Rental Housing Journal On-Site December 2017

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Rental Housing Journal On-Site

December 2017

3. How To Raise Money For Multifamily Property Investing

7. HUD Charges Landlord With Sexual Harassment Of Female Tenants

12. Forget The Millennials, The Baby Boomer Renters Want Apartments

4. Free Online Sexual Harassment Training For Property Managers

8. Providing Quality Rental Housing - The Year in Review

16. 13 Ways To Pet Proof Your Rental Property

6. Landlords Missing Rent Payments Online After Company Bankruptcy

10. Seattle Area Landlords To Pay $95,000 To Settle Discrimination Complaint

19. Tenants Rights Protestors Show Up At Seattle Landlord Conference

How Do You Practice Compliance In Apartment Leasing And Management? • Professional Publishing, Inc 17,000 Papers Mailed Monthly To Puget Sound Apartment Owners, Property Managers & Maintenance Personnel Published in association with Washington Association, IREM & Washington Multifamily Housing Association

Packages Piling Up Can Be A Headache For Apartment Property Managers


ackages piling up in the rental office from online orders by tenants can be a real headache this time of year for property managers. As more and more people order online and more and more boxes are delivered by Amazon and others, the issue is growing for property managers who are sometimes dodging packages left for tenants in the property management office. Package security is a concern for all and thus folks in apartments many times have only the property management office as a solution and place to have their packages sent. “Package delivery continues to be on the rise and this trend isn’t going to let up anytime soon. It’s evident a solution is needed now more than ever to provide both apartment management and residents alike the most robust and convenient package management solutions,” Georgianna W. Oliver, general manager and founder of Package Concierge, said in a release. “When residents can access their packages whenever is convenient for them. It’s win-win for the industry. Leasing teams will take back their time to focus on customer service instead of package management, and residents

Professional Publishing Inc., PO Box 6244 Beaverton, OR 97007


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continued on page 15

The Multifamily Investing Forecast For 2018

By Vinney Chopra


hat is your multifamily investing forecast for 2018? I hear a lot that a correction is coming in multifamily Investing. Is it really? When? Where, in what markets? How long will it last? These questions have been on the minds of a lot of multifamily Investing groups and multifamily syndicators. The market has been strong for about eight or nine years. Usually the market cycle lasts about that long too. I wanted to share my perspective on it. It is very hard to predit the future. Especially in the times of uncertainty with talk of possibly lowering of tax

rates, and cutting out of social programs and small business tax breaks all in the name of economic growth. So it is very hard to project the multifamily investing forecast for 2018 due to 5 current factors.

Many markets across the nation have peaked. The rents are at the highest level in years. continued on page 17

Outsmarting Jack Frost

Are Your Properties Ready For Winter? Christian Bryant President of IRC Real Estate and Property Management


ven though the current legislative climate for landlords in Oregon is very distracting, don’t let it keep you from protecting your property and preparing for winter. If they take the proper steps before winter comes, many landlords will avoid damage, unnecessary after-hours repair expenses, and lawsuits. These expenses can soar up into the tens of thousands of dollars. Next to improvements that will increase rent, and properly managing your tenant, investing in repair and maintenance avoidance will have the largest impact to your longcontinued on page 9

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