Rental Housing Journal Arizona January 2017

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Rental Housing Journal Arizona

January 2017 - Vol. 9 Issue 1

2. The How and Why of Becoming a Really Likable Property Manager

4. Housing Data Reveals Gaps in Economic Opportunity Along Generational, Racial and Socio-Economic Lines

3. How to Find and Choose the Best Mortgage Lender for You

5. Dear Maintenance Men – Slab Leaks, Safety Bars and Shaky Ovens

7. U.S. Housing Worth Record-High $29.6 Trillion in 2016

FAU Buy vs Rent Index Shows Record High Home Prices in U.S. Housing Market Being Supported by Rising Rents

WWW.RENTALHOUSINGJOURNAL.COM • PROFESSIONAL PUBLISHING, INC Monthly Circulation To More Than 7,000 Apartment Owners, Property Managers, On-Site & Maintenance Personnel

3Q16 Market Overview Multifamily Housing Update

P Payroll Job Summary Total Payrolls 1,947.1m Annual Change 50.3m (2.6%) RCR 2016 Forecast 58.7m (3.1%) RCR 2017 Forecast 51.5m (2.6%) RCR 2018 Forecast 37.6m (1.9%) RCR 2019 Forecast 20.9m (1.0%) RCR 2020 Forecast 10.8m (0.5%) Unemployment (NSA) 4.5% (Oct.)

3Q16 Payroll Trends and Forecast In the wake of exceptionally strong job creation rates during the first half 2016, Phoenix job growth slowed after mid-year. Metro establishments hired at a 50,300-job, 2.6% year-on-year rate in 3Q16, compared to 1H16’s 65,400job, 3.5% surge. Weaker hiring was recorded in consumer-driven sectors and tech oriented services and manufacturing. On the consumer side, retail trade and personal service growth slowed to a 4,300-job, 1.5% annual rate in 3Q16, from 12,900 (3.0%) jobs in the previous quarter. On the tech side, attrition in

Phoenix Multifamily Investing Hits Record $4.5 Billion In 2016

hoenix multifamily investors have spent a record of $4.5 billion so far in 2016 in purchasing apartments in the Phoenix metro area, according to a release. Research from ABI Multifamily shows that year-to-date Phoenix just crested $4.5 billion in total transaction volume which is a record for the Metro, according to Thomas M. Brophy, director of research for ABI Multifamily. “As I’m sure many of you have read, there has been a significant uptick in the frequency of large deals closing in the Phoenix Metro,” Brophy said in the release. “It should be noted that a lot of these deals, as with many deals involving large properties, take months to put together. There is usually a rush to deploy capital prior to year-end,” he said to explain the timing.

“The current business climate, with high volatility the world over, has investors seeking safe harbor. Look at some of the larger deals that have closed, such as 516 units at Biscayne Bay and 496 units at Elliot’s Crossing and numerous

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More than One in 10 Homeowners Underwater as Housing Market Nears Full Recovery


ising home values are freeing homeowners from negative equity, allowing them to re-enter the market, but 11 percent of homeowners remain upside-down. Nationally, the negative equity rate fell to 10.9 percent in the third quarter, down from 13.4 percent a year ago. Western metros have the lowest rates of negative equity. 26.1 percent of homeowners with a mortgage have less than 20 percent equity in their homes, or are in effective negative equity. continued on page 8

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smaller deals,” he said in the release. In November alone, Phoenix had $320 million in multifamily sales with many California investors moving in.

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