Rental Housing Journal Metro
March 2014
2. The Dreaded Annual Reviews – How to Make Them Effective
13. Remedies After the Lease is Up 14. CCRA - 2014 Is Shaping Up to be a Busy Year.
6. IREM - When a Member of Our Team Fails, We Have All Failed 8. Tax Time Doesn’t Have to be Taxing
15. Exit Strategy – How Do You Know When It Is Time for You to Sell or Trade Up?
9. Dear Maintenance Men:
16. Tips for Rental Housing Owners
11. How To Find Property Management Super Stars…In 30 Days!
Published in association with: METRO Multifamily Housing Association; Rental Housing Association of Oregon; IREM & Clark County Rental Association
Portland Retail Market Report
espite a slow 3rd quarter Portland’s retail market continued its steady growth heading into the final quarter of 2013. Overall Portland’s rental rate and vacancy remained stable while only a hand full of properties were delivered to the market. Submarkets in and around Beaverton and the I-5 corridor saw little if any construction but are poised to bring major deliveries to the market in 2014. East of the Willamette saw the most construction during this slow quarter with a number of deliveries and current construction taking place. While local investors are dominating the retail market interest is growing population and employer growth is catching the interest of national and regional investors looking for new markets. The third quarter was far from lucrative but few negative indicators and a major projects show the market’s stability moving into 2014. Absorption The market experienced (3,848 sq. ft.) in absorption in the most recent quarter, capping off a month with very major deliveries and some high-profile move-outs. K-Mart vacated two locations in Clackamas and Tualatin, which totaled 218,159 sq. ft. Natural Grocers and Orchard’s Hardware and Supply moved into continued on page 7 Professional Publishing, Inc PO Box 30327 Portland, OR 97294-3327
Experts on Buying & Selling
ental Housing Journal sat down independently with apartment brokerage experts, Joseph Chaplik, Linda Fritz- Salazar and Greg Frick. This is the advice each gave: RHJ: What advise do you give to an investment property owner when they are considering putting a property on the market? JC: If you are considering selling, I would recommend working with a broker and brokerage firm that has the following: They should have a specific and sole expertise in the apartment market and a good history of past transactions as well as current activity. Working with the right professional is the main difference with selling correctly or making huge errors. LFS: I stress street appeal and operational health of the investment. Simple cosmetic enhancements and bookkeeping housekeeping can have a significant impact on the final sales price. The property’s appearance is the first perception a Buyer will have. The owner that shows pride in his property is a step up from the others. From simple items, such as trimming bushes and trees, cleaning up around the dumpster and parking lot, or replacing unit numbers on front doors to touching up paint on trim, gutters doors, window sills fences and gates will all have a positive effect on the property’s appearance. The operational health of a property can be a best foot forward by having organized books and records. Make sure all leases are up-to-date and tenant files are organized and orderly. Keep a monthly “rent roll”
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that will show all of the particulars for each unit, not just the day and the amount of rent paid. Things like move-in date; lease expiration date, refundable deposits and non-refundable deposit information all make the potential Buyer feel secure with the records. Maintain a monthly record of all income and expense items, in detail, and keep receipts. The more organized you are, the more impressed the Buyer will be. GF: Find a firm that knows how to listen. By listening to what your goals and objectives are, a good broker can help put a plan together that will help achieve your goals. Be careful of those who might just tell you what you want to hear! The person you work with should listen to you, and be willing to tell you when, given all the circumstances involved, it’s not in your best interest to sell your property. Then, when you’re sure the time is
right, choose a brokerage team with the experience, knowledge and skill to implement an effective plan of action. RHJ: What about buying? What words of wisdom do you have for prospective investor when they are considering buying a property. JC: If you are considering buying, I would recommend working with a broker and brokerage firm that has the following: They should be experts in the apartment market and have the knowledge and deep resources to assist with finding the right property for sale. There should be a lot of data given to you by your broker to help evaluate the right purchases and how it compares to the rest of the market. They should also know the future potential of properties and how to protect your investment and help grow it. continued on page 3
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