Rental Housing Journal Metro May 2016

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Rental Housing Journal Metro

May 2016

2. Crowdfunding and Peer2Peer Lending for Real Estate Investors 3. The Increasing Cost of Owning Properties with Onsite Staff 5. A lot of Activity

6. Driving Supply to Meet Demand 7. 5 Reasons Why A Multifamily Property Management Career is Awesome! 9. Dear Maintenance Men – Water Heaters • Professional Publishing, Inc

10. Ask the Secret Shopper – Alive After Five 12. Add Value with Quick and Easy Deck Upgrades


Published in association with: Multifamily NW; Rental Housing Association of Oregon; IREM & Clark County Association

9 Out-of-the-Box Questions and Tactics Multifamily Investors Should Consider Using

Charm Residents with Outdoor Living Spaces By Scott Matthews, Director, Strategic Accounts, The Home Depot


ransforming outdoor spaces into comfortable, functional extensions of interior living areas is in demand for multifamily communities. Residents are interested in spending more time outside, and creating an inviting outdoor space for your property will help attract prospective residents and retain current tenants, especially during the warm months and moving season. Here are some ideas for outdoor upgrades that will give residents a place to engage with other tenants, family and friends and help you stand out against the competition.

Outdoor Kitchens Grills are often the gathering point for many multifamily outdoor areas, so make continued on page 4

By Richard Montgomery


nvesting in multifamily housing and apartments requires extra investigation, sometimes called due diligence by attorneys, for investors who want to be certain they do not make a mistake. This extra investigation and these questions are beyond what a real estate investor may do normally for a typical commercial real estate investment. As a real estate investor, once you go beyond multifamily rentals such as duplexes or fourplexes, you enter the commercial real estate area. Here are 9 out-of-the-box questions you should be asking, or at least consider asking, before you purchase that multifamily or apartment building. Dear Monty: About six months ago, three longtime friends and I decided to make some real estate investments to-

Nightly Rentals

The Hottest Investment Right Now? How to earn 2-5 times the gross profit of traditional rental properties


am sure by now you have heard of the many nightly rental websites that allow property owners to advertise their homes, apartments, and even extra rooms for rent on a nightly basis. There have of course been some controversies over this new industry as it takes revenue away from the hotel industry and thus decreases the amount of taxes that local cities receive from the transient tax. One way or another, you have likely heard of this industry

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51 Ways to Increase Your Rental Property Cash Flow (And 10 Ways to Ruin It)

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