Rental Housing Journal Arizona October 2015

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Rental Housing Journal Arizona

October 2015 - Vol. 7 Issue 9

2. 2Q15 Market Update

5. Dear Maintenance Men

3. Winter is Coming. Have A Plan!

9. Amid Rapid Gentrification, Inclusionary Housing Can Reduce Segregation

4. Security Deposit Litigation

11.What To Do When You Need A Lawyer

WWW.RENTALHOUSINGJOURNAL.COM • PROFESSIONAL PUBLISHING, INC Monthly Circulation To More Than 10,000 Apartment Owners, Property Managers, On-Site & Maintenance Personnel

Prepare Rental Properties For The Winter Season

2Q15 Market Overview Multifamily Housing Update

By Scott Matthews, Director, Strategic Accounts, The Home Depot

F Payroll Job Summary Total Payrolls 1,888.2m Annual Change 49.7m (2.8%) 2015 Forecast 51.7m (2.8%) 2016 Forecast 51.3m (2.7%) 2017 Forecast 51.5m (2.6%) 2018 Forecast 47.9m (2.4%) Unemployment 5.7% (July)

Payroll Trends And Forecast The year-on-year pace of payroll employment growth decelerated, slowing from a 56,800-job, 3.1% rate in 1Q15 to 49,700 (2.7%) jobs in the second quarter. Likewise, seasonally-adjusted data indicate that net job creation during the period plunged from 9,100 jobs during the first quarter to 300 in the second, the weakest gain since 3Q10. Slower expansion in regional services appear to be the cause as sequential quarter growth was weaker in retail trade and health care, leisure and personal services. By contrast, the tempo of job creation appears to have gained speed during the summer. Year-on-year comparisons in July showed a gain of 60,900 jobs over 2014, and payroll employment totals expressed on a seasonally adjusted basis advanced 10,900 jobs in July and August.

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all is a great time to prepare properties for the colder months ahead, which may help prevent or offset costly repairs and high utility bills caused by harsh winter weather. Before winter hits, take steps to ensure that the property is ready for the elements with this must-have checklist. 1. Stock up. Property managers – especially those handling procurement – should prepare for colder months by purchasing winter products, such as salt and ice melt, in bulk before the season changes. Buying in bulk not only saves time and money but also gives property managers peace of mind as they look ahead to potential extreme weather. 2. Seal gaps. Thoroughly examine roofs, siding, doors and window frames for damage and drafts. Repair damages immediately and seal around doors and windows with caulking, weather stripping, or a door sweep to help keep warm air in and cold air out. As a best practice, ensure exterior seals are strong where building materials meet, like where siding stops and brick begins. Encourage tenants to notify of any drafts or noticeable gaps in their units to prevent soaring utility bills.

3. Protect pipes. Install heat cables and pipe insulation to prevent freezing pipes as temperatures drop – especially for pipes exposed to outside air or on exterior walls. Remind tenants to let faucets drip overnight during extreme cold to keep pipes from bursting and causing water damage. Repairing burst pipes can cost more than $600 – depending on where the pipe is located and the extent of the damage, so take the necessary steps to avoid the additional outof-pocket cost. 4. Check the water heater. Ensure units on the property are in good condition with thorough inspections. Drain and flush the hot water heater to get rid of sediment build-

up. If it’s time for an upgrade, choose a model that’s compliant with the latest efficiency requirements enacted in April of this year. 5. Install programmable thermostats. Wi-fi enabled thermostats offer customizable convenience by enabling users to control temperatures from their smart phone. Some models even sense when a unit is occupied, delivering comfortable temperatures when it is in use and saving energy and money when no one is home. Property managers can also program smart thermostats to send reminders for filter changes or extreme temperature alerts. contiued on page 3

5 Lessons For Winter Property Survival


s Darwin concluded, “It’s the survival of the fittest.” If we hope to preserve our property over the long term, there are simple truth’s we must accept and actions we must take in order to ensure the viability and value of the physical assets under our stewardship. The simple truth is that as soon as a property is built, it begins the process of dying. It’s a harsh truth, but we have all seen it. With that said, there are some properties that seem to escape the inevitability of decay, waste, and death. So, how do they do it? Are they

special in some way? What are those operators doing to extend the life of those properties, or, at least, lessen the effects of time in order to retain value? These operators understand the following 5 lessons and keep them at the top of their preventative maintenance approach.

Lesson One: Gutters and drains are key. When gutters, downspouts, and ground drains are neglected, they begin killing your buildings. These compocontinued on page 6

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