Rental Housing Journal On-Site
May 2017
3. The Informed Investor - Property Co-Ownership & Exchanges 4. First in Time Lawsuit - Yim et al. City of Seattle 5. How Stable is your Homeowner's Insurance Company? 6. Home Prices Up 7.1% In March and Strongest In The West 7. Multifamily Rents Up As Rate of Growth Continues to Slow
15. Most Renters Like Where They Live 8. Apartment Returns Shifting to and Do Not Plan to Move Secondary Markets 20. Creating a Buzz to Attract Renters to 9. Successful Education Conference Your Properties 11. Four Paint Trends for Property 21. Is Your Apartment Building the Hottest Managers this Spring Season New Hotel in Town? 14. Effortless Ways to Earn Extra Fees: Bike Rooms and Dog Park Equipments • Professional Publishing, Inc 17,000 Papers Mailed Monthly To Puget Sound Apartment Owners, Property Managers & Maintenance Personnel Published in association with Washington Association, IREM & Washington Multifamily Housing Association
Can I Say "No Pot In My Apartments" When It’s Legal In My State?
Immigrants' Strong Desire for Homeownership Will Shape U.S. Housing Markets
new report says the housing and neighborhood location choices of immigrants will have a significant impact on urban growth in the U.S. for decades to come, particularly as more foreign-born residents seek to own homes in suburban communities, according to new research from the Urban Land Institute's Terwilliger Center for Housing. Immigrants seeking to own homes as well as those renting homes are increasingly drawn to the suburbs for employment and lower costs, the report says. Homebuilders and developers who can deliver the housing options immigrants want and need stand to
By John Triplett, Rental Housing Journal
regon Governor Kate Brown this month signed a bill that prohibits marijuana retailers from keeping or sharing customer's personal information. According to reports, she said she was concerned about the Trump administration's future actions when it comes to the legalized pot industry which employs 13,000 people in Oregon. So when pot is legal in a state, what issues does this present to property managers and landlords of rental properties? Property managers are often confused and seeking to better understand how to handle the issues of legal marijuana and medical marijuana when it comes to tenants and rental housing in their states.
Professional Publishing Inc., PO Box 6244 Beaverton, OR 97007
Sound Publishing Inc 98204
continued on page 18
continued on page 12
How To Attract Renters With Premium Bicycle Parking Amenities Bicycle commuting is on the rise, especially with Millennials, and one sure way to attract their attention is by offering the best in bicycle parking amenities and bicycle racks. By Robert Caston
ccording to the League of American Bicyclists, bicycle commuting has risen 62%. In bike friendly cities that have invested in their bicycle infrastructure and added safer bike lanes, the number of bicycle commuters has risen by an impressive 105%! There are 62 million Americans who ride a bike today. Bicycling is particularly popular with Millennials, that huge demographic born between 1980 and 2000. In fact, in a surprising
trend, that group is now waiting longer to obtain their driver’s licenses. According to AAA, the number of cars also purchased by people 18-34 dropped almost 30%. How are they getting around instead? Bicycles, trains, buses, Ubers and ZipCars. Not only are Millennials interested in the benefits of bicycles, but so are municipalities. City administrators are building up their bicycle infrastructure
to encourage more bicycle riding and less automobile driving. Transportation planners are adding more protected bike lanes, bike share programs and bicycle racks. Many have adopted a “road diet” planning strategy that places less emphasis on roads and designates more funds for alternative means of transportations, especially bicycles. continued on page 17
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