Colorado Rental Housing Journal - February 2015

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Rental Housing Journal Colorado

February 2015 - Vol. 7 Issue 2

2. Staying Safe While Showing Property 3. The Coach – Your Voice Carries the Words of 10,000 Leases!

4. Attracting Families With Amenities Aimed at the Youngest Tenants 6. Secret Shopper • Professional Publishing, Inc


Monthly Circulation To More Than 7,000 Apartment Owners, Property Managers, On-Site & Maintenance Personnel

Growing Denver Economy, Surging Rents Stir Investor Demand


trong job gains in the Denver metro will drive apartment demand this year, pushing up rents and increasing property incomes. Nearly every employment sector will add jobs, strengthening economic growth. Lockheed Martin recently announced plans to create roughly 500 high-paying aerospace jobs over the next eight years. Employment increases will keep developer optimism high; however, after a near record-setting pace in 2014, the construction pipeline will begin to ebb this year. Nearly half of all completions in 2015 will still be heavily concentrated near the urban core. Over the past several years, absorption has kept pace with increasing development; however, this year deliveries will outpace demand, elevating marketwide vacancy into the low-4 percent range. Yet, the rise in vacancy will be temporary as construction slows and new projects lease up. High demand for rentals will enable operators to lift rents at one of the fastest paces nationwide. Over the last few years Denver has ranked among the top major metros for rent growth, posting annual gains well above 5 percent since 2010.


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Source: Marcus

Cut Property Management Costs & Improve Housing Quality by Walter Young


ith Colorado rental property occupancy rates at the highest level they have been in years, you may not be as focused on ways to contain or reduce costs and invest in property improvements as you are during the high vacancy periods. However, this is the perfect time to take action to reduce unnecessary operating costs and at the same time, enhance the marketability of your residential property. Damage to your property caused by tobacco smoke can easily double or triple unit turnover costs and discourage potential renters from moving into a smoke-damaged unit. Smoke travels through ventilation systems, pipes, walls, windows, doors, electrical sockets and floors. Ventilating and cleaning the air will not eliminate smoke damage or resident exposure to secondhand smoke. These management problems can be

eliminated or reduced significantly by adopting, implementing and enforcing a no-smoking policy. A 2011 survey of Colorado residents found that 54% of Colorado adults who live in multiunit housing smell tobacco smoke drifting into their home from a nearby apartment, common spaces or from outside, while only 32% of adults living in detached/single family homes smell SHS. For units with children in multiunit buildings, 60.5% report exposure the secondhand smoke.1

secondhand smoke.” A 2014 survey of Jefferson County multiunit property owners and managers found that of the 374 property owners or managers who responded, a majority (56%) reported that they have a no-smoking policy for their property and 11% said they are considering adoption of a no-smoking policy.2 (See Figure 1).

Karen Wilson, M.D., Section Head, Pediatric Medicine at Colorado Children’s Hospital said, “I see too many kids hospitalized whose illnesses have been worsened by their exposure to

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Vacation Rentals – Make It Simple for Your Guests By Alan Langston, Executive Director AZREIA


riends of mine recently became a reluctant landlord. While they have another single family rental, a townhome purchased as a place for a family member to rent became a rental on the open market. They decided to rent the unit as a short-term vacation rental. Having started my own real estate investment portfolio over 30 years ago with a vacation rental, they were picking my brain about that type of property. There have been a lot changes in ...continued on page 7

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