Rental Housing Journal Colorado
December 2017 - Vol. 9 Issue 12
3. 4 Ways to be Proactive in Rental Property Maintenance 5. Facebook Rentals Added in Marketplace Include Apartment Listings
DENVER • COLORADO SPRINGS • BOULDER • Professional Publishing, Inc
Monthly Circulation To More Than 7,000 Apartment Owners, Property Managers, On-Site & Maintenance Personnel
Which Rental Property Flooring Is Right For Your Tenants? By The Editors hich type of rental property flooring is right for you and your tenants to both help with maintenance and be attractive to get new tenants? The maintenance checkup this week provided by Keepe focuses on flooring to be sure you are your protecting your investment and income as well as keeping your tenants happy.. Flooring is the first thing that rental applicants see during a showing of a rental property so which rental property flooring is right? Flooring choice for rental properties is the equivalent of curbside appeal for homeowners. Renters are motivated by different attributes than homeowners, so luxury or cost are not the only attributes to consider when making a choice of flooring. It is also important to consider which segment of the rental market the property at hand is targeting. For example, it may not make sense to install low-cost vinyl flooring if the location and finish of the property is more attuned to the high-end renter. That said, when it comes to flooring options at rental properties, there are a few technical attributes that are important to consider.
4 Roof Preventive Maintenance Steps You Should Take Before Winter By Eric Skoog
No. 1 Gutters and downspouts These are areas of specific concern whether in areas of snow and ice or heavy rain. Any structure that has gutters and downspouts should have those two areas checked. Leaves, debris, children throwing balls up on the roof - any of these can plug up gutters and downspouts. When that happens you have improper drainage. With improper drainage, there is a greater chance for water to back up beneath the roof system. Also remember you tend to get ice damming along eaves in cold country, and this can be minimized with proper drainage and installation of electric tape. Gutters and downspouts are your
Rental property flooring basics There are four basic types when you are selecting flooring: • Hardwood • Laminate • Carpet • Vinyl
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most important roof preventive maintenance-related item to check every fall. Make sure gutters and downspouts are open and clean.
No. 2 – Clean out roof valleys The second area for roof preventive maintenance I would look at would be the valleys on pitched roofs. Especially with tile and shake roofs, valleys tend to get filled up with debris. A valley is a junction where two slopes of a roof meet and water drains from the roof down that junction. If there's any debris in the valley, water tends to be diverted sideways beneath the roof's surface. When water gets under slate, shake, tile, or even shingle, it travels until it finds a drainage point, continued on page 7
9 Insights For Property Managers Heading Into 2018
here were 9 insights for property managers heading in 2018 that were shared in a recent webinar featuring a survey of 1,200 property managers across the country. did the survey along with the National Association of Residential Property Managers (NARPM), in August and September of this year to provide property managers ideas around strategy and growth for the industry heading into 2018. The survey was about 50-50 femalemale, and about 70% of the property managers responding said they were over the age of 40. The insights involved: 1. Renting is more attractive than buying 2. Millennials make up 56% of the total rental market 3. Baby Boomers want long-term rentals
4. The top 2018 goal for property managers is to become more efficient 5. Second, property managers want portfolio growth 6. Third, property managers want revenue growth 7. Marketing 8. Investing in staff 9. Investing in technology
Renting more attractive than buying The webinar was conducted by Chris Litster, Chief Customer Officer, and Michelle Burtchell, Vice President of Marketing at Buildium. “According to Price Waterhouse Coopers, 12.5 million new households will be created over the next 10 years, and more than half of those are going to be rentals. Why? continued on page 4
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