Arizona Rental Rental Housing Journal - February 2015

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Rental Housing Journal Arizona

February 2015 - Vol. 7 Issue 2

2. Instant Tenant Screening Reports & FCRA Accuracy Requirement 3. Afraid to Admit that You Don’t Understand Social Media? 4. Dirty Little Secrets of Family Business

5. 5 Basic Fundamentals For Property Managers and Landlords 7. Staying Safe While Showing Property 9. The Coach – Your Voice Carries The Words of 10,000 Leases! 10. Secret Shopper


A Monthly Circulation To More Than 10,000 Apartment Owners, Property Managers, On-Site & Maintenance Personnel

Vacation Rentals – Make It Simple for Your Guests By Alan Langston, Executive Director AZREIA By Denise M. Holliday & Allyssa B. Birnley, Hull, Holliday & Holliday, PLC


hether you have a doubt on whether or not an action qualifies as an immediate, or if your situation qualifies as a fair housing issue, etc., Attorneys Denise M. Holliday & Allyssa B. Birnley of Hull, Holliday & Holliday, PLC agree that the best course of action when in doubt is “call your attorney”. Rental Housing Journal asked Attorney Holliday & Birnley: As an Arizona landlord tenant attorney, if you were to give three pieces of advice to landlords and property managers, what would they be? Attorney Denise M. Holliday advises: 1. Make sure you keep up-to-date on the laws. Most lawsuits arise out of misunderstandings, not intentional acts.

2. Use a well-respected and standardized lease, forms and property management agreement. These have been modified through the years to help keep


riends of mine recently became a reluctant landlord. While they have another single family rental, a townhome purchased as a place for a family member to rent became a rental on the open market. They decided to rent the unit as a short-term vacation rental. Having started my own real estate investment portfolio over 30 years ago with a vacation rental, they were picking my brain about that type of property. There have been a lot changes in the vacation rental business over the last few years. The advent of Vacation Rental By Owner (VRBO) and other similar services has made it much easier to market the property. I am a routine user of VRBO, having used the service to rent properties all over the world. I like renting a house with

friends that the best experiences we had with VRBO included when the property had information packets and even small signs displayed around the property that helped us ...continued on page 11

A Dozen States Dominate Top Year-End Real Estate Markets


t appears that real estate investment has headed south for the winter, this according to yearend data compiled by Local Market Monitor, the national real estate forecaster, and HomeVestors of America (the "We Buy Ugly Houses"® people) with Texas, North Carolina and Florida ending 2014 as sure bets for single-family investment property markets. "The real estate markets that made the top 20 list for investing were chosen based on population growth and it's near cousin, job growth - both conditions ideal for investing in sin...continued on page 6

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nice furnishings, in a nice area for much less than a hotel room. I really like dealing directly with the owners when finalizing a transaction to rent their property. I mentioned to my

Advertise in Rental Housing Journal Arizona Circulated to over 10,000 Apartment owners, On-site, and Maintenance personnel monthly. www. re nt a lh o u s in gj o u r n a m

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