Rental Housing Journal Colorado
January 2017 - Vol. 9 Issue 1
2. How to Find and Choose the Best Mortgage Lender for You
5. Dear Maintenance Men - Slab Leaks, Safety Bars and Shaky Ovens
3. Home Values Rise at Fastest Pace Since 2006
6. The How and Why of Becoming a Really Likable Property Manager • Professional Publishing, Inc
Monthly Circulation To More Than 7,000 Apartment Owners, Property Managers, On-Site & Maintenance Personnel
Home Sales Expected to Expand Modestly in 2017 as Affordability Pressures Temper Buyer Enthusiasm
xisting-home sales are forecast to muster only a small gain in 2017 because of increasing mortgage rates and shrinking consumer confidence that now is a good time to buy a home, according to new consumer survey findings and a 2017 housing forecast update from the National Association of Realtors®. In NAR's fourth quarter Housing Opportunities and Market Experience (HOME) survey1, respondents were asked about their confidence in the U.S. economy and their housing expectations in 2017. With the calendar turning to a new year in a couple weeks, the survey found that a majority of households believes now is a good time to buy a home. However, confidence has retreated by a considerable amount amongst renters.
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continued on page 4
Your Residents Can’t Recycle If They Don’t Know How 5 tips to improve your property’s recycling education in 2017
rom milk jugs to cardboard boxes, Portland residents want to recycle. It’s not surprising our city has one of the highest recycling rates in the nation, with an impressive recovery rate of over 70 percent. Recycling doesn’t just happen. Multifamily property managers are critical to our success. Informed residents and an easy-to-use collection system are key to making your garbage and recycling program a success. Here are some tips from the City of Portland to help you plan your property’s recycling education for 2017. 1) Walk new residents through the system: Include the garbage and recycling collection areas with the move-in tour and show them where to put recyclables.
2) We have free brochures and refrigerator magnets to include in leaseup packets. Order now and we’ll keep you stocked! 3) Consider a recycling lease addendum: Encourage new residents to manage recycling correctly while discouraging noncompliant behaviors. We offer template language for recycling lease addendums. 4) Set clear and consistent expectations about cardboard boxes, foam peanuts and other packaging materials: Instruct residents to break down cardboard boxes for recycling and provide information about where to drop-off packing continued on page 8
More than One in 10 Homeowners Underwater as Housing Market Nears Full Recovery
ven as home values approach the highest levels reached during the housing bubble, 11 percent of homeowners with a mortgage are underwater, according to the third quarter Zillow® Negative Equity Reporti The share of homeowners who owe more on their mortgages than their homes are worth has dropped by nearly two-thirds since the housing bubble burst four years ago. Nationally 5.3 million homeowners were in negative equity in the third quarter, meaning they owe more than their homes are worth. At the peak in Q1 2012, 15.7 million homeowners were underwater on their mortgages. continued on page 7
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Real Estate Opportunities in Investing (ROI) Finding Investing Success in Today's Housing Market