father strengthens when it reaches earth but it begins to center more each time in his Faithful Rest, so, Little Ones, get closer to The Holly Light, do not be mediocre that I have
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119 told you: IT IS A TIME OF HEROES, NOT OF BEING MEDIOCRE, because if you do not do what I am asking you won’t be staying until the very end. (SAINT MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL SPEAKS) Saint Michael? That’s right, Little One. This time we are speaking to the Faithful Rest exhorting, guiding, and warning them. Do not walk aimlessly through the forest outside the camp because the enemy lurks. Keep yourselves united in the embrace of Your and Our God the Father. You have been seeing how the messages and the signals from heaven are focused more each time in a smaller group of persons as time goes by. Do not defect and heed attention to what with So Much Love is being told and admonished. You have been prepared in Love, in the Truth, and in the Strength; keep yourselves that way and do not step out of the ranks that the combat is intensifying. Do not step out of the Grace of God the Father, which is permission for the enemy to attack. Don’t try it, don’t do it, that the battle is stark and the final destinies are at stake. DISCERN, DISCERN, DISCERN. I Love You. Saint Michael the Archangel. (GOD THE FATHER SPEAKS) Abby. My Little One.
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120 This time has closed. The events that have been so announced and waited by a few and feared by others, are already over you (I see a sky covered with heavy gray clouds ready to storm, I also see that it is already lightning and crackling, very shortly the storm will begin). It’s there, Little One, and My Children continue without taking proper cover. It is to My Faithful Rest whom I am calling to crowd together, to seek refuge, to unite forces, and not waste away with the useless chores; group and gather in prayer, don’t go walking around in the world wasting your time uselessly, nor your health, nor your energy. Save it for the spiritual battle, that you see how Heaven is and you believe that behind is the noon sun? I AM TELLING YOU: IT IS NOT. First the storm will pass and EVERYTHING foretold by My Faithful Prophets. Remember, Little Ones, that Heaven and earth will pass but not a tittle of My Holy Word will change nor leave events from happening(***). In these times remember my servant Noah. How they mocked him, but study how he obeyed His Holy Father and by that obedience and fidelity, saved the very existence of humanity. Noah was not stubborn and made Me wait for his will to join Mine, wanting it or not. MY SERVANT OBEYED and the events came at the time stipulated BY ME. The rest of the world perished under the waters. Do you want to be like the fools or incredible, or like My servant Noah? And you know that the destiny of your families depends on your decision and closeness to My House. I Love You. Your Highest Father God. Write word by word Our Dialog with the creatures and remain in My Love and with the blessings of my Most Beloved Son, of Saint Joseph, and your Most Holy Mother. Amen, My little ones, Amen.
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121 Amen Beloved Saint Joseph, Amen Beloved Saint Michael the Archangel, Amen My Holy Mother, Amen My Beloved Jesus, Amen Our Father, amen Beloved House of the Father, amen… (*) Mark 9:43 (**) Peter I 5:8 (***) Matthew 24:35 February 28
(OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST SPEAKS) Always, My Child, when a time closes another one opens, the Way becomes narrower, and you can feel it. It hits you very hard because you can perceive it, feel it, and see that an even lonelier Gethsemane is coming. But, Little One, you have to keep on accepting the events as they come, don’t fight, under any circumstance, with The Holy Heaven, and do as it tells you. You are very rooted to your customs, and it costs you to polish yourselves more when you are used to the ways of doing and being; but in these times more will be demanded of you, Little One, because the times require it. Like when My Apostles, My intimate Friends, were tired and I asked them to please accompany Me a bit longer. It will be the same with you, with My Beloved and Saintly creatures of the Sorrowful Gethsemane. You will have to battle with your humanity to be Heroes and Saints. Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity – Y María del Getsemaní – Book II
122 When you don’t hear Our voices is because we have to let you alone sometimes so you can learn to walk. The Father enjoys seeing how you learn to Walk, but you have your guide, be faithful and continue, even if you don’t hear Us. Trust always, keep your Faith and the Hope high and open to the wind, like a sail (of a boat), that we ALWAYS return to the ones we love and that request it from us. Trust always, that Heaven is not man to change whenever it feels like it. Do not believe when the Wicked one whispers to you that we have abandoned you for being men, for having fallen into sin led by your humanity. Only when You reject US DELIBERATELY is when YOU YOURSELVES close the doors to The Grace, which is the same as closing the doors to Heaven; but even if that is so, Repent and knock again in the doors that, with prayer, and good works, and most of all, with clear love and clean intention in your heart, that the doors will open.
Sail With Me, Little Ones, that your liberation is getting closer. Do not faint now that you are so close. I Love You. Your Divine Master, your King of kings, your Divine Shepherd, and your God Crucified for Love. I Love You. (March 3)
Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity – Y María del Getsemaní – Book II
Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity in this End of the Times For Latin America and the world. Book II Mexico, “Kingdom of Christ the King and of Our Most Holy Queen and Mother Mary of Guadalupe” Year of the Lord 2012 and 2013 “Y María del Getsemaní” The spreading or sharing through any media is authorized, as long as its content is not altered and the Source is quoted.
Beautiful Didactic Dialogs for Humanity – Y María del Getsemaní – Book II