2 minute read

Parquery 68 -69 Popety PriceHubble 71 -73

Parquery’s first solution provides real-time parking guidance to anavailable parking spot. Customers currently request additional solutions such as bus parking, truck parking, boat parking, train parking, plane parking, seat occupancy, people countingand warehouse management. After four years of technical work, Parquery’sobjectdetection pipeline is now robust, scalableand 80%-automatised: we can therefore afford to answertheserequests withoutlosingfocus

Parquery sells a service to customers in a niche: large outdoor car park managers, e.g. Airports, RealEstate, Retail, Leisure Parks, Convention Centers,Universities, Hospitals, Employee Car Parks, Cities,…



Parquery’s end-customers are parking and facility managers, who mostly have the following needs ➢ They wish to display available parkingspots to their customers (e.g. retail, airports, corporateparkinglots,etc.) ➢ Theywouldliketoidentifyifavehiclestayslongerthanauthorized(longerthanthe maximumduration,longerthanwhattheypaidfor,isanelectricvehicleparkedbut not charging?,etc.). ➢ They wish tounderstand theusageof their parking area (e.g. dodrivers indeeduse all the parkingarea?when?,etc.)


On the market today, the main techniques to monitor space occupancyare: 1. electromagnetic and or infra-red ground-embedded sensors, which can be expensive, inaccurate and require regularmaintenance, 2. video monitoring via cameras with onboard computers and dedicated algorithms to analyse occupancy. These cameras are expensive to install andoperate.

On the contrary,Parquery: a. Analyses any image from any already-installed camera: no additional infrastructure is required. b. Provides reliable results (99% accuracy) in all weather conditions. Furthermore, all results are verifiable bycustomers. c. Developed a built-in-house object detection technology which can be deployed locally or on cloud servers, as preferred bycustomers. d. Built a robust technology which can detect any object via very low resolution images: more than 300 spaces can be monitored on only one image forinstance. e. Has developed a very flexible technology, which can be used to detect any object or silhouette, and create solutions such as people counting in halls or public transport, traffic management orwarehouse stock optimization forinstance.


Parqueryprovidesparkingmanagerswithreal-timeresultstothefollowingquestions: ➢ Where are currently available parking spots? Drivers can be guided to an


parking spot on a Smartphone App oron dynamic guidance panels. Parquery’s APIcanalso beeasilyintegratedintoanexistingSmartphoneApp. ➢ How long is each vehicle currentlyparked for? Are vehicles parked more than 30min?2h?aftertheclosingtime? ➢ Are reservedparking spots (trucks, disabled, electric vehicles, taxis,...) currently used? ➢ Are vehiclescurrently wrongly parked (in front of emergencyexits, on delivery areas,…)? Alertscanbesenttoparkingmanagers. ➢ Whichvehicletypeiscurrentlyparked?truck,van,car,motorcycle?

Parqueryalsoprovidesparkingmanagerswithstructuredanalyticsandstatisticson: ➢ What is the generalparking occupancy of each parking zone?How many parkingspots areused?Howoften?Whenarepeakhours? ➢ How long do customers and visitors stay parked? 5min? 20min? 2h? all day? How longdocustomersparkonaverage? ➢ Whichcarparkzonesaremoreoftenused?closetothenearbyshops?closerto thecitycentre? ➢ Aretherebottlenecks/trafficjams?Wherearetheyprincipally?

All analyticscan be averaged on any time period (every hour, every day, every week, …) and of any size (only parking spots reserved (handicapped, electric vehicles, ...), only delivery areas, only parking closetothe entrance, allparkingspots nexttotheneighbour shop,…)


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