Rental Housing Journal Colorado
July 2017 - Vol. 9 Issue 7
2. Rents Stable At Mid-Year New Report Says
6. 71 Percent of Homeowners Believe It's a Good Time to Sell 4. Dear Maintenance Men - Faucets, Storage and Vacancies 7. The 10 U.S. Cities Where The Cost Of Living is Rising Fastest • Professional Publishing, Inc
Monthly Circulation To More Than 7,000 Apartment Owners, Property Managers, On-Site & Maintenance Personnel
Why Is The Internet So Bad In Apartment Complexes? Can A Multifamily Internet System With WiFi Installation Be The Ticket? By Hart Steen
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n Educational Series for Apartment Owners Part 1 "Modem Service" A busy, always connected lifestyle demands the Internet. So much so the FCC, in a 2016 ruling, deemed the Internet a utility and it will be regulated as such. Regardless of government policy, the fact remains, access and experience are extremely important to consumers. Internet, as a utility, is an important distinction in today’s marketplace. Most Internet users experience a “Dirty City Water” Internet experience because it’s poorly maintained and rarely managed by monopolistic Internet Service providers (ISP’s ) – leaving a bad taste in the consumer’s mouth. Most agree the Industry needs improving; just as there are quality options for drinking water in the market, there are quality options for Internet. A “Glacier Water” continued on page 3
Fewer Renters Think it is a Good Time to Buy A Home
By The Editors new survey shows fewer renters think it is a good time to buy a home and they are not optimistic about the economy and their personal financial situation, according to a release. The National Association of Realtors (NAR) released the new quarterly Housing Opportunities and Market Experience survey showing how the morale of renters about buying a home has declined. "Paying more in rent each year and seeing home prices outpace their incomes is discouraging, and it's unfortunately pushing home ownership further away — especially for those living in expensive metro areas on the East and West Coast," Lawrence Yun, NAR chief economist, said in the release.
continued on page 5
Top 3 Biggest Stressors For Property Owners and Managers in 2017
By John Triplettt
n a new survey of 700 rental property owners across the country, maintenance repairs and replacement continues to be the biggest stressor overall for property owners and managers, according to Overall 61% of respondents reported maintenance and repairs as stressful, compared to 62% last year, according to the survey. “It is clear property owners are struggling with both maintenance and tenant management,” Darcy Jacobsen, content manager at said during the webinar about the property owners perspective survey.
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continued on page 7
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